Signs of the Times for 1875
nil ".Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." REv. xin : 12. VOLUME 1. OAKLAND , . CAL. , FIFTH-DAY, APRIL 29 1875. NUMBER 25. them, that the promise is fulfilled, is found " When ye come together, every one of neglecting those blessings which we immedi- glue #igno of the Zimeo in the signs of the Spirit's presence and power, you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, [or in- ately need and which God has promised to IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE which were to follow them that believe. struction,] bath a tongue, [i. e., a gift of bestow, is practical infidelity in regard to This is made very plain in Acts 2, where the tongues,] bath a revelation, hath an interpre- the faithfulness of God. It is no test of Pacific Seventh - day Adventist promise first commenced its fulfillment. tation. Let all things be done unto edify- faith to pray for things which we. do not im- Publishing _Association, When the commission was given they were ing." Verse 26. mediately need, or .which; if granted,. are so far removed from our personal experience OAKLAND, : : : : CALIFORNIA. told to tarry at Jerusalem until they were Paul did not disapprove of these things, endued with power from on high. Accord- but gave such directions in, regard to the use and observation that we could not realize the ingly they remained at Jerusalem and did of their gifts as seemed necessary for their answer. To pray for the heathen in a dis- t TERMS : TWO DOLLARS a year to those growth, and that the gifts of God's Spirit tant land, for the restoration of Israel, or for who choose to pay a subscription price, and FREE to all not preach any until the day of Pentecost, others as far as the paper is sustained by the donations when the promised power came.
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