
After the døaghter of lllinois attorne! general Jim Ryøn died trøgically, tbe famity filed ø lawsuit_the þind thøt would Ìtøue been :

WETVE-YEAR-OI.D AI{IITE Ryan was waking up with painful headaches that led to nausea and vomitinE If her father had not b."n-ex_ periencing his own hellish r:rcrlical- problems, Anniã's p.."rr* *igü h:rve taken a more relaxed, *"i,_-a_r..i"i- rude. But he had been diagnosed earlier with non-Hodgkin,s lymphoma and had spent rnonrhs ¡n rntensive chemotherapy, losing'all his hair, So, as a precautio", A""i.a',í;,h;;t¡Jjü., sixth grader to Children's M.-.;;i park ù;r;'ird; l,incoln to have her l""k.J-;;'i;îf,;äå. ncrrrologist. As she recalls, tt. ¿o"t- tolã Ër',¡," grl,*1s suffering from migrain. .,rrrrÌ,,].1'lg À.rà*f,* ¡;rescnbed some medication. A¡rnie,s mbther rclicvcd. felt drry 91.u.: later, Annie Ryan was dead. t he Ryan familv's shock and and sadness quickly tumed to her situation rng., a.rp"irìnì.,r,"lärrl"äo"_ The battte over nres autopsy -ã would do: She instiEated came backîh" reform pits *rr. ;l;;;;ä *r, a an^undetected against theão.tor she sàp hlmor at the base lr.. L*iïïirc F¿iled to treat her , with their paren$ daughter prop.tly ,"d tt .-horpiá ,T.111"9.. who have .";u;;;"r *t ri. ,n*"iìy, ,r.,. m ultimillion -dollar ucarh of ,lrï'rr¿i"" correct tests were not performed. ,,This a child, the Rv was a human fees, against doctors, qageaf fbr the Ryan family that is every parentb insurånce companier. ;l;:;d'öii,*.ili'#:iilii::.,';'.,ï#; rughtrnare," says RogerIC O'Reilly, the Wíreäton at_ and businesses. toT.yyhg is representing the Ryans. .i'1ffi who want to t¡mit ;il:lr*É:i:ffi ï:,äiï*,",ï: the lawsuig which is ..But said tá be worth at least $2 their own tiability. million, according ro several lawyers to, rhose questions familia¡ *i,¡, ,ir" ,*j,j:-t:.:*:rs have become case, is cerain to stir controversF as it winds its way þugh the Cook Counry s¡Ærem over the nexr lew yean. That is becauså e*i" ny-l f"rh;;J"** E. Ryan, is the Illinois atomey general *¿ hirim". defended the Repu.blicrr, .ffórito r.foJ,fr"ì"gA $#Èdfftgxî¡ffi lllinois. If Ryan and his rlKely been] T,:r".T parry colleaÀes in lhave curative,', the doctor tne le$slarure "*lu¿.,i.' had had their wa¡ the lawzuit oribehalf -'.*.fi of his daughter would have U..","r*.fy fi."ii.l, øri, I: the doctor and the hospiral ar mosr häli'åfli f ;ñ:f,ï"H: - ---l,rií"*'. ' -^Þ !v r'4loi" rfr" #:i Ryan family a combineå $500,000.

MAY 1999 cH tcacô sl reporler

IDER THE I0RT REFORI*l swiftly passed on a partisan basis by the new Re- publican-controlled legisla rure in 1995, noneconomit damages--+uch æ damages for pain anr zuffering by the vicdm ând loss of com panionship by the survivors-would b' capped at $500,000 in medical malpractic and other personal iniury lawsuia. So called economic damages-zuch as medi cal expenses and dre victim's loss of prc be unlimited' Br: 'b.oot.jecteð income--would Annie Ryan was a minor withor anyincome, itwould have been difficult t pro¡ea *hat she might have earned in dr h:rure. Hence, there would have been vil rually no economic damages. A year and a half ago, the Illino Supreme Court ruled the ton reform la' unconstitudonal, thus opening the way fi the Ryans to seek much more tha jul $500,000 (and, for example, allowing a in March to award violinist Rachel Bartc $29.ó million, the bulk of it noneconom' damages, in her lawzuit against Metra an tle Chicago & Nonh Western railroad :r ter her left leg was severed in an acciden' To be sure, the Ryan family isnt interest' simply in monell nnd, in any case, half million dollars is a large 2m. O'Reilly sa that while úre Rvans deserve to be con pensated for their loss, their principal m' tive is to get the hospiul and the doctor ' accept responsibiliry and make sure oth' children receive CT scans if they compln ofthe same symptoms as Annie did. Neitlrer Children's Memorial Hos¡ tal, nor the doctor who treated Anni Charles N. Swisher, would comment < the lawsuit. And Jim Rvan, whose or' medical problems have resurfaced wii the discovery of a small crncerous gro\lt near his jaw, does not want to ulk public about the lawsuit filed on behalfpf l- daughter. But trial aftorneys wh'o ha been fighting the moveme for the pâst five yeârs sây that the lawsr filed by the Ryan familY shows what wrong with this RePublican effort chang¡e the legal q/stem. And thev say Ieast half a dozen legislators who voted favor ofton reform have personallv ben fited from the qlstem they were decryin Though in its details the batde o' tort reform is dry stuff, the struggle p rwo politically potent and well-financ' heavyrveight groups against each oth' trial lawyers, with their multimilüonlr lar fees, and doctors, inzurance compani,

52 cHlcaco MAY r999 'and businesses, who would like nothing more than to limit thei¡ own liability. The Annie Ryan lawsuit exposes just how raw and complex that battle can be-and how & partisan. In tort reform, some Democrats ì' :_ now cry, the Republicaru on the state level ni) ,r talk about changog th. qntem-and then I they file jusi the sort of lawzuits tort re- form is intended to curb.

I HEARD ABflUT THE [Ryan] lawsuit being filed, candidly, what came to my mind is a statement I always make," says Robert A. Clifford, the Chicago personal injury who rep- resented Rachel Barton: "People can ab- sorb unending amounts of pain, suffering, and sorrow provided that one thing pre- vails-that it happens to someone else." Grant Dixon, an associate with the hugely successful personal injury firm of Corboy & Demetrio, adds, "My state- ment to the Ryans is that I think they now understand that tort reform is wrong." And Dixon doesnt mince words in attacking backers of the legislation. "What is hypocritical is to use the law to their advantage and then sa¡ 'Even though I am entided to compensation, nobody else is,"'he says. fu it turns out, the charges ofhypocrisy oN Hrs LAsTJOURNTv¡$ nr CorrECrED AN are flþg both wa1n. At least one former ABUNDANCE oF NEw ECL ECTrC legislator sap the trial lawyers themselves \4 AN D are hypocritical-using their potent politi- 6rFrr FoR rHE Hð¡,rr AN Drlt cal and financial powers to blacknail legis- æ ÌË lators who dont toe the line. Robert Raica, CHILD. WE HAVE BLENDED OUR a former Republican state senator from the 'OUTH. Southwest Side, zued rwo doctors n 1994 for medical malpractice, claiming they im- properþ prescribed medicine for ulcera- tive colitis that ultimately required a hip re- placement. Less than a year later, aftèr the oND Ho/v\E rNrERroRs r l(( lTlNú I Republicans had taken control of the House and were pushing tort reform, :i (HA ron A vARrErYoF LrF NGIf ,,, I Raica-under pressure from the Senate leadership-relucundy decided to vote for OU R N EW KOKOPE LLI iu His anorneyin the malpractice case was ^{ul o Philip Corboyof Corboy & Demetrio. € "KID-KORNER" FEATURES g g Raica claims that after he voted for tort ¡-O reform, Corboy withdrew from the case. ut7 rH E LArEsr tN t¡¡3 r\u "Who would believe he would do some- INFANT AND \O '^. thing like that?" Raica sa1's. "There's no doubt het an excellent attorney, but Fu'l (H ILDRENs 6IFTs A5 WELL A5 Ê,< there's no doubt what he did was wÌong." Eâ AN EXTENSIVE IINE OF Raica says he hired a new lawyer, but 30 (ót0) days before the lawsuit wâs to go to trial, t25-reeó äi 5C RA P BOOK I N6 MATE RIALs. the new lawyer told him he had no case. The suit was never pursued. (Corboy re-

54 cHlcAG0 MAY 1999 reportel ,q represent ,òponds, "If I had continued to i itrt i¡*, I could be accused of seeking i ;;;;i* a man who voted to keeP i hi*rif to receive those damages f¡"ino"ni*e"üEble plaintiffs; the reform law i.rl¿"t have affected zuits already ûledl' I ¡¿i.*¿ it unprofessional and a conflict iornv futor" cfiãns who would have been seeking those damages') t-or"uått,.¿ -R"i.r, from who was defeated for- re-elec- a don in 199ó, saP there should be Pox the ;; b",h sides of the issue' He blames Regu- state Deparunent of Professional lation foi failing to discipline incompe- The ,ãni ¿ooott anã unethical lawyers' saln' was- a batde over tort reform, Raica one because of the history in llli- "*lt*lo¡t of Democrats' backing trial lawyers end---lli- Republicans' backing doctors' [Rvanl is a Republican' But I tttint *nat'ttafp"ned here is he finally ,, , f"tilt to file this lawsuit and "".ã"¿,rv..toogtt is enough," Raica saln' "He is Løset? oiobablv one of the nicest guys yotr Lod¿ *ä". to meet and one of the most ElectrolYsis? à"t"..¿ fathers and husbands, who lost Wøxing? ,o*"orr" very dear to him' At that Poing the panisan stand seParated'" com- of RYan out Confused? With ouer 60 Years of Other defenders Point honest aftomey general he had a Public bined erperimce we'Il giae you th"t ,, thã constinrtionality ofthe heIP choose J"* ro defend answers and You before the Illinois now ..,ri ,"fo.* bill the right solution !ou.'CaIl for for Suoreme Court. Two lawyers in the anor- consultation and your complimentary .r.*, s"rr.tol's office say that while Ryan need get aII the information You *", ir,rrolu"d in crafting the arguments ac- to make the right choice' before the Supreme Court, he left the *"i p."t""oåon of the câse to his staff' a"ahy*t sPokesman, Dan Curry' said that wiúle thè aaorney general supports ffinoirRemoaal' choose the best solution Äliírlú ctinil iãping vou tort reform, "it was not a priority [in ei- -7 87 3 not C øtt To tit-fr e e 7 - I I 8 - 977 ther of his election campaigns]' It was one of the iszues he was ulking about'' "' ì;ii, -s!ff^"ii "*'i',î1"Ë'Ï,å"."Ë,Y.îi"î;*"'' Still. Rvan won some political suPport SchaumburS'lllinois.ó017 ofthe tort reform law' cn¡.ãio,lriino¡roo¿rlL46v' "¡"'-'- -- - ffi based on his (84Ð 995-9696 Civ- (312\7874028 Ed Murnane, president of the lllinois ilJustice Leagre, spearheaded the reform diue on behJf of the league's membership Grounded' of doctors, businesses, and local go"ëP- Didrr't KeeP Her hæ Sto"ti"g *"r,s. H" àa1n that his organizatioir Èo. *or. information on what Ry* b..t*t of his supþortfor Glenn, wife of about stuttering' Annie vou can do ""iott.¿ frled on be- toll'free' ton r"fottn. fu to the lawsuit astronaut John Glenn, i.,rite or call us half of Ryan's daughter, Murnane says' was gtounded for woulcl "W" hru" n**r argued-and never a stuttering you years bY argue-that you shouldnt file a suit if problem. Speech ,rã entitled io ,otn" damages or if some- therapy and hard one is responsible for injury or los' more work tumed it "Obviàusly, they are asking for stuflerevant€k n€t Mffi!¡rFrrr.SuttorSFA.oq' than $500,000. You should try to ge' arouncl. L800-992-9392 *nra yo" are entitled to or what the larl 38111'0749 603 P'O' Box 11749 TN will try to change that lau 3lO0 \üalnut Crove Road, Suite ' 'Memphis' allows. We

56 CHtCAG0 MAY 1999 r::.', t . l Until the law is changed, I don't think that anybody would quarrel with what Jim Ryan did."

0W, Ill0UGH, JII'I RYAII C0ULD find himself in an embarrass- inq siruation when the iszue op again' And he wont "oä"tbe alone. Several RePublican who voted in favor of toft re- avail¿ble foi i-dmediate adoption. leEislators foim euen though their personal interest went the other way are being singled out for criticism by trial lawyers. Several of are personal the targeted legislators -in- iurv lawyers who are seeking milliondol- irr' r"tdl*"tts for their. clients; others have relatives who have frled suits or won damages in excess of the 5500,000 cap sought by the RePublicans: tn *t" ni4ttY charged daYs of 1995' when the new Republican maiority tried to flex is muscles over toft reform, all but one GOP legislator-Al Salvi, a success- ful persona[ injury lawyer-voted the prtry titt". (Salvi voted presenL) Curious- iv, S"t"it law parmer and fellow repre- senutive Peter Roskam did vote for re- form even though many of the suits he had filed on behalfofclients had resulted in judgmens exceeding the Republicans' propoied cap. "I came away from that ex- not too B¡ntlgrr SHowER Dooa Co¡¡p¡t'¡v ts ¡¡'¡ perience seeing that there were clean hands and pure EXPERIENCED CREAÍOR OF BATHROOM ELE' many players with Roskam, who lost a bid last c¡¡rc¡. W¡ ARE EXTREMELY QUALIFIED AND motiues,"says a congressional seat. "It ultimate- FULLY COMMIITEO TO PROVIDE SHOWER year for didnt revolve around the merits, but ENCLOSURES OF TIMELESS BEAUTY AND DIS' iy more or less a TtNcrroN. Won¡-owloe REsouRcEs' oLD became Power PlaY'" Rosemary Mulligan, a Republican rep- WORLD CRAFTSMANSHIPI THE MOST MOOERN resentâtive from Des Plaines, sala she was EQUIPMENT AND PROOUCTION ÍECHNIQUES predisposed to vote âgainst tort reform be- YIELD A LASTINC RESULT: SATISFACTION ä*. of t*o life-shattering events' lvhen FoR THosE wHo ,usr wnur Qulltrv' she was 26,her åther, an insurance ag€ng wæ murdered while picking up a premi- BATH ACCESSORIES . MIRRORS unr payment at a Chicago Housing'Au- . TABTETOPS SHOWER SPAS thority building. Mulligpt said the inzur- treated her mother bay'ly PLEASE CALL, oR You MAY vlslr ouR MAIN *." io-p*y and she received only about $ó0'000 in OFFICE & AWARD.WINNINC SHOWROOM AT: workers' compensation. In 1982,.Mulli- BnRrusrr SHoweR DooR CoMPANY gan's former husband was killed in a light- 2219-21 N. i¡-vsounN Ave. crash in Canada. A suit on behalf of Cxtc¡co, lL 606ì4 [hne the children was filed in Canada, but un- Pxort:773.975.0069 der the Canadian tort qÆtem' the losing F¡x: 773,975.0099 Iitieant must pây court costs for úre win- .r.í Giu.r, ttt"i ¡tk the suit was setded (for relatively litde money, she saln). "I just 300 Fnoxr¡ce Roeo didnt think we ever wanted a qntem that NoRTHFTELD, lL 60093 mirrored the Canadian q/stem," she sa1a, PHoNE:847.501.4550 explaining her opposition to reform' ^Neveñheless, (SHowER DooRs ONLY) Mulligan was put under enormous pressure from then House

58 cHIcAGo MAY 1999 'soeaker Lee Daniels and Governor Jim had been Edga, to zupport-th. tortreform' "I cdËd ittto gou.*ot's ofûce' I think Governor Edgar became very dismayed that nobodv tót¿ tti* my reason [for op- posing reform]' I think he now feels very badlv about it." tvtotligttt ultimately succumbed and ioted foithe bill. "It certainly was a ca- ieer vote for me," she says' Should ton reform come up again in the , Mullisan ttw th. would opt for a modi- fied rãfòrm measure. But she adds, "Tort reform is one of those areas where we don'tseem to be able to compromise' We are so political and so leader controlled that wå can't have a civil discussion to come to a middle ground'"

N I'IARCH 1995 THE TftUGH RE- form became law in lllinois' But two events changed the land- scaoe of the battle' In 199ó' *iti, ,trong backing from the a thins or the past? Thin, Sm00th thighs oi"l lr*y.tt, Michael Madigan-and the the House' One year A FABI.JLOUS NEW TECHNOLOGY Democràts retook Courtvoted 5- FIRST INTRODUCED IN ETJROPE later, the Illinois Supreme said the IS NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU AT 1 to ouemrrn the law. The court AN A¡FORDABLE PRICE' câD on damages violated the state consti- legislation be- You'll love what it does for all those rutor,rl ba.t'on special people who places where You'd like some extra cause it discriminated against the SYnergie help. Introducing To ensure Your comfort and suffered horrible iniuries and bene- Here's a solution for those had LifestYle SYstem. oreserye modesty, You will problem areas thighs, hips, fited those that had caused the iniuries' bodYsuit during the - name tt. wear a violated buttocks... You Cell roR YouR FREE pfogram. The court also said that the law theraPY has treatment Vacuum massage rooev! of powers because it took been found to be effective.. coNSULTATIoN the separation is a frac- power to award damages' it's relaxing and cost 312.787.4028 ,*av á ittry's tion of comPetitive systems fn ttt. á"dìion, the Supreme Court di<ì not n¡le out all aspects of tort reform- Water Touter Hair Remoaøl iust the hastilv drafted plan that was passei thc A priaate ctinic hetping you choose the best solution i" tgçS. But advocrtes for reforming anc system know that as long as Madigan 845 N Michigan Avenue Laser tie Democrats control the House, anr .waxins .r,.1![1,,f]J3î0,,, tort reform plan is dead on arrival' . Electrolysis 3t2.787.4028 Go',r.rno. George RYan is a suuncl^ suoDorter of reform, however, and ht l,oT, ,o sign any legislation that passes' I the GOP retakes the House, retorm ad vocâtes say they are ready' "We're goinl to try again to change it and we are goin' \lElp to kå.p n¡nng," Murnane says' "Eventu ally lliinois will change it' We're sur rounded by states that do have som ond 1lOPr kinds of caps." And there is no question that tort re form will condnut to be a major issue i next year's campaigns, on both the natior ffi al anä local levels. Vice-President Al Gor Association Muscular DYstroPhY has consistently supported the trir most r (800) 572-1717 lawyers against tort reform, while i the Republicâns who are planning to ru

60 cH lcAGo MAY 1999 repod,er

new Salan Bnz.zptoudly announces rwo additions to it. tal.nttd team' Colorist V/'endy Berman and srylist Ken Haber' B.r-"n a¡d Haber are rwo ofthe midwest's each most exciting artists in their industry for has been *iining awards at rheir ciaft over 25 years. Be¡man and Haber were attracted to Salon Buzzbecause ofits fresh new concePt of beaury. Buzz combines superior client true service wirh innovative education plus dedication co the art oIblending all services' look for creating a well-balanced, complete the client. \(i'ith her natural eye for color and years of international reaching and training experience, W'end¡ who was recendy n"L.d one of the top 10 colorists in the ". country by Allare magazine' goes to.work For-r.,i"ting unique dimensional color or hishlieht combinations' V'endy creates F"tuloî, ,.d h.ads, Nordic blondes and rich brunettes. All will incorporate her specialry which' of enzyme method of hair coloring ir, to taking half of the time to "dáition process, is less damaging to the hair' Known for his sPecialized texture of shears technique of combining Ewo tfPes most thar enable him to tame even rhe ,rn.,rlv lo.l

,iÀY 1.^i)9