SETBACKS Colonels lose first home game of season, fall to COLLECTORS Tennessee State in double overtime B6 Campus roomates collect law enforcement badges from across Kentucky and the country B1 THE EASTERN PROGRESS © 2012 Richmond, KY Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University since 1922 12 pages, Thursday, February 2, 2012 Lack of on-campus apartments displaces international students By JACQUELINE HINKLE to American food.”
[email protected] James Street, the acting executive vice president and administrator, said there are still options avail- Following the demolition of the Brockton apart- able on campus for students to live during the con- ments, many students have found themselves in struction of the new dorm that he said will provide need of new housing options either on or off cam- a desired residence for international students. He pus; international students are having a particular- also said the school hosted an apartment fair pri- ly diffi cult time. Additionally, Student Government or to the evacuation of Brockton for the residents. Association has passed a resolution in support of “Th e new dorm will be two to four bedroom an apartment listing on its website to help students. suite style,” Street said. “In the mean time there are “Th e main problem that international students still some units available in Brockton.” are having is fi nding housing with their own kitch- Kenna Middleton, director of housing, said all en, which is what Brockton provided,” said student of Brockton is not torn down. Th ere are 24 units senator Bong Han Lee, 19, environmental health remaining on the complex.