Hooglandia, a Newly Discovered Genus Of
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HOOGLANDIA, A NEWLY Gordon McPherson2 and 2,3 DISCOVERED GENUS OF Porter P. Lowry II CUNONIACEAE FROM NEW CALEDONIA1 ABSTRACT Hooglandia McPherson & Lowry (Cunoniaceae) is described from New Caledonia and recognized as distinct from other Cunoniaceae on the basis of its unique unicarpellate (or perhaps pseudomonomerous) gynoecium, and the com- bination of dioecy and drupaceous fruit, inter alia. The single species, H. ignambiensis, known only from primary rain forest on the upper slopes of Mt. Ignambi in northeastern New Caledonia, is assigned a provisional threat status of Critically Endangered. Key words: conservation, Cunoniaceae, Hooglandia, New Caledonia. RE SUME Description de Hooglandia McPherson & Lowry, nouveau genre de Cunoniaceae de Nouvelle-CaleÂdonie se distin- guant des autres membres de la famille par un gyneÂceÂe unicarpelleÂ(eÂventuellement pseudomonomeÁre) et, inter alia, l'association de deux autres caracteÁres: dioicie et fruit drupaceÂ. L'unique espeÁce, H. ignambiensis, n'est connue que de la foreÃt primaire dense humide des pentes supeÂrieures du Mt. Ignambi, au nord est de la Nouvelle-CaleÂdonie; le statut d'espeÁce en Danger Critique lui est provisoirement attribueÂ. New Caledonia is widely recognized for its ex- hand. Subsequent studies in the herbarium, search- ceptional botanical diversity, with an estimated es of the literature, and discussions with colleagues seed-plant ¯ora of just over 3000 species, nearly con®rmed our initial impression that our two col- 77% of which are endemic (Lowry, 1998; JaffreÂet lections did, in fact, represent an unusual new el- al., 2001; Morat et al., 2001), qualifying it as a ement of the ¯ora. global biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al., 2000). The Conspicuous features of the new plantÐinclud- ¯ora is known for its numerous endemic gymno- ing its opposite, compound, dentate, stipulate sperms and representatives of many primitive an- leaves; tetramerous, unisexual ¯owers; imbricate giosperm families, including the remarkable genus sepals; lack of a corolla; biseriate stamens; disk Amborella Baill. (see Soltis et al., 2000; Thien et adnate to the ovary; unicarpellate (or perhaps pseu- al., 2003; and references therein). domonomerous) gynoecium; and drupaceous, bilat- Recently, while collecting on Mt. Ignambi in the erally symmetrical, one-seeded fruitÐsuggested, in northeast of the island, we encountered ®rst a fe- various combinations, members of the Oxalidales male and then a male individual of a distinctive (such as the Cunoniaceae or Brunelliaceae) and the tree species, one that matched nothing in our ex- Sapindales (such as the Simaroubaceae, Anacar- perience. At the time we were unable to place the diaceae, Burseraceae, or Sapindaceae). However, it specimens in any family, despite the fact that we proved impossible to refer the new taxon to any of had abundant ¯owering and fruiting material in the currently recognized genera in these families. 1 The authors thank T. Le Borgne and R. Pouytiela for assistance in the ®eld; the Direction de DeÂveloppement Economique, Province Nord, for logistical support and permission to conduct inventory work on Mt. Ignambi; and the Direction des Ressources Naturelles, Province Sud, for access to drying facilities and for other courtesies. Fieldwork was funded by a grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for the project entitled ``Application of botanical data to conservation planning in New Caledonia.'' We are grateful to Patrick Sweeney for analyzing the DNA sample, to Helen Brinon and Peter Stevens for helpful comments on the possible af®nities of the new taxon, to Rich Keating for careful examination of the pollen and endosperm, and to Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey for preparing the ®ne illustration. 2 Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299, U.S.A. [email protected]; [email protected]. 3 DeÂpartement de SysteÂmatique et Evolution, PhaneÂrogamie, MuseÂum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 16 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France. ANN.MISSOURI BOT.GARD. 91: 260±265. 2004. Volume 91, Number 2 McPherson & Lowry 261 2004 Hooglandia from New Caledonia We were able to place our material only after an ment at the MuseÂum National d'Histoire Naturelle analysis of molecular sequence data (Sweeney et in Paris (see Morat, 1995). Ru Hoogland was an al., 2004), which clearly showed that the species excellent collector and an expert on the ¯oras of belongs within the Cunoniaceae. There it comprises New Guinea, Norfolk Island, and Lord Howe Is- the morphologically well-marked new genus that we land. describe here. Its closest relative may prove to be Aistopetalum Schltr., a genus of two species endem- Hooglandia ignambiensis McPherson & Lowry, ic to New Guinea, which resembles our new genus sp. nov. TYPE: New Caledonia. Province in its large, paniculate in¯orescence, apetalous Nord: Mt. Ignambi, SW of Tchambouenne, ¯owers in which the disk is adnate to the ovary, 208279350S, 1648359410E, 1150 m, 4 May and indehiscent fruit. 2002, P. P. Lowry II, G. McPherson, T. Le Borgne & R. Pouytiela 5767 (holotype, P; iso- Hooglandia McPherson & Lowry, gen. nov. TYPE: types, CANB, G, MO [2 sheets], NOU). Fig- Hooglandia ignambiensis McPherson & Lowry. ure 1. Arbor dioica, 6±8 m alta. Ramuli novelli pubescentes Genus novum, quoad folia opposita imparipinnata, sti- glabrescentes; internodia cava. Folia imparipinnata op- pulas interpetiolares, in¯orescentias paniculatas, ¯ores te- posita decussata 26±37 cm longa; foliola (11±)17±19 op- trameros, androecium diplostemonum, discum intrastam- posita chartacea oblonga vel subobovata (5.5±)6±10.8 3 inalem, ovarium superum cum multis aliis Cunoniaceis (2±)2.5±3.3 cm; lamina matura fere glabra, basi obtusa, congruens, sed insigniter carpello unico, natura dioecio, margine integra vel sparsim dentata, apice acuminata, fructu drupaceo monospermo divergens et insuper petalis nervis utroque costae latere 11±14(±16); petioluli 4±6 mm nullis, disco ovarium adnato insolitum. longi pubescentes; petioli 6.5±9.5 cm longi, 2±3.5 mm diametro; stipulae interpetiolares lineares 8±10 mm lon- Hooglandia shares a number of features with gae interdum partitae pubescentes caducae, cicatrice ca. many of the 26 other genera of the family (Bradford 1.5±3 mm lato. In¯orescentiae axillares paniculatae pu- & Barnes, 2001; Bradford et al., 2004), including bescentes, unusquisque axibus primariis 3 ascendentibus opposite, imparipinnately compound leaves, inter- vel recurvatis, in plantis femineis (1±)1.5±4.5 cm, in plan- tis masculis ad 8 cm longis; bracteae triangulatae 1.5±4 petiolar stipules, paniculate in¯orescences, tetram- mm longae; cymulae ¯ores 4±6 gerentes; bracteolae 0.8± erous ¯owers, a diplostemonous androecium, an in- 2 mm longae caducae; pedicelli 0.3±1.5 mm longi arti- trastaminal disk, and a superior ovary. However, it culati, in parte inferiore pubescentes, in parte superiore is unique among Cunoniaceae in combining a un- glabri. Flores masculi: sepala 4 discreta alba imbricata 2.5±3.5 mm longa, 2.5±3 mm lata, subincrassata, extus icarpellate (vs. 2(3±5)-carpellate) gynoecium and a glabra, intus villosa, ciliata; petala nulla; stamina 8(±9) bilaterally symmetrical, drupaceous fruit (vs. typi- sub anthesi 4 mm longa, ®lamenta 3 mm longa subcom- cally capsules or follicles, or occasionally (in Dav- planata, antherae 1 mm longae polliniferae dorsi®xae ver- idsonia F. Muell., Schizomeria D. Don, and Aisto- satiles biloculatae dehiscentia longitudinali latrorsa; dis- petalum) radially symmetrical drupes). As well, cus intrastaminalis basim ovarii adnatus annularis; pistillodium (cum stylo) ca. 1.5 mm altum; loculus et ovu- most Cunoniaceae are hermaphroditic (22 genera) la vestigiales; stigma minuta. Flores feminei: perianthium and have petaliferous ¯owers (15 genera) with disks ut in ¯oribus masculis; staminodia 8(±9) sub anthesi 1± free from the ovary wall (20 genera) (Bradford et 1.5 mm longa, antherae 0.5±0.75 mm longae quasi non al., 2004), whereas Hooglandia uniquely combines polliniferae; discus intrastaminalis basim ovarii adnatus annularis; gynoecium carpello unico, ovarium superum dioecy, a condition it shares with Pancheria viride subcomplanatum 1 mm altum, 1 mm latum, unilo- Brongn. & Gris, Spiraeanthemum A. Gray, Vesse- culatum glabrum quasi quadratum ambitu, stylus et umbo lowskya Pamp., and some Weinmannia L. spp., with apicales, stylus albus linearis adpressus geniculatus, ca. apetalous ¯owers in which the disk is adnate to the 1 mm longus, apex stigmaticus elongatus; ovula 2, api- ovary. The phylogenetic implications of the distinc- calia, anatropa. Fructus axillaris infra in¯orescentias, in axibus 3.6±6 cm longis, drupaceus, quasi obovatus vel tive characters exhibited by Hooglandia are dis- ellipticus, complanatus, 3.8±4.2 cm longus, 2±2.2 cm la- cussed by Sweeney et al. (2004). tus, 0.5 cm crassus, apice rostellato et umbone ca. 5±6 The new genus joins 104 other seed-plant genera mm diametro, exocarpium carnosum, endocarpium durum. endemic to New Caledonia (Jaffre et al., 2001), Semen unicum, testa tenuis, endospermium amylaceum, radicula recta, ca. 5 mm longa, cotyledones complanatae bringing the level of generic endemism to 15%. virides, ca. 18 mm longae, ca. 11 mm latae. Etymology. The genus is named in honor of Ruurd Dirk Hoogland (1922±1994), who devoted Dioecious, unarmed, sparsely branched, odorless much of his career to the study of the Cunoniaceae trees ca. 6±8 m tall. Twigs densely pubescent with and Dilleniaceae while serving as a member of the short, subappressed trichomes when young, gla- CSIRO New Guinea Group and later at the Austra- brescent, with scattered lenticels, lacking evident lian National University, and then after his retire- exudates; leaf scars cordiform, 5±6(±10) mm long, 262 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Figure 1. Hooglandia ignambiensis McPherson & Lowry. ÐA. Flowering twig of female material. ÐB. Abaxial view of a lateral lea¯et. ÐC. Young female ¯ower. ÐD. Female ¯ower at anthesis, one sepal removed. ÐE. Male ¯ower at anthesis, one sepal removed. ÐF. Fruit. (A, B, C, D, and F based on Lowry et al. 5767, MO; E based on Lowry et al.