Ministry of Environmental Protection

Solid Waste Materials Management ’s Solid Waste Revolution

Yohanan Burstyn –Solid Waste Division January 2013 Israel 2012

4.8 million tons Quantity of municipal and commercial solid waste generated in Israel per year 2 million tons Quantity of biodegradable solid waste 1.9 kilograms Quantity of solid waste per person per day Increase of 3%-5% in the annual quantity of solid waste High international ranking

Kilograms per capita per year


800 USA

700 Israel OECD 600 27EU








Source: OECD 2010 Past Policy Landfilling Change of concept – solid waste as a raw material

Hazards of continued landfilling:  Air pollution and odor  Greenhouse gas emissions  Soil and groundwater contamination  Consumption of scarce land resources  Effects on public health  Economic implications Availability of landfills and treatment of solid waste up to 2030 Existing situation

Percentage of solid Percentage of Percentage of solid waste with no landfilling 120 אחוז פסולת ללא פתרון solutionהטמנה ו/או or recyclingמיחזור אחוז recycling מיחזור generalכללי אחוז landfilling פסולת waste forלהטמנה






0 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011


 Indications are that in the existing situation, the solid waste market will become saturated already in 2014, with no solution for 14% of the quantity of generated solid waste. Solid waste treatment methods in Western countries

Source: OECD 2008 Current Policy Solid Waste Materials Management Materials management – integrated treatment of solid waste

Reduction in the quantity Reduction of solid waste generated


Processing of solid waste into products, materials Recycling or raw materials

Production of energy from Energy solid waste or processing of solid waste into materials used to produce energy

Landfilling The target: 50% recycling by 2020

Reducing the quantity of solid waste destined for landfilling by:  SMM – Sustainable Materials Management  Urban Mining The key to the recycling revolution - Separation of solid waste into at least two streams

40% 60%

Biodegradable Dry waste solid waste Packaging and other Leftover food and materials organic components

Paper and Packaging cardboard

Biodegradable solid waste as a clean solid waste stream that should be separated at source For each stream – its own dedicated treatment

Transfer station for Solid waste Dry stream solid waste sorting recycling plant Packaging and other materials

Wet stream Biodegradable organic solid waste Transfer station for solid Biodegradable solid waste waste sorting treatment plant

Composting facility Anaerobic plant

12 Separation at source – how does it work in the local authorities?

Transportation of Recycling points Collection bins separated solid waste

For each stream – its own dedicated treatment Treatment of Biodegradable Solid Waste Local authorities selected to receive support

A total of 31 local authorities were selected Breakdown of types of support to the selected authorities

Total support: NIS 342,370,399 Residents’ participation in separation at source in the selected authorities

52,199 44,443 119,429 25,555 4,100 187,298

At present 96,161 households separate their solid waste at source. By the end of the year, another 24,848 households are expected to join the process. Selected authorities that joined the process of separation at source

Name of District Amount of Number of households authority support that joined the separation process

Dimona South NIS 10,581,438 0

Beersheba NIS 66,226,057 0

Ashkelon NIS 28,456,295 0

Ofakim NIS 6,917,171 1,517

Ramat NIS 1,587,871 320

Ashdod NIS 54,694,821 4,000

Sdot Negev NIS 970,388 0

Kiryat Bialik NIS 9,358,268 4,800

Zichron Yaacov NIS 4,029,805 2,500

Hadera NIS 17,922,525 7,170 Selected authorities that joined the process of separation at source

Name of District Amount of Number of households authority support that joined the separation process

Gush Etzion NIS 4,289,911 1,000

Kfar Saba Center NIS 13,391,517 9,700

Modiin Maccabim NIS 11,567,996 10,800 Reut

Emek Hefer NIS 5,627,318 12,700

Hod Hasharon NIS 7,591,710 4,500

Brener NIS 1,383,451 2,240

Shoham NIS 3,161,126 5,000

Rosh Haayin NIS 6,584,388 1,800

Nes Ziona NIS 7,399,541 5,200

Ramla NIS 18,152,666 4,135 Selected authorities that joined the process of separation at source

Name of District Amount of Number of households authority support that joined the separation process

Yokneam Ilit North NIS 4,584,900 2,320

Migdal Haemek NIS 4,262,052 1,932

Rosh Pina NIS 699,075 263

Megiddo NIS 2,943,175 1,166

Misgav NIS 5,758,754 2,500

Gilboa NIS 4,408,484 0

Mateh Asher NIS 8,367,739 1,800

Afula NIS 9,556,860 3,036

Golan NIS 6,011,305 462

Kiryat Ono NIS 7,257,041 1,800

Ramat Hasharon NIS 8,581,750 3,500

A total of 96,161 households separate at source. Additional authorities that joined the process of separation at source

Name of authority District Number of households that joined the separation process Menashe Regional Haifa 1,500 Council Hof Hacarmel Haifa 517 Regional Council Natania Center 3,500

Raanana Center 9,000

Savyon Center 1,200 (the entire authority)

Yavneh Center 300

Bat Yam Tel Aviv 3,000

Ramat Gan Tel Aviv 2,200

Tel Aviv Tel Aviv 2,500

A total of 23,717 households separate at source. Current situation: Separation at source in the local authorities

 Preparation of master plan and detailed plan for two streams  Thirty one local authorities are beginning a process of separation of solid waste at source  Contract with an end facility  Purchase of bins for sorting the waste into two streams  Purchase of trucks for collecting solid waste that was separated at source  Renovation and adaptation of garbage rooms and surfaces in residential buildings  Local activity to advertise, explain and educate  Operational assistance in the transition to separating the waste at source plus other assistance  Collection of solid waste in two separate streams – biodegradable (“wet”) and dry Construction and upgrade of facilities for the production of green electricity from solid waste

Composting plants Anaerobic digestion facilities Addition of land for agriculture Production of energy from biogas Data on quantities of solid waste in Israel Segmenting by streams and assessments, 2012-2020

Total Quantity of Total Quantity of Total Quantity of quantity of organic solid quantity of organic solid quantity of organic solid solid waste waste solid waste waste solid waste waste District (ton/day) (ton/day) (ton/day) (ton/day) (ton/day) (ton/day) 2012 2012 2015 2015 2020 2020 Northern 2,551 765 2,788 836 3,232 970 District 1,822 546 1,990 597 2,308 692 Central District 3,996 1,199 4,367 1,310 5,063 1,519 Tel Aviv 2,588 776 2,827 848 3,278 983 District Jerusalem 2,184 655 2,387 716 2,767 830 District Southern 2,200 600 2,404 721 2,787 836 District Total 15,341 4,601 16,763 5,028 19,435 5,830

Assumptions: 1. Three percent annual increase in solid waste quantities, with each person generating around 1.9 kilograms per day. 2. The quantity of organic solid waste is calculated at 30% of the total quantity of generated solid waste. Data on quantities of solid waste in Israel Capacity analysis of treatment facilities, 2015

Organic Organic Capacity – Capacity – material material – Treatment existing end end solutions District generated selected local volume solutions per RFI (ton/day) authorities (ton/day) 2015 (ton/day) 2015 (ton/day) 2015 (ton/day) 2015

North 836 111 --- 560 560

Haifa 597 94 5 100 105

Center 1,310 263 250 140 440 Tel Aviv 848 46 50 ---

Jerusalem 716 10 125 --- 500

South 721 374 250 968 1,218

Total 5,029 900 690 1,768 2,823 Summary Support for construction / upgrade of facilities for the production of electricity from solid waste and for Transfer Stations

Number of Facilities for the production of Number of Transfer District electricity from Solid Stations waste North 4 3

Haifa 1 1

Center 2 1

Jerusalem 1

South 5 4

Total 12 10

Total Support  facilities for the production of electricity from solid waste: 118,735,050 NIS  Transfer Stations: 139,133,391 NIS Support for construction / upgrade of facilities for the production of electricity from solid waste

Applicant Quantity of Type of facility Amount of municipal organic support solid waste per day

SDM for the Environment 200 tons Open aerated composting NIS 1,775,000 Ltd. – Evlayim facility

Afula Municipality 160 tons Closed composting facility NIS 7,287,700

Univerve Energy Ways 60 tons Energy production facility NIS 5,400,000 Biogas Ltd. –

Univerve Energy Ways 100 tons Energy production facility NIS 9,960,000 Biogas Ltd. – Dimona

Evron – Tamam Recycling 200 tons Energy production facility NIS 17,200,000 Limited Partnership

Hadera Municipality 100 tons Energy production facility NIS 9,180,000 Support for construction / upgrade of facilities for the production of electricity from solid waste

Applicant Quantity of Type of facility Amount of municipal organic support solid waste per day

Bnei Shimon Regional 620 tons Closed composting facility NIS 24,417,400 Council Compost Bay and Western 350 tons Closed composting facility NIS 11,901,618 Galilee YRAV Sherutei Noy (1985) 200 tons Electricity production NIS 17,200,000 Ltd. facility Eco Energy Golan Ltd. 50 tons Upgrade of electricity NIS 6,385,350 production facility Tambour Hefer Ecology 40 tons Energy production facility NIS 5,336,600 Hayun Ecology 88 tons Upgrade of open aerated NIS 1,775,000 composting facility Total 1,618 tons NIS 117,818,668 Construction / upgrade of facilities for the production of electricity from solid waste

Legend Construction of anaerobic digestion facility Construction of closed composting facility Evron Construction of open composting facility I’billin Upgrade of anaerobic digestion facility

Afula Hadera Emek Hefer



Ein Hashlosha Bnei Shimon

Dimona PPP-supported construction of facility (private-public partnership) in 2016

 Regional anaerobic digestion facility for 1,000 tons/day – Central District

30 Adoption of master plans for end facilities

District Date

North February 6, 2012

Haifa February 14, 2012

Center May 2010

Tel Aviv February 27, 2012

Jerusalem January 3, 2012

South January 9, 2012 Target for 2015:

 1.5 million residents separating solid waste  Recycling on a scope of 350,000 tons of household waste per year  Active end facilities

32 Treatment of Dry Waste Sorting transfer stations approved in the RFI framework

Applicant Daily treated quantity Amount of support of solid waste

GreenNet (Atarot) 1,236 tons NIS 17,601,750 A.N. Recycling Center (Evlayim) 500 tons NIS 5,059,350 SIE Ltd. 1,035 tons NIS 13,263,750 Univerve Biogas Ltd. – Immanuel 200 tons NIS 3,600,000 Evron – Tamam Recycling Limited Partnership 1,000 tons NIS 20,250,000 Hadera Municipality 500 tons NIS 17,054,483 Afula Municipality 385 tons NIS 10,689,750 Bnei Shimon Regional Council 1,265 tons NIS 29,533,000 Municipality 500 tons NIS 16,081,308 Compost Bay and Western Galilee 260 tons NIS 10,400,000 Total 6,881 tons NIS 143,533,391 Construction / upgrade of sorting stations

Construction of sorting stations Upgrade of sorting stations Evron Construction of sorting stations – subject to budgetary approval Evlayim

Afula Hadera




Bnei Shimon Stage B: Energy production from dry waste

 Solid waste that is not economically or technologically recyclable will be used for the production of energy/fuel, as a preferred alternative over landfilling.  The following technologies will be used to produce energy:  RDF  Gasification  Pyrolysis  Plasma Summary: Evolution of solid waste treatment in Israel

1984 1993 1998 1999 2007 2009 2011 2012

Maintenance of Waste Recycling Regulation of Beverage Tire Disposal and Support: Packaging Law Law for Cleanliness Law Law landfills Container Recycling Law Separation at Environmental Deposit Law source, end Management of  National waste Landfill levy disposal plan solutions and Electric and (“TAMA 16”) transfer stations Electronic Equipment  Recycling Regulations Next steps  Additional RFI for separation at source Issued on October 15, 2012, submission deadline – December 16, 2012  Additional RFI for facilities for the production of green electricity from solid waste – Issued on August 7, 2012, submission deadline – November 1, 2012  Regulations for the separation of biodegradable solid waste  Regulations for the separation of paper and cardboard  Amendment to the Maintenance of Cleanliness Law – construction debris  Solid Waste Law: Compilation of all the laws dealing with solid waste Prohibition of landfilling Updating of solid waste treatment methods Updating of definition of types of solid waste Pictures from Israel Pictures from around the world Thank you!