Parkland Gateway Development Framework Report on Consultation and Proposed Modifications March 2005

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Parkland Gateway Development Framework Report on Consultation and Proposed Modifications March 2005 = = = = = = = = = = PARKLAND GATEWAY DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK = = = REPORT ON CONSULTATION AND PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS MARCH 2005 = = = EDAW PLC PLANNING, DESIGN AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORLDWIDE table of contents 1 INTRODUCTION 2 STATUTORY CONSULTEES & ORGANISATIONS 3 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION 4 SUMMARY APPENDICES = APPENDIX A: INVITEES AND ATTENDEES AT PRESENTATION AND WORKSHOP EDAW PLC PLANNING, DESIGN AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORLDWIDE PARKLAND GATEWAY DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION REPORT | 1 1 introduction qÜÉ=m~êâä~åÇ=d~íÉï~ó=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí=cê~ãÉïçêâ=Ü~ë=ÄÉÉå=éêÉé~êÉÇ=Äó= `çêÄó=_çêçìÖÜ=`çìåÅáä=~åÇ=`~í~äóëí=`çêÄó=íç=éêçîáÇÉ=íÜÉ=ÅçåíÉñí=Ñçê=ÑìíìêÉ= áåîÉëíãÉåí=~åÇ=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí=áå=íÜÉ=m~êâä~åÇ=d~íÉï~ó=~êÉ~=ïÜáÅÜ=ïáää=~Åí=~ë= ~=Å~í~äóëí=Ñçê=íÜÉ=êÉÖÉåÉê~íáçå=çÑ=`çêÄó=qçïå=`ÉåíêÉK=qÜÉ=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí= cê~ãÉïçêâ=ïáää=éêçîáÇÉ=éä~ååáåÖ=~åÇ=ÇÉëáÖå=ÖìáÇ~åÅÉ=Ñçê=ÑìíìêÉ= ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåíK= = 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No. Organisation received 1 Connexions Corby 2 Anglian Water 3 British Telecom plc 4 BT Plant Enquiries 5 CABE 6 Cable & Wireless Plant Enquiries 7 Corby & East Northants Chamber of Trade 8 Corby & East Northants Constituency Office 9 Corby Ambulance Station 10 Corby Business Group 11 Corby Community College 12 Corby Community Hospital 13 Corby Community Safety Partnership 14 Corby Community Transport 15 Corby Fire Station 16 Corby Hackney Owners Association 17 Corby Police Station 18 CPRE (National Office) Yes 19 CYPLD 20 Department for Transport 21 East Midlands Electricity (Southern Zone) 22 East Midlands Electricity 23 English Heritage Yes 24 English Nature Yes 25 English Partnerships EDAW PLC PLANNING, DESIGN AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORLDWIDE PARKLAND GATEWAY DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION REPORT | 4 Response No. Organisation received 26 Environment Agency 27 Forestry Commission 28 Forestry Commission (Forest Enterprise) Yes 29 Friends of the Earth- East Midlands Region 30 Government Office for the East Midlands 31 Highways Agency 32 Midland Mainline 33 Network Rail 34 Northampton Borough Council 35 Northamptonshire Archaeological Society 36 Northamptonshire County Council Highways 37 Northamptonshire CPRE 38 Northamptonshire Federation of Environmental Groups 39 Northamptonshire Fire & Rescue 40 Northamptonshire Police Headquarters 41 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 42 Network Rail Yes 43 Rockingham Forest Trust 44 RSPB 45 Rural Transport Partnership 46 Strategic Rail Authority 47 The Countryside Agency 48 The National Grid 49 Transco 50 Two Shires Ambulance NHS Trust 51 Wildlife Trust 52 Wildlife Trust for Northamptonshire Yes 53 Willowbrook Health Centre EDAW PLC PLANNING, DESIGN AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORLDWIDE PARKLAND GATEWAY DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION REPORT | 5 = = qÜÉ=êÉëéçåëÉë=~åÇ=éêçéçëÉÇ=ÅÜ~åÖÉë=íç=íÜÉ=aê~Ñí=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí=cê~ãÉïçêâ= ~êÉ=ëìãã~êáëÉÇ=áå=íÜÉ=ÑçääçïáåÖ=ëÅÜÉÇìäÉK= = 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High quality No Change desirable places to live. Support for vision and need to development and use of local address poor quality and range of shops, unwelcoming materials will be encouraged. nature of town centre and lack of evening economy, lack of Design for civic hub will be sheltered areas of shopping and draughty alleys. Need to required to be of a high avoid gimmicky architecture (as shown in some of architectural quality and to create illustrations used in Development Brief)- requirement for a a distinctive landmark building more civic component and buildings which are sound and (Design Principles, p 50) long lasting. Town Square should be fronted by buildings of substance-use of stone or brick rather than glass and less sustainable materials/design. Support for more traditional design and materials- potential for vertical feature such as campinale in St Marks Square Venice at corner of square. Not impressed by proposals for TOPS development- too low TOPS development is not covered No Change for urban context at two storeys. Corporation Street would by Development Framework but have a more human scale if glass and steel canopies to be principles set out in the Corby replaced by new canopy. Need for covered shopping mall to Regenertaion Framework apply. provide more attractive place to shop. Reference is made to PPS6 and encouragement of mixed use and multi-storey developments to make more efficient use of land. Height of development should take into account the character of surrounding area. Potential for taller buildings will be considered (Design Principles, p 51). Illustrations are provided of examples of new developments elsewhere which have promoted area regeneration. EDAW PLC PLANNING, DESIGN AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORLDWIDE PARKLAND GATEWAY DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION REPORT | 2 Doubt economic viability of station- need to improve road Outside scope of Development No Change connections with dualling of A43/A6003 link and A6116 to Framework. Proposals do not provide direct link to A14. depend upon railway station or conflict with possible future highway improvements Commend intention to make parkland more user friendly.
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