Parish of The Holy Spirit, Bovey Tracey & Saint Cyprian, Ugbrooke part of the R.C. Diocese of . Charity Number 213227

Parish Priest: Father Pat Costello Secretary: Mrs Angie Hill – 07434 635722 The Presbytery, Ashburton Road, Office hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9.30am - 1pm Bovey Tracey, Devon, TQ13 9BY E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01626 833432 Website: Safeguarding: Marian Lancaster Cheques: PRCDTR Bovey & Chudleigh RC Parish



Once again we conclude the season of Easter with the Feast Day of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). Like so much, this time (i.e. Easter, Pentecost) has been snatched from us, with the whole of life seemingly concentrating on the Coronavirus and its influence on us, even to the point of death itself. What is asked of us and the Christian is summarised by the expression “to live in the Spirit”.

What the Spirit brings is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control. That can seem little more than a vague platitude but St Paul in attempting to specify this living in the Spirit gave us in his letter to the Galatians Chap 5 v22, a list of how we live and act in the Spirit.

At the time when we were preparing for a new millennium Pope John XXIII dedicated each year to a person of the Trinity with the year of the Holy Spirit prayer to accompany it. It is still very suitable for us at this time “Father pour out your Spirit upon your people and grant us a new vision of your glory, a new experience of your power, a new faithfulness to your Word, a new consecration to your service and grant that your love may grow among us and your Kingdom come!”.

We wish you and all our parishioners a happy Pentecost.

‘Veni Sancte Spiritus’

God bless you all, Fr Pat.


The coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. The message ‘Jesus is Lord’ is to be preached to every corner of the earth. We cannot do this unless we receive the Holy Spirit. Today we pray that we may be open to the power of the Spirit, and that the Spirit will come and fill the hearts of the faithful.

Hymn for this Sunday: Come down, O Love Divine

1. Come down, O Love divine, 2. O let it freely burn, seek thou this soul of mine, till earthly passions turn and visit it with thine own ardour glowing; to dust and ashes in its heat consuming; O Comforter, draw near, and let thy glorious light within my heart appear, shine ever on my sight, and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing. and clothe me round, the while my

path illuming.

3. Let holy charity 4. And so the yearning strong, mine outward vesture be, with which the soul will long, and lowliness become mine inner clothing; shall far outpass the pow’r of human true lowliness of heart, telling; which takes the humbler part, nor can we guess its grace, and o’er its own shortcomings weeps till we become the place with loathing. wherein the Holy Spirit makes

his dwelling. Tuesday 2nd June Weekday Sts Marcellinus and Peter Sts Marcellinus and Peter (d. c. 303) Little is known about these two saints who were martyred during the Emperor Diocletian’s great persecution. They were Romans and greatly revered there as is shown by the inclusion of their names in the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I).

Wednesday 3rd June Weekday Charles Lwanga and Companions Charles Lwanga and Companions (1860-85) A well-known page and courtier at the court of King Mwanga of Uganda. He became a Christian in 1885. Mwanga took against the Christians partly because he saw them as promoting European influence and partly because they stood out against his sexual excesses. He put many Catholics and Anglicans to death. Charles like others was burnt alive.

Thursday 4th June FEAST Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Eternal High Priest

Friday 5th June Solemnity St Boniface Bp Missionary, Patron of the Diocese St Boniface (c. 680 – 754) Born Wynfrith at he was educated in monastery schools at Dorset and Exeter. After Ordination he dedicated himself to missionary work in the Lowlands and North Germany. After an unsuccessful first mission he sought the help of the Pope. He founded a number of and Abbeys, which led to a resurgence of civilised life in North Germany. He retired from his position of influence to return to his first mission in Frisia (the Netherlands). There he was martyred in 754.

POPE’S INTENTIONS FOR JUNE: Prayer intention for evangelisation – The Way of the Heart. We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. See also

LIVE STREAMS: Pope’s Daily Mass: Daily Mass with Pope Francis

Plymouth : Mass - Daily at 11am and every afternoon at 4.30pm there will be a time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament from Plymouth Cathedral from the Diocese YouTube Channel

Bishop’s Conference: 's Conference

St Joseph’s, Newton Abbot: Sunday Mass at 9am available via Facebook Click here

Our Lady & St Patrick’s Church, Teignmouth: Daily Mass at 9am available via Facebook Click here

Churches Together in Bovey Tracey: Sunday service at 10.30am Click here

NEWSLETTER – copies of the weekly newsletter are available on our website via the Front Page link. If you don’t have access to the internet, we will continue to send paper copies to those who require it. We are hoping to include each week a hymn/prayer. If anybody has a particular favourite they would like to share with us to help us in this difficult time, please let us have a copy. Newsletter items can be sent by post to the presbytery or emailed to: [email protected] Please note the deadline for items is Wednesday at 11am.

Hymn this week chosen by David Smith: Hail, Queen of Heaven

1. Hail, Queen of heav’n, the ocean star, 2. O gentle, chaste and spotless maid, guide of the wand’rer here below; we sinners make our prayers through thee; thrown on life’s surge, we claim thy care; remind thy Son that he has paid save us from peril and from woe. the price of our iniquity. Mother of Christ, star of the sea, Virgin most pure, star of the sea, pray for the wand’rer, pray for me. pray for the sinner, pray for me.

3. Sojourners in this vale of tears, 4. And while to him who reigns above, to thee, blest advocate, we cry; in Godhead One, in persons Three, pity our sorrows, calm our fears, the source of life, of grace, of love, and soothe with hope our misery. homage we pay on bended knee, Refuge in grief, star of the sea, do thou, bright Queen, star of the sea, pray for the mourner, pray for me. pray for thy children, pray for me.

OFFICE: As part of the new arrangements, Angie will be working the same hours from home and is contactable on 07434 635722, email [email protected] or a message can be left on the parish answerphone.

Please continue to remember in our prayers our sick and housebound: Ronald Asbury, Nick Martin, Susan Smith, Monica Waldron, Samuel Horton, Pamela Lekis, Mary-Lou Daniels, Elizabeth Newton, Mary Colver, George Lentern, Chelsea Fowler, Richard Dowse, Peter Dowse, Adriene O’Mara, Diana & Ron Linfield, Colin & Maureen Parnell, Mai Clifford, Jean Humphrey, Jill Huish, John Long, Christine Horton, Claire Bovill & please remember in your prayers all the priests in our diocese who are ill. At this time we remember in particular both those who are suffering with the coronavirus and those looking after them.

VOLUNTEERS: At this time we have been specifically asked to help those who are unable to move from their homes. We have received several offers from parishioners willing to assist people requiring help but so far no one has asked. If you need help please don’t hold back. It doesn’t have to be for a major request, it could just be for a regular friendly phone call.

COLLECTIONS: Last Week: 24.05.20 £0, Standing Orders £45.00. During these difficult times, when income has dropped sharply but expenditure has for the most part remained unchanged, we would ask you to consider, if you are able, to change the way you financially support the parish. In particular, if you currently use the envelope system please consider taking out a Standing Order. If you can, please contact us and we will send you details on how you can do this simply by either going online or by completing a form and posting it to your bank. If you require any further information please let us know. Grateful thanks to all those who have so generously given their contribution so far, either by delivery or have started or continue to support our Church via Standing Orders. Thank you in advance for your continuing support.

SAFEGUARDING: Our parish Safeguarding Representative is Marian Lancaster: if you have any enquiries or concerns about Safeguarding please contact Marian in confidence via the parish office 01626 833432.

Message from the Safeguarding Office I don’t have to tell you that we are undergoing a national crisis at the moment, which as well as bringing all the problems of the current pandemic, also creates increased safeguarding risk in many areas. These include domestic abuse, mental health issues the vulnerable being scammed to mention but a few. If you have any safeguarding concerns either personally or for any other person then do not hesitate to contact the Safeguarding Office who remain open and available to assist. To contact us either email me direct on [email protected] or ring me on 01364 645431 which will be transferred to my mobile. Robert Brown Safeguarding Coordinator Diocese of Plymouth. (The Safeguarding in the Diocese of Plymouth Newsletter is available on our website.)

TORBAY HOSPITAL: If you or a member of your family are admitted to hospital as an inpatient and would like to be visited by a member of the Hospital Chaplaincy Team, please make sure that you contact the Parish Office Tel: 833432. We will then liaise with the Hospital Chaplaincy via Fr Colin Groombridge, RC Chaplain.

MONTHLY CHARITY APPEALS: TARGETED T.H.A.T. FOODBANK UPDATE (Teignbridge Homeless Action Today): I have been in touch again with Mary Roberts and she tells me that the foodbank is very busy indeed and though the supermarkets etc. are being very generous, any donations would be very welcome. Given the current church closure she would be happy to collect and take these to T.H.A.T. until we can begin again as before. If you wish to consider a standing order please contact T.H.A.T. on 01626 437310. Thank you, Veronica Sharam 01803 872909.

PREPARATION FOR THE POSSIBLE REOPENING OF CHURCHES: As Fr Pat mentioned recently, it is hoped that by 4th July it may be possible to re-open our Churches initially, probably for private prayer only, but thereafter hopefully for Mass and the sacrament.

Before then we have been asked to ensure that all necessary preparations have been made and that our Churches are ‘Covid secure’. In all certainty this will mean that: * the 2 metre social distancing rule will have to be applied * the Church regularly cleaned * suitable hand sanitisers and other cleaning items are readily available

To meet these requirements we are currently trying to work out how best to optimize the space available in the Church. We are also placing an order for marking tape, hand sanitisers and other requisite cleaning materials.

However BEFORE the Church can re-open we need to identify volunteers who would be willing on a rota basis to be involved with the cleaning and/or stewarding of the Church.

It is expected that there will be a need for the Church to be cleaned fully after each occasion it has been opened. Similarly steward(s) will be needed, whenever the Church is open to ensure strict social distancing is observed.

If you feel that you could help either in cleaning and/or stewarding, please let Angie know 07434 635722. Please note that at this stage no commitment is asked for as we are only trying to gauge possible response so as to have a better idea of how feasible it will be to open the Church and how frequently we may do so.