Hiroshima & Western Honshu

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Hiroshima & Western Honshu MUSLIM-FRIENDLY2019 edition hiroshima & western Honshu hiroshima / yamaguchi / okayama / shimane / tottori Assalāmu alaykum. Guide to symbols Greetings from the Chugoku region. +DODOFHUWLͤHGPHDWVHUYHG 1RSRUNRUSRUNGHULYHGLQJUHGLHQWVRQ $V -DSDQ ZHOFRPHV PRUH DQG PRUH WKHSUHPLVHV YLVLWRUV IURP DURXQG WKH ZRUOG HIIRUWV 9HJHWDULDQRSWLRQVDYDLODEOH DUH EHLQJ PDGH WR DFFRPPRGDWH D GLYHUVH UDQJH RI GLHWDU\ QHHGV 2QO\ D 1RDOFRKRORUDOFRKROGHULYHG OLPLWHG QXPEHU RI UHVWDXUDQWV KRWHOV LQJUHGLHQWVRQWKHSUHPLVHV DQG IDFLOLWLHV FDWHU WR 0XVOLP WUDYHOHUV 3UD\HUVSDFHDYDLODEOH LQ WKH &KXJRNX 5HJLRQ ORFDWHG DW WKH ZHVWHUQHQGRI-DSDQ̵VPDLQLVODQGRI 7DNHRXWDYDLODEOH +RQVKXDQGPDGHXSRIWKHͤYHSUHIHF- WXUHV RI +LURVKLPD 2ND\DPD 7RWWRUL (QJOLVKPHQX 6KLPDQH DQG <DPDJXFKL :H KRSH KRZHYHUWKDWWKLVJXLGHZLOOEHXVHIXOWR (QJOLVKVSRNHQ 0XVOLPWUDYHOHUVYLVLWLQJRXUUHJLRQDQG KHOSPDNHWKHLUVWD\DSOHDVDQWRQH )UHH:L)L Chugoku Transport and Tourism Bureau &UHGLW&DUGVDFFHSWHG Chugoku Economic Federation 1RQVPRNLQJ Chugoku Regional Innovation Research Center 国土交通省中国運輸局 (一社)中国経済連合会 (公財)中国地域創造研究センター IF IN DOUBT... I am a Muslim. 私は、 ムスリムです。 Note: ,QIRUPDWLRQFRUUHFWDVRI0DUFK3OHDVHEHDZDUH WKDWWKLQJVGRFKDQJH Do you have any dishes that..? /LVWLQJV VHOHFWHG XQGHU WKH JXLGDQFH RI +LURVKLPD ,VODPLF &XOWXUDO &HQWHU 3OHDVH EH DZDUH KRZHYHU WKDW 以下の料理の提供は可能ですか。 OLVWLQJVDUHEDVHGXSRQWKHGHFODUDWLRQRIWKHOLVWHGEXVL- QHVVHV WKHPVHOYHV :H GR UHFRPPHQG WKDW 0XVOLP GLQHUV DVN UHVWDXUDQW VWDII WR FRQͤUP ZKHWKHU PHQX LWHPVXVH+DODOLQJUHGLHQWVRUFRQWDLQDQ\SRUNRUDOFRKRO □ Do not contain pork products (including bacon, ham, SURGXFWVZKHQRUGHULQJ sausage, lard, gelatin) Issued in Mar 2019 豚や豚由来材料(ベーコン・ハム・ウィンナー、ラード、 Produced by Chugoku Transport & ゼラチン等)を含まない料理 Tourism Bureau Chugoku Economic Federation, Do not contain alcohol (including cooking wine, sake, Chugoku Regional Innovation □ Research Center mirin rice wine) Edited by JizoHat & designed by judi-design.jp アルコール(料理酒、みりん、酒精等)を含まない料理 Supervised by Hiroshima Islamic Cultural Center www.hiroshimatours.info/ □ Use Halal meat Contact: muslimguide@hiroshi- pdf/muslimguide.pdf ma-icc.org ハラール認証肉を使用した料理 発行者 中国運輸局、中国経済連合会 、 中国地域創造研究センター 監修 広島イスラーム文化センター 2 CHUGOKU REGION Matsue Castle, Matsue City ( 松江城 ) k6KLPDQH3UHIHFWXUH TOKYO OSAKA HIROSHIMA MATSUE TOTTORI Tottori Sand Dunes, Tottori City ( 鳥取砂丘 ) k7RWWRUL3UHIHFWXUH 1h30~2h JR Train 1h30~2h Shinkansen 2h30~3h Bus SHIMANE 2h OSAKA KYOTO 3h~3h30 HIMEJI OKAYAMA From Osaka: 45/50 min From Hiroshima: 35/40 min YAMAGUCHI HIROSHIMA From Osaka: 80/90 min From Okayama: 35/40 min (All times approximate) SHIN-YAMAGUCHI From Hiroshima: 30/50 min Okayama Castle and Korakuen Garden, Okayama City ( 岡山城・後楽園 ) A-bomb Dome, Hiroshima City ( 原爆ドーム ) k2ND\DPD3UHIHFWXUH Rurikoji Temple, Yamaguchi City ( 瑠璃光寺 ) k+LURVKLPD3UHIHFWXUH © Yamaguchi Prefecture 3 HIROSHIMA HIROSHIMA, MIYAJIMA, HIGASHI-HIROSHIMA SHIMANE PREFECTURE OKAYAMA PREFECTURE hiroshima PREFECTURE OKAYAMA SAIJO 16 HIGASHI-hiroshima higashi-HIROSHIMA CITY ONOMICHI 20 hiroshima hiroshima university 6 5 MIYAJIMA higashi 17 hiroshima YAMAGUCHI station PREFECTURE N WE S hiroshima castle shukkei-en garden 14 hiroshima 11 station 1 13 19 Grocery To Nishi-Hiroshima Hiroshima Halal Food 15 19 a-bomb 4 dome 広島ハラールフード 11:00-19:00 9 hondori Closed Tuesday peace 10 AIOI dori memorial 3 4-14 Kojin-machi, Minami-ku Park 18 2 8 Hiroshima | Tel: 090-9463-2577 7 21dori chuo heiwa o-dori 20 Prayer Space 265 The Outlets hiroshima ジ アウトレット広島 Hijiyama Tel: 082-941-7111 Park 10:00-20:00 en.the-outlets-hiroshima.global 4-1-1 Ishiuchi-higashi, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima takanobashi 12 JR nishi-hiroshima 21 Prayer Space station Don Quijote ドンキホーテ広島八丁堀店 HIRODEN NISHI 10:00-05:00 Tel: 082-543-6711 HIROSHIMA www.donki.com/en 2 HIROSHIMA CITY 5F 5-3 Shintenchi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 4 +DODOFHUWLͤHG No pork cooked on Vegetarian options No alcohol used Prayer space Take out meat served premises available in cooking available available 1 OkonomiyakiOkonomiyaki 2 Japanese Mei Mei AverageAverage price:price: Zicon Average price: //XQFKgXQFKg /XQFKga 銘々銘々 ''LQQHUgLQQHUg 而今 'LQQHUga Mei10:00-15:0010:00 Mei-15:00 / 117:00-23:007:00-23:00 11:30-23:00 nowClosed closed MondaMondayy Occasional holidays okonomiyaki-meimei.jimdofree.cookonomiyaki-meimei.jimdofree.comm www.facebook.com/zicon1982 7KHZRUOG̵VͤUVW+DODORNRQRPL\DNLUHVWDXUDQWgWHSSDQ\DNL7KHZRUOG̵VͤUVW+DODORNRQRPL\DNLUHVWDXUDQWgWHSSDQ\DNLFRXUVHVDOVRDYDLODEOHFRXUVHVDOVRDYDLODEOH Reservations required for both meals and take out bento lunch boxes. 6F 10-1 Matsubara-cho,Matsubara-cho, Minami-ku,Minami-ku, Hiroshima 2F 6-10 Shintenchi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-258-2229 3 OkonomiyakiOkonomiyaki 4 Organic cafe OrigamiOrigami JapanJapan AverageAverage price:price: Kissa Saeki Average price: //XQFKgXQFKg /XQFKg 折紙折紙 'LQQ'LQQHUgHUg 喫茶さえき 'LQQHUg origami JAPAN 11:00-14:0011:00-14:00 / 117:00-21:00:7:00-21:00: 8:00-20:00 (L.O.19:00) muslim-friendlyClosed MondaMonday menuy Closed Sunday, National Holidays no longerfacebook.com/origami.japan.hiroshimafacebook.com/origami.japan.hiroshim available a xn--r8jkw5439auu9b.com PrayerPrayer space right next door in Don Quijote store.store. Prayer space available on request. Private room for groups of up to 30. OkonomiOkonomi RepublicRepublic 3F 5-23 SShintenchi,hintenchi, NaNaka-ku,ka-ku, HHiroshimairoshima | TeTel:l: 082-243-387082-243-38733 1-4-25 Kamiya-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-246-9339 5 Japanese 6 Oyster hut Yamaichi Bekkan Average price: Shimada suisan Average price: /XQFKg /XQFKg 宮島山一別館 'LQQHUg 島田水産 'LQQHUg 11:00-14:00 / 17:00-21:00 (Sun, Nat Hols 11:00- Sun, Mon, Tue, Thur 10:00-19:00 15:00 / 17:00-20:30) / Occasional holidays Wed 10:00-16:00, Fri, Sat 10:00-20:00 yamaichibekkan.com shimadasuisan.com Opening hours vary according to the season. Reserve one day in advance for Itsuk- Halal Japanese cuisine right in front of the ferry terminal on Miyajima. ushima Shrine pleasure cruises and to view oysters being pulled out of the sea. 1162-4 Minato-machi, Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi | Tel: 0829-44-0700 1-2-6 Miyajimaguchi-nishi, Hatsukaichi | Tel: 0829-30-6356 7 Vegetarian (vegan-friendly) 8 Tempura Saishoku-kenbi Average price: Tempura Tenko Average price: /XQFKg /XQFKg 菜食健美 'LQQHUg 天冨良 天甲 中町店 'LQQHUg 11:00-16:00 (L.O.15:00) 11:30-14:00 / 17:00-21:30 Closed Tuesday & occasional holidays Closed Monday daisho-kikaku.com/hiroshima 10 min by taxi from Nishi-hiroshima. Dinner available for groups of 4 or more with reservation 3 days in advance. Private bookings OK. Prayer space occasionally unavailable. Private room for groups of 5-10 available with advance reservation. 4-32-2 Koi-ue, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-271-3770 2F Nakamachi Naganuma Bldg. 5-1 Naka-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-242-3933 5 +DODOFHUWLͤHG No pork cooked on Vegetarian options No alcohol used Prayer space Take out meat served premises available in cooking available available 9 Indian 10 Turkish/Mediterranean Cuisine Kanak Average price: KarŞiyaka Average price: /XQFKg /XQFKg カナック 'LQQHUg カルシャカ 'LQQHUg 11:00-15:00 (L.O.14:30) 11:30-14:30 (L.O.14:00) / 17:30-23:30 17:00-22:30 (L.O.22:00) Closed Monday (unless Mon is a Nat kanak-hiroshima.com/en Hol, in which case closed Tue) Prayer space unavailble when busy. Prayer space unavailble when busy. 2-2-10 Ote-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-236-7308 2-6-20 Ote-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-247-2202 11 Indian, Asian 12 Indonesian Sapana Average price: Warung Matahari Average price: /XQFKg Lunch サパナ 'LQQHUg インドネシア屋台 ワルンマタハリ 'LQQHUg 11:00-14:30 17:30-23:00 (L.O.22:30) 17:00-22:30 Closed Monday www.warungmatahari.com Groups of up to 30. Many vegetarian options. Indonesian cuisine prepared by a Balinese owner-chef. 2-10-18 Tokaichi-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-233-1326 5-8-13 Ote-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-240-2082 13 Indian, Nepali 14 Thai curry Namaste ASSE Average price: J&T Aigake Curry Average price: /XQFKg /XQFKg ナマステ ASSE 店 'LQQHUg J&T あいがけカレー 'LQQHUg 11:00-22:00 / Occasional holidays Mon-Fri 10:30-19:00 / Sat, Sun, Nat when shopping center closed Hols 10:30-17:00 (occasional holidays) namaste-in.com http://bit.ly/jtaigakecurry Inside Hiroshima Station building ASSE NLQGVRI+DODOFHUWLͤHG7KDLFXUU\ 6F ASSE 2-37 Matsubara-cho, Minami-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-568-0045 1-6-30 Hikari-machi, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima | Tel: 082-261-6240 15 Halal bento & Prayer space 16 Grocery & Prayer space 18 Cafe Halal-Certified Treats Sumiya spa & Hotel Halal Shop ALI +DODOFHUWLͤHGYHUVLRQVRI ハ ラー ル ショップ アリ 0L\DMLPD̵VPRVWSRSXODUJLIWVQRZ スミヤスパ&ホテル DYDLODEOHFRXUWHV\RI<DPDGD\D 10:00-20:00 Closed Tuesday Average price: Yamada-yaPDNHURI0L\DMLPD̵V /XQFKg www.facebook.com/Halalshopali SRSXODU OHDIVKDSHG momiji-manju 'LQQHUg 3F 7 Saijo-asahi-machi, Higashi- VHOOV+DODOFHUWLͤHGER[HVRIWKHFDNHV hiroshima | Tel: 080-3725-3044 VWXIIHGZLWKVZHHWEHDQSDVWHDVZHOO 6-18 Kyobashi-cho, Hara Donuts 3ULFHga DVshakushi-senbeiFUDFNHUV Minami-ku, Hiroshima 17 Prayer space Tel: 050-3398-5024 はらドーナッツ広島店 Hiroshima Islamic Cultural 10:00-20:00 Center haradonuts.jp/hiroshima.html 広島イスラーム文化センター Healthy preservative-free soy www.hiroshima-icc.org donuts. 4F 2786-1 Taguchi, Saijo-cho 3-13 Mikawa-cho, Naka-ku Higashi-hiroshima Hiroshima | Tel: 082-240-0826 6 YAMAGUCHI YAMAGUCHI SHIMANE HIROSHIMA PREFECTURE PREFECTURE HAGI HIROSHIMA YAMAGUCHI PREFECTURE IWAKUNI YAMAGUCHI yamaguchi prefectural art museum kami-yamaguchi station 1 yamaguchi station 9 ishin memorial yUDAONSEN station park stadium N yamaguchi WE university 2 YAMAGUCHI CITY S 1 Indian 2 Univ. cafeteria Shiva Average price: Yamaguchi Univ. Average price:
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