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[email protected] Pre-Order: www.mmcomics.com In Stock: www.mmcomics.com/Now M&M’SM&M’S COMICCOMIC COMMENTSCOMMENTS Volume 25 Number 12 Written by Anthony Musiala and edited by Mike December 2019 Previews Catalogs - Items Shipping in February 2020 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK This is our last Newsletter. Thank you to Anthony Musiala who wrote this newsletter for you every month without fail for over 20 years. Today, information flows into us daily. To really keep up you need to know what’s happening as it happens. Follow us on facebook and you’ll keep up with the latest information and announcements. We’ll post videos, new cover art, reprints and preview pages as they become available to us. Specials and Sales that only our facebook followers will know about. And we have much more planned. Really, you need to follow us on facebook so you don’t miss out. Like Us Now at www.facebook.com/mmcomics weird new team in February's #3 (ITEM 0839) - the heavy is the head that wears the crown as Kraven the Free Catalog Downloads! Unbelievables. So who are they? We're not sure, but Hunter comes looking to claim the title in February. ITEM! Visit our web site every month and download they look more like quirky cartoon characters than The solicit text for DEADPOOL #4 (ITEM 0916) your FREE copies of the DC Previews and Marvel standard superheroes. Maybe there's something to the makes it sound like Kraven may just take the throne too Previews Catalogs.