

I. B. Bond, Victorian Military Campaigns (London: Hutchinson and Company, 1967), App.l. pp.309-ll. 2. Maj.-Gen. G. Wolseley, 'The Negro as Soldier'. Fortnightly Review. 44n64 ( 18!18). p.703. 3. Lt.-Col. C. E. Vickery, 'Small Wars', AQ, 6/2 ( 1923), p.307. 4. D.C. Gordon, 'Colonial Warfare'. in R. Higham (ed.), A Guide to the Sources of British Military History (London. 1975), p.302, R.N. Buckley. 'Colonial Military History: A Research Note', lternario. 5 (1981), p.69, H. Strachan, European Armies and the Conduct of War (London. 1983), p.76 and P. Burroughs. 'Imperial Defence and the late Victorian Army'. JICH, 15/1 (1986). p.SS. 5. See C. Townshend, Britain's Civil Wars: Counterinsurgency in the Twentieth Century (London, 1986), J. Pimlon, 'The British Experience', in [.F.W. Beckett (ed.) The Roots ofCounterin.(urgenc_v: Annies and guerrilla warfare, 1900-1945 (London, 1988), T.R. Mockaitis. British Counterinsurgency. /9/9-/960 (London, 1990) and I.F.W. Beckett, 'The Study of Counter-insurgency: A British Perspective'. Small Wars and lnsurgencieJ, Ill (1990), pp.47-53. 6. LF.W. Beckett. 'Low-Intensity Conflict: Its Place in the Study of War', in D.A. Charters, M. Milner and J.B. Wilson (eds.) Military History and the Military Profession (London, 1993). p.l21. 7. Col. L. Hale, 'The Spirit of Tactical Operations Today'. Prrx·. R.A.I., 16 ( 1889), p.45. 8. K. Jeffery, 'Colonial Warfare', in C. Mcinnes and G.D. Sheffield, Warfare in the Twentieth Century (London, 1988), p.31. 9. See D.R. Headrick. 'The Tools of Empire; Technology and the Expansion of European Colonial Empires in the Nineteenth Century', Journal of Modern History, 5112 (1979), pp.231-63 and D.R. Headrick, Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism (New York, 1981 ). 10. D.E. Omissi, Air Power and Colonial Control (Manchester, 1991 ). II. Burroughs. op. cit., p.56. 12. See M. Crowder, 'Many Questions- Some Answers; African Resistance in West Africa- A General View', in R.E. Robinson, W. Mommscn and S. Forster (eds.) Bismarck. Europe and Afric·a (Oxford: 1988), J. Belich, The and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict tAucldand. 1986) and J. Laband, Kingdom in Crisis: The Zulu Response to the British invasion of 1879 (Manchester. 1991 ). 13. H.R. Bailes. The Influence of Continental Examples and Colonial Warfare upon the Reform of the Late VU:torian Anny (University of London, Ph.D .• 1980). 14. Capt. C. Callwell, Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice (London, 1896), 2nd ed. 1899 and 3rd ed. 1906.

187 188 Notes

15. Strachan, np. cit., p. 76 and I. F. W. Beckett, 'The Pen and the Sword: ReHections on Military Thought in the . 1854-1914', Soldiers of the Quem, 68 (1992), p.6. 16. M. Howard, 'Colonial Wars and European Wars', in J.A. de Moor and H.L. Wesseling (eds.), lmpuiulism und War: Essays on Colonial Wars in Asia und Africa (l..eiden, 1989), p.233. 17. R. Haycock, 'British Arms in India', in G. Jordan (ed.) Brilil·h Military History. A Supplement to Robin Higham's Guide to the Sources (London. 1988). p.457 and Gordon, op. cit., p.307. 18. See T.A. Heathcote, The Indian Army: The Garrison of British Imperial India (London, 1974), D.E. Omissi, The Sepoy and rhe Raj: The Indian Army /860-/9-10 (London, 1994) and T.A. Heathcote. The Military in Briti.(h India The Development of British Lund For<·e.v in South Asia 1600-1947 (Manchester, 1995). 19. Bond. op. cit., p.1. 20. D.M. Peers, 'Stocktaking the New Military History of India: Militarism, Orientalism and Explanatory Models for the Company Raj' (Unpublished paper presented to the New Military History of South Asia Conference, Cambridge, IS-17th July 1997), pp.l-2, 4 and 8. 21. D.M. Anderson and D. Killingray, 'Consent, coercion and colonial control: policing the empire, 1830-1940'. in D.M. Anderson and D. Killingray (eds.) Policing the Empire. Government, Authority und Control. /830-/940 (Manchester, 1991 ). 6-7. 22. For general background see Maj.-Gcn. J.G. Elliot, The Frontier 1839-1947 (London, 1968), A. Swinson, The North-West Frontier: People and Events 1839-1947 (London, 1967) and S. Chandra, The Development of Mountain Warfare in the 19th Century (London, M.Phil. 1%8). 23. P. Mason, A Mutter of Honour, An Account of the Indian Army, its Officus and Men (London. 1974). p.337. 24. Callwell. op. dt.. p.286.


I. Sir W. Barton, India's North-West Frontier (London. 1939), p.8. See Lt. C.M. Enriquez. The Pathun Borderland (Calcutta and Simla. 1910) and Col. H.C. Wylly. From the Black Mountain 10 Wu;.iristan (London, 1912). 2. Military Report and Gazeueer on (Simla. 1928). pp.20-8. 3. Military Report and Ga~etteer on . Swat and Bajaur (Calcutta, 1928), p.55 and p.66. 4. Military Report on the Co11ntry (Calcutta, 1926). 3rd ed. pp. 10-13 (Hereafter Military Report on Mohmand Country). 5. Military Report on Tribal country be/K'een Khyber and Kurram /930 (Simla. I 930), 5th ed. pp.ll-16 (Hereafter Military Report on Tribal Country). 6. Military Report on the Kohat Distrkt (Simla. 1928), 3rd Ed. pp.l S-20 and pp.35-6 (Hereafter Militury Report on Kohat Di.ftrict) and Maj. C.H. Villiers-Stuart, 'The Kurram and Surrounding Country', AR, 7 (1914), pp.l3-22. Note.f 189

7. Military Report on Wa:iri.ftan 1935 (Simla, 1936), pp.l 04-118 UMlUI7/13/102 (Hereafter Military Report on Waziristan). 8. A Dictionary of the Pathan Tribes on the North West Frontier of India (Calcutta, 1910) UMIUJ7113/6 Sec 0. Caroe, The Pathans 550 B.C.-A.D. 1957 (London. 1958). 9. A.S. Ahmed, 'Tribes and States in Central and South Asia', Asiun Affairs, II (1980), p.156. 10. See A.S. Ahmed, Pukhtun Economy and Society (London, 1980) and R.O. Christiansen, Conflict and CluJnge Among the Khyber : a Study of British Policy and Tribal Sudety on the North-West Frontier 1839-1947 (University of Leicester, Ph.D., 1987). II. Capt. C.C. Davies, The Problem of th~ North West Frontier /890-/908 (Cambridge. 1932), pp.IS-36, W.K. Fraser-Tytler, AfgluJnistan: A Study of Political Developmmts in Central Asia (London, I 950), p.183 and J.W. Spain, The Pathan Borderland (The Hague, 1963). pp.104-109. 12. H. Elliot. the Secretary to the Government of India with the Governor General to the Board of Administration for the affairs of the Punjab, 16th May 1849 and General Order by the Right Honorable the Governor General of India, 18th May 1849, H/761. 13. General Report on the Administration of the Punjab. for the years /849-50 and 1850-51 (London, 1854), pp.24-32 and Lt.-Gen. H. Daly. 'The Punjab Frontier Force'. JRUS/, 28177 ( 1884). pp.907-24. 14 Cited in Col. S. Black, Secretary to Government Punjab Military Dept. to the President Army Organization Commission, 8th Sept. 1879. UP&S/J8/AI34. 15 Maj. H.P. Bum. Deputy Secretary to the Board of Administration to Sir H. Elliot, Secretary to Government of India with the Governor General. 17th Dec. 1850, P/42/55. 16. Col. J.G. Medley. 'Defence of the North West Frontier'. JUS/I, 9!45 ( 1880), p.288. 17. Gen. Sir P.S. Lumsden and G.R. Elsmie, Lumsdtm of the Guides: A Sketch of the Life of General Sir Henry Burnell Lumsden (London, 1899), p.98 and Maj.-Gen. J.G. Elliot. The Frontier /839-1947 (London. 1968), p.IOO. 18. Report Showing the Relations of the British Government with the Tribes. Independent arul Dependent. on the North- West Frontier of the Punjab from Annexation in 1849 to the dos~ of 1855 (Calcutta, 1855), p.54 and p.62 V/23/3 (Hereafter Report Showing Relations /849-/855). 19. H.W. Bellew. Our Punjab Frontier: Being a Concise Account of the various tribes by which the North- West Fromier of Britil·h India is Inhabited: shewing its present unprotected and unsatisfactory state, and the urgent necessity that exists for immediate reconstruction. Also. brief remarks on and our policy in reference to that <.'oUntly by a Punjab Official (Calcutta. 1868). p.l2 and Report showinf( Relations /849-/855, pp.S6-7. 20. Ibid., pp.59-60. 21. Military Report on Woziristan. pp.ll9-21, Military Report on Tribal Country, pp.l7-18 and Military Report on Mohmand Country, pp.l3-14. 22. Spain, op. cit., pp.76-7. and A.S. Ahmed, 'Pukhtun Tribes in ', Asian Affairs. II ( 1980), pp.l39-40. 190 Notes

23. Lt. ..Col. W. Gordon, Chief Inspector of Musketry, to the Adj.-Gen .. 4th Dec. 1867, UMIU3n84, Christiansen. op. dt., pp.286--7 and Elliot. op. cit., p.lll. 24. Maj. W. MacKinnon, 'Jczail ExperimenL~', Proc. US/J, 4120(1875), pp.201-3. 25. Elliot. op. cit.. p.27. 26. Maj. J. Nicholson, Deputy Commissioner. to Maj. J.D. Macpherson. Military Secretary to the Chief Commissioner, 4th Sept. 1853, F/412549. 21. Selections from the Records of the Government of India. (Foreign Department). No. VI Report on the Administration of the Punjab, Territories. comprising the Punjab Proper and the Cis and Trans-Sutlej Staus, for the Year.\' 1851-52 and 1852-53 (Calcutta, 1853). pp.36-7 V/2311 (HereafteT Selections.from Records No. VI). 28. Brig. J.S. Hodgson, Commanding Punjab Irregular Force, to Maj. H.D. Macpherson, Military Secretary to the Commissioner, 29th April I R53. P/200/36. 29. Lt ...Col. Mackcson. Commissioner & Superintendent Division. to Maj. J.D. Macpherson, Military Secretary to the Chief Commissioner. 2nd Sept. 1853 and Capt. J. Coke, Commanding I st Punjab Infantry to Maj. J.D. Macpherson, 22nd Dec. 1853, F/412549. 30. Maj. J.D. Macpherson, Offg. Military Secretary Chief Commissioner Punjab, to Lt.-Col R.J. Birch. Offg. Secretary to the Govt. of India in the Military Department, lith Oct. 1853. F/412549. 31. Minute by the Governor General, 3rd Nov. 1853, Lt ...Col. R.J. Birch, Off. Secretary to the Government of India in the Military Dept. to J. Lawrence, Chief Commissioner Punjab, 9th Nov. 1853. F/412549. 32. Selections from Records No. VI, p.37 und Record.f ofthe Government of India Repon on the Administration of Public Affairs in the Punjaub Territories from 1854--55 to 1855-56/nclu.fil•e (Calcutta, 1856), pp.94-5 V/1012. 33. Maj.-Gen. F.W. Stubbs, History of the Organization. Equipment. and War Services of the Regiment of Bengal , compiled from published works. official records, and 1•arious prh•ate sources (London, 1895). p.571; Brig.-Gen. C.A. Graham, A History of the Indian Mountain Artilfery (Aidcrshot. 1957), pp.4-6. 34. Brig. J.S. Hodgson. Commanding Punjaub Irregular Force, to Maj. N. Chamberlain, Military Secretary to the Board of Administration, 5th Oct. 1852, and C. Allen, Offg. Secretary to the Government of India to the Board of Administration for the affairs of the Punjab, IOth Nov. 1852, P/43/63. 35. R.H. Scales, Artillery in Smalf Wars: The Evolution of British Army Doctrine 1860-1914 (Ph.D .. Duke University, 1976), p.80. 36. See History of the I st Punjab Cavalry (lahore, 1887), History of the Second Panjab Cavalry (London, 1888) and History of the 23rd Cavalry (Frontier Force). /au Jrd Regiment, Punjab Cavalry (No imprint. c.l91 0). 37. Brig.-Gen. J.S. Hodgson to Maj. H.D. Macpherson, Offg. Military Secretary to the Chief Commissioner. lOth March IK53. Pn00/25. 38. S.S. Thorburn, The Punjab in PeQ(:e and War (Edinburgh and London, 1904), p.294. 39. Report on the Adminil·tration of Public Affairs in the Punjaub Territories from /854--55 to IH55-56/nclusivdCalcutta, 1856), p.97 V/1012. 40. A.H. Shibly, The Reorganisation of the Indian Armies, JH5H-79 (London Ph.D., 1969) p.l24. Notes 191

41. Maj. R.C. Lawrence, Secretary to Governmenr, Punjaub, Military Department. to Maj.-Gen. RJ. Birch. Secretary to the Govemmem of India Military Department. with the Governor General, 25th Oct. 1859. P/191/144. 42. Maj. G. Hutchinson, Offg. Secretary to Government Punjab, Military Department, to Maj.-Gen. Sir R.G. Birch, Secretary to the Government of India in the Military Department. I st Oct. 1860. P/191/44. 43. Maj.-Gen. R.J. Birch, Secretary to the Government of India Military Department, to the Secretary to Government, Punjab, Militury Department. 19th Nov. 1860, and Memorandum by Sir John Lawrence. 8th Dec. 1860. Lawrenu M.f.f, Mss.Eur.F.90123. 44. General Report on th~ Administration of the Punjab and it~· Depmdend~s. for 1859-60 (Calcutta. J 860). pp.40-1 V/I 0/13. 45. Annuol Report 011 the Administrutio11 of the Punjab Territories, for the year /861-62 (Calcutta, 1862), p.J7 V/10/17. 46. Brigade Standing Orders issued by the Brigadier General Commanding Punjab Frontier Force, 6th July 1867, P/436142. 47. Gen. Sir J.L. Vaughan. My Service in the Indian Army- tmd After (London. 1904), p.33 and p.46 and G.W. Forrest, Life of Field Marshal Sir Nel'ille Chamberlain (London. 1909), p.409. 48. Col. E. Hawthorne to the Secretary Government of India Military Department, 26th Sept. 1863, L/MIL/7/10631 and Forrest, op. cit .• p.419. 49. Thorburn, op. cit., p.176. 50. Anon., 'Notes on the Late Campaign on the Punjab Frontier'. Cornhi/1 Magazine. 9/51 ( 1864). p.860 and Col. C.E. Srewart. Through Persia in Disguise with Reminiscences of the Umbeylah Campaign (London. 1911 ). p.52. 51. Field Marshal Lord Roberts, Forty-011e Yean· i11lndia (London. 1897), Vol. II pp.9-IO and Gen. J. Adye. Recolft-ctitms of a Military Li/l' (London, IM95), pp.207-20. 52. Nevill, op. cit., p.62. 53. Lt. C.M. MacGregor, Mou111ai11 Wmfa~: An Essay 011 th~ Conduct (!f Hill Ope rut ions in Mountainous Countrie.f (London, I R66), p.l9 2nd Ed. 54. Col. J. Adye, SitanCI: A Mountain Cllmpaign on the BordtrJ of AfKhanistan i11 /863 (London. 1867), pp.34-5. 55. Ibid .• p.85 and p.92. 56. Maj. G.V. Fosbery, 'The Umbeyla Expedition·. JRUS/, 11/4{, ( 1868). p.549. 57. Brig.-Gen. A. Wilde, Commanding Punjaub Irregular Force. to Major S. Black. Secretary to Government, Punjab Military Department. 17th June 1865. P/192139. 5M. Military Department Letter No. 4M5 of 1865: General, 7th Nov. 1865. and Col. H.W. Nonnan, Secretary to the Government of India. Military Department, to the Secretary to Government, Punjaub. Simla. 19th Sept. 1865, UMIU3n61. 59. Brigade Standing Orders issued by the Brigadier General Commanding Punjab Frontier Force, 6th July 1867, P/436142. 60. Brig.-Gen. Commanding Punjab Frontier Force, to rhc Secretary to Government, Punjab, Military Depanment. 25th Sepl. 1867. P/435/44. 61. Brig.-Gen. A. Wilde. Commanding Punjab Frontier Force. to the Secretary to Government. Punjab. Military Department. 24th June 1868, P/435/55. 192 Notes

62. Maj.-Gen. A. Wilde. Commanding Hazara Field Force. to the Q.M.G .• 16th Sept. 186K. P/235/57. 63. Maj.-Gen. A. Wilde. Commanding Hazara Field Force, to the Adj.-Gen .. 11th Oct. I 868. P/235/57. and Brig.-Gen. A.T. Wilde, 'Circular Memorandum for the information and guidance of Officers Commanding Balleries and Regiments'. Huzarah Field Force. Sept. 1868. P/615. 64. To Brigadier-Generals Bright and Vaughan. Commanding Nos. I & 2 Brigades. 28th Sept. 11!68, P/615. 65. Maj.-Gen. A. Wilde. Commanding Hazara Field Force. to the Adj.-Gen .. 26th Oct. 1868. P/435/58. 66. Lt.-Col. P.S. Lumsden. Q.M.G. of the Anny. to the Offg. Secretary to the Government of India. Military Department, 5th Nov. 1861!. P/435/58. 67. Brig.-Gen. A.T. Wilde, Offg. Military Secretary to the Government Madras. to the Adj.-Gen .• 5th May 1869, P/615. 68. Minute by His Excellency General Sir W. Mansfield. 25th Aug. 1869. Ke.~·e.f Mn. Mss.Eur.D.104!V8. 69. Memorandum by Brigadier-General A.T. Wilde, 17th April 1869. and MajorS. Blat·k, Secretary to Government, Punjab. to Maj.-Gen. H.W. Norman. Secretary to Government of India. Military Department. 19th March 1870. Keyes Mss. Mss.Eur.D.I04K/8. 70. Exet·utive Commissariat Officer. Pe~hawur. to Lt.-Col. T.H. Sibley. Deputy Commissary General, Upper Circle. 2nd April 1872, P/620 and Military Department Despatch No. 434 of 1868: Decision to maintain two Mountain Batteries in the Bengal Presidency. 7th Nov. 1868. UMIU3n88. 71. Brig.-Gen. C.H. Brownlow. 'Notes on the Native Army of Bengal: Its present material and organisation. as compared with the past'. Sept. 1875. UMIUI7f'J461!. 72. By an Adjutant. An E.fsay on Tal·tks (London. 1872). p.4. 7J. Maj.-Gen. H.W. Nonnan. 'Memorandum on the Native Anny.' 13th Jan. 1875, UMIU17/5/!670. 74. Vaughan. op. dt.. p.46. 75. See Field Exercises antl Evolutions of lnfamry (London, 1874), E.B. Hamley, Operations of War (London, 1866). and Capt. C. Clery, Mi11or Tuctks (London. 1875). 76. See Lt. A. Ga.c;elec. ·on the Carriage of Ammunition in Mountain Warfare·, Proc. US/I. 1/3 ( 18711, p.I02, and Maj.-Gen. L. Shadwell, Mountain Wuifare: lllusrrat~d by the Campaign of 1799 in Swir:erlantl (London. I 875). 77. Brig.-Gen. C.P. Keyes, Commanding Punjab Frontier Force. to Lt.-Col. S. Black, Secretary to Government, Punjab. Military Depanmenr. 7th Nov. 1870. P/620. 78. Military Department Separate Letter No. 183 of I 870: Reporting the arming of certain Native Regiments with the Enfield Rilles. 15th July 1870. UMIU31l 04 and Memorandum from Brig. -Gen. C.P. Keyes, Commanding Punjab Frontier Force. to Captain C.S. McLean, Offg. Secretary to Government. Punjab, Military Department. 22nd Sept. 1871. P/608. 79. Military Department Separate Letter No. 349 of 1869: On the subject of army reduction, 4th Oct. 1869, L/MIUJ/102. and Maj.-Gen. F. Turner, Inspector General of Ordnance & Magazines. to the Secretary to the Government of India. Military Department, 9th Oct. 1868. UMIW/8~~. Nores 193

80. J.M. Ewart and E. Howell, Story of the North- West Frontier Province (Peshawar. 1930). p.l3. 81. Brig.-Gen. C.P. Keyes, Commanding Punjab frontier Force, to the Secretary to Government, Punjab, Military Department, 19th Oct. I 872. UMIU3/831. 82. Brig.-Gen. C.P. Keyes. Commanding Punjab Frontier Force. to Offg. Secretary to Government, Punjab, Military Department, 17th Feb. 1873, P/958, and Lepel Griffin. Offg. Secretary to Government. Punjab, to the Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Department, 28th Feb. I !!73, P/958. 83. Maj. G.A. Fu~. Studies on Military Transport (Bombay. 1877), p.38. 84. The Historical records, the 3rd Sikh Infantry, Punjab Frontiu Force (No Imprint: 1903). p.33, History of the lsr Sikh Infantry, 1846-1886 (Calcutta, 1903), pp.90-l and History of the Second Panjab Cavalry (London. 1888). p.26. 85. Lt.-Col. W.H. Paget. Expeditions versus the North West Frontier Tribe~· (Calcutta, 1874), pp.451-3. 86. Col. S. Black. Secretary to Government, Punjab. Military Department. to Col. H.K. Burne, Secretary to the Government of India, Military Department, 15th Sept. 1876, P/951. 87. Col. S. Black, Secretary to Government, Punjab, Military Department. to Col. H.K. Burne, Secretary to the Government of India, Military Department. 3rd Aug. 1877 UMIU3/876 and Brig.-Gcn. C.P. Keyes. Commanding Punjab Frontier Force. to Col. S. Black, Secretary to Government, Punjab, Military Department. 13th Nov. 1876. P/951. 88. Lytton to Haines, 27th Sept. 1877, Haines Mss. NAM 8108-9-5. 89. Report on the Administration of the Punjab and its Dependencies for the year lc'l77-78 (Lahore, 1878). pp.l3-14 V/10/335. 90. Capt. E. Walsh, 'Mountain Guns for Indian Frontier Service'. Prcx:. R.A.I.• II (1881 ). p.34 and Maj.-Gen. F. Howard. Reminiscences /848-/890 (London, 1924), p.254. 91. Brig.-Gen. C.C. Ross, Commanding Field Force Peshawar District. to Q.M.G .• 21st Dec. 1877, UMIU7/15379. 92. Maj. -Gen. F. Roberts, 'A short account of the operations carried out against the Jowaki section of the Adam Kheyl Afridis · 8th Feb. 1878. LIM IU7115378. 93. Col. S. Black. Secretary to Government, Punjab, Military Department to Col. H.K. Burne, Secretary to the Government of India, Military Department, 25th April 1878. UMIU7/15379. 94. Capt. J.M. Trotter. 'Narrative of the Jawaki Campaign', Proc. USl/, 7/31 (I K7S). p.49. 95. H. Strachan, From Waterloo lo Balaclava: Tactics, Technology and the British Army 11'115-/854 (Cambridge, 1985), p.54.


I. See Th~ s~cond A.fgltall War: Compiled and n>llared under the orders of Major-Genl. Sir C.M. MacGregor (Simla. 18K5). 6 vols. 194 Note.~

2. See B. Robson, The Road to Kabul: The Second Afgluln War, 1878-/88/ (London, 1986), p.66. See also B. Robson, Ro!Nm in Indio The Military Papers of Field Marshal Lord Roberrs 1876-/893 (London, 1993) p.4. 3. Surgeon-Major J.H. Evall. 'Personal Recollections of the Afghan Campaigns of 1878-79-80'. JUSII, 19/82 ( 1890). p.305. 4. Col. H.B. Hanna. The Second Afghan War, 1878-79-80: Irs Cau.fes, Its Conduct, and Its Consequences (Westminster, 1899), Vol. I pp.271-8. 5. Memoranda for the Guidance of the Peshawar Field Force by order of Lieut.-General Sir Sam Browne. Commanding 1st Division, 17th Nov. 1878. Browne Mss, NAM 7703-49-5. 6. R. Gillham-Thomscu, Kohdt, Kuram. and Khost; or, Experimces and Adventure.f in the Late Afghan War (London. 1884 ), pp. 96-7. 7. Lt. M. Martin, 'Tactics in the Afghan Campaign', JUSI/, 10/47 ( 1882). p.l. 8. Maj. J.H. Crowe. An Epit

24. Lt. R. de C. Porter, 'Warfare again~t Uncivilised Races: or, How to fight Greatly Superior Forces of an Uncivilised and Badly-Armed Enemy'. PPRE. 15 (1881 ), pp.305-60. 25. Col. W.H. Goodenough, 'General Gordon on the Employment of Anillery in Irregular Warfare', Proc. RAJ. 8 (1885), pp.l21-25, Lt. C.E. Callwell, 'Notes on the Tactics of our Small Wars', Proc. RAJ, 12 0884), pp.531-52 and Lt. C.E. Callwell, 'Note~ on the Strategy of our Small War~'. Proc. RAJ, 13 (1885), pp.403-20. 26. See Sir P.L. MacDougall, 'The Late Battles in Soudan and Modern Tactics', Blackwood's, 135 (1884), pp.54-<>0, Maj. C. Cooper King. 'Soudan Warfare', JRUS/, 29/81 (1885), pp.887-908 and Lt.-Gen. G. Graham, 'Fire Tactics: Attack Formations and Squares', JRUS/, 30/83 (1886), pp.233-74. 27. Col. H.H. Knollys, 'The Present Position of Tactics in England, USM. 2 (1884). p.467. 28. Capt. C.E. Callwell, 'Les...ons to be Learnt from the Campaigns in which British Forces have been employed since the year 1865', JRUSJ, 31/139 (1887), p.412. 29. Slum Report on Important Que~·tions dealt with during the tenure of Command of the Army in India by General Lord Ro~m /885-1893 (Simla. 1893). pp.76-8. See Report of the Camp of Eurcise held in the Neighbourhood of Delhi and Umballa 1885-86 (Calcutta, 1886). 30. Military Dcpanment Despatch No. 135 of 1885: Proposals for an increase to the Indian Army, 14th Aug. 1885, and Military Despatch No. 275 of 1885, 29th Oct. 1885. UMIU?/5446. 31. Military Department Despatch No. I II of 1886: Transfer of the Punjab Frontier Force under the order~ of the Commander-in-Chief India., 6th Aug. 1886, UMIL/3/136 and Extract from General Order by His Excellency the Governor General In Counci I, 23rd July 1886, l.JMIL/3/961. 32. See L. Harris. British Policy on the North- West Frontier of India, 1889-1901 (University of London, Ph.D., 1960). pp.l-41. 33. Standing Order.f of the Punjab Frontier Force (Simla, 1889), p.l 0 UMIUI7/5/4310 and Memoirs of Brigadier-General E. W.S.K. Maconchy J860-/920 (Unpublished T.S. Memoir), Vol. 1, p.59 NAM 7908-62-1. 34. Capt. W.L. White. 'Mountain Artillery: ILc; Organi~tion, Equipment and Tactics', Proc. RAJ. 15 (1887), pp. 403-17. 35. H.C. Simpson, 'Tactical Employment of Mountain Anillery' USM I ( 1888), pp.712-22. 36. Maj. EJ. de Latour. 'Mountain Artillery', Pro(:. R.A.I. 16 (1889), p. 519. 37. See Capt. A.H. Mason, Expedition against th~ Black Mountain tribe.f by a fora under Major-General Sir J. W. McQueen in 1888 (Simla. 1889). UMIU17/13/52. 38. Roberts to Galbraith, 21st Sept. 1888,lJMIU1715/1615/ll. 39. Circular Memorandum for the information and guidance of Officers Commanding Batteries and Regiments, Hazara Field Force, 30th Sept. 1888. UMIU171511615/ll. 40. Maj.-Gen. J.W. McQueen, Commanding Hazara Field Force, to Adj.-Gen. in India, 19th Nov. 1888. P/3484. 41. E.M. Spiers. The Late Victorian Army 1868-1902 (Manchester, 1992), p.250. 196 Notes 42. Capt. A.H. Mason, 'The Miranzai Expedition of 1891'. JRUSJ, 36/168 (1892), p.l23. 43. E.P. Oliver, 'Punitive Operations on the North-West Frontier of India', Fortnightly Review, 50 ( 1891), p.93. 44. E.F. Knight. Where Three Empirtts Meet: A Narrative of Recent Travd in Kashmir, Wutern Tibet, , and tlttt adjoining Countrie.v (London, 1893), p.373 and Capt. H.L. Nevill, Campaign.f on rhe Nonh-We.ft Frontier (London, 1912), p.365. 45. Infantry Drill (London, 1889), pp.207-8. 46. Lt.-Col. E. Paquie, 'Warfare in Mountainous Countries', JUS/I, 21/98 ( 1892). pp.525-43. 47. Capt. H.V. Cox, 'Jungle Fighting', JUS/I, 21/97 (1892), pp.443-7. 48. Infantry Drill (Provisional) (London. 1892), p.185. 49. Lt. -Col. E. Gunter, Outlines of Modun Tactks (London. 1893) and Capt. J. Sherston, Tal:tics as Applied w Scheme.f (London, 1894), pp.49-50. 50. Maj. G.M. Bullock, 'Mountain Warfare as Applied to India', JUS/I, 22/107 ( 1893 ). p.330. 51. Capt. F.C. Carter, 'Mountain Warfare as Applied to India', JUS/I, 221110 ( 1893), pp.414-66. 52. Infantry Drill (London, 1893). 53. Maj. H.C. Simpson, 'Notes on Mountain Artillery Establishments, their Training, and Personal Equipmenl, · Proc. RAI21 ( 1894), p.265. 54. See Report on the Mountain Artillery Practice Camps at Dhagul and Rajpur, /892-93 (Simla, 1893) and Report on the Mountain Artillery Practice Camps held at Rajpur, Dhagul. and Paniala in /893-94 (Simla, 1894). LIMIU7/10831. 55. Capt. F.C. Carter, 'On the Tactica1training in District Concentrations. Best Prepared for Preparing the Army in India for War:- (a) Against a Civilised Enemy. (b) Against Savage Tribes in Mountain or Jungle Warfare'. JUS/I, 23/117 (1894), p.146. 56. Ibid., p.l75. 57. Capt. W.G. Hamilton. 'On the Tactical Training in District Concentrations best fitted for Preparing the Army in India for War', JUS/I, 23/1 I 9 (1894), pp.l03-4. 58. Ibid .. pp.IOS-7. 59. Maj. O.C. Radford, Nous for Panjab Probationers on /. Castes 2. Hill Tactics 3. Customs 4. Idiomatic Sentences (Lahore, I 894), pp.25-31. 60. Brig.-Gen. A.H. Turner to Adj.-Gen. in India, 16th Nov. 1894. UMI117/15362. 61. See Lt.-Col. A.H. Mason and Lt. G.K. Cockerill, Operations against th~ Wa.:iris by a fora under the comma11d of Lieutenant-General Sir William Stephen Alexander Lodhart in 1894-95, with a short account of the events which led up to the expedition (Simla, 1897) UMIUI7/13/108. 62. See Capt. W.R. Robertson. An Official Account of the 1895 (Calcutta, 1898) and Capt. G.J. Younghusband and Capt. F.E. Younghusband, The Reli~f of Chitral (London, 1895). 63. Field Marshal Sir W. Robertson. From Private to Field Marslwl (London, 1921 ), p.71. Notes 197

64. The Chitral Expedition 1895 comaininl( tm account of the advmtures and captivity of lieutenants Fowler and Edwards together with full details of the operations of General Low'sforce (Allahabad, 1895), p.29. 65. GOC Chitral Relief Force. to the Adj.-Gen. in India., 5th April 1895, White Mss, Mss.Eur.F.I08/35. 66. Townshend to Durand, 25th April 1895, White M.u, Mss.Eur.F.I 08/37 and Lt. C.G. Stewart, 'An Account of the Relief of from Gilgit and the of Chitral', Proc RAI. 22 ( 1895 ), pp.399-404. 67. T.R. Moreman, 'The Arms Trade and the North-West Frontier Pathan Tribes. 1890-1914'. JICH. 22/2 ( 1994). pp.l91-2. 68. See H.C. Thomson, The Chitral Campaign: A Narrative of Events in Chitral, Swat and Bajour (London, 1895 ), Capt. F. E. Younghusband, 'The Chitral Campaign', JRUS/, 401215 ( 1895), pp.S-23. Capt. G. F. Herbert. 'The Artillery in Chitral. Proc. RAJ. 22 (1895). pp.501-IO and Maj. A.W. Radcliffe, 'Convoy Escort Duties in Mountain Warfare'. JUSII. 241121 ( 1895), pp.226-8. 69. Maj. F.C. Caner, 'Mountain Warfare in India'. JRUSI. 39/213 (1895), pp.I071-IIOO. 70. A Frontier Soldier. 'Notes on Mountain Warfare', JUS/I, 251124 ( 1896), pp.l~3. 71. Lt.-Col. E. Gunter, Outlines of Modem Tactics (London, 1895), p.239. 72. T. Miller Maguire, 'Our Art of War as Made in Germany.' USM 13 ( 1896), p.l26. 73. Maj. -Gen. E.A. Wood, comments on Maj. W.O. Conner. 'Incidents of Bush Warfare', Proc. RAI, 23 ( 1896), p.92. 74. Capt. C.E. Callwell, Small Wars: Their Principles and Practiu (London, 1896). 75. 'Small Wan;: Their Principles and Practice by Captain C. E. Callwell, R.A. •. JUS/I, 251125 ( 1896), pp.228-9. 76. See Maj. G.V. Kemball, Operations of the Tochi Field Forc:e in 1897-98 (Simla., 1900) UMIUI71131101. 77. Capt. H.F. Walters, The Operations of the Malakand Field Force and the Buner Field Force 1897-98 (Simla, 1900). pp.l5-20 UMIUJ7113/55. 78. Maj.-Gen. Sir B. Blood. Commanding the Malakand Force. to the Adj.-Gen. in India, 14th Aug. 1897, P/5477. 79. B. Blood, Four S£·()re Years and Ten: Sir Bindon 8/ood'.t Reminisunas (London, 1933), p.302. 80. Lt. Viscount Fincastle and It. P.C. Elliot-Lockhart, A Frontier Campaign: A Narrative of the Malalcand and Buner Field Forces on the North West Frontiers of India (London, 1898). pp.l33-4 and GOC Malakand Field Force to Adj.-Gen. in India, 18th Sept. 1897. UP&Sn/97. 81. Jefferys to White, 21st Sept. 1897, White Mss, Mss.Eur.F.I0&/38. 82. Maj.-Gen. Sir to Adj.-Gen. 20th and 21st Sept. 1897, UP&Sn/96. 83. GOC Malakand Field Force to Adj.-Gen. in India, 2nd Oct. 1897, UP&sn/97. 84. Maj.-Gen. Sir B. Blood. Commanding the Malakand Field Force. to the Adj.-Gen. in India. 27th Oct. 11!97. P/5477. 85. Blood to White, 7th Oct. 1897, White Mss, Mss.Eur.F.IOS/38. 198 Notes 86. Foreign Department Despatch No. 143 of 1897 (Fromier): Disturbances on the North-Western Frontier, 14th Oct. 1897. UP&S/7196. 87. White to Elgin. 1st Sept. 1897. Elgin M.fs, Mss.Eur.F.84171 and Capt. H.F. Walters, Opuation.f of the Tirah Expeditionary Fora /897-98, under the command of General Sir William Stt'phen Alexander Lockhart (Simla, 1900), p.3 UMIUI7/13/99. 88. Revised Scheme for an Expeditionary Force against the and Tribes on the Peshawar and Kohat Borders. UMIU7115867 and Report on the Working of the Army Veterinary Department with the Tirah Expeditionary Forc·e 1897-98 (Calcutta, 1898), p.l. 89. Report on the Commissariat-Transport Arrangements of the Tirah Expeditionary Forc·e. 1897-98 (Calcutta. 1899). p.54 UMIUI715/1856. 90. H.W. Mills. The Tiruh Campai~n- being the Sequel ~(the Pathan Revolt in North-West India (Lahore. 1898). pp.40-2. 91. Wylly, op. cit., p.vii. 92. Standing Orders by General Sir. W.S.A. Lockhart. Commanding Tirah Expeditionary Force, 9th Oct. 1897, NAM '1997-98' (549.14). 93. Capt. A.K. Slessor, The Sec·ond Battalion Derbyshire Re~imellt in Tirah (London. 1900) p.44 and p.95. 94. General Officer Commanding, Tirah Expeditionary Force. Fon Lockhart, to the Adj.-Gen. in India, 18th Oct. 1897. UP&S/7/96. 95. GOC TEF to Adj.-Gen. in India, 20th Oct. 1897, UP&S/7/97, Yeatman Biggs to White, 23rd Oct. 1897. White Mss, Mss.Eur.F.I 08138 and Lt.-Gen. Sir G.F. MacMunn, 'The Storming of Dargai (20th December 1897)'. A.Q.. 17,2 (1928), pp.370-9. 96. Foreign Depanment Despatch No. 158 of 1897 (frontier); Correspondence regarding the Tirah Afridis and the tribe. and the punitive expedi• tion sent against them under General Sir W. Lockhart, lith Nov. 1897, UP&S/7/97. 97. Gen. Sir W.S. Lockhart. Commanding Officer TEF. to Adj.-Gen. in India, 9th Dec. 1897. P/5477. 98. Col. C.E. Callwell, Tirah 1897 (London, 1911 ), p.64 and Field Marshal Lord Birdwood. Khaki and Gown: An Autobiography (London, 1942), p.85. 99. Col. L. James, High Pressure: Beinf( Some Record of Activities in th~ Service of the Times Newspaper (London, 1929), p.34. 100. Lt.-Col. Sir F. O'Connor. On the Frontier and Beyond: A Record of Thirty Years' Service (London. 1931 ). p.ll. 101. Gen. Sir A. Haldane. A Soldier's Saga: The Autobiography of General Sir Af.wner Haldane (Edinburgh and London. 1948), pp.l07-8. 102. GOC Tirah Expeditionary Force to Adj.-Gen. in India. 30th Oct. 1897. UMIL/7115867. 103. Gen. Sir W.S.A. Lockhan, Commanding T.E.F. to the Adj.-Gen. in India. 9th Dec. 1897, UMIL/7/15887 and Capt. L.J. Shadwell, Lockhart's Adt•an<·e ThmuRh Tirah (London, 1898), pp.ll-12. 104. GOC TEF to Adj.-Gen. in India, 31st Oct .II st Nov. 1897, UMIL/7115867. 105. GOC TEF to Adj.-Gen. in India, 3rd Nov. 1897. UMIL/7115867. 106. GOC TEF to Adj.-Gen. in India, 16th Nov. 1897. UMIL/7115867. I 07. Col. T.H. Holdich. The Indian Borderland (London, 190 I), p.362. 108. Mills, op cit. pp.JI9-20 and Birdwood, op. cit., p.86. Notes 199

109. Lt.-Col. R.G. Thomsen, With th~ P~showar Column, Tirah E~p~ditionary Force (London, 1899), pp.212-13. 110. GOC TEF to Foreign Secretary, 5th Nov. 1897, UP&sn/97. Ill. A.H. Atteridge, The Wars of the 'Nineties. A History of Warfare in the Last Ten Years of the Ninnumh Century (London, 1899), p.511. 112. Lt.-Col. G.F.R. Henderson, Technical Training of lnftmtry (Dublin, 1899), pp.9-IO. 113. Maconchy, op. cit., pp.239-40. 114. GOC TEF to Adj.-Gen. in India. !Oih Nov. 1897, UP&sn/97. 115. Maconchy, op. cit.. p.225. 116. Military Department Despatch No. 4 of 1898: Enquiry into the circum• stances allending lhe losses sustained by the Northamptonshire Regiment in Tirah. on the 9th November 1897, 4th Jan. 1898, UMILI7/15882 and Lockhart to Adj.-Gen. in India, 26th Jan. 1898, UMIU7/15887. 117. Lockhart to While, 16th Nov. 1897, White Mss, Mss.Eur.F.108/38. 118. Gen. Sir W.S. Lockhart to Adj.-Gen. in India, 14th Nov. 1897. UMIU7/ 15882. 119. Col. H.D. Hutchinson. The Camrx1ign in Tirah. 1897-/898 (London, 1898J, p.l24. 120. Gough, op. cit., p.58. 1201. GOC TEF to Foreign Secretary, 17th Nov. 1897, UP&sn/99. 122. GOC TEF to Adj.-Gen. in India, 20th Nov. 1897. While Mss. Mss.Eur.F.I08143. 123. Gen. E.G. Barrow, 'Campaign Diaries', Barrow Mss, Mss.Eur.E.420/27. p.21, G.R. de H. Smith. 'Personal Diary during Malakand Expedition and Operations of Tirah Expeditionary Force, 1897, pp.l16-7 Smith Mss Mss.Eur.B.203/6 and Hutchinson, op. dt., pp.l46-7. 124. 'Field Force Memorandum', 18th Nov. 1897, White Mss, Mss.Eur.F.IOS/38. 125. Callwcll 191 I, op. cit., p.IOS. 126. Col. Sir R. Warburton, Eightun Years on the Khyber, 1879-1898 (London, 1900), p.307. 127. GOC TEF to Adj.-Gen. in India, 12th Dec. 1897.UP&Sn/99. 128. James, op. cit., p.43. 129. Thomsell. op. cit., pp.l46-7. 130. Gen. Sir W.S.A. Lockhart, Commanding the Tirah Expeditionary Force, to the Adj.-Gen. in India, 4th April 1898, UMIU?/15887. 131. Lt.-Gen. Sir A.P. Palmer to Chief of Staff, TEF. 31st Jan. 1898, UMIU7/ 15899. 132. Foreign Department Despatch No. 69 of 1898 (Frontier): Seulcment with the Afridis and lhe opening of the Khyber Pass, 5th May 1898, UP&sn/103.


I. K.M. Saxena, The Military Syst~m of India ( /HS0-/900) (New Delhi, 1974). pp.268-9. 2. Summary of Measurrs considered or curried out in the Military Department of the Government of India during the Viceroyalty of the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. January 1895 10 December 1899 (Calcuua, 1899), p.55. 200 Notes

3. Government General Order publishing numerical and amended nominal returns of k.illed. wounded, and missing in the Tirah Ellpeditionary Force from the 12th October 1897 to the 6th April 1898, 3rd June 1898, UMIU3/1082. 4. Adj.-Gen. in India to the Secretary to the Government of India Military Department, 24th Feb. 1898. UMIL.fl/15887. 5. Foreign Department Despatch No. 120 of 1899 (Frontier): Returns showing in detail the results of the eltamination of rifled arms surrendered by tribes on the North-West Frontier, 22nd June 1898, UP&Sn/1 14. 6. Lockhart to Elgin, 16th Dec. 1897, Elgin Mss, Mss.Eur.F.84nl. 7. Haughton to Gough, 16th Jan. 1898, Gough Ms.l', NAM 8304-32-404. 8. North-Western Frontier Arms Trade Committee to the Secretary to the Government of India Foreign Department, 18th April I 899, UP&Sn/114. 9. Col. Sir T.H. Holdich, 'Tirah'. GeographicJournal. 1214 ( 1898), p.357. 10. See Foreign Department Despatch No. 147 of 1901 (frontier): Measures adopted in view to stopping the illicit trade in arms and ammunition on the North-West Frontier. 29th Aug. 1901, L./P&Sn/136. II Curzon to Hamilton. 4th Sept. 1901. Cur~on M.u. Mss.Eur.F.Ill/160. 12. Hamilton to Elgin, 21st Jan. 1897 and lith Feb. Elgin M.l'.f, Mss.Eur.F.84/16, Elgin to Brackenbury. 23rd Jan. 1898, Elgin Mss, Mss.Eur.F.84/33a and A.H. Atteridge. The Wars of the 'Ninetie.v. A History of Warfare in rhe Ltm Tell Years of the Nineteelllh Cemury (london, 1899). p.533. 13. 'Guerrilla', 'The North-West Frontier', lmpt-rial a11d Asiatic Quar1erly Re1•iew. 8, 15 ( 1899), pp.42-3. 14. L. Oppenheim, 'The Tirah and Khartoum Ellpeditions', Nineumth Cen/llry, 44/262 C1898), pp.I041-7 and L. James. The Indian Frontier War- Being an An·ount of the Mohmu11d a11d Tirah Etpeditions IH97 (London. 1898), p.vii. 15. Capt. F.M. Edwards, 'Recent frontier Warfare', JUS/I, 27/132 (1898), p.335. 16. Maj.-Gen. C.E. Callwell and Maj.-Gen. J. Headlam, A History of the Royal Artillery from the Indian Mutiny to the Great War (Woolwich. 1937), p.266. 17. 'The North-West Frontier: By a Frontier Political Officer'. Imperial and Asiatic Quarterf.v Review, 519 ( 1898), pp.S---6. 18. Nicholson to Spenser Wilkinson, 2nd March I 898, Spen.fer Wilkinson Mss. NAM 9011-42-13. 19. Atteridge. op. cit., pp.533-4. 20. Memoirs of Brigadier-General E. W.S.K. Maconch.v /860-/920 (Unpublished T.S. Memoir), Vol. I. p.222 NAM 790S-62-I. 21 Maj. A.C. Yate, 'North-West Frontier Warfare', JRUS/, 42/248 ( 1898), pp.l 191-2. 22. Col. H.D. Hutchinson, 'The Story of Tirah and the Lessons of the Campaign', JUSI/, 27/132 ( 1898), p.243. 23. Collen, comments on Ibid .. pp.255---6. 24. Monon, comments on Ibid., pp.256-7. 25. Lt.-Col. J.A. Pollock, 'Notes on Hill Warfare'. JUS/I, 27/131 ( 1898), pp.l3 1-47, R.C., 'Proposal for Infantry Attack in Mountain Warfare', JUS/I, 27/132 (1898). pp.479-80, and Capt. H.T. Kenny, 'A German Notes 201

Account of the North-West Frontier Campaign', JUSI/, 271132 (1898), pp.48!-9S. 26. Lt.-Col. J.A. Pollock, Not~s on Hill Wmfar~ (Simla. 1898). 27. Col. J.P.C. Neville, 'The Tactical Principles and Details Best Suited to Warfare on the Frontiers of India'. JUS/I. 28/136 (I H99), pp.l91-223, Lt.-Col. H.H. Han. 'The Tactical Principles and Details Best Suited to Warfare on the Frontiers of India', JUS/I, 28/136 ( 1899), pp.244-72, Capt. E. Peach, 'The Tactical Principles and Details Best Suited to Warfare on the Frontiers of India'. JUS/I, 28/137 (I 899), pp.329-60 and Lt.-Col. J.G. Ramsey, 'The Tactical principles and Details Best Suited to Warfare on the Frontiers of India'. JUS/I, 29/138 ( 1900). pp.85-110. 28. Lt. W.L. Churchill, S10ry of th~ Malakand Fi~ld Force. An Epitome of Frontier Warfare (London, 1898), pp.283-301 and Col. H.D. Hutchinson. The Campaign in Tirah. 1897-98 (London, 1898), pp.224-46. 29. Capt. L.J. Shadwell, Lockhart's Advance Through Tirah (London, I 898). 30. Capt. and Brevet Maj. G.J. Younghusband, Indian Frontier Warfare (London, 1898). 31 Brig.-Gen. C.E. Egerton, Hill Warfare on the North West Frontier of India (Allahabad, 1899), p.l. 32. Lt.-Col. A.R. Martin, Mountain and Savage Warfare (Allahabad, 1898), 2nd ed. 1899. 33. Maj. E. Peach, Ha11dbook ofTactit.:s for Sa vag~ Warfare (Allahabad. 1898). 2nd ed. 34. Maj. E.H. Rodwell, Four Bangalore Lecwres (Lahore, 1899). 35. Lt.-Col. F.H. Plowden, The Ba11alion on the Frontier (Lahore, 1899). 36. Peach I 899, op. cit., p.344. 37. Capt. A.A. Campbell, 'The Limitations of Infantry Fire Control and Discipline'. JUS/I, 330/143 ( 1901 ), p.l20. 3H. Neville, op. cit., pp.219-20. 39. Gen. Sir W.S. Lockhart to the Adj.-Gen. in India. 26th Jan. 1898, UMIU7/15887. 40. Lockhart to White, 16th Nov. 1897, White Mss, Mss.Eur.F.IOS/38, and Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, Military Department to the Adj.-Gen. in India, 7th Feb. 1898. UMIL/7/15886. 41 'The Gurkha Scouts', Blackwood's, 165/502 (1899). pp.802-15. Peach 1899, op. cit., pp.332-4, and Ramsey, op. cit., p. I 09. 42. Capt. R.G. Burton, 'Shikar as Training for Scouts', 281134, JUS/I. 28/134 ( 1899), pp.88-90 and Lt. R.D. Alexander, •A System of Training Scouts for Hill Warfare', JUS/I, 33/157 (1904), pp.397-406. 43. See E.M. Spiers, 'The Use of the Dum Dum Bullet in Colonial Warfare', JJCH, 411 ( 1975), pp.3-14. 44. Principal Medical Officer, Tirah Expeditionary Force, to the Principal Medical Officer, Her Majesty's Forces in India, lOth March 1898. UMIU7/12026. 45. Military Department Despatch No. 149 of 1900: Reserves of ammunition to be maintained in India. Proportion of bullets of Indian pattern, I lth Oct. 1900 and Military Department Despatch No. 81 of 190 l : Retention in regi• mental charge of ammunition with Mk II, LP bullets at certain stations ncar the North-West Frontier of India, 13th June 1901 UMIU7/12030. 202 Notes 46. Maj. F.W. Cardew. Deputy Secretary to Government of India Military Dept. to Adj.-Gen. in India. 5th Aug. 1902 UMIU7/12030. 47. Capt. M.E. Carthew Yorstoun. 'Machine Guns', JUSl/, 27/131 (1898), pp.208-19. and Lt. H.P. de Ia Bere. 'With Machine Guns in Tirah', USM, 19 ( 1899-1900). pp.l65-72. 48. Capt. G.F. MacMunn. 'The Artillery at Dargai'. Proc. RAJ. 25 ( 1898), pp.l73-78. 49. Military Department Despatch No. 31 of 1898: Addition of another Battery of Native Mountain Artillery to the Establishment of the Army in India, 24th Feb. 189K. UMIU7/10133 and Military Department Despatch No. 194 of 1899: Improvement~ in the organisation of the horse, field, and mountain, batteries on India. 2nd Nov. 1899. UMIU7/10139. 50. QMG in India. to the Secretary to the Government of India. Military Department. UMIU7/15867. 51 GOC TEF to the Inspector General of Artillery in India, 27th Nov. 1897, UMil17/15886. 52. Maj.-Gen. Sir B. Blood. Commanding the Malakand Force, to the Adj.-Gen. in India, 27th Oct. 1897, P/5477 and Lt. C.B. Ballard. 'The Diary of the lOth Field Battery R.A., with the Malakand Field Force'. Proc RAJ. 25 ( 1898). pp.419-38. 53. Inspector-General of Artillery to the Lt.-Gen. Commanding the Forces, Punjab, 27th Oct. IK97, UMIU7/15867 and Capt. G.F. MacMunn. 'The Artillery in the Indian Campaigns of 1897-8'. Proc. R.A.I.. 26 ( 1899). pp.229-42. 54. Capt. W.B. James. 'The Training and Equipment of Cavalry and Mounted Infantry in India and their Respective Roles in War', JUSII. 32/150 ( 1903), pp.34-76 and Capt. D.C. Crombie, 'Cavalry in Frontier Warfare'. JUSII. 39/178 (1910), pp.I09-18. 55. Yate. op. cit .• pp.l171-93. 56. Ibid., p. I 191. 57. Lt. -Col. G.F.R. Henderson, T~chnkal Training of Infantry (Dublin. 1899). p.l8. 58. Maj.-Gen. W.F. Gatacre, 'A Few Notes on the Characteristics of Hill• Fighting in India, and Training of Infantry Necessary for same Possible in England', JRUSI, 43/260 ( 1899). p.I066. 59. lbid.,pp.IOS0-1. 60. Maj. C.E. Callwell, Small Wars: Th~ir Principles and Practiu (London, 1899). pp.346-7. 61 'Life on the Punjab frontier'. Na1•y & Anny Illustrated, 7 ( 1898). p.45. 62. Maj. A. Keene, 'The British Soldier in India', JUSI/, 271132 (1898), pp.406-7. 63. Han. op. cit.. p.268. Peach, op. cit., pp.357-8 and Maj. A.C. Yale, 'Sixty Years of Frontier Warfare', JRUSI, 44/286 ( 1900), pp.223--4. 64. Anon .• 'Lessons in Hill Fighting', Navy & Army lllusrraud, 7 ( 1899), p.415. Atteridge, op. cil.• pp.533--4. and Henderson. op. cil.• pp.l2-3. 65. From QMG in India. 20th Oct. 1898, P/5475 and Command Order by the Lieutenant-General Commanding the Forces in Bengal. 18th Oct. 1898, UMIUI7/5/356. 66. Report on the Attock Manoeuvres Man·h 1899 (Simla, 1899), p.23. Dening MssNAM 7810-106-40. Notes 203 67. Report on the Atto<:k Manoeuvres February /900 (Simla, 1900), p.63 ~IL/17/5/1807. 68. U.-Gen. R. Baden-Powell, Indian Memories; Recollections of Soldiering, Spon, Etc. (London, 1915), pp.272-5. 69. Yate 1900, op. cit., p.243. 70. Mountain Warfare (Simla, 1900), Preface. 71 Frontier Warfare 1901 (Calcutta, 1901). 72. Infantry Drill (Provisional) (London, 1902). 73. See Lt.-Col. E. Gunter, Outlines of Modern Tactics (London. 1899), pp.259-69, Maj.-Gen. Sir R.C. Han, Reflections on the An of War (London, 1901), 3rd Ed. pp.342a-3421 and Maj. LJ. Shadwell, Nonh-West Frontiu Warfare: Being an Appendix to Sherston 's 'Tactics as Applied to Schemes' (Calcutta, 1902). 74. Hamilton to Elgin, 21st Jan. 1898, Elgin Mss. Mss.Eur.F.84/16, and Anon., 'The - An Eye Witness', Fortnightly Review, 63/375 ( 1898), p.393. 75. Hamilton to Elgin, 4th March 1898, Elgin Mss, Mss.Eur.F.84/16. 76. See Military Department Despatch No. 30 of I 898: Manner in which Brigadier-General Kempster exercised his command during the operations in Tirah, 24th Feb. 1898 LJMIU7/15892. 77. Lt.-Gen. Sir G.F. MacMunn, The Romanu of the Indian Frontiers (London, 1931 ), p.239. 78. Lt.-Col. J.E. Nilton, Notes for StaffOfficer.v on Field Service (Lahore, 1897) 2nd Ed. 1898. 79. Han, op. cit., p.269 and Shadwell 1902, op. cit., p.vii and pp.93-6. 80. T. Miller-Maguire, Strategy and Tactics in Mountain Ranges (London, 1904), p.S. See also T. Miller-Maguire, Analysis of Col/well's Small Wars (London. 1902). 81 Maj. F.G. Marsh. 'The Afridi and Orakzai Country'. A.R., 7 (1914). p.29. 82. Gen. Sir G. de S. Barrow, The Fire of Life (London, 1941 ). p.ll6. 83. Notes on Staff Duties in Hill Warfare in India for the use of Officers attend• ing Staff Rides (London, 1906). 84. Records of the Staff College, Quetta. (Established 1905) (Simla, 1908). pp. 4and 10. 85. Brig.-Gen. W. Braithwaite, 'The Staff College. Quena'. AR 3 ( 1912), p.418. 86. Brevet.-Maj. W.O. Bird, Some Prindples of Frontier Mountain Warfare (London, 1909). 87. Maj.-Gen. E. Collen and A.C. Yate, 'Our Position on the Nonh-West Frontier', Empire Review, 2110 ( 1901 ). p.388. 88. Military Department Despatch No. 186 of 1902: Proposed reconstitution of the commands and staff of the military districts on the Nonh-West Frontier, 2nd Oct. 1902, ~IU7n455. 89. R.S. Dey, A Brief Account of the Punjab Frontier Force (Calcutta, 1905), p.J. 90. Manoeuvres held at Bannu on 3rd November 1903, under Brig-General J.B. Woon, Commanding Bannu Tochi Force, Nov. 1903, Dening Mss, NAM 7810-106-44. 91 Lt.-Gen. Sir G.F. MacMunn, Behind the Sanes in Many Wars (London. 1930), p.82. 204 Notl'J

92. Maj.-Gen. l. Denina. Commandina Vth cMhow> Division to Bria.-Oen. T. Capper. 14th July l906.1Hning Mu. NAM 7810-106-55. 93. Capt. A.W. Taylor. J1111glr WarfaTf': tlw rondllt't of Slffll/1 r~tiOIU in tM j11nglrs and ltill.v lrQC'tJ of B11rmo. a1UI a sys""' of drill aNI lftllslrtry instn.cti011 COII/tf'C'"d tlwrn.·itlt. for t~ of offic'rn of IM BllmttJ Military Poliu (Ransoon. 1902). 94. Maj. C.B. Morpn. Hinu on B..slt Fighting (London. 1899) and I..J.-Col. A. F. Montanaro. Hinu for a CtuftPtlign (Londoa, 1901). 95. &ull Figlttbtg. (An Apprltdu to 'FronJirr Warfa,'J (Calcutta. 1903). 96. Fronllrr Warfa" cuul Figlrtirtg (Calcutta. 1906). 97. GOC Bazar Valley Force to Foreian Secretary. 21sa Feb. and 25th Feb. 1908,l.JPcl:S/IOf46. 98. Lt.·Col. G.O. Roos-Ke~l. 'Political Repon or the Bazar Valley Eapedition. 4th March 1908.l.JP&S/10f46. 99. Minto 1o Morley. 23nl March 1908. Morley Mu, Mu.Eur.D.573114. 100. C.W. Miles, 1M lDlWl KMI tmd Mohmand E.xpftliti011 (Rawalpindi. 1909). p.13, and Maj. G.F. Mac:Munn. 'The Old Frontier Stoty', FonniJIItly Rf"VVnv, 271158 ( 1909). p.2.51. 101 Gen. Sir J. Willcoc:b. Tlrr ROtrUJncr of Soldirring aNI Spon (London, 1925). pp.234-5. and I..J. A.H. Bum. 'The Mohmand Eapedilion. Some Reminisc:enc:es'. USM. 38 ( 1909). pp.317~. 102. R'pon 011 Brigadr Troining. &utn11 Brigadr. 111td" IM ordln of Mojor· G"trNl C.G.M. Fost.rn. Colftlftllnding BDnn11 Brigadr. Frbf'IUiry 1908 (AI~. 1908). 103. Birdwood. op. c-it., pp.206-7. See also Firld Srrviu SIGitding Ordlnfort#t, Kohtll Brigadr by Brigadirr·Cdr!rrvl W.R. Birdt.-ood COifllflllllding Koltal BrigGdr (Roorbe. 1911). 104. 'The General Staff in India'. AR. 2 (1912). p.22. 105. Gen. Sir 0. Creaah. 'The Army in India and the New Field Service Replalions', AR, 4 ( 1913). pp.JI-9. 106. Ibid., pp.34-S. 107. Firld Srrvicr Rrg11lations. Pan I Opuotions 1909 (Rrprintrd with Alwlldlwnu 19121 (London, 1912). pp.l91-212. 108. Maj. EJ. Wood. 'Specialisation in Trainina'. JUS/I. 401183 ( 1911 ), pp.IM-69. 109. By a C.O .• 'Reftcctions on the Trainina or the lnrantry Officer'. JUS II. 401183 (1911). p.l47. 110. Col. C.E. Callwell. Tirolt 1897 (London. 1911 ). Ill Capt. H.L. Nevill. Colftpoigns on thr North· Wrst Fronlirr (London, 1912). 112. Col. H.C. Wylly. From tM Black MDIIIIttJin to Wa.tirislml (London, 1912). 113. Col. W.E. Vcnour. 'Trainina ror Froatier Warfare', JUSI/. 42/193 (1913), p.381. 114. JbNI .• pp.382-9. 115. Sir. P. Lake. comment on Ibid. p.389-90. 116. l'rocrrdin1s of'"' A"".Y ;,. /NiitJ CDINIIittu. /911. Vol. II Mi1111trs of Ev~ (Simla. 1913). p.l63l.JMIUI7/Sil7SI/3. 117. Notrs 011 tlrr Indian Frotrlirn (Simla. 1912). pp.43-4 and Nevill. op. C'it .. pp.36S-31. Notes 205

118. Annual Return showing the Class Composition, Countries and Establishments of the Indian Army, Imperial Service Troops. Military Police and Militia on 1st January 1908, UMIL/7/17084. 119. Moreman, op. cit .. pp.204-IO. 120. Statement of Fighting Strengths and Armament of Independent Tribes on the North-West frontier (Cis-Durand Line), 27th June 1910, LIP&Sn/ 242. 121 Report em the Arms Traffic. ht July 19/J to 30th June 1913. (Including a Note on the Operations of the Makran Field Forre in April and May 1911) (Simla. 1913) UMIL/7/168641. 122. F. Lovat, Anns Trafjk (London, 1911 ). p.43.


I. L. Baha. N.-W.F.P. Administration under British Rule 1901-1919 (Islamabad. 1978), pp.81-3. 2. Despatch by His Excellency General Sir C.C. Monro, Commander-in-Chief in India, on the part played by India, including the Indian States, in the pros• ecution of the war. 9th April 1919, UMIU7/l8779 and Summary of the Administration of Lord Hardinge of Penshurst November 1910-March 1916 (Delhi, 1916), p.92 V/27/23on2. 3. Report on the Principal Measure.r taken in India during the War to Maintain TraininR at the Standard required in Modern War (Calcutta. 1919), p.2 and App. A UMIU7/5466 (Hereafter Report on Principal Measuus). 4. Ibid., App. B. 5. Sec Despatch by His Excellency General Sir Charles Carmichael Monro. C-in-C India. on the minor military operations undertaken from March 1916 to Mc1rch 1917 on the Nonh-West Frontier of India, and elsewhert! in the Indian Empire, including Aden, also in Sr>uth and South-East Per.ria (Simla, 1917), pp.3-4 UMIU3/11 16. 6. Repon of a Conference of General Officers held at Delhi 22nd to 24th February 1917 under the direction of His Excellency the Commander-in• Chief in India (Delhi, 1917). pp.21-5 UMJL/17/511759. 7. Ibid .. pp.25-6. 8. Report of the Anack by on a Convoy Prot:eedingfmm Nili Kach to Khajuri Ka£·h lsi May 1917 (Simla, 19 I 7). UMIU7/15933. 9. GOC Northern Command to CGS, 2nd May 1917, UP&S/101373. 10. CGS to GOC Northern Army, 3rd May 1917, UP&S/10/373. 11. R.M. Maxwell (ed.), Villiers-Stuart goes to War (Edinburgh, 1990), pp.l92-200 and Government of India Army Department to CGS, 3rd May 1917. UMIU7/18930. 12. The Diaries of Harry Ross (Unpublished T.S. Memoir, 1929), p.71. Ross Mss, Ms.~.Eur.B.235/3. 13. See Lt.-Col. G.M. Baldwin, ·some Experiences of Indian Cavalry in Frontier Warfare', JUSII. 441199 (1915). pp.l79-88, Capt. A.H. Beaman, 'Mohmand Shows'. JUS/I, 45/205 (1916), pp.405-23 and Maj. I. Battye.'Frontier Mountain Warfare', JUS/J, 461206 (1917). pp.91-126. 206 Notes

14. See Despatch by Li~utenant-General Sir Arthur Arnold Barutt, command• ing the Northtrn Army, on th~ op~rations against the Mahsuds, March• August /9/7(Simla, 1917), LJMIUI7/13/112. 15. Maj. F.O. Wyau. 'Mountain Guns for Mountain Warfare', JUS/I, 47/210 (1918), p.I03. 16. Government of India Army Department to CGS, 15th May 1918, UMIU7/ 18930. 17. G. Dunbar, Frontiers (London, 1932), pp.301-2. 18. See Notes on Trans-Bordtr Warfare with special r~ference to th~ Combination of Variou.f Arms anti Weapons (Calcutta, 1918) 2nd Ed. 1919. 19. Report on Prindpal Measures, p.l8. 20. See Despatch by His Exc~l/~n<·y General Sir Charles Carmichael Monro on the Third Afghan War (Simla. 1919) UMIU17114/68 (hereafter Despatch on Third Afghan War) and The Third Afghan War /9/9. Official History (Calcutta, 1926) (hereafter Official History /9/9). 21. Despatch on Third Afghan War, p.IO and Offidal History 1919, p.49. 22. Major G.H. Russell. Commandant South Waziristan Militia, to Inspecting Officer Frontier Corps, 15th June 1919, UP&S/11/155 and C.C. Trench, Th~ Frontier Scouts (London, 1986). pp.38-45. 23. Official Histof')· /9/9, pp.76--8. 24. Viceroy, Foreign and Political Dept, to SSI. 22nd Dec. 1919, UMIU7/15939 and Summary of Chief Evmts in North- W~st Frontier Tribal Territory from 8th August /9/9 to Jist December 1920 (Delhi, 1921), pp.S-9 UMIU7/16944. 25. Chief Commissioner NWFP. to Foreign Secretary to the Government of India in the Foreign and Political Department. 3rd Dec. 1919. LIP&S/ I 1/167. 26. Chelmsford to Montagu, 8th Oct. 1919, Montagu Mss Mss.Eur.D.523/9. 27. Des{J(Jtch by His Excdlency General Sir Charles Monro on the Operations in Waziristan (Simla, 1920), p.3 UMIU7116930 (Hereafter Despau·h on Waziristan). 28. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 18th October \919, PRO WO I 06/56 and Royal Air Force, India. Summary of Operations 28th September to 8th October (inclusive), 7th Nov. 1919, UMIU17/5/4118. 29. Despatch on Waziristan, p.3 and Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 22nd November 1919. PRO WP 106/56. 30. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 22nd November 1919 and week ending 6th December 1919, PRO WO 106/56 and Royal Air Force India. Summary of Operations from 9th November to 15th December 1919 (inclusive), lith Jan. 1920. UMIUIS/5/4120. 31. Operations in Waziristan 19/9-20 (Calcutta, 1921 ), pp.92-3 (hereafter Wa:.iristan 1919-20). 32. GOC Waziristan Force to War Section, Delhi, 20th Dec. 1920, UP&S/ 10/870 and Waziristan /9/9-20, p.l02. 33. D. Rees, Indian General s~n·ice Medal (Unpublished TS Memoir, 1955), Vol. 4 pp.l81-9 NAM 6706-21 and Ross, op. dt., pp.47-9 Ross Mss, Mss.Eur.B.235/4. 34. Despatch on Waziristan, p.8. Notes 207

35. GOC Waziristan Force to War Section, Delhi, 22nd Dec. 1919, UMIUI7/5/4119, Wm:;iristall 1919-20. pp.I02-6, and Capt. D. Rees, Pioneer Piquet. 21st December 1919 (London, 1954). 36. Despatch on Waziristan, p.IO, Waziristan 1919-20, p.IO!I and Maj.-Gen. A. LeG. Jacob, ·waziristan'. REJ. 42 ( 1928), p.227. 37. GOC Advanced Waziristan Force to War Section, Delhi, 23rd Dec. 1919, L.JP&S/101870 and Despatch on Wa;:iristan, p.IO. 38. Sir J. Smyth, Milestones (London, 1979), p.70. 39. GOC Waziristan Force to War Section. 21st Dec. 1919, UP&S/101870 and GOC Waziristan Force to War Section. Delhi, 22nd Dec. 1919, UMIUI7/ 5/4119. 40. Viceroy (Army Department), to SSI, 22nd Dec. 1919 and GOC Waziristan Force to the War Section, Delhi. 22nd Dec. 1919, UM1UI7/5/4119. 41. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 30th December 1919, PRO WO I 06/56. 42. GOC Advanced Waziristan Force to War Section, Delhi, 24th Dec. 1919, UP&S/1 01870 and Royal Air Force, India, Summary of Operations from 16th December to 31st December 1919 (inclusive), 4th Feb. 1920, UMIU17/5/4119. 43. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for the week ending 30th December 1919, PRO WO 106/56. 44. GOC Advanced Waziristan Force to Foreign Secretary, 27th Dec. 1919. UP&S/1 0/870. 45. Waziristan /919-20, pp.I09-IO. 46. R.A. Curties, '7 (Bengal) Indian Mountain Battery, 1919-20', in C.H. MacFetridge and J.P. Warren (eds.), Tales of the Mountain Gunners (Edinburgh, 1973), p.IOI. 47. Commander-in-Chief in India, to the GOC Egyptian Expeditionary Force. 23rd Dec. 1919. UMIU1715/4119. 48. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 6th January 1920, PRO WO 106/56 (hereafter Weekly Appreciation for 6th January 1920). 49. Waz;irislan 1919-20, p.97. 50. Notes from War Diaries, Part DCL Waziristan Force, May 1920, UMIU 7118853. 51. Weekly Appreciation for 6th January 1920. 52. Ibid. 53. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 13th January 1920. PRO WO I 06/56. 54. Despau:h on Waziristan, pp.l3-14 and Waziristall 1919-20, pp.ll5-9. 55. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 20th January 1920, PRO WO 106/56. 56. Max well, op. cit., pp.241-3. 57. Despatch on Waziristan, p.14. 58. Viceroy. Army Department. to SSI, 9th Feb. 1920. UMIU3/2512. 59. Despatch on Waziristan, p.l5 and Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 3rd February 1920, UMIUI7/5/4119. 60. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for weeks ending 3rd and lOth February 1920, PRO WO 106/56. 208 Notes

61. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 24th February 1920, PRO WO I06156. 62. Waziristan Force Weekly Appreciation for week ending 31st March 1920. PRO WO 106/56. 63. D~sputch on Wa;:iri.wan, pp.l8-19. 64. Field Marshal Sir W. Slim, Unofficial Histmy (London, 1959), p.IOI. 65. Viceroy, Foreign and Political Dept. to SSI. 23rd March 1920, UMILn/15939. 66. Army Department Despatch No. 2 eSpecial): The si1.e, composition and organisation of the military forces in India, L/MILn/13315 and Review of important military events in India No. I of 1920, 28th June 1920, UMIU7/12491. 67. To General Officer Commanding Northern Command, 18th Jan. I 920, 29th Jan. 1920, and To Chief of the General Staff in India. 23rd Feb. 1920. P/10875. 68. To General Officer Commanding Northern Command. 24th Jan. 1920, P/10875, Graham, op. cit., p.202 and Muwcll. op. cit., pp.254--6. 69. Mountain Warfare School. Abbottabad. Synopsis of Lectures 1920 (Re1•ised 1921) (Rawalpindi, 1921) and Cupt. A.D. Simmons. 'Notes on Mountain Warfare Course at Abbottabad 1920. 19th July 1920', Symons Ms.f, DMM 6211687/297. 70. Maxwell, op. cit., p.259. 71. Army Department Despatch No. 101 of 1920: Policy to be adopted in future in conne~:tion with the military training establishments of the Army in India, 25th Nov. 1920, UMJU7n223. 72. See Proceedings of the Military Requirements Commirru 1921. Repon. (Lord Rawlinson's Committu) (Simla, 192 I). p.6. Montgomery to Marshall, 12th Aug. 1921. Momgonrery-Massingberd Mss, LHCMA 12R and Rawlinson to Montgomery. 6th Dec. 1922. Montgom~ry-Mt~ssingberd Mss, LHCMA 135. 73. Field Service Regulations Vol. II Operations (Provisional) (London, I 920), pp.261-89. 74. Vaughan to Montgomery, 28th July 1920, Montgomery-Massingberd Ms.v, LHCMA 116. 75. Notes on Mountain Warfare CCalcutta, 1920). 76. 'Frontier', Frontier Warfau (Bombay, 192 I) and S.H.C., Mountain Warfare Notes (Poona.. I 921 ). 77. Wazirforce Tactical Notes (Dera Ismail Khan, 1921 ). 78. Notes on Frontier Warfare (Aidcrshot, 1922). 79. Vaughan to Montgomery. 28th July 1920, Montgomtry-Massingberd Mss, LHCMA 116. 80. See StatT College Qucua 1922. North-West Frontier Warfare. lsf1Uly Mss 111/2/14-27 LHCMA. 81. Anderson to Montgomery, 19th July 1921. Montgomery-Massingberd Mss. LHCMA 128. 82. Th~ Army in India and its Evolution (Calcutla. I 924), p.38 and p.43. 83. Army Department Despatch No.2 (Special) of 1920: The size, composition and organization of the military forces in India, 24th June 1920, UMIU3/1118. Notes 209

84. Maj.-Gcn. S.H. Climo. Commanding Waziristan Force. to CGS. 19th April 1920. UMIU7/18853. 85. See Maj. J.G. Lecky. 'Notes on the Tactical Use of Lewis Guns in Mountain Warfare'. JUS/I. 491219 ( 1920). pp.I70-IR8a and Ishmael. 'Tactical use of Lewis Guns (A Criticism)'. JUS/I. 501223 (1922). pp.260-9. 86. The Army in India and iu Evolution (Calcutta, 1924 ), p.44. 87. Army Department Despatch No. 12 of 1921: Proposed organization and establishments of the lighting units of the post-war Army in India. 3rd Feb. 1921. UMJLJ7/13315. 88. Capt. H.J. Davis. 'The Employment of Machine Guns with a Battalion of Jnfamry: With Special Reference to the Indian Frontier', JRUSI. 67/468 ( 1922), pp.6R8-96. 89. Capt. J.A Deane, 'Notes on the CCH>peration of Artillery and Infantry in Mountain Warfare', JRA. 46111 (1919-20), pp.510-13 and Maj. and Bvt Lt.-Col. A.F. Jarrett, 'Co-operation in Mountain Warfare'. JRA. 4713 ( 1920....21 ). pp.21-2. 90. De.warch 011 Waziristun. p.l8, R~:rwrts by the lnspe('lor Ge11eral of Cmnmunicutions and Direcwrs of Sen•ices Wu;:iristan Force /9/9-20 (Simla. 1920). p.l9 and Maj. and Lt.-Col. A.J. Farfan. 'Mountain Artillery in Waziristan 1919-20', JUS/I, 501222 ( 1921 ), pp.l87-97. 91. Precis of important military events in India from 1st March 1920 to 28th June 1921, 18th July 1921. p.2 PRO WO 1061157, Despatch by H.£. General Lord Rawlinson of Trent. C-in-C in India. 011 the operations of the Wa;:iristun Fora for the period 1st April 1921 to 3/sr December 1921 (Delhi. 1921 ). p.3 UMIUI7/13/122 and Graham. op. cit.• pp.218 and 221. 92. See E.M. Spiers, 'Gas and the North-West Frontier', JSS. 614 (1983). pp.99-102. 9]. Maj.-Gen. C.H. Foulkes. 'Memorandum on the usc of Gas in Frontier Warfare'. 3rd Nov. 1919, Foulkes Mss. LHCMA 61105. 94. Leslie to Foulkes, lOth Jan. 1921. Foulkes Mss .• LHCMA 61106. 95. Lecture at Delhi to the Viceroy, C-in-C and Members of the Supreme Council and Lecture at Delhi on :?.2.1.20 to Army H.Q. Officers, Foulkes Mss. LHCMA 61106. 96. Viceroy, Army Dept. to SSI, 6th Feb. 1920 and Army Department Despatch No. 12 of 1920: The usc of gas in Warfare. 12th Feb. 1920. UMIU?/19238. 97. Memorandum Circulated by the Secretary of State for India, 12th May 1920. UMIL/7/19238. 98. Military Despatch No. 39 to Governor-General in Council. 20th July 1922. UMIU7/19238. 99. Despatch on Third Afgh(lll War. p.3. I 00. Report on I he Worlcing of the lJnes of C

126. Lord Rawlinson. 'Memorandum on Air Vice-Marshal Sir John Salmond's Report, c. Aug. 1922. UMIU7n765, Rawlinson to Trenchard, 22nd Aug. 1922, Trf:nchard Mss, MFC 76/1/136/2, and Rawlinson to Salmond, 21st/22nd Aug. 1922, Salmond Mss. 82608. 127. See Army Department Despatch No. 42 of 1922: Control of Waziristan, 27th July 1922, UMIU7/16951 and Army Department Despatch No. 68 of 1923: Policy in regard to Waziristan, 15th Nov. 1923, UMIU3/1119. 128. See Army Department Despatch No. 22 of 1925: Report by Air Vice• Marshal Sir Edward Ellington on the Royal Air Force Operations in Waziristan for the period 9th March 1925 to the 1st May 1925. 9th July 1925, UMIU7/16950. 129. Col. D.E. Robertson, 'The Organisation and Training of the Army in India'. JRUSI, 69/474 ( 1924), p.326. 130. General Staff Note on Waziristan. 17th Sept. 1923, Montgomery• Massingberd Mss, LHCMA 140. 131. See Maj. M. Everett, 'The De.~truction of Makin- February 1923', JUSIJ. 55n38 (1925), pp.l5-29, Col. F.S. Keen, 'Lewis Guns in Frontier Warfare'. JUS/I. 54/234 (1924), pp.SI-97 and Capt. C.W. Toovey, 'The Engagement of Black Hill Piquet on the 21st December 1919', JUSII. 55/241 (1925). pp.54-64. 132. Col. C. Kirkpatrick, 'Some Thoughts on Frontier Fighting'. JUSI/, 541236 (1924), pp.325-38. 133. Col. C. Kirkpatrick, 'Some Thoughts on Frontier Fighting. II'. JUSII. 541237 ( 1924), pp.Sl 0-24 and Capt. B. Bradshaw-Smith, 'Protection on the March in Mountain Warfare'. JUS/I, 551240 (1925), pp.49-54. See also Wazirforce Training Memorandum No. 2 Mountain Warfare -Protection on the March, lOth Feb. 1924, Matheson Mss. 134. Col. C.A. Milward, 'Protection on the March, Mountain Warfare', JUS/I, 55/238 ( 1925 ), p.45. 135. See Standing Orders for Frontier Warfare. 16th Infantry Brigade 1924 (Ahmednagar, 1924). 136. See U.-Col. H. de Watteville, Waziristan 1919-20 (London, 1925) and Col. J.P. Villiers-Stuart. Letters of a Once Punjab Frontier Force Officer to his Nephew giving his Ideas on Fighting on the Norrh West Frontier and in Afghanistan (London, 1925). 137. de Watteville, op. cit.,. p.209. 138. M. Jacobson, The Modernization of the Indian Army. 1925-39 (University of California. Irvine, Ph.D. 1979), p.2. 139. Col. F.S. Keen. 'To what extent would the use of the latest scientific and mechanical methods of warfare affect operations on the North-West Frontier of India?', JUSII, 53n33 (1923), pp.393-415. 140. Ibid .• p.415. 141. Capt. M.C. Gompertz, 'The Application of Science to Indian Frontier Warfare',AQ,10(1925),p.133. 142. Field Service Regulations Vol. II (Operations) (London, 1924), p.215. 143. Manual of Operations on the North-West Frontier of India (Calcutta, 1925). 212 Notes CHAPTERS

I. LI.-Col. H.B. Hudson. Those Blue Remembered Hill.f (unpublished T.S. Memoir, 1980), p. 70, Hudso11 Mss. Photo.Eur.l79. and Col. H.R. Pettigrew, 'It Sumed Very Ordinary': Memoin of Sixtun Yean Service in the Indian Army 1932---47 (unpublished T.S. Memoir. 1980). p.65 IWM R4n9/l. 2. Brig. W.J. Jervois. The History of the Northamptonshire Regiment: 1934-1948 (london, 1953), pp.2-~ and Lt.-Col. W.E. Ma:~~well, Capitol Campoigner.f: The History of the Jrd Batta/io11 (Quun Mary's Own) The Baluch Regiment (Aldershot, 1948), p.88. ~. LI.-Gen. G.N. Molesworth, Curfew m1 Olympus (london, 1965). p.85 and Brig. J.H. Prendergast. Prender's Progre.u-: A Soldier in India. 1931---47 (London, 1979). 4. See Kohat Distriet Stunding Orders for War and for Lnml Columns (Lahore, 1927), Ltmdi Kotal Standing Orders for War 1936 (Landi Kota1, 1936) and StandinK Ordas for Hill Warfi/Te for l.ft (Abbottabad) Infantry Brigade, May /939 (Abbouabad. 1939). 5. Review of Important Military Events in India No.2 of 1925. 4th July 1925, UMIU?/12491. 6. J. Smyth. Milestones (London, 1979). p.63. Lt.-Gen. Sir P. Neamc, Playing with Strife. The AutobiogruJ'hY of a Soldier (London. 1947), p.l34 and Maj. J. Croft, 'North West Frontier: Tr.1ining Ground Supreme', AQ. 12211 ( 1992). pp.51-60. 7. R. Hilton, Nine Li•'e.v: The Autobiography of an Old Soldier (London, 1955), pp.I04-5. 8. Capt. R.E. Wood. 'Life on the Frontier·. REJ. 42 (1928). p.243. See also "W", 'Mahsud 1919-20'. JUS/I, 601259 ( 1930), pp. 193-200 and Pelligrcw. op. dt .. p.54. 9. Military Report on the Kohat District (Simla, 1928), p.65. 10. See Eastern Command Manoeuvres (Simla, 1925) and Report on the Staff Exercise and Manoeuvres held under the orders of the G.O.C.-in-C Northern Command. india 22nd Nmoemher to 30th Nm·ember 1925 (Calcutta, 1926). II. Lt.-Gen. Sir F. Morgan. Peau and War: A Soldier's Life (London, 1961), pp.90-l. 12. Bvt. Maj. B.C. Dcning. The Future of the Briti~·h Anny: The Problem of DutieJ. Cost and Composition (London, 1928). pp.60-2 and M. Jacobson, The Modemi:ation of the Indian Army. 1915-39 (University of California. Irvine, Ph.D .• 1979), pp.27-8. I 3. T.A. Heathcote, The Military in India The De1•elopmenr of British Land Fora.f in South Asia 1600-1947 (Manchester, 1995), p.242. 14. 'An Infantry Officer'. 'Collective Training in a Battalion'. JUS/I, 60/259 ( 1930), p.128. 15. See Despau·h by H.E. Field Marshal Sir W.R. Birdwood on the Disturbana.f on the N()l1h-West Frontier of India from 23rd April to 12th September, 1930 (Delhi, 1930), L/MIL/7/16956 (Hereafter Despatch on Disturbances). 16. 'Editorial', JUS/J, 61/262 ( 1931 ), pp.l-9 and Mauser. 'A Forgollen Frontier Force·, En~:lish Re1•ie11·, 52 ( 1931 ), pp.69-72. Notes 213

17. Ibid., p.l7, Review of Important Military Events in India No.3 of 1930, 28th Oct. 1930, UMIU7112491. 18. 'Editorial', JUS/I. 61/262 (1931 ), p.R. 19. Kirke to Bethell, 1st June 1928, Kirke Mss, Mss.Eur.E.396/7 and Army Department Despatch No. 20 of 1928: Reorganisation of Cavalry and Infantry units in India, 29th Nov. 1928. and Memorandum Ellplaining the Proposed Reorganisation of Cavalry and Infantry Units in India, UMIU7113317. 20. Memorandum on Army Training (India) Collective Training Period /929-30 (Simla, 1930), p.4 UMIU17/5/2199. 21. Despatch on Disturbances, p.l8 and Review of Important Military Events in India No.3 of 1930. 28th Oct. 1930, UMIU7112491. 22. 'Mouse', 'Babu Tactics', JUS/I, 61/262 ( 1931 ), pp.60-65. 23. Report of the Tribal Control and Defence Committee 193/ (Delhi, 1931 ), pp.38-9 UMIU 17/13/34. 24. General Staff Criticism of the Tribal Control and Defence Committee, 19th May 1931, UP&S/12/3171 and Jacobson, op. cit., p.92. 25. Light Infantry, 'Mobility', JUS/I, 621266 ( 1932), p.ll. 26. Review of Important Military Events in India No.4 of 1931, 21st Jan. 1932, UMIU7/12492 and Col. C.V. Jackson, 'The Wana-Ladha Road', REJ, 50 (1936), pp.27-37. 27. Willingdon to Hoare, 9th Sept. 1934, Templewood Mss, Mss.Eur.E.240n, GOI, Foreign and Political Dept., to SSI, 26th Nov. 1934., UP&S/12/3202, and Marshal Sir P. Chetwode, 'The Army in India', JRUS/, 82/525 (1937). pp.7--8 and p.l2. 28. Gen. Sir K. Wigram. 'Defence in the North-West Frontier Province', JRCAS, 24/1 (1937), pp.77-8. 29. Review of Important Military Events in India No. 2 of 1929, lith July 1929, Review of Important Military Events in India No.2 of 1930, 12th July 1930, UMIU7112491 and Review of Important Military Events in India No. I of 1932, 22nd April 1932, UMIU7/12492. 30. Review of Important Military Events in India No.3 of 1932, 9th Nov. 1932, UMIU7112492, Review of Important Military Events in India No. 2 of 1934, 21st July 1934, UMIU7/12492 and Jacobson, op. cit., p.320. 31. AHQ to Headquarters Northern Command, Southern Command, Eastern Command, Western Command and Burma Independent District, I st June 1931, UMIU7/5505. 32. Field Marshal W.R. Birdwood, 'Recent Indian Military Experience', United Empire, 22 ( 1931 ), p.246. 33. Field Marshal Sir W. Slim, Defeat inro Victory (London. 1956). p.544. 34. D~spatch on Disturbanus, p.l7 and Summary of Administration of Field Marshal Sir W.R. Birdw()(Jd as Commander-in-Chief India (Simla, 1931 ), p.39 UMIU17/5/1619. 35. General Staff Criticism of the Tribal Control and Defence Committee, 1931, 9th May 1931, pp.3-4 UP&S/1213171. 36. Army Department Despatch No. 20 of 1930: Proposal to increase the strength of the Royal Air Force in India by an Air Transport Squadron, 25th Sept. 1930, and G.M. Young. Secretary to the Government of India, Army 214 Notes Department, to the Secretary Military Department, India Office, 18th Aug. 1931. UMILnn769. 37. Capt. D. Me. Kennelly, 'Artillery Support of Pickets in Mountain Warfare', JRA. 57/2 (1930-1 ), p.253. 38. Memorandum on Army Training (India) Co/lutive Training Puiod /929-30 (Simla, 1930), p.l3 UMIU17/512199. 39. A.H.Q. India Traini11g Memorandum No. 2 Co/le,·tive Training period /93{}-3/ (Simla, 1931 ). pp.3-6 UMIU17/5/2199. 40. Maj.·Gen. J.G. Elliot, The Frontier 1839-1947 (London. 1968), pp.ll7-8. 41. Waziristan Relief Notes (Northern Command, 1933). 42. Field Service Regulation.f Vol. 11 (Operations) (London. 1929), p.207. 43. Prendergast, op. cit., p.57. J. Morris, Hired to Kill. Some Chapters of Autobiography (London, 1960), p.l27 and 'The Looker-On', 'The North• West Frontier in the Thirties'. AQDJ, 97 ( 1969), p.249. 44. Pettigrew. op. cit., p.65. See also pp.88-9. 45. Maj.-Gen. Sir C.W. Gwynn. Imperial Policing (london. 1934), p.7. 46. Gen. Sir A. Skeen, PasJing it On: Short talks on Tribal Fighting on the North-West Frontier of India (Aidcrshot, 1932), and J.G.S., 'Reviews', JUS/I, 62/269 ( 1932), pp.589-91. 47. Indian Army Order 80. Books- 'Passing it On' by General Sir Andrew Skeen, 22nd Dec. 1932. UMIU17/5n74. 48. AHQ India to GOC-inC. Northern, Western, Eastern and Southern Commands, 31st March 1933, UMIU7/12492. See 'Auspex'. 'A Matrimonial Tangle (or Mountains and Machine Guns)', JUSII, 63/272 (1933), pp.367-74 and Lt.-Col. O.D. Bennett, 'Some Regrettable lncideniS on the N.-W.F.', JUS/l, 631271 ( 1933), pp.l93-203. 49. 'Borderer'. 'With the Tendency of Modem Military Organisation towards Mechanisation. the increasing complexity of modern weapons and the dependency of troops on the maintenance services, it is asserted by many that Regular troops are losing the degree of mobility necessary for the suc• cessful performance of their role on the North-West Frontier. Discuss how this can be overcome so that freedom of action and tactical mobility are assured in the Army oflndia.', JUSI/, 641274 (1934), pp.14-5. 50. Ibid., pp.IS-26. 51. See 'Jamshed', 'The Legend of Baridzai', JUS/I, 641274 (1934), pp.l23-9 and Lt.-Col. H.S. Pearson, 'The Perimeter Wall', JUSII, 641274 ( 1934), pp.ll9-22. 52. Maj.-Gen. H. Rowan-Robinson. TM Infantry Experiment (London, 1934). p.IO. 53. See Report on Mohmand Operations. 28th Nov. 1935. UMILn/16968 and Official History of Operations on the N. W Frontier of India J92{}-35 (Delhi, 1945) (hereafter Official History 1920-35). pp.l89-244. 54. Ibid., pp.240-l. 55. Lt.-Col. L. Lawrence-Smith. 'Cavalry and Tanks with Mohforce, 1935', CJ, 26 ( 1936), pp.552-61, Official HistOI)" /92{}-1935, pp.243-4 and Jacobson, op. cit., p.80. 56. 'Commenger', 'Engineer Work in the Mohmand Operations', REJ, 51, pp.507-22. Notes 215

57. 'Shpagwishtama', 'The Changing Aspect of Operations on the North-West Frontier', JUS/I, 66/283 (1936). pp. I 02-10. 58. Maj. J.D. Shapland, 'North-West Frontier Operations- SeptiOct, 1935', JRA, 64fl ( 1937-8), pp.209-10 and Col. P. Morison, 'Service Milestones', n.d .. Morison Mss, Mss.Eur.D.1175/2. 59. Shapland, op. dl., p.208 and Official History. /920-/935. p.244. 60. A.H.Q. India Training Memorandum No. 12 Collective Training puiod /935-36 (Delhi, 1936), pp.2-8 UMIUJ7/5/2199. 61. Maj. D.B. Mackenzie, Mountain Warfare 011 the Sand Model (Aidershot, I 936) and R.L.G., 'Reviews', JUS/I, 661284 ( 1936), p.307. 62. D.J. Waldie, Relation.r between the Army and the Royal Air Foret (London. D.Phil., 1980), pp.210-J I. 63. See Air Staff (India) Memo No. I April 1935: Tactical Methods of Conducting Air Operations against Tribes on the North-West Frontier of India, 17th May 1935, Bottomley, B22. 64. Slessor to Sutton 15th April 1935, Slessor Mss, PRO AIR 75fl9, Air Chief Marshal Sir J. Slessor, The Central Blue: Recollections and Rejie<.·tion.r (London, 1956). pp.121-3 and Sir J. Slessor. These Remain. A Personal Anthology (London, 1969), pp.IIS-20. 65. HQ No.3 (Indian) Wing, to HQ, RAF India, 17th May 1935, Slessor Mss, PRO AIR 75fl9. 66. Secretary to the Government of India (Army Department Air Force Branch) to the Secretary, Military Department, lOth March I 936. UMIU7/ 19307. 67. SlessortoPcck.!OthAprii1936,SlessorMls,PROAIR 75/31. 68. 'Close Support Tactics. Provisional', I 936. S/essor Mss. PRO AIR 7513 I. 69. Combined Report on Air Co-operation Training 2 (Rawalpindi) Infantry Brigade and 3 (Indian) Wing, RAF, Khanpur Area 17-25 November 1936'. S/essor Mss. PRO AIR 75131. 70. Official History of the Operations on the N. W. Frontiu of India. 1936-7 (Delhi, 1943), pp.5-16. UMIUI7/13/42 (Hereafter Official History /936-37) and Report on the Operations in Waziristan 25th November I 936 to 16th January, 1937 (first Phase), 21st June 1937, UMILn/16971. 71. Prendergast, op. cit., p.86. 72. Pettigrew, op. cit .• p.89. 73. C.T. Atkinson, A History ofthe 1st ( P. W.O.) Battalion the Dogra Rttgiment (Southampton, 1950). pp.l23-5, and Trench, op. cit., pp.l26--7. 74. Report on the Operations in Waziristan 25th November 1936 to 16th January, 1937 (first Phase), 21st June 1937. UMILn/16971. Operations in Waziristan, 24th November 1936 to 15th January 1937, Jan. 1937, S/e.rsor M.r.f, PRO AIR 75/31 and Col. R.L. Bond, 'The Khaisor-.t Road.' REJ, 52 (I 938), pp.190-203. 15. G. Moore, 'Just as Good as the Rest': A British Ballalion in the Faqir of /pi's War Indian N. W.F. 1936-37 (Huntingdon, 1979), p.IO and p.42. 76. Lt.-Col. G.A. Brett. Histor.v of the South Wales Borderers and tht> Monmouthshire Regiment, 1937-1952 Pari I (Pontypool. 1953), p.l3 and Maj.-Gen. A.E. Williams, 'Waziristan 1937', n.d. Williams Mss, I.W.M. 88/56/1. 216 No res

77. 'Action of the 1st (Abbottabad) Infantry Brigade Near Damdil. 29th March 1937'. JUSII. 681290 ( 19.~8), pp33-R. 78. M.O.J Unofficial Lt!fler on Aj~hani.wun and the North-Wt!st Fmnrier of India, Jst April 1936-March 31lt 1937 (Simla, 1937), p.l9 UWS/1/192. 79. Report 1111 the Administration of !he Rorda of the North- West Frontier Prol'ince fortht- Year 19.76-37 (Delhi, 1937). pp.l-2 UP&S/12/3148. 80. Anon., 'Attal·k on the Convoy at Shahur Tangi on the 9th April 1937', JUS/I. 671288 (1937). pp.261-65. and Lt.-Col. J.A. Bolam, 'The Shahur Tangi Affair', n.d., Bolam M.\·s, Mss.Eur.C.308. 81. Rcpon by the Commander-in-Chief in India on the operations carried out in Waziristan between 16th January 1937 and the 15th September 1937 (Second Phase), 24th Nov. 1937. UMIU7/16971. 82. J. Masters. BuRies u11tl u Tixer (London. 1956). p.222. 83. Ibid., pp.208-9 and LI.-Gen. F.I.S. Tuker. 'Frontier 1937', n.d., p.7 Tuka Mss,IWM 71n!/5110. !M. Maj. D.A. 'Operations in the Lower Khaisora Valley, Wa:r.iristan, in 1937'. JRUSI, 821528 ( 1937). p.814. 85. M.l. Unofficial uma on Af1:hanisftln cmd the North-WeM Fmnrier of India, Apri/1937 to March 1938 (Simla, 1938). pp.20--l UWS/11192. 86. Maj. W.D. Lentaigne. "'lblanke"- The Advance to the Sham Plains I !/12th May 1937', JUS/I, 68/291 (19381, pp.l31-52 and Masters, op. cit., pp.234-41. 87. Supplement No. J to Monthly Jntelligenl'C Summary No. 5 on Events in Waziristan from 12th 10 19th May 1937. 22nd May 1937, App. A UMIL/5/1065 and M.F. Kemmis Bwy. ·waziristan. 1937', in C.H.T. MacFetridgc and J.P. Warren (ed.), Tale.~ of the Mountain Gunner.\·: An Anthology (Edinburgh. 1973), p.ll8. 88. Repon by His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India on the opera• tions carried out in Wa:r.iristan between the 16th January 1937 and the 15th September 1937 (Second Phase). 24th Nov. 1937. UMIU7116971. 89. Maj. A.E. Armstrong, 'More Roads (Waziristan, 1937)'. REJ. 53 ( 1939), pp.l-16 and Lt.-Col. W.R. Penny, 'Wa1iristan 1937'. RSQJ, 7 (1939-40), pp.43-62. 90. 'Rcpon by His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India on the opera• tions carried out in Waziristan (Final Phase) between the 16th September 1937 and the 15th December 1937', 14th April 1938. UMIL/7/16971. 91. Official Hi.ftory 1936-37, p.229. 92. 'Editorial', JUSII. 671288 ( \937). pp.238-40. 93. Maj. T.H. Angus, 'Operations in the Lower Shaktu Valley, 16th/18th November 1937', JUS/168/292 (1938), pp.335-42. 94. Mackenzie, op. cit.• p.821. 95. Gon to lnskip, 29th Dec. 1931./n.~lcip M.v.v. IWM INP 112 and Slessor 1956, op. cit., p. J:ll. 96. Report on !he Administration of rite Border of the North-West Frontier Province for the Year 1936-37 (Delhi. 1937), p.31. R. Bromhead. 'Trust Begets Trust. The Problem of Waziristan', JUSI/, 691297 (1939), pp.470-l and Pettigrew, op. dl.. p.88. 97. 'Chimariot' .'Mountain Anillery in Fmnlicr Warfare·. JRA, 65 ( 1938-39), pp.90--5 and Graham, op. dt., p.249. Notes 217

98. Lt.-Col. F.C. Simpson. 'Review of Frontier Policy from 1849-1939', JUS/I, 74116 (1944), p.307. 99. C.G. Ogilvie, Secretary to GOI to Secretary Military Department. India Office, 4th Feb. 1938, l.JMIL/7 n235 and Jacobson. op. dt., pp.81-2. 100. Report on Air operations in Waziristan No. I (Indian) Group, 17th February to 7th December 1937, 22nd Dec. 1937, Bottomley Mss, B2304. 101. Capt. A.V. Brooke-Webb, 'Relief by Air', JRA, 66 (1939-40), pp.225-8 and Review of Important Military Events in India No.4 of 1937, 30th Oct. 1937,LJMIL/7112492. I 02 Report on the Operations in the Khaisora-Shalctu area of Waziristan, 25th Novemhcr 1936 to 25th January 1937, 25th Feb. 1937. Bollomley Ms.f, 82300 and Mackenzie op. cit., p.822. 103. Coleridge to CGS, 12th March 1937, Rees Mss, Mss.Eur.F.274/4. 104. Air Commodore N.H. Bottomley, 'The Work of the Royal Air Force on the North-West Frontier', JRUSI, 841535 ( 1939). pp.775-8. 105. A.I.L.O., 'Close Support by Aircraft on the North West Frontier'. JUSI/, 70/298 (1940), p.l6. 106. Air Marshal Sir B. Embry, Mission Completed (London, 1957), p.80. 107. Comments and Deductions on the Khaisora Operations, Waziristan, 8th June 1937, Rees Mss. Mss.Eur.F.274/4 and A.H.Q. India Training Memorandum No. 14 Collective TraininR Period /936-37 (Delhi, 1937). pp.8-12 LJMIU17/5/2199. 108. Sec Report by His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India on the operations carried out in Waziristan between the 16th December 1937 and the 31st December I 938 and Report by His Excellency the Commander• in-Chief in India on the operations carried out in Waziristan between the I st January 1939 and the 31st December 1939. 6th June 1940, UMIL/7/16971. 109. Bartholomew to Wilson, Feb. 1937. LIWS/1/257. I 10. Wilson to Auchinleck, 18th May 1937, and Auchinleck to Wilson, 27th May 1937, UWS/1/257. Ill. Commander-in-Chief to Wilson, 28th May 1937, UWS/11257. I 12. Wilson to Auchinleck, 2nd July 1937, UWS/11257. 113. Newall to Deverell, 20th Sept. 1937, PRO AIR 8/529. 114. Waldie, op. cit., p.216, Under Secretary to the Government of India Defence Department, to the Secretary Military Dept, India Office, 28th June 1938, and SSI to Government of India Army Department, 3rd Nov. 1938, L/WS/1/257. 115. A.H.Q. India Training Memorandum No. 16 Collective Training period 1937-38 (Delhi, 1938), p.l UMIUI7/512199. 116. See Lt.-Col. C.J. Wood, 'An Operation in the Vicinity of Spinwam- 20th October 1937'. JUSII. 68/292 (I 938), pp.255-66, Maj. M. Glover, 'Ordnance Service in Waziristan', JUS/I, 68/292 (1938), pp.31 1-15 and Maj. J.E. Hirst, 'Second Echelon in Frontier Operations', JUSI/, 68/293 (1938), pp.431-447. 117. Lt.-Col. G.R. Stevens, Hisror_v of the 2nd King Edward VII'J Own Goorkha Rifles (Til£ Sirnwor Rifles) (Aidershot, 1952), Vol. Ill pp.33-4. 118. Auspex, 'The Dream Sector, L. of C.', JUS/I, 681291 (1938), p.209. 119. Lt.-Col. F.C. Simpson, 'Review of Frontier Policy from 1849-1939'. JUS II. 74/317 (1944), p.484. 120. Fro~t~i~r WarjG" -lltdiG IAmi_\" alld RoyoJ Air For«) (Delhi, 1939). 121. See Anon. ·c~lion between lisht Tanks and lnfanuy (With special Application to Mountain Warfare vis·a·vis lnf.nuy Batt.lion Officen). JUS/I, 691296 ( 1939). pp.309-23 and Maj. C.M. Winafield. 'Mountain Warfare', JUS//, 69f297 ( 1939), pp.493-.50.5. 122. Om. Sir A. Skeen. PfUJing it On: Slton TQ/b 011 Tribal Fi1lttin1 011 tlw Ntmlt·WI'st Fr011til'r of INliD (London, 1939), 4th cd.


I. Maj. -Gen. J.O. Ellioc. Thl' Frontil'r 1839-1947 (London. 1968), p.l. 2. A. Hayter. 1M S«ottd Stl'p (London. 1962). p.98. 3. T.R. Moc:bitis, British Countl'rinsllrKI'nc_v in tltl' post·imtnrial l'ra (Manchester. 199.5 ), p.l33. 4. R. Oreaori.n, 'Junsle Bashing' in Malaya: Towards a Formal Tactical Doctrine', Small Wan Ulld lnsur,l'tteil's, .513 ( 1994), p.342 . .5. A.D. Enalish. 'The RAF Slaff Collqe and lhe Evolution of British SU'IIeaic Bombing Policy'. JSS. 1613, p.420. 6. R.M. Utley. 'The Contribution of the Frontier 10 lhe Americ.n Military Tndition', in H.R. Borowski (ed.). n,,. Ham~on Ml'morial ucturl's in Military History. /959-19117 (Wuhinaton, 1988), p . .58. 7. Maj .• Oen. S. Woodbum-Kittly. n,,. Wur aRainst JaptJII. vo/,. Ill: 1M D«lslw &lnll's (London. 1962). p.27. 8. Ami.Y in lttdiD TfdininR Mmwfdttdum. No. 1 War ~ril's (Simla. 1940), p.l LJMIU 17/.512240. 9. Lewis to Wife. 24Ch Nov. 1939, IL!4·is Mss. IWM 7414811. I 0. W .H. AlltOn, 'M_,. Du_v anJ AK" ', n,,. Ml'nwin of William Lcnt·ry· ALston at OM tUM Q British Offiur in H.M. /ttdiun Am~~- /917-1947 (Unpubli~ T.S. Memoir), Vol. VI. p.2. Vol. VII, pp.H-4 and Vol. VIII. pp.32-3 NAM BOOS- 1.51. II. Am1y in /NliD TfdininR Ml'mofdttdum No. 14 War ~ril's Jan110ry-F1'brwary 1942 (Simla. 1942). App. F. 12. Defence Department Despatch No.2 of 1941: Operations in Wuiristan from lht 1st January 1940 to the 24th May 1940, ISth Feb. 1941. UWS/l/1.526. 13. Bris. LE. Denny~. 'Report of Action on Tabe Zansai on lhe Nishi of 7/Blh Dec. 1940',LJMll./7/l6971. 14. See War Department De5paach No. I of 1942: Report by His E.«llmc;y lht CoiiUIWider-in-Chid India on lht operations in Wuirist&n between 2.5lh May 1940 and 30th September 1941. 2Slh Sept. 1942 and War Department Despa1ch No. I or 1943: Repon by His Ex«llenc:y the Commander-in--Chid in India on the operations carried ou1 in Wuiristan betweeo lhe lst October 1941 and Jist December 1942. 2ad Aus. 1943, UWS/l/1526. 15. 001 Defentt to Department to SSI. 24th Aprill940, UWS/11377 and Brig. J.H. PrcncbJUI. Prrtttll'r's Pro1rru: A SoiJi~r in India. /9]/-47 (London. 1979). p.ll4. 16. Brig. W.E. Condon. Th~ Frontiu Fo1w Rijl~s (Aldenhot. 1953). p.290. Not~s 219

17. .4nny in lrtdio Troirtilrt MrmorriNIIUPI No. 9 Wor ~rirs July /941 (Delhi. 1941) l.JMIUI7J.512240. 18. Milittlry Troittittl PQIIIP#rlrt No. 7 (ltulitl) ExtrttSivr Woiforr (Notrs 011 WDtforr illlftDIUIIIlinotu rowrtry bmw~n rrtotllnrforrrs in Emtun tlwotrrsJ (Simla. 1941), p.3, 2nded.l.JMIUI7/.512248. 19. Report of the Infantry Comminee 1943. 1st-14th June 1943. UWS/1/ 1371. 20. Capt. BJ. Donica. 'Notes on Mounl&in Warfue Course Abbolcab8d.' April 1940. Donlro Mu, LHCMA, Col. W.N. Nic:holson. TM SN/folll. Rrtirrwnt 1928 to 1946 (Ipswich, 1947). p.ISI 8Dd LA.-Col. R.M. Mowell to Author. 14th Sept. 1994. 21. Under Secretary 10 the Government of India. Oerenc:e Department (Anny Branch). co Chter orthe General Stall'. 7lh Much 1941. UWS/11.529. 22. CIN4nrs of /ttStrvctioft, lrtdiD No. II Frotllirr Worftlrr Scltool, ltulio, Kahl 1941 (Delhi, 1941) l.JMIUI7/.512201. 23. LA.-Col. R.M. Muwellto Author. 14lh Sept. 1994. and Interview with Major F. Oelens. lllh Oct. 1994. 24. DMT, GHQ India. DMT, War Office. 18lh June 1943. LJWS/111302. 25. E.D. Smilh. &lnlr for BMnnll (London, 1979), p.IO. LA. -Col. H.B. Hudson. Tltosr Blur RrmrmiHrrd Hilb (Unpublished TS Memoir. 1980). p.22S Hwlson Mu Pboto.Eur.l79 and Director or Military Training. General Headquarters India. co Dimc:tor or Military Training. War Office. 18th June 1943. Ill Aug. 1942. App. G. LJWS/111364. 26. See Militory· Troirtilrt Pmrrpltln No. 6 ( ltulio) TM S~~ppon of LoNJ forus in Tribtll Worforr 011 rill Wr.rt~nr Frontiu of/tulio, 1940 (Simla. 1941) .4mr~.4ir OprrruiotU Pmrrpltl~t No. 8 ( lndiD) Air Foras i11 S~~ppon of tlw .4mr.v in Tribtll WDrfiJTr 0111/w Wrstrnr FI'OIIIirr of lrtdiii/PoU (Delhi. I 944 ). 27. Militory Troini111 Ptmtphlrt No. /6 (Indio) Pltuoon uGding in Frontirr WorfoTr (Simla. 1942) 2acl Ed. 194.5. 28. L1.-Col. F.C. Simpson. 'Frontier Warfare in Reuospecl and Pro5pect'. JUSII. 731313 (1943). p.378. 29. LA. -Col. P.A. Mea, 'Frontier Tactics Defended'. JUSII. 741314 (1944), p.6S. 30. 'Auspex', 'Rdections on Mobility in land Fon:n', JUSII. 74131.5 (1944), pp.I.SS-9. 31. LA ...Qen. Sir F. Tulter. Whilr Mrmory SrtWs (london. 19.56), p.360 and Frontirr COIItlftill« 1945 (Calcuna, 194.5). p.4. 32. GOC in Oter 10 Norlh Wesccm Army. Southern Army. Easlem Command 8Dd Central Commaod. 28lh Aug. 194.5, UWS/Jn67. 33. COS lo HQ Norlh WC5fem Army. Soulhem Army. Eastern Command and Cencral Command. Slh Sept. 194.5, UWS/Jn89. 34. Of/KiGl History· of {}prrrlliOIU 011 tit, N. W Frott~irr of /IIdia /920-15 (Delhi, 194.5). p.vii. JS. See Maj. W.J. Spaight, 'The Fron1ier Myth'. JUS/I, 7S/320 (194.5), pp.374-6. Brig. M.R. Robens. 'Frontier Reali lies'. JUS/I, 761322 ( 1946), pp.SJ-9 and 'The Admiral', 'Further Thoughcs on Fron1ier Myths', JUS/I. 761323 ( 1946). pp.22S-9. 36. Record or a Con(erence held al Government House. 241h April 1946. UP&S/ 1213266. 220 Notes

37. Repon by General Sir Claude J.E. Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief in India covering the period I st January to 31st December 1945, 30th June 1947, p.22 PRO WO 203n670 and DMT India to the DMT, War Office, lst Aug. 1945. UWS/In67. 38. Brig. M.C. Frye. Director of Weapons & Equipment. to Brig. J.R. Reynolds, 6th May 1946. and Directive - The Experimental Frontier Bde, 6th May 1946, UWS/1/1485. 39. Mountain Warfare against Guerrilla Enemy Final Report on Trials by 25 (Experimental) Infantry Brigade, April 1947, PRO WO 231/34. 40. Brig. T.L. Miller to GHQ (I) DMT Branch. 20th April 1947, PRO WO 231/34. 41. M. Ayub Khan. Friend.~ not Masters. A Political Autobiography (Lahore, 1967). p.l8. 42. U.-Col. H.E. Cotton, 'Operation Curzon- The Evacuation of Waziristan', REJ. 62 (1948), pp.l83-200 and G. Cunis, 'Nonh-West Frontier of Pakistan- An Old Problem in a New Setting', AQ. 5612 (1948), pp.l85-6. 43. Gen. Sir P. de Ia Billiere, LookinR for Trouble. From SAS to Gulf Corrunand: The Autobiography (London. 1995), pp.28-9. 44. M. Mann. The Trucial Oman Scouts: The Story of a Bedouin Force (Norwich, 1994), pp.I02-3. 45. D. Charters, 'From Palestine to Nonhem Ireland: British adaptation to low· intensity operations', in D. Charters and M. Tugwell (eds.). Armies in Low· Intensity Conflict: A Comparati1•e Analysis (London. 1989), p.l90 and Mockaitis. op. cit., pp.2, 8 and 52-3. 46. See Lt.-Col. T.M. Stevens, 'Operations in the Radfan, 1964' JRUS/, II 0/640 ( 1965), pp.335--46 and Brig. G.S. Heathcote, 'Operations in the Radfan', JRUS/, 1111641 (1966), pp.30-40,. 47. Maj. S.M. Slater. 'Radfan'. British Army Review (Dec. 1981 ), p.l6. 48. C. Townshend, Britain's Civil Wars: Countuinsurgenc:y in the Twentieth Century (London. 1986). p.150. T. Jones. 'The British Army, and Counter• Guerrilla Warfare in Transition, 1944-52', Small Wars and Insurgencies. 713 ( 1996), p.273 and James, op. dt., p.53. 49. T.R. Mockaitis. British Counrerinsurgenl'y, 19/9-1960 (London, 1990), p.87. Select Bibliography


(i) Private Papers

Oriental and India Office Library and Records Barrow Mss. P..tpcrs of General Sir Edmund Barrow. Mss.Eur.E.420. Birdwood Mss. Papers of Field Marshal Sir W.R. Birdwood, Mss.Eur.D.686. Bolam Mss. Papers of Lt.-Col. J.V. Bolam, Mss.Eur.C.308. Bruce Mss. Papers of R.I. Bruce and Lt. -Col. C. E. Bruce, Mss.Eur.F.l63. Cunningham Mss. Papers of Sir George Cunningham, Mss.Eur.D.670. Curzon Mss. Papers of George Curzon. Mss.Eur.Flii/Fil2. Elgin Mss. Papers of the Ninth Earl of Elgin and 13th Earl of Kincardine. Mss.Eur.F.84. Grey Mss. Papers of Brigadier C.E. Gray, Mss.Eur.D.1037. Keyes Mss. Papers of General Sir Charles Keyes, Mss.Eur.D.I 048. Kirke Mss. Papers of General Sir Walter Mervyn StGeorge Kirke, Mss.Eur.E.396. Lawrence Mss. Papers of Sir Henry Lawrence, Mss.Eur.F.90. Monro Mss. Papers of General Sir Charles Carmichael Monro, Mss.Eur.D.783. Morison M.~s. Papers of Colonel 0. Morison, Mss.Eur.D.II75. Morley Mss. Papers of John, Viscount Morley of Blackburn, Mss.Eur.D.573. Muspratt Mss. Papers of Major-General Sydney Muspratt, Mss.Eu.r.F.223. Parsons Mss. Papers of Major-General Sir Arthur Parsons, Mss.Eur.D.696. Phillips Mss. Papers of Major T.J. Phillips, Mss.Eur.C.393. Rees Mss. Papers of Major-General Thomas Wynford Rees, Mss.Eur.F.277. Roos-Keppel Mss. Papers of Lt.-Col. George Roos-Keppel, Mss.Eur.D.613. White Mss. Papers of Field Marshal Sir George White Mss. Mss.Eur.F.108.

Public Record Office Ardagh Mss. Papers of Lt.-Gen. Sir John Ardagh. PRO WO 30/40. Kitchener Mss. Papers of Field Marshal Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, PRO WO 30/57. Roberts Mss. Papers of Sir Frederick Roberts, PRO WO 105. Slessor Mss. Papers of Air Marshall.C. Slessor, PRO AIR 75.

Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives Bartholomew Mss. Papers of General Sir W. Bartholomew. Don lea Mss. Papers of Captain B.J. Donlea. Foulkes Mss. Papers of Major-General C. H. Foulkes. Howell Mss. Papers of E. Howell. Ismay Mss. Papers of General H.l. Ismay.

221 222 Select Bibliography

Liddell Han Mss. Papers of Captain B.H. Liddell Han. Montgomery-Massingberd Mss. Papers of Field Marshal Sir A. Montgomery· Massingberd.

Aviation Records Department, Royal Air Force Museum Bottomley Mss. Papers of Air Chief Marshal Sir N.H. Bottomley, B2234-B2312 and A 790-AH03. Salmond Mss. Papers of Air Vice-Marshal J. Salmond, B2580-B2662. Trenchard Mss. Papers of Marshal of the R.A.F. Viscount Sir H. Trenchard. MFC 7611.

National Army Museum Browne Mss. Papers of General SirS. Browne, NAM 7703-49. Dening Mss. Papers of Lt.·General Sir L. Dening, NAM 7810·106. Egerton Mss. Papers of Major-General C.C. Egerton, NAM 6502-104. Haines Mss. Papers of General Sir P. Haines, NAM 8108-9. Kempster Mss. Papers of Brigadier-General F.J. Kempster, NAM 7W7-37. Mason Mss. Papers of Lt.-Colonel A.H. Mason, NAM 7809-32. Moleswonh Mss. Papers ofLt.-General G.N. Moleswonh, NAM 6509-56. Rawlinson Mss. Papers of Lord Rawlinson of Trent. NAM 5201-33. Robens Mss. Papers of Sir Frederick Robens, NAM 7101-23. Spenser Wilkinson Mss. Papers of H. Spenser Wilkinwn, NAM. Tighe Mss. Papers of Lt ..Colonel S.C. Tighe, NAM 8206-83. Gough Mss. Papers of Field Marshal Gough. NAM 8304-32-404.

Imperial War Museum lnskip Mss. Papers of Major-General R.D. lnskip. IWM INP 1/1. Lewis Mss. Papers of Major-General H. V. Lewis, IWM 74/4811. Maynard Mss. Papers of Brigadier F.H. Maynard.IWM 761183/1. Tuker Mss. Papers of Major-General F.I.S. Tuker, IWM 17/21/1-8. Wilson Mss. Papers of Field Marshal Sir H. Wilson, IWM HHW 2/13/. Williams Mss. Papers of Major-General A.E. Williams, IWM 88/56/1.

The Gurkha Museum, Winchester Villiers-Stuan Mss. Papers of Brigadier-General W.D. Villiers-Stuan, V 1-5.

Dorset Military Museum, the Keep, Dorchester Symons Mss. Papers of Captain A.D. Symons. DMM 6211687/297.

Collections in private hands Matheson Mss. Standerwick Coun. Frome. Somerset. Select Bibliography 223 Unpublished Memoirs W.H. Alston, 'My Day and Age': The Memoirs of William Lowry Alston at one time a British Officer in H.M. Indian Army 1917-1947 (Unpublished T.S. Memoir, 1961-2) NAM 8005-151. Lt.-Col. H.B. Hudson, Those Blue Remembered Hills (Unpublished T.S. Memoir. 1980) Photo.Eur.l79. Brig.-Gen. E.W. Maconchy, Memoirs of Brigadier-General E. W.S.K. Maconchy /860-1920 (Unpublished T.S. Memoir. nd) NAM 7908-62-1. Col. H.R.C. Pettigrew, 'It Seemed VerJ Ordinary': Memoirs of Sixteen Years Service in t~ Indian Anny 1932-47 (Unpublished T.S. Memoir, I 980) IWM 84129/1. D. Rees. Indian General Service Medal (Unpublished T.S. Memoir, 1955) NAM 6106-21. Col. H.R. Ross, The Diaries of Hurry Ross (Unpublished T.S. Memoir, 1929) Mss.Eur.B.235.

Interviews Col. A. Gibb. Colonel A.A. Mains. Major T. Matheson, Major A. De lens.

(ll) Official Documents

Public Record Offic:e War Office Papers War Office General Correspondence W032 Miscellaneous Reports and Memoranda W033 Directorate of Military Operations and Intelligence wo \06 Director of Military Intelligence Papers, 1917-1948 W0208

Air Ministry Papers Air Historical Branch Records AIRS Papers of the Chief of the Air Staff AIRS Directorate of Plans AIR9 R.A.F. Overseas Commands AIR 23

India Offic:e Library and Records Home Miscellaneous Series Hn6I

Military Depanment Records Official Correspondence from India UMlU3 Compilations and Miscellaneous UMIU5 Military Collections UMIL/7 Military Department Library UMIU17 Registers and Indexes ZJI.JMIL War Staff Series Files 1921-50 UWSII 224 Select Bibliography Political and Secret Department Records Political and Secret Home Correspondence UP&sn Political and Secret Subject Files UP&S/10 Political and Secret Annual Files UP&S/11 Political and Secret Collections UP&S/12 Political and Secret Memoranda UP&S/18 Political and Secret Library UP&S/20

Proceedings Punjab foreign Proceedings (Frontier) 1889-190 I P/141-6079 Foreign Department Proceedings (Frontier) I 890-1921 P/3737-11085 India Military Proceedings 1849-1937 P/41/32-P/12099


(I) Parliamentary Command Papers

Kandahar and Khyber Pass. HC [281 I I. BPP ( 1881), LXX. Black Mountain, HC (55611. BPP (188K). LXXVII. Orakzai and Black Mountain, HC (65261 BPP (I K91 ). LIX. -Nagar, HC (6621], BPP(l892). LVIII. Chitral: 1895. HC (7864!. BPP ( 1896). LXXII. Military Operations on the North-West frontiers of India. Papers regarding British relations with the Neighbouring tribes on the North-West frontier of India and the Military Operations undertaken against them during the year 1897-98, HC (8713-4). BPP ( 1898), 2 Vols .• LXIII. Return setting out Wars and Military Operations on or beyond the Borders of British India in which the Government of India has been engaged since 1849, in chronological order; the causes of such Wars and Operations; the locality in which troops operated; the results obtained; the number of troops employed; the cost of such Wars and Operations; and the amount of any con• tributions towards such costs from the British Treasury, HC 113]. BPP ( 1900). LVII. Papers regarding British relations with the neighbouring uibes on the North-West Frontier of India and the Punjab Frontier Administration, HC (4961. BPP (1901), XLIX. Mahsud-Waziri operations. HC I I 1771. BPP ( 1902). LXXI. Papers regarding, I, : requests of certain clans to be taken under British administration, II, Zakka Khel Afridis: operations. III, : operations. HC (42011. BPP (1908). LXXIV. East India (Afghanistan) Papers regarding Hostilities with Afghanistan, 1919. HC [324]. BPP ( 1919), XXXVII. Tribal Disturbances in (25th November-14th June. 1937), HC 154951. BPP ( 1937). Select Bibliography 225 (ii) Official Publications

Official Histories (fisted chronologically)

Lt.-Col. W.H. Paget, £rpeditions ver~·us the North West Frontier tribes (Calcutta: Office of Superintendent of Government Printing. I 874 ). The Anglo-Afghan War of 1879-80 compiled at the Intelligence Branch of the Quartermaster-Genera/'~· Department. Hone Guards (London: War Office, 1881). The Second Afghan War: Compiled and collaud by and under the orders of Mujor-Genl. Sir C.M. MacGregor (Simla: Government Central Branch Press, 1885) 6 vols. Lt.-Col. W.H. Paget and Lt. A.H. Mason, Expeditions 1•ersus the North West Frontier Tribes (London: Published by Authority, 1884). The Mah.~ud-Wm:iri Expedition 1881 (Simla: Government Central Branch Press. 1884). Capt. A.H. Mason, Expedition against the Bladr. Mountain tribes by a force under Major-General Sir Wither~· Ml·Quun in 1888 (Simla: Intelligence Branch, 1889). Capt. A.H. Mason, Operations against the Tribes on the Miranwi Frontier under the command of Brigadier-General Sir William Alexander Lockhart in 1891 (Simla: Intelligence Department, 1891 ). Capt. A.H. Mason, Operotions of the Zhoh Field Forc:e under Major-General Sir George Stuart White in 1890 (Simla: Intelligence Branch. Q.M.G.'s Dept. 1892). Capt. A. H. Mason, Expedition against the /sazai Clans on the Hazara Border hy a force under the command of Major-General Sir William Stephen Alexander Lockhart in /892 (Simla: Intelligence Branch. Q.M.G.'s Dept, 1894). Capt. A.H. Mason, Expedition against the Hasun;:ai and AlwUJi tri!Ns of the Black Mountain by a force under the command of Major-General William Kidston Elle.dn /891 (Simla: Intelligence Branch. Q.M.G.'s Dept. 1894). Lt. F.G. Cardew, The Second Afghan War. Abridged and Re-edited (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing. 1897). Lt.-Col. A.H. Mason and Lt. O.K. Cockerill. Operations against the Mahsud Waliris by a force under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir William Stephen Altxander Lockhart in 189-1-95, with a short accounT of the events which led up to the expedition (Simla: Intelligence Branch, Q.M.G.'s Dept, 1897). Capt. W.R. Robertson, An Official Account of the Chitral Expedition 1895 (Calcutta: Intelligence Branch, Q.M.G.'s Dept, 1898). Capt. F.A. Hoghton, Opaations of the Mohmand Field Fora in 1897 (Simla: Intelligence Branch. Q.M.G.'s Department, 1899). Maj. G.V. Kemball. Operations of the Tochi Field Force in /897-98 (Simla: Intelligence Branch, Q.M.G.'s Dept, 1900). Capt. G.H. Walters. Operations of the Tirah Expeditionat:~• Foru 1897-98. under the ,·omnwnd of General Sir William Stephen Alexander Lockhart (Simla: Intelligence Branch, Q.M.G.'s Dept. 1900). 226 Select Bibliography

Capt. H.F. Walters, Thi' Operations of the Malakand Field Fora and rhe Bunu Field Fora 1897-98 (Simla: Intelligence Branch, Q.M.G."s Dept. 1900). Major G.B. Unwin, His/Of)' of the blockade of the Mah.sud Waziris in 1900--1901 (Simla: Intelligence Branch, 1904). Frontier and Overseas Expeditions from India (Simla: Published by Authority, 1907-13). Vol. I. Tribes North of rhe Kabul River (Simla: 1907). Vol. II. North-West Frontier Tribes between the Kabul and Gu111ill Ril'ers (Simla: 1908). Vol. I Supplement A. Operations against the Mohmands /908 (Calcutta: 1910). Vol. II. Supplement A. Operations aguin.ft the Zalr.ka Khel Afridis (Calcutta: 1908). Operations in Waziri.f/an 1919-1920 (Calcutta: G.S.I., 1921 ). The Third Afghan War 1919. Official History (Calcutta: G.S.I., 1926). Official History of Operations on the N. W Frontier of India 1920-35 (Delhi: Manager of Publications, Delhi. 1945). Official History of the Operations on rhe N. W. Frontier of India, /936--7 (Delhi: Army Depanment. 1943 ).

Reports and Government of India Publications (listed chronologic:a/ly) General Report on the Administration of the Punjab, for the years 1849-50 and /850-51 (London: Printed for the Court of Directors 1854). Selec:tions from the Records of lhe Government of India. (Foreign Department}. No. VI General Report on rhe Administration of rhe Punjab Terri/ories. c·om• prising the Punjab Proper and the Cis and Trans-Sutlej States. for the Years 1851-52 and 1852-53 (Calcutta: Thos. Jones. Ollcutta Gauttc Office. 1854 ). Report on the Administration of Public Affairs in the Punjuub Territories fr<~m 1854-55 to 1855-561ndusil'e (Calcutta: Official, 1856). Report Showing the Relations of the Briti.fh Government with the Tribes. Independent and Dependent. on the Norrh-West Fronrier of rhe Punjab from Annexation in /849 to the close of /855 (Calcutta. 1855). General Report on the Administration of the Punjab and its Dependencies. for 1859-60 (Calcutta: Bengal Printing Company Limited, 1860). Through to 1866--67. Report Showing the Relatiom of th~ British Government with rhe tribes on the North- West Frontier <~f the Punjab, from annexation in 1849 to the close of 1855; and continua/ion of the same ro August 1864 (Lahore: Punjab Government, 1865). Report on the AdminiMrarion of rhe Punjab and its Dependencies for the .vear 1874-75 (Lahore: Government Civil Secretariat Press. 1875) through to 1885-86. Short Report on lmp<1rtant Questions dealt with during the tenure of Com1tlilnd of the Army in India by General Lord Roberts 1885-1893 (Simla: Government Central Printing Office. 1893). Report on the Mountain Artillery Practice Camps at Dhagul and Rujpur. 1892-93 (Simla: Government Central Printing Office, 1893). Report on the Mountain Artillery Pracrice Camps held at Rajpur. Dhagul, and Puniala in 1893-94 (Simla: Government Central Printing Office, 1894). Select Bibliography 227

Repon on the Mountain Artillery Practice Camps held at Rajpur and Dhagul in 1894-95 (Simla: Government Central Printing Office. 1895). Repon on tM Commissariat-Transport Arrangements of the Tirah Ex~ditionary Force, 1897-98 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1899). A Dictionary of the Pathan Tribes on the Nonh West Frontier of India (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Army Printing. 1899). 2nd ed., 1910. Report on the Attock Manoeuvres March 1899 (Simla: Government Central Branch Press, 1899). Summary of the Measures con.~idered or carried vut in the Military Department of the Government of India during the Viceroyalty of the Earls of Elgin and Kincardine. January 1895 to December 1899 (Calcutta: Office of Superintendent of Government Printing, 1899). Administration Report on the North- West Frontier Province from 9th No1•ember 1901 to 3/st March 1903 (Peshawar: N.W.F.P. Government Press. 1903). Administration Report of the North-West Frontier Provina (Peshawar: Government Press 1901-40). Report on Brigade Training. Bannu Brigade, undu the orders of Major-General C.G.M. Fasken, commanding Bannu Brigade. February 1908 (Allahabad: Pioneer Press 1908). Records of the Staff College, Quetta. (Established 1905) (Simla: Government Central Printing Office, I 908) 2 vols. Report of a Conference of Staff 0/fic·ers held at Agra under the direction of lieutenant-General Sir Beauchamp Duff January 1909 (Simla: Government Monotype Press. 1909). Maj. R.T. Ridgeway, Pathans (Calcutta: Government of India, 1910). Record of Lord Kitchener's Administrativn of the Arm.v in India 1902-1909 (Simla: Government Central Branch Press, 1909). Proceedings of the Committee on the Obligation.~ devolving on tM Army in India, its Strength and Cost (Army in India Committee, 19/2) (Simla: Government Central Pres.~. 1913), 6 vols. Nonh-West Frontier /9/4. Repon of Punitive Opuation against tM Bunerwals on 23rd February 1914 (Delhi: G.S.I., 1914). Repon by Major-General Hugh O'Donnell on an attock on Spino Khaisora on the 7th January 1915 (Simla: G.S.I., 191 5). Repon on the operation.f in the vicinity of Miran.fhah. 25th and 26th March 1915 (Simla: G.S.I., 1915). Report of a Conference of General Officers held at Delhi 22nd to 24th February /917 under the direction of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India (Delhi: G.S.I., 1917). Report by His Excellency General Sir Charles Carmichael Monro. C-in-C India. on the minor military operations undenakLn from March /9/6 to March 1917 on the North- West Frontier of Indio, and elsewhere in the Indian Empire, including Atkn, also in South and South-East Persia (Simla: G.S.I., 1917). Despatch by Brigadier-General G.M. Baldwin, Commanding Derajat Brigade. on the Ac:tion of the Derajot Column near Sarwekoi (Simla: Government of India, 19\7). Report by Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Arnold Barrett. commandinR the Northern Army, on the operations against the Mahsuds, March-August 1917 (Simla: G.S.I., 1917). 228 Mlrct Bibliograph·y

Rrport of IM Attack b)· Malutuls on a Con~'O)' Procudi11w from Nili Koch to Khllj11ri K«h 1st Moy /917 (Simla: Government or India. 1917). R~pon on tlw Action n~Qr Sorwriai lOth Moy 1917 (Simla: Gov~nt of India Press, 1917). R~pon on tlw «lion of tlw lHrajat Mowsbl~ Colulfllf nNr Karab Kotllst April /9/1 (Simla: Government of India Prn.s. 19171. R'pon on tlw ap,rations oftlw 45th BriiQtl,, Wa:iristCIII Fi'ld Fore~ at N111111 21st JMM 1911 (Simla: Government of India. 1917). R~pons ofth~ Allod by Mahswds on T111 Norai Post Jist Ma_v 1917 (Simla: Government of India. I 9 J7 ). R'port by Major-G,nual Sir Richard WapshQIY, commt~ndinl 4tlr (QwllaJ DivuiDII, on IM ~rations IINI~niJUn oroitut tlw Morri 0111:1 Klwtrrut tri~s dMrlrrJ IM ~riod Moreh to May 19/8 (Simla: G.S.I .. 1919). R'port 011 tlr' Principol M~asur's toA:~n irr Indio during tlw Wor 10 Maintain Tralllilrf o1 IM SI4Niard "qwi"d in Motkm Wor (Calcuua: O.S.I., 1919). R'ports by G.O.C. Boluchiston Foru on tlr' Otnrations in tlr~ vici11lty of IAk4bGnd. K11pip arrd Fon Sand"'"'" /Jth-18tlr J11/y /9/9 (Simla: G.S.I .. 1919). R'pon on IM Action at Spin /JQidd. (Simla: G.S.I .. 1919). R~cn~itinl i11/NIUJ. ~o" 0111:1 durinw IM ~W~r of 1914-18 (Delhi: A.H.Q. in India. 1919). R~port by Mojor Gnl~ral S.H. Climo on tit~ O~ralions of 1/w Wo:iristan Fi'IJ Fo~ fmm 1M /Orlr lo 1Jrd JuM 1919 (Simla: G.S.I .. 1919). Shon ltllrraliw of ~nrs fo,.,.·artkd by Major-G~n~ral SA:iplon Hill C/imo. com• lltlllldilll Wa:iris1011 Fi,ld Fore,, fl"'Off 27th Ma_,. to 9rh J~ 1919 wlwn tM rrli'f of Jllllllolo -.-cas 'ff«.,d

Th~ Army in India and its E1•olution (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, 1924). Despa1ch by His Exall~ncy Genaa/ Lord Rawlinson of Trent on the Operations of th~ Waziristan Force forth~ period 8th May 1920 to 31st March 1921 (Delhi: G.S.I .• 1921 ). Despatch by H.E. Genua/ Lord Ruwlin.wn of Trent, C-in-C in India, on the opera• tions of the Wa~iristan Force for the period 1st April 192/ to 3/Jt ~c~mber 1921 (Delhi: G.S.I., 1921). Report on the Admini.ftration of the Border of the North- West Frontier Province (Peshawar: Government Press, 1921-38). ~spatch by His Excellency General Lord Rawlinson of Trent on the Operations of the Wa;:iristan Force for the period 1st January 1922 to the 20th April /923 (Simla: G.S.I., 1923). Proaedings of the Military Requirements Committee /92/. Minutes of Meetings and Record of El'idence indudinR written Memormtda and lmkx to Evidence (Simla: Superintendent. Government Central Press. 1921 ). Ea.ftem Conunand Mano~uvres (Simla: G.S.I., 1925). Summary of Chief Events in North-West Frontier Tribal Territory from 1st January to 3/st December /922 (Delhi: General Staff Branch, 1923) 1922-1928, 1930-1933. Report of th~ Committee on th~ Arm£d Civil Forc~s of the Nonh West Frontier Provina (Simla: Government of India Press. 1926). Lt.-Col. J. Keen, The North-West Frontier Province and the War (Peshawar: N.W.F.P. Government 1928). Report on the Staff Exercise and Mano~uvres held under the orderJ of the G.O.C.• in-C Northern Command, Indio 22nd Nm·~mher to 30th Nm•ember 1925 (Calcutta: Government of India Central Publication Branch, 1926). Report on Northern Command Manoeuvr~s (India) 1928 (Delhi: Government of India Press, 1929). M~morandum on Army Training (India) l11dividua/ Training Period 1929 (Delhi: Government of India Press, 1929) 1929-38. J.M. Ewart and E. Howell, Story of th~ North- W~.ft FronJiu Province (Pc:<;hawar: Government Printing and Stationary Office. 1930). Memorandum on Army Training (India} Collective Training Period /929-30 (Simla: Government of India Press, 1930). A.H.Q. India Training Memorandum No. 2 Colleclil•e Tmini11g period /930-31 (Simla: Government of India Press, 1931) 1931-38. D~sparch by H.E. Fi~fd Marshal Sir W.R. Birdwood on the Disturbances on the North- West Frontier of India from 23rd April 10 12th September. 1930 (Delhi: Printed by the Manager. Government of India Press, 1930). Summary of Administratioll of Field Marshal Sir W.R. Birdwood as Commander• in-Chief India (Simla: Government of India Press. 1931). Report of the Tribal Control and Defence Comminu /931 (Delhi: Government of India. 1931 ). Expert investigation of the strength, ,·omposition and funcrions of the Army in India, /931 (Simla: G.S.I., 1931). Re/)(Jrt of the Frontier Wau·h and Ward Commillee (New Delhi: Government of India Press, 1936). Lt.-Col. F.M. Matthews, Pathans (New Delhi: Government of India, 1938). 230 ~/~cl Bibliography

Rrponoftlw MOtkmi:tJtion Comminrr (SimJa: Anny He.dq...nen.lndi.. 1938). 'Report of the E.xpen Comminee on lhe Defence of India 1938-39 (aa.tfleld Commiaee)". Delhi. 3001 Jan. 1939, UMIU1715/1802. Rrponoftltl FroNi,Commilln 1945 (C.aa.n.: Government of lndi-. 194~).

Military R~ports. Tribal Tabl~s. and Ga:murs C..,c. A. H. Muon. Rrpon on tlw Blllcl: MOIUftllin liNl ad)«rnt iltlkf"Nimt '"ri· tory (Simla: Government Cencral Preu. 1888). Capt. A.H. Muon. Notrs on Spin liNl WlllfO liNl tM ltdjacrnt Colllllry (Simt.: Government Cencral Preu. 1892). Capt. A.H. Muon. Rrpon 011 thr Mahsud·WtJ:.iri TriiH (Simla: lruelliseoce Branch Q.M.G. 's Depanment. 1894). u.-Col. A.H. Muon. Rrpon on tltr HindusttJni FoiUltics (Simla: lntellisenc:e Branch Q.M.G.'s Depuunent. 189~). C..,c. EJ. Swayne. TriboltllbiC's ofthC' 811Nf'K'tJis liNl Milhbourinl trl~Ms (Simt.: lntellisence Branch. Q.M.G. 's Depc. 1897). Capt. A.S. Hamilton. Militory Rrpon of SotitMm Wavri.rtQif (Simla. 1900). Militllry R'I'On 01t tlw COIUftr)·IHtwnn tlw KabultWJ K,,_. Rivrrs (Calc:utta: Division of the ofO.ief of Sl&ff, 1908). Notrs on tlw /NiiQif Frofllirrs (Simla: G.S.I., 1912). Militory Rrpon on tltr O..rojot Brigcu/r lttWJ (Simla: G.S.I.. 1913). Militory Rqxm on IM Bannu BriRQdr ltrra (Simla: G.S.I., 191$). Militory R'I'On 011 Kltost orttl tM COIUftry IHtwC'rn tM K11,_.l1Nl Toclti RiVC"rs (Simla: G.S.J .• 1919). Nonlt-Wrst FrotttiC"r Tribol Table's (Simla: Government Cencral Press. 1921). MiliUJry Rrpon on R4wtllpindi District (Simla: G.S.J .• 1922). Milltory Rrpon on UnitC'd PrO\•inus District (Simla: G.S.J., 1923). Mi/IUJry Rrpon on Crltlrol Provi~tus District

Military R~port on the Deccan Distrit:tl930 (Calcutta: G.S.I., 1931 ). Military Report on th~ Poona (lndeperuknt) Brigade Ar~a (Calcutta: G.S.I., 1932). Military R~port on Waziristan (Calcutta: G.S.I., 1936). Military Report and Gazetteer on Dir. Swat and Bajour (Calcutta: Political Department, 1937). Military Report and Gauttur on the Peshawar District (Calcutta: G.S.I .. 1939). Routes in Waziristan. Bannu and Derajat (New Delhi: G.S.I., 1939). Military R~port and Gautlter of Indus Kohistan, Black Mountain and adjacent territory (Simla: G.S.I., 1941 ). Rout~s in Chitral, Gilgit & Kohistan (Simla: G.S.I., 1942). Mobiliwtion. Air Force objutives, Afridis & Oralczais Country (Simla: G.S.I., 1928). Mobilizalion. Tribal Tables of the Mahsuds, Wazirs (Darwesh Khe/) and Daurs (Simla: G.S.I., 1928). Instructions Governing the employment of Armed Fones in the Maintenance

Training Manuals Field Exercises and Evolutions of Infantry (London: H.M.S.O .• 1867) Eds. of 1874, 1877 and 1884. Manual of Mountain Artillery Drill (Simla: Government Press, 1882). Infantry Drill (London: H.M.S.O., 1889). Infantry Drill (Provisional) (London: H.M.S.O., 1892). Mountain Artill~ry Drill (London: H.M.S.O.. 1891 ). Infantry Drill (London: H.M.S.O., 1893). Infantry Drill (Provisional) (London: H.M.S.O., 1902). Mountain Artillery Drill 1897 (Calcutta: Government of India Central Printing Office, 1897). Mountain Artillery Training (Calcutta: Office of Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1902). Mountain Warfare (Simla: Adjutant-General in India, 1900). Frontier Warfare /901 (Simla: Superintendent of Government. Printing, 1901). Bush Fighting. (An App~ndix to 'Frontier Warfare') (Calcutta: Superintendent of Govt. Printing, India, 1903 ). Frontier Warfare and Bu.fh Fighting (Calcutta: Government Printing, 1906 ). Notes on Staff Duties in Hill Warfare in India (London: General Staff, War Office, 1906). Training arul Manoeuvre Regulations, 1909 (London: War Office, 1909). Field Service Regulmions, Part I Operations (london: War Office, 1909). Field Service Regukllions. Part I Operatwns. 1909 (Reprinted with Amendments, /9/2) (london: War Office, 1912). Notes on Warfare on and across the North West Frontier of lrulia, with special ref• uence to the Combination of the Various Arms and Weapons (Calcutta: Superintendent of Govt. Printing, 1918). Notes on Warfare on and across the North West Frontier of India. with special ref• erence to the Combination of the Various Arms and Weapons (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, 1919). 232 Select Bibliography

Fi~ld Service R~gulationl· Vol. II Opaatiom ( Prm•i.~imtai) (London: War Office, 1920). Training Instructions. Mountain Warfare. Pt>shawar District (Peshawar: Anand. 1920). Notes on Mountain Warfare (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, 1920). Moumain Warfare School. Abbotlabud. Synopsis of l..ectu"s 1920 ( Reviud 1921) (Rawalpindi: E1ahi for General Staff Northern Command, 1921 ). Wat.irfora Tactical Notes (Dera Ismail Khan: New Commercial Press. Headquaners. Waziristan Force, 1921). Training and Manoeul·re Regulations 1923 (With additions for India) (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, 1924). Field Servke Regulations Vol. II (Operations) (London: War Office, 1924). MantuJI of Operations on the North- West Fro11tier of l11dia (Calcutta: Anny H.Q. India. 1925). Manual of Jungle Warfare for Officers of the Burnw Military Police (Rangoon: Deputy Inspector-General of Military Police, 1928). Field St!rvice Regulatifms Vol. II (Operations) (London: H.M.S.O., 1929). Waziristan Rt>lief Notes (Northern Command, 1933). Notes on Imperial Policing /934 (London: War Office, 1934). Trai11ing Regulations 1934 (London: H.M.S.O .• 1934). Field Servia Pocket Book, India (Delhi: Manager of Publications, 1935). Field Servia Regulations. Vol. II Operations- General (London: H.M.S.O .• 1935). Fro111ier Warfare - India (Army tmd Royal Air Foru) (Delhi: Defence Department. 1939). Courses of Instruction. India No. I I Frontier Warfare s,·htH!I, India, Kakull941

Standing Orders Standing Orders oftht> Punjab Fro11tier Force (Simla: Government Central Press. 1889). Standing Orders of the 2nd Punjab Infantry (Calcutta: Thacker Spink, 1895). Part Jl. Standing Orders ~f the 56th Punjahi Rifles F. F. (Bangalore: Higginsbotham & Co., 1910). Fit!ld Service Standing OrderJ for the Kohut Brigade by Brigadier-General W.R. Birdwood Comma11di11g Kohat Brigade (Roorkee: 1st K.G.O.s Sappers and Miners' Press, 1911). Standing Orders (War) ji1r the Wa;:iristan Field Fon·e June /919 (Dera Ismail Khan: New Commercial Press, 1919). Select Bibliography 233

Standing Orders for Frontier Warj(1re. 16th Infantry Brigade 1924 (Ahmednagar, 1924). Kolwt District Standing Orders for War and for weal ColumnJ (Lahore: The Model Electric Press, 1927). Standing Orders of the 2nd Battalion 13th Frontiu Force Rifte.f (Agra: Dayalbagh Press, 1934). Landi Koral Standing Orders .for War 1936 (Landi Kotal: Risalpur Press, 1936). Standing Orders for Hill Warfare for I st (Abbottabad) Infantry Brigade, May 1939 ( Abbonabad, 1939).

(iii) Periodicals

Military Proceedings of the United Service Institution of India (Proc. U.S.!.) Journal of the United Services Institution of India (J.U.S.I.I.) Journal of the Royal United Services Institute (J.R.U.S.I.) Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution (Proc.R.A.I.) United Service Magazine

Civilian Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Blackwood's) Cornhill Magazine. Contemporary Review Edinburgh Review (E.R.) Fortnightly Review (F.R.) Geographic Journal Nineteenth Century (Nineteenth) The Asiatic Review Journal of the Central Asian Society 1914-1939 (J.R.C.A.S.) Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review (I.A.Q.R.)

(iv) Published Memoirs

Gen. J. Adye, Recollt'£'tions of a Military Life (London: Smith Elder. 1895). Maj.-Gen. Sir J. Adye, Soldiers and Others I Have Known (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1925). Maj. W. Ashe, Personal Records of the Kandilhar Campaign by Officers engaged therein (London: David Bogue, 1881 ). 234 ~l~cl Bibliography

Bria.-Gen. H.H. Austin. Sotrt~ Rturtbl~s of a SapfWr (London: Edward Arnold. 1928). ll.-Gen. R. B*n-Powell. lltdit~~t M"'"'rin· R~coll«titHt.J of Sol4i~rilr6. Spon. Elc. (Loudon: Herben Jenkins. 191S). Gen. Sir 0. de. S. Barrow. '1"M Uf' of G'"'rol Sir Cltarl's Camtklta'l M01tro (London: Hutchinson. 1931 ). Gen. Sir 0. deS. Burow, '1"M Fi" of Ufr (London: Hutchinson, 1941 ). Field MU'Ihal Lord Binlwood, Khoii aNI Go ...,: An Alltobioln~plly (l...ondon: Ward Lock. 1942). Field Manbal lArd Binlwood,/n My Tiww (London: Skeffington. 1946). U.-Col. L.V. BIKker. PtJtlulru. P/Gff':s tJnd PrttJrds (Boumemouth: privately prin&ed. 1972). Sir B. Blood. Fo11r Scorr YrtJrs tJnd T'n: Sir Bindon Blood's Rrmiflisc,,.C', (L..ondon: 0. Bell. 1933). Bria. R.C. Bristow, u,morirs of'"' British RtJj. A SoiJiu ;,. lfflliD (Londoa: Johnson. 1974). R.I. Bruce, TM ForwtJrd Policy tJM its Rrsult:s: or. Tlliny·Fiv' YNn Worl tlff10fi8St tit~ Tribn on o11r Nonlr-Wr:st~rn Fronti" of lffllit1 (London: Longmans. Green. 1900). Maj. -Gen. C.E. C'&llwell, '1"M Mrmoin of Major Cdnrral Sir H111h M«Cal-t (L..ondon: Hutchinson, 1924). l...orcl CbMfickl./t Mi1ht HapfWn A1ain (London: Heinemann. 1947). Maj. J.A. Colquhoun. With tlw Kllf"f'QM Fi'ld Fo'n (London: W.H. Allen. 1881 ). Ckn. 0. O'Moore Creah, 771, Alltobio6n~ph)· of Grn,n~l Sir O'Moo" Crralt (London: Hutchinson, 1924). Maj. H. Daly. Mmoin ofGrMn~l Sir Hrnry /Hrmot Dal_v (London: JohD Murray, 1905). 0. Dunbar, Froflli~n (London: lvor Nkholson .t Watson, 1932). Col. A. Durand, Tllr MtJiifl8 of tJ Fronti": Fi11r YrtJr:s • E':Jqwri,ncr tJffli Adllrtttfi"J ;,. Gilfit. H11n::tJ. NaJGr, Clritn~l Gffli tltr Eastufl Hit1d11 Kuslt (London: John Mumy. 1899). E. Edwanles. MnrtoritJis of tier Ufr tJffll uttrr:s of Major-Grnrn~l Sir Hrriwn B. E.dwGrt:ks (London: Kegan Pliul. Trench. 1886). Maj. H.B. Edwanlcs. A Yrar Ofl tit~ P1111jDb Frorrti~r (london: Ridwd Bentley, 1851). O.R. Elsmie. Fi'ld Manltal Sir Donald Stnwm. An Acc011111 of His Lifr, MaUtly itt ltiJ Owft Wordr (London: 1903). Air Chief Marshal B. Embry. Missiot1 COtllplrtrd (London: Methuen. 1957 ). Air Chief Marshal P. Joubert de Ia Fe!U. TM Ftllrd Sky (Londoa: Hutchinson, 1952). Maj.-Ckn. J.F.C. Fuller. Mrmoirs of cur Unconvrntional Soldirr (london: lvor Nkholson and Watson, 1936). SurJeon R. Oillbam-lbomseu. Koltdt. K11ram. tJffli Klta:st: or, Exprrirttu:s tJffll NiwiiiiiiYs ilf tlv lAir Afllwl War (London: ReminJton. 1884). U.-Col. R.O. Thomsett. Witlt tier Prs/aat.'Or Co/1111111. Tirah E:q#Hirioftary Foru (Loodoa: Diaby. Lona. 1899). Oen. Sir H. OouJh, Soldi,rinl Ort (London: Arthur Baker. 1954). BJ. Oould. '1"M Jnwl in tier Loteu: rvrollrctitHt.J of cur lfflliDtt politiC'tJI (London: Chauoand Windus, 1957). Select Bibliography 235 Capt. F. Guest, Indian Cavalryman (London: Jarrolds, 1959). Gen. Sir A. Haldane, A Soldier's Saga: The Autobiography of General Sir Aylmer Halda~ (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood, 1948). A. Hayter, The Second Step (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1962). Lt.-Col. M.C.A. Henniker, Memoirs of a Junior Officer (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood, I 95 I). R. Hilton, Ni~ Lives: The Autobiography of an Old Soldier (London: Hollis and Carter. 1955). Maj.-Gen. Sir F. Howard, Reminisances /848-1890 (London: John Murray, 1924). Brig. F. lngall, The lAst of the Bengal lAncers (London: Leo Cooper. 1988). General Lord Ismay, The Memoirs of General the Lord Ismay (London: Heinemann. 1960). P. N. Kaul. Frontier Callings (Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1976). J. Laffin, Swifter than Eagles (London: Blackwood, 1964). D. Lee, Never Stop the Engine (London: 11\omas Harms worth. 1983). Sir P.S. Lumsden and Gen. G.R. Elsmie, Lumsden of the Guides: A Sutch of the Ufe of General Sir Henry Burnett Lumsden (London: John Murray, 1899). E. Lydall, Enough of Action (London: Jonathan Cape, 1949). Gen. N. Lyttleton, Eighty Years: Soldiering, Politics and Games (London: Hodder and Staughton, 1927). Lt.-Gen. Sir G.F. MacMunn, Behind the Scenes in Many Wars (London: John Murray, 1930). L. Mallam and D. Day, A Pair of Chaplis and a Cassock (London: privately printed, n.d.). J. Masters, Bugles and a Tiger (London: Michael Joseph, 1956). Maj.-Gen. E.S. May, Changes and Chances of a Soldiers Life (London: Phillip Allen, 1925). Maj. R.C. Milford, To Cabul with the Cavalry Brigade (London: W.H. Allen, 1881). Lt.-Gen. G.N. Molesworth. Curfew on Olympus (London: Asia Publishing House, 1965). Lt.-Gen. Sir F. Morgan, Peace and War: A So/diu's Ufe (London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1961 ). J. Morris, Hired to Kill: Some Chapters of Autobiography (London: Rupert Hart• Davis, 1960). Lt.-Gen. Sir P. Neame, Playing with Strife: The Autobiography of a Soldier (London: Harrap. 1947). Lt.-Col. Sir F. O'Connor. On the Frontier and Beyond: A Record of Thirty Years' Suvice tLondon: John Murray, 1931 ). Gen. Sir N. Poett, Pure Poett (London: Leo Cooper, 1991). Brig. J.H. Prendergast, Prendu's Progress: A Soldier in India, 193/-47 (London: Cassell, 1979). Lord F. Roberts. Field Marshal, Forty-One Years in India (London: Richard Bentley, 1897). Lt. C.G. Robertson, Kurum, Kabul and Kandahar Being a Brief Ruord of Impressions in Three Campaigns (Edinburgh: David Charles, 1881 ). Sir W. Robertson, Field Marshal, From Private to Field Marshal (London: Constable, 1921 ). 236 Select Bibliography

G.B. Scott, Twenty Yt"ar.t on the North-West Frontier (Allahabad: Pioneer, 1906). Air Marshal Sir J. Slessor, The Central Blue: Recollections and Reflections (London: Cassell, 1956). Sir J. Slessor, The.u Remain. A Personal Amhology (London: Michael Joseph. 1969). Field Marshal Sir W. Slim, Defeat into Victory (London: Cassell, 1956). Gen. H. Smith-Dorrien. Memories of Forty-Eight Years Sen•ice (London: John Murray, 1925). Sir J. Smyth, Milestones (London: Sidgewick and Jackson, 1979). Col. C.E. Stewart, Through Pusia in Disguiu with Reminiscenas of the Umbeylah Campaign (London: George Routledge & Sons, 1911 ). F.T. Stockdale, Walk Warily in Wa;;iristan (Tifracombe: A.H. Stockwell, 1982). Lt.-Col. E. A. Stotherd, Sabre and Saddle (London: Seeley Service, 1933). Brig.-Gen. T. Ternan, Some Experienas of an Old Bromsgrovian: Soldiering in Afghanistan, and Uganda (Birmingham: Cornish Brother, 1930). J.H. Thornton, Memoirs of Seven Campaigns: A Record of Thirty-Five Years in the Indian Medical Department in India, China, and the Sudan (Westminster: Archibald Constable, 1895). Lt.-Gen. Sir F.l. Tuker, While Memory Serves (London: Cassell, 1956). Gen. Sir J.L. Vaughan. My Service in the Indian Anny - and After (London: Archibald Constable, 1904). Col. Sir R. Warburton, Eighteen Years on the Khyber, /879-/898 (London: John Murray. 1900). Col. J .S. Western, Reminiscences cif an lndia11 Cavalry Officer (London: Allen & Unwin, 1922). Brig.-Gen. Sir J. Willcocks, From Kabul to Kumassi: Twenty-Four Years of Soldiering and Sport (London: John Murray, 1904). Gen. Sir J. Willcocks, The Romance of Soldiering and Sport (London: Cassell, 1925). Lt.-Col. A. Wilson. Sport and Service in Assam and Elsewhere (London: Hutchinson, 1924). Maj.-Gen. N. Woodyatt, Under Ten Viceroys: The Reminiscences of a Gurkha (London: Herbert Jenkins. 1922). Major A.C. Yate, Lieutenant Colonel John Haughton, Commandant of th~ 36th : A Hero o.fTirah (London: John Murray. 1900). Maj.-Gen. G. Younghusband, A Soldi~r's Memories in Peace and War (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1917). Maj.-Gen. Sir G. Younghusband, Fort.Y Years a Soldier (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1923).

(v) Other Contemporary Published Works

Col. J. Adye, Sitana: A Mountain Campaign on the Borders of Afghanistan in 1863 (London: Richard Bentley, 1867). Gen. Sir J. Adye, Indian Frontier Policy (London: Smilh Eldar, 1897). C.F. Andrews, The Challenge of the North-West Frontier: A Contribution to World Peace (London: Allen & Unwin, 1937). Select Bibliography 237

Anon. War Correspondents of the "Pioneer·. The Risin~s an the Narth·We.ft Frontier. Being a complete narrative with specially prepared maps of the various rising.f (~f the frontier tribes in the Tochi Valley. the Swat valley, the country of the Mohmands and the Momunds, and the country of the Afridi.f and Orakwis; and of the .feveral punitive campaigns undertaken against these tribes, as well as the two minor expeditions sent against the Utman Khe/s and the Bunawa/s; the whole <:overing a period extending from the middle of June, 1897. to the end of January, /898 (Allahabad: Pioneer, 1898). The Chitral Expedition 1895 comaining an account of the adventure.f and <·aptivity of LieuteMnts Fowler and Edwards together with full details of the operations of General Low's Force (Allahabad: Pioneer, 11!95). Indian Frontier Organisation (Allahabad: Pioneer. 1920). Mountain Warfare Camp and Bivouac Routine (Ferozepore: I /9th Bn Hampshire Regiment, 1917). Notes on Frontier Warfare (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1922). A.H. Atteridge, The Wars of the 'Nineties. A History of Warfare in the Last Ten Years of the Nineteenth Century (London: Cassell. 1899). E. Bartlett. Ballalion and Brigade Drill for Savage Warfare (London: W. Clowes. 1904). Sir W. Barton, India's North-West Frontier (London: John Murray, 1939). 'Beechwood'. My Diary of the Punjab Camp of Exercise, 1872-73 (Being a series of/etters to The Englishman) (Bombay: Thacker Vining, 1873). H.W. Bellew, Our Punjab Frontier: Being a Concise Account of the various tribes by which the North· West Frontier of British India is Inhabited; shewinR its present unprotected and unsatisfactof)' state, and the urgent necessiry that exists .for immediate reconstruction. Also, brief remarks on Afghanistan and our policy in reference to that country by a Punjab Official (Calcutta: Wyman, 1R68). Lt. W.G.L. Beynon, With Kelly to Chitral (London: Edward Arnold, 18%). Capt. A.H. Bingley, Notes on the Warlike Races of India and its FronJiers com· piled to accompany Brt!mner's Types of the Indian Arm_v (London: War Office, 1897). Bvt.-Maj. W.D. Bird, Some Princ:iples of Fronti~r Mountain Warfare (London: Hugh Rees, 1909). Field Marshal Sir C.H. Brownlow. Stray Notes on Militaf)' Training and Khaki Warfare (London: 1909). Lt.-Col. C.E. Bruce, Waziristan, 1936-37: The problems of the North-We.ft Frontier of India and thl'ir Solutions (Aldershot: Gale and Pol den, 1938). R.I. Bruce, The Forward Polky and its Results: or. Thirty-Five Years Work amongst the Tribes on our North- Western Frontier of India (London: Longmans. Green, 1900). By an Adjutant. An Essay em Tact in (London, W. Mitchell. 1872). Capt. C.E. Callwell, Hints on Reconnaissana in Little Kmr...-n Countries (London: Intelligence Division, 1892). Capt C.E. Cal\wcll. Small War.f: Their Principles and Practice (London: H.M.S.O., 1896) 2nd ed. 1899, 3rd ed. 1906. Maj. C.E. Callwell, The Tactics of Today (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons. 1900). Col. C.E. Callwell, Tirah 1911 (London: Constable, 1911). 238 Select Bibliography

Maj.-Gen. Sir C.E. Callwell. and Maj.-Gen. Sir J. Headlam, A Hi.ftoryofthe Royal Artillery from the Indian Mutiny to the Great War (Woolwich: Royal Anillery Institution, 1937). G. Casserly, Manual of Training for Jungle and River Warfare (London: T. WernerLaurie, 1915). Lt. W.L.S. Churchill, T~ Story of the Malakand Field Force (London: Mandarin, 1990). Capt. C. Clery, Minor Tactic.~ (London: H.S. King, 1875). Lt.-Gen. S.H. Climo, Mountain Warfare Notes (Poona: Scottish Mission Press, 1921). Capt. S.M. Congreve-Schneider, The Zhob Valley Expedition (London: Dawson & Sons. 1889). S. Cotton, Nine Y..-ars on the North West Frontier, 1854-1863 (London: Richard Bentley. 1868). M. Coxe, T~ Punjaub and North-West Frontier of India by an Old Punjaubee (London: C. Kegan Paul, 1878). Maj. J.H.V. Crowe, An Epitome of the Afghan War. 1878-9 and 1879-80 (Woolwich: Royal Anillery Institution, 1905). J. Dacosta, A Sci..-ntific Frontier (London: W.H. Allen, 1891 ). R.S. Dey. A Brief Account of the Punjab Frontier Force (Calcutta: W. Newman, 1905). Brevet Major B.C. Dening. The Future of the British Army: The Problem of Duties, Cost and Composition (London: Witherby. 1928). K. Dunnoley, Drill Mode Easy: Savage Warfare (London: 1900). M. Durand, The Life of Field Marshal Sir George White VC (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1915). Brig.-Gen. C.C. Egenon, Hill Warfare on the North West Frontier of India (Allahabad: Pioneer. 1899). Lt. C.M. Enriquez. The Pathun Borderland (Calcutta and Simla: Thacker. Spink, 1910). Lt. Viscount Fincastle, and Lt. P.C. Elliot-Lockhan, A Frontier Campaign: A Narrative of the Malalcand and Buner Field Forces on the North Frontiers of India (London: Methuen, 1898). G.W. Forrest, Life of Field Marshal Sir Neville Chamberlain (London: William Blackwood. 1909). Maj. G.A. Furse, Studies on Military Transport (Bombay: Education Society Press. 1877). 'Frontier', Frontier Warfare (Bombay: Thacker, n.d.) (c.l920s). Col. J.C. Gawler, Sikhim: With Hints on Mountain and Savage Warfare (London: Edward Stanford, 1873). Lt.-Col. E. Gunter, OuJiines of Modern Tacti£·s (London: William Clowes, 1893) 2nd Ed. 1895, 3rd Ed. 1899. Maj.-Gen. Sir C.W. Gwynn. Imperial Policing (London: Macmillan. 1936). E.B. Hamley, Operations of War (London: 1866). Col. H.B. Hanna, Th..- Second Afghan War, 1878---79--JW: Its Caus..-s, Its Conduct. and Its Con.sequences (Westminster: Archibald Constable), 3 Vols. Maj.-Gen. Sir R.C. Han, Refteclions on the Art of War (London: William Clowes, 1901). Lt. -Col. G.F.R. Henderson, Technkal Training of Infantry (Dublin: Sibly, 1899). Select Bibliography 239 Col. G.F.R. Henderson, The Science of War (London: Longmans, Green, 1905). G. Y.J. [George Younghusband), Two Lectures to the Guide.( (Poona: Scottish Mission Industries, 1908). U.-Col. P. Hehir, Prevention of Disease and lnefficien£·y with Spedal Rejaence to Indian Frontia Warfare (Allahabad: Pioneer, 1911 ). 2nd ed. U.-Col. W .C.G. Heneker. Bush Warfare (London: Hugh Rees, 1907). Col T.H. Holdich, The Indian Borderland (London: Methuen, 1901 ). Col. H.D. Hutchinson, The Campaign in Tirah. 1897-1898 (London: Macmillan, 1898). L. James. • With the Chitral Relief Force' (Calcutta: 'Englishman' Press, 1895). L. James, The Indian Frontier War- Being an Aaount of the Mohmund and Tirah Expeditions 1897 (London: Heinemann, 1898). Col. L. James, High Preuure: Being Smne Record of Activities in the Service of the Times Newspaper (London: John Murray, 1929). Hon. A. Keppel, Gun-Running and the Indian North-West Frontier (London: John Murray, 1911). Brig. A.A. Kinloch. Forms of Attack (Allahabad: Pioneer, 1892). E.F. Knight, Where Three Empires Meet (London: Longmans, Green, 1893). Lt . .Col. C.J. McCartie. A New System of Field Hospitals and Ambulanas in Hill Warfare (Calcutta: Thacker, Spink, 1899). Lt. C.M. MacGregor, Mountain Warfare: An Essay on the Conduct of Hill Operatiom· in Mountainous Countries (London: Nissan and Parker. I 866). Maj. G.F. MacMunn and Maj. A.C. Lovell. The Armies of India (London: Adam and Charles Black. 1911 ). Lt.-Gen. Sir G. F. MacMunn. The Romance of the Indian Frontiers (London: Jonathan Cape, 1931 ). U.-Gen. Sir G.F. MacMunn, The Martial Races of India (London: Sampson Low, Marston, n.d.). T. Miller-Maguire, Analysis of Callwel/'s Small Wars (London: Harmsworth. 1902). T. Miller-Maguire, Guerrilla or Partisan Warfare (London: William Clowes and Sons, 1904 ). T. Miller-Maguire, Strategy and Ta£·tics in Mountain Ranges (London: William Clowes and Sons. 1904). Maj. D.B. Mackenzie, Mountain Warfare on the Sand Model (Aldershot: Gale and Polden, 1936). Lt ..Col. A.R. Martin, Mountain and Savage Warfare (Allahabad: Pioneer, 1899). Maj. E.S. May. Achievements of Field Artillery (Woolwich, Royal Anillery Institution. 1893). Lt.-Col. E.S. May, A Retrospect on the South African War (London: Sampson Low, Marston, 1901). Capt. C.B. Mayne, Infantry Fire Tactics (Chatham: Gale and Polden. 1885). Capt. C.B. Mayne, The lAte Battin in the Soudan and Modern Tactics (Chatham: Gale and Polden, 1885). Capt C. McFall, With The Zhob Field Force 1890 (London: Heinemann, 1895). C.W. Miles, The Zakka Khd and Mohmand Expedition (Rawalpindi: J.R. Thapur and Sons, 1909). Lt.-Col. A.F. Montanaro. Hints/ora Bush Campaign (London: Sands, 1901). Maj. C.B. Morgan. Hints on Bu:ih Fighting (London: William Clowes & Sons. 1899). 240 Select Bibliography H. Woosnam Mills, The Pathan Revolt in North-West India (Lahore: Civil and Military Gazette, 1897). H. Woosnam Mills, The Tirah Campaign - being the Sequel of the Pat han Revolt in North West India Enlarged and Re1•ised

Maj.-Gen. F.W. Stubbs. History of the Or~ani;;ution, Equipment, and War Sen•kes of tht Regiment of Bl'ngal Artillny, mmpiled from published work-f. official records. and various privati' sources (london: W .H. Allen. /895 ). Capt. A.W.N. Taylor, Jungle Warfare: the conduct of small expt'ditions in the junf?les and hilly tracts of Burma. and a system of drill and musket')' instrut·tion connected thut'with, for the use <1 offiar.f of the Burma Military Polia (Rangoon: Superintendent of Government Printing Rangoon. 1902). S.S. Thomburn, The Punjab in Peace und War (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1904). H.C. Thomson, The Chitral Campaign: A NtJrratil•e t1 E1•ents in Chitral, Swat and Bajour (London: William Heinemann. 1895). Col. J.P. Villiers-Stuart, Leuns t1 a Once Punjab Frontier Foru Offiar to hi.\· Nephew Kiving his Ideas on Fighting on the North West Frontier and in Afghanistan (London: Sifton Praed, J 925 ). ·Arthur Vincent'. The Defena of India (london; Oxford University Press, 1922). Lt.-Col. H. de Wattevillc. Waziristan 1919-20 (london; Constable, J 925). C.B. Wallis, West African Waifore (london: Harrison & Sons. 1905). Col. H.C. Wylly. From the Blad Mountain to Wa:.iristan (london: Macmillan, 1912). Maj. A.C. Yate, Ueutenant Colonel John Haughton, Commandant of the 36th Sikhs: A Hero (1Tirah (london: John Murray. 1900). Capt. G.J. Younghusband and Capt. F. E. Younghusband. The Relit'/ <1 Chitra/ (London: Macmillan, 1R95). Capt. and Brevet Major G.J. Younghusband. Indian Frontier Warfare (london: Kegan Paul, Trench. TrUbner. 1898).

(vi) Regimental Histories

The Historkal Ret·ord.f of the (Queen's 01Vn) Corps of Guides, raised 14th lkcemhl'r 1846 (Lahore: Punjab Military Dept, 1877). Regimental Re,·ords. 5th Regiment. Punjab Cavalr.v (lahore: W. Ball, IR86). No.3 (Peshawar) Mountain Batt~ry. P.F.F.. Battery History (Lahore: New Albion Press, 1886). Historical Record (1 No. I (Kohal} Mountain Battery, Punjab Frontier Force (lahore: Punjab Government Press, 1886). Hiswrical Records c1the Suvices of tht' Queen's Own Corps (1 Guides (Lahore: Civil and Military Gazette, 1886). Hi.ftvry of the 1st Sikh Infantry, 1846--1886 (Calcutta: Thacker. Spink. 1887). History t1the 1st Punjab Cavalry (lahore: Civil and Military Gazette. 1887). The Historical Re,·ord of the 4th Sikh Infantry. Punjab Frontier Force (lahore: Punjab Government Press, 1887). The Hi.~torica/ Ret·ord of the 2nd (or Hill) Sikh Infantry. Punjab Frontier Fora (Lahore: Punjab Government Press. 1887). History of the Second Panjdb Cavalry (london: Kcgan Paul, Trench. 1888). The Historical Rewrd of No. 4 (Hazara) Mountain Battay, Punjab Fromier Force (Lahore: Punjab Government Press. 1888). History c1the 2nd Punjab Infantry 1849-1888 (Calcutta: 1889). 242 Select Bibliography

History of the 4th Regiment, Punjab Infantry (Calcutta: Thacker. Spink, 1894 ). Hi.ftory of the 2nd Punjab Infantry (Calcutta: no imprint. 1902). History of the 1st Sikh Infantry. 1846-1886 (Calcutta: Thacker Spink, 1903). The Historical Records The Jrd Sikh Infantry, Punjab Frontier Force (no imprint, 1903). Historical Record of the 22nd Derajat Mountain Battery (Frontier Forc·e} (Lahore: Albion, 1905). 32nd Sikh Pioneers Regimental Hi.ftory (Calcutta: Thacker and Spink, 1906). A Short History of the Jrd (Queen's Own} Gurkha Rifles (London: Hugh Rees, 1907). Hi.ftory of the 23rd Cavalry (Frontier Force}. late Jrd Regiment, Punjab Cavalry (Lahore: no imprint, 191 0). Records of the //XXI Punjabi.f (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1919). The JOist Grenadiers Historical Record of the Regimen/, 177H-1923 (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1928). History of the 5th Roye~l Gurkhe1 Rifle.f (Frontier Force) /HSB-1928 (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1930). History of the 1st Battalion 5th Mahratta LiRht lnfcurtry (Jangi Paltan} (Calcutta: Government of India Press. 1930). Historical Records of the 3rd Sikhs 1847-1930 (Boumemouth: 1931). Hi.uory of the Guides IH4fJ-1922 (Aidershot: Gale and Polden. 1938). History of the 5th Royal Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) Vol. II 1929-1947 (Aidershot: Gale and Polden. 1956). C.T. Atkinson, A History of the 1st (P.W.O.) Battalion the (Southampton: Camelot Press. 1950). C.T. Atkinson, The Dorsetshire Regiment Vol. II (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1947). Lt.-Col. P.G. Bamford, /:it King George v·s Own Baue~/ion the Sikh Regiment /846-1946 ( Aldershot: Gale and Pol den, 1948). Brig. C.N. Barclay, The History of the Shenvood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regimmt) /9/9-/957 (London: William Clowes and Sons, 1959). Brig. C.N. Barclay. The Hi.ftol)' of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment 19/9-1952 (London: William Clowes and Sons. 1953). Brig. C.N. Barclay. The Regimental Histol)' of th~ 3rd Queen AleUJndra 's Own Gurkha Rifles Vol. II ( 1927 to 1947} (London: William Clowes and Sons, 1953). Brig. E.V. Bellers. The Hi.ftory of the lsr King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regim~nt) Vol. II 1920-/947 (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1956). Lt.-Col. G. Betham and Maj. H.V. Geary. The Golden Galley: The Story of rhe Second Punjab Regiment 1761-1947 (Oxford: Oxford Univeuity Press, 1956). Lt.-Col. Birdwood, The Worastershire Regiment 1922-1950 (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1952). Brig. G. Blight, The Hi.ffory of the Royal Berkshire Regiment (Prince Charlotte of Wales} /920-1947 (London: Staples. 1953). Lt.-Col. G.A. Brett, History of the South Wales Borderers and the Monmouthshire Regiment, 1937-1952 Parr I (Pontypool: Griffin. 1953). Brig. W.E. Condon, The Fronrier Force Rifles (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1953). Brig. W.E. Condon. The Frontier Force Regiment (Aldershot: Gale and Polden. 1962). Select Bibliography 243

J. de L. Conry, Regimental History of the 2119th H.vduabad Regiment (Berar) (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1927). Lt.-Col. MJ. Corbally. The Royal Ulster Rifles 1793-/960 (Glasgow: 1960). D. S. Daniell, The Royal Hampshire Regiment /918-1954 (Aidershot: Gale and Polden. 1955). Capt. C.G. Dean. The Loyal Reximent (North Luncashire) 19/9-1953 (Preston: Regimental Headquarters, 1955). Brig.-Gen. J. Evatt, Histori£'al Record of the 39th Royal Garwhal Rifles Vol. I 1887-1922 (Aldershot: Gale and Polden, 1922). Maj. J.T. Gonnan, 2nd Battalion 4th Bombay Grenadiers (King Edward's Own) Historical Rewrd of the Regiment, 1796-/933 (Western-super-Mare: Lawrence, 1933). Lt. .Col. W.L. Hailes, War Services of the 9th Jar Regiment (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1938). Lt.-Col W.L. Hailes and Maj. J. Ross, The Jat Regiment: A History of the Regiment 1803-1947 (Bareilly: Jat Regimental Centre, 1967). Col. T. Higginson, Digest of Services of the I sr (Coke's) Regiment Punjab Infantry (Simla: Chronicle, IS88). U.-Col. F.H. James, History of the 1st Battalion 6th Rajputana Rifles (Wellesley's) (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1938). Brig. W.J. Jervois, The History of the Northamptonshire Regiment: 1934-1948 (London: Regimental History Committee. 1953). U ..Commander P K. Kemp, Hi.ftory of the Royal Norfolk Regiment 1919-1951 (Norwich: Regimental Association of the Royal Norfolk Regiment, 1953). Lt ..Col. J.A. Kitson, The Story of the 4th Battalion 2nd King Edward VII's Own GurlcJw Rifles (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1949). Lt. -Col J.P. Lawford and Maj. W.E. Catto, Solah Punjab The History of the 16th Punjab Regiment (Aldershot: Gale and Polden, 1%7). D.M. Lindsay, Regimental History of the 6th Royal Battalion 13th Frontier Force Rifles (Sdnde), /843-1923 (Aldershot: Gale and Polden. 1926). D.M. Lindsay, Regimental History of the 6th Royal Battalion (Scinde) 13th Frontier Force Rifles, /843-/934 (Aldershot: Gale and Polden, 1935). R. Macdonnell and M. Macaulay, A History of the 4th Prince of Wales·.~ Own Gurkha R~s 1857-1937 Vol. I. (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood & Sons. 1940). Lt.-Gen. G.F. MacMunn, History of the Guides Pan II 1922-1947 (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1950). Lt.-Gen. G.F. MacMunn, The History of the Sikh Pioneers (23rd, 32nd, 34th) (London: Sampson, Low, Marston, 1936). Lt.·Col. W.E. Maxwell, Capital Campaigners The History of the 3rd Battalion (Queen Mary's Own) The Baluch Regiment (Aidershot: Gale and Polden. 1948). Col. H.S. McRae, Regime11tal History of the 45th Rattray '.f Sikhs (Glasgow: Robert Maclehose, 1933). Capt. B.R. Mullaly, History of the lOth Gurkha Rijlel· The First Battalion 1890-1921 (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1924). Col. B.R. Mullaly, Bugle and Kukri T~ Story of The lOth Prim·e Mary's Own Gurkha Rifles (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood & Sons, 1957). Col. W.N. Nicholson, The Suffolk Regiment 1928 w 1946 (Ipswich: East Anglian Magazine, 1947). 244 Select Bibliograph)'

F.L. Petre, The 1st King Georg~ 's Own Gurkha Rijfes. The Ma/aun Regiment 1815-1921 (London: R.U.S.I.. 1925). Lt.-Col. F.S. Poynder, The 9th Gurklu1 Rij/es 1817-1936 (London: R.U.S.I .• 1937). Maj. M.l. Quereshi, History c~{tiJe First Punjab Regiment 1759-1956 (Aldershot: Gale and Polden, 1958). H.G. Rawlinson, Napier·.~ Rifles The Histor)' of tilt 5th Battalion 6th Rajpuwna Rijfes (O"ford University Press, 1929). H.G. Rawlinson, The Hi.wo0· of th~ 3rJ Baualion 7th Rajput Regimellt (Duke of Connaught 's Own} (London: O"ford University Press. 1941 ). By Officers of the Regiment, The Historical R<•cords of the /27th 8«/uch Light Infantry compiled from the 0/ficilll Records from /844 to 1905 (London: William Clowes and Sons, 1905). Lt.-Col. J.E. Shearer, A Hi.~tory of the 1st Balta/ion 15th Punjab Regiment (Aldershot: Gale and Polden. \937). Capt. A.R. Solly, Historical Record.~ of the 4-5th Mahratw Light Infantry (Lahore: Civil and Military Gazelle, 1924). J. Taylor. The Devon's; A History of the Del'lmshire Regimtnt, 1685-1945 (Bristol: White Swan, 1951 ). W.S. Thatcher, The Fourth Baltalimr Duke of Ccmnaught's Own Tenth Baluch Regime/11 in the Great War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1932). Capt. J.P. Villiers-Stuart, Hi.uory of the 55th Coke's Rifles Frontitr Force for• merl_v known as the ht Punjab ln.famry Panjah Frontier Fora (Waterford: N. Harvey. 1908). Maj. R.S. Waters, lli.ftory of the 5th Barralicm (Pat han.~} 14th Punjab Regiment formuly 40th Pat hans ('The f"orty Thie1·es ·) (London: James Bain, 1936 ). Maj. R.S. Waters, Conti11uuticm of the His tor)' of the 5th Balla lion ( Pathans) 14th Punjab Regiment from 1937 tn its di.fbandment .~ubsequent to the conclusion of the campaign in Malaya on Fehruo~· 15th. 1942 (London: n.d.). Maj.-Gen. N.G. Woodyalt. Tile Regimental History of the Jrd Queen Alexandra's Ot~•n Gurlr.ha Rifks (London: Phi lip Allen. 1929). Col. H.C. Wylly, Hi.ftory of the 5th Bema/ion 13th Frontier Fnra Rift's 1849-/926 (Aldcrshot: Gale and Polden. 1929). Col. H.C. Wylly, Hi.ftory of the 3rd Bema/ion the 2nd Punjab Regiment (Aldcrshot: Gale and Polden, 1927). Col. H.C. Wylly, The History ofCoke'.f Rifles (Aidershot: Gale and Poldcn. 1930). Col. H.C. Wylly. History of the Quun 's Royal Regiment (Aldershot: Gale and Polden, 1925). Col. G.J. Younghusband. The Sto0· of the Guide.f (London: Macmillan, 1908).


(i) Bibliographical Aids

A.S. Ahmed, Biblio11raph_\' of th~ Nonh-West f'rontier Province (Peshawar: Tribal Affairs Research Cell, Government of NWFP, 1979). A. Bruce, An Annotated Bibliography of the British Army 1660-1914 (London. 1975). Selrct Bibliography 24S

A. Bruce. A Bibliography ofth' British Amry 1660-1914 (London. 198S). F. Campbell. Bibliogroplr_,. of Smtrus ill tltr lHportmr11ts of Doc·umr111J, Plwnogrophs. Pri111rd Boob Gild Sowld Rrrords Gl tlw ltr~~Wrial War Mwt>um 011 Milito')· opuatiotu ill Wa:iristall 011 tht> Nortlt· w,st Fro11tiu of I IIdia /917-1917 (London: Imperial Was Muxwn. 1979). M.J. Cockle. A Cotologu' of Boob R'lotilll to tltr Milito')· Histo')· of Indio (Simla: Government Printina Office. 1901 ). A. FuriRJ1on, Guidr to thr rrcords of thr lrtdill Officr Military INportrrw11t lOR UM/L & UWS (London: ladia Office R.ccords. 1982). R. Hiafwn. A Gllidr to tlw So.lrcrs of BritiJh Military History (London. 1972). G. Jordan (ed.). Britislt MilittJry History. A Suppl~t to Robin Hilham's G11itlt> to tlw So.l~s (London: Garland Pllblii.hina. 1981). R.E. Nonh. Lt . .Col., '1"M UtrrtUII" of tlw North· W'st FrtHtJiu of /IIdia: A Srlt>ct Bibliogroph_v (~sbawar. 194S). S.N. Prasad. A S11n·r_,. oftlw Wort dorw 011tlw Military History ofllldia (Calcuua. 1976).

(U) Arddes ud Cbapeen

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D.E. Omissi, '''Martial Races": Ethnicity and Security in ColoniaJ India 1858-1939', War and Society, 9fl (1991), pp.l-27. A.W. Preston, 'Sir Charles Macgregor and the Defence of India', The Historical Journal, 1111 (1969), pp.SS--77. T.R. Mockaitis, 'The Origins of British Counterinsurgency', Small Wars and Insurgencies, 113 ( 1990), pp.209-225. W. Murray Hogben, 'British Civil-Military Relations on the North West Frontier of India', in Swords and Convenants, A. Preston and P. Davies (eds.) (London: Croom Helm, Rowman and Littlefield, 1976). D. Porch. 'Bugeaud, Gallieni and Lyautey', in Makers of Modern Strategy from Mac:hiavelli to the Nuclear Age, P. Parer (ed.) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986). 8. Robson, •Maiwand, 27th July 1880', Journal of the Society for Anny Historical Research, 5 I ( 1973 ), pp.\94-221. B. Robson, 'The Eden Commission and the Refonn of the Indian Anny', Journal of the Society for Army Historical Researc:h. 60 (1982), pp.4-13. A. Preston, 'British Military Thought'. Army Quarterly, 89/1 ( 1964), pp.57-64. Maj. E.W. Sheppard, 'The Royal Tank Corps in India between the Wars·. in B.H. Liddell Hart (ed.), The Tanks (London: Cassell, 1959) Vol. I. E.M. Spiers, 'The Use of the Dum Dum Bullet in Colonial Warfare', Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 411 ( 1975), pp.3-14. E.M. Spiers, 'Gas and the North-West Frontier', Journal of Strategic Studies, 614 (1983), pp.94-112. C. Townshend, 'Civilisation and "frightfulness": Air Control in the Middle East Between the Wars', in Warfare, Diplomacy and Politic.~: Essays in Honour of A.J.P. Taylor, C. Weighty (ed.) (London: Hamish Hamilton. 1986). M.A. Yapp. 'British Perceptions of the Russian Threat to India', Modern Asian Studies, 2114 ( 1987), pp.64 7-65. Squadron Leader A.J. Young, 'Royal Air force North-West Frontier, India, 1915-39', Journal of the Royal United Services ln.Uitute, 127/1 ( 1982), pp.59-64.

(Iii) Books

A.S. Ahmed, Millennium and Charisma (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1976). A.S. Ahmed, Pukhtun Economy and Society: Traditional Structure and Ec-onomic Development in a Tribal Soci~ty (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980. A.S. Ahmed, Resistance and Control in Pakistan (London and New York: Routledge. 1991 ). G.J. Alder, Briti..~h India's Northern Frontier 1865-95 (London: Longmans, 1983). C. Allen (cd.), Plain Tales from the Raj (London: Cenwry. 1985). D.M. Anderson and D. Killingray (eds.). Policing the Empire: Government, Authority and Control. 1830-1940 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1991). L. Baha, N.-W.F.P. Administration under British Rule, 1901-1919 (Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1978). M. Barchorp. The North· We.1·t Frontier: British India and Afglwnistan, a pictorial hi.ftory, /839-/947 (Poole: Blandford. 1982). 248 Select Bibliography

I.F.W. Beckett, The Rflflts ufCoumcr-ln.mrt:enc·y: Annie.\· and Guerrilla Warfare (london: Blandford, 1988). l.F.W., Johnnie Gough V.C. (l...()ndon: Tom Donovan. 1989). J. Belich. The New Zwlst African Re.\·isttmce: The MilitarJ Response to Colonial On·upation (London: Hutchinson, 1971 ). Capt. C.C. Davies, The Problem of the North Wes/ Frontier 1890-1908 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1932). Maj.-Gen. J.G. Elliot. The Frontier 1839-19-17 (London: Cassell. 1968). W.K. Frao;cr-Tytler. Afghanistan: A Study of Political Developments in Central Asia (London: Oxford University Press, 1950). Brig.-Gen. C.A.L. Graham. A History of the Indian Mountain Artillery (Aidershot: Gale and Polden, 1957). P. Griffith, For.,.•ard into Bailie: FixhtinK Tactio from Waterl

J. Luvaas. The Educution of an Army: British Military Thou8ht (London: Cas~ll. 1965). C.H.T. MacFetridge and J.P. Warren (eds.). Tales of the Mountuin Gunners: An Antholol(y (Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1973). J.M. MacKenzie (ed.). Popular Imperialism and the Military (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1991 ). P. Mason, A Mauer of H01wur: An A£-count of the Indian Anny, Its Officns and Men (London: Papennac, 1974). R.M. Maxwell (ed.), Villiers-Stuart on the Frontier (Edinburgh: Pentland, 1989). R.M. Maxwell (ed.). Vi/liers-StiUlrt goes to War (Edinburgh: Pentland, 1990). C. Miller, Khyber. British lndiu 's North Wt!st Frontier (London: Macdonald and Jane's, 1977). J.A. de Moor and H.L. Wes.seling (eds.),/mperialism and War: Essays on in Asia and Africa (Leiden: Universitaire pers Leiden, 1989). G. Moore, 'Just as Good as the Re.u': A British Battalion in the Faqir of /pi's War lrulian N. W.F. /936-37 (Huntingdon: privately printed, 1979). T.R. Mockaitis, British Counterinsurl(em:y, /9/9-/960(London: Macmillan, 1990). T.R. Mockaitis, British counterinsurgency in the post-imperial period (Manchester: Manchester University Pre~s. 1995). D.E. Omissi, Air Power and Colonial Control (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1991). D.E. Omissi, The Sepoy and the Raj: The Indian Army /860-/940 (London: Macmillan, 1994). T. Pocock, Fighting General. The Public and Pri~·ate Campaigns of General Sir Walter Walker (London: Collins. 1973 ). D.M. Peers, Between Mars arul Mammon. Colonial Armies and the Garrison State in India /8/9-/835 (London: 1.8. Tauris, 1995). B. Robson, The Road to Kabul: The Second Afghan War. 1878-/881 (London: Arms and Armour, 1986). B. Robson. Roberts in lrulia. The Military Papers of Field Marshal Lord Roberts /876-/89J(London: Alan Sutton, 1993). K.M.L. Saxena, A History of the Departments of the Indian Army, their Organisation and Administration/rom /850-/900 (New Delhi: Jndia Publishing House, 1974). K.M.L. Saxena, The Military System of India ( 1850-/900) (New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1974). A. Singer, Lord~· of the Khyber: The Story of the North-West Frontier (London: Faber and Faber. 1974). J.W. Spain, The Way of the Pathans (London: Robert Hale, 1962). J.W. Spain, The Pathan Borderland (The Hague, 1963). E.M. Spiers. The Army and Society (London: Longmans, 1980). E.M. Spie~. The Late Victorian Army (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992). H. Strachan, European Armies and the Conduct of War (London: Unwin Hyman, 1983). H. Strachan, Wellington's Legacy: The Reform of the British Army /830-/854 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1984). H. Strachan, From Water/{)() to Balaclavfl: Tactics, Technolo[ly and the British Arm.Y /815-1854 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985). 250 Select Bibliography

A. Swinson, The North-West Frontiu: People and Events /839-/947 (london: Hutchinson, 1967 ). C. Townshend. Britain's Civil Wars: Counterinsurgmcy in the Twentieth Century (London: Faber and Faber, 1986). C. Chevenix Trench, The Frontier Scouts (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986). C. Chevenix Trench, The Indian Army and the King's Enemies 1900-1947 (London: Thames and Hudson, 1988). R. Wilkinson-Latham. North-West Frontier, /837-1947 (London: Osprey, 1977). P. Woodruff. The Men who Ruled India (London: Jonathan Cape. 1953-4), 2 Vols.

(iv) Unpublished Theses and Papers

H.R. Bailes, The lnftuenu of Continental E.wmples and Colonial Warfare upon the Reform of the Late Victorian Army (University of London, Ph.D .• 1980). D. Brief, The Punjab and Recruitment of the Indian Army 1846-1918 (University of Oxford, M.Phil., 1979). S. Chandra, The Development of Mountain Warfare in the 19th Century (University of London, M.Phil., 1968). R.O. Christiansen, Conflict and Change Among the Khyber Afridi.f: A Stud.v of British Policy and Tribal So£·iety on the North- West Frontier 1839-/947 (University of Leicester. Ph.D., 1987). L. Harris, British Policy on the North- West Frontier of India, 1889-/901 (University of london, Ph.D., 1960). M. Jacobson. The Moderni:JJtion of the Indian Army, 1925-39 (University of California, Irvine, Ph.D., 1979). J.D. Leaske. The Expansion of the Indian Army during the Great War (London, M.Phil. 1989). T.R. Moreman, 'Pauing it On': The Army in India and the Development of Frontier Warfare 1849-/947 (University of London, Ph.D., 1996). Namrata Narain, Co-option and Control: The Role of the Colonial Army in India. 1918-1947 (University of Cambridge, Ph.D., 1993). D.M. Peers, 'Stocktaking the New Military History of India: Militarism, Oriental ism and Explanatory Models for the Company Raj' (Unpublished paper presented to the New Military History of South Asia Conference, Cambridge, 15-17th July 1997). A.H. Shibly, The Reorganisation of the Indian Armies, IX58-79 (University of London, Ph.D., 1969). R.H. Scales, Artillery in Small Wars (Duke University, Ph.D .. 1976). D.J.P. Waldie, Relations betwun the Army and the Royal Air Force (University of London, D.Phil.. 1980). Index

Abbottabad 21, 79, 99, 100-2, 122, Barari Tangi gorge 119 157 Barrett, Lt-General Sir Arthur 100-1 Abyssinia xiv, 73 Bartholomew, General Sir William Adye, Colonel John 25-6 169 Afghan tribesmen 54, 70, 156 Bazar Valley 67, 92, 106 Afghan troops 103-6, 119 Bazar Valley Field Force 92 Afghanistan XV, I, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 31, Be<:kett, Ian xii 35,36,37.38,42,96,99. Bedmanai Pass 80 103. 122, 128. 131-2, 139, Bengal Army 6-8, 14, 15, 20-3, 42 143, 179, 180 and mountain warfare 24-31,35, Africa xii, xiv, 40, 83, 91, 180 39,71 Afridi tribes I, 4, 8, 33-4,45, 55-70, Bengal Staff Corps 26 77, 79, 84, 103-4, 106, 133, Bhittani 3, 157, 160-1 141 Bird, Major--General George Corrie Ahnai Tangi gorge 115-18, 139 53 Air Ministry 170 Bird, Major W.O. 89 aircraft 99-100, I 04, I06, 108, Ill, Black Mountain Expedition (Sept-Oct 112,118,119,125,130-2, I 888) 43-4, 45 145 Blood, Sir Bindon 55 s~e also Royal Air Force Board of Administration of the Punjab Clan 27-8 5,6, 8 Algeria 26, 29, 30 Bombay Army 6 Ali Masjid 36, 37, 104, 106 Bomber Transport 145, 158, 160, armoured cars 99-100, 122, 128-9, 167 141-2, 152-3, 156, 157-8, Bond, Brian xi 166, 179 Border Military Police 98 'arms of precision' 40, 51, 59, 67, British Army 69, 75,77,96-8 training for mountain warfare arms trade 51, 70, 96-8 42-53, 71-89 Army in India Training M~morandum su also specific campaigns (1941) 180 British Empire xi-xv, xvi, xvii. 47, Army Qutlrterly xii 50,91,174-5 Asa Khan 118 BritishRaj,endof(1947) xv.J~vi, Asia xii, 144 185 Auchinleck, Field Marshal Claude Browne, Major-General Sir Sam 36 170,184 Bruce, Lieutenant Charles 79 Ayub Khan 38 Bulloch, Major George 47 Bunbury, Major-General William Bailes, Howard XIII 100 Baluchistan 42, 89, 104, 122 Bunerwal tribesmen 24. 70 Bannu 5, 7, 14, 15, 23, 27, 139, 141, Burma 46,50, 155,179 147, 155 Burma Military Police battalions 91 Bannu Brigade 93, 159-60 Burroughs, Peter xiii Bannu Moveable Column 90, 139 Bush Fighting (1903) 91

251 252 lnd~:t Callwell. Colonel Clwles 11iv. 11vi. Dall• 103--4. 106 41. 53. 71. 84. 95. 176 Dalhousie, LDrd 5. 6 Camp Maidan 62. 63--4 ~~ 58-9.77-8.80-1 Campbell. C.,Wn Akunder 78 Daur lribes 3 Campbell, Major-General Sir de Casu Poner.Lieu1enan1 Reainald Frederick I 00 40 Camp~ or &etcile 27. 32. 42. 73. 85 de ulour. Major E.J. 43 Caner. LJ.-Colonel 48-9. 52. de Watteville. Colonel Herman 134 83 Deolali 89 Cassels. General Sir Robert 170 Den Ghazi Khan 5. 7. 23. 27 Cavenqb. Sir Orfeur 40 Den Ismail Khan S. 7.23,27.32 Cenlnl India Hone Cavalry Ill Deraj11.lhe IS. 16. 20. 21. 24. 101. tbap\1 KocaJ 59. 60 IOS-7. Ill. 128. IS6. 160. Chakdan 53--4. 80. 81 169.179 ChambettaiD. Bripdier-General Sir Derajal Column (Dencol) 108-21. NcviUe 21. 23. 26. 32 12.5. 130 Chamkanni tribesmen 65 Dervishes 70 Charles. Major-General James 129 Devontobire Rcaimcnt 47 Chanen. David 185-6 Dogras 6. 86. ISS Cbay10r. Colonel Roben 63 ~ire Rcaiment 64 Chelmsford. LDrd 121-2 Drill Book 48-9, 58. 62, 73. 76. 78. chemical weapoRJ 127 82-4.87-8.91 Chetwode. Sir Philip 148 Duff. Sir Beauchamp 91 China 30.83 Durand Line 103. IS6. 179 Chilnl 51. 104. 145 Dwa Toi 65, 66 Chilnl~p(l895) 51-2.74.79 Dyer. Briptier-General ReJinald 106 Chilnl Relief Force 5 I Civil Armed Forces 132. 138. 156. East Lancashire Rcaiment 49 165.185 Edwanlesblld 32 civil police 8, 32 Edwudi. C.,Wa Fiujamcs 71 'civilised warfare' 9. 40. 76. 88 Eacnon. Bripdier-General C'lwles Climo. Major-General Skipton 107, 75 lll.lll.IIS-16.118 fayptian warfare 11iii, 11iv, 52 Coke, C.,Wn John 7 18lh King Edward' 1 Own Cavalry IS I Coleridae. General Sir John 156. lllh Light Tank Company 156 159. 167-8 Elles. Major-General Edmund 86. 87 Collen. Major-Gmeral Sir Edwin 73 European warfare llii-llv. JIVi, 21. 25. c:olonial warfare llii-11iv. ni-nii, 44 31. 39.40,41.46. 76.125. trainina ror 40-1. 47. 48. so. 53. 140. 148-9. IS3. 173. 17S 82.85-6 Eusufzye Field Force 24. 25 Colquhoun. M•jor James 37 Combiftld TNilliltl ( 1905) 91 Faqir of lpi ISS. IS6. IS9, 160, 163, Coverina Troop~ 122. 124. 128. 179. 180 133--4. 136. 138. 139. 141. Field Army 42. 99. 122. 139-40. 143-7. IS4. 169 141. 159, 163. 16S. 169 Coll. C.,Wn Herbert 46 Fi'ltl Suviu Pocu1 BooA 93 Crq Piquet 24-S Fidd Sen-ice Replations 91-8. crap. General Sir o· Moore 94 99-100. 102-3. 124. 133. Cunon. LDrd 70. 89 134. 136. 147, 17S Index 253

Fi~ld Service.t and Exudus of Gurkha War(l816) 25 Infantry 31 Gurkhas 58. 72. 86. Ill. 113. 118. 5th Indian Infantry Brigade 129 119, 147. 157. 174 5th Punjab Cavalry 32 Gwynn. Major-General Charles 148 1st CAbbouabad) Brigade 157. 160. 163-4, 181 Hague Conference ( 1899) 80 Fij1;t Afghan War 6, 13, 15, 24, 25 Hale, Colonel Lonsdale "iii 1st 58. 59 Hale's Rocket Battery 80-1 1st Rawalpindi Division 156, 158, Hamilton, Captain William 49-50 159, 160. 169 Handbook ofTa<.·ticsfor Sa1'0ge Fij1;t World War xi, 93, 99, 121, 125, Warfare (Peach) 75 128, 140 Hankey. Colonel E.B. 129 Fort Sandeman Mobile Column 153 Hart, Major-General Sir R.C. 88 'forward policy' 42-53 8, 15. 27-8 Fosbery, Major George 26 Haughton, Colonel John 69 Foulkes, Major-General Charles 127 Haycock, R. xiv Franco-Prussian War Hayter, Adrian 174 and training of British and Indian Hazara 5, 15, 29, 31,43 armies 30-4. 41 Hazara Field Force 28-9 French Army 26, 30, 39-40 Hazarawals 44 Frontier Brigade Groups 184-5 Headrick, D.R. xiii Frontier Constabulary 132, 141. Henderson. U.-Colonel G.F.R. 82-3 179-80 hill warfare Frontier Force Regiment ISO. 174 origins of )(Vi, 9-24 Frontier Militia 23. 31 Hindustani Fanatics 8, 24, 45 Frontier Warfare ( 190 I) 87, 91 Hodgson, Brigadier General John 6, Frontier Warfaff-lndia (Anny and 14, 15,20 Royal Air Force) 1939 Holdich, Colonel Thomas 61,70 171-2, 179, 182, 184-5 Howard, Michael xiv Frontier Warfare School 181-2, 183 Hunza-Nagar Campaign 46 Fuller, Colonel J.F.C. 129 Hutchinson, Colonel Henry 73

Galhrailh. Major General William 43 Imperial Defence Conference ( 1909) Gandab Road 151-2 93 Gandab Valley 54, 55, 104 Jmperial Service Troops 51, 68. 99 Gaselee, Brigadier Alfred 64, 88 India Training Memorandum 146. Gatacre, Major-General Sir William 152-3. 169, 170 83 Indian Air Force 167 German troops 30, 180 Indian Army xiv, xvi. xvii, 23, 24 Gibb, Major Tony 185 Second Afghan War 35-7, 39, 40, Gompertz, Captain Mervyn 13.5--{) 71 Gordon, General Sir John 52, 84 training tor mountain warfare Great Frontier Rising ( 1897-8) 42-53.71-89 53-67 su also specific campaigns Gregorian. Raffi 175 Indian Army Order on lnstruction in Gunter. Lt.-Colonel Edward 52 Hill Warfare 85 Gurkha Rifles 60, 75, 79, 101, 118, Indian Frontia Warfare 157-8, 170-1, 174 (Younghusband) 74-7 Gurkha Scouts 60, 61,79 Infantry Committee 180 254 lnd~x

I"'GIIIry Drill 46-1, ~2. ~8. 76 Kina's Own Yorbhire liaht Infantry lnfGIIIry Trailriltl lUI, 91 67 lnlkip. Bripdier Roland I ~7 Kirkpatrick, Colonel Charles 133 lntanal Security Troops 122 Kilchener, Lord 89 lnlq 167 Knollys. Colonel H.H. 4 I lr.Kke, Bripdier Huben 100 K®l 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 21. 24. 27, 31. lsandhlwua 40 ~7. 106, 122. 139 Italian lrOOpl 180 Kolbi 44, I U Kumm Faeld Force 36 Jaamt.d 104. 130 Kumm Gartli post 90 James. Capuia Walter 22. 7~ Kumm Militia 141 J~ 179,183 Kumm Valley 1-2,39, 57, 81, 106, Jeffreys. Bripdier--General Patrick 138 S4-~ jihtld 103 Ladha 120. 121. 127. 141 Johnson. Colonel Philip 128-9 l...aJxn Disuict 90. 169 JOfUfl4l dis Scwtte' lrlili111ins 46 Lake. U.-t~maJ of till UnitH Mrvic' 99. 109. 111-14, 118-20, lrutin.tiott of Indio (JUSII l 130, 137. 141. 142-3. 157, 46.48-~.~2-3. 73-4,84. 159, 166. 172, 186 Ill, 134-~. 140. 143-4. 148, lawrence. Sir Heary ~-6 170. 176-7. 182 l...c Man:hand. Colonel Frank 181 Jowaki Af'ridis 33. 4~ l...cslie. Bripdier Walter I 27 Lockhart. Gene..l Sir William 46, Kabul 104, 130 ~7. 58, 60, 62.63-4.67, 68, Kabul Cam~ 38-9 69.79.80-1 Kandahar 39 Loval, Fraser 91 Kanppa Camp 59--60 Low. Major--General Sir Roben 51 Kanppa Pus 152 Lower Tahi Valley 104 Kubmir 51 lucas, Bri1adicr--General F.G. 109 Keen, Colonel Frederick 135 Ludlow-Hewill. Air Marshal Edpr Kempster. Bripdier-

No.3 Indian Wing 153. 154. 156. 167 Proceedings of the Uniud Suvias No. 20 (AC) Squadron 154 ln.ttitution of India (Proc. No. 47 (Experimental) Infantry USII) 31,34 Brigade 184 Profes.~ional Papers of the Corps of Ro.wn Engineers ( 1881) 40 Oman 185 Pukhtunwali. Code of 4, 7. 10 Omissi, David xiii Punjab Frontier Force (PFF) 27. Orakz.ais tribes 1. 4. 8. 44. 45. 46. 29-31,33-4.40,42-3. 55-62,65 89-90. 123, 143. 173, 179 Oude 21 Second Afghan War 38-40 Outlines of Mod~m Tucti£'.5 (Gunter) training 31-6.42- 52 Punjab Infantry 7. 14-15, 21. 50, 58, 85-6 Paget. Colonel William 32 Punjab Irregular Force (PIF) xv, Pakistan 185 5-24 Pelosina I 08-12. 139 Panjikora Valley I. 81 's Own Corps of Passing It On: Short Talks On Tribal Guides 8, 21, 24, 36. 85-6, Fighting on The North-West 150 Frontiu of India (Skeen) Qucna 85. 89. 153 148. 172, 176 Quetta Plateau 90 Pathan Tribes. trans-border xv, xvi. 1-5. 8-13,41,42.96-8 Radford. Major Oswald 50 lashJwrs 11-19. 33. 36. 44. 51. 55. RAF Army Cooperation Squadron 57,60-2,66.68-9, 78,80, 159. 167-8 99, 109, 111-14, 118-20, RAF Staff College at Andover I 76 130, 137, 141, 142-3, 157. Rajanpore District 23, 27 !59 ll Peach, Captain Edmund 75 Rawalpindi 57. 84. 90. 154 Peers, Doug xv Rawalpindi Brigade 85. 86. 154. 156. Peiwar Kotal 36, 37 159 Pendjeh incident ( 1885) 42 Rawlinson. Lord 131-2 Perak xiv Razmak 132, 139, 141, 147. 159, Persian Gulf 9!1 169. 180 Peshawar Brigade 8, 85, 86 Razmak Brigade 160. 179 Peshawar Column 67 Razmak Column (Razcol) 139. Peshawar District 5. 7-8. 14. 15. 20. 141-2. 155 21.23,31, Robens. Major-General Frederick 57,66,67,81,84,91, 106, 36.39 122. 141, 144. 154 Robertson. Lieutenant Charles 37 Pettigrew, Colonel Hugh 147. 155 Robertson. Colonel Donald 133 Paizha Algad 120 Rodwell. Major Ernest 76 Pioneers 10 Roos-Keppel. U.-Colonel George 92 Plowden. Lt. -Colonel Fr.tncis 76 Rose. Sir Hugh 25 Pollock. Colonel John 74 Ross. Brigadier-General Campbell Poona 96 33 Probyn's Horse 155 Ross. Colonel Harry 102 Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Rowan-Robinson. Major-General Institution 43, 48 159-50 lrulrx 257

Royal Air Force xiii. 104. 107-8, Skeen.~ Sir Andrew 108. 114. 130-1, 132. 1~7. 111-13.116, 118. 148.176 153-9. 166-71 Slater. Major J.M. 186 Royal Indian Marine 98 Slessor. Captain Anbur SK Royal Miliwy Colleae at Sa.ndbunt Sleuor. Wina Commander John 124-5 1.53-4 Royal Navy 98 Slim. Fteld Marshal W. 121 Royal United Sen-ices hutitute (RUSI) 'small w~r~' 40,52-3. 173 26. 41. 52. 82-3. 86. 133. Small Wan: lMir PriiK'ipi~J wul 176 Prortiu (Callwcll) xiv. 53. Russia 30. 40. 42 84. 88. 124. 176 War 93 Smyth. Sir John Ill South Africa 41. 73 Salmond. Air Vice Marshal John South Wales Bonkrcn 1.57 131-2 South Wazirisaan Militia 104. 141 Sampaaha Pass 59. 60.80 South wazirisun Srouu 165 Sappen 10 Staff Collese at Camberky xiii. 82. Saran Sar 63. 64 83.88-9.125.174,176 SAS 18.5 StafrColle1c in India at Qucna 89. 'savaae watf.n' 41.46-7, SO. 52. 94.99. 124-S, 143-4.174, 73. 7s-R0.82- 181 90. 91. 93. 99. 102. 124-5. Stewart, Sir Donald 38 140.173 Sudan xiv. 41. 47. 70. 73 'scientific frontier' 42 Sunni lribes 2 Second Afghan War 3S-8. 68. 71. 74 Swat VaJky I. 54.81 lessons of 38-41 Swati lribesmcn 24 • .53-4. 70 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Rcairnenl Symons. General William .59 .58 2nd Battalion Kina's Own Sc:ocs TA Battalions 99 Bordclas .58 Tank lam Valley 112. 116-18 2nd Battalion Oxfordshire Liabl tanks 128-30, 144, 146. IS0-3. IS6. lnfantl)' 76 16S-6 79 Taylor. Captain Arthur 91 Second Sikh War I Temple. Sir Richard 9 Shabbdr 104 ThaJ 106 Shadwell. Capcain Leonard 74 Third Araban War 103-20. 121. 126. Sham Plain 159-60 128.130 SIUa Muslims 2 Tborbun, s.s. 20 Sbinawari 57. 58. 66.72 Tirah 1-2. 4.5, .58-70, 106 Shinlwtw 6 7. 69 Tirah Campaip .57-70. 17 3 8. 45 lcamina lhe leuons of 70-84. 121 Sikh Dwbu Hone Anillery 6 infantry wc.pons 7~ I Sikh lnfantl)' 21. sa. 59. 12. 74. 86 official response 84-9 Simla 73. 176 Tirah Expeditionary Force (TEF) Simpson. LI.-Coloncl Francis 182 .57-60.64-8,72,79,81.82 Simpson. Major Henry 43. 46, 48 Tochi Column

Tochi Valley 104, 108, 128 Wazirs 3, 4, 8, 45, 51,70, 104-7, Tori Khel Wazir tribesmen 155-60 109-10, 113, 120 T oriatigga Valley !50-I Waziristan 2-3,51,53-4, 108, Ill, training 113, 115. 121-2. 124, for colonial warfare 40-1, 4 7, 48, 126-36. 138, 141-2, 144-7, 50,53,82.85-6 153-60, 165-70, 174, 179, for mountain warfare 26-7,31-6, 185 42-53,71-89 Waziristan Campaign (1894-5) 51-2 Prussian system of 30-4, 41 Waziristan Campaign (1919-20) Punjabi Frontier Force