I From the Oct. 31. i- > which science Herald, J no one article NEWPEIIUY, s. (_\, Oct. 1*71. 1 i. 1 o I shall write ;• letter t<»-«1 .. ! tvor as carbolic .y which will startle

■■ ■ ■ readers of *he b»cuu-<- ir eon- ■ .*' illation oi tar tli;' Herald, will tain the record of u state whi-h l»:i«* for five i. •: •: '• •• Republican r etc. Journal. benzale, Tears past he *n hi Id up I ; ire them in quite a dillerent light from what i -a dl exhibit herein. VOLUME And 1± BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER U, 1871. NUMBER 18. every letter to 1 writ:* n hall he the r» •V.' or \ ;i' i-■ » : >t;ig! into I enrd "f a single county, until ! have traversed in death to ail the nine counties pla-v i under maiaial law. eon How D~. Nichols Raises Potatoes. 1!k' no faet. actuat' d l.v no ltish motive, In the Twilight. close-mouthed Seoteluuau, who would rain, ami was soon back m my cabin. A Fun in the Far West. eeulfng Chicago Marriage. hut aiming at the truth. make no with any of flip I knew that the never simply ItV ni'STEU A. BENEDICT. acquaintance Company per- he was The of the New York We mentioned the other day a be- coil >i ot the Boston Journal of other employees The only thing miiteil letters to iie sent away from the correspondent fight a i.mi.i: r.n;n i. ~ tween a bull and a bear was : '.! A ud to The ir where over known to do, was to stand at fort without lirst been Tribune the of which ad- •'Ii•• i*-try, I)r. James K Nichols is, we be- j day .sleep delight is; guard having read by the gives following description Beginning, thee., with tic county of New- tin* sen, vertised for the tirand i night eomi-ih up from that gate, and to follow and watch the factor, and that if ( undertook to send the a Vrginia City Opera whieli I .ten 'I under martial law vi nior-’ than other man in the marriage in the suburbs of the burned berry. has p:ae< doing any | Aii'l. >weeter than or than is. House, but which didn’t conte oil' because day night person hold there as a prisoner, when she letter the lady had given me, it would not ami held up as a portion of South Carolina ni: t ry to aid farmers bydemonst how ) Tim litth* ones flock’to my knee, city, between parties who had lost all their the beasts refused to re- whieli doth"* I rating was abroad—or, rather, only bo confiscated, but would me play—they hadn’t the Stale and federal laws, pro- 1 Sweet and permitted logo get 1 Mill P hii? ■ j Evelyn, queenly quiet. pose to show how and her ; an raise crop-. without stable manure, when she desired to go abroad, tor. with into serious trouble. I how- worldly possessions by the great confla- ceived their salaries, probably. .Since wiiftiay maligna*tly Tenure with her dead father’s eyes, very had, have been t.ted. You ha\v then there have been other and more .suc- people misreprex oni mil y by the application of proper i And Roland, the prince of all riot, the exception of keeping her strictly to ever that i would forward tire gration. heard •* * .*>.*. 11 promised miieh about ••rehei" and **Ku Klux” out- towns * * * "t i That bosomed in innocence lie. was the cessful novelties, this account one of 1 chemical There was a herself, she permitted letter to its and determined was raa1 •> here, hut tic* <*th. r 'id*- of th story lias i- > '• ;ir k : w ithiu agents. recently largest destination, So, when it r> whispered from the not were to do so. Several months about which, Virginia City Enterprise yet he n told. Will ii not surprise three- W ,! : « lit :,S ;if owner gathering of at his All day with the winds that straying liberty. passed that sweet Minnie a relative prominent agriculturists away T-, fourths of readers whit- forests embroidered with fern. I had been at the fort a few before an of September 23, is interesting, not your to hear that more .! t. iI;' t 'H Through only days itself to of our and who was to have been very Mlike *.v> gill to farm :i Haverhill, one of the opportunity presented host, rebels or whatever else guests being Or under the window boughs playing before I that the was tultill trust. In to say men—democrats, they •«T "‘0 i V.■■■ i ;i:i r while one I discovered cottage my company with several married to the strictest sect of suggestive. mav he called—liave been the edit>>i .f the New Farmer. That still for the river brinks yearn. according The wild-cat and bull murdered by negroes .Ml England the of a female, a 1 was sent down to the great dog fight since tlie •\ alarmed t know where the are whitest, prison-house young others, Vancouver fashionables, if street had war ended than negroes by white \Y take ; in They pebbles Superior came at last : from his account of woman—about as as human flesh Island for and oft' the men. Will it not further to learn xaiui-.H in III rct 1 with following In caverns low down by the sea; pretty supplies, finding, on our not been burned, would out Opera-house night, surprise you really carry that since a:'• the eoukl be made. "I hain't no to and was wit- November last hut one solitary out : hi- i.»\v. house and crops Where birds are the bravest and brightest, got good trrival, one,,of the Company’s ships on her intention and take the vows on the according programme, holy nessed a com- rage, that can by any means he laid i.iio "tl: chinks in the And breezes the fullest of glee. use his exact the eve of for I made the the by full and excited house, possible up- t'he potato' crop was examined, descriptive powers’’—to sailing Europe,' 1-th, house was in a state of the wild- on the Ku Klux. has been in New carefully cl but a tew of the perpetrated d a. i wi’h i'.'cets. o; words—“or I’d tell how she looked : of one of the posed mostly men, ! was judged would yield three hun- | But they come when the whisper of shadows you acquaintance crew, and be- est excitement. How could they get a berry, and that for months past perfect order I S iui for it but I’m a first-rate o.- and •‘sterner sex"—when it comes to dred bushels to the acre Is thrilling the odorous air, judge beauty, coming convinced that he could be trust- license; how find a clergyman ? The cat-fight- has reign d in this “insurrectionalV* commu- t at isos in his mind : And, sweeter than clover of meadows. There was And \.d I assert facts. in-.iiiig in the midst of these crops, the will pledge you my faith that she was 's!. gave him the letter, with instructions trousseau was burned ; the intended ing—were present. rigged up nity;' merely :o'V rih tiieui! Scores OI Their breath flutters into hair. guests on the a v was was the condi- my stnnnin’. The old Scotchman, to it stage twelve feet made,—“What regular post upon arriving in England. were burned out; the caterers a'id florists largo cage, SOUK UNIM'NISlftl' Ml KhEKKlm. >v »i.11ntiis has this They i/over my face with their kisses. ten ti '• •>: the lair; before the were standin’ or sittin’ in front of that ui; I returned to the fort and wide, feet deep and ten teet high : tiie potatoes hands with their of snow. gate continued my had neither flowers nor food. IIow could •Mi *' n-. and our answer My lingers front and five feet of either side con- I have 1 >.*fr»r« nit* now tin* -tori-- of live mur- put upon it.' The reply was: “Three of the time, had aroused my curiosity, and I routine of a Till soul hath blisses duties, fashionable make her ■ • arooiie avid.. my prescience frequently catching young lady up 11 «*rs of white in- n. and tin <•* !-» tint •«»m|-lot.* v •at ago it was covered with young oaks. know. axed a to structed of small iron bars. Toward the ■ ■ That many of the but never an mind to be married the list. V d :s matter o! only co-angels may good questions, trying glimpses lady, without these The first is that of :t ir«-ntlt*ui:m named impor- rk«*se were out the the | getting things? roof of the so as to pulled by roots, find out what it all meant, but could to a word to But she ! cage, placed perfectly Lemuel Lane, who was kill' ll |»v ot no •|«iu *? And 1 am them stories. get opportunity address single did And what was more, gang about its a: i and I though telling being the were thoroughly ploughed pulverized, afar. from them a of the shoulders her, tor the old Scotchman never, for a a of light up interior, eight gas jets. negroes ami robbed ->f s-mnoo. Although ’In* I. 'S to 'V **I CXl-f- ! My spirit hath wandered only shrug girl sweetness and woman- pi i:i>t with exceeding All of tin- vv.-;-. hut year planted potatoes, llyp- a is. and a being in readiness, number one negro portion criminal* known 1 To the iminite where door which meant fight !-• •••!!.• iii !: li i:. :u i-i i- ; home, peculiar grimance, "ingle moment, relaxed his liness, she did not seem to care a whit ti’,i:i_Lr Tin- sold by and bone were to the and vigilance. took two men were ;. the intlucnc applied hill, And will be forever, ajar— very little or a as it At place. punish jn.iiti.-a. i> hi it >. ■ deal, just first, 1 1 could observe a about her lost drugg. ly-t.iidin- io.u ii<[ni. .' ''Co .i t v\ tin *s pened." brighter look in the lace of the came, and with it a tremendous The next murder is that ol 1 < ! i- •1 •••!■' ..-my Las' spring it was deeply My wee, tendei lambkins and !, poor girl, sweeping aptaiu ploughed again, and soon alitor Mr. (ice’s white bull- •• 'veinht ! 'v teat a*-* ounce tie I hnallv made bold enough lu ask tae as if was her and and largo He went to fort;:-- -u f arr--i is, >f u v^ri/cd the same fertilizer Are held in the sunlight that creepeth hope fanning heart, dusting of the house of refuge; for Lexington rp-»• finely, applied Ilero. Hero iiimseli a hero a who was « «1 f;. •'. .i- w rv ounces a' uatei ■ old Scott, but from him a dog, proved mg negro hmw;• wi'h tin *«■ weeds down, and here is the result. Where never a shadow may lie. got only .-airly, imparting more strength to her body. let mo tell you that a running lire of run- kept on ■■ in this instance, lie went alter that cat ring the eriniihal h- -t :*rt- ■. 1. wit! him ti.v.'i i: t!i-x>1 Vo,., i! w Hi< have intimation that I had bo ton* This continued for more than a and does not a > had no stable manure whatever growling year; ning guests leave house swept When near New Ki. r» too I .: 11 \ "thar and then.” The cat his first >erry ly ovoiieiry use. The were lair and as mind my own business, and not meddle then, as month after and stood potatoes large, good- mouth rolled away, garnished, but quite the contrary. A ed the Captain’s pistol, -hot him -h 1.1 a;: a I »•'. i ,:;i TheI and tv. i-.-r | U rl llJLT as Mysterious Lady. with the concerns of others. i could charge, then to leave. It h’okiug potatoes could well be. The Shortly j detect a redness about her eyes, license had been obtained, and Minnie’s began decamped. The wretch ha- i• i..»en no-l. airht iu kuow aftw 1 was called into the store bounded across the den with its ej. Tne third e:l*e is that |M. T < rt-ei. wh ri-adcr however, that the From 1 t»o Overland Monthly. by the which indicated that she had to own burned out had come to stumpy ; .Si I.'.vwii O' w •'!'<- lor begun clergyman was pro- p > t ; o iv ld was on the ol a meadow fa' cautioned in- tail erect, and tried to out the shot dead l»y negro.- •. \ i- .tin mi edge tor, against pursuing my i lose her grasp upon the anchor, marry but what should be done for ge through a ", -i i ct lie SUVs The which is one of the most grow her; Ins little -on received a lei! .-t in tti in v\ •*: ol .. black and that it received the Nisqtiully, bars, but was driven back bv men who -j soil, vestigations, and dismissed with a warn- and to tears. Two decorations ? The had ha- "id '■ MIC ivl into lovely anil rivers in the wot Id. I respondent, gave way large house-parlor di-ahied hitn f-u lit--. Ti:c i: u r- ,i wash ot a narrow strip above on its whole picturesque stood on either side with words., witli tlie ing. I years and a halt had marked their events never been and there was not I foilrtli » i l.VVeiVC 111 I :■ I V, .1. 1’ 1* \Y II1 le W;IS1 L into Sound a few miles furnished, | The advantages would not, we empties Tuget The evident desire, back of which it on the nose. to keep the secret ot in the world’s since the letter had even a m the room. Bat it they rapped Garrett, dsf. murd< ili v ol* i he history mantelpiece 1 poultry-lit)use >!i*;u!d such a of them- southeast of Steilacoom. Formerly one After a few iudge, bring crop that was a sore to me been intrusted wild plunges about the cage has vet \ w V v\ :: v e ,-ii, ills'. A iMit t*s cottage temptation to my hands, when infor- seemed as if the tire had as selves. of the tribes of Indians of the developed the the inoti\<- was W w- ■ m savage and 1 determined to risk t got a square hold of tin beast, robbery. hy n- th ic : *ii \ mation was to the fort the much feminine as it dog inevitable. i .:it corn was also shown raised slmi- northwest claimed tiie as its everything brought by ingenuity had de- issassins As by Nisqually solve, the but was .o and very soon killed it. From the. time v be 'a > wash : r.vls mystery, compelled Indians that a had entered the Sound. feminine Theodore c tui■f.uiid in the Doctor’s cold but now. a few ship stroyed property. lie an> grapery hunting ground, only bide started in, the was not min-h long- ** )i:i ; it uc act ts my time and rash- The arrival of a vessel was an event of said that it' the dog >W(‘f. li- all- the tiPa arc u :iy pai a;< grapes, now in the sixth year of their re- opportunity. My Winthrop order had been poor, miserable, filthy, squalid beings er the cat than a dark and tan can’t convict a 4rii! ■'* ■iti-r let oiu ;he fowls ness had caused uie to be watched, and it so rare an occurrence that it a in the killing wh- l..-|..» tiij w:h presenting a most luxurious appear- main ot the once and attracted given 7th Xew York Regiment. powerful tribe, was would have been in a rat. The League." Ha and not until all had been al- great deal of attention. Rival traders “Boots to the a using up ughly which have never had any stable even have lost their native suspicion Front,-’ goodly company •w "i-. they energy, dog killed him and to kill A t .\Sli IX iv -1 NT. mtion -ail parts of the manure, The Dr.'s that 1 could with make wi re looked the would “very dead,” advice to farmers is to and fallen into layed. safety, upon by Hudson Bay Com- have answered to the call, and so o.1 \ ter wards i-l-uv fowls on dean, premature decay. another effort. him still “deader” a man went into the make all the manure they can and use it on pany pretty much in the same light that now a call for decorators of burned A case in point—■ m- which -t uni- when these Indians prop- and a -;r o. wiie lie >tin wiii reach them, th ir Many years ago One I was ex- cage gave him cut across flie neck hooks ot South « in farms, and then to make up with day returning from the other people regarded thieves, and the erty brought a rush of talent to legal arolina damning evi- nr- \ m c tier I'urm in w iiieli were famous hunters, the traders of the perfect with a sword. dence of the truth v! t I write—is dry. '•hemica’ fertilizers the balance need cursion up tin* river, and was factors treated them as the rescue. In the they I’avuliup generally game- unsightly chimney of another muru-T. — > i-iihl.-.i Lo us i iti soup, !■1'' Hudson company went into their This short and decisive sent wild- m- Mr. j. their crops. Hay across one of those treated was light leisurely walking keepers In the hole an inverted Lhtnwo >• o,:- d V;ll ions ITj'IIM- and them rich in poachers. present placed soap-box, cat i\. former v : i, hut -on; country, finding furs, beautiful which abound in this down. Hero was the hero of the mo- prairies instance, scouts were sent out to watch covered with a crimson cloth. On this by evi fortune t •: :• ic :_li J'( nc.tliti Hi for ! erected a established a ment. lie was tort, trading-post, as oil', had ares',. watchman region. Now, these prairies are about the actions of the and to re- sat a tall cribbed from a bed- sponged at the -lcj-ot :..-r>.v\as -la.: .ii nr,j of >kin dis- and means of strangers, slop-jar, Scalds and Burns. soon, by blandishments— and was in trim for another bun1.. 1»V tu negr.--- :i al'.-i | pretty pictures as one can see in a to the commander of our fort. The tilled with finally post •. •*. .i. t > day’s port room, crimson and ci.-- h; tiv.t a !i:> i- ns lovely ■•• •• >ap which knew so well how to use— The second cat. a female and much assassins wi-n -v 1 --u ! n they walk, but “ain’t worth shucks for farmin’ after a large > ... ! b-so!\ i-r.j; ComiUOU scouts, short absence, returned, green autumn leaves. To bo sure a poUtidS won the of tiiose whom slop- than the male, which had getlicr with a third -gr -. j-r-- W Licli are no1 much more than skin friendship they The soil is hard and and that been kill' d, so,., .a iio: Wat.' i'. add \ wo u, four deep, purposes.” unyield- reported the vessels had dropped jar is not per sc a handsome ornament; found in p..s-e>-i-m ->t tie* thi. I'm doomed to destruction; for as it was let he was wild for the lying 1 liev< a1n strange the sour, and tit in, (and fray, t a* c- ; triio'ii -i eiirding i•» the j by excluding ing, herbage only for her anchor at the mouta of the river, and but then some had left a first w or mci air: the white trader has refugee magnifi- to mat which does it most may appear, always even trying get the and \vc and a notorious ..| ti Vdov, perfectly slice]); the deer refuse to browse that those on hoard were in- cent head and antlers, which, set through bars), negro name most decided relief, and that carried to the homes of the Indian disease making stag’s had number two. The went al •Jones, hims k.irz ;f 1 d-.-->:‘ it. A or vehicle could travel in to fort. This infor- in ot tight dog jTej».ar:i- upon wagon quiries regard the up front the objectionable the w eh is most to be at hand in an and death, with his blankets and crockery, the second Tat as as he hid L'*:igiic, vv,;- heard to -an long before ti:!• !- ;_i and likely along over it as as over a boated mation was no sooner impetuously ready prepared, lightly road, communicated to left to be desired. A white era- the man was h.r iria,. tint if li-• s to that extent. the irinkets. nothing for the one was brought up -4--’ o 1 id o iv-aiis best. gone first, but this 1- a sale arti- p while the hoofs of animals more the factor than he ordered his and lost some *;■ v wlm nivilu light- : hardly canoe, vat, by city 1 up-.a the jury he would ti l •! .m-.ia> !>- ion u:.^e the pari in water, cool or warm, When we reached and com- jin-H** ei .tad made tlio fur trum the1.’ : C|« :■) Ue< ... V.f Would Sid- Steilacoom, g- -- ,• than bruised the •, but as fell to visit the found it was to save lly iie W-Mli.i com iet tile two h- 1 L--;;giiei -. Now •hit as this is not some garss they proceeded ship. ably impossible both >< ! applicable to mend’d for a had it a r 'M:> !>',• 1 ... r dial, ;i 'e!lip‘. t..j por- making preparations fort- the made a noise \\ hut They cry lively for lime, when nnrk the '1" Li". .1 ik> or wiiiUi- the forest, deputed to the to show by bi- i-i- sy.'. ncc. T! -a- rt for night could be heard a distance. also a to me. tor I never heard a leaves into a true lover’s knot of colossal dug began plainly the healing process to take long Stop- mystery trial of th" < »her tvv > an-i i-'-remo-: s i'-M. w :,i \ y. tin* j are rirti-de place, learn about the and actions that lie “hadn't lost wild-cut." c must In- something country; for a moment under the shade ol a word about it. It is and in the any as a ping spoken propable. size, hung Branch- among the 111 > iu-11 -elect, d wa- *. n .len* -. o- d; tdi .•edian J’.-iiiir. regarded temporary expedi- in answer to high pic-r. lie a •, j Chrcni«'ie. my inquiries, nearly every- tree, to preferred standing at distan and : wiiiie some more permanent solitary enjoy the beauty of the however, that the factor was kindly en- es ot richest color tilled all sorts of niches The negro who had in- r -iv .j *-•-1 part -•! the application would a body reply: ears barking, he made \\ a be prepare-',. Sprinkle common hour scene, my caught the sound of ap- tertained. tor on his return to the tort i and corners, and the room was declared though occasionally plunder ‘•lake Warden can tell about when the cat would into was * .-v Farm Roan <>v :• the you all horses, in the direc- i noticed his rush, pitch him a-apiitte« although In* id.-n.-,- again*.! burned part until it is entirely proaching booking footsteps were irregular, and magnificent. Some one, however, sug- the and if want to have a like an boxer, and make the hair him wa> o \ erwin-lining. \\ i: v was this? "imp *vered over; the moisture of the wound country; you tion whence the sound came, I saw that that his face was Hushed and his that there was no sort expert eyes gested of table or because the <-ne wa- n-C a w bile th-- i. v : y f mil of a Mac. 1; com- had better Jake to at a rate. The was remov- L-*aguor. ;-o«- the dour to a good time, you get go one of hem was ridden a woman as lly great dog form plaster not if he had been altar for tbe minister’s use. But fortune other was. 1 done I v\ n-> a"'.--i as -->!i : n lonm sh ■u .: 1 ;.v ,u ial imper- by heavy, drinking pretty l-'a.r, pact ‘'U'l.-tani -us 'o air. 1! with ed, rested and off. iv this plaster cracks or you." more than six and of favors the a of sponged Being tor, u-sures me that lie made tin mo-t -tv.-nu- it. ; so *ir- twenty years age. ireely. brave; pair steps road through i<4 be >l I hunted Mr. and found library turned he went a ;p,~ T. the can be up Warden, was tor the cat few times, 011 s exertion*. to a «*.m\a -ti »r.--• l.oth ’•> part mo.stened with Her hair about the color of corn silk The three men was from a procure ran::- :p| tv '-i of In* following day young produced somewhere, and w iic: vrater and flour a*- him in a saloon, in the act of but her claws were too and he (>f no u-e. Kvorv wa- a negro ; applied before. I a liquor in while her features, notwith- Tom the vessel visited the tort and were sheet around them. Another j sharp, juryman every |' !s*:.irt Jr August, pinned of them to tin- Th. a very few a beautiful new skin will a of brown or amber- moved to the entrance, and, with tail negro belonged L-ami *• days swallowing quantity showed traces of entertained the Si." u sUi 1 Win: a enable .1 standing they sorrow, by factor. They claimed treasure trove was a scarlet cross in il- I unfortunate wa- hanged, : -rm without a and the cakes will colored He was a sunburnt “asked” to be let out. s-* protesting scar, fall spirits. tall, were beautiful. The 1 •<> I down, ‘am i" turn ] i! i> 11' u.-a oil with a loan very other animal, be young gentlemen of fortune, travel- luminated work, with the motto, “Cast with his last br-ath ‘hat. vvi,iie he -hared the «-d or warm water until near to the He was to apply they become mail, drawing very tliree-snorc, was try again, but he took no whatever in mur- ••kai Tin* a •> or >-;i- •.• a;iiu to the which two hundred yards in the i around the world in their own care for lie careth for encouraged plunder, part the S" soft as to fall fully ng vessel, thy upon Him, otf themselves ; do not pick mark of human life, of a dull countenance, could not bo made to see that there won’ 1 der. The real a--a--in- ate free si.'.min !>r a> was the of to-day. pro- ;it*M strong, so to aiiovv cattle .■;! rear, ridden by Scottish guard for no other purpose than it; but thee.’’ Our little white altar, with this 'loo-: wjtli the finger nail. The incon- and listless manner. His frame seeing bo in with ilie tected by the very law- tli.-v hr. ';irm*• i dm. : !m i*.».m. direm i\ ir.uTi Lire appeared the I surmised that ‘•in’ was any glory getting away out'rag. vemonces of cottage. instantly of them soon iound to be very pinned to the front face and surmounted ( tin* hard can be avoid- but, it was and cat. lie was Poor, siiil'erbig nioni-t-! Tie- Ku Klux sub- ■a hi !n a-i r s a coating loose and flexible, vast, and, spiteful old taken yard this beconn « the beautiful female was the and of the em- a Bible and a wiry to vv d by using another made of oil prisoner, l inquisitive, asking questions by big prayer-book, made sequently tried hang ;h--m and laii.-d. 'Here- ;• ml ./ tie application in of The in- out, and his owner at last came forward p i*«*ure. reality, prodigious power. out tor the of about the the the t radical in >--nth <' n oiinu rai-d a aoo lime water. Tour water on a of stepped purpose attracting ployes fort, country, very canonical appearance indeed. Then upon v.-ry 1‘ won be (■ m ra lump ferior lineaments of his countenance were to the and said he would nor. howl. hi to move the her attention, and an and the inclosed llis was footlight try T.acv could murder while m. 11 with im- •iii-lacked lime, a.- soon as it is clear stir in giving opportunity Indian.*!, cottage, the room ready and we had : re- 1I *uidac- >! :■!•;i■ l. :v. with coarse, extended, and vacant; while the , him again, that he gave up the bet. which punity, I it not a hair .»i'th. ir pi■ liea-1- replan -wci oil until 3. .> as thick as to address me. The woman no sooner conduct was to the factor, who hearsal. But alas! what bride and thick cream, ; reported mil St 1»C telle!-.-1. Thi- i- Ice coarse .. •!*o: an.i screened or those nobler which are l uii his was ten head of jli-f in South n, and superior, parts, of nu than she turned her informed part, $500 against i ''.v slacking, it at the caught sight bluntly him that his actions of the could kneel on Carolina. Hear ill mind t hie- .-r -udden gruv* ! \V roi- apply freely time, groom present day bullocks at. ; p«. le-n 'roughly to effect the intellectual 1 put. up by the owner ot the. subsequently a- often as discom- thought being, horse's head toward the where I was were distasteful, and a a bare floor and | anger had nothing t.> do v\ iih all the-e murder- led \vi‘ 1; i -il -r I! W'.uhi an^ spot unbecoming gen- get up again gracefully probably were low, and mean. His dress Tim result of this sent wild cat up were crises, if boiling water is poured on receding, standing. The movement was observed tleman and a in vain blocks of wood, boxes and books tight —the) pei'p-1 rated for money. Kebberv res.-' : v- !o N. •••,■-- tn «• guest. !1 ion '.o was a mixture ol the coarsest vestments Before the second eat was let into the alone wa- tii" et date rock, it wall clear iu a few minutes, the Scot, who, his The arrival of the had caused were tried—one was too another i>l>_- .. H : ,.\ !• d ro id. by sinking heavy spurs strangers high, -jtii't a cid of a husbandman with the leathern den no one in the house would have bet M< »i uruv >i*' .n s n r. ‘' druggists always keep lime water on gar- into his horse's him forward 11.«* tair to be con- too low. At last a cyme— ‘•one- i '» ill- a :> m a >oi't slides, urged prisoner kept strictly bright thought p Way hand. ments that are affected the frontiers- ten cents on cat in the now Families would do well to a by at tin* of his at same fined any world, u >>v Oi, a., v. 11 mj \v« t.o keep top the time within her enclosed She cuslii ns' For ii must In- said Passing from tln*s« ti i«r« dies : min >r 'nine's. ii speed, cottage. carriage a I was a o..!'!c ol tin* mixture on men. There was also a and After talk about -• •• 1 it singular was changed. long iff Us how the.-e black ■! >vi*> h;tV( > always hand; forbidden to take behaved 11 '. i,J t>0111 >!I! is shouting: her accustomed that in burned Chicago now there are vv keep a year, and it can be taken and wild of and another match, and a delay of m hour, N > display “Dinn.i reac!n- and then ii ir within .six or prodigal ill-judged ye spake to her of ye value vor ride over the prairie, while the old Scot carriages and of horses to one used noment's the in his forty pairs dollars was the cat this town f‘>r lip- :i\ <>\\ <-1 o-e ol hurnin_r 1• natural skin ornaments blended attire. j twenty raised, pur- pur: e 111 s line <*f motley life !” to redouble his at the as first were j Taie appeared vigilance house, these saved; flic re.-idem of Jane- -otne gi -wii again without a sear, and without I introduced and mostly chased of its owner, and then came | a;ii. tnilos dis- s ‘a her light tones Urn: in- i> .‘arm. 1 f myself immediately, The lady had the advantage of gat- Whether the factor suspected that so that ride where never tant. Tli'- S1 u• riii w lmiiiii-d am! he -tarte i !oc i! mwnient hard caking ot Hour. Dr. informed the hunter what 1 desired. After beggars beggars number three and the death of the eat. *»n 4 tarn, w Moi <•« > t;. •' a no ii il and was soon beside me, but did would to rescue for tie nf. »>u iln- i.e met < T mill, J guard, strangers attempt his rode belorc. Four cushions were w:iy <■'<.m-1 fa!!. mv thy brought A and little hull .v itit old to '-Hi ;-i., or having wishes to him, I or wiry very game dug ■!. and r< tliat •: mtlrim n i< explained 1 jiiank. not slop to speak. As she passed, she prisoner, desired to keep her concealed from the barn, and an Afghan converted Lip-rom!- .pusied bis > awaited replv. He looked at me in a nu* <,t' wlnnh i'l-wiu 1 ni.vfv (much smaller than the first.) accompany him. Lipseomb did -o. look an ■ Kuvo 1* in tin- nrj'n"-- to ::n i. hat- A Cleared lazy seemed to would worlds for The vessel remained at the mouth ot in these I Ivolloy, part /•mniifllin^r d'-t Mystery Up. ■ say give impossible to liaye a wed- Pays and. a-a reward for hi- ethut- in hall i .w -1 ■! i: *. \v; I i Ton tellurs ar' from the ar’n’t a aen. He at once went for the cat, and j city, half-hour's conversation with but 1 the river for several which without a | you, weeks, during ding showing “the and ordrr, a tow niirhis later !i re-id.m w a- i ; of Tonawanda and (4rand vo ?"’ presents," 1 on people wili have to it till unc time the kept right making tin her, in spite of postpone other strangers visited the trading post vine-wreathed table in one corner held a 1 burned to the srroum! l>y m-e-p"--. hi- w and For •■ai>•' are at present much interested in its. ner claws. occasion quite cultivated the most elaborate A beautiful sharp himsolf barely < sea pins' with ir lives. M, t « veins frequently, acquaint- display. farm: U henvise be ui- said to have been made in re- •‘Ami don’t know nothin' about the Th.- two animals had anal! terrific ha- he. n I:• d to rh > ye as tue ocot roue he sant, lcdiu ance of tin Indians, and endeavored to contained wha was set ] Lip-comb .«ni;*■ (ur past, jewel-case fotli •- a-..:; nils, and tin* commission of a fearful butt’ •. cat Ih-’V ha\ hi- mi iln- Ku Klux li-' 11y WOOds weel to secure and the now, for the first time, pill ■ keep yep within your their The behavior of as the set of ex- | i; in ar- I .* tongue friendship. bridegroom's gift—a L. I me add til'll 111 the Mato V of loll «-.*-! »l I IT. ll ii,_r them 1 which horrified the “()ar is limited.*” found o nceesdiri t«* use her teeth .as i community knowledge mouth." tile factor was those familial* which X Is ■’ observed, by quisite pearls, yen had to look at and small robb.-rif- \**rv:i ini; depended i:;•<-i; years ago. In the year 18o5, in a ••Anil would like to have some weh ns her claws. Over and owr ye good This little incident increased desire with to a lie be- they tlic tact wherlcr tiie w e, .u I my him, to discover that they were perpetrators luion vV;n n d m U> re .Hi 'ii s--:i i'.-ment known as undergo change, very nearly New huntin' and hshin’ ?” rolled, so that it reminded -i Burgholtz, to know more about the lair but came nervous, ill at ease. lighting rapidly Leaguer- t-‘ owr .Mir. i.-timi m- li- !cIs iLirr r d:eil ( prisoner, suspicions and moulded from tine white of cot- acjnitta! own of Wheatfield, about six miles “Yes.51 ravclings one of a hunch of lire erankers told me if 1 would learn I one or sent big explod- • "NVK'TI.'N v vi:< i:. the pa n /u*s and : n- my judgment I'[rou pretext another, he the ton cloth. Other cases contained sets of plough i'r.u i dwelt a Prussian **Ar’ fur a time ov it ?” onavvanda, physi- ye must use and about. The cat at last •anon v •v.“ -m i goin* reg’ler strategy. I could not under- white men away lrorn the fort; some were locks, and so ing whirling l*ut the leader iiiav >:i\\ '‘Surely ->nie erim ;daces s11j«■)iby cal known as Dr. pickle preserve-spoons, a man of •Yes’” to try to but the n:i!- were «»n\ «• ho- ,-.»r Stanger, stand the should lie so sent in one some in cut began get away, spunky 11. re me in ; 1;. .dm ie. 1 why girl another, forth, out in with mould- spa 1 guarded direction, pasteboard, means and known. “doin' to take a of drink- little —ii that rail '•>■ « ti 1. .i a Him quite generally good supply nor alter her, and she h id to \v!d !i i-a vi!.- and iViu. on.; The grass, it closely, why she had been sent to this but all upon journeys that would require ings and monograms, in h ad dog kept >mc : or.dug about time, in ables hain't pencil. down to her work. 'The lasted prostitution ..f jusii.a— win. h male-- the a.lniin- }" II It much « ou-epuence blit still, Thanksgiving along, ye?” far, out ot the for tin■ i absence for a number ot In Valuable, was get tight j way plaeu imprison- days. unfor- istratimi of law m iitt.-r hi m km \. ;f- fall of the a visitor to I “Yes." jewelry plenty, only over and the j uninal- ta* O':1: workman vvi ! I- the year named, ment. After I was j twenty minutes, dually dog annoyed by tbis. quite frequently company with two others i directed the lava hail been wt r>- oe.-a-ioii w «■.»n\ I. Wide the .a,- in- h ■!' of the doctor no one tunately ear-rings dug was s|o\ <•? to. Ijn.p found ! “Then 1*11 go. and of don’t have victorious, not but w a sn n ’il> appearance yer of the hut she was to go to Vancouver, on the Columbia out once too and the cameos | only whipping doner broad f! if \\ t- itnp*o.--ib!e v<-• caught sight prisoner, often, looked ii' his call, and found lots of Tin a Siwasli the cat. The little was a verdict of sat !.e r.-d entering, fun, (Indian.) attended the Scot,who Hi vein Two after an black and killiug bull-dog aei|ilit .by would rend- always by never,for days ourtdeparture very queer round the! edges. and a.-'-d.-v me! d.iH'i- -iH.. if'- w.-mnn who had been as When do want to start ?” cheered the crowd, and all -riitem-ni [ as-ed Mid, mark toll, a.- ground employed you a instant relaxed hi- or accident which necessitated our A a by dispersed, | single vigilance, happened Herman silver a- pewter tablespoon, •< the crimiii-: w.u sent to t hr v is then sol! nod t n.; .a 1 > be done oi dead the “As soon as tie* new IVnifrn;jai -oio'keeper lying upon floor, possible.” a declaring opera-house troupe gave her an opportunity to speak to returning to the fort. fork and some valuable aids to housekeep- ; pardoned. : a an t wondering mystery carry plans interested the much ruining w5 king; !d bushel j d**:Uf. fhe discoverer of the scene of into the and at the end ol unique,and spectators with the two tkhulnnUs of the -at. fauiih twerll the Se\ la -fa .,ui' la1 M.d file ha I». I forest, now, he revealed. to execution, or had. »skeia ig* I.- basket. wejoh whether they only more than the usual show. But when it of the w hd-s t ! d. I- it at’ai! j iglr cr alarmed the the first and we and no nonsense for the canine star-. pardon 1 immediately neigh- day’s hunting lishing, A had ar- matured to .^ai:i a: I,:.. in u’i i.Oj! ■' it is I year passed away since my then them, and determined came to the bride, serious ditfi- matter of surjiri-e riia: :h. y tiual y J....U ’lc lav. r.i#-m!. and scar it was instituted lor the were such comfort as rest dressing j enjoying always rival at the no more into their own hand—that iln v i.■ 1 m idled wi: sti'-h ;■ .ad as i i.siiahy drawn j fort, and still the young girl' waste time, is something that I eulties occurred. Her dress and doctor. after wedding dieted the murderer tnd tin thh f helms- ti. ■ n brings great fatigue. was held a •ml by tie. team. J u in his M dt Man | prisoner. Her keepers, bow- cannot explain; but it matters very little. ven ii;i'i never come nomo irom ricni w At f i.i- lead body was found The conversation was to Arrest of Counterfeiters. kjlll'ts, hut '!: -trili-.d ti'.e::!- a 1\ e- and rilin' ■. ngth by Hag ti. 'o-i' :•• one »r- of ixieeti beginning ver, had long ceased to exercise an The fact is, that during .ay absence an Letters. Never mind, she hud a white h-i*!• in-, ita* than a mile from his and lose its when our handed or whipped t!;.• inii mi ? Wiotr.:, vw interest, guide iiiimr wid it is not actions and move- attack had been made the fort a cambric w ivrn:; Me', law r.»u- j 1 espoinage upon my upon by morning-dress, whicii, looped The latest haul of counterfeiter-. in N* may -ay. very i-ditm 1 that he had cither been said : j u.u-uui to !*{■•. a-.-art li.lid wdii such indic-iting because I from the an to soeii and -uhv- r- v-' < ments, had taken to ship. They had gained over a nice would make her was a !y lih ty. d ; ;)tit -! in that or pains allay party petticoat, York, good one. (’ol. Whi: ley. maienai. to-'.e oil’ a Mat-le direction? that, fleeing “Lf you’ll pass along that ar’ of hut it was either nn<|. lau or in- law a? all. by pair jug their suspicions At length, finding that entrance, had captured and secured the slender figure look lovely, and her married the eliiet' of the detective-, •! o > ii. truMi 'he murderers, h- had at been 1*11 take a to moisten government a ml p. da, ; w\v• d lAOlllul. length pi/an, drop my gullet 1 could move, about the fort hav- oi l the and in: oNi hi i: vile without Scot, opened cottage gate, sister had saved her own had been for two months on the lookout •vhet'e 111*' L d ovci.aket. and of. Some and ile the of and then wedding-veil. p-.w. O.o\- ..(lirtit to be disposed pur- hinges my tongue, an Indian at 1 cried the if w wliil. tho e\. ori.n M took yen* country.’’ with the fait It is not arouse the, inmates of the a set was prisoner. necessary slumbering soms, and of borrowed in New \r >rk. and who wa- a v i- green fr«*ni the bani-cellar, and pinperiy in the victim's house was dis- Mr. Warden raised the to his pearls ability” place. ‘Ihie raid •;i-:t. rimlnai—wh-.llv demijohn for tlin of that I inclosure. Alter secured Irom a friend who had them out new wivi'L'. It had w arid « !■'" >in -.1 iem taken o. a mbd u * understanding ray story, large having brought contractor in up p "igtied -y single horsi ■u; "'i. v.tii hi* gold watch in and held it there lor more large eity opening remaing lips, something should with ho.v i what had come for the of the lire in her hands. As one wu* to kill or *ret rid h. 1 lie : w ! in- li weary you explaining they evidently ibr streets. at last nabbed When I'se WOllid u enstorned the wall. A than a and until two stockings, Having place upon minute, great lachry- laid i Ians, constructed ladcrs and returned to etc the various .'Olumis-ioiu 1* s. wile III i d if p< sink : If •••; e'k v d wloads of the my scaling party silently departed handkerchiefs, guests Miner's a young man named Kirk- grew xeiremeut was created in the mal burst from his and slow- agents, e»rj;e sum ot money. ‘I is man Ha- m ap- ■ noigh- globules eyes from : made ot one vessel. On under those, from So •a v-H s id '-o'. rop hark; how, upon their got) .tig sail, they provided them. tin* bride as he was into the cars Still., 111 d. and 'trenuous efforts were made rolled down his cheeks. among just going p"intee «.f 1111vi-riio "eotf-. | mu iil» him ly Then, setting dark when the was the old Scot mil sent him "> the animal w.:.s ted to draw the night, rain released ashore, bride looked, after all, as sweet as for >‘”),< in coin, when 1 tli ii he -t«• <• t!ie >i' mini- •mn- poor e\pei wing the n to but the cherished casket between his pouring pretty Chicago,Thursday.with -ay guilty pers< justice, legs, down in lie sure oad. ()n remm-i im a inn hand to hud torrents and the wind sighed bidding him to and apmogize to a rose, and the loiig-hiid-;iv\;i> tulle ci! one it fo. that now inmie\- m tt ed to ii li..r_r If Hi-*- In- i- nitw ui ti! •! vailed for. different and ins with the cull* of his giee.ubaek^ the of his i .-id** ’he •* msket nothing, although wiping lips the trees, I stole forth the factor for their unceremonious de- became her soft lair locks to a charm. >or that "ll'ei! e. Tin .oof "1 the e..unty w weight ny pro- towards mournfully through needing city. Col. W. induced him to panics whom suspicion pointed coat, he said: starvin':: r pis -eii'at on- wen made to rh it appeared tha: In was haul: m out from my cabin, and soon found myself parture. The old guard hastened back, The groom was dressed in borrowed disclose certain secrets wlih-h wen taken into could be are Kf don’t “pi*each”and (inventor wip up uv: d : warning- wen -cut '“‘•■a1. ’-’.Jon pounds each load. Such a custody, nothing “Hoys, y. trumps! ye within the inclosure and beside the cot- awakened the factor and told him clothes trom head to as was the first ! sleeping foot, led to the chid to tlie utiieial '• ■' a:.o. il; was a cruel eXHC- coming story7, and seemed nied. I’m proud to bear testimony to missioner. w ieke 1!v a: '! a intin f riim into Notwithstanding the hour was past the I door aroused every sleeping Indian about five feet nine, was to borrow tic- confederate >'0,000 in counterfeit, rec.- ,l!y that the which enshrouded it was the f let that selection ot linker can’t obliged it. Not unr.atur: !v !■ 1 hill:- Is mystery yer meridian of the fair of the fort, and in a short time two or dress suit of a man who stood six feet six in therefrom. I f ■ night, occupant very $1,500 money .-hot one of (!,•• raider-, A- t:i- -t.-rv _o.. 1 !•> r■ ;.r “.in ,t> ms why the farm never to he cleared away. But at last, as be beat. In tact, ye a ing good -. the boys, possesses the room was still awake. I was three hundred had in front in his and that a o b puzzled gathered stockings, consequently, resisted, and wounded raider \\ si .id s ipplled w.'li one good road, at w<* an- told, revelations have been made talent lor it which almost amounts to a lively rough-atnl-tumIf-• how to attract her ittention, and not at of the house. In a tew words he when he forward to his the to hi- u tin m ; .-. hi*- gave stepped perform followed, eoinpaiiiien-' prevent upon Tnr jM-h irnns’. are soon in this case to the ]’!! drink healths.” light policeman goingdown tending verify saying genius. yer the same time startle her and cause her them to understand what had taken he was to take a but even that i- lmt e-T! mi. T." ku K ’ll pw “ til i" m ■' inei ease the i hat brotherly duty, obliged every time. Hut he would not let g", mi.y murder will out. “Now. lemme said Mr. next went to the -.j ai see,” Warden, to or some and that he desired their assistance to jail, ot the k.-> dr;*::, ml. a: a .,n; scream, give alarm, which reef in his habiliments and Miner, then seized the man's tin- coated with °n (Jrand place, prevent falling right and most a--m. .;. e s,M etl Ih | Island, at and after the time alter- lie having paid his respects to the would the old the those would, > an : *•>• u u..t e Scotchman to inter- to retake and over on his nose. At last all was hand thumb with his teeth and bit niuo, '.ime*- luting remains , the bring prisoner punish ready. nearly murderers of >1 r. I >uu a .. o ! u murder, lesided with this family demijolm a second time. “Lemme see who for The • n mem dip-ing the ••ntiie rupt the proposed interview. After re- had carried away. Indians I wonder if just such an assemblage ever it oil*. The policeman that e one alanm d and h i-t: ll u n il a i- summer—hay mg j Christian a man rather whar I’ll l I’ll stopped pain Forbeck, of Yes, guess tell mi seas i;j mid di d tue and begin. ye volving a number of schemes, and reject- wore told that they had the taetor’s per- met at a before. There ful him a blow ed that th" Lnited "tan Mar-lial wa- iln o injures paint j 1 but whom no together wedding performance by dealing -repute, against about the of to traek. Had l.. .-n «li -: !o is-i-t the e\- wood-work ol the vd.e u > and '■< t prosper, and at and tried to sift the matter to the bottom. sprawling. getting yet length, perhaps eight moment her were raised to the shield them from all The and had hastened so ra \ d of them eott lull U. T'ie l Ti : nine, eyes win- consequences. groom their wedding lie was knocked down again, and ti-mlly 'ed years ago, he removed to a west- Hut them old factors was too close- dow. The noise caused the to raise Indians were too of an as to friends sccured—and then he forth ir-t "tsi >J ir-Ii il foiun! the lid Ku K u\ on tic Hint on Pi, hie * !■!! State. Also near La girl only glad oppor- go away together among learned, Making Salle lived a man mouthed, and wouldn’t let out a word.” is.ia ’mi \\ i| ,t hi e am* of the "tli. : i- a — her head, and as she. did so she to engage in such an who could shelter and them. The that his assailants were my the name of caught tunity enterprise. help time, poli-mw. tel \\ « by Of his reputa- “It’s now since 1 ar- y -Otoe -a> they l'e ei. i,s u- o| ; !jr oimi y : <'.uv -!. .1.1 In:1 taken to piw lie, rived on the Pacific coast and took em- t<-r:tt«• gar. It;- -rv un»-atisP.ictory j ror, and site her mouth as if to sel, the wind had died out almost imme- his that he would stay among A aid rate, they tied and di-; «-i-—i be- removed to the West some with the Hudson opened congregation kept yelling “police!”) printer prt -ipitately inak* ,j kvls unless mi arc sure ; years ago. ployment Hay Company. scream hut a after the old Scot had been releas- and work with his if fore a -in-!, federal olli da I. Not a I'nited St at- y your The ; by desperate struggle sin1 diately them hands neces- engraver, named Ballard, (the mo«t -kill- i- to present report, and which has re- over this was in the at tic v.neg.i perfectly pmi It better go During my wanderings country, choked down her and tottered ed. When the Indians reached the waters bereft of all he had in the ful of his who was v ah soldier county time. newed the interest in this affair of the and feelings sary, being engraver class,) >ome (i is til net- Irom h an !<» procure reli- ; my at the various j of the W VKUKS 1 H >K r KLI \ISM tamings trading- towaril the door, opened it, and said Sound the while sails ot the doom- world. And this was all that was left of him, was also arrested. At their den in able Mean to u.-e Mim! which is not past, is that within the few weeks l learned a deal of their vinegar i past posts, good I ed vessel were the mast a one of the in the i havo con.Inlinel this raid because it Christian something which thought was an invi- idly Happing richest congregations Uiyington street was found a transfer warranted :?••••• bun ! .r»-ymi acid. I‘he Forbeck has expired, and that ; but in all condemnation. I .i'-o »i;«l«*m.: tin* | trickery nothing my experience, tation to and which T as short distance but richest of the West! Hut never have of a which had whippm: e-., enter, away. Silently, rapid- city press, $1,000 m v (11 -a '.v tier i.j the ! upon his bed he made f ill confos- ever me so accepted portions plate of which ha- Imvii n t«» aid 'pmnt scaldin'; dying puzzled half much as the his- un- negroes ported me; such. ly, the Indians approached the vessel I seen, among rich or poor, a sweeter and been and an immense amount ■uon that he it was, with the of of that of just begun, vet what has boon the <-!»,• in ail these whip- complicity tory Mysterious Lady Nisqually. me to be she com- til came within a low hundred more and when, of counterfeit hidden behind the d •■ui a \\ who Motioning seated, they yards, holy-seeming wedding; money pings ami outrages. V> hing more than the gar la p:it \ pound and half of | ngnor, committed the mur- I think it is on to since triple nigh thirty years menced me hut as she when were warned to hut after solemn words were the base-board of the wall. had of rrimin.i.I cannot find a telling they keep off; said, congre- got punishment any salt to a gallon o: is the usual allow- der Wagner, shortly after he went I came the and something, They | away up Sound, put up my in French I could not a the a of at a Irom the minister, in political hatred in them : iu» wanton brutality : ante lor this ion. Most ; M ont this spoke understand disregarding warning, volley gation, sign drop- ready $00,000 counterfeit greenbacks. operat housekeepers State, made his way to Michi- at the fort built the nothing but an impoluie and eondemnable wigwam by Company, word she said. Here was a was the on their knees and offered a solemn And dillar in their incitemi ,u pretty condi- grapeshot discharged among ped the most disconcerting circumstance making pickets: gan, and there ended his career a lew miles on the river. I ain’t method of punishing io f« h what the lias time of iny arrival there was word she was on hoard the The contest was so biscuit and cold water that stood tor wed- salting proce.-.- :>een, Sun says. saying; that I was totally ship. new fibre paper on which notes were the sworn statement of negro who had white men in this of the just r (!o y haw-been m a; three days, hardly any part of all hut native unequal that notwithstanding the whites cake and wine were partaken of, printed be imitated. At 250 Riv- returned from serving a term in for hog Tim Times .some ignorant languages my ding cannot prison 24 h( or u a few minutes ex- Chicago publishes very j world; and what lew there wero owed one. that on the of '22 his urs, y Very A shade of deep disappointment fought with courage and desperation, they with a plentiful seasoning of cheerful ington street a quantity sufficient to make stealing, niirlit August cellent ■ an be :n ide without grave Senator to the and dared house was stirroumled men, who piekV!- putting charges against Pomeroy j allegiance Company, j passed over her features, and she stood were quickly overpowered and cut down words and even jests, and all felt that to millions of dollars was found. More than by disguised the in salt at aii. but it, will take of Kansas. It that Mr. not to decreed a fac- shot him, then hanged him, and tiuallv gave him vegetable- alleges Pomeroy j object anything by lor a moment as if in her mind by the invaders. At this moment the chief be poor in such company robbed this—the and material for its umlerthe bower of acounter- tor.* revolving good machinery four hundred lashes, lie was eut down, his a longei time !<. It his ryes j only paid among table, seized a and oft' a let- covered their fair the a zinc pen, dashed prisoner lying upon and big boiler was ducc the natural juice : the fruit in but his to at the and I can remember more druggist. Mahomet Ali was a barber. printing-presses; wcie open and tin* night bright enough to money, procured appointment forts; which she and with her arms around the neck ot a was v ter, folded, addressed, floor, found, tilled with the thick to admit of siieli recognition i' it not almost cer- order to make room lor tie in-gar to enter oiiice in the Pension Bureau at than one instance where sentence of Virgil was the son ol' a potter. Milton pulp Washing- handed to me with a which seem- man, who bore a which the with some tain that tile Ku Klux Would have mvii that be A little alum dissolved in the gesture, young strong personal was the son of a Horace was blankets, together readily. very ton,and also obtained in the Interior death was and carried into scavenger. In Ids evidence in places pronounced ed to say, “Will be kind to resemblance to her—dead. old had been cer- was living;’ Columbia h* restores the lost through you enough the son of a Demosthenese j paper, just reduced by vinegar crispness Department for two of his sons ; while Mrs. effect, upon persons whose offences were that for The two bodies carried ashoro and shop-keeper. swore something * 1 itit rent. Instead of seeing the Ail tender post me?” I took the letter, were tain acids. It is the of action of the salt. young, (airman and another woman of similar was the son of a cutler. Robert Burns thought capture their faces hr merely c ognized the voiee of not hanging matter, if they had been tried it in rose buried beneath the shade of a lir and are to acid placed my pocket, from my seat, large this nest, with half dozen fel- the name of the green vegetables adapted named Mrs. were was a in Shake- together one calling other. Tin* result charactor, Grant, ap- by the law. and started toward tree that stood like a sentinel a plowman Ayershire. to would be ! the door. She fol- upon lows that have now been nabbed in con- was. however, that a Mr. l’.iitler, one of the pickling, which sugar iuappro- on the was the son of a wool pointed solicitation of Senator I mention these in order that lowed as of The Indians robbed speare stapler. ; but which have lost : things you me, and, 1 was out, seized promontory land. nection with it. to the bottom” most young men in the country, a priate ripe vegetables, to going Cardinal was the son of a “goes very respectable Pomeroy positions in the Bureau of may know why I never at the bottom it to her the vessel and then set fire to and I ar- Woolsey pork industrious man of their snap, such as cucumbers, are ; got my hand, raised lips, and pressed it, ol the business, and breaks hard-working irreproach- yellow and butcher. Oliver Cromwell was the son counterfeiting able fVas and taken to Engraving Printing. These charges of my A short distance from a kiss it. I rived in time to sec it and to character, arrested better when the acid used receives a due mystery. upon Now, have been kissed destroyed it for a while at least. Seven plates, j were first before the a of a London brewer. Whitlield was the up, Columbia for trial. The other man said to have of laid public about the factor’s residence was a little more than number of take in the burial. I dared not ask proportion sugar. Ihckled fruits are I cottage, any times by girls part one an unfinished SI,obi) National Hank been recognized I’mtler remained month and we have ever since inclosed a fence. The means son of an innkeeepr at Gloucester. Colum- decamped. better when the sugar over ago, by high only that be called in any the factor for the history ot tho young and tStfo’s at home, he had been made predominates might good looking bus was the son a plate, the others bank greenback although acquaint- some contradiction of them of or to the was of weaver, and a the acid of the vinegar, ('loves, cinnamon expected ingress egress cottage of the world, but none of the kisses woman, and never learned who or what with a ed with the fact that tie* otlieei' were after him. part weaver himself. John Jacob Astor once and Sti's, were captured, together and cassia-buds are, in from Senator hut none lias come. a which was some of the old my opinion, only Pomeroy through heavy gate, always ever sent such a thrill me before. sho was. May be direc- full oftools. Miner is WH AT A K VMIC W S \VS. through sold on the streets of New York. assortment wealthy, to those in which is [f are true, exhibit a of locked and a I could resist tors could tho apples adapted pickles sugar they they degree kept guarded by sharp-eyed, hardly the temptation to explain mystery. and has an on 07th street. Perhaps some of your readers may urge that and vice elegant cottage used. Mace, mustard-seed, capsicums or corruption among Republican turn throw arms around the F am merelv lie* statements of •'reb- was one back, my lie is now in a fair way to learn what he repeating *A factor who had charge of a fort I men green-peppers, garlic, black diicials at which even the and her a els.*’ Let iis use what “loyal” saw To- red-peppers, Washington to the Hudson A lady, give regular Kentucky Young women often their lovers to have learned odd and belonging Bay Company. keep ought fifty years ago, day I had a short interview with Mr. .Mont- pepper-corns, ginger-root bay-leaves robberies of the ring do not factor of But she Tammany chief had supervision a district which hug. thinking might not like it, Waves that aro harmless—the wave’ of by tears. “Yes," “love, that “the way of the is < Vuditor. are to a acid says Grumwig, transgressor the radical unity ‘Any best adapted purely pickle. exceed in and shamelessness included a number of f restrained gomery, atrocity trading-posts. my feelings, dashed out into ladies’ handkerchiefs. like beef is preserved by brine.” hard.” disturbance in the county sirV” “A great mum : things are> cry had here,” with a shake of The Medlicott Murder Trial in Kansas. istered. In of the second lo the matter nearer it The Congressional Apportiontment. Letter From Boston. The Interests the head “Have to do with support theory, 4-niI. bring home, of New England. Generalities, polities anything was that taken by mistake, it is the use of than ?" “Polities have a heap to do with them.” morphine by corrupt money, either in Correspondence of the Journal. tv Mr. The in the case of ITr. Medlicott, was shown that both and mor- The calls A'., )!, Montgomery, will you ho good jury quinine Chicago Tribune attention to There is wo Portland Press both and the shape of direct bribery, or the scarce- observable, think, a very The daily weekly, « :i.>i;_ ti t«> name some of these political out- after out from half-past nine o’clock were in the room, in boxes resem- Boston, Nov. G, 1871. being phine the act of 1850, as amended in 1802, is evidence of and ;• igvs'" call to mind any it less criminal of the pro- decided tendency giving enterprise prosperity, ‘/Can't just now; on Wednesday night until half-past eight bling each other, and was easy lor one ly employment patron- A STREET TAG KANT. among leading republi- hi;i y<)ii sit down and talk to wife lor one for a of the bavin" ordered a new Hoe press and an my on of last to be mistaken for the other. The ot the viding reapportionment House cans and influential ot just and o’clock Thursday morning week, theory age general government, that newspapers that h or. >he*:l convince you. She’s been shot they and i-utiiv new suit of The Press is a well returned a verdict of of murder in of suicide was sustained of the States as Lively, gay, glittering, gorgeous type. at through my window, mistaken for me.” guilty by ingenious to in New Representatives among to the and of hope regain power Hampshire was party question justice policy '■on eyr-, and tells me that there is favor of murder in the second but tain the chilling, disagreeable east winds; local reports, marine li-t, and miscel- dually degree, selves. Our laws are aggregate representative popula- Now York Post and its markets, ii" opposition to their onforeement that he U the of the other stringent enough Evening republi- yielded opinions twelve. tion of the but on Monday, Old Sol just took matters lany of the Press ar>- croditahm to the '-'-mmer- knows m. If then* i- . This is to be di- none do- he believe that A motion for a new trial was made, as it against this great moral and political can ootemporaries of the west have never 1 into his own resolved cittl centre of the and ..f value to !he "million of the State demanded tin* procla- vided the number hands, to present a State, any will not be REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. by 241, and the ceased to is more than mation of martial de- probably granted by .Tudgo wrong, and all honest citizens who have quotient combat, being reader in the State, Under its law? Mr. Montgomery more cheerful aspect upon the face of all present manage- ■ ia to Bassett Ihe case will to the will bo tlie ratio of and answer the «|uestion. I’.y this time 1 go Supreme duo regard for the blessings of a free representation; doubted by other papers of weight, and ment the Press is generally courteous and just hav< arrived at bis residence, in vain do 1 Court. A number of NOVEMBER 1871. tilings material, and right royally he suc- large exceptions THURSDAY, 0, any deficiency in the number is to be made some of them in The to its meuts, discarding the idea whi h ob- -eared tor bullet V»t a mark is to be government, should unite in ef- New England. opp holes. were taken to the rulings of the court vigilant ceeded in his all •, so e I ar e additional to undertaking. Through tains in some that denunciation ami seen—not t videm ot the mur- the of the and it is forts for their enforcement, if all such up by assigning members commercial interest of the east, which is [ quarters during progress trial, a derous attack'. Mr. Montgomery i< a radical PUBLISHED] EVERY THURSDAY MORNING the States the day brilliant blue sky, dashed with abuse arc better than argument. not that some of these will take of the having the fractions ol done to dentil the ot the | office-holder: lii' term of otliee i' expiring. improbable rulings hold matter in earnest, largest by strangulation clouds of tleecy white, bent above the in Portland Hoi; him. martial law, or he lose hi* be decided to have been erroneous. population after such division. Deputy M tr-iial Sterling arrived might may and deal with it in the way it deserves, tariff, is likely to lie more kindly considci place. For there was one rather curi- towering piles of brick and mortar, and on last in O’Neil W instance, WILLIAM 11. SIMPSON. II makes no for a Monday having charge WHAT A 1-KHKRAI. OlTICKK SA VS. there is no doubt but it will be an end Congress provision cd, by the awakened sense of justice ous of Johnson, the cell put the leafless trees; whilst round tho Itobinson tin: allciq-d Robinson 1 leave Mr. piece testimony. in the glit- forger. jtook Montgomery dissatisfied. Surely EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. and will a change in the which has been born of discussion. The mate of Medlicott, was not allowed to to, they gain victory over the apportionment early from New Y->rk on the sch. Naonti. there must lie some tire under the smoke. tering spires, over the gleaming roofs and passage Medlicott said in his but Subscription Terms. In a next session, it will, be the Well, I waylay Captain Stewart, the state what sleep, advance, $2.00 year; most dangerous and insidious tha1 therefore, duty Springfield Republican, one of the ablest Marshal Sterling wi at by rail to Tullehasse*-, military within the year, $2.50; at the of the enemy the ommandanr. a bluff, soldier, was to state what he told Med- expiration of the of the Interior to through lazily swaying branches, hearty. Michigan permitted year, $3.00. political has ever had to contend Secretary proceed party organs in New England, reviews Florida, and thenre to Key West by steamer, "’ho does not bother with but liberty danced the : politic'', who licot he had said in his sleep. These Advertising Terms. For one gleefully jubilant sunbeams 6quare, (one under the amended law of 1802. The both these in a recent and arriving at the latter place twenty-four hours evidently does not love the Southern peo- somnambulic revelations had inch of length in coiGmn,) $1.25 for three weeks, with. No man or party ought to succeed subjects article, doubtless, flashed round corners tucked -- “ie. The lias been here since last and 25 cents ior each insertion. number of in that case will projecting ; before the arrival of the homier with Itobin- Captain their full influence the minds of the subsequent Attrac- when success is this Congressmen in a tone which the organs of the admin- upon tion ot a as a lull one. sought by means. November; surely he ought to know some- square charged itself away in all sorts of cozy, comforta- son on board. : There are other be two hundred and The istration here in Maine thing about the “unlawful combinations.” 1 jurors. points upon No man who secures a nomination cor- forty-one. pre- might adopt with by ble in merriest at twins have three deaf and dumb begin pumping and perceive at once that he is which the counsel for the defence confi- Administrators. Executors and Guardians sent has two hundred and places; laughed joy The Siamese rupt means, is of the of Congress forty- advantage. The Republican says i rein diced. “Captain, since you have been to obtain from the desiring their advertisements published in the worth}' support the children, two and a The two eldest dently expect Supreme three «m account ol the passers by; crept audaciously over bays girl. ti re bus am case came to of Journal will please so state to the Court. the men members, admis- No one can have watched with your knowledge Court a reversal of the honest of his party; and no can- anytime are in m Institution for Deaf and Dumb iu opposition on the of the whites to the en- judgment. sion of nodding plumes and brilliant tiowers, and the of in New part The Nebraska and Nevada after the ap- organ* public opinion incut of the laws?" “No.” “Has there case taken in all its details is one didate, however fairly nominated, who North Carolina, th other child being small. SUBSCRIBERS desiring to have the address of kissed blushing cheeks and England for the past four years without ■ of was ’: any instance where a I’nited States Mar- of the most and in the state the portionment 1802 made. pouting lips u tid o,- and singular interesting papers changed, must Post Oliice to which seeks to secure his election a a decided tone in re- They v.-ry quick intelligent, has been by corrupt in all the warmth observing change of ':ial resisted?” Not that lie is aware annals of criminal A brief the paper has been sent as well as to which It Is the number of in and tenderness of pas- and the who has been there j is jurisprudence. use of By dividing people lation t o the tariff. The latest and most girl, years, “Have there been any Ku Kluv outrages to go. money, is tit for public position and epitome of the leading facts connected State the sion. And then, the sunbeams went one of th most advanced students ot the In->t m the e.unity 'inee your arrival’?” Yes;" each by ratio thus found, neglect- notablo indication in this direction is the with it may not be uninteresting. power. The only practice consistent with and hr repeats the story of the negro. “Any adown the resolution at Worcester the tution. S. M. Pkttexgill & Co., 6 Suite St.. Boston ing remainders, 226 are as- saucily straying shining, em- passed by o! tuT' ?" Yi-no—the other was an Isaac M. Hath had married, as Ins the of free or with the Congressmen ordinary an»l 3? Park Row, New York, are our authorized theory government velvet convention the At tho of the Covernor and Council / “Hav been killed?” second the divorced wile of Mr. for to the several and litteen broidered sacks, round and over Republican denouncing meeting any negroes “Yes; wife, Agents procuring subscriptions and forwarding of and is signed States, which makes it nt he w.'t' killed another advertisements. safety popular rights interests, navigation law, impossi- on Saturday last, Hon. M. D. 1.. Lane wa- by negro.” “Com®, Youllaire, of this at a time remain to the lustrous silken robes, in amidst Seymour city, S. K. 1 for be awarded to the frac- right ble to build of “o' is getting ninny. No opposition to the Nilks, No. Scollay’s Building, Court candidates for political preferment to largest them. The resolutions po- as I u«l£<«- of the Superior Court of when Youllaire was to be in a Boston, is authorized to receive qualified iW'j no national wards killed and New- supposed St., advertisements tions. These will to pretty, restless teet; next litical conventions are not of yet tor this come before the their own belong California, tripped jauntily ordinarily Cumberland County. The Council will meet "■mv countv i' under martial 1 condition from a ball tired paper. people upon law.”' have a dying pistol by across over but tins is not. 4®“T. C. Evans, lOti Washington Street, is an Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, pavements, leaped the backs any great consequence, <»u the '21st at which time there wil. mug and pe :i'.itit chat with the Captain. He Ruth. Several months afterward Ruth merits and the merits of their and Maryland, again inst., authorized agent lor this paper. parties, of the except as indicating the strong desire of :-" He doesn't know of any; the attention. Virginia, West Virginia Wisconsin. and silver of the harnesses, wandered and tariff obstacles it her way. The ship d'h'* work of changing the gauge of the Maine • In Ho have 1JI is the Democratic anil it is our ,and i i.-e to 'hivwd t.0 l *f him. “Have you keeper the office of the Lawrence Dodd, Washington St., Boston, theory, < to Danville over the ot the car- builders of Maine, also, have it.-div cut R. R. from Watei ville .• > Is an authorized Agent lor the Journal. this means Indiana. tops repe anv ■! v ir diet*- been sl»t at?” “Never," Tribune, and was a industrious duty to insist that this rule shall be By Louisiana, Mary- polished stately quiet, rigid- in Congress ior draw hack - week, an i ou so night. has never even been Subscribers are to take notice of the date ed windows at the warm soft completed Saturday, About the same time a requested and West are saved from rugs and have a less desire tor :. with True one of young physi- on Virginia barely builders, naturally that the narrow curs can run ou di'respeet. enough, the colored slips attached to the paper. It is the gauge through ii- tie•<•!•' to cian, named John J. Medlieott located at cushioned as if in utmost failed get board at a minister’s only form of receipt now used. For instance, 15 a loss in their The Stales seats; thence, the repeal of the navigation law. Several Lawrence and commenced the of 71. means that the is to Martial Law in the South. representation. aii'r the congregation objected; true enough, practice May subscription paid that of dashed causes have powerfully contributed to a date. When a new is the date will which lose are New York, impatience long delays, through intoxicated young man indulged in abusive his He was about years payment made, representatives in New and The Bangor Whig say* that hoys snare the profession. thirty be to and thus a Could one of to mg cage bef-uv two Northern ladies at the immediately changed correspond, the framers of the consti- the windows, and modify opinion England, of age, well educated, of good address, in lull is sent with Subscribers three ; Ohio and Pennsylvania, two each ; gleaming plate glass make her to round doves in the street ot that city and ship them to ii t lor whii Ii. I think lie ought to have been receipt every paper. tution of the I begin swing again manners and His wife in arrears are requested to forward the sums due. nitod Statesliave been per- up the and Ik.-ton for the market. That’s where the soiled i'i: uned of himself. These are the only in- appearance. Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, caught bright pinks purples, toward her old and cherished hostility to -■ was about his senior—a money, state THE POST OFFICE mitted a correct vision of •: c' o! the can name. twenty years sending the future as tar wonderful scarlets and commercial restrictions ot all kinds. doves mostly go, likewise. di'loyalty Captain to wh'oh the is sent..## , Vermont, Connecticut and greens, (laming ] NX i.. social paper prejudices and blackguardism do quiet, patient, woman. He as this and in a unassuming day, beheld large portion blues, and wove thorn in a Of these causes, the first is, undoubted- Slavery is to he gradually extinguished in ■n't tute treason. 1 bring the Captain had married her in one each. Illinois, and Mis- charming Maryland against the >t Kentucky, '••• t1 * tli" “Has tin re been resist- one of the States of the Union the web of as blended ly, this business. England, in Brazil. A law has been passed providing that point. any remonstrance of her who believed great will two gossamer-like many shipping — friends, and of Votes. souri each; Iowa, Kansas, oi"- arnifi or otherwise—to the authorities?" Buying Selling gain Cromwell's and in all children horn in future shall he free and sacred of the writ of habeas coat. time, again lfit’,0, pass- < that her little fortune of live or six thou- privileges colors as famous but fatal "Voie." Ilut the aptain is in favor of mar- Minnesota, New Jersey, Texas Joseph’s ed laws to secure to Michigan, navigation designed Dr. Christian R a well known homor tial law. W h\ : He cannot explain, but still sand dollars had more to do with Med- an conscientious man corpus soldiers the And all the hours i’udor, Kvery thoughtful suspended; hunting and Wisconsin one each. through serenely sunny herself the of all her and lie :.jtpro\es i’. lieott's choice than affection for the woman. building ships pathie physician of Portland, died of heart dis- who has had occasion to know the in- district over in search of men street was a their seamen and m \11 ai i.v'.v—ami rm: whai-.' proscribed ; is made to Washington moving pan- navigation by English The young physician obtained a fair prac- Much opposition increasing ease on the 4th ins*. tluences are the crowded with vic- a of was devised bv which I have exaggerated nothing, coi’.a-a'o'l noth- tice and was a member of the which used to control votes at prisons unhappy orama. The costly equipages of lortune’s system registry ■ Episcopal the number of because the N' uivrrv is under martial law. Congressmen, not wholly built and owned 1 v Mrs. .Susannah Winslow died at Canton u» county i Huron. the elections must have been startled at the tims, and guilty of no crime, truck teams; ships »'• what 1 don't know, tf* white citizens don’t thousands, House is as as can do busi- favorites; huge lumbering British and of which the thi' State on the .doth tilt., aged one hundred Medlicott became the already large subjects, captain '.’. .tlii' negr don’t know and don't care. family physician number of men who and cor- Hying from the terror ot martial law and coach- deliberately ness But the fact that all the hurrying express wagons; rattling ami three-fourths of the crew were not and four irs and eight mouths. ! !i■ ts e -i 1 for tin' of and his account book efficiently. ‘‘insurrection” an«l it is Kuth, produced rule—could such a ruptly barter away that which should be the irresponsible military es ; and horse-cars—lux- were practically excluded from h--r-. •■■•himonths ago Governor Scott in court, showed that he made no New England States, New York, Pennsyl- accommodating English, iikii vi Sr. < J i: »k<;k. On Tuesday charge we laws •t.iwnlr«l t change th" Stair and a most sacred of a In vision, say, have been British and colonial ports. These < .John Ik D of this launched his oHicial?. lor his services, his visits were right freeman. spite presented, vania and all the north- urious splendor and squalid poverty side apt. ii'y village ■t■ although Ohio, comprising lt*11’ -’ate o!' fueling at oner became apparent, would not the were all by the Parliament of new x-iiooner \nnie Jones from the yard of as as twice a Indeed, so of enactments and the patriot have lain down his side; and above the din repealed r—lav tic i-i\\ ai <• x<‘ ut•»« 1 with greater in- frequent day. penalties, practice eastern States, New will, by oceassionally but our first and second Robert Long, st. «ieorge. The vessel is Shj to except Jersey, 1850; Congress -ti:tlit v than before, and her frequent were his visits Mrs. Ruth, and has till it casts a baneful pen and bowed head in tears over the tons old measu remen',. owned in St. justice gets prev grown shadow lijis the lose members of rolling wheels, tramping teet, and under the constitution, and Con- principally so under present plan, may again and the build r. md will b>- com- ntly. Whites anti blacks are living uniformily were the doors locked and future? The (ieorge l»y 1 over the whole of elections whether unpromising condition of the m 181ti, borrowed from these Eng- 1; i‘ harmoniously rather than otherwise. the curtains drawn, that the system possibly influence Congress to provide for chattering voices, pitifully appealing gress manded by ('apt. Robert Jones of St. (ieorge •• > neighbors those lish acts their most is to be one of tho most Tii* t a g I i.avo recorded belong to months for in or Con- unhappy people can never be appre- strains of some stringent provisions, The schooner said about it, and surmised that there representative Legislature a in December. In unhapj y organ grinder. : thrj- havr no existence this evening. Now, gossiped reapportionment early which are still in force. American thorough built and substantial vessels evei was a criminal between the whether or ciated at the north, until the arm of her Only the nanii■ of (.oil. ol and of civil intimacy gress, Governor President, it military Lying lazily back in the depths launched oil tic lVnohscot Bay. The best peace liberty. order to prevent any loss to any of the built ships can legally engage In our was mar- is the material was used in her construction [Cam- why Ncwberr;- county placed under parties. has come to such a complexion that in stretched, grasping sword oyer this carriage cushions, “La Marquise,” or coastwise and inland trade: and the tial law; in December last Medlieott’s wife died States, it will be necessary to increase the priv- den Herald. cases and we learn what martial as American for <.i:i:a r mistakk. many the longest purse wins. We region, bitterly “Maud,” perhaps with her face that is ileges of registry ships very suddenly, and it is remarkable that number ot to about two e that a Portland, Are Congressmen are not T! Press says Thursday Kit Klux? Yes, are to notice that law means. And even then we should oceiii. traffic denied to all bottoms plenty her resembled those glad this evil is attract- “dead perfection" and nothing more; tie- new signal, noticing the approach of u : tiiem. 1 fear. Hut 1 am fully satisfied that symptoms strongly hundred and eighty. native built. As this has been a of lluth at his four later. attention in realize all horrors. Wo are not ship- st<.rei,was hoisted ovei thegoveruineut weather ’heir object i- not political. Tlirv are foolish death, months ing other localities, and trust jits just an occasional ot the proud quiver building country, and as our people, till staiion, in obedience to orders from Washing- h dr-brauu-d fellow-. but martial law Dark hints were thrown out at the time, allliotod with the race of perhaps: that the time is not far distant when the carpet-baggers, nostrils, a ot the could build as as ton. The signal i- a red pennant day and a iot Jiiciu. 1 am Death of an Old Lawyer. compression dainty lips, lately, ships cheaply by sii]»|irrs< tirmlv convinced was said, and the was inter- is that on the butjlittle body their for their I law no red lantern by night. It intended iot th" moment ibe laws of the State are lear- practice here in Maine become as leaving country country’.' or a slow of tli' lashes from anybody, this was great griev- red at Lawrence. The cause of her death may lifting long of a storm witli wind at a velocity ot and. tie will I anae until since the war. While the rebel approach svjy m'opcrlyenforced y disappear. as theft, and the and on the unfortunate re- Jonathan of the oili- ’.') hour and tin* is to tit was stated to be but disreputable penalty | good, preying Morgan, Portland, the round, cheek, drop- miles per upwards, signal 1 midnight arrests, breaking open houses apoplexy, physi- pearly languidly were the and lim n- in which cruisers roaming seas, be display.-d. and r«-main up eight hours unless and -ending men to prison without cian who was there at the time declares much more severe than now ! gion they locate. These domes- est member of the Cumberland Bar, tvas' in a moment as if in all the permitting provided. ped more, and our ehange tak", phice for the better ill the incitn- their relatives to see them will not the that 1.0 of were ob- ing bonding ships, many ship- remedy One tic disturbances are the of on symptoms apoplexy ol the ablest ot our exchanges, the j opportunities found dead in his room Wednesday wide world there was not a sound owners took occasion to sell their to time. vi!. To-day the people of Xewherry' are servable. In the memorandum book in weary ships j 1 and stnpetied : to-morrow mav be -omething Concord Patriot, has a forcible article on rascals, have been from all time last. He was born in Brimfield, Mass., I or worth : not a bint or sus- whose law, unlike ours, allows In a reeent ease before the inuni' eourt of they which lluth wrote his last letter is a sight noting foreigners, ipai worse. In I'nion. pen- that because the Spartanburg arid York -•oun- this When the boils, the scum comes to the them to buy ships wherever they can got Bo-ton, the evidence showed « note It that the Democratic i pot Mareh 4th. 1778, of a beneath the t the feeling i- inten-elv bitter. Men are ciled of the death ot Mrs. Medlicott, subject. says being consequently picion heart anywhere wil-* refused to stairs to her children who them the cheapest. Our people sold more go up ■ ing from their homes because they are not from which he wrote her in the State Committee of New surface. Out of the corruptions almost i)4 old. He at and crossed w.-re the husband disciplined her in th obituary Jersey recently fostering years graduated perfectly fitting bodice; idly, in four time than in tic pre- crying, safe from arrest. Any negro can have a dozen and it is there stated that she ships years’ manner adopted by parents in cor newspaper, a and recit- will grow new crops of Titus Union in and came to Maine in all the hands. frequently white men arrested and they dare not ask the adopted preamble resolution, Oatses, College tt80;! composure, jewelled vious forty years. More than sou,non their using tin* ilat of bin hand died of apoplexy. There can be no doubt leetmg ofl'spring, r ast>n. Let an unprejudiced come to that “the use of to swear accusations in 1812. He had resided in Portland since the tons of American bottoms went thus into and sin- continuing to him In* repeated person that Medlicott himself furnished the dates ing money at elections ready against any Not far away, just round adjacent disobey this section of South Carolina and see for him- the hands of But when tic the dose. But her husband was discharged. has so and all men, where be was work foreigners. se]t' whether scoundrels have not and cause of death to Ruth. become flagrant and undisguised as swearing may 1820. He at lor years endeav-, corner, the traditional apple woman unprincipled war was over, and business to re- the to the made began A Louisville to get rid of her misrepresented j»ro]>]e President.- On the 2Gth of April, in the afternoon, to create a doubt as to the duration of our profitable, j The Bloody Assizes to a motion ma- her little stock. wife, wishing Let oring produce perpetual garrulously vending vive our di- sent him into the cel- him traverse the nine counties and point Mrs. Kuth to again, wouldbc-ship-owners j husband at short notice, went Levenworth on a visit. and the of Jeffries to out a band ora in- republican form of and a judicial spring chine, and claimed have been the first “Two cents announces a small covered .the existence of this lar with a kerosem for a pitcher of eider single insurrectionary -ingle That Ruth and Medlicott government, mjirders apiece” navigation lamp dividual who has resisted the night played as c She gave him time to the cider in one officers of the law, fear that the if continued, will naturally from such a condition of things inventor ot steamboats, built a of board, which af- law! They could sell ships, but they mid just get three of chess at the house of the practice, having square paste you J shout- an 1 I will take back all 1 have written and games What do l.ct hand ami the lamp in tin* other, and then as rank and noxious weeds crown the fes- 1811 not buy them back! to a-til'y the proclamation of martial law. What former, and they between nine and eventually lead to the establishment of a small steamboat in which ran at the terwards learn means the small, gnarled d “murder.” She had calculated well. The parted us build then. But the it ma\ be them, high prices the tho fell, to-morrow or next week I know not. ten o'clock. The next Ruth was of and offal. In not the doomed man sprang up steps, lamp morning monied oligarchy in its stead,” and tering heap garbage rate of four miles per hour. 1800 he apples in the background and loss of five time | lb>w tar the relative*, of those men who have urging of all materals, the years’ and—the woman was free. found dead in his bed, with froth and We call attention to the have be n dragged from their homes and put into all their local committees and the citizens special letter published an Knglish (.rammar and re- plump and juicy a.’tides which you in and inventions, and the Wood from his mouth. Of course experience Thomas B. St 'n •hrid 1, of Clinton, is a pr-on may go no one can tell. I know oozing we N*;*tor only at to exercise the which to-day from the Xew vised it in 1814. He also a selected from the front ot the change of style from wooden to iron ships, having heecn original that are at the was tire first large greatest vigilance publish'] published huge heap, mong Deputy ShcrilVs, politic.- the bottom of this i family physician person 1 to-day Turk herald, a made building with a profit impossible. ly under Kent, in 1*47 or m Hf* has whole bu-incss, and that it looks as if I sent for, and ids conduct in the. in the detection and of any paper which lias support- medical treatise of sixty pages. About a which you arc confidently assured can’t appointed designing presence punishment The last built on the at .Med- liel-l the ;>0,i)PO clean. And i'li* **i-ro\v-bar” reign,when Wells march induced President Grant to aid them m a devil- ; th*- The feature of the whole case The writer relates his interviews i•' 1 on the Jail with a posse, and deposed i-h design to provoke the South into another at- I strongest subject. The Governor of that State has personal pal Court of Portland, and managed a of nickel. Talk about Yankee so the ocean battle has gone against us. is the letter written Ruth to his pieces Whig s lep.ii. 11. is probably older in servi revolution. wile, 1 r* of nil I’.tlM- tempt at by one wh<> emild I*e to cause in was ■. tlM-al- wlwl.. til'll WOltYH' two tW’n'ilj I'onmn also called public attention to this matter with CVUl'V suppo^oU which ho i.-.vty just before he died, informing licr that on our own in know of l the existence of resist- ! raerce was borne ships; him a in a in which he offers a re- officially merely (lerman, French Dutch, Scotch, A Wiiai.iv; Fi.i kt I)i:stk<>vj:d i:y In;. .Medlicott had given quinine powder proclamation 1870, less than one-third: and of i ■ (ien. J unes A. Hall and Mrs. Livermore, of an ance to the laws. : He to —Tin* editor of the Waterville Mail Irish or not American or the of suf- '1 nr Strainer Moses Taylor, at Sail Fran- half hour before, and requested her in ward of $100, for the arrest and convic- applied prose- something else, steamers regularly plying between the Ivisfi.t). disetlsse.1 question feiuule cisco ease of his death to have Ids ex- thinks tlie smokes too inueh in frage before a ge audience in Salem, Mas-., from Honolulu, reports a terrible body tion of one the laws cuting officers, military commandant, and President Yankee. Hut Lie face that looks out of the United States and any violating against ports Europe, on Monday ewning. The liseussion win eon- disaMar to tin* Arctic licet amined. In this letter lie describes his j :md not a one bears the American whaling by bribery at elections. every body else who could be reached, public, says— trom under the thick wadded tiood, worn single llag. .Un fed in a spirit of courtesy and candor and which vessels were symptoms with some minuteness, and This has stirred the were at tin* close thirty-three caught one A bad is never so had as when set state of up both parties congratulated up- It is evident to all that use and not of could to a sin- example in hottest summer, as well as coldest win- things in the ice ami crushed or states that the clock had struck eleven. the point on each had shown. abandoned. just j corrupt thejn by a good man; and our President, while ex- boards of trade, and has had some inllu- the ability case of to the so \\rhn;ci< arrived at Honolulu furnished The memorandum book was found ot in elections has become an gle resistance laws—not cused for a too common should ter is unconscious ot •• lying money sharing frailty, days, stupidly any ouco in modifying opinion. The original of tin* phrase, the goose hangs t'e on his on the with his vest and not himself to it vauntinglv in the following detail-: 'The ice coat, piano, alar and a one me. The conclusion is loreed us permit putt* intended that one high,” i- said to be 'Lin goose /< mAs high," opened mug evil, rapidly growing upon face of manners.—lest that which sensi-1 deception straightway Til the second place, the coal duly has a'-out the first of June and the licet work- pants lying on it. The question will at good I tenng to tin* cry of tin* goose during its migra- also. It is that when the that this extreme pleasure is taken for hie men know to he become the with the re- been an abomination in New Eng- once did lie not call to his as- plain suffrages folly philosophy” pockets imposition along always tory Mights. When tin* weather is pleasant, ed northward some whales, but arise, why in the of the finding mine that docs not eyes simple. land. Senator Sumner made a strong and tin* favorable, the birds having much trouble with iee. sistance the physician who slept next of the people can be bought, there is an object appear upon turning change, counted out by the long, prospect My high, Reaching Now what does the Mail think of :i speech it on its passage through and hence the significance of tin* phrase. Flower the whales had door within a few feet of his room? end of brains and die surface, and thpt the political future and walks more against Ray. passed By popular government; bony lingers, away l the Senate, and indeed, lie is no friend of so he have save his President that himself to receive I he number o| ves-d- from Castim* engaged through into the Arctic Ocean, whether doing might life, cease to rule and becomes it the President is to be secured permits amused than Thus the scenes principle money expected indignant. high duties of any kind. What the New in the eo.| ami mackerel fisheries for tin* >eai the fleet with fair suc- however, as it lrom | follow'd*, meeting lie, strange may appear, this innumerable and presents I w is o:n* the power. And it is by crusade with military power into a costly shifted, changed, attracted and repelled, England people want, and what X iiding June DTI. hundred and forly- cess until tin* tirst of when the last moments of consciousness governing painful J September, ice spent those t<> oil ice want, is ele eight, ton nag* m.x thousand and ninety tons. to see that we are district of the Scutli. subsequently appointed dazzled and Sometimes tho England manufacturers -up floes ami in a letter on the trial, rapidly approaching peaceful pained. (iloin esier ha5* '.Is* Barnstable bergs began drilling down, and writing which, >>f X va Doesn’t it smell a dual worse than The bitumious real t a was the evidence that he It is to human nature, good of ease and power. Wis vs. 1TJ and Wald d.-mo Ml oth- the Mtl» number of vessels had been most that condition. All men know contrary philoso- splendor, ■ hy convincing intelligent gilded trappings Scotia is just the for then furn i ! was tobacco smoke ? thing p iids llbb. -unk and most of the remainder were murdered. a ami that men should anon the bands of crime and that tree, honest, untrammeled exercise phy experience galling pov- For many purposes it is letter than an driven ashore. 'The As soon as the letter was discovered The ar* •ommitting sad havoc ill 1‘iseuta- brig Comet, the so Nov. tk Charles II. Ward, of the dog- of the of is the essentia] change suddenly and as to be —Boston, erty; lir>t pride Mid pomp, and princely thracite. But the duty of SI go! I .. Job Medlicott was arrested and in right suffrage violently quis eutility. T i- .--t imated that over sheep Roman, and tin* Florida and Victoria of lodged jail, late banking firm of Mellon, AVard A: Co., sen- be tic and law citizens at one then sorrow and sin and ton almost doubles what would have been killed by tln -e blood-suckers ill lli*- Fan Francisco were lie sent for a and element and means of peaceable abiding tenced to three in dune, possessions; crushed like egg- immediately lawyer, self-government, years’ imprisonment Some w:t< of the i’ietou coal. A treasure] if county alone, within six months. was and afterwards lsTO, for embezzling government fumls, to- a ot then the price !.c]N the crews the result of tile conference that the and the fundamental of time, shortly conspirators suffering; gay lady fashion, these have been attributed to barely escaping. Sept, principle republi- released on of President Grunt. one of ttio Picton coal comrades testified depredations i the ot the fleet had Mrs. lluth taken to his own day pardon *ili, Captains hemmed in lawyer can institutions. Without that is no and rebels, without an cause. meek, merciful sister of the two bears. there adequate He must be one of tin* nation’s Wards. charity; that not long ago. that he cmisdend | A'lwcen ]’<>mt house on her return from 1 Releher and immediately u Vvainwright free no we have the of the and dollars in a for o,»a] Tui vi. Sim*iM.v<; in romai. government, rule of the Fortunately testimony a keen, busy, manieuvring politician, gold very good prec inlet, held a and resolved to Leavenworth, and before she had seen people, Let him be Granted another office, and ot e--e|s or bound meeting loaded on schooners for tic Bos- The number belonging to, no President to the condition of the South in and the hard worked man ot liter- already abandon tin* vc-sols to save and the the of her husband. What trans- management of affairs for the by by tool* Irom in the I nited states, reported life, corpse public chance at the treasury again. ton market—he had sold some as low a- ports or during tie- mouth is !-'n' sailor- took on the lew vessels between 1 ho and the of the The 180.0, when he was sent on a tour of next a lock, lank, totally lost inis-iiur past refuge pired lawyer lady good people. right of suf- ary laliors; Shy long, one dollar and three gold. Call- of which had clear. has not been but the —The Portland Advertiser thus records quarters *JS aiid their T > vain xelusive cargoes, got revealed, prisoner the states in re- lean and and some * frage is not a purchasable commodity, inspection through lately avaricious, presently ing it two dollars, there is a duty of I j is estimate 1 .at s:.-7.'W»o. The news created the excite- stated that the assur- the fate of a local lkirnum— greatest subsequently lawyer bellion. llis to toiler of the cent on It is a tribute to but a sacred trust to bo President Andrew honest per coal. pure .- n ''tit at Hono ulu and San Francisco. iiim “there was no exercised for the report patient, plodding, TiiouMin is of farms in Frau and (iermaiiv danger.’’ The Circassian girl came to town again last anthracite. It increases tic in masses -such a Pennsylvania ; are divided one from another only by a narrow all the "flieers and of tin* In the ot-j 1 in winch Medlicott was con- benefit of the voter and the best interest Johnson, December, 180.0, says— but the driver of the caravan goi drunk, strange, motley throng, Nearly many night, cost, and thus lessens the market of X. w path: in tin's country the cost of fences is rsti- men came to San Francisco on the steamer. fined was a man named T am satisfied that the mass of men upset the team and <’iiva*siau girl, and and and down young Henry of the public; and when it is not so used, thinking spilled surging up down, up manufactures. This ! has iiiale | t» -i’'H)—which is more than we of the South the present situation of af- bears, snakes, birds and himself. Tin* show is England The bark Comet will bring what she can Johnson, alias Sperry, the same man who accept the avenue, all the have hud out on our defences. it is a dangerous power and a fairs in good faith. The have now exhibited at the oilier. long spacious busy stuck in the throats of some and was perpetual questions which police people, and lie* <'"ii.-u at Honolulu is fined in the United States Circuit >• heretofore ’li/tT oi w 1 a lew in*>1111.<• negotiat- menace the divided the sentiments of the and far into the hours of night, makes them doubtful of the whole sys- > >yr:n for a Court in this about a to freedom and of people day. ing ve-.-el to take the rest of the city year ago for de- prosperity of the two and States —Judge Goddard having retired from ago assisted in throwing her husband into tin- sections—slavery rights, never never dimin- tem that embraces such particulars. the revenue the or ot a State never stopping, tiring, lias manual party. frauding department. John- community. the right to secede from the Union the bench of the Superior Court for Cum- : iMiml ami drowning him, again. No son as been hv In the third the shoemakers :ire » undulates lor wive*. must be very *■ anr in deaths are in the fleet. was on a charge of larce- is a —they regard having settled foreier place, reposted imprisoned Now it sad truth that in many States the bar have him a dinner ishing. 'I the highest tribunal—arms—tlmt man can re- berland, given in arms. A deal of what rail- | that city. he loss is estimated at half a million ex- ny. lie became satisfied of Medlicott’s a tip good come sort to. I was V mors ITT.\1S. elections have to lie con- pleased to learn from the leading so ed the dissatisfaction of labor clusive of Irom him talk in his habitually at the Falmouth Hotel, he will start spritm- Jail)' -s Mi osli. win* died at < 'iii' intuiti latelv carg<>es. guilt hearing sleep. men whom I met, that not [ they only accepted causes that have their seat in tl. at Hi-' uninhabited where The of the haunted trolled the a have Mrs. Moulton from ,c|lm tT'i.i spot spirits dead him in his by money—carried by winning the decision arrived at as final, hut, now that in the Post otlice business with full Boston critics given The hoot and shoe intere-t is the I the i*uv \va.- I- -tin' d i" stand. ami saw it grow A in this city in the 184-1 had dreams. The of his wife the smoke of battle has awav tariff. lady year apparition hov- side and In cleared and time :i successful the don- » by bribery corruption. many stomach. olane among prima the I'uited St'Ho- ! n|» from nothin# t it' present si/e. a hired who left her a ered over him in his has been given for reflection, that this decision largest single industry in girl employ, taking midnight slumbers, cases, voters are at the as j brought polls lias been a fortunate one for the whole coumrv, man in Indiana who writer M. nas. nest to the It m i'h- •'.ni/ it has chartered a ve* wallet containing between three and four and he started up with glaring eyeballs —The only agriculture. employs and almost as as and they receiving like benefits from it with those at bd|h ends of his name is Hon. M. < another men uses more than eiihi-t '■I iuke loivd emigrants to Liberia hundred dollars with her. After she lelt and‘exclaimed, Sarah ! are freely openly sheep Ktlwin liootli is to remain yet and capital “O, God, you who them in the field and in coup ;'i in tli- Into South' n Mates. l‘lie vessel opposed til. Kerr. Member of Congress from the Second or iron indu slave the no one in these ever heard here?” The of Kuth were cattle in the market. And the same is at honors the woolen, the cotton, the city parts dying agonies My observations lead me to the conclusion Pletrict. week the “Boston” winning is at Colt M-nioe, \ a. irom her until that the of More than 1.11,000 persons eai last week, when she came re-enacted in his dreamy imagination, true of nominations. In conventions citizens the Southern States are anx- anil try. party There are a curs there who money. a Y doctor witli back, hunted the loser and returned and he would smooth the of his ious to return to self-government within the good many theirdaily bread in this emplm in ni Am An assassin wont tor irginia iip drapery in this and other men howic-knifc ami it eleven lettei » States, have been Union as soon as that while recon- not to at either end. coils, or braids around a is [oral in Now 1,1 _r- drove through the amount. She was a and “15e ! possible; have the letters Heavy passing Most of this industry Catholic, and for couch say, quiet, Ruth Take ought ami two of tobacco in his breast-pocket, known to cause it to be announced structing, they want and require protection with side land and in Massachusetts. Lynn A lmm plugs several after the theft this, and it will do that, are maki wills. French twist, long drooping but tailed to the doctor. years committing you good!” from the Government; that they are in earnest —Turkeys ng their [Whig. puncture relruined from if nominated for the to make shoes to sell in laol, uni in lsiis attending the confessional. Johnson, who is described as a profes- positions they sought, in wishing to do what they think is and we to have one of the curls, is now the fordo- and required by Yes, hope pronounced style -■ W .nts t know, you know—Cousin tiuy When she the sional the Government, not to made about nine million pair- nongh j did, Bishop advised that burglar in conceived were to certain sums humiliating them as are and appearance, they ready expend testators on our table and the back hair. Mary looking very innocent, sitting citizens, and that if such a course was by by. along ing to one to about fourth she should restore the money. When she ihe idea of winning his own freedom by pointed give pair every very far apart, when Emily cornea into 4the of money to secure their elections, and out tliev would pursue it in faith. It is The most fashionable dresses I in the is not had accumulated the amount, evidences of the good with other ’taters. morning person country, Hrooktieid ; room. Hut how comes occupants. 'The of Mrs. ex- and brains. Canadian port and there "round. some of the earth to In tile Iasi me women iiiiiumii body Medlicott xfhs also tegrity West lias held a state furnishing Removing place, Virginia election a him means to return to Boston. The on- lind a cause for one of the men in a A Pittsburg man slept soundly with dead humed and it is said that these two We could cite cases in illustration this, unsatisfactory condition, especially many lor a and members of a Con- ot bed fellow the other night, being unaware that (leneral Grant has issued a were discovered. It that Legislature ly notice taken ikwas to notify Collect- struck his what seem to be the manufaetuvers of the finer grades of supplemcn poisons appears of these and spade against the latter had blown his;brains out early in the remarks; although the De- stitutional Convention. is ors of Customs to detain the vessel at This excited the of all Edward and the Rhode tal Ku-Klux proclamation. it appears the mixture of these two poisons will Nothing said any iron plate. curiosity fabric. Harris, evening. that lie made a mistake as to a certain have the eflect of the usual mocracy in some localities may not be of the of our ports at which she might appear, and sat to work with a will to Island manufacturers, are the preventing result by the telegraph. It proves they dig spokesmen ( until the incurred had been above the Soon that while Fishing sthooner D. F. Woodbury. apt in South Carolina. This without blame in this we penalties the earth plate. of these men. They complain on county county post-mortem appearances produced by wholly behalf, to be a sweeping Democratic away (iray. of Cloueester, wu* seized the 27th is now and victory. The of the re- their efforts were rewarded the have to i 10 cent, on from released, and the pains penal- cither, the one is are t» that this of paid. Secretary Treasury by sight they pay per duty charge of gin into Castlne although frequently bold say sort manage- Had the a smuggling radicals saved even fraction of fuses to issue the until he is satis- fastened a bolt. the and ties transferred to an adjoining one, used as an antidote for the other. papers of an iron door, with rusty their fine wools imported, carpet Halifax. ment has become the rule with the Radi- their recent it will not be ot where “reliable contrabands” most These numerous as a in that fied the. subject interna- On this came a blanket wools come in at about In. report and minor tacts and strength patty breaking open, they upon They A cynical lady, rather inclined to flirt, says horrible So writ of ha- cals while with the it is the tional of which de- also that while have to a colt! doings. that the circumstances were carefully gathered by Democracy state, the despatches would have filled the controversy. flight winding stairs, they complain, they that most men are like very easily beas is somewhere in the and on the trial is the chief reliance scended, and at the foot, they on the average, 75 per cent, of the caught, but very difllcult to get rid ot. coipinr suspended prosecuting attorney, exception. Money papers, every day for the last week or arriving pay, tim the is were found themselves in a whose whole cost of their in duties on the South, President satisfied. presented to the in such a clear of the Radical leaders for success in elec- dungeon goods <>ver two hundred dollars have been collected jury two. As is is, not a word Another Little Irregularity. Ihiriie] O'Conncl used to tell a of and forcible manner that no by telegraph— was made more marked the materials, the that erect a suitable memorial to U- v. .1. H. Craw- story doubt remain- its gloom by completed product to tions; corrupt use is constantly resort- that instrument to ot being once engaged to defend a man ill ed of the guilt of the accused, and the being indisposed tell The Commissioner of pensions, having ray of dim light which a solitary loophole competes with their own is admitted at ford, late Principal Muck*port Seminary. ed to, and Lo more than all else have at the admitted. a to cent. do not however, Dublin, charged with committing an as- verdict was “murder in the first degree." that, any more than it can help that is unfavor- investigated the case of Col. Forbes, Ten- lop Striking light 35 per They want, Mr. McCormick lost *7ob,0(K) in Chicago, and sault, and cfhe of the The defence attempted to account for owed their lease of in sion at a clear the darkness of the dungeon they to have this latter rate raised, but pray to is ready to admit, no doubt, that the tire battery upon King’s they long power able to the radical party. The Parkers- Agent Philadelphia, reports dispel great officials. The defense was so clear, that the death of Ruth on three defalcation of $32,000 without the found upon the floor a few withered bones, be relieved of tho former, and prefer that is the champion reaper. theories—first, this and many other States. By this means Times slight- burg (W. V.) says— a skull a lantern. The lantern is of the board ab- the judge plainly intimated to the jury that he died Irom the effects of the quin- est mitigating circumstances. General and both together should go by This inscription is said to be on the headstone alone carried the election in Califor- From almost of the State the news and are. that a verdict of not guilty should be ren- ine, taken in the worst stage ot congestive they all parts Silas Casey and Forbes’s other bondsmen such an old-fashioned construction solutely than to havo things as they of a dead wife at Duxbur} “Chisel can’t help of the last election results are to dered. however found the that he took nia, and to "this alone is due their recent depressing will make the to the that it must have been made over We hear that these ideas are working in her any, and tears is of no use.” They, prison- chili; second, morphine by the Republicans. Ohio, Berkeley, Harrison, probably up money shape er and declared that if he had not mistake for that he com- without It was a most tho minds of some of the woolen manu- guilty, quinine; third, triumph in Pennsylvania. By this means Doodridge, Wirt, and even Kanawha counties, government delay. Forbes’s fifty years ago. altogether A deaf mute beggar in Detriot lately got lie had letter Who can tell the deeds facturers in who arc no which of very struck the King’s officer, spoken mitted suicide and wrote the for success in New it is reported, gave Democratic majorities. successor will be appointed at once. discovery. up Berkshire, by drunk and recovered his speech, dying they hope Jersey, singular and against his Majesty, and that was enough to save his life insurance policy. In sup- That the counties in the more southern part of General Baker is carefully examining the which this secret old dungeon may not means as prosperous as formerly, violent kind when found. where nominated a man for Governor tlic State have the same there is not for them. We are afraid fhe white men of the first they gone way bonds of officers the have witnessed ? Who can supply a his- that they say openly that the tariff ought A California deliberately committed port theory they proved by in the least cause for doubt left. This is the pension throughout dog of South Carolina have several solely because he was to furnish a and for these few bones, now to be and must lie in the interest suicide before a locomotive and spoken against respectable physicians that quinine willing most Democratic and a country, proposes to ascertain thpir tory dry brought changed by going signal victory, crushing ? awaiting its approach. his Majesty. sometimes kill when injudiciously admin- large sum of money to buy his election. Republican defeat.” complete integrity. to light after the lapse of years of lower duties. stoically I Local Items, &t>. S. J. Court, October Term, 1871. I'llH ELECTIONS! SPECIAL NOTICES. MARRIED. GREAT BARGAINS ELASTIC SPONGE New? •■‘F the and City. County Kent, J., Presiding. In this city, Nov. 6, by Rev, Dr. Palfrey, Lorenzo (i. Coombs and Mattresses, K. G. Fog" vs. Franklin Mudgett. The plain- Emma C. Sleeper, By the same, 1 A 1871. The Cause and Cure of Oct. William and Martha all of ir.' :V- v.'i K. CM Km *v evening. liy Tclegranli to the Journal. Consumption. 25, Flemming Page, tiff is a physician residing in Burnham, and Belfast. x Pillows, 1 I! ;•. \V : .i ! who. il will In Oct. Horace Clark this suit to recover about dollar.i The cause ot is Rockland, 29, and Azora brought iorty primary Consumption derangement both of St. Pow Cushions, •!■• <•; the mo.-t intcresl- of the This Wheeler, George. Also Oct. 31, C. L. Nov. 1*71. for services in a broken arm for the de- digestive organs. derangement produces Ash and R. Frances Harden. Boston, 8, settiug deficient nutrition and assimilation, assimilation v. r.ti" By In Ellsworth, Oct. Albert Gardiner and Car and Cushions. I!Mibjeet fendant's little child, and treatment 1 mean that process which the nutriment of the 28, Mary Carriage subsequent by both of E. MILLINERY '. ■V'-irc.*’ He NEW VUKK food is converted into blood and thence into the Gormley, of the same. The defence alleged that the arm lu Brighton, Oct. 2G, Forsaith and Sarah : 11 •' solids ot the body. Persons with digestion thus Rodney •■oii.iitinn <■!' the #uy '■:octs the state ticket over ,Jordon Lord, both of Ellsworth. AT THE Republican by was not broken,and that the services was there- impaired, having the slightest predisposition to pul- In SPONGE BY OR POUND. 1 '• n ,, North Mass.,Nov. Franklin Start ...• i a> well monary disease, or it take coin, will be very Cambridge, 1, THEJALE ej.-.iiion, thousand and car- fore uncalled for and of no value. Several they and Annie S. both of Camden. We '• twenty-five majority, liable to have ol some of Horton, invito the to call ami examine our "Elas- •' v> Consumption the Lungs in public ■ ! F I- :;i-11' :;ttr:* In North 'iiuns l»c- ■ Haven, Nov. ,by Eleazer tic ie, the medical meffwerc examined as witnesses whose its forms; and 1 hold that it will be impossible to Crabtree, Esq., Sponge” goods, which we are now selling in largo '• Legislature. Winfield S, Carver and Miss Olevia W. both are }”• in- describes in cure any case of Consumption without, first restoring (Brown, BUY Y quantities, and which giving groat satisfaction. testimony made the old conundrum “who of N. H. O U B makos a softer 1 •' ijse for Use Tam- a and assimilation. The very Mattress than Hair, and it- Juan (I S'. he 'World says—“But good digestion healthy BONNET-ROOM Sponge :vMiic!mben>d will shall decide when doctor's disagree?” more tirst thing to be done is to cleanse the stomach and hold its elasticity much longer. For Curslilon- tvdtt- ed I.-. slMmi for the many scandal there is no doubt the Dem- bowels f rom all diseased mucus aud slime which is ing Churches, Halls, Theatres, Steam and Horse difficult of solution than ever. The child was clogging these organs so that they cannot perform DIED. Cars, it wil> be found the best article in use, and is -t e,\ ruhr.Lsio?:. icratie would have shown handsome O f warranted moths. party exhibited to the jury, and we understood the their functions, and lien rouse up and restore the proof against liver to a action. For this the We should be pleased to send Circular of reference »\ v- v-. i;', ci Mj!. ii till; in New York.” < jerk to its the tiles healthy purpose, the. ] gams to’object being taken from surest, and’best remedy is Schenck’s Mandrake Pills. [Obituary notices, beyond date, name and age, to any who desire. must be paid for,]- id lm milling Iln Sun says—-“That it is not a party of the C ourt unless a certilied copy should be ; These 1’ills cleanse the stomach and bowels of all Mrs. A. L, Richards k Miss A. F. the dead and is In this Oct. Southworth. DRY AND H a o V -'■> l’ •- \v.- k 1 morbid slime that causing disease city, 21, Mrs. Clara Lockwood, aged 1 v, INI oi'se (*« U- left in its but we have misuuder- -but tin* overthrow of place, might aud decay in the whole system. will clear out 54. years. lory Tammany. They -:o:- SOLE AliENTS FOR -N. E. STATES. •. !h i'. In v. .slent i:t.iis- stood him. There was some the liver ot all diseased bile that has accumulated Swanville, Oct. 29, Rufus E, Tripp, 30 to tin1 Senate a testimony tending j aged in want of or 1'wi a! i.- elected by large there, and arouse It to a new and years and 6 months. Also Oct. .Jacob Bonnets, Hats, Ftibbons, «»t' •.-Ill f' »]»■ I in up healthy action, 31, Tripp, in the -|«cc.'!. j'lie to show that the arm was only partially broken, which natural and deaf 75 PERSONSany thing Millinery Line will find this 411 by healthy bile isjsecreted. mute), aged years. one of Boston. ■i »>r, I the best and cheapest in the Washington Street, we'mu# tee! r. tu*i'« I.. flu re are majority. to which conclusion the came The bowels and liver are thus cleansod In Lincolnville, Oct. ol city* 4wl7 jury undoubtedly stomach, 28, Mary I.t daughter Winter in and re- the use of Schenck\s Mandrake but there James and Melissie 10 months. Styles Millinery Dress-Making re iit s\ it • with the by Tills; Knight, aged ceived and an learned MASSACHUSETTS. as they returned a verdict lor the plain- In Joel Experienced Milliner in constant partial remains in the stomach an excess of acid, the organ Bluehill, Oct, 21, Long, Senior, aged 69. attendance. .si. ■ I airain-'t them eon- tiff costs. is i’.ud the is In the In Mt. Desert, Oct. 13, Sarah, wife'ol Edwin C. Washburn is elected in Massachusetts by giving him ten dollars and quarter torpid, appetite poor. bowels, Belfast, Nov. 6, 1871. 3wl3 the lacteals arc weak, and requiring strength and Parker. anl Watson and M -Lellan for Abbott for In LECTURE COURSE I a of thousand. plaintiff. support. It is in a condition like this that Scncnek's Rockland, Oct. 24, Bethia Corthlll,aged 53 years. plurality twenty-eight Oct. .I'M I- A Ml « defendant. Seaweed Tonic to be the most valuable rem- 25, Melissa, Field, aged 35 years. Oct. Lovina “A of I UiKAIW UK A •ponuem The proves 30, Repository Fashion,Pleasure, election was very tame all the enthu- edy ever discovered. It is alkaline, and its use will Ames aged 37 years. For the of vs. Winter 1871-79. iK’-' i.- ihi tolL-wing list of tin is Vi rum 15. Paul and al. appellants Iddo neutralize nil excess In Oct. Emma and Instructions.” siasm been exhausted iu the But- of acid, making the stomach Thomaston, 27, Gilley, aged 20 years ■ «n I ntiAii in who having K. an a sweet and fresh; it will give permanent tone to this c*nt\\ Burnham has in Paul, Executor. This is appeal from COMMITTEE OF THE BELFAST LYCK Ir r important organ, ana create a good. Hearty appetite, eimurrird. i; or i»l men and women decree of the of Probate of this um has the honor to announce to citizens and the campaign. Judge county, and prepare the system for the lirst process oi a good SHIP NEWS. THE 1 generally that they have for a course 1 «' and make Bazar. public arranged I..'.'' .. W ! ! a ii <>l NEW JERSE1 digestion, ultimately •ill-. ages, US admitting to probate the will of Samuel Paul good, healthy, living Harper's of TEN LECTURES, tit UAYFORD HALL lor blood. Alter this preparatory treatment, what re- i>.-iin- TJ. = PORT OF the season, as follows ivkri: writer thinks has Hemoeratie five thousand. iate of Morrill. The appellants contend that mains to cure most cases ot is BELFAST. coming gone by consumption the free Xotises the and use of Schenck’s ARRIVED. of Pres*. W. If. il. Oct W. si an't be i'- ih )i m list- thejwill was not legally executed; that improper persevering l'ulmonic Syrup. .A. 1ST ID MURRAY, Thursday, The Pulmonic nourishes the It is rtally the only Illustrated chronicler of fash- ’'Tames. WISCONSIN, Syrup system. purifies V, .Sch Aurora, McCarty, Boston. To be followed by \'ame- A«e. influences were exerted over the testator and the blood, and is absorded into the circula- ion in the country. Its alone are worth have readily Romeo, Mathews, Bridgeport, bound supplements Hon. WILLIAM 1 Minnesota anti Kansas and thence distributed to the deceased the subscription ot the While PARSONS, J">epl I rnnaiM Wentworth Michigan, that the testator was not of sound and dispos- tion, lungs. L>. K. Arey, Ryan, Boston; Helen price paper. fully GEORGE VANDENHOFt There it ripens all morbid matters, whether in the maintaining its position as a mirror of fashion, it Wcightdid mind and On trial. Jewett for Maria, Prince, Camden, also Prof. E. S. MORSE, gone Reptiblicn, ing memory. term ol abscesses or tubercles, and then assists Na- jack contains stories,poems, brilliant essays, besides ■ K.lm \'d Downing, Patterson, Rockland; Mrs ALICE DUTTON for ture to expel all the diseased matter in the form of general and personal gossip, f Boston MARYLAND appellants, Harriman and Abbot executor. W. •;. u •.ii! free expectoration, when once it ripens. It is then, Evening Gazette. s State The defendant SAILED. Dr. A. A. WILLET>. He r liidmsnij.i id \ are Democartie. vs. Selden Hancock. by the great healing and of There never was any that so de- irginia purifying properties paper published OLIVE LOGAN, 1 Vu- with fire to Schenck’s Pulmonic that all ulcers and cavi- N'ov.;{. Sch S lighted the heart of woman. -Never mind if it does y; Lucy Mi was charged by indictment setting Syrup, Mary, Gilchrist, Charleston, C. 1)U C1IAILLU, ties arc healed and i* cured. Helen Prince cost yon a new bonnet; it will save ten times the \ h.r up sound, my patient Maria, Camden. you HORACE GREELEY. the the dwelling of Mr. John B. The essential to done in ;n the household it Mai > jmrn adjoining tiling be curing Consump- price economy teaches. [ Provi- Mrs. WvmIiiuII. Miss Mrs. tion is to a and a Sch dence Journal. MILLINERY Tickets for the Course S.’.Gu. For Sale at the u.uL Claflin, McKinley Ilazeltine in Burnham, on the night of the 27th get up good appetite good digestion Anna Gardiner, of Surry, loaded with Calais MaV"1,1 or women have so that the will in flesh and The who a number Bookstores. 1 uinl two three other been resis- body grow get lumber, sailed from Salem for young lady buys single of Har- | that on strong, Philadelphia Aug. 28. Nam > of June last. Mr. Ilazeltine testified if a has a per's Bazar is made a Oct. 1871. tfU ter-'! a- voters ia New York city. person diseased lungs, cavity or abscess Sept. ■•'. a vessel bottom up was seen ofT subscriber for life. [New Belfast, 3, ■’*- Hiram Chatham, York l’ost. the night in question at about midnight he was there, the cat ity cannot heal, the matter cannot ripen, C"!» Cod. Sept. 11, a wreck landed on Chatham Bar Evening Morgan so long as the is below What is neces- with stern so he Bazar is excellent, l.ike all the the of his On look- system par. gone, that name or “hail” could not be periodicals l u:l. awakened by barking dog. to cure is a new order of a which the it is almost sary things, good appetite, obtained, and having the beam the num- Harpers publish, ideally well containing and the class A T 1'hi1 largest city park in the world is in ing out of the window he saw the reflection of ajjgood nutrition, th© body to grow in flesh and get brr so shattered that it could not be told. Subse- edited, of readers for whom it is in- fat; then Nature is helped, the cavities will the certain unmistakable tended—the mothers and daughters in fam- MISS SAWYERS I the largest grain port is the fire. He out of the window, ran heal, quently,by marks, it was shown average SALVE, ■ • •' Philadelphia; jumped matter will and be thrown o!F in ilies—can not but profit its sense and h. M : in- i. 11j. 11*3" under the the Paoi- ripen large quanti- that it was the wreck of this vessel. Of the entire by good good Chicago; longest railroad, round the barn and found a of hay un- ties, and the person regain health and strength. crew, is of taste, which, we have no doubt, are to-day 't irriii iii'-s;! «r 'ii. I. < Mvorstin* quantity nothing known, consisting William Tre- making popular ;i the mass of iron is in Mis- This * the true and to cure master .John very many homes happier than may have been greatest der the corner of the in saw only plan Consumption, worgy, ; Murray.mate; Charles they barn flames and a Wasson, ;he > and is if the are not before women lessous'in .1 t■'i ,i r.i v.': iii-.■■ -in ••n'lM-tuinmcnt souri. and the water aqueduct, person very bud, lungs oldest son of Samuel Wasson; Edward Treworgy, began taking personal greatest a few feet off the of entirely destroyed, or even if one lung is entirely son of O. S. all and household aud social management from this .‘lav:.. II .! iturd. The New standing watching progress Treworgy, of Surry, and rumor says > .w.-wng. lie <'roti.n, York. gone, if there is enough vitality loft in tne other to a cook shipped in Salem. good-natured mentor. [The Nation, N. Y. <3-oo. W. Burketts’ the fire the defendant who immediately ran for heal m*, i- .0 i-.' w I)•.■■]■wit th-y up, there is hope. t'ne woods. With the help of his wife and son I have seen many persons cured with only one H WW ■; V. a SUBSCRIPTIONS-1872. tl e assortment ia^l-'ui* them iidi l|..U*e heiv. sound live and life to a old [gpFor the prices and Mr. Ilazeltine subdued the fire. The defendant lung, enjoy good age. Terms: Strange Suicide by Girls. This is what Schenck's medicines will do to cure M i. M >. A. < has*- ii;sike a line ilis• J^TJrPTJ^/LN adopted the Hue of defence recommended by the Consumption. They will clean out the stomach, Harper’s Bazar, one year, $4 Cm) cannot tail to suit the public. uiiKii'W,' ot ieh an win sweeten and a An Extra of elegant elder Weller and an alibi. It strengthen it, get up good digestion, Copy either the Magazine,Weekly, proved appear- and Nature the assistance she needs to or .. neli L.iev have in M. give clear the Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of ju-t |be. tight I.KWlsTON, NOV. that at on the ed in testimony eleven o’clock system of till the disease that is in the lungs, what- Fi ve Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance; i: i. and N't-w \ rk l’!.. v have a ever the form may be. Six for without Id o’clock night of the fire, lie was some two miles and a A N 1 > or, Copies $20 00, extra copv. •. About half this after- It is while gant ,v goods whieli past important that, using Schenck’s medi- Subscriptions to Harper’s Magazine.Weekly, half from his home and about four miles from cines, care should be exercised not to take cold; and to one address for one 1 neon, several noticed two Baz-vk, year, $10 00; or, !:;- : t!iv persons young 11!> cheapest keep In doors in cool and damp weather; avoid two ot the Periodicals, to one address ladii s -itting on the- rocks of the Auburn Mr. lfazeltine's; that his horse was not a two- night Harper’s lor otV- red In iln- eitv. air, and take out-door exercise only in a genial and one year, $? 00. MIL LIU E RY -bore id the falls of the forty nag bv any means, but on the contrary warm sunshine, Androscoggin Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. i,i ear loads of slate li'oin tin- at river at this their I wish it distinctly understood that when I recom- 'pinny place, and strange eon- could go not over seventeen miles in live hours WINTER The four volumes of mend a patient to bo careful in regard to taking cold Harper’s Bazar, for the Under the sola of v’ ned Belfast m< i.. been duet attracted considerable attention. —or five miles in seventeen have years 1868, bound charge by fhave hours—we while using my medicines, I do so for a special ’60, ’70, 71, elegantly in green reason. A man morocco cloth, will be sent hi- ;i> TIk materia! i- tv lvuid- Hall an hour later, they were observed to forgotten which—and that he arrived home who has but partially recovered from by express, freight pre- the effects ot a bad cold is far more paid, for $7 00 each. liable to a relapse ^ -nine ;«i 1 hr-: he •:•••. !' i- believed walk to the of “West Pitch,” the between and one o’clock. Verdict not ju'vnc- ijUality verge twelve than one who has been entirely cured, and it is l'he on Uarpku’.s 20 pro- ; O F postage Bazar is cents a Mrs. E. R. JOHNSON, EREy«'uli:u cm, in.*14 s..othh:if .n-1 ■ ir r ;h r- of chasm of the falls, interlock arms cisely the same in to So I which must lirii tii yi-m-. what deepest guilty. Boyle for the Gov’t. McLellan for regard Consumption. long year, he paid at the subscriber's post lnmlinj'properties, w i;h :. da:up :• im;r. de-; as the are not so is ! and into the swift current, which in- lungs perlectly healed, just long office. lent. A remedy at ha-. 1 fa •!. many pains a..d Jump there a imminent danger of full return ol the disease, i lias been added to the other woun s 1 bore them down the Address HARPER & New York departments aches, 1- and briii-. t.* w! :h -h is h ii stantly- steep dcclivi- lienee it is that I so caution BROTHERS, the (luat'ls State vs. Selden Hancock, apt. appeal from strenuously pulmonary Is more easily applied than many other reno-di--,, -.pi. t\. with the of j themselves to an atmos- call rapidity lightning, and hid patients against exposing of this store, and she would special never pr .die im; had etleet, -lit always relieving i it lie md e\* I’e's. ‘'it the streets on the Police [Court for assault awl battery upon that is not and them from j phere genial pleasant. Continued pain, howevr sev re. sight. are a mass ol which the 1871 and 1872. to the fhct Tie IV WV l‘V j,l- •John P>. Ilazeltine. The defendant retracted consumptives’ lungs sores, BUY YOUR attention of Dealers It is prepared ly .V/.w Sawner, who has used it depot igllte'l gn>, A number ol went j least ol will Country people immediately change atmosphere inflame. The grand in her own extensive treatment f the sink, for .... I’h •, tii it us- his plea of not guilty and pleaded urging secret ol success with medicines riotously in the from which and guilty, my my consists in that she constantly on hand, a large nearly twenty years, with j'tvut slice.■.-.s. spot they leaped to subdue inflammation instead ot ■ c keeps er in my ability c dis.-n>. s fir wlii. is that the pro- Tin* h nil. the ■: nil:;;, ought tO he found a white straw with mitigation of sentence flogging he principal this salve re.*- hat, velvet as ol the do. An inflamed 1 pink voking it, many laculty and varied assortment of Millinery which onilli-n lt d are. /.*/,. ■!. J*>f v. nt ■' u administered was ,'t'i r--i ! .< 'S'- •••!,.;■ Igi I>iekerson a second turban made the 'complainant “light—verv lung cannot with to the be to .'s'-rnfu! t. 7 s..!t lining, hat, shape, safety patient exposed 1 obi ( ?•>'. t:ht tin. N/ :ii .. Hum*, I the biting blasts ol' winter or the wind ol Nor. ailieUriH .. Mon- of blue flannel, trimmed with a light." Judgment of Police Court affirmed §3 chilling j she will sell to the trade at that /Vrt s. F. i'iwj-b Fr;/-< ’p, bj i, ■><•/ black, or autumn. It should be prices spring carefully shielded H L'l/fS, Ij'I/'i/.' ... fh-ti/io /.’-.a /.'. ',pu-..r»n*. .1 is• i1 e ii,- 1-mixed a costs. for for H ia\ all ,me 1 i• ilie I- r- short overskirt and Gov’t. McLellan de- from all wy< htnl gel Boyle influences. The utmost caution / •" ... waterproof, irritating FIRST CLASS will insure them a profit. Corns, /./.Vs ifuo /.<•, A'i» ot coarse a should be obsi rved in this particular, as without it a ■■ good Soft’ Bnltri-Soolltn no usr !'• !v. .! fane. .... wh wa- ri.-d last alpaca, half ol light-colored fendant. n•/•«;»> f Li/ *, I ami white Two ten cent hills were The should be on a wholesome and on a :S'lll in the in ti'ie-i s■ M te plaid. s.7.00 and costs for assault and person kept A A Sores ('?■ iltlr. per.-mi'it battery. nutritious and all the to the ribbon of the bine hat diet, medicines continued tin- j It never tails to ^ re Rheumatism if properly •.< r pinned West of was J >:i\ id liar poem on George Frankfort fined twenty til the body has restored to it the natural quantity of ! R I1) it II Weil with the ha: 1 three times was no Applied. There of kind, lett flesh and a sev 1 1 II*' e,-flit won Id if!.The writing any dollars for to attend as witness before strength. day. In r.i! eas. it has :red palsied ilmhs. i’lJlptV refusing I was Where cured > will, the clothing, and there was myseii by this treatment of the worst they Silks F..r Piles it lias een di- vep-d to he a sure rem- I appar- Black ■ •let. without -i the Grand kind ot and have liv<-d to S u Jury. lat and S iVrsons that h.i\ l>e. afflicted f.r Consumption, get edy. years etr.'y no clue to the of the sui- these identity Marietta libt. r-. 1>. hearty many years, with one lung mostly gone. have hnen leh.-v.., hy a f. w npplieations. F.r A r>j going to Briggs George Briggs. 1 cides, hut the were afterwards have cured thousands since, and very many have the best it w..rks wot d- ailayintj the garments to ol keep a at HUTUvETT'S. sipe.las r-, weigh?" .- tin- Divorce decreed. Libellant have custody been cured this treatment whom l have never specialty ami the F ptestion.Smelt seen by number of persons who declare by fiuietin^ patient. /nipped Jhiuds a cur Let th. se with Salt ■ th. hridg.--. is some- minorehikLand to have *400 instead of E immediately. an-! lie in to alimony. E hi those of Ada of liuck- llrowii About the lirst ot October I t 'cpeel to take poses- obtain this Fa'.'.-. an app'y it freely, and 11 1 and sell the :1 a I, Williamson for libellant. siou i- ■ time.- eoinei-lerd fig lie 'dd<- i.•■Id and Anna Wood of Hartford, who of my new building at the north-east corner ot j th.-y will Jind it invaiuah; •- It u 1 in cii-» s o4‘ 1 Sixth and Arch streets, where l shall be to and Tut.mrs. (. inters iiavo been mired hath.Ice stron, I!' 'Ugh fill’ ho\ to skate uve been at work here. Francis G. French, libt. vs. Nettie P. French. pleased ] Serofulu give advice to all who it. with it. The best Salve ewr mv.-iitcd f.r Divorce decreed. for libellant. may require Sn*ulU^ upon lormcd last ntid.iv Look oni for the it i- not yet certainly known why they Fogler Full directions accompany all my remedies, so that I ’S Cheapest. ’S Breast and Sore F'tp/u'nt N wav injurious, I® vs. E. a person in any ol the world can be «ur» h) atlord r.-lief. N.-re or H'-,i7s /.'_,<*<--Rub* -i; io_r o. -lui eh th- lii.giil of (he Ihhh destroyed themselves, though a thousand Chas. II. El well libt. Cora Elwell. part readily cured by a strict observance of the same. on tin? lids tfcntIy,onee or tv. ... Cures deltf i. to rumors are afloat here. The bodies have Divorce decreed. Abbott tor libellant. ‘A Pictorial of ness '•• •,• .Li. nortiurn gin -tr--:im up J. 11. SCLIENUlv, M. I)., Philadelphia, ! Complete History Lyons Poplins hy patting in the ears nil a ] of e.-ua«. not been recovered and are vs. F.r Felon tin-, is t-> a knovro. .. nigh:-.. Did have cold probably in Elithea Henderson libt. Irad M. Mender-1 the Times.” tutp-v.or >ythins; anybody CpJEO. < MMH>\VI \ A t o.. For Pinoles this arts like a charm. F Burns the undertow under “West son. Divorce decreed. Knovvlton for libellant. in shades at BUltKJETT*fei. <' lav -.Tin ambont trips powerful Mr. & Mrs. A, D. CHASE ninny and Sniitfs, apply the Sale.- ru e and it i&r-M Pitch." many l'eet below the surface. I ISOSTGX. immediate relief.' Far <>U.l Sores, apply outrun w r- disurmng'. •! :»y ih«> weather last ‘Tho best, cheapest, and most suc- ek.Th< T in tin- Burnlmm doctor A. J. Foil AMI r — F Sores i* plain; New York Markets. cessful Family in tho Paper Bruises on. Horses ..r « ‘.vie Salve is use i; \va.- >•- RKTTER & CHEAPER I ii.vaHmbh\ don’t think ti --logged a- '• j Ilus returnud trom St. BOS- Union.” and has astonishing t in ■■urins' scratches <■« just JOHN, s might lvi\. "... Lin- tirn* of year tor A Letter. Mr. .John A. [ By Telegraph to the Journal.] than VNV OTHER horses. This Sn’.v has ■■! i'. own way mtu and I- a if- and for all the N ,;vn. of a notoriety, remedy foot i- n : '• ... .fir aiiroad traek formerly Boston, sufferer eoiiigb«‘ by Vkw York, Nov. S. BOOTS OR TON and XFAV YOlllv, with the Beaver Mohairs above ailment -. tie- lire, writes as follows: SHOES; largest i- *edng jiroto •'.!-i 1 from r w drills by fences Chicago Flour steady. Wheat 1 cent higher. Corn l>ear Friend. You 1 cent those fastened Harper’s Weekly. \W, the tinted with built i .1 ;i• My doubtless think higher.' Oats firm. Pork dull, BielJac. with ami the handsomest ami best SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTUATEP, exposed plaers.,. rough cheapest, Miss Sawy- .• f.r nir year-, and In her to ha f and as dead. 1 am Lard 0 7-SulO. Gobi 13 3-4. and. eo'id ln.rlh-W > wind my family myself a Christian lady and sk ;h;' nurse, and haviu^ happy to inform you that ray wife and selected stock ot KXUIJSH. FHKNCII used het salve US • ur stopping 11 »take lire at .i’!n weather id ! X"tices of t/i< .I'rrsK. It is 11.■ 1 r.d babe are now well. Our little Cable pleasure in sayi iiiedicino ! Screw Wire. 'lie past Week; ha tin kind tiial makes daughter Burkett is dosing out his entire stock of and AMKRK'AX The Modkl Newspaper of our country. Com- (our was born on Lincoln in all the of an American 1 lirst-born) BETTER—Because :iit morn more plete departments Family Iu*v h. .ittrr. rnan a i : '.I :0 Worsteds at IT cts. ounce. Choice they Pliable, -ok at plemist per patterns j Hauler's Wkkkly has earned for itself a 1 ‘ark on Sunday the Sth inst. Comtortable, are Water proof, and are warranted Paper, 1 morning, for on exhibition. toils “A .Journal of Cl vili/ation.” mi gr< at iL-l k g -nti-man iving 1 embroidery Stamping done not to Rip or t .ape. right title, had mode a home of rny coat, a sheet 'New York Even Post. ClIEAPEK—B cause, while tinit tirst cost is not Evening (iru. J. 1’. i.'ill. v ait.! v. •, !>> nl reel'iV- o o at reasonable terms. ih;il Ufiirhltnr kindly Ina.narl me srwl v-..-1 -I -i wi*l' .( lil:o *; 11 c, •• i-.i' ii ilie arfinan in- hat that I picked up near our loca The United States Watch Co-. (Cites, Wales their Durability i> iar greater, they preserve their C a it O/n ! \i u ih high .Shape much better, and the metalie injures permit of any comparison between it and any of was were A: Co..» employ 500 hands in their works at listening IN ■i i id'-!: marked : in. We boarding at the Sherman a more Wear. their number, columns contain the ‘luest collec- Marion, X. .f.. and are out 250 of their Equal Dress Goods turning tions of that are Its V .. .'d ■ long House, but had to tlee and leave Equally applicable to light and heavy work. reading-matter printed. M kinilxil!, .!■■ M.i j every- celebrated or one watch are numerous time-keepers daily, pel The immense demand having called bath imita- illustrations and beautiful, being fur- >’t It uud %vil,. w’m jo. low )i t»> the hng. 1 was even left without hat. nished the chief artists the mothci my day for each two hands their work- tions. consumers should be sure that boot or by of country. [Boston for Lustre and Dur- ^'klan-b employed; every unexcelled Beauty, <' Ii. Mi God Hess the Boston and but for time is 10 hours or COO minutes, shoe bears the Patent Traveller. in -hi :• o;.,| wa t-../en ! folks, ing per day, Stamp, ..ii Ha rr Kver shown in this to which the at- IIAkpkil's Wkkkly is the best and most inter- B Kpliro It, warm bed and from a line watch every two and city, abil it y[at lJRKETT’S. 11 Nut', f.—a tact your noble producing complete by llealerv Evervu here. de- clothing esting illustrated newspaper. Nor Joes its value I I' K i;:.! >".l; M itt- j ■ a half and little and even at 1 wife would have been dead. A minutes, more, \ Owllsp on its illustrations alone. Its Fraik'ia C»!>b. i.ic'ii. \ !. .iw'i • is ia.ek ill ,iy my tention of is solicited. pend reading-matter A\'iilitixn that, are unable to pace with the constant- purchasers is of blankets was keep o! a high order of literary merit -varied, instruc- i- pair (from Boston) demand r.uul on a- go Me(i il very ly increasing caused by the extraordi- tive, entertaining, and unexceptionable. [N. Y.Sun. Tin: affu'-tfik to us in our hour ot thus are as aecu- i II \ TC BS 1I.OHII.k Bit in E. •« .oglu peril, nary records the watches making iiild !v., -1■ ii•"»■«.: o: L. ( ,i lcr Img No. 1 Main Street, Tf your > >ut r.f i>. 1 the mother of little one. How rate and reliable an instance of 'living my timepieces, SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1872. "■ vv «• •• '..isHr.auv..-t.>a 1 a sehooii'0 n .- a ...... Mr. I'.H'wn has This Hair is the best in the world— p and superb Dye ■ the food has too; but patient persevering energy and enterprise, : below, ini-1 re •< iw m.i I. acceptable been, perfectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous; no Custom Houso Square. Terms O-eUe. If rvv hole! In.i-nhum « -id\rv- rewarded by prosperity which we are glad to hundreds about us have died from disappointment, no ridiculous tints or disagreeable 11 AitrisK’.s Weekly, one year, $4 oo Goods •• nearly l*tit i‘ 1 >x * i*l< ! Mourning up 50 fonts I*r.p:uvd Wi I ing Selioo odor, l'he Win, A. Batchelor's llair lorry i,\er as well as from genuine Dye An Extra of either the M ekkia < •. exposure. Copy vl\/.i.\k,W by miss h.wvv 1-:i:. « I-. eating Im.mi.diatki.v a Black or natural CHASE. |.v af s: ! produces splendid U. or Bazar will be lor every Club of 01 t!l- "J : \ady t.* sliake a I’iie first I to eat was a “Boston It is an Us arlisiied Fact, that Cousump-! supplied gratis as ROBBINS, Wholesale and Retail Drug tiling got Brown, leaves the hair clean, soit, beautitul; does Elvk Suiisc hirers at 00 in one in all varieties, such Jamise, Cretonnes, tion can be cured: but it is far better to $4 each, remittance; ffirit, Rockland, Mo. \ Tml H o s.-ut ire* .Tie t MIOW I Vd dn-dav. it inker.“ I it better than 1 ever prevent ! not contain a particle of lead or any injurious com- 18 enjoyed Belfast, Nov. 1871. or, Six Copies lor $‘J0 00, without extra copy. by Hinii •»i nvcipt "I sewniv :i\ r.-nii, !>v f.. M. the cruel disease from fastening itself on the l pound, Sold by :iil Factory, b. lto.ND Grace l)o Venice, at a dinner. I had a little Druggists, to Harper’s Weekly Cashmeres, KOBRINS, Ro.SJai;.! Me. enjoyed money system, bv the timely use of a remedy like Dr. i STREET, N.Y. lyrHsp Subscriptions Magazine, and Bazar, to one address for one $10 or, in my < which will us a Wistar’s balsam of. Wild This stand- year, 00; BUltKETT’S. Trr.s vail abi.i: r vv. is soi.d bv ah '(-pocket, keep Cherry. two of Harper’s Periodicals, to one address for one while. We have a tent now, and ard preparation will speedily cure a or : DEALERS IN' MEDICINES. long cough ECOKDIY M.H W li lf/fll. A Mormon on Affairs in Utah. :v, cold, and even Consumption often to its School! Loading very comfortable, and should feel per- yields Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. lyr-MMs. power. A botttle. of EX- Dancing great LATHA&I’S CATHARTIC fectly if we know the fate of The Annual Volumes of Harper's In happy only TRACT will preserve the heatth ol most families for — A. T— Weekly, our A case of chronic, unusual > neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of \\ \ *i\1. 11 • n, Nov. dear mother, who is missing. I pre- rheumatism of an entire year. All the druggists have it. cured “Johnson’s Lini- expense, for $7 oo each. A complete Set, compris- 1 sume we never shall. severity, by Anodyne IT IS A or HECEUARV DR. E. R CLARKE’S * ‘! ing Fifteen Volumes, sent on of cash at the M' i i utj M Li:. -|. legate |o {’.iHOT.1.- ment,” is noticed one ot our A PEIRCE'S HALL. receipt A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF trust will the for by exchanges. rate of $5 per at expense of 1 you pardon writing, (or the removal ol Hillious vol., freight purchas- 11*i !i m- : "V to-day. but large bunch came out upon the breast of the Dyspepsia, Complaints, vr/; i :ta istj: i! i under many difficulties. like and Impurities of the Blood, to deluge the patient MR. J. C. WHITTEN announ- :.• >! t!*“ i1 h ::!»♦ I .inplished sufferer, and appeared part, of the breast respectfully probably with a very few doses of 1.ATI1 AM’S The postage on Hauler's Weekly is 'o cents a \V. shall always bless your people lor medicine; jal ces that he will commence his Dancing School no! !<• by ; CATHARTIC EXTRACT will sutlice. Gwl3sp at Peirce’s on TueMdav Eve., ,\ov. year, which must b*‘ paid at the subscriber’s post Dress Goods special Lhi- at kindness. Three cheers went Hall, Wine Bitters The sweetest word in our language is health. £r,jL*^2**, a term oi 12 lessons. Tuesday and Friday Sherry u] for Boston from our little crowd last At the lirst indication of disease, use well-know Address II AH PER & BROTH Eli ’-irh- nt a > ('nurse, p“r Couple, r;:- vo'-.vs of the re •«*n(atnl present Till: CONFKSSiOAS OF A\ 1WALIH. THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. brought to us last night with a label digestion, use “Parsons’ Purgative Pills.” Ladies, $2. :t tin: M am yen For colds, sore or lan e stomach, use Rail Road. House ! a-capital ■■I in the Christian Union of Boston.” coughs, P. S. -Music furnished for Balls, cr Parties at \ T >UBlilSIICD as a and for the benefit of i\ and Ira: xj>r« ioo-<-ui pureh malicious, i no tilk means ok sele-cihe. nursing bottle, a very acceptable article, Piles, it is more strange than true that Debility, &c., supplying i§< one half of the adult in- Written by one who cured him-olf, and sent free The above House is now opened for the which w< were use. population suffer with obliged to God bless on receiving a post-paid directed accommodation of the S i4 :• 1 V' -. wii! «!<• -lured and1 ternal, external, bleeding, or itching Piles. It envelope. travelling public. illegal the hands that did that a Address, Natiianiei. Maykaik, Brooklyn, N. Y. The subscriber hopes by strict attention WATERPROOFS M-d L\ run- up bundle; is admitted by eminent medical men that a re- t!if '-j.} Court of the uj 11it whims oi him giusis iu n cnvi1 a 11111 mart* ui mother's must have done it. We call our liable must and will have an extensive i tiii.-d Slab < v\ hit an has remedy their patronage. and Cut Free at appeal F.\ a sale. This Juts been demonstrated the nrchoap qf Charge 1' Boston, and we she may by ■ i. taken a rd:**t of the i-rimi ediy hope J. I». l>io|iiietoi. to wonderful increasing sale of Dr. Pile 1 up bless the donors of her first Brigg’s IRI.IfVI PGlirKH (MtREIT. BURKETTS. imiii :. r Mi' 1 grow Remedies. The Nov. 6, 1871. IS ioojicr warmly outfit. progress of this disease, in its .ti '. by o knd |'ii i*. There is no | various forms, is arrested, and some of the most (’orrerhd Weekly for the Journal, O 3 surprising cures have been effected its use. CHICAGO ANTI THE 2.v‘ appeal an ! u present prospect o! escape by Nov. 1871. Sold by Richard S. Moody, S. A. Howes & Co., Belfast, Wednesday, 1, y rr Iroai their II there is no ?. penultk-s says Scene in a Graveyard. L. Curtis Jr., Roberts & 1-2 to 11.00 Round 1 r to 7 l-J Belfast, Searsport, Flour, $s. log, I o ^ if.; !'■ v whal-w* r ol aii outbreak between a man Corn to ou t'ie.-ir S’t to 17 Great About week ago a in Troy, N. Y., Hichhorn. Stockton, Mudgett & Sibly Prospect, Meal, l*ork$lt‘. Conflagration p to Mutton 5 to *> ’. !. A k Jeweller to see them. M >rmon- and < J entile* : and that if it the Mount Ida and •I. W.Seavv Frankfort, and Druggistsgenerallv. Rye Meal, 1.20 0.00 per lb. your applied Cemetery, Rye, NO to 00 L imb per lb. to is A concise of the i’ast of this most wonder- •k<-i; •; tf history Shawls >5 by di>- del indi- a to be to be 00 to to ..;o ail rirst-class Dealers. 1^ requested grave dug, ready 05 Turkey per lb. 15 Its by ful of cities, and a detailed, circumstantial and vivid Paisley .-duals oi -clua sine Headache! Allevantor is Cnicken lb. J to 14 o'" :h M ,rmons will on the The instructions Brigs's composed per Vt HOLES ALE ROOMS, account of its destruction by tire; with scenes, inci- following day. of 2.25to 2.75 Duck lb. 20 to 00 tilled n !;i'-'! e?*um Ammonia, Chloroform, Spirits of Bean/, per .. i.E.'j & CO. 13 Mai leu New Yorfc dents, &c. By Messrs. Coj.bkrt & Chamber in and and th<‘ offenders and were heeded, and at the time Camphor, Lane, Long Square, open appointed Tincture of Oil of and Al- Marrowfat Read, ,!.0OtO 1.25 Geese per lb. la to 1»S, City F.ihtors ok Chicago Tribune. Fully bi'-m " to fin « ;\ Lupulire, Juniper 8wlS i 1 authorities, j at the home 55 to 00 ton, $20 to 2a illustrated from taken on the the funeral cortege arrived cohol. T1 is compound in unequalled in the Oats, Hay per Photographs spot. at BIIRKKTT’S. o 'i ini'- n-soho-d b> 40 to 45 Lime, $1.25 to 00 Wanted. Address C. 58 Mur- centres avoid anv re- ot the dead. The was contained annals of medicine for the cure of Nervous or Potatoes, Agents F, VF.NT, corpse Dried N tO 10 Was lien Wool 50 to 55 ■ < < Apples, St., New York. 4wl7 any asion for tlie inter- Sick or PATENT ray in an elaborate coffin lined with white Headache, Neuralgia, Trembling Cooking, uo. a:i to »n Unwas’d 35 to 42 COWLES’S <• I of the and all of thi nited Sta es forces. Mr. which was the Twitching Nerves, Nervous Butter, 28 to :iu l’ulled +5 to 50 satin, on the outside of Slate ol Maine. 1L, d<-e!ari-s that tie. re is 'till less Diseases. tf Cheese, irto oo Hides, 71-2 to 8 -].-•!• usual of birth and death. The ofD '--k I'.'.." .v-a]•:t!• i!l:v, I! v, inscription 28 to :io I Call Skins, 102-3 to 00 Composed •i that th -Mormons Du. K. K. d.AUKivs Vegetahle Siiekky Wink Dand• •!•. >•. W CL -tv, 1 nability will desert was and the mourn- 14 to 15 Skins 75 to 1.25 Wititergreen, lunough- ceremony performed, iimi’ Sheep Treadle Power! SS. —Know a’l men these Ash. I: are a cure lor by presents, wort, Rhubarb, :i Salt Like ami to the Bittkks certain female sickness, by to Wood, hard,$5 50 to 0.00 I’rickly l’-*plat gnat emigrate ers wended heir homeward. A Beef, that I, W. M. Kno vlton of County 1-. WcakiicsN, I.os-» «»1 Jaun- way taking a wine-glass half full before getting out of bed to 1.25 to 00 WALDO, Troy, Appetite, — Ap’ls, Baldwin, 1.00 Wood, solt, $4.00 to oil kinds Machines Shawls J b it isli ions oi : Mexican ter- in the Delicate Ladies will find it of Adopted of Eeaclmj aforesaid, for the consideration of one hundred dol- Woolen dice. Ileadaehc, Sour Mmnai h, Piles .• i' )o headboard was at the on morning. Oto 0 1 to 1 placed grave, Veal, Dry I'olloek, 5 1 service it three lars do relinquish all claims upon the wages of Jesse lull'.' standing Humors, m hix- m-v ir/n'.7i No sane man in t ill, he which great by using or four times a day. Cod, 8 tO 10 Straw, $10to 12 ritory. says, the : Dry in want of for use or A. (now a and shall no bills (trim' on unhealth the •Stomach. appeared following inscription Sold by all dealers in medicines. tl Machines family Knowlton, minor), pay a assortment in beautiful from won id entertain such an i lea for a mo- Jesse on or A. splendid designs t »• “< bir little adopted child.” A or two PERSONSmanufacturing purposes, are invited to call and for said A. Kuowlton, after July Sth, Boivt filmut. f.r whim vai I.ibk- Roots anil day M. to met. iingham Young’s mimey to the of the Corns. Imagine for a moment what agony see this labor-saving invention. It saves one-hall D. 1871. WM. KNOWLTON. II*:i'rl tb*' knowledge of great service the at •• subsequently superintendent Witness—J. :Lvi7* BURKETT'S. sutler man inm>t !• ! t-*o thankful ol the is in is endured from Corns, Bunions, ingrowing the labor. It cannot turn the wrong way. It has Libby, Jr., ig humanity, southern ])art T.rritmv fullii- his us cemetery, having suspicions excited, Nails, Sore Insteps, Blistered Heels, Callosities BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET. no dead centres, and can be stopped instantly. It to Him .ho wim.1v provided with ail things. nt ot a in i i <* formed several the machine under the control of the pi lnd the grave opened, and on raising the on the soles of the feet, &c. Then you will places perfect < Oct. 1871. the use of the feet alone. The months sim :ir.d tri ii ha- been lid the of a was understand there is a rush for Dr. J. Monday, 30, operator by injurious 1ST E ‘W coffin body dog found why from the constant use of the antii Man !;, h- will Briggs’ Corn and Bunion Remedies. Sold HOTTER—Wo quote strictly tine lots ot fall made effects resulting .Sewing TO ALL PERSONS, postponed probably calmly reposing in death. The unsenti- by lluttcr at 32c; tine dairies, comprising tall and sum. Machines are entirely obviated by the use of this ai >•. Druggists. tf rein -in m (i'-orge until sprmg. Mr. mental superintendent had the coffin and make, at 28a30c; good (air lots at 23a27c; common do TREADLE POWER. It can be seen in operation BOTH SICK AND WELL. at HalHc; inferior do at bakers’ at on all kinds of machines at our Salesroom. r« business a> vor, much Sea Moss Karine from Irish Moss for llaHc; lualle; Winter If a ldfe Health ind Happiness iiooper j'nts “our little child” into the pure Western at Long adopted pitched Butter, choice grades, 22a26c, and com- JYo. 252 Millinery. is let tin-*' Riti*-rs b,* taken, Blanc Mange, Washington Street, desired, particularly !■ ,-ressiai ii Salt Like City in consequence creek. Puddings, Custards, (.’reams, &c, mon do at MalTc per lb. The and next door to .Jordan, Marsh k Co.’s. Agents in the Sorin'/ on,/ Wuro S,a»m-i *>f the year, ami ! ’in v and cheapest, healthiest, most deli- CHEESE—We at 12 l-2.il3c for 13 1-' reiit troubles the withdrawal quote Ohio; wauled. ldvvis RECEIVED, and now iu stock, all the new the fall especially by tb*- f*>Il%.»\vitiig classes *,f people: cious food in the world. al4c for Vermont and New York; 12al3c lor choice hill, HOLMES & CO. iu the summer season for of credit to a -at extent eastern ot Ladies’ Ribbons, Velvets and bought Tie- MECil .V.MIC, win *, f'-oin bis constant In gr by and 10c lb lor common cbtese. JUSTstyles llats, dairy, per Flowers. And will receive boat all the door labors, tiot having suftbit-nt access to tho A linn in cm Affairs. by every at BURKETTS. imvliants City EGGS—The market is at 34c doz, and there sold ■> Philadelphia, per Sheriff's Sale. New as they come into Market. trade, very cheap bracing and refreshing air .t of doors, become* is a little more demand. Styles trines to Irrwar.! i- i.i-t as a niiM our former Milline- re- weakened at tie- stomach, sere us, and completed PRAIRIE WEED BEANS—We UOIVKY, pale sickly, quote choice Northern hand-picked on in favor of his food not m*r 1 IIo lined :it *7.1.00n the 'ALDO, SS.—Taken execution cently from Boston, will take charge ot the Trim- relishing pr* •;• y digesting. lot cil machinery for Nov. 0,3871. pea beans at $2 50a3u0; choice Eastern at wi- Monday, $3 25; ▼ V John Greelv, ugainst Daniel W. Benner, and ming Please call and see our extensive, should take these Hitters, and freely too, in common beans 12a2 choice Department. Mormon colton mii! now at lVlition of Luther Perry and 10 others for a pea $2 50; mediums at will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, stock before as all will be sold as der to get his system up. right and strong, and iu building 02a2 and at 75 purchasing, goods $2 75; yellow eyes $2 per bush. on the 16th ol December next, at ten and satisfaction condition t*» g<* through the warm weather IYovo. Mr. 11 r dot not seem on road from the from the BALM, Saturday, day cheap as the cheapest, perfect given. prime oop* highway leading upper VEGE TABLES—Jackson Whites are selling at GO of the clock In the forenoon, at the store of A. B. in good shape, with his constant daily labors. Tliw to entertain lniK-h doubt that a03c bush, Norfolk Sweets at and lOwio MISS A. WELLS. the whole to lower bridge to the shore. Referred to Com- FOR INHALATION. per $2 75, Jerseys Longfellow, in Palermo, in said County, all the right PRINTS exhilarating and cleansing power of the Dock at 50 bbl; Onions are dull at 25 bbl. POUND the will deal the $3, per $2 per in equity which said Benner has of redeeming a cer- Root, Dandelion, I’-pl.v. and Ibickly Ash Hark, government justly b;. mittee on Roads. The method of treating Diseases of the are and while a Lungs, FRUIT—Apples plenty, lew lota tain Darcel of land, situate in said Palermo, bounded is what will bring him ip. ami make him, physi- batter and not as to the Catarrh, and all tubercular affections, of hard fruit are sold at a once more a Day Saints, any Report ol City Solicitor on Commercial street Asthma, by $3 25, good many Apples and described ns follows, to wit: On the west by the at BURKETTS. cally speaking, man! The is an acknowledged success. By that are too sell at $2 00 Whitney’s Neats Foot Harness Soap! and of their faith and Inhalation, inhaling ripe per bbl; Cranberries town road; on the north by land of E. W. Pinkham; WILL OPIiKATIVi: will find tins Medicine -irength perpetuity was read and laid on table for future considera- the from the Balm cell or alveole ot the are at bbl. lor vapor every plenty $7al0 per Country and Cape. on the east land of Bradstreet, and on the STEAM REFINED. the very thing to cleans- the blood and strengthen institutions, and bronchial Is the ouote at by Harvey peculiar except polygamy, lungs, every tube, reached; IlAY—We $30a33 perron for the best 1 the am 1 very mill an I to take* tion. south by land of S. B. Jones, being the same prem- H It Oils, Blacks, Polishes, and Soaps system, pleasant which lie as doomed to an lungs are expanded, and the healing qualities of the Vermont anu Canada hay; $24a2<> lor inferior; $28a The '1MLE A A l> 0\( E UE AI TIF1 I, regards early ises now occupied by said Benner, containing seven at the same time. Put in an d Rolls of Account No. 0 and 7 were presented weed are into direct action upou the dis- 30 lor Western and $15al7 for Swale. Straw up large LADY has but to take this and natural death il sulfnred to brought timothy, acres, more or less, small size also in :t lb. bars. compound freely, and expire eased at ton. boxes, > organs. sells $28a29 per SAMUEL Sheriff. she will be speedilv restored t lieultli, beauty and amounting to $1449.75, viz; Con- was NORTON, Deputy Has been in use for years and gives quietly. lie looks lor the admission of passed, The weed from which this Balm is made dis- ami buoy am-v The IIOXEST FAU.UEIt, Belfast, Nov. S, 1871. perfect satisfaction. Send stamp tor Utah to the Union and self- tingent, $26.50; Highways, $527.07; Schools covered by a well known professional gentleman of the (LEIU.AM.W and LAWYER, and consequent the in the ot the BRIGHTON CATTLE our WAVE itLY. Address Boston, upon prairies great valley MARKET. & MEY OF SEDEXTARY HABITS tik- as the only proper and ade- $319.52; Fire Department, $26.06; paupers, instinct of horses afflicted G. F. WHITNEY CO., Flannels, Woolens, government Mississippi, throughjithe is your Medicine! After once using it, you will with and is therefore a For the week Belfast. (>m 10 51» Milk St., Boston, Mass. quate adjustment of the Mormon prob- $550.00. the heaves, strictly great | ending Wednesday, Nov. l.j Hayford Hall, never he without it. It will improve you twonfg Natural Remedy. He cured himself of consumption live cent. The MAllIXER will find it tlio lem. Orders No. 23. ®or Committee to arrange At market for the current week—Cattle 3443; Sheep Gent’s Furnishing Goods, reduced prices, per when pronounced incurable by the best physicians and Lambs 12,710 ; Swine 10,000. Last week—Cattle, ONI! NIGHT ONLY! best medicine in the world for bis use; it make* 24. Es- in and after fifteen of un- and for having street lamps lighted. No. Boston, now, years nearly 4502; Sheep and Lambs, 10,704; Swine, 10,810, Musical at BURKETT’S. him, while at sea, hearty and rugged, eupablu health, recommends it to the Prices and and when «*« tablish hour for Council at interrupted confidently ot Heel Cattle, per 100 lbs, the total weight JMotice. of great endurance exposure; Terrible Boiler Monthly Meetings When used in connection with Prairie Eve., Nov. 11 an 1 restores aud ro* Explosion. public. tjie of hides, tallow and dressed Beef—Extra quality Saturday SUBSCRIBER, from Boston, takes this op- shore, it renovates his blood, 0 1-2 instead of 7 1-2 P. 31. No. 25. For Com- Weed Balsam, it has itself an unfailing rem- 50a7 first his proved $0 00; quality $G OOaG 25; second quality 5a5 portunity to call the attention ot the citizens of pairs system. for all consumptive difficulties. Send for Cir- third 50a5 •A 0. Myers it- J. II. Huntly, Managers. THE <'tv inna 11. (>.. I A terrible boiler mittee on roads to have the Burying Ground at 75; quality $4 00; poorest grade of Cows, Belfast and vicinity, to the Piano Forte, (as hereto- The Earnest Bottle, the Lowest l'llee, edy Oxen, Bulls, &c., $3 50al 00. fore mentioned) which he has now placed on exhibi- Effectual al Portsmouth, this Minister’s Point and Bounds of same Hides and uml the most ltemeriy explosion took plan* Surveyed, INCLUDING INHALER. Tallow—Brighton Hides 8 l-2a9c; Brigh- tion at the house of W. P. PRICE, $1.50, METROPOLITAN THEATRE. Burrill, iormerly occupied lit the World. the boiler 0a250; ordinary, $140a Revenge. Michael—J. C. Myers, other in the (ieorge Vallmer, engineer, fifty for ;a Steam Engine in rear of Phoenix Row, characters To be followed the highest possible degree,having power,solidity, at 1'IIEP AUEH HY MILTON AUSTIN, Prop’r. BOSTON, MASS. 100; poor Oxen from $50 to $50 per pair. by the Company. by sweetness and of tone, with an action sus- OilClotlis, Feathers, &c.. BURKETT’S. into the air, his corpse jailing of Love iu Humble Violin Solo purity mangled was discussed. A remonstrance of property lyrOeow Store Cattle—Yearlings, $Sal5; 2 year olds, $12a Comedy life, by to the touch and will recommend two Prof. F. A. with the Farce of ceptible lightest L. M. hundred yards distant: also instantly 28, 3 year olds, $25a45. Those ot a poorer quality at Moller. To Conclude themselves to all lovers of music. The sub- ROBBINS, holders in that vicinity having been presented, Nan The Good good Adam the fireman, bio j prices ranging trom $7a$30. for Nothing. scriber is not introducing these pianos to the public Oliomist a i\d T>i»viu& 1 &t» killing Schilling wing Aldermen Houston and PRICES AS USUAL. For Particulars see Pro- and Messrs. Fogler "tickets'” Milch Cows—Extra $d5;i90; ordinary, $25a50 without a thorough knowledge of all their parts, the top of his head oil', and injuring Hen- head. Store grammes. li. W. MAYNARD, Agent. ME. were chosen as Committee to ascertain the in- per Cows, $18a25. being a practical workman in every department oi ROCKLAND, Burt and Adam and Lambs—Extra and selected 25a ry Wamsler. Fragments Sheep lota, $3 manufacturing, therefore is confident of presenting can fiml almost every- Sole of I>r. E. It. Clnrke’n Vofljo- creased risk and rate of insurance to FOR ALL POINTS WEST AND SOUTH, 5 50a3 or lroni r^In tact you Proprietor the boiler were blown likely 50; Ordinary, $2 00; 4a7 l-4o per lb. them an instrument which will not fall into disrepute tnhle Whir Bitters. Fonniftfy of several squares Swine—Store S P I R I T U A L I S M Sherry arise from the of an as pigs, wholesale, 4a5c; retail, 5a7c after using a short time but will retain all their ex- Millin- manufactured in Sharon, Mass. fell the roofs of and placing Engine propos- Fat 5a5 in Goods, Fancy Goods, and through houses, ty FOR HALE ATjf1 per pound. Hogs l-4c. AND CLAIRVOYANCE cellent qualities lor many years to come. Piano thing Dry Board to Monday Nov. 15 to the the front end of the boiler was buried in ed, and the adjourned Poultry—Extra, l-2alGc; medium, 11 l-2al5 l-4c; Fortes put in complete order, tone and tunc as here- CAVTIOTV EXTRA.-Owing groat 13 Goods, ftt those Hitters, worthless imi- 2 P. M. to receive the ol said poor l-2al4c. tofore. STEPHEN GROVER, ery and llousckeoping popularity and sale of the rear end of an express ear. 'The boil- 13th, at report in but is M. C. K. 11. DEPOT, EXPOSED! 4wl5 Piano Forte Maker, Boston, Mass. tations may come up the market, you be sure and the er was 20 years old, had just been patched, Committee. value your‘life and health, get gi*» a jtied! nine Sherry Wine Bitters. See that thu Portrait of and was considered bad. 1'he xvas H 1 depot By means of which secret you may at ouce become ! ! GEO. W. l>r. Clarke and my facsimile signatures are upou But lew were BY THE SUBSCRIBER, IMMEDIATELY, a SPIRITUALIST or CLAIRVOYANT. Sent to BURKETTS, each bottle. No other is badly wrecked. persons men are reported to have dinod QR6AHS QRGAWS the label of genuine. Twenty-four 60 M. Birch Hoop Poles. Apply to any address on reoeipt of 25 cts. A FEW SECOND HAND PARLOR ORGANS at the station, or the loss ol lilt* would off one sweet in Denver, Colorado. The W J. COLBURN. potato B. O. SARGENT. Pnob', C, HELLER, Box 3 ,: ,\ you love me, ami you lay might glcfo ^bbcvtiscmcnts any other physician, more effectually and per- at Lumberton on condition 'i >ur hand ami t >rtune at my feet; county jail INSIDE LINE TO exposure to all weather, with safe and pleasant med* i: all share the reward POINTS WEST AND SOUTH, i nk you. sir, with my heart, that he would equally & FOR ALL For love is sweet. with him in two weeks l'rom the date of SELF-ABUSE AND SOLITARY HABITS, Manhood, Womanhood, Mt. Desert & Macliias. A arrest. The citizen and tiie out- Their effects;and consequences; FOR SALK T,a 5 1: i- lint little to you men. agreed, CUNDURANGO! Nervous TWO Diseases, To whom tl,e doors of Life stand wide, law was delivered to the Sheriff, who had TRIP!, PER WEEK. SPECIAL AILMENTS AND SITUATIONS, PUBLISHED BY THE I hit much, h>w much t > woman! She him manacled and shackled in the most Incident to Married and Ladies. m i:. i;. depo MTEA1TTER Single c. rr. 11 a> beside. naught approved manner, and then chained to T:/% SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS; Bliss.Keene & Co's Fluid Extract i> — Mercurial \ ou make tin- worlds wherein you move, the floor. In addition to these precau- Affections; Eruptions and all diseases of LE the Skin; Ulcers of the Throat and Ymi ru!»■ your tastes, or eoarse or line; tions, holts, bars and the most THE WON PKRl'T'I. REMEDY FOR WISTOIN, Nose, Body; ponderous ..“ " Pimples on the of the .Joints; Ner- w J Dim hit it. or flsh. or nd CIIAS. ! Face; Swelling COLBURN. sp< your gold sort of locks wore placed upon not only OAHTKIt, IYPHIL1I, ArilOfTLA, Capt. DEERING, vousness; Constitutional and other Weaknesses in Adice or w me! *eav0 in i the doors of the cell in which the outlaw ULCEHA, MALI 11H El'.tl and ALE Wailroi»«l Wharf. Portland, every youth and the more advanced, at all ages, of OTHER (TIRORIC 1ILOOO 1IIN. luesday and Friday Evenings, at 10 o’elock, or on «>ur w orld, ala*. male that too!) BOTH SEXES, you was secured, hut also upon the outer EAME1. arrival of Express Train lrom Poston, (commencing SINGLE.0R.MARRIED. PRAIRIE WEED i- nai row r -shut in lour blank walla; 10th inst.,) tor Rockland, Deer doors of the so that there was no Dn. 1*. T. KEENE having just returned lrorn Castine, Isle, Sedg- nit. ■>. mo Know >!!. fare, wliai light is there? jail, wick, So. West Ecuador and with him u ol the Harbor, (Mt. Desert,) Millbridge, possibility of escape. He remained quiet- brought quantity Jonesport and PRIVATE MEDICAL What shadow falls? t Hark, secured Machiasport. OFFICE, until the of the genuine, iuidnran^o througii Returning will leave ly incarcerated expiration the oihcial recommendation and assistance of IIis Machiasport every Monday 51 Emlirott Street, JUoNton, BALM, \\ e r*1 a 1 ! h'1 new llo\ el out. and at 5 and a few af- the President Of ami the Gov- Thursday mornings o’clock, (commencing two weeks, days Excellency Ecuador, 15th is so that never see or hear each And li\f in dream land till it ends: stipulated inst.,) touching at the above named arranged patients FUR ernment of that Republic, wc are prepared to fill landings. other. ISHALATIOX. W. notes ter; hut the share of the reward ($200) The Lewiston will touch at liar Mt. Recollect, the only entrance to his office is write romaiitie >ehool-girl orders tor it to a limited extent, and at a price about Harbor, Hu* method "1 Discuses «>l the he Desert,)each trip irom dune .loth to l.r>th Ho. *il. having no connection with his residence, treating Lung', 1 hat bore our friend*. not forthcoming, disappeared of that which the cost ot the lirst September -md all tubercular nlVoctions, being one-quarter very T II E in addition to her usual at So. consequently no family interruption, so that on no Arthiiia, Catarrh, by us to landing West Harbor. one Into the small supply compelled charge. For lurther account can any hesitate at his 1 iibal ltion, an acknowledged success. By inhaling W learn to trill Italian songs. bright moonlight night. is the particulars impure of ROSS & KT1 DI- person applying No. 4. Bulfinch street, Boston. of Lumberton the Our Fluid Extract prepared from gen- 179 Commercial the vapor from tin Balm' very coll or alveole of tl.- And thrum for hours the tortured very midst of the town Hark irom VANT, Street,Or CYRUS STUDI- keys; uine Cuniluraiijfo Loja, Ecuador, VANT, General Agent. DR. DIX lung', and «^u(«‘»t luccena of tht> perjure themselves, impose upon patients,) that The weed from which this Balm b made was dis- flowers, Laboratory, Ag-«. sold in two years. Poor in-door things of sickly bloom. made short work of the locks and bars and New York. KEEXE A CO. he 13 TIIE ONLY REGULAR GRADUATE PHYSICIAN covered by a well known professional gentleman ot for a o. • D. W. Bliss, M. D., Washington, D. C.; Z. I>. SANFORD'S A iBook «*v<‘rv 73 Boston, the in the of the >r play the housewife in our glove*. bolts, and liberated their fellow outlaw. ADVERTISING IN BOSTON. upon prairies great valley M. P. T. M. BRANCH instinct of horses afflicted And dust the room. Bliss, D.,New York; Kkexe, D.,New OFFICE. 250~C0NGRESS ST.. PORTLAND, THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, OH KF.L1-FliL> E R* Mississippi, through-uhe Soon afterward the citizen who made the TWENTY a York. YEARS VATION. A Medical Treatise «-n the Cm use Mil with the heaves, and is therefore strictly great Natural Up cured himself -if But some of us have nearts and minds, arrest left the county. Under Congress Hall, engaged in treatment of Special Diseases, a tact so Cure of Exhausted Vitality, Prkmat< ni. Dr Remedy consumption Line! we clime In ank Pijysl ai 1 »kj ii. when incurable the best are to Nekvoi; pronounced by physicians So much the worse tor us and livery one oi me numerous Solicited JUI'JIM «fc CO., Independent known many Citizens, Publishers, Mer- MAN, you; expeui- by and all otlit-r disease? urg- in Boston, and now, alter fifteen years of u»-ariv u" For we 11 E E E (Jr S T A P E E S chants, Hotel Proprietors, &c., that he Is much re- IT\, Hypochondria, gram seek a better lift?, tions the citizens the Publishers Scientific Ameri- FOR reoommendi it to by against Lowreys, and to from the Errors <h Druntmlcl*. To avoid and escape imposition of foreign aud nu- bound in cloth. edy b,r all Consumptive difficulties, Send tor (Mr • ‘r drive y..iir we are weak, Pamphlets containing Laws, puges, engines; and rections how to obtain Patents tive more numerous in Boston than in other outrages, signally failed, generally free. quacks, II onmn. \11 _u oran t of the tricks of trade; THREE TRIPS PER WEEK. A Book for every to un- A bound volume of 118 pages, containing the Xen 4-iTAgents wanted in every town in the State.JHO large cities, PRICE.. $l.oo. INCLUDIN' 1 IN HA I, hit. To and resulted fatally some, and always Entitled SEXUAL J*HYSIOLoC.V OF WOMAN. think, speak, Ceuiini by counties and all large cities, HO Engrav- DR. DIX to the would-be At On and AND HER Woman treated ok successfully captors. ings of Mechanical Movements, Patent Laws and It has been about one and one-tin It years since the after FRIDAY, April 14, the DISEASES; or, Ui write some earn-'>t words. refers to Professors and A I.! WEEKS & POTTER, General stammering rules lor mailed on of 5?5 Medicines were introduced into this proudly respectable Physi- I’UY.SKll.OGH Al uY A N 1*A TU< >L0< IC V, from Agents, length the country was becoming depopu- obtaining Patents, receipt University State. STEAMER HO Alone is our-, and that you hate; the cians—many ot whom consult him in critical cases, Infancy to Old A«. i;, with elegant li .1 mka- Wunliinsrton lated to and Notwithstanding opposition from the Faculty, > the tear because of his skill and T1VK 0 .bound ill S foieod within ourselves again. owing insecurity the sale is daily increasing. Thousands of certiticates acknowledged reputation, ENORAVINS. 30 pages beautiful Mll.n 'N AUSTIN, Prop’r. BOSTON, MASS attained so and French cloth. Price We sigh and wail. which the citizens felt, and at the same can be presented if necessary, but if the through long experience, practice, $<*,0o. 1 yr'.ieo w CLOSFT8. following Getthebest. Earth are not sutlicient to the most 4 Hook for time the Lowreys were becoming more satisfy sceptical, 10,000 ^CAMBRIDGE,* P. Everybody. Ah 1 who ean toll the hitter hours, JT^ARTl*li Clouet Co., £15 State Nt., Hartford, additional ones would be useless. Capt. J. Johnson, AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, and, if more atrocious U. ot Flattered by the of, and great demand The dreary days that Women daring, possible, Cl., Sole S. Proprietors Moulc's, Moule & CATARRH, the mother of consumption,) Scrol- reception A GREAT MEDICAL J-. -pend? Newton’s and Doo- AND STEAMER l>o not robbed and add to your sufferings in being for, the above valuable and timely tr« at ise, and .^o Theu' i!i in.:: it their and in the commission of their out- Girdleston’s, Luther’s, Wuring’s. ula, Salt and many other diseases hitherto un-hured. lives unknown. open Rheum, deceived the a the WALKER'S little’s Patents. The Closets that have considered by lying boasts, misrepresentations’ to meet great need of the present age, author ©Dr. CALII a only proved incurable, readily yield under treatment 1 Without friend. Under these circumstances Unit- talse promises, and pretentions of has a new treating exclusivolv rages. effective. The Earth Closet, by its disinfection of of the University Medicines. KATA H just published book, ed States were sent to Robeson to is the most valuable means ot DIN, ol NEKYOt S AND MK.MAh DISEASES. l;.o Witliou: a tr.eii !? And what is he. troops faeces, preventing FEMALE DISEASES treated with suc- FOREIGN AND NATIVE QUACKS, perfect H. S. cloth. I’rice or skn r r ui:i: on ot spread of cholera and other contagious diseases. cess. treated over two hundred Capt. RICH, pp. $l.oo, receipt VINEG-AR BITTE Who. like a shadow, (lay and night, atl’ord that to life and property Having cases within who know but little of the nature and character 01 for the other two protection Send tor circulars. Agents wanted the last three I consider Will leave Belfast for books, postage paid. Follows to.* woman lie everywhere. months, it safe to warrant Boston, every MONDAY, Special Diseases, and less to their cure. Some ex- prefer*? which the State authorities had failed in SaloNrooniM: lfi Doane lioston; ♦>!)♦> liroad- These arc beyond all comparison, the mo-: extra- Hundreds of Thousands St., a perfect cure to l>a cases out of every one hundred, WKDNKSDAY' and FRIDAY', at J oVloek, I*. M. hibit ot Institutions or Lives in her sight. N. 1221 Market forged Diplomas Colleges, ordinary works on Physiology rvcr pulhi-h* !. The remained there way, Y.; St., Philadelphia. without cauterization or the least exposure. KKTL'RNINU- Will leave Boston MONDAY', which never existed in anv of the l!*'ur ■ till'T W 1.• doing. troops daring e\>ry part world; oth There is nothing whatever that .'be M' ei tl'slll!lM[,. o SPERMATORUIUEA, the greatest id WKDNKSDAY and Fill at f* 1’, M, era exhibit of the bow Lei er—he, a -lallant man the entire year of 1870, which destroyer DAY, o'clock, Diplomas Dead, obtained, of KiniiiU can either p w n-i. tui 1'raiivo i'.TK-. l.- during on the face of the Globe. How be- SiNiii.K, Si-:x, humanity many unknown; not and In 1 ■ I >e\ ofet 1 to her every whim— time I he were as active as ever, wail only assuming advertising to know, but what fully exjlaine.. •. Lowreys Thp the loss of precious vitality without having the Fares and Freight Reduced! names ..l thorn: iu*cited in the diplomas, but t<• fur- II "\\ s m die for so matters <*t the most Important an.I .-in WHAT ARE THEY ? her. she idea of the cause, their assume names the and, to show how little cared for CONGRESS ARCTIC, slightest manhood is daily OEO €i. 1I ELLH. t. ther their imposition of celebrat- no >n M they character are introduced to which allu-i i. ust live for him ! vanishing and they are into a state oi ed since dead. Neither be deceived shot and killed in broad Tnc BEST winter OVERSHOE gliding hope- Belfast, 1871. tf'24 physicians long by can be found in any other works in our 1 inguag troops, they day- l less decay. 1 have treated over five hundred cases April 14, We -bould !i NOSTRl M-MAlv All the Nkw Dr si ov KtiiKsof the author, who-.-ex- very grateful sir, a man within ‘J00 ol the sol- k. NO BUCKLES to break! oi this within six months with the Univer- QUACK EIIS, light yards malady perieuee is such as probably never before led to tin l liat, when voiFve nothing else to do. sity Medicines with success. through talse certificates and references,and recom- diers' camp. Soon after these were NO TROUBLE lo pot on! perfect lot of any man, are given in full. Nopers. n -hon,. 'i on waste our idle hours on u — troops Persons uliiicted mendations of their medicines the who with diseases will please call or FAliKS KEmVKD! by dead, be without these valuable book.-. s » withdrawn the were Neat, Genteel, Stylish! send and a book dree cannot or contradict them ; or kind of you ! community again get wherein jthey will find expose who, besides, Vali’ABI.k Books.— We have ror ived t‘ startled the 1U1K onufi their diseases and to further their impositious, copy from medical by announcement of another ABIt 1JLYLLK f UK H I explained, necessary remedies. valuable medical works Iq the l'* iv*’fuse :u studied Address PE LEG INSIDE LINE. 3 TRIPS PER WEEK. books, much that is written of trie qualities and ef- published compliments, horrible murder the and STAPLES, Medical Institute. These books are it aeiu i. mer- 'i eur manners, like are by Lowreys, ■Jot) fects ot different herbs and plants, and ascribe all your clothes, line, Congress St., Portland, Me. STEAMBOAT AND KAII.KOAI). it, aud should find a place in every intelligent faun- i 1 at are again an lor the twentieth the same to their Tills, Extracts, Specifics, 4c., hough Loth times somewhat strong expedition ly. They are not the cheap order of'ah. -oil. i! ie < «>rtiflcat«>N most ot which, if not all, contain Mercury, because Of smoke and wine! time, was started the outlaws. of Curew. trash, h -, u.d ; r- against IHEAPEST ADVERTISING, 1871. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1871. of the ancient belief of Its published by irrespomsil parte “curing everything.’’ to coarse but are written It, was on this occasion that the two citi- 1 have been atllicted with •' cliased gratify tastes, What ean we to Scrofula and Salt Rheum but now known to kill more than is oured,” and hope know of you? IN THE WORLD! responsible professional gentleman c t eminene. zens to above were killed the all my life. I have been under treatment ot eleven THE STEAMER those not killed, constitutionally injured for life. Or of u>? We act our referred a instruction on vital matt* r-, you parts; by and all the time source of cone.ruing I ■ For $‘34- |M»r Inch |t**r .71 outll, we (miss called) physicians, grew worse. I IGNORANCE OF DOCTORS AND W- lo\o in it is the in ambush. In face of such can Ql'ACK which lamentable ignorance xi-t-. I'he important ! jest: play Lowreys open au No tongue tell what my with I will insert Advertisement in 41 tirav sufferings were, are treated with d> < >f hands, not hearts! defiance of the P diseased a of Richmond NOSTRUM- M A lv ERS. subjects presented lieacy. bility. county authorities and clan* 7lain«* X«»npaper me. In this dreadtul cou- Leaves Bangor every Monday, Wednesday to his in [Coos Republican, by j and gives it all patients, Tills, Drops, 4c., •-> V at f> o’clock, touching at all the “The author ot these books j.s one ut the "ir love i- -teadv as a -tar— ordered out the militia of the GEO. P. ROWELL & ditton, through the advice id a friend, 1 called on I Friday mornings so the Nostrum-maker, equally ignorant, adds to county, sup- CO.. usual on the river and at Port- learned and popular physicians ot the day and i- But we shall see. tlu proprietor of the New York University Medi- landings bay, arriving his so-called Extracts, Specifics, Antidote, 4c., both them with arms and umunition, and lie land in season to connect with the (> o’clock Steam entitled to the gratitude of our u e tor then- u-. a! plied 41 I*ARK now, Xi:» 1 OUR. cines. told me my case was but would ; p its effects i a a doubtful, lying upon curing few inahundred, It seems be his aim > .11 on do he I boat at Boston at 10 uable productions. to to mum sav you Jove me. have you thought placed them a war under the the best could; commenced taking bis medi- Express Train, arriving o'clock, it is In various ways the laud; footing, same trumpeted throughout men and women to avoid the cause l' tl. -e ui a>- m:v tti* not \ \ n H 'w nun-h these little words contain? command of cine* April 17th, and am free from the above j evening. alas! is said of the some of General Gorman, — but, nothing balance, arc and he toils them Adjutant troubles. Mrs. HENRY Returning Will leave RAILROAD WHARF, to which they subject, ju-t Ala- I a we,rid of i .JONES, w bom die, others grow worse and a”e left to linger happiness, of the State forces. numbers of Portland, same at 10 or on the how and when to do it.” 'Chronicle, Parmington Large July 10,1671. Westbrook, Me. evenings, o’clock, and sutler for months or until relieved or F A N C V DR I W A n 1 worlds of pain! arrival of Steamboat Train from years, Maine, Sept. 7, 1«0V>. United Stales troops then in the FAMAI’S Kxpress Boston, cured, if possible, by competent physicians. being Permanent Cure for touching as above, arriving at Bangor at about in Either book sent by mail on receipt of pri e. You know, or nature Some three months ago I was my I 'U should, your now, State for the arrest and of the tho ASTHMA. persuaded by BUT ALL ARE NOT N. B. The author ot the above named medical it 11 <1 Ill'S il .. ... suppression wile to take the Medicines. o'clock next morning. QUACKS IGNORANT. ^ Its Is 1 assions. ( an I he Reli-1 cuarantecl in University My health of ! ■ at i live minute*. by inhala- Connections can be made in Portland with all works is tl\e Chief (Consulting Phy-deian the cacti t » ,, -1: 1 An». I;.- Ku-lvlux Klan, the Governor for and mind was so affected that friends be- Notwithstanding the foregoing facts are known to I What •> ile-ire me? Do tied applied l UO!». Alsu, i-nn Hay Fe\.«rand Host-Cold. Re- badly my M* dical Institute, ami is so em- you Railroad and Steamboat Lines, id Peabody constantly ... t at .tailin' an two to assist in Low- •niui- Milr !>v Physicians. Price. S3 box. came alarmed for my safety. In a week after com- some quack doctors a nostrum-makers, yet, re- or?,” !;,•?:> t.ppter Your all in me? companies capturing per East, sure connections can be made at Bel- in consultation with invilid* from ail part- ra^.'ut m o’. >.'» tj'„ jvii i. on of to take the I felt relief. I doing gardless ot the life and health of others, there are ployed drunkenness and ruin, but arc a true Medicine, uiude by receipt price. mencing Medicine, groat that be lias no time a!t nd rev and his These were furnished, \VM. H. PA KNII AM A CO.. 210 N. fast with the Belfast & Moosehead K. U., and Euro- them who even of th« country, gang. Broadway. Y. am now as well as any other man. My wife has been those among perjure themselves, from the .-an !: ".u and Herbs f California, freo You do. But have you thought that 1 BSTSolJ all P. O. Box 2842. & North American at mere business details, Therefore all lett< rs •!. d ordered to with the by Druggists. lor a time aillicted with disease that has pean Railway Bangor. contradicting mercury to their patients, or t:. Robeson, and, militia, long ballled giving be addressed to the PEABODY MEDICAL INs’ll- from nl! .A Icoholic v! iiim I mil a. They are May lia\' my ways and fancies, too? the skill of our best that it is contained in their so that the were some physician.-*; some of which pro- nostrums, in the field months FREIGHT TAKEN AT REDUCED RATES. •• Ilr. W. II. I’A K K KI{. tile M.-.lii-ul A It FOOD ITKiriESC uml A 1.1 11 'i >u low me; will you have your thought placed ago, nounced her case incurable. Under treatment of tin usual fee” may be ob ained for professedly curing, TL'TK.or (iUI’.AT aistaut of the and his Busin* Ag«-nr, Him, Hcnovator and If I love with the full determination of either cap- *° tr^ ^)r* Kimball's IL C. Balsam, her health has im- or the dollar," or fraction of it," may be obtain- author, <; I % 1 N < J I’lMM ll’I.E aj> ri-'t you? nnN’T University Medicines, greatly To Boston o- h on FARE. Belfast to Portland $.\oo. by as well as the author himself, may consult* ofT all or the outlaws. Since UUll 1 lor Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore proved. Any one doubting, will call at No. ii ed lor the nostrum. It is thus that many are de- Invigr,rater oi tin: Sy.-dein, carrying poisonous annihilating please Railroad Steamer from $‘.:.75. all diseases seen *•> and But think 'i ou know me n turing Chest ami A isant and effectual or $3.50. By Portland, and amounts requiring skill, experi* again, Throat, Lungs. pie Lincoln street, at repair shop Grand Trunk ceived, also, spend large lor experi- matter au.l re to nr. g the blood to a healthy condition I. he a then the of the have Kimuai.l & Me. an' Hi too, may exploits Lowreys remedy. Co., Prop’s, Augusta, Depot. GEORGE KINGSBURY. ments with quackery. Inviolaiu.k Skokioy «.T:ai:iin •• to dir hutlerlly, Meals Served on the Plan. No person can ta.-v tin Hitter according A doll oil -how been characterized if Portland, 5, 1671. 1 v r 17 eostly parlor by greater novelty, Aug. European l'R. DEWS tion and remain b-ns? unw. 1! I or t > & 17‘.' Commercial you not than ever. No murders have RUSS STUD1YANT, Agents, ••• buy. daring, are very m< derate. Communications sa- $100 v.; f-.r an ineurab i.v. prov ASTHMA. To the Agent of University Medicines it VVaterville. Street, Portland. charges been heard but the re- a id all on him with m :r 1 l.v mineral o: ^ mi trust me ? Din* word more. of, outlaws have is June .37 credly confidential, may rely tie b res are tile yi poison who!!} .4 NTH .71.4 KPE< 1FIC I)i ah Mris. Flooi>I think it my dutv to ad- 1,1871. the and whatever most Strictest secrecy confidence, may t!.- n;ea:;« ana the vdni tgan* wastedbeyond the You see me young: tin y eali iu>‘ fair; shown themselves in the warranted to relieve the worst case in ten min- dress with a lew lines > peatedly 1)01*11471’* you stating my cure with vour be the disease, condition or situation of anyone, Ti < ) < K I. A N i 1 think I have a face. utes. Trial sent i'kki; on of a three wonderlul catarrh 1 I of r>-pair. pleasant public places, and once they tired upon a package receipt specific. have been afflicted married or single. And hair. cent C. A. BRAMAN, with catarrh ever sinet a child and have a l ot 1 idlmninaiov> mid Flironic Klieuiun* protty :rain in tin Charlotte and stamp. spent great Medicines sent by Mail and Express to all parts of Wilmington, 1< ?i Mass, our Washington St., Boston, deal ot mom y among first doctors, and have WILSON the United States. STEAM-MILL fi-m Mild < oni. I)yspcpnisi or Iucllg***tlon, But and hv face will Rutherford Railroad. tri-d I heard ot CO., by my lade, Again, Lowrey very thing without obtaining any All letters requiring advice must contain one dol- Hi lion*. Remittent and lutormittonl Fevers It must with it with eare: relief. I am cured Catarrh MAMTACrniHls Ol time, may himself invaded the militia camp in (he by using your Specific. lar to insure an answer. Diseases ot the Ulooil. I.lver, Kidneys, and What to a wrinkled wife. 880. Wo will 830. 1 am willing to answer all enquiries. \ E W I \ » E R E E E 1) Address Di.. L. No. .’I Endicott Bos- say you time, cut hi< name on the stock ot a Pay Dix, Street, Bladder, ti. Hitters 1' most success With thin, hair. night Agents $.J0 per week to sell our great and valuable Mrs. I A. lil'TTKRFIEJLD, Waierville, Me. ton, Mass. INT E L : grey Sadi Diseases ar caused by Vitiated musket, and left a complimentary note discoveries. 1? you want permanent, honorable ami S II K Boston, Jan. 1,1371—1 yr. It TTI. IN derangement You eare no:, you; in youth, or age. for General Gorman, stating that his in- pleasant work, apply lor particulars. 1 ;r five years I have Buffered with catarrh, a bad AND DRAM’IIS Itlood. wi.’Chism •rally produced by Your heart is mine, while life endures; Address DYE It & CO., .Jackson, Michigan. consumptiv. cough and pain in my left side. I had t:.c Digest vo tii gnus. spection of the cam]) was most satisfac- several and have them THE LAD ICS.—The Celebrated DK. L. I)IX CORN, MEAL, OATS AND RYE H ad I- it so? Then, Arthur, bonds my hand. employed physicians paid j npo HVsI'Ll’^l \ OR INDIRECTION. and the excellent. At over $ without the least benefit. I have used 1 particularly .nvites all Ladies who need a Med- heart is tory, discipline Machines. Wf*MKAL at Boston Market l’rn uni p-i ijsji ,ti i(1.• •. Coughs. Tightness of thu My yours. ical or Oorse furnished. Ex worth jJ the University and am relieved Sewing Surgical adviser to call at his Rooms, another time lie was met a of Medicines, to at tin- wharv* wilim.,- E'ftTKt ft .!!•••• s. s >;r 1 nictations f thu Stomach, by squad Mr, from the abov troubles. Eudicott St., Boston, Mass., which they will lind Shipper** ■*, <’i,. r, !)..• penaes paid. II. IS. SHAW, Alfred, (11.4 ll(> E. United States soldiers on a road. JOHN West arranged for thei- accommodation. p.ulta..; u t; Mouth, 13.lions Attacks. Palpitation They SHAW, Com’l St., Portland, Me. special All orders attended H;s Wife's Mother PRICE, DR. DIX devoted over to promptly to. itroi of the In thu were hut a havi.ig twenty years f r. ]ii t, Inflamit Lungs,Pain unarmed, Lowrey, besides to of in KO. -VI ft 4 0. ft 111 TA^TEIf. give away $600,000 worth this particular 1 ranch >f tlie treatment of all dis- r il.i i' ahundr-d other painful I have been troubled with Scrofula all my lifetime, ls7l. UOCKI.AND. Mi tv- and He stood on hi* head on the wil l seashore, double-barrelled shot gun, had several Medical Advice to the sick and alllicted. Ad- e.< es peculiar tJ females, is now conceded by all, July IS, lyr'! and Neuralgia in the head lor seven years, and have fcjT-.j n;4, ar ti.o otDj.r.ngs f Dyspepsia. And danced on his hands a .eg; loaded revolvers in his belt, lie dress Dr. S. YORK, Auburn, Maine, or call at his (both in this country and that he excels passed consulted good physicians Irom Maine to New York Europe,) i;:v:"■ rat thu t-una.-fi and stimulate the t--r In all hi* emotions, a* never office, Lewiston, Lincoln Street, you will receive a all other know practicionors in the safe, speedy Tlu*y before, the who stared at him in amaze- without any benefit whatever. 1 have taken six of soldiers, book free. See page 1J, a report of the late Dr. and eif rual treatment of all female p;diivrr and b >\ve;-, whim r.-uderthem unequalled A madly hilarious grig. bottles of the cancer plant, end one and one-hall of complaints. he soon in the W. different Medical Baths. His medicine! are with the cb-anslng the blood of all impurities, an 1 ment, aijil disappeared ('ahi.ton—twenty-four the Neuralgia Elixir, and a little oi some other kinds, prepared express pur- effi'-acyiu N. I’..—A chance for a Medical student. ot removing all such as to the whole And why? In that vessel which left the hay woods. His next was in a good Apply and 1 now leel better rhan T ever was before in pose diseases, debility, imparting new '.if.- d vigor system. appearance my unnatural of His mother-in-law had sailed life. I cannot say with Mr. Munsey, that I I. el FORTY-FIVE weakness, suppressions, enlargement FOR SKIN DISEASES, Pruptions.T. ttcr. .-a bateau in Lumber river, witnessed a the womb, also which tlow from a mor- To a countrv some distance by twenty years ycunger, being but discharges Pustules, Bolls, Far tropical away only twenty-eight, bid state of is now Khcutn. Blotches, Spot?, Pi-np'e-. detachment of United States who never the Mood. The Doctor Where tiger** and troops, VOID A( kM. A victim vf iudis- can say 1 felt so young to my knowl* dge in fully Sore serpents pn railed. 4 <|l early prepared to treat in his peculiar style, both medi- bunch s, Bing-Worms, Scald-Head, Eyes, Eryslp tired at The outlaw laid down in nervous ■;■> him. cretion, causing debility, premature cally and surgically, all diseases ot the female .-!as, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Hum He knew she had gone ro recruit her health tried in vain advertised Mrs. A. O. W. FOSTER, Wilton, Me. sex, the careened it so that the bottom decay, etc., having every and are r< invited to call at and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name ornatur And her boat, a means ot they spectfully doctor rasping cough, remedy, has discovered simple sell-cure, lu IVo. 2:1 Fiolicott arc dug and carried out of thu system But himself a his until out of which he will send to his lellow-sutlerers. Address Cases Treated l»v L. tt«»r. tit., Rofttou, literally up wagered profusion of wealth protected body danger, ta DOLLARS. pie rf tuiic bv the us c t these Hitters One mutl- That would her off. and then he without even J. II. REEVES, ?s Nassau St., N Y. Dll. St aim. i..> --<>ne bottle of your extract of All letters rt quiringadvice must contain one dol- something carry paddled away most of their Plant cured little *<’»■<><,. a lar to insure a answer. such cases will convince the incredulous so much as the fire. These Cancer my boy of Oh. now he might look for a returning months li I -mould write all day 1 could Jan. 1 1S71 —1 quiet life, XII E TS A It I EE* A new show standing, Boston, yr. worn the obtained Ik work, ..> »•»- W .! even only glimpses of Lowrey uaiuml „iv -nir.-rit.K-. employ, m RELIABLE t‘.:» .oil •vl1..nw«r «'•'< »t« And he happy yet. JL H»* Iwx, uy uoservillj; SIMPLE, DURABLE Vo,ate 1 P.’ T’*« sent to him live physicians without relief. His sores are all owning no end of nouralgical wife, by the military forces capture produce oirspring of either sex. Sealed envelope, Tl»r«‘ I aiul impurliles bursting through the skin In Pimples. Hr ., Though healed and he appears perfectly well. We think it in|MM-(.an( Kl<>- And to hi* collar m debt. of three L'jc. Address SANITARY PUBLISHING CO., I*. tlons or Sores Audit obstructed up their months, is a wonderful cure. Several ol' our friends are fak- it when you during campaign O. Box L-iVl N. Y. nmitt, Ei»iImmIm>«1 in tlii*» Celrlirateil and like the Seminole Indians in Florida, ing the medicine with good success. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers ifcc. and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it lsf.*j\ For she of the specs and curled false front. tlachiiM* Ilian ol!n*r in Mrs. WM. J. MAVIS. anr tli«* Worlil. us.d ur feelings will tell you when. ID op thu bb». And tin* black alpaca robe. the outlaws still remain unconquered and y Old Town, Sept. i;, 1KV.. Iloei every Variety of Work, it* VI«»- pure and th< healtn of the syst un wlUfollow. Must pick out a sailor to sutler the brunt masters of the situation. the THIRTY YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Finding op- cliaiiiHiii *•» I'lievcelleil, Certificate of The subscriber is still at the old stand, PIN, TAPE WORMS, lurking in tt>» Of her next daily trial of Job. erations of the inac- South Paris, Feb. li, 1S71. military—a glorious for Five lean fiirninlieil lt» system of so many th .usmds, are effectually destroy IN THE TREATMENT Ol 1>K. S mm.ks—Dear Sir -The medicine 1 got at Warranty’ lie watched while the vessel cut the sea. rather too while k 3 CITY odand removed. I •.r full dir- lions, rea carefully tivity—were expensive, your place. Jan. lid, has done wonders for me. It is the VIannfact(irent with eacli Vlacliine. BLOCK, High Street, And and for the out- the around a.*h b-.tth*. d in four Dr. bumpisldy upped downed, but afforded amusement all you recommend it to be. where may he a circular print they net nreil liv a Half VSillion Dollar*. found very large anil well selected And thought if she could be You make use of the French and already qualmish laws, were withdrawn ; but to may any above you think stork of the above articles, embracing about eyery guages—English, ibrinau, Spanish. He’d consider the editiee crowned! they prior Chronic and Sexual Diseases. Yours SETH MORSE. Inducements offered worthy the careful ennsid.-ra- proper. truly, variety and style in the Market. He invites his old r. II. M in unoccupied J on:::: c Stl NVw A oi k sonal meeting with General Gorman, the territory. A good stock ot ;.u ! t t. And now a* ho gazed at the ship she was in, This may certify that 1 had been sutlVring with This The cheapest book ever published—containing iif~ -> d.D li\ All DUiri'.GMTft AND DEALER'S. He howled for her violent death— commander-in-chief. proposition the Rheumatism,-’ tor live and at that time R. J. BELLAMY & Co.. Gen. A-fs, nearly three hundred pages, and one hundred and j months, was considered; but as there was it seized my right hip and leg down to the toot. Sole & duly line and ot the anatomy of iiii #t., a. Upper Till over the uzure horizon’s edge thirty plates engravings This the called‘‘Sciatie.’’ I tried lVavlimcton Leather, to be feared from a with the human organs in a state of health and disease, physicians many Xml The barque had retired from view, notiiing- meeting kinds ot highly recommended medicines which i with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable conse- Calf u i:l( n ,v <;mmms When he to the crest of a it was to, on the terms and took for the blood. Still I no reltef lor seven leaped chalky ledge, Lowrey agreed quences upon the mind and body, with the author’s got Skins, Splits, Lasts, And months more, all the time doing best, with as And all kind of on Also !.!■.«it \n:i> pranced like a kangaroo. conditions mentioned by Lowrey. Ac- plan of treatment—the only rational and successful my ( A 1 Tl O V Findings constantly hand. advisers as we have in our city. 1 call- at the stated General mode of cure, as shown by a report of cases treated. good Finally And a he cordingly, time, ed at the New York it and the 4 a n< v a ft it «* t \% •* many jubilant peal sent A truthful adviser to the married and those contem- University ranch, Trunks, Valises, and Travelling A positive eure f«>r Dy*m>-;,sia. n-n; it O’er the wave- which Gorman to tiie rendez- said he could me. So 1 commenced To Females in Delicate Health. had made him free, repaired appointed plating marriage, who entertain doubts ol their proprietor help Indigestion, Bilious C<>mj'i:iints, uni if ft \ i> * %« * on his medicine, and in four weeks I I lelt -(.)- Then cut a last caper ecstatic, and went. vous, where to the moment, lie physical condition. Sent free of postage to any ad- thought Bags. Diseases having tli- Ir origin i.: punctual relief, and in eight weeks I was able to leave DR. DOW, Physician and Surgeon, No. 7 Endi- « OO II H ft ftft H Turning somersaults, homeward to tea. the chief the dress. on receipt of twenty-live cents in stamps or my impure state of tin* I’.K»«• i. SAWS met noted of gang of negro cane at home, and have been well up to this cott street, Boston, is consulted daily tor all diseases W. T. COLBURN. postal currency, addressing Dr.. LA No. time, ( by CROIX, three months have DAVID incident to the female system. l’t»ri or HOftft.t I B >1 a I. .crlpti. outlaws, murderers and incendiaries. To ol Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author be passed. KKA/.EK. l'rolapus llclfast, April 2i'., lwi. tH2 may Portland, 1S70. of the Womb, Fluor Albu.s, Suppression, SOLD BY WM. 0. l'lilii; \ So\. the there has been no detailed re- consulted of the diseases which his Aug, lid, Falling ft r«* Hu|M>rior to all Otlicri. present upon any upon and other Menstrual Derangements, are all treated The Lawless book treats, either personally or by mail, and medi- of \ Lowreys. or statement of tiie interview made For years I have suffered with Scrofula i on new pathological principles, and speedy relief &d'*lk'\vure Count< Kits. .mi;. »ur reporli cines sent to any i>art ot the world. twenty-live SAW \V;> riant d the but it is known and Salt Rheum, (or Tetter.; Have paid out hun- guaranteed in a few days. So invariably certain is llvrry ; of the New York Herald.; by Adjutant General, most United States Correspondence dreds of and been treated several first- the new mode of treatment, that obstinate Hotel, Pric( > ( !<>nl s. S*t*rf*M (ton C-oor.kH on official that dollars, by authority Lowrey proposed class physicians without benefit. Some four weeks complaints yield under it, and the afflicted person Rai.kiihi. N. Oct. 13, 1871. 02 02 Cor. FULTON AND WATER STS. • a treaty of peace with the State of North ago, I commenced usiug the L’niv- rsity Medicines, ! soon rejoices in perleet health. '•> 11 ir lu an t otjiitry i Viilets, an ! The measures which were in- m O forehead and Dr. Dow has no doubt had greater rience in Neat: Fi lton NKW YORK. lit vigorous Carolina and tiie United on the At the time my head were covered with I exp* Fkuuy, Ma:iuliit;iuri*r.4t States, 0 of the the cure of diseases ot women than anv other stituted nearly three mouths since on tin; sores and scaliness .-kin; also my tongue was phy- I las well known and lavorite Hot«*l has recently condition that he and his lie allowed fH +-> covered with small ulcers, i am free sician in Boston. j < > h x i’ o <> \v i-;i .< 1i cv «; i.* i i’i 'iTi of both the Stale ami National gang to-day from j been renovated, remodeled and furnished new and i;, is. part (lovr to leave 02 all the above and can Boarding accommodations tor patients who may peaceably tiie United States for- troubles, heartily recommend elegantly throughout. It is kept on the European 1 f > «\ I 4 J I nl«‘ral *»t llovtuu. ernments n these medicines to the afflicted. wish to stay in Boston a few days under his treat- against Henry berry Lowrey, ever. This was the result, of the interview plan, and lias ample accomodation lor four hundred the notorious and liis lawless 2 S. C. MUNSEY, 27 Chestnut St. guests. outlaw, under the of near Dr. Dow, since confined his whole at- flag truce, Seuffletown, 3 Portland, Jan. Mi, 1870. ltvla, having The location is more accessible to all parts of New CORONER! in Robeson have been tention to an office for the cure of Private gang, county, just where the wives and families of the out o practice York and Brooklyn than any other house in the Diseases and Female no SEWING brought to a most and unsuc- j3 As certain individuals have reported that the above Complaints, acknowledges city, l'hc Broadway stages pass the Hotel every inglorious laws reside; but, so far, no action has S} in the United States. BELFAST, M:un<>. certificate is false and my disease as bad as ever, I superior three minutes besides various lines ot street cars, cessful close. P N. B. All letters must contain one or been taken upon it. It is a sad commen- wish to say, at the time I gave tin1 above certiiicate, dollar, one of which intersects every other route in New The readers ol the Herald are will not be answered. already the administration of the the story was not half told. In addition to the above they York tary upon gov- in Office liours from S A. M. toy P. >1. familiar with the history of these despera- my leg and back were covered with sores. I am now It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, makes [MACHINES! ernment of North Carolina—a of Boston, 1M71. II R gang well and feel at least twenty years younger than I July Iyr3 it convenient tor those wishing to visit the “City of T does, who have so long the laws did outraged negro desperadoes openly defying its au before taking the remedies. Churches,” us from this Ferry diverge all the prin- fiiit*sk<*!!’s >1 Salic of the State, and upon each of whose : My advice to the afflicted is to give the medicine a railroad routes in the of EWhrmmu not for months or a year but now : 02 cipal city Brooklyn. i a thority, trial and not to be deterred by the of It 11. II. heads price had been set by the State for cry humbug. Maine Central GEO. N. & H. S. Ci u E s over a period of eight years. bfl cured me, it lias cured many others. I believe the TERRY, Proprietors. Government. were outlawed They by £ extract ot cancer plant will cure any blood disease Hiin.flKK AllR.iAOETlK.ATf. i*?l. lyr.'M ATII INKS Governor Holden, and large rewards of- H in existence. TETTER!TETTER TETTRI Trick of a Gambler. S. C. MUNSEY, 27 Chestnut Street. fered both by the State and for ; X KMI >11 IT County Portland, June, 1S70. Man his Own Painter. rmi:: itcis::: their arrest, but even this did not deter erf •■)() Every iTiii: GOODS! Is the title ot a Book by ANSON I B V';* Ho get up several times in the to from ohok- On anil after .JUNE 5th, next, passenger trains Frosted l.irnbs, F.tes, night keep BIAOE AND SION LAIN UNO, GRAINING, 1 For a period of over eight years, com- although not ostensibly a professional o mg. I employed sonic of the best physicians in the will leave Belfast tor Boston and l'ortland, at 8.30 tlons of tli« Skin. Al»i> po A. 7 Burnham with LNAMEUNO, YARN ISH1NU, K A LSOM ININO, 4«rA incilit-s, urn! !ith tittor both in the, short cards a busi- country without benefit. I was perfectly cured with M.—at P. M., connecting at horses. mencing 1803, Lowreys and their gambler, really'made Si WHITEWASHING. &c., in plain English. Every Mu -him M'i>t constantly on hand, tt t the University Medicines in three weeks. night Express with Pullman lamping- <'ar Refunded. the < txondines ness. lie was a man ol education and a family should have a and do their own Painting. Warranted to Cure or Money associates, and others, who P02~ A. M. MORGAN, 224 Cumberland attached, for Portland and Boston. copy 4-H St., Portland, Copyright recured. wanted. Sent arc a mixture of and Cau- fine conversationalist, and a Contractor on the Portland & Freight Train leaves at A. M,, connecting at Agents postpaid For sale by all Pruggists ami Indian, negro very elegant Odgensburg Railroad for 50 cents by Anson Oilman, Box '..’08, Lewiston. O Feb. 18, 1870. Burnham at 8.30 A. M., with mixed train tor Bangor IL M Belfast Bank. casian, held a carnival of crime in He was fond of a little Me. 'State where vou saw this. RmlO* F. 1IIESKFI.L, Proprietor. Bangor, Savings high gentleman. game O Since the above I have aud Dexter. giving certiiicate, been per- k. \\ h >;• iir ;'•* II. u- Robeson of to kill but arc at 7.10 A. M. (J. C. Goodwin Co., Agents. NOW IS THE I 1MK l>Kl*OSI I and adjacent counties. They draw, just time, you know; fn fectly free from Catarrh, though I have been contin- Trains due Belfast—At Night TO will arrive over Street, Boston, Mas-?. 1'riee cents per became a terror to all and the result was that he the best ually exposed to wet: and cold s. Express from Boston, (this train every law-abiding always got ft '•.15 P. M. Mail > LACK ttflKTII'M COAL* Box. lyrui " of June 10, 1870. A. M. MORGAN. morning except Mondays). At 'A penny saved is a penny earned peaceful citizens, and every effort to cap- it, and, mingling with moneyed men fH Train from l’ortland and Boston, Freight Train, at J At wholesale or retail at the lowest market ture them his were I into a 0 5 P. M. pric«* by made in or before the 1st t>l proved unsuccessful. In the winnings large. got I have been afllicfed lor twenty with Chronic any years Tickets will bo sold to Boston and bag- ni:l'<'SITSmonth, will be plueed upon interest ever* utmost recesses of an almost series of with him, and as well as Rheumatism. 1 have spent hundreds of dollars for Through A. J. HARRIMAN & m a t i r i: \v s & impenetrable games ‘lucked and to all Stations on any ami interent c3 medical treatment without benefit. Ten davs I gage through, W" their are 1 understand cards I ago, the lines this Manufacturers of Hard and Soft >d, 'nj ted .; sunn lunt and 1 lecember swam; headquarters established, myself, invariably commenced taking the and 1 managed by company. No. 60 Main St. Belfast, Maine. University Medicines, EDWIN NOYES, t. I ’1 I r. ivtl li.iily at the Bunking Kootn and from this when the worst of it. 1 knew there was T3 can say, it lias more benefit to me Sup ti32 they emerged only got truly been than all Feb. 14, 1871. from .'to’ \ M ■ 1 L. L. LINCOLN, Ass’t Sup't. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHUTTERS, •in \ I'. M. Haturdavs Iron or and I to dis- WINTER other treatment ever received. My place of busi- their necessities required, when something wrong, resolved ti47 to 1J A.M they ness is 137 Pearl street. I shall be to answer May 27,1871. WINDOW FRAMES, &C., cover it if I examined pleased JOHN U.OflMin, 1'r n- A S \ FA L N (,'K, Proat, desired to wreak vengeance on some per- possible. carefully all enquiries. JOHN TURNER. the Real Estetefor Sale. Anil all Kinilt of Fiuiwliiiiir Tlouhliit^s. Belfast, July 1.1. 1>7o. 11! son or persons who had made themselves backs of the cards, and, understand- £ fH About a I was so in to effect their ing how this sort of work is done, I very year ago, badly affected with MASON’S Tin: subscriber offers -ALSO- prominent endeavoring 0 Kidney Disease and general debility, that I could I M II F It M E I The of soon satisfied that the backs were for sale, the house and lot situated ^ capture. catalogue murders and myself o scarcely attend to my business. I took a few butt es d C on w ails worth street, in liiomaston, neiongitig to Glazed Windows ,t Dealers in all Linds nf Faslern assassinations committed is a most all I watched his deal. lie threw of University Medicine, and have been well to G-erman Liniment I they right. O up heirs of tin- late Capt. Joseph Gilchrist. Said lot TWINES & them the present time. CIIAS. E. DUTTON, NETTING, startling and tearful exhibit. Since the around with great rapidity. His contains about 27,000 feet of laud with a large two AND Store No. 312 Congress St., Portland. LUMBER I Manufactured by close of the war they have murdered shuffling was square. rpIIE GREATEST INTERNAL AND ENTER- story house and other buildings situated thereon, 1- nal ever used for the Cure ot and wiH be sold low if applied lor soon. For terms, Board, Clapboard, and Knee n.uiing, S.iwing Me! some citizens in One I a I was afflicted with Sciatica for three months most Remedy Cold, \Y.\1. J-:. lK'OPKU A. twenty-five their houses day procured powerful mag- ft Cough, Toothache, Headache, Neural- call ou the subscriber. J. M. BEVERAGE. .1 oh Work ot all kinds done with dispaieti. SONS, of the time so badly that 1 could not null off or put Rheumatism, > or on the and all in cold nifying glass, and went over a ia, Contracted Cords, Mucles and Tendons, Sprains, Thomaston, Vug. 24, 1871. ttS «i ml lor l*riee-l.i-i. B .ltimore, Md, highway, blood, carefully HH ou my boots and stockings, and in order to pick up j fo uxn a v n r / /. n / x <;. of cards that had won f rost Bites and Chilblains, Cuts, Bruises, Burns ami 1 y r51 except recently, when two citizens were pack he with the hH anything from the floor, I had to get down ou my in Scalds, Pleurisy, Pains in the Side, Breast or Back, killed to a before. A and careful search knees, and then could not lift live pounds in that j Foot of Main St., Beltast, Me. belonging party organized to night long Cholera and Cholera or Colic RnEOl ATIC PILLS, position, lly Using the Medicines 1 was Morbus, Cramp Pains, tfs revealed in the aces a University also inflammation ot the Kid- | capture them. Lowrcy and his gang and face cards ser- o cured. O.O. NEW Diarrhoea, Dysentery, a HALL, neys, Liver and ot the Justly celebrated for the cure of Rheum * Sept. 5,1871. ttU 1)6