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J Henry's Placej DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. SAM CRAWFORD DISLIKES ROWDY TACTICS GOOD STORY ON KLEM CUPS FOR CLOSING WOUNDS Busy Doctor Made Independent In ! Large Measure HOW "HIS UMP8" LANDED ROY of Suturea and . WfeTi NeedlesWorks Rapidly. THOMA8 OF QUAKER8. A woond-cll- p forceps has boon In- I vented which makes tho busy doctor Ekiy Credit "Catfish" Given to In a largo measure independent of su- Yoir for Term Al Brldwell, Shortstop on 8t ture and noodles and enables him to Louis Federals Expression socnro perfect apposition of wound I Fresh Mcata Brought Tin Can. edges without torturing his patient or subjecting him to the danger of stitch Cur4 Metvta I abscosBos. With the forceps and ita Sailed Dill Klem, umpire In tho National ASIATIC ART IS DISPLAYED mogozlno of clips goes on Ma:a Ioaguo, aluminum S&usen&es Is a prolific sourco when it apposition forceps with which tho lips i comes to stories and rapidly is taking City of Cologne, Germany, Erects of tho wound aro brought togethor, Oysters placp formerly of I tho of Tim Hurst Splendid Structure for Proper says Popular Mechanics. Tho Jaws Celery tt tho American leaguo In this specific Display of Treasures. of tbo suturing the respect. instrument then rldo the apposed odges and a slnglo pros-sur- o I ThiB is told on Klom by "lied" o Appreciation of Asiatic art, litem-tur- of tho surgoon's flngors fastens City Dooln, scrappy manager of tho Meat tho and music Is growing apaco in tho raotal clamp in placo. Another Market I leading Phillies. this country, but not so rapidly as in movement of tho thumb brings tho Agents for Seymour's Laundry "Klom was umpiring a series for Europo, and in a certain respect tho next clip. Into position, and it is us at Philadelphia and our teams city of Cologne Germany, leads tho posslblo, under favorablo conditions, I woro having trouble W. Lorenz, Jr. considerable Occidental world. This onvlablo pre- to suturo a four-inc- h wound in Dakota City, Neb. with his decisions. Ho seemed o eminence is represented by a magnifi- havo an off day or perhaps wo had. cent museum of Eastern art which Dut anyhow, nothing went right. It was recently opened there. got so Dill began canning men from Tho basis of tho display Is tho won- tho gamo right and loft Wo didn't derful collection of East Asiatic art daro to evon open our faces or out which Prof. Adolf Fischer gave to tho Old wo'd go. city of Cologno four years ago, on con- The Companies. The Old Treat- "Roy Thomas was playing center dition that a sultablo building bo erect-e- d field for us then. As most everybody nnd donated by tho municipality. ment. The Old Care. knows, Roy was ono of the most Tho now building is near tho Arts and peacenblo players who ever woro a Crafts museum. It is a Bnleudld They the best in all the land. I represent the uniform. Ho novor caused any trou-bi- o Btructuro, four stories high, containing Hartford Phenix Continental Columbia Royal, the for an umpire. 32 exhibition rooms. Tho architect "On this particular day Thomas was Herr Franz Drantsky. really STRONG Insurance Companies. vowed to himself ho wouldn't evon A distinctive featuro of tho now mu- I have a fine list of lands for sale and wish Yours, stay look at Klem. He was bound to seum was put in by n Japanese car-ponto- r, when you sell. In that gamo no matter what hap- in tho form of threo character- Write every kind of Do pened. Perhaps Klom knew this. istic rooms of a Japanese monastery. New Clip Forceps. Insurance. Conveyancing, "Anyway Thomas was called out draw up Wills, Deeds, 'Very 8am Crawford, Kard-Hlttln- g Tiger. In these rooms a magnificent collec- two or three minutes. The clips are Leases, Etc. RIGHT. on strikes and wo all thought tho tion of Jonpancse arts and curios is flexible and any degrco of tension can much desire YOUR business, and will care for it well. Read for tho first tlmo tho truth In his ear. Dut Crawford had seen third ono was rather high and wide. housed. bo secured by elovatlng or depressing nbout why Sam Crawford, tho slug- tho act out of tho corner of his cyo. Dut Thomas didn't say a word. Ho Tho hlstorio development of Chlneso tho center of tho band. H. F. McKcovcr, J ging outfield voteran of tho Detroit "Don't you talk to me, you rowdy turned abruptly from tho plate and and Jnpancso painting from tho dawn "&' Klom Successor to Ed. T. Kearney. Tigers, refused to Jump to tho Feds bum!" ho exclaimed as ho shoved his started back for the bench with of hlBtory to tho presont day 1b clearly DID YOU HEAR THAT LIGHT? when they tackled hlra upon tho arri- big right hand In the Fed's mld-scctlo- n after him. Evidently Dill was look- dopictcd by tho museum, duo to tho jammed him a bang up ing for Roy to start something, but Insurance. Real Estate. val of tho world touring teams In and with most excollont arrangement of tho If Not Your Hearing May Be Defec- New York. ngalnst tho Iron railing. Only tho Thomas kept his faco straight ahead. hundreds of subjects. Only ono or two Conveyancing. Steamship Tickets. 30 tive Every Kind of Material Pro- so many peoplo wero pres- "They walked this way about -- When tho big liner docked, sovoral fact that anclont collections in China and Japan duces Some Sound. Fed leaders wcro waiting at tho gang- ent, including Crawford's wife, pre- foot Still Roy kept his peace. Fin-- surpass the display at Cologno. ) plank to unslgnod big him from Bhowlng tho objec-tlonabl- o col- buttonholo tho vented Worthy of special mention is tho It Is no unusual thing to boo a ray leaguers as they camo off tho ship. Individual in moro forciblo lection .of Chinese stono sculpture. of light, but have you over heard one? A Fed manager singled out Crawford manner what ho thought of a man that German artists aro now considering Recent experiments prove that a boom In the throng and sot out to reach his would uso rough and ready tactics of tho. advisability of building and equip- of light can, under certain conditions, ear. Between him and Crawford sov- that sort ping a similar museum In Berlin. produco porfoctly clear and distinct F J oral women wero standing. Tho Fed later managed to Bay a sounds, a writer in Harper's Weekly CoL E. Rafc.snrvusst Tho Fed magnato did not wait for a few words to Crawford about his Fed- UNIQUE CLOCK FROM FRANCE says. chanco to walk around them, nor did eral leaguo proposition, and other Fed-or- A ray of sunlight is thrown through Farm Sales,' Real Estate and Live Stock. spoke he ask thorn to lot him walk through leaguers also to him. Dut Unlike Other Timepieces, It Has No a lens on a glass vossol that contains to seo Crawford. No, as soon as he tho dlo was cast Whatever Craw- r i VI Springs, Its Own Weight Furnish- lampblack, colored silk or worsted. A spied Crawford, ho plunged Into tho ford might have done, otherwise, his ing Motor Force. disk with silts or openings cut In it is ! midst of tho little group of women, mind was mado up that ho didn't wont mado to revolvo swiftly in this beam Auctioneer football fashion, and with a sort of any Federal leaguo business JuBt ns ft V- The gravity clock, as its narao indi- of light so as to "cut It up," and breast-strok- e ungol-lantr- y , swimming movement of soon as ho saw tho Federal's cates, Is operated by tho firce of cause alternate flashes of light and his arms, swept them aside and Bldled exhibited In such a striking gravity. Unlike other clocks, it has shadow. When you placo your ear to 100 Tin Cups furnished. See me Early for dates. One $ up to Crawford to whisper somothlng manner. no springs ; the usual motor force be- tho glass vossel you hear strange price to all. Write me Ponca, Nebr., box 10 J, or Phone ing replaced by the weight of the sounds as long as tho flashing beam falls upon the vessel. 56 at my expense. I RULE TOO DRASTIC COACHING j A still more extraordinary effect is HIGH SPOTS TO LAMP V produced when tho beam of sunlight Managers Birmingham and Callahan is made to pass through a prism bo as Oppose Order Restricting Coach-er- a For the fanatic who sits in to produco tho solar spectrumy The at Third Base. tho lookout there aro a certain disk is turned rapidly and the colored numbor high spots light of the rainbow breaks through it new rulo prohibiting coachera of to lamp in' Tho mo onny and falls on tho glass vessel. Now If Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant from touching rounding stages oi uio conmci a runner third li which will hnvo nn Imnortnnt you place your ear to the glass you Ambulance Service ropealed sea- will bo before another bearing upon will hear Bounds from certain parts son, rules committee will the two races. For if the listen example: of the spectrum, but none from tbo to Managor Birmingham, others. Tho Nap nabob Is opposed to tho What effect. 40 years and 18 Wwx.
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