VINCI Photo Library.Photoreserved
Key figures Net sales by business segment (1) Net sales by geographic area in millions of euros in millions of euros annual report 62% France 10,602 10% Concessions and services 9% Germany 2001 1,791 1,476 18% Energy and Information 7% UK 3,098 1,117 33% Roads 11% Other European countries 5,689 2,087 36% Construction 5% North America 6,114 835 3% Miscellaneous Total Total 6% Rest of the world 480 17,172 17,172 Annual report 2001 1,055 ¥ Net sales (2) Gross operating surplus Operating income VINCI in millions of euros in millions of euros and as a percentage in millions of euros and as a percentage of net sales of net sales 17,253 1,460 • 8.5% 15,643 1,312 • 8.4% • 1999 2000 2001 1999 2000 2001 1999 2000 2001 Net income Shareholders equity Net debt and minority interest in millions of euros in millions of euros In accordance with regulation no. 98-01, this document was filed with the COB in millions of euros (the French securities and exchange commission) on 12 April 2002. It may be used in support of a financial transaction only if it is supplemented by 1,855 a prospectus on the transaction officially approved by the COB. 2,317 423 1,888 2,071 273 1999 2000 2001 1999 2000 2001 1999 2000 2001 Photos: Atom, C. Cieutat, N. Daniilidis, A. Da Silva/Graphix Images, F. Gluzicki, A. Heisse, S. Kalimerov, M. Labelle, M. Ma ofiss, J.-P. Mesguen, E. Montagnier, S. Olivier, V.
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