Just like a child Respect gender equality in the early years A guide for childcare professionals ZERO TOLERANCE Zero Tolerance is a charity working to tackle the causes of men’s violence against women Too many women in Scotland, and around the world, experience violence from men – most often men they are close to and/or who are in a position of power over them. We believe that men’s violence against women is caused by gender inequality and that it helps this inequality to continue. It does not have to be this way. We work with individuals, communities, women’s organisations, schools, the media and others to address the causes of violence against women, and bring about change. Change is possible. Make it happen. ZERO TOLERANCE Zero Tolerance 1 Papermill Wynd Edinburgh EH7 4QL T: 0131 556 7365 E:
[email protected] W: www.zerotolerance.org.uk Published 2013 Contents About this guide 5 Context 6 Some ideas for practice 14 Resources 18 Further reading 23 Websites 24 Glossary 25 Foreword It is vital that the children we care for, at work and at home, are happy and healthy and reach their potential. But sometimes society limits what children can do, be and become. Some limits are obvious and for good reason. Others are subtle and unjust, and may even mean children growing up less happy, confident and self-assured than they should be. This guide to preventing gender stereotyping in the early years is aimed at childcare professionals who work directly with very young children, and who are in contact with their parents and carers.