HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, January 25, 1993
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1092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 25, 1993 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, January 25, 1993 The House met at 12 noon. of Representatives. As you know, I have re HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, signed today to serve in the President's Cabi Washington, DC, January 21, 1993. net as Secretary of Agriculture. I hope to Hon. THOMAS S. FOLEY' DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO continue to work with you in my new posi The Speaker, House of Representatives, Wash TEMPORE tion and I thank you for your leadership ington, DC. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be through the years. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Attached is the letter Please find enclosed my resignation letter I have sent to the Governor of California no fore the House the following commu to Mississippi Governor Kirk Fordice. As I tifying him of my resignation from the U.S. nication from the Speaker: have written to Governor Fordice, I have ac House of Representatives effective 6 p.m. WASHINGTON, DC, cepted my new position with enthusiasm but today. January 22, 1993. also with a sense of tremendous gratitude Sincerely, I hereby designate the Honorable STENY H. and humility for the trust and confidence LEON E. PANETTA, HOYER to act as Speaker pro tempore on that the voters of my district have placed in Member of Congress. Monday. January 25, 1993. me over the years. In the many votes I have THOMAS S. FOLEY, cast and the many actions I have taken on HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Speaker of the their behalf, I have always tried to reflect Washington, DC, January 21, 1993. House of Representatives. credit on the 2nd Congressional District and Gov. PETE WILSON, on the great state of Mississippi. State Capitol, Sacramento, CA. It has been the ultimate honor for me to be DEAR GOVERNOR: Having been nominated PRAYER a part of our country's history by serving in by the President, and confirmed by the Sen the U.S. House of Representatives. I look for ate, as the Director of the Office of Manage The Chaplain, Rev. James David ward to continuing to serve my country in Ford, D.D., offered the following pray ment and Budget, I resign as U.S. Represent my new position and working with you and ative of the 17th Congressional District of er: my former colleagues in Congress. California effective 6:00 p.m. today. 0 gracious Lord, from whom comes Sincerely, Sincerely, every good gift, we offer our thanks for MIKE ESPY, LEONE. PANETTA, this new day and all its possibilities. Secretary of Agriculture. Member of Congress. May we use our time and energies to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, heal and not hurt, to seek unity and Washington, DC, January 21, 1993. not division, to respect and not dispar Hon. KIRK FORDICE, age, and to discover anew the bonds of Governor of Mississippi, State Capitol, Jackson, REPORT ON RESOLUTION PROVID solidarity and harmony that give us MS. ING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF purpose and strength. Bless us this day DEAR GOVERNOR FORDICE: For the past six SELECT COMMITTEE ON AGING and every day, we pray. Amen. years, I have had the privilege of represent ing the people of the 2nd Congressional Dis Mr. MOAKLEY, from the Committee trict in the Congress of the United States. In on Rules, submitted a privileged report THE JOURNAL the many votes I have cast and the many ac (Rept. No. 10~1) on the resolution (H. tions I have taken on their behalf, I have al Res. 19) to establish the Select Cam , The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ways tried to reflect credit on the 2nd Con Chair has examined the Journal of the gressional District and on our great state of mi ttee on Aging, which was referred to last day's proceedings and announces Mississippi. the House Calendar and ordered to be to the House his approval thereof. As you are aware, I recently have been printed. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour nominated by the President of the United nal stands approved. States and confirmed by the United States Senate to serve in the President's Cabinet as Secretary of Agriculture, As such, I am re PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE questing and do hereby submit my resigna REPORT ON RESOLUTION PROVID tion as United States Congressman effective ING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF The SPEAKER pro tempore. The upon my taking the oath of office on Friday, SELECT COMMITTEE ON AGING Chair recognizes the gentleman from January 22, 1993, at approximately 10 a.m. Mr. MOAKLEY, from the Committee North Carolina [Mr. COBLE] to lead us EST. in the Pledge of Allegiance. Although I have accepted the new position on Rules, submitted a privileged report Mr. COBLE led the Pledge of Alle with enthusiasm, I leave my House seat with (Rept. No. 10~2) on the resolution (H. giance as fallows: a sense of tremendous gratitude and humil Res. 30) to establish the Select Com ity for the trust and confidence that the vot mittee on Aging, which was referred to I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ers of my district have placed in me over the United States of America, and to the Repub the House Calendar and ordered to be years. printed. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, I assure you and the citizens of Mississippi indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. that I will continue to be an advocate and strong ally for all legitimate needs of the people of Mississippi. RESIGNATION FROM THE HOUSE Sincerely, OF REPRESENTATIVES REPORT ON RESOLUTION PROVID MIKE ESPY, ING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be Member of Congress, SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHIL fore the House the following resigna Secretary of Agriculture-Designate. DREN, YOUTH AND F AMffiIES tion from the House of Representa tives: Mr. MOAKLEY, from the Committee RESIGNATION FROM THE HOUSE on Rules, submitted a privileged report JANUARY 22, 1993. OF REPRESENTATIVES (Rept. No. 10~) on the resolution (H. Hon. THOMAS FOLEY' Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be Res. 23) to establish the Select Com DC. fore the House the following resigna mittee on Children, Youth and Fami DEAR MR. SPEAKER: It has been a pleasure tion from the House of Repre sen ta lies, which was referred to the House and honor for me to serve in the U.S. House tives: Calendar and ordered to be printed. D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. January 25, 1993 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1093 REPORT ON RESOLUTION PROVID 253(g)(l)(B) of the Act (2 U.S.C. chael Seidman, a former Marshall clerk who ING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF 903(g)(l)(B)), shall be made. is now a Georgetown University constitu SELECT COMMITTEE ON HUNGER WILLIAM J. CLINTON. tional law professor. "He held an unusual THE WHITE HOUSE, January 21, 1993. combination of reverence for the American Mr. MOAKLEY, from the Committee justice system and a realization that his peo on Rules, submitted a privileged report ple were excluded." (Rept. No. 103-4) on the resolution (H. In 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson ap TRIBUTE TO JUSTICE THURGOOD Res. 19) to establish the Select Com pointed Marshall to the court. During his 24- mittee on Hunger, which was referred MARSHALL year tenure, he was the only black justice. to the House Calendar and ordered to (Mr. EDWARDS of California asked He was replaced by Clarence Thomas, also a and was given permission to address black man. but one who adopted a judicial be printed. approach that is the opposite of Marshall's the House for 1 minute and to revise liberalism. and extend his remarks and include ex Marshall's record on the court was consist REPORT ON RESOLUTION PROVID traneous material.) ent: Always the defender of individual rights, ING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr. he sided with minorities and the underprivi THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON Speaker, it was with great sadness that leged; he favored affirmative action and sup NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CON we read in the morning paper of the ported abortion rights, and he always op passing of Justice Thurgood Marshall. posed the death penalty. TROL But he was not the liberal leader that re Mr. MOAKLEY, from the Committee Justice Marshall was truly one of the tired Justice William J. Brennan Jr. once giants of the civil rights movement in on Rules, submitted a privileged report was. He did not strive for consensus, and as (Rept. No. 103-5) on the resolution (H. the United States. He was born in Bal a result was the author of few significant timore 84 years ago of modest family Res. 20) to establish the Select Com majority opinions. background. His mother was a school In a statement, President Clinton said mittee on Narcotics Abuse and Control, Marshall was "a giant in the quest for which was referred to the House Cal teacher and his father a steward in a yacht club. He fought his way through human rights and equal opportunity in the endar and ordered to be printed. whole history of our country." college, through law school, and in 1954 Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist said was the NAACP lawyer that went to Marshall will be remembered as much for his COMMUNICATION FROM THE the Supreme Court and won very prob work before coming to the court as after CLERK OF THE HOUSE ably the ·greatest civil rights decision ward for "his untiring leadership in the legal in history, Brown v.