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The church was crowded for Cont ents berta, Canada. Mr. Stelter will the services, and the Kraft twi11s were Cover Dcsisn ... ...... Century Photos Clevela nd, O hio, J a~uary 1, 1942 begin his services in Olds about busy, as a r eporter stated, in "preach­ ing, teaching , singing, playing and W hat's I-Jappe nlni; ............... · · · · 2 Volume 20 Nu mber 1 on February 1st, succeeding t he Editorlal-"United for Action" .. · · · · .3 Rev. G. Beutler, now pastor of bringing obj-<ct lessons." The entire the Rosenfeld Church of Sas­ church experienced a gr eat spiritual "A Formula For Llvini;" revival, and a number of converts pro­ by Hev. Paul F. Zoschl<c ...... · 4 katchewan. "Our Praye r s for Times Lil<e These" fessed their faith in Christ as Savior by Dr. William Kuhn ...... · · · · 6 e Evangelistic meetings were who were r ecently baptized by the Rev. United for Action held in the Ebenezer Baptist "'l'h e Trail of a Spiritual Adve nture" ~ H. G. Dymmel, pastor of the church. by R e v. Chas. F. Zummac h .... .. 1 HE road ahead will be a hard and gruelling grind for Church of Elmo, Kansas, from "'l'wo Wor lds"-A Poem November 9 to 23 by t he Rev. e E vangelistic meetings were conduct­ by Dr. vVm. H . Houg h ton ... · · · 9 our continent and churches. United States and Cana­ ed for two weeks in the Second German Arthur M. Coll ins, a returned The Prodi i;al R eturns da as well as a ll the Central American republics and Baptist Church of Philadelphia, Pa., missionary from J a p a n. He Chapter Three of Seria l Story .. 10 South American countries are presenting an unbroken united 11 brought convincing spiritual by its pastor, the Rev. H. Palfenier. T h e Chaplain's Corn e r ........... · · · H messages so that the church was richly The meetings were very successful with Reports from the Fie ld ........ ... · .15 front to a common foe across the seas. With remarkable speed 4 per sons professing faith in Christ blessed and 4 persons professed faith Uo You Know That . ....... 19 these governments have gone into action for the ultimate and and many others being r ecla imed for in Christ as Savior, according to the The O ne Hundred C l ub ........ .... 19 pastor, the Rev. John Breeder. Christ. The pastor wrote as follows: cherished goal of victory. "It is, indeed, a privilege to work with Pnn l nud Cluru Gebau er 1942 e The Baptist Church of Carrington, nt Home Jn I'ortlnnd, Oregon the many faithful workers in our • The uncertainties of are legion. No one can foretell No. Dak., recently experienced great church. They gave of their time and Co mi n g the current events in the next twenty-four hours in times like spiritual blessings when the Rev. Pat tal~nts in an unstinted way. Our pray­ A DANGEROUS C ROSSIXG these. But one certainty stands out like a burst of the sun's Malone conducted revival meetings in A"Baptist ~erald " Salute ! er is that we may go on in the power l\Iiss Edith Koppin. our missionar y nurse In J\fa mbila. Africa. t ells auout h e r t he church for two weeks in November. With t his issue "The Baptist of the Spirit of God to higher levels adve ntur es In c r ossing the A tla ntic rays through the dark clouds. That is the united determina­ The report has been received t hat there Her ald" begins its 20th volume of Ch1·istian living." Ocean on a small fre ig hter, bar e l y es­ capin g catastrophies and death o n sev­ tion of the peoples of our respective countries to give every were 26 conversions and reconsecra­ with impressive changes in its • The Rev. John E. Grygo, pastor of e r al occas ions . possible aid to our governments to reach their objectives. tions. The reporter stated t hat "the front cover design, headings for the Immanuel Baptist Church of N ew FLYI:VG FOR iU\" COU J\"TR Y church members wer e given new faith the feature articles and special York c :ty, was recently elected presi­ AND C H ilIS'l' As members of our churches we have always been found and courage to carry on the work of pages, photography and new de­ dent of the Regional Conference of Lie ute n a nt Robert Iva n Dittrich, a t est Pilo t for the Army Air Cor ps, r el a t es in the vanguard of civic duty. Our citizenship on earth in this the Master." The Rev. Alfred Weisser partments. We t rust that the is­ New York Baptist ministers. We co11- is the pastor of the church. sues of 1942 will merit your h earty h ow he has witnessed for C hrist as or­ republic of ours has always been a sacr ed trust. We accept the gr~tu l ate Mr. Grygo upon the honor ganis t at Randolph Field Chapel and o n interest and cooperation to make m any o ppo rtunities that have come his words of the apostle Paul as disciplinary truth for ourselves: e A Union Thanksgiving Day service which was conferred upon him! On way. this " the banner year" of our pub­ Thanksgiving Day, November 20, Mr. for a ll of the churches of Anaheim, A 1-H :lll'l'.\,Gl': OF P IUCEt.ESS "Put them in mind to be in subjection to rulers, to authorities, lication. Gryl?o brought the message at a union Calif., was held on Thursday morning, FHEEDo:u to be obedient, to be ready unto every good work." (Titus 3 :1) The art designs for the front ~erv 1c e for neighboring churches h eld November 20, in t he Bethel Baptist cover and departmental headings Tho s t o r y of the beg inning of o ur c~ e­ Church with music provided by the Be­ in the Central Park Baptist Church of n o ~lnation a. l histor y is rclatccl w i t h This challenge of the new year 1942 is even broader in its were prepar-ed by Mrs. Clara Ge­ New York. He spoke on the theme v1v1elness of des c ription a n d \\'ar mth of t hel Church choi r, under the leadership bauer of Portland, Oregon. Her unders tand ing i n a nothe1· m e morable scope. We must be united as Christian forces to bring a faith­ of the Rev. H. G. Dymmel, and by Miss " Not Unmindful of His Kindness,: article b~· the Rev. Charles F. 7. ummach. studies at the Art Institute of Chi­ based on 1. '£hess. 5: 18. Dr. W illia;TI K~' 'I'HUSI.\ S .H FOR ) llSSI O:\" ful proclamation of the gospel to those still living in darkness. Lois Schroeder as organis t. The cago and her teaching experience Thanksgiving Day message on "Living Kuhn of Forest Park, Ill., was a lso in PROJEC'I'S 'q1ere are no other priorities in the building of Go'd's Kingdom. in Madison, Wis., before her mar­ the large audience. The account of our ,·oung p eo ple's Thankfully" was deliver ed by t he Rev. riage to our missionary, P aul Ge­ unio ns whic h are worl<ln'g h nrcl In pro· A spiritual ministry must be brought to the lives of our soldiers Fred E ssig. Attractive programs were moting various miss io n a ry proje cts will bauer, qualified her for the splen­ • The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Gebauer, bee a n e xceeding ly interes t ing- n rticle and sailors. Neither propaganda nor hatred can ever stifle our provided for the members of the large did service which she has r endered our Cameroon missionaries spent seve­ or <' ve ry "Baptis t Herald" 1·cnclc1-. audience by the Anaheim Ministerial our publica tion. ral '~ee k s in December on ~ promotion­ prayers for all people, including those living in enemy terri­ Association. Our salute to her is brought in a l trip to our Ca lifornia churches. On • tory. Sunday, December 7 they spoke in the Subscription p rice- $1.50 a year e Since December 1st, the Rev. and the widespread enthusiasm and Dr. Georgia Harkness of the Garrett Biblical Institute Mrs. Emil D. Gruen of Des Moines, acclaim of our constituency as t he Baptist Church of L~ di. On Wednesday To Foreign countries-$1.75 a year Iowa, have been serving the American new and better "Baptist H erald" and Thursday evenings December 10 .
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