
Vol 459|28 May 2009 BOOKS & ARTS

An Italian vision of a scientific Utopia A century ago, artists and writers from imagined a world governed by science and technology. But their vision of also glorified violence and misogyny, finds Ziauddin Sardar.

Inventing : The Art and Politics of Artificial Optimism by Christine Poggi Princeton University Press: 2009. 392 pp. £32.50, $45

A hundred years ago, a group of Italian visionary artists declared war on civilization. Rejecting the artwork, poetry, music and archi- tecture of the period, these ‘Futurists’ wanted to create the world anew. Science and technology formed the building blocks of their brave new world, which they expressed not just in art but in violence and naked nationalism. In Inventing Futurism, art historian Christine Poggi describes how the Futurist movement’s raw passion for technology was moulded by the atmosphere of political foreboding of the times. Like futurists working now in the fields of futures studies and foresight, these artists wanted to shape the future. But the goals of the two groups could not be more different. Futur- ists today forecast how science and technology will change our lives, and predict alternative paths. By applying the best lessons of history Futurist conveys the dynamic forces behind city construction in (1910). to build on what exists now, they aim to find policies to ensure futures that are more equi- world into sunlight with velocity and violence. industrial production. War would break out, table and just. By contrast, the Italian Futurists A mythical struggle had to be waged between fought by “small mechanics” whose flesh rejected everything that was old. They were the masculine forces of science and technol- resembled steel. Deploying “steel elephants” determined to destroy the existing order and ogy, represented by the sea, and the seductive and battery-powered trains from afar, they desired a future in which speed and technol- feminine power of the stars that prevented would wage a thrilling interplanetary war. ogy represented the absolute triumph of man civilization from advancing forwards. The union of man and machine is central to over nature. They glorified electricity, the car, Within a year of Marinetti’s sermon, the Ital- Futurist thought, and is best defined in Mari- the aeroplane and the industrial city. They ian Futurist movement was born. Artists such netti’s 1909 novel Mafarka the Futurist. Mafarka despised women, the human body and the idea as Umberto Boccioni, Antonio Sant’Elia and is an Arabian king with imperialist ambitions of a peaceful coexistence. Luigi Fillia emphasized speed, energy, flight, who creates a mechanical son, Gazurmah, to The godfather of Futurism was writer and industrial landscapes and destructive violence be his immortal substitute. Carved out of oak poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876–1944), in their paintings. The original manifesto was and modelled on an aeroplane, Mafarka finds who published his ‘The Founding and Mani- followed by a host of others on almost every- his coarse skin, squared jaw, ribs of iron and for- festo of Futurism’ on the front page of the thing from clothing, food and smells to wars midable metallic member alluring, and breathes French newspaper Le Figaro on 20 February and lust. “We hurl our defiance to the stars,” life into his son with a lingering homoerotic kiss. 1909. “We want to free this land,” Marinetti they declared; “We will glorify war.” But his creation devours him — a fate Mafarka wrote, “from its smelly gangrene of professors, The Futurists imagined a world governed has foreseen and desired so that he might archaeologists, tourist guides and antiquar- by electricity. Their electrical fantasies, writes be reborn in the immortal son. Gazurmah ians … the numberless museums that cover her Poggi, take a Utopian turn in their vision and proceeds to rape and obliterate Earth. like so many graveyards.” He urged his readers evolve into an orgy of violence. They saw Italy Gazurmah is not far removed from the Termi- to set fire to library shelves and to flood muse- as being “fertilized” by electricity, banishing nator cyborg in the 1984 film of the same name. ums. “Take up your pickaxes … and wreck, hunger, poverty, disease and work. Air tem- But whereas The Terminator is a dystopia, Mari- wreck the venerable cities, pitilessly! Art, in fact, perature and ventilation would be controlled netti’s vision, with its aspirations of autogenesis, can be nothing but violence, cruelty, and injus- automatically, telephones would be wireless, immortality and demonization of women’s tice.” Marinetti saw science as a modern, virile and crops and forests would spring up at speed. bodies, is presented as a distinctive Utopia. FLORENCE SCALA, MOMA, NEW YORK/PHOTO IMAGE MRS SIMON GUGGENHEIM FUND © 2009 DIGITAL enterprise to be pursued at all costs, and tech- But in this world of ease and plenty, fierce Shades of the liquid-metal terminator from nology as the instrument that would usher the competition would arise over superabundant Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) are evident

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in Fillia’s 1929 painting Spirituality of Aviator. Fillia, who published a manifesto on ‘The A limited view of the future mechanical idol’, presents his aviator as a fluid biomorphic shape embedded in a semi-trans- What’s Next? Dispatches On the emotions at the sight of them.” This facilitates parent, tilted plane. Man and machine become Future of Science both learning and empathy. “Our brain,” he a single permeable body with fluid boundaries. Edited by Max Brockman concludes, “is ethical by design.” The aviator’s mystical body seems to give birth Vintage Press: 2009. 256 pp. $15 Psychologist Joshua D. Greene sees morality to an industrial city, indicated by smoke gushing as a tension between the opposing forces of through circular openings, carrying within their intuitive emotion and cognition. “If I’m right,” stream three small buildings. Poggi explains how Now is the time for a broad and critical look he says, “this tension between competing Fillia painted a number of other notable pictures at the future of science. Just as US President neural systems underlies not only centuries- in which landscapes and bodies merged with Barack Obama has vowed to “restore science to old disagreements … but also contemporary technology to depict a “religion of velocity”. its rightful place”, Max Brockman has published tussles over … stem-cell research and the tor- To exemplify their message, the Futurists this collection of future-oriented essays. turing of suspected terrorists.” When issues are equated science with modernity and technol- Brockman, a literary agent whose firm personal, the parts of the brain associated with ogy — speeding trains, giant electric power represents popular-science authors such emotional response tend to dominate, whereas plants, bridges and abstractions from photo- as Jared Diamond, Richard Dawkins and in less personal situations, those regions asso- graphs. Boccioni’s paintings, for example, Steven Pinker, has access to some of the most ciated with cognition are stimulated. compare and contrast the industrial radiance established thinkers. But in compiling What’s Philosopher Nick Bostrom tackles human of science with the obscurity of the past and Next?, Brockman chose instead to work with enhancement. He is concerned because the oppression of natural forces, often depicted “the coming generation of scientists”. Readers humans “are a marvel of evolved complexity”, as trees, the Moon and stars. In his Study for might wonder whether these young people something with which we tamper at our own Homage to the Mother (1907–08), he depicts have enough experience to provide the long risk. So he proposes a “rule of thumb, for iden- two children. One is working and questioning view, but their biographies and publication tifying promising human enhancements”. science, with a window on to modern life. The records are impressive. For instance, climatolo- Bostrom sees some of our limitations as result- other works by lamplight, the window showing gist Laurence C. Smith, 15 years out of a PhD, ing from selection pressures that no longer a cloudy evening sky and a glimmering Moon. has more than 50 papers to his credit and briefs exist for most humans. Today, for instance, A central panel shows a tired mother with a Congress on global climate change. we can feed the higher metabolic demands of figure on either side to symbolize the feelings What’s Next? is slim and readable, but lacks a larger brain, whereas in our recent past, we of the children: one sweet and feminine, the detailed references. Technical language is kept could not. We might also overcome evolution- other angry and defiant. to a minimum, so it is accessible to a general ary restrictions. Bostrom suggests that genetic The final destination of this quest is illustrated audience. But it did not strike me as an arrest- ‘medication’ could be administered to confer in Sant’Elia’s 1914 work The New City. Poggi ing view of the future — its scope is unimagin- an advantage, such as the protection a mutant suggests that Sant’Elia created this series of lyri- ative, covering more about what we already haemoglobin gene offers against malaria in cal drawings of visionary hydroelectric plants to know than what we don’t. people with the sickle-cell trait. Alternatively, exemplify the human annexation of the energy A pervasive theme in the book, which is embryo screening could promote favour- inherent in matter. These are bold, spectacular heavily slanted toward psychology, is the scien- able genetic profiles. Thus, Bostrom sees images of geometric masses, symbolic of the tific basis for ethical behaviour. Neuroscientist the morality of human enhancement as an dawning of a new age. The perspective in The Christian Keysers explains that mirror neurons issue of what is achievable rather than what New City is always from below, dwarfing and are activated when we perform certain activi- is acceptable. His heuristic is useful from the making the imaginary viewer insignificant. ties, and when we watch others do those same scientific point of view, offering us a test for The visions and concerns of the Futurists, activities: “The emotions of others are con- whether we should even consider a particular Poggi tells us in this difficult, sometimes fright- tagious because our brain activates our own kind of enhancement, but it probably won’t ening but always illuminating study, emerged be accepted by the ethics out of the uncertainty and confusion produced community. by modernity. Their artificial optimism sought In a global society, we to produce a philosophy for a new life, not just must all live alongside new art or architecture. It is not surprising that people who hold differ- the Futurists saw an echo of excessive nation- ent beliefs to our own. alism in their notion of modernist violence Psychologist Matthew D. PICTURES C. PENN/PANOS and war. Misplaced faith in science, as rational Lieberman believes that dogma, as the enemy of pessimism, as a theory some ideas are more of salvation, often serves as the glue that binds ‘sticky’ than others, and modernity and fascism together. ■ that the ideas that persist Ziauddin Sardar is the editor of Futures, the differ from one cultural journal of policy, planning and futures studies. group to another. He e-mail: [email protected] argues that “Big Ideas sometimes match the Futurism, an exhibition at the Tate Modern in structure and function London, opens on 12 June. For details see People who inherit the sickle-cell trait are protected from malaria — could of the human brain such http://tinyurl.com/tatefuturism. other traits hold promise as genetic treatments? that the brain causes us

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