National Cemeteries Name of Muhlple Property Ustlng Stale
it .-.'.'l-: . ~';"N PS WAS'-O~>~o,,",. ,.:::...::'"".,..,.",,),1..:" ,,,"-,', c;.·'''3i'''ci:;''';·2'-O'-C'=3'7'; 3':':"'''1:-'''8:'::';:':'6''''''''''';' ""~.'"-'-""=c' .'" ..;c, .... "'-. -'-:N~O:::cV'C-·"='2 71 "'.9""4~~15F"'~~'3 BNO>oi6>"P~'02'; 2 F' { f\J(l L. " No, l0U-0018 NPS Form 1().8OO.b :~. "'.~•• ~~' OMB (Reviled March 1992) United Stataa Dapal1menl of tha Interior National Pllrtc Service National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form NA'f'lONAI. REGISTSR Thlt form It uN<! for documentlll9 multlplo property groupo rolo~ng to on. or _eral hll10rle contexlS. ate InllluCllonl In How fa C<>mp/ere the MuIIip/e "'-'Y OocurrlMltaiJon I'omt (National Regll10r Bull8l1n 18S). C<>m~o each hem bY'"nte,ing tho r~uolled Inform.tlon, For .. ~ apace, use continuation _a (Form 1().9O().a), Use. typewriter, word proceoaor. or,wmputar to complota all hom •. -X. Nw 6ubmlttlon _ Amended SubmlSJIon A, . Name of Multiple Property Llatlng Civil War Era National Cemateries B, Auoclated Hlelorlo Contexte (Nome oach uaocl.ted hltlorlo context, Idonllfyjng thoma, geographlc.1 a,ea, and chronol~1 period for each.) Initial Development or Permanent Memorials to Civil War Sol diers Who Died in »efense of the Union - 1861 to 188l nameJtllle Therese T, Sammartino. Sraff Assistant date ___________ organlzatl(ln IJepartment of V~tcrnns Affl1irs street & number 810 Vermont AV(lnue. N, W. telephone (202) 523-3895 state _________ cltyortown W,~shitlglon. J).C. Zip code _~2~04"_'2'_"O'--___ D. CertIfication loA Iht dMlgnated SUlhodl)' Undet the Notional HlltoriO P.... /Vltlon Act of 1811e, at IrnoIMIId, I hfroby cortlfy that thll dOCumentatton form __ ~..
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