HCC Offers Courses in Law
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HCC Offers Courses In law, Tax For the first time Highline FORWOMEN - four-parta community and County Plan- Community College is offering a morning series coveringsuch ning, April 14; Washington State series of "shortcourses" and topicsas Community P~OpertY. Legislative Issues,April 21; and, lectures in conjunction with its social security, insurance. annui- Crime andDelinquency, April eveningclass and continuing ties, job opportunities. and inher- 28; each lecturewill be from 7:30 education program forSpring itance taxes;four Tuesday tt) 10 p.m. and each has a fee of Quarter. mornings in April from 9:30to $z." Formal registtation forthe noon; t6tal.fee $10. GARDEN DESIGN FOR specialcourses and lectures is LAW FOR LAYMEN - - a not necessary; fees may be paid four-part series in laymen's lan- NORTHWEST LIVING - a four- at the door, reported George D part eveningseries for home guage covering such tops willsas owners plan~ix~g,and materials Dorr, director of continuing edu- and probate, real estate, law of forfences and ground cover; cationfor Highline College. negligence,and property dam- four Thursday evenings in April Courses start in April. age,for Tuesday evenings in from 7 to 10 p.m. ; total fee$10. Anyone18 or older may April from 7 to 10 p.m. ; $!2 fee attend, although theshort each session. INCOME TAX PREPARA; courses are specifically tailored EFFECTIVE LISTENING - TION - approvedby internal for adultcitizens and home of special interestto teachers Revenue Service; four session, owners. More information about andmanagement training per- March 31and April 2,7, and 9, theshort courses may be sonnel; fourThursday evenings from 7 to 10 P.m.;fee is $4 for obtained by telephoning the col- starting April 10; total fee$12. first twoand for last two lege, TR 83710 (ext 341 1. ISSUES, 1969 - spe'lkersof sessions; covers such topics as The short courses being of- experience and authority will beproper completion of forms, eli- fered are a follows: selected for thefollowing issues: gible deductions, and supple- FINANCIAL FUTURES Inter-racial Problems, April ments.7; Fridoy, March 14, 1969 STUDENT SCULPTOR beRonsbaogn is shown abwe working on a D orqiect for his art class. - Photo by Hebn Martin Drawing 102students are and relating has alreadytaken I learning life sculptureto betterplace prior tothe classroom. understandvolume and mass. In Comparisons arrived at in the New Techn'icianCourse order to abstractthe human student's representation of reali- formwith any degree ofsophisti- ty can readily be minimiz- cation, a thoroughunderstanding ing instructional cn$We- of theof interior volumesandStudents will ultimately uw Opens Spring Quawer shapesof the human form is thefigure only as apoint of essential. departure into pure abstraction Life sculptureforces the and use the new freedom of pure studentinto a confrontation with form.At this stage, the tech- thesubtleties of the human niquesof casting will be intro- f ure. A familiar subject is an ducedand the sculpture will be afjunct tothe beginning artist as finally realized in bronzeor aconsiderable degree of seeing'aluminum. 4 IFinal Examination Schedule1 rn HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE I Final Examination Schodule Winter Quortor 1969 Hour of Hour DoyHour Class and DotoExamination of MWF or' 8 MWF Daily 8-9:50 WednosdayMarch 19 M WF or 9 MWF Daily 8-9:50 Tuday March 18 10or MWF Daily 1 10-1 :SO MondayMarch 17 MWF or11 MWF Daily 10-1 1:50 TuesdayMarch 18 12 MWF or Daily 1-2:SO MondayMarch 17 M WF or 1 MWF Daily 1-2:M TuesdayMarch 18 M WF or 2 MWF Daily 1-2:u) WednesdayMarch 19 M WF or 3 MWF Daily 3-460 WednosdayMarch 19 4 MWF or Daily 3450 TuesdayMarch 18 1-Th 8-930, 8:30-10, 9, 9-10:30, 9-1 1, 9-12 8-9:u) MondayMarch 17 1-Th 10-12, 10-1140, 11 10-11:M WednesdayMarch 19 1-Th13 1, 14, 34% MarchMonday 17 10, 2 8-9:S0 2 1-Th 8, 10, MarchThunday 20 UnscheduledConflictsond 10-1 1:so ThursdayMarch 20 Use tho MWF or Daily uhodulo for classes which meet on four days eachweek. Examination times for all on. credit coursor will be announced by the instrucror. Examination times for courses which includo laboratory or0 determined by tho I.cturo rchedule. Examination timer for courses mooting more than one hour oach seuion are determined by thouhedulo for tho fint hour of tlau. honing Examinationr: (IncludingS o'clock clatros) honing classes meet through Thursday, March 20. Examinations will be scheduled for tho class poriod which immediately precedes the last Thurs- day of the Quarter (March 20). Instructors will announce dates and times. ALL examinationswill be given in tho regularly assignod classrooms. Mail Registration For Spring Advance "by-mail" registra- registration may be obtained by tion for evening classes at High- return mail bytelephoning the - 1ineCommunityCollege-for both college. TR 8-3710. credit coursesand non-credit " community service classes- for Registration by mail may be theSpring Quarter is starting completed during the first three this week (March 3) and will weeks of March. After March 21 continue through March 21. registrationmust be made in- Classes start March 31. person at the college Administra- The registration by mail tion Building. The evening class procedure was initiatedlast bulletin describes registration quarter and has worked satisfac- procedures as well as costs and torily for the college as well as other information. A CENTRAL SERVICES TECHNICIAN at the University of WashingtonHospital shows some of the eliminating the need for standing In additionacademic,to equipmentgraduates of Highline's new &month course will be using. This is an Autoclove sterilizing in longregistration lines, com- occupational, and community machine. mentedRobert W. McFarland, serviceclasses, the college of- registrar and admissionsofficer. ferscourses forhigh school A new six month Central pita1 central sup ry departments. mnt; nm"y. A bulletindescribing the completion,adult basic educa- ServiceTechnician course will Those compreting the couse Course work includes micro- morethan 130courses being tion,and for citizenship. Most begin Spring Quarter according will be involved in sterilization or biology, chemistry, sterilization, offered thisspring is being classes are held at thecollege Mrs. Doris Wolter, coordinator of disinfection of supplies and / or medicalterminology, communi- mailed this week to many resi- duringthe weekday evenings; Nursing. The coursewill prepare equipment; packaging, steriliza- cations, psychology, central dentsof the district,reported some are held at public schools students for employment in hos- tionand distribution of equip serviceorganization and fun- McFarland. A copy of the bulle- throughoutthe southwest King ment ; maintenance of equip-tions. tin as well as a"mail packet" for County area. c Pogc 2 - Friday, March 14,1969 - THUNDER WORD ''Candy'' Rantings Letters to the Editor the open,students now find it Is Dirty WLy No Cads? mucheasier to-.gamble" in Dear Editor, closedclassrooms. where they By MorelyFischlcr Due to some mis-use of the are not easily observed. Last week, 1 bravely set out JanNdson studentlounge, new rules were In conclusion. 1 can see only & Ravings to see the motion picture. **Can- made and enforced, that turned hope for those in the administra- dy." 1 went there cautiously and thelounge into an anti-food. tion, who get the "Flying Flckle wth heavya heart (I had drink and game room. Smoking Finger of Fate" from me. Sow in the House of Representatives of our state legislature! is heartburn at the time1. However, is allowedand small talk is Sincerely, a bill thatwould legalize murder,permeditated and doing 1the I did not go unprepared morally, minimized. Shoutsand cries Pat Dolan greatest malice possible-that of destroying a human yet unable to having the night before attended havebeen replaced by just as defend himself. my weekly seminar sponsored by loudmusic. We all enjoythe the Mothers forMorality. music,but we hate toshout to Mr. Dennis Haley The bill is House Bill No. 312. "AN ACT relating to abortion." It I did not take a date to this hear ourselves 'think. Veteran's Club President states, -A pregnancy may be terminated onlyin a hospital accredited moviefor fear that 1 mightbe c 1' o Mr. Ceigle, Advisor bythe Joint Commission on Accreditationof Hospitals or at a contributingto the delinquency 'rhe cafeteria has well en Highline Community College medical facility approved for thatpurpose by the state board of of a minor, and besides, I didn't established as a place for eatw Dear Mr. Haley: health whichfacility meets standards prescribed by regulationsbe to wanttohave it on my quicksnacks between classes Thisnote is intendedto Lcsued by the state board of healthfor the safe and adequatecare and conscience thatsome young, anda greatplace for lunch. expressmy appreciation to the treatment of patients ..... sweet thing might be influenced provided you canfind a chair. members of the Veteran's Club toward corruption. and its officers for the work and Thusthe right to conceive and kill capriciouslywould be So bravelyand with much Whilemost students are thoughtfulnesswhich went into granted any womenwho could not accept the responsibility of valor, I withstood all the obsceni- studying in the library, they find the deposit petition. bearing the children whom she has allowed be to created. ty and corruption hurled at me; it difficult, now, to hear over the We .havealready received Where the law prohibits a motherfrom murdering the children for theentire firsttwo minutes of shuffling ofcads. an agreementthat the deposit she has already born, it seems that some have deemed it proper for theshow. Let's face it, Candy system will be used for Fall this same motherto terminate the life of a child yet unborn. isn'tthe kind of filmthat the And in classroomsthat are quarterregistration. I am cer- In this bill does it nowherestipulate when or underwhat critics try to analyze for tomor- empty, YOU hear thegleeful tain yourpetition will help in shoutsof "Gin!" and -1 doubt circumstances an abortionmay be performed.