‘The axe had never sounded’ place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania ‘The axe had never sounded’ place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania John Mulvaney Published by ANU E Press and Aboriginal History Incorporated Aboriginal History Monograph 14 National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Mulvaney, D. J. (Derek John), 1925- . The axe had never sounded : place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania. Bibliography. ISBN 9781921313202 (pbk.) ISBN 9781921313219 (online) 1. Aboriginal Tasmanians - Tasmania - Recherche Bay. 2. Cultural property - Political aspects - Tasmania - Recherche Bay. 3. Recherche Bay (Tas.) - Discovery and exploration - French. 4. Recherche Bay (Tas.) - History. I. Title. 994.62 Aboriginal History is administered by an Editorial Board which is responsible for all unsigned material. Views and opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily shared by Board members. The Committee of Management and the Editorial Board Peter Read (Chair), Rob Paton (Treasurer/Public Officer), Ingereth Macfarlane (Secretary/ Managing Editor), Richard Baker, Gordon Briscoe, Ann Curthoys, Brian Egloff, Geoff Gray, Niel Gunson, Christine Hansen, Luise Hercus, David Johnston, Steven Kinnane, Harold Koch, Isabel McBryde, Ann McGrath, Frances Peters-Little, Kaye Price, Deborah Bird Rose, Peter Radoll, Tiffany Shellam Editors Ingereth Macfarlane and Kaye Price Copy editor Geoff Hunt Contacting Aboriginal History All correspondence should be addressed to Aboriginal History, Box 2837 GPO Canberra, 2601, Australia. Sales and orders for journals and monographs, and journal subscriptions: T Boekel, email:
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