Tucson & Casa Grande Yuma Nogales & Tubae Phoenix
history, culture, and language of the people of the Gila River Indian Community. It features an ethno Tucson & <'.J Saguaro National Park Phoenix botanical garden, colorful murals, small exhibits, The Anza Trail cuts through a wide swath Casa Grande '\/ Casa Grande Ruins National Monument and displays of the tribe's renowned basketry. of the Sonoran Desert's exotic and arid landscape As the Anza Trail winds west toward One leg of the Anza adventure brings on the outskirts of Phoenix. Here, you'll Yuma, it skirts the Bureau of Land Management's visitors to Tucson and its outskirts, with a stop at \ discover the 487,000-acre Sonoran Desert the famed "white dove of the desert;' Mission Painted Rock Petroglyph Site, an archeological site National Monument, which houses three distinct with hundreds of petroglyph s, symbolic and San Xavier del Bae. With a white dome and tower mountain ranges-the Maricopa, Sand Tank, and artistic rock etchings produced centuries ago by framed by a weathered adobe archway beneath Table Top mountains- as well as three congres indigenous people. cerulean blue skies, San Xavier blends elements sionally designated wilderness areas, significant of the old and new worlds. Beyond the mission, historical and archeological sites, and hiking trails. other scenic stops along the Anza Trail include the Along the trails, ridges and isolated peaks are breathtaking, panoramic views offered by Sentinel separated by vast saguaro-studded bajadas and Peak or "N.' Mountain; the Santa Cruz River Park wide desert washes adorned witl1 cholla, prickly and Saguaro National Park. pear, paloverde, ocotillo, ironwood, and thick About 35 miles northwest of Saguaro stands of stately saguaros.
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