History of the Allegheny Conference
G. D. BATDORF Bishop of the Eastern Area ALLEGHENY CONFERENCE MINISTERS OCTETTE Front Row—B. F. Bungard, C. W. Winey, P. F. Mickey, A. J. Orlidge. Rear—E. C. Weaver, J. D. Good, E. E. Householder, W. D. Good. HISTORY OF THE ALLEGHENY CONFERENCE of the Church of the UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST By J. S. FULTON, D.D. Telling of the origin, growth, and development of the conference and its attitude toward great issues and its part in their solution ILLUSTRATED 19 31 DEDICATION TO THE FATHERS OF ALLEGHENY CONFERENCE WHO SO EARNESTLY AND UNSELFISHLY TOILED AND WHO UNCOMPLAININGLY ENDURED LONELINESS, SUFFERED HARDSHIP, AND SACRIFICED COMFORTS, IN ORDER TO LAY DEEP AND BROAD A FOUNDATION UPON WHICH THEIR FOLLOWERS MIGHT BUILD THE SUPERSTRUCTURE OF A LARGER AND BETTER CONFERENCE, THIS MODEST VOLUME OF HISTORY IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED. / INTRODUCTION The "Acts of the Apostles" was the first installment of the history of the Christian church. Other installments of the life-giving, expand ing work of the Spirit of God in transforming human lives and society, from one generation to another, have been put into thou sands of books which are now found in the libraries of the world. And, with all of this, only a fragment of the marvelous story of Christ and His church has been recorded. This book, the first history of the Allegheny Conference, Church of the United Brethren in Christ, continues the report of Christ's sav ing and building work in portions of Pennsylvania. It is a record of some of the sacrifices, joys and achievements of the pastors and mem bers of the Allegheny Conference during the ninety-two years, from 1839 to 1931.
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