GENESISGENEThe Quarterly Magazine of St. Ignatius College Preparatory,SI San Francisco, WinterS 2017–2018 GENESIS A Report to Concerned Individuals Volume 54, Number 4 Winter 2017–2018 Administration Rev. Edward A. Reese, S.J. President Mr. Patrick Ruff Principal Mr. Joseph A. Vollert ’84 Vice President for Advancement Mr. Ken Stupi ’78 Vice President, Finance & Administration Ms. Marielle Murphy Bos ’93 Director of Advancement Editorial Staff Mr. Paul J. Totah ’75 Director of Communications Ms. Anne Stricherz Sports Editor Mrs. Nancy Hess ’05 Layout & Design Jesuit Community Rev. John T. Mitchell, S.J. ’58 Superior Brother Douglas Draper, S.J. Minister GENESIS (USPS 899-060) is published quarterly by St. Ignatius College Preparatory, 2001 37th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116-1165. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Francisco, CA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GENE SIS, 2001 37th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116-1165. CONTACT US: You can send an e-mail to
[email protected] or reach us at (415) 731-7500, ext. 5206. You can also read the issue on our website at ST. IGNATIUS, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love The fall performing arts season offered the SI community a chance to see some great of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color and national live performances ranging from the fall play O Beautiful (above and above left), the fall and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and orchestra and jazz concert (above center and right), the fall Playwrights’ Festival (below activities generally accorded to or made available to students left) and the winter choral concert (below center and right).