Agenda Meeting: Board Date: Wednesday 9 December 2020 Time: 10.00am Place: Teams Virtual Meeting Members Sadiq Khan (Chair) Anne McMeel Heidi Alexander (Deputy Chair) Dr Mee Ling Ng OBE Cllr Julian Bell Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE Kay Carberry CBE Mark Phillips Prof Greg Clark CBE Dr Nina Skorupska CBE Bronwen Handyside Dr Lynn Sloman Ron Kalifa OBE Ben Story Dr Alice Maynard CBE Government Special Representatives Andrew Gilligan Clare Moriarty DCB Copies of the papers and any attachments are available on How We Are Governed. To maintain social distancing in the current circumstances, the meeting will be held by videoconference or teleconference. The meeting remains open to the public, except for where exempt information is being discussed as noted on the agenda, as it will be webcast live on the GLA website Mayoral Webcast page. A guide for the press and public on attending and reporting meetings of local government bodies, including the use of film, photography, social media and other means is available on Further Information If you have questions, would like further information about the meeting or require special facilities please contact: Shamus Kenny, Head of Secretariat; telephone: 020 7983 4913; email:
[email protected]. For media enquiries please contact the TfL Press Office; telephone: 0343 222 4141; email:
[email protected] Howard Carter, General Counsel Tuesday 1 December 2020 Agenda Board Wednesday 9 December 2020 1 Apologies for Absence and Chair's Announcements 2 Declarations of Interests General Counsel Members are reminded that any interests in a matter under discussion must be declared at the start of the meeting, or at the commencement of the item of business.