Issue No. 3 SPRING 2012 Issue No. 3

The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School

Why I Teach Celebrating a legacy of teaching and service to Cathedral Preparatory School. Message from the The Magazine of Cathedral President Preparatory School Developing men of vision Cathedral Preparatory School in spirit, mind, and body. 225 West Ninth Street Erie, PA 16501 (814) 453-7737 “Go teach all nations!” Those words spoken by Jesus himself in the Gospel of Matthew as part of his great commissioning, give a special purpose, dignity and responsibility to the teaching profession and ministry. Jesus, just prior to his ascension into heaven, entrusted to his ADMINISTRATION disciples this important task of teaching others, knowing that he would no longer be around in the Bishop of Erie same way that he had been during his earthly ministry. After he ascended into heaven, who would Most Rev. Donald W. Trautman, S.T.D., S.S.L. take over the mission of telling others about the Kingdom of God? Who would instruct others about Jesus and his good news of salvation? President Rev. Scott W. Jabo, M.Div., S.T.B. This small band of disciples, initially uncertain about what life without Jesus would be like and even frightened at the prospect of what the future held for them, was later empowered by the Holy Spirit Principal Rick Fessler ’68 and sent out into the world. Thus, they carried on the mission and became eff ective instruments of Jesus Christ by proclaiming his message to a world that did not know Christ or his good news. Assistant Principal Although not trained as teachers as we understand the profession today, they nonetheless opened Trevor Murnock ’98 the minds and hearts of others to Jesus Christ and his message. Their classrooms became the streets, Director of Finance synagogues, marketplaces, and the homes of those who welcomed them in. Their words, actions, Dawn Slokan lifestyle and, in many cases, even their martyrdom taught others about the love of God and the Director of Advancement promise of eternal life. In doing so, they made a diff erence in the lives of others across generations, Christopher J. Hagerty ’75 cultures and borders. We today are their legacy and so are called to take up the same mission and teach others. Director of Athletics Bill Flanagan ’87 It goes without saying that the teachers make a huge diff erence in the lives of their students. All of Director of Admissions us can recall a certain special teacher who had an impact on our own personal lives and taught us Timothy Dougherty ’98 valuable life lessons. That teacher left an indelible mark on our lives and changed us in ways that go far beyond learning the traditional 3 Rs. Because of that teacher, we have never been the same. Board Chair Jerome Wegley The teachers at Cathedral Prep have not only the opportunity, but also the privilege and responsibility to help form our boys into men: men of integrity, men of courage, men of faith, Men of ADVANCEMENT OFFICE TEAM Prep. By instilling in their students the principles of our faith and a healthy moral system, the Men of Prep leave our hallowed halls to become the change agents of the world. They will also become the Director of Advancement teachers of their own children and families and friends and coworkers. Christopher J. Hagerty ’75 [email protected] Although I am no longer in the classroom, as an administrator and a priest I know that I can still Director of Admissions have an impact on a young man’s life through the various opportunities that arise on a daily basis, Timothy Dougherty ’98 such as through a homily, an interaction in the hallway, a conversation at a sporting event or by [email protected] attending a concert. Thus, I have opportunities to teach – not always in a formal way, but in ways Director of Communications and Annual Fund that can nonetheless be eff ective. Knowing that I share in Christ’s mission of teaching all nations Christine R. Eddy and that I can indeed make a diff erence in the life of someone else, often in ways that I may never [email protected] realize, is both an energizing and humbling experience. Somehow, if I remain open to him, Christ Director of Special Events can works through my words and actions to teach someone about the Kingdom. That is an awesome Kathy Grisier realization! [email protected] No doubt there are many answers to the question of why a teacher teaches. Many will say because Director of Constituent Relations they want to make a diff erence in a student or that they enjoy the intellectual challenge and the joy Nancy Bird of an “aha” moment when their student fi nally understands a diffi cult concept. The teachers, staff [email protected] and administration at Prep also have another reason: like the early band of disciples, they have been Major Gifts Offi cer entrusted with the important mission to go teach all nations about the good news of salvation and Paul Simon ’78 the love of God found in the person of Jesus Christ. [email protected] Cathedral Prep is blessed to have competent and devoted teachers and staff members who play an Advancement Services Manager Terri Hess important role in educating and forming our young men. These pages contain some of their stories [email protected] and reasons why they teach. Whatever the reason, they all share in the mission of Jesus Christ and his great commissioning – “Go teach all nations!”

© 2012 Copyright of Cathedral Preparatory School. All rights reserved. Fr. Scott W. Jabo President Editor In Chief Fr. Scott W. Jabo

Editor Table of Christine R. Eddy Contents Contributing Editors Paul DeSante ’51 A Message from the President Contributing Writers Cover Story Bob Achille ’75 2 Why I Teach Benjamin Davis ’12 Advancement News Timothy Dougherty ’98 6 The President’s Leadership Council Commemorates a Great Fiscal Year Director of Admissions Bill Flanagan ’87 Technology Director of Athletics 7 Prep & Villa Will Have iPads Next Year! Matthew Grisier ’12 Admissions Terri Hess 8 Welcoming Students from Around the World Advancement Services Manager Maggie Hoag ’12 (VMA) Alumni Fr. Scott Jabo 9 Class Notes President 11 Obituaries 13 Stealing the Show Lt. Col. Brian McGrain 14 Reunion Weekend Nathalie Rahner ’12 (VMA) 16 Vitus Kaiser ’48 Beyond the Canvas Anthony Squeglia ‘12 A Special Tribute The Cathedral Prep Magazine is published in the Fall & Spring 18 Our Lady of Prep – Joann Mullen 1939-2011 by Cathedral Prepartory School, 225 West 9th Street, Erie, PA 16501 through the Advancement Offi ce to keep Prep’s alumni, parents and friends informed and updated about the activities Special Events and achievements happening at Cathedral Prep. Address all 20 Legacy Gala 2012 correspondence to Christine Eddy, 225 West 9th Street, Erie, 22 Harvest Gala 2011 PA 16501. 23 The Fifth Annual Mother-Son Brunch – A Success

Issue No. 3 24 Rambler Golf Classic SPRING 2012 MVP 25 Jekyll & Hyde 26 Fiddler on the Roof 27 A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Students 28 CPR Instruction Available at Prep & Villa 28 Prep Students Grow Beards to Benefi t Make-A-Wish 28 Prep Students Help “Light up a Child’s Life” 29 Prep Night at Buff alo Wild Wings Benefi ts Make-A-Wish 29 Club Dishes Out Kindness and Compassion Why I 30 Prep and Villa Students March for Life 30 Prep Wins SafeNet Video Contest Teach Celebrating a legacy of teaching and service to 31 Cathedral Prep Celebrates Catholic Schools Week Cathedral Preparatory School. 31 Second Harvest Food Drive 31 Prep Students Dissect Cow Eyes About the Cover 32 Prep Continues To Help the Needy 32 News & Notes Why I Teach 33 Where’s Your Prep Spirit? 33 Bragging Writes The teachers on the front cover of the magazine represent the dedicated and passionate faculty at Athletics Cathedral Prep. Many teachers decide to teach for 34 Classic a myriad of reasons. Here at Cathedral Prep those 36 Tennis Tournament Benefi ts Legacy Gala reasons revolve around our students and their 36 Hockey Returns to Prep with Wonderful Success ability to touch the future as leaders as “Men of 37 Prep Swimmers Capture Districts Prep.” News & Notes Pictured are: 37 Rambler Retail Mr. Robert Achille’75, Mr. Michael Alexa ’70, Mr. 37 Book Your Graduation Party at the CPEC William Clancey ‘65, Mr. Patrick Czytuck ‘70, Mr. Tom 38 Where in the World? Deau, Mr. Corey Ferraro ’97, Mr. Brian Markley ’89, 41 Mark Your Calendar Mrs. Colleen Maxson, Fr. James McCormick ’74, Mr. 41 In Case You Were Wondering… Frank Mezler, Mr. Antonio DelRio, Sr. James Francis Mulligan, Mr. Trevor Murnock ‘98, Mr. Kent Peightal, MSgt. Rich Sambuchino, Ms. Nancy Schaaf, Mrs. Elizabeth Slaby and Mr. David Weston ’03. SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 1 Cover Story Why I Teach Why I Teach By Christine Eddy “I teach because it is a way to positively impact society by influencing the lives of young people.” Mr. Matt Melle hy do the teachers stay at Prep Clancey worked for the Nuclear Equipment Technology as long as they do? What drives Division of the Babcock and Wilcox 1 year at Prep Wthem to teach here? I asked these Company and spent 15 years there. He questions to the entire faculty, and those was primarily involved with design of “I teach because I truly enjoy the daily who responded answered astoundingly, components and systems for naval and contact with young people. I’d like to think I “the students and their ability to touch the nuclear reactor plants. give them skills to help them in college and future.” They after all are our legacy. The in life, and they brighten my day in return.” Clancey is in his 27th year here. When Mrs. Linda McKean faculty takes pride in molding Prep students asked what he enjoyed most about teaching, over there short time here. They watch English he said, “The day-to-day interaction in the 14 years at Prep students enter the building as freshmen and classroom with the students. I enjoy the leave as “Men of Prep.” satisfaction of seeing their success in college “I enjoy working with children, especially Although the school year is a long and and in their careers.” those who enjoy the beauty of mathematics.“ challenging one, for teachers at Prep, When trying to put the Prep experience Mr. Mike Alexa ’70 teaching is more than just a job. It’s in words, Clancey said, “It’s an experience Mathematics who they are. The entire faculty is to be difficult to define. There is a unique 36 years at Prep commended for their undying efforts and association with and a loyalty to not only passion for teaching at Cathedral Prep. your own classmates, but to alumni who “I teach because I love kids, I love science, Because teaching is the heart of Prep, we have come before and after you.” and I love this country. What a better way asked a few faculty members to tell us why to serve them.” they do it. Their answers are inspiring, Mr. Angus Biebel which teaches us something about each of Science them and our world — proving that they are 1 year at Prep masters of their trade. “I teach because I want to try to help the kids at Prep to grow into a deeper faith, find a sense of purpose in life, and develop a good moral compass for the world we live in today.” Mr. Corey Ferraro ’97 Theology 10 years at Prep

“I teach because I want to help students express their views effectively, think critically, and read carefully. By educating students to have these skills, society will be better for everyone.” Mr. Jonathan Kern English 1 year at Prep Clancey’s colleague, theology teacher Colleen Maxson, is in her 7th year at “I love to teach because I love the Prep. She attended Penn State – Behrend satisfaction of seeing the excitement in the and . She has a B.A in students’ eyes and the enthusiasm in their theology from Gannon University. actions, when the ‘light bulb’ turns on and Science teacher Bill Clancey graduated they understand and excel at the subject from Prep in 1965. From there he attended Maxson teaches sophomore theology, both matter I’m teaching! Their excitement Case Western Reserve University in academic and honors, as well as the electives while making videos assures me they , where he graduated with a degree Effects of Media and Men’s Issues. know the material and are having fun in Chemical Engineering. Following college, Maxson wanted to teach at a Catholic high executing what they have learned in the classroom.” Clancey went on to graduate school at the school, but not just any high school. She Mr. Thomas Deau University of Akron for Contract Law and said, “I wanted to be at a school where I felt I MVP Program Baldwin Wallace for Financial Management. could wholeheartedly support its mission, a 5 years at Prep

2 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School school where I felt that my values and theirs Prep. By far, he has the tidiest classroom in “I have had a passion for teaching since were on the same page. I found that here.” the tri-state area. The desks are in perfect grade school when I would stand at alignment, and there is not a speck of dust the chalkboard in my parents’ garage Coming to work every day is easy for in sight. Every blind in his classroom has and play ‘school’ with my friends. In Maxson. She is passionate about what she to be at the same level. He once told me my senior year of high school, my does. “I love being able to share my faith that if there is a miniscule piece of paper picture was in the faculty section of with students every day. It is a joy and a on the floor, he simply cannot continue. A the yearbook as a ‘Future teacher of challenge to show them how important it is, perfectionist? Absolutely, and we are glad to America’ - I have always wanted to how it impacts their everyday and eternal have him on board. make a difference.” life. I hope I open up new doors for them Mrs. June Klins and give them a different way of looking at Aside from his neatness, Achille is a brilliant Mathematics things.” teacher and has spent the past three decades 25 years at Prep Although there are many things that make teaching algebra here. He graduated from Prep stand out from other schools, Maxson Gannon University in 1979 with a B.S. in “I believe in the tenet that ‘Knowledge said the one thing that makes Prep stand mathematics. Surprisingly, he did not have is power.’ I love teaching because it out from other schools is its brotherhood. any education courses while at Gannon. permits me to work with the hearts She said, “That word has been said so many He was always good at math and decided and minds of my students to guide times, but I don’t think people realize what to apply for a teaching position at Prep. A them in becoming empowered and it really means unless you’re here. This math teacher left Prep in August of 1979, engaged in life.” place is unlike any other. When you’re here, and Fr. Dollinger, who was the Headmaster Ms. Nancy Schaaf you’re family, and I truly believe that is felt at the time, called Achille and offered him Science throughout the building.” the job. He really learned a lot that first year 9 years at Prep and had a lot of help from the other math Some people might have a false sense of teachers who were teaching at the time, “As a teacher, I function as a bridge what Prep is. Maxson said, “This isn’t just especially Mrs. Joann Mullen. between two or three generations. a school for the children of alumni. I think Prep’s reputation is obvious by the students Teaching at Prep is Achille’s first and only I have taught the fathers of many of job. It’s quite obvious he loves what he does. my current students. I can point out who are here – their parents are graduates from a variety of different high schools. “I teach to help the students in any way I can similarities and differences between to prepare them for college. It is important our current decade and the 60s, 70s, They are here because they realize the opportunities that Prep has to offer. It’s hard for me to teach freshman students in 80s , and 90s.” particular the proper way to study. Neatness Mr. Jim Scharrer ’70 work, but the work pays off. The people I work with on a daily basis aren’t just and organization are most important in English order to succeed.” 38 years at Prep concerned about getting them through the next few years; they’re concerned about their Achille said the first year at Prep is “I would like to make a difference in entire lives. I’ve never seen people invest important. “I really feel strongly that your the lives of our young men. I want to themselves into students’ lives they way I freshman year lays the foundation for your leave this world better than when I see it happen here. I wouldn’t want my son later years at Prep. Some people do not came into it.” going anywhere else.” prefer to teach freshmen, but I feel that I Mr. Rolf Daeschner ’64 Fellow teacher and neat freak Bob Achille can make a difference and prepare them for German has spent the past 33 years teaching at their high school years. I have always been 44 years at Prep a fanatic about neatness and organization in my classes, and I always stress these “Developing our young men into qualities to the 9th graders I teach. I think future leaders falls right into line at times they think I am nuts, but that is OK with the leadership lessons I learned with me because in the long run, they will throughout my military career. Over benefit from the constant nagging that I do. the last seven years I have demanded a They do not see it now, but after they have lot from Prep’s JROTC cadets, and they graduated and gone to college, most admit make me proud. Several have gone that it was well worth it.” on to be outstanding citizens in our Achille teaches his students about communities. This is at the heart of why we have JROTC in reputation. “A good reputation as a person our building, not to recruit for the military.” and student is so very important. I have MSgt. Richard Sambuchino seen a lot of good kids go through Prep, AFJROTC but I have also seen some kids not make it 7 years at Prep because of the poor decisions they made. It is my goal to try to make a difference in their “I teach to help form the future and to first year of high school that will carry them change the world.” through until they graduate and move on to Mrs. Laura Lopez college.” Spanish 1 year at Prep SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 3 “I love working with students. God has blessed me with the ability and the knowledge to be a positive Cover Story Continued example in the lives of today’s young people.” Mrs. Susan McElhinny Spanish Achille is proud to be a part of the Prep job interviews, and Father offered me the 1 year at Prep family. “I believe that Prep offers the student position.” a sense of ‘Family’ that no other high school Prior to coming to Prep, Murnock taught “I teach because it is what God has called me to do, can even dream about offering. The teachers music, drama, technology, and character and I want to do everything possible to help my at Prep really care about their students and education in a variety of capacities in the students succeed not just in school, but in life.” will go the extra mile to help any student Erie, Millcreek, Fairview, and Wattsburg Mr. Tony Parsons ’05 who needs it at any time before or after school districts. He also directed/ taught Social Studies school. Cathedral Prep comes together for numerous marching bands in the city and 2 years at Prep anyone who needs help at any given time. It county. is just incredible to see what this school will “I teach because I believe it is my life’s mission to do for someone who needs assistance. If He attended Mercyhurst College help others and to serve others, according to God’s you are not part of the Prep ‘Family’, it is a (University) for philosophy and music will. My daughter is a third-generation Peightal hard thing to understand.” education, Gannon University for teacher. My father was a college professor at the his master’s degree in Educational Penn State Behrend College. It is in my blood. It is a Leadership, and Gannon University for family legacy.” his administrative certification. Mr. Kent Peightal This is Murnock’s eighth year at Prep. English He taught Jazz Band, Advanced and 23 years at Prep Beginning Percussion Ensembles, Drum Line, Guitar Ensemble, Piano Ensemble, “I teach so that students will become conscientious Class Piano, Class Guitar and Transition citizens who respect others, appreciate diversity to High School. in America, and think critically about the world around them.” As Assistant Principal now, he helps Mr. David Weston ’03 oversee every aspect of the teaching and Debate learning environment inside and outside 4 years at Prep of the school. When asked what he liked most about “There are many reasons why I teach, but I would working at Prep, Murnock said, “The say the biggest influence was due to my late character of our students and faculty. The aunt, Miss Shirley Markley. She taught in the Erie overt fact that we are developing men of Diocese for over 40 years, and I will always look to Christ with unbridled academic prowess her as a role model whom I wish to emulate.” to take the reins of the future and lead us Mr. Brian Markley ’89 onward.” Science Another member of the Prep family is Murnock stands behind the faculty 12 years at Prep Assistant Principal Trevor Murnock ’98. and all that they offer to students at He beats his own drum…literally. He Cathedral Prep. He said that Prep offers “Discipline does not have to hurt to be effective; it started at Prep in 2004 to help resurrect the something that other schools do not. only has to teach.” arts. As a student at Prep, he participated “Uncompromising moral integrity in all Fr. James McCormick ’74 in everything musical the school had to that we do and a commitment to superior Social Studies offer: Marching, Concert, and Jazz Band, academics, not to mention an outstanding 28 years at Prep Drum Line, Percussion Ensemble, as well array of extra-curricular opportunities as in numerous talent shows, Battle of the to complete the full development of our “When I was growing up in Paris, my parents Band shows and pep rallies. “There were young men.” emphasized two aspects of life that have been, and so many opportunities to play music here are still of absolute importance to me: education The Prep faculty will continue to do what – some months my drums were at school and the arts. I believe that both teaching and the they do best at their core…guide their more than at my house. When I heard Prep arts offer similar results. They alter the way we live students not just to answer but to ask was going to launch the new Music, Visual to create a better world. Thus, it is thrilling to be questions, to seek knowledge, make a and Performing Arts program in 2004, I working at Cathedral Preparatory School and Villa difference in society, and be molded as called Fr. Jabo to get involved in any way I Maria Academy, practicing the art of teaching.” students into “Men of Prep.” could. Consultation meetings turned in to Mr. Jean-Marc Baier French 5 years at Prep

“I teach to help the students in any way I can to They after all are our legacy. The faculty takes pride prepare them for college. It is important for me to in molding Prep students over their short time here. teach freshman students in particular the proper They watch students enter the building as a freshmen way to study. Neatness and organization are most important in order to succeed.” and leave as “Men of Prep.” Mr. Bob Achille ’75 Mathematics 33 years at Prep 4 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School “I teach because I believe there is nothing as We asked some students to tell us why wonderful or valuable as helping people see the possibilities that education provides and helping them Prep’s faculty stands out from all others. take the steps through education to open up the world Here’s what they had to say. and their own futures. It’s exciting and rewarding to see all the things our students accomplish. Teaching “The personal attention and advice I have received from is like seeing a preview reel of the future. It’s exciting the teachers at Prep are like no other. I have always felt and uplifting.” comfortable going to them if I had a question about the Mrs. Elizabeth Slaby material or anything going on in general. The teachers are Theology the reason I love coming to school in the morning, and I 10 years at Prep don’t know what I would do without them.” —Michael Scutella ’12 “As a theology teacher, I have a unique opportunity to share with my students something extremely “The faculty at Prep are very dedicated to their students. important to me – my Catholic faith. I’m not just They are always working hard to make sure that we are trying to impart knowledge so they can pass a test or reaching our full potential. They teach us not only academic get into a good college. I’m giving them experiences lessons, but life lessons as well to prepare us for the future.” so they can see how their faith impacts their entire life —Daniel Makowski ’13 – their eternal life. There is nothing better than when “Only at Prep have I ever encountered such a diverse and a student tells you, ‘I never thought about it that way unique contingency of individuals so devoted to furthering before.’ That’s why I teach.” the education and well-being of others. The faculty helps Mrs. Colleen Maxson students not only with schoolwork, but also with the most Theology Department personal of issues. It is the teachers and administration 7 years at Prep at Prep who have instilled in me the virtues of hard work, perseverance and commitment.” “I teach because I enjoy interacting with students and —Dann Lintelman ‘13 helping them develop an appreciation of learning, especially about the world in which they live. I “The teachers at Cathedral Prep are committed to your find immense satisfaction when I observe students overall educational success. They challenge you in the working collaboratively in the lab to solve a problem, classroom and guide you on your path to becoming a Man of discussing possibilities, and thinking innovatively. I Prep in spirit, mind, and body.” teach for those moments, when students are engaged —Joe Causgrove ’14 and thinking.” Mrs. Rosemary Apa Grove ‘83 (VMA) “Prep teachers are always willing to take the extra step in Science creating students who strive to succeed. The teachers always 4 years at Prep want what is best for the students and will do whatever they can to help us become the best student possible. Without “I teach for the challenge it presents. After 37 years, it the teachers at Prep, the leaders of tomorrow could not be keeps me going, and I’ve learned quite a bit too.” created today.” Mr. Pat Czytuck ’70 —Mario Nicolia ’12 Mathematics “Academically, spiritually and personally the teachers at 37 years at Prep Prep have always been willing to further my high school experience through their own personal sacrifice. Not only “I like to teach in Catholic schools because I enjoy teaching and holding us to the highest expectations in the helping others, I learn from the students, and besides, classroom, but even more important, providing us with the working to lower the intellectual entropy in the next tools to become a true man of Prep.” generation is always positive.” —Ryan Dill ‘14 Fr. John Miller Science “The teachers at Cathedral Prep show consistent dedication 3 years at Prep to their students, both in and out of the classroom. They can be seen at extracurricular activities, cheering on students “As I reached the midpoint of my 29th year at Prep and offering them their support. I cannot imagine a more (January, 2012) and reviewed email correspondence involved, knowledgeable, caring group of teachers anywhere; for the day, I opened a message from a junior I also cannot imagine Cathedral Prep without them.” biomedical engineering major from the University —Matt Grisier ’12 of Pittsburgh. Prep grad Patrick Murawski ’09 was requesting a letter of recommendation from me to use “In my four years at Cathedral Prep, I have had a learning for internship opportunities. This young man already experience that I can only describe as sublime. Our had worked for and compiled a resume’ that was rich educators combine their extensive knowledge of the subject in research and grant experiences. Pat remembered his matter and their passion for faith-filled education to create an experience that is second to none. Because of these fine two years with me in Honors and AP Biology and the educators Cathedral Prep is not only a school, but a family. impact it played in making his career decision.” May God continue to bless them as they mold the men of Mrs. Donna Stoczynski today and tomorrow.” Science —Benjamin L. Jefferys ’12 29 years at Prep

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 5 Advancement News The President’s Leadership Council Commemorates a Great Fiscal Year Over 100 people gathered at the President’s Leadership Council Cocktail Party on October 20 to celebrate an ending to a great fiscal year! Everyone who attended the event had the opportunity to visit with others who support the Prep and Villa community. The President’s Leadership Council was established to honor the proud legacy of Cathedral Prep and Villa Maria Academy. The council is composed of lead benefactors to the Annual Fund, who through their generosity demonstrate a commitment to the mission of Cathedral Prep. Membership in the council is open to all individuals who made a gift of $1,000 or more to the Fund for Cathedral Prep or the Fund for Villa Maria Academy prior to June 30, 2011. Class Prep senior class president Ben Jefferys spoke about his experience as a student. Villa Maria Academy senior and Student Council President Elizabeth Nawrocki also spoke. They thanked the council for their commitment to Prep and Villa. President Father Scott Jabo also Fr. Scott Jabo, President of Cathedral spoke to the benefactors thanking them for their continued support. Preparatory School and Villa Maria Academy, and Vern Toulon ’50. Thanks to everyone for your support and commitment to both schools. The Annual Giving in the 2010-2011 fiscal year totaled $2,750,030 for Prep and $1,743,245 for Villa Maria.

Help transform the life of a student by making your commitment to the Fund for Cathedral Prep today. You can visit the website at and click on the orange donate online button on the front page.

Kim, Ben ’12 and Mike Jefferys ’83.

Sister Mary Drexler SSJ ’63 (VMA), Jim ’92 and Bridget Palas Gartner Principal of Villa Maria Academy, and ’99 (VMA). Sister Joyce Lowrey SSJ. Anne ’76 (VMA) and Mike Rahner ’76 and Board President Atty. Jerry Wegley.

Seniors Nathalie Rahner (VMA), Ben Slomski, Nicholas Bird, Elizabeth Nawrocki ’12 (VMA), Bill Reinhold ’47 and Dan Michael Scutella and Rosa Fatica (VMA). Nawrocki ’83.

6 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School Prep & Villa Will Have iPads Next Year!

Cathedral Preparatory School and Villa Maria Academy have always been the leaders of technology in the classroom. It began with launching the Tablet PC program eight years ago. In February, that was made even more apparent with the announcement that starting with the 2012-2013 school year, every student will have their own Apple iPad.

The iPad, a device that was made for the students of today, inspires creativity and hands-on learning with features that other educational tools do not off er. President Father Scott Jabo was eager to make the announcement to a large group of parents and students in the H. David Bowes Auditorium at Cathedral Prep. He was dressed as the late mastermind, Steve Jobs. Dressed in a black turtleneck, jeans and spectacles, Father Jabo gave a presentation on the Apple iPad. He said, “We believe that this addition to our already renowned college preparatory curriculum will complement our newly renovated facilities and state-of-the-art classrooms. Due to the fact that we have had the most aggressive and advanced high President Fr. Scott Jabo as the late Steve Jobs and Director of school technology program for years, we are very well Technology Ryan Fasenmyer. positioned to make this a seamless transition.”

Prep and Villa Maria students will be able to access their textbooks directly from their iPads, which will result in a lot less hassle of toting around backpacks with loads of books in them every day. With education information right at their fi ngertips, Father Jabo showed attendees the limitless abilities that students will now have. This includes reading texts books, zooming in on specifi c cell models, creating their own music and videotaping, just to name a few.

Following the presentation, many staff / faculty members were available to answer questions. Students and parents were given the opportunity to have a hands-on look at the iPad.

Afterwards, guests proceeded to the Prep cafeteria for apple pie.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 7 Welcoming Students From Around The World By Timothy Dougherty ‘98 here has been a notable change at Cathedral Preparatory touring our facilities proves that our schools are one of the TSchool and Villa Maria Academy for the second semester of most attractive educational options in the world. Most families the 2011 – 2012 school year, and no, it’s not further renovations, had reviewed dozens of top-tiered schools around the country a new facility, or more technology, but a change to the diversity before enrolling their children at Prep and Villa. of the student body. In early January, 16 new students from All of the Chinese students are exceptionally bright and have China, eight boys and eight girls, arrived in Erie, PA to realize been through an interview process to ensure their English ability their dreams of studying in the United States. is at a level at which they can be successful in our classroom. Cathedral Preparatory School and Villa Maria Academy The students are very excited to be studying at our schools and have begun a global marketing program in order to attract to have an opportunity to share their culture with our current students from around the world. Right now the focus has been students and teachers. In addition, each international student in China and other parts of Asia; however, there are plans to has special talents to share with the student body, whether it is begin marketing in Europe and South America as early as this drawing, painting, calligraphy, playing instruments or dancing. fall. The 16 Chinese students are living with host families The current international marketing has been immensely that also have children at Prep and Villa. So far it has been a successful, and we have had an overwhelming demand for very positive experience for the families and the international our international program. The fact that we are the leaders students. Living with families from our school community of technology in the classroom, are single-sex schools, have allows them to become fully immersed in the traditions of Prep several globally known alumni, provide superior academics, and Villa and provides a truly authentic American experience. offer the opportunity to earn college credits, and offer the most Eight additional Chinese students have enrolled for the thrilling social experience is the reason that Prep and Villa are 2012 – 2013 school year for a total of 24. In order to provide an being recognized around the globe. optimal experience for the international students and our local The fact that there have been several families that have students, the program will cap itself at about 30 international visited the United States from China for the sole purpose of students.

Front row: Nick Zou ’14, Terry Jia ’14, Jay Miao ’15 and Row 1: Sandy Cheung ’14, Winnie Zhang’14 and Lu Lu Ye ’14. Andy Qiu ’15. Row 2: Wen Shan ’15 and Mirah Xu ’14. Back row: Philip Ouyang ’14, David Cao ’15, Row 3: Blair Dai ’15, Leshi Zheng ’14 and Grace Wang ’13. Russell Lin ’15 and Kennedy Xiong ’14.

8 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 1954, Charles Wittmann, M.D. recently had a new patient pavilion named after him. Wittmann Pavilion was named in his honor. He recently retired after more than 40 years as a general and thoracic surgeon with Summit Medical Group. Class

1964, John Bossolt, along with two other Massachusetts police officers, Thomas Drakos, Terrence Gaffney, was awarded the prestigious George L. Hanna Medal of Honor at the 1977, Jim Canella, owner of CanellaVision, is Notes statehouse in November by Governor Deval a professional optician who has served the Erie Toohey & Kroto, Inc. John and his wife Lisa Patrick. The award was bestowed to officers area for over 30 years. He opened CanellaVision (Williams) Kroto welcomed their first child, for the bravery that they exhibited in the at 2022 West 38th Street in November 2010. Katelyn Rose Kroto, on July 18, 2010. pursuit and apprehension of Anthony Burns on November 16, 2010. During the incident, 1978, Gery Nietupski 1998, Ryan Field all three officers were shot at multiple times finished his first ultra and his fiancée by Burns in the course of his flight. The officers marathon, the Oil Creek Angela Albertson exhibited exceptional bravery and disregard for 100 in October. Out of ‘98 (VMA) were their own safety by holding their ground and 125 runners, he finished one of five finalists returning fire. After being shot by police gunfire, in 59th place in the in the “LIVE! with Burns was ultimately stopped but only after 50K race with a time of Kelly” Hawaiian officers wrestled him to the ground, whereupon 10:05:22. Dream Wedding he was disarmed. In the course of this incident, Giveaway! Their Officer Drakos was struck by gunfire in his upper story was featured on the show in January. arm where the projectile remains embedded. Although, they did not win, their story is Thankfully Officers Bossolt and Gaffney as 1991, Mark Andersen remarkable and inspirational. To view Ryan and well as several others were not hit. There are was promoted to partner Angela’s story, please visit four levels of the Hanna Award: the Medal of at Argy, Wiltse & Robin- contest/hawaiiwedding/. Honor, the highest award; the Medal of Valor; son, one of the largest Meritorious Recognition; and the Group Award. accounting firms in the Officers Bossolt, Drakos and Gaffney received D.C. area. Andersen is a the Medal of Honor. partner in Argy’s Assur- ance & Business Advisory Group with 17 years of public and corporate accounting experience. He leads the Technology Practice at Argy and focuses on working with venture-backed information technology companies, venture capital funds and govern- ment contractors.

1991, Robert Slayton 1998, Mark Lane married Angela Christ on married Di Yuan in Erie on June 25, 2011 in Temecula, CA. Several Prepsters November 19, 2011. The served as groomsmen. L-R: Brian Helminski ’98, couple honeymooned in Mark Lane ’98, Angela Lane, Michael Lane ’95 1975, Dave Blazek has just had his fifth book the Bahamas. of comics published. Dave is the creator of the and Tom Morris ’98. newspaper comic Loose Parts, which appears in 1993, Casey Halloran married Keyra Gonzalez 1999, Eugene Cross is living in and newspapers all over America including the Erie on June 17 in Costa Rica. is teaching Fiction Writing at Columbia College Times. His fifth book, “Attack of the Chortling Halloran is owner of tourism Chicago. His first book , a short story collection Stomach,” contains 200 of the best Loose Parts companies in Costa Rica entitled “Fires of Our Choosing,” is was released in cartoons from the past three years. Loose Parts and Panama. The couple March. He received an MFA from The University was nominated by the National Cartoonist had their reception at Villa of Pittsburgh. His stories have appeared in Society as America’s Best Newspaper Panel. Dave Buena Onda (his company’s Narrative Magazine (which named him one of will specially autograph the new book for any villa). They honeymooned “20 Best New Writers” and his story “Harvesters” Rambler alumni who purchases one through in Maui in March. his website: Dave also a “Top Five Story of 2009-2010”), American Short Fiction, Story Quarterly, TriQuarterly and works at The Inquirer as a creative 1993, John Kroto accepted the position of Law Callaloo, among other publications. His work guru whose work in radio, print and online has Clerk working for the Honorable Chief Judge was also listed among the 2010 Best American won him over 130 local, regional, national and Thomas P. Agresti, United States Bankruptcy Short Stories’ 100 Distinguished Stories. He is the international creative awards. He lives with his Court for the Western District of recipient of scholarships from the Bread Loaf wife, Eileen, in Valley Forge, PA. His daughter Pennsylvania. Prior to accepting Writers’ Conference and the Chautauqua Writers’ Jillian graduated from American University and this position John was in private Festival and the winner of the 2009 Dzanc Prize works at the Discovery Channel in Washington, practice for seven years at the for Excellence in Literary Fiction and Community D.C. His daughter Olivia is a pre-med student at firm of Quinn, Buseck, Leemhuis, William & Mary. Service.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 9 2002, Patrick McGill 2004, Jacob McCommons graduated from received a B.A., cum laude, Queen College in in May of 2009 in history in 2006 from Yale with a Bachelor of Arts in environmental science. University. While at Yale, he After completing internships to help restore the received the Andrew D. White desert in California and work at the Interpretive Prize, given for the best senior Center in Denali National Forest in Alaska, he essay on a topic in European began a 27-month stint with the Peace Corps. history. He also received the Jacob has been working in Africa. When he F. Wilder Bellamy Jr. Memorial completes training at Prize, given to a member of each Yale class for the end of August, he his/her “high spirits, integrity, and loyalty.” Pat will be sworn in as a received a J.D. in 2009 from Columbia University Peace Corps volunteer School of Law, where he was a Harlan Fiske for two years. He will Stone Scholar. While in law school, he served as be a natural resource the director of the Harlan Fiske Stone Honors advisor in a village in Moot Court, as a staff member of the Columbia Ghana. He is pictured Journal of Transnational Law and participated in with his adopted family Columbia’s Child Advocacy Clinic. Pat works in member. Manhattan as an associate for the corporate law firm of Winston & Strawn LLP. 2007, Mykola Kosenko graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy as a naval officer. 1999, Patrick Speice, Jr., married Karen A. 2002, Devon Peightal He is working in the oil industry for Gulfmark. Fleming on September 10, 2011, in Madison, and his wife Angela, He wants to give back by volunteering on a NJ. The couple honeymooned in Bermuda and welcomed their first baby Mercy Ship that will sail to Africa in July. He will live just outside Washington, D.C., in Arlington, on December 28, 2011. volunteer his time to help others. Mercy Ships VA. Patrick is a white-collar criminal defense Adelyn Rose weighed 6 is a global charity that has operated hospital attorney, and Karen is a financial statement lb. 10 oz. and was 18.5 ships in developing nations since 1978. Mercy auditor. Fr. Raymond W. Hahn ’66 co-officiated inches. Both Devon and Ships brings hope and healing to the forgotten the ceremony, and Michael J. Pomorski ’99, Angela are pharmacists poor by mobilizing people and resources Andrew R. Stephany ’99 and Patrick E. Waldinger and reside in . worldwideand serving all people without regard ’99 served as groomsmen. They are pictured for race, gender or religion. Mykola will also above with the groom’s father, Patrick F. Speice, oversee security, maintenance and day-to-day Sr., ’72 and cousin, T.J. Reilly ’10. L-R: Fr. Raymond operations on the vessel. For more information, W. Hahn ’66, Andrew R. Stephany ’99, Patrick please visit F. Speice, Jr., ’99, T.J. Reilly ’10, Patrick F. Speice, Sr., ’72, Patrick E. Waldinger ’99, and Michael J. Pomorski ‘99. 2003, Matthew Hodas married Allison Roberts ’02 (VMA) on December 30, 2011. Shown below, Prep Iron Men Front Row- L-R (kneeling): Robert Vitale ’08, In the last issue of Cathedral Prep, we were Jeffrey Lynch ’76, Dr. Daniel Roberts ’78 and interested in finding out how many of our 2003, Capt. Paul McMahon is in the Explosive James Roberts ’77. Second Row: Dr. James grads participate in Ironman competitions. The Ordnance Unit of the Army. McMahon was in Roberts ’53, John Fries ’56, David Roach ’07, following Prepsters have competed…. charge of clearing the building at Ft. Campbell Timothy Roberts and Peter Hodas ’01. Third 1994, Brian McCune completed the 2008 (KY) where President Obama met with the SEALS Row: Michael Moore ’81, Michael Moore ’10, Ironman World Championship in Kona, HI. He to congratulate them on the Bin Laden mission. Glynn Chase ’70, Brad Chase ’03, Matthew also qualified for the 70.3 (Half Iron) Worlds on Paul graduated from Edinboro University with a Hodas ’03, Robert Barber ’03, Andrew Vitale ’01, several occasions and has completed several bachelor’s degree in physics. The photo above Thomas Schumacher ’03 and Timmy Roberts ’15. other Half Ironman events. Prepster Ironmen was taken at the Pentagon. Paul graduated first Back Row: Robert Hersch ’05, Craig Chase ’05, include: Ron Rzepecki ’89, Hon. John Trucilla in his class. L-R: Capt. Paul McMahon, Secretary Casey McCloskey ’03, Thomas Cross ’72, Michael ’78 and Mike Collins ’88. of Defense Robert Gates and Paul McMahon Sr. Grab ’74, John Hersch ’03 and Matthew Hersch ’76. 2000, Peter (Joseph) Totleben, a native of St. Jude the Apostle Parish in Erie, recently made his solemn profession in the Dominican Order. The solemn profession involves taking on the religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Brother Totleben graduated from Penn State in 2004 with a degree in math and computer science. Before he joined the Dominicans, he worked for two years as a software developer in northern Virginia. He entered the Dominican Order in August 2006 at St. Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati. He was assigned to the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C., in 2007 where he is currently pursuing studies for the priesthood.

10 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 1938 William A. Richter, December 12, 2011, graduated from the University 1952 George R. “Bob” Seyboldt, January 19, 2012, served in the U.S. Air of Pittsburgh. He received his Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Force as a Sergeant in the Korean War. He studied radar while in the He retired from Lord Corporation as a Senior Chemical Engineer. He Air Force, leading to his career as an air traffi c controller. He retired was a deacon and elder at First Presbyterian Church of the Covenant. after 30 years of service. 1939 Richard J. Kosobucki, December 24, 2011, was a chemist at National 1953 Joseph A. Nitczynski, January 4, 2012, was a pioneer in the skiing Forge before his retirement. industry in the greater Erie area, as a skier, salesman, promoter and 1941 Daniel D. Daleski, October 22, 2011, served in the U.S. Army during owner of Joe Nitt’s Ski Shop. He retired from the Carpenter’s Local WW II. He graduated from Gannon College and the American Institute Union 81. of Foreign Trade. He was employed by Esso/Exxon as an auditor/ 1955 Rev. Donald J. Cooper, December 16, 2011, attended Gannon accountant and lived in Aruba, Venezuela and Burma. He then College and then graduated from St. Mary Seminary and University consulted with HUFFCO in Indonesia and fi nally retired in . of Baltimore in 1963. He was ordained on May 23, 1963 at St. 1941 Frederick G. May Jr., February 7, 2012, joined the U.S. Army. He later Peter Cathedral by Bishop Edward P. McManaman. Following transferred to the Army Air Corp where he was awarded the Air Medal. his ordination in 1963, Fr. Cooper was assigned to the faculty of He attended Gannon College and transferred to Indiana Institute of Bradford Central Christian High School while residing at St. Bernard Technology where he earned an aeronautical engineering degree. Parish in Bradford. He served as assistant pastor of St. Titus Church After graduation, he worked for U.S. Rubber in Fort Wayne. Later, he in Titusville from 1964-1971 and St. George Church, Erie from 1971- worked for Boeing, working fi rst at Patrick AFB, then Cape Canaveral. 1975. In 1975, Fr. Cooper was named pastor of St. Charles Church, and deceased,All our Alumni and all benefactors, living are remembered in our daily He retired in 1987. New Bethlehem, until he was asked to serve as pastor of Mt. Calvary

Church from 1984-1987. He served as pastor of St. Joseph Church in Masses celebrated Joseph in our St. Chapel. Mary, Queen of Prep, pray for us! 1942 Robert F. Smith, January 28, 2012, was a graduate of Gannon College. Force from 1989-2002 and Christ the King Church and Holy Trinity He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps in the South Pacifi c during WWII. Church in Farrell from 2002 until his retirement in 2005. He was co-owner of Schwab Wallpaper and Paint Co. 1955 Robert P. Giannamore, November 20, 2011, joined the Army 1947 Charles Balbuza, August 27, 2011, owned Charles Flower Shop for National Guard, where he rose to the rank of sergeant and served over 50 years. as a squadron leader. In 1957, he joined the U.S. Air Force Reserve 1947 Richard C. Scibetta, September 25, 2011, attended Allegheny where he served as an instructor in engineering and judo. In 1962, he College. He graduated from Case Western Reserve Medical School. received a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from California In 1956, he entered the U.S. Air Force, where he served as Director of State Polytechnic University. He worked for the Department of Medical Services at Oxnard AFB, CA, and Chambley AFB France, before Defense as a civilian engineer on ballistic missile submarines in the servings as Assistant Chief of Aerospace Medicine for USAF Europe, Department of the Navy. North Africa and the Middle East. He returned to Baltimore, where he 1958 John C. “Jack” Dobrzynski, January 12, 2012, was a U.S. Army completed a residency in psychiatry. He was appointed as Chairman veteran. He was a mail carrier with the U.S. Postal Service, retiring in of the Psychiatry Department at Wright-Patterson AFB Medical Center 2002. in Dayton. He was instrumental in the development of the USAF Alcoholism Detoxifi cation and Rehabilitation Program, serving as 1958 Donald J. Hatheway, November 13, 2011, attended Gannon Director. He helped institute the Department of Psychiatry at Wright College. He served in the U.S. Army stationed in Korea. He was State University Medical School in Dayton. employed at Ervite Corporation, retiring after 25 years of service. 1948 Paul D. Carrick, November 23, 2011, was an accountant and 1958 Joseph Kleiner, October 23, 2011, attended Gannon University. He lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. taught in the Erie School District and retired in 1997 after 32 years of service. He coached and mentored young athletes at St. John Grade 1948 J. William Jones, December 9, 2011, was a graduate of Gannon School, Cathedral Prep, Strong Vincent, Academy and Central Tech. College. He served in the U.S. Navy during the Korean Confl ict. He worked for GTE (later Verizon) for 31 years, retiring in 1988 as a systems 1960 Joseph A. Biondi, December 10, 2011, studied accounting at analyst. After his retirement, he became the Erie Diocesan grade Gannon University. He worked for Marine National Bank for 12 years school athletic director. He spent 30 years as the Blessed Sacrament and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. for over 40 years, the last 30 of swim coach and a Gannon stats keeper. which he served as store manager at various locations, the most recent being Cranberry Twp. He retired in 2009. 1949 B. Dale Monahan, September 4, 2011, received a degree in accounting from Gannon College in 1953. He also graduated from 1960 Rev. Robert J. Kerner, January 11, 2012, was a U.S. Navy veteran. bank administration school and Pennsylvania State University He served as a Roman Catholic priest for nine years in the Diocese Management Program. He served in the U.S. Naval Reserve. He of Erie. He was received as a priest in the Episcopal Church in 1990 retired from Integra Trust Company (formerly Security Peoples Trust and served parishes in the Dioceses of Florida, Georgia and Southern Company and succeeded by National City Bank) from the position Virginia, retiring in 2010. of Vice President and Director of Bank Operations. He taught many 1960 Gerald M. Newberry, October 26, 2011, was the former owner of banking courses at the Erie Business Center. the Colony Inn. 1950 Michael J. Carey, March 24, 2012, was employed at General Electric 1961 Joseph P. Fitzgerald, February 10, 2012. for 31 years and retired in 1992. 1961 Robert P. Perfetto, March 31, 2012, earned an associate degree 1950 James A. Shenker, August 25, 2011, retired from Avery Dennison from Erie Business Center. He was a realtor associate with Caldwell Corporation as Vice President of Manufacturing and Procurement Banker Select and Froehlich Realtors for over 20 years while living Services in 1997 after 40 years of service. in Erie. He was a patient accountant at the Brattleboro Retreat in 1950 Thomas J. Ward, February 1, 2012, was a systems analyst for DSA of Brattleboro, VT. Before retiring. Erie before retiring in 1997. 1961 William Seelinger, December 15, 2011, was a graduate of Gannon 1952 Nicholas J. Bruno, October 22, 2011, attended Niagara University. University. He was one of the fi rst graduates of the GE Apprentice He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He worked for Program and worked at General Electric in Erie for 37 years as an Penelec for over 40 years as a lineman. engineer and marketing specialist. He retired in 1998. While in Erie, he also taught religious education at St. Boniface for 20 years. 1952 Robert “RC” Herman, March 3, 2012, served in the U.S. Marines during the Korean Confl ict. He owned RC Herman and Sons 1964 Michael E. Crane, February 14, 2012, served in the U. S. Navy during Landscaping and Snow Removal and was a former Summit Township the Vietnam War. He worked as a technical writer for AMSCO before Supervisor. He also was a private contractor for National Fuel and Erie becoming the manager of operations at Kinetic Biomedical and then Water Works, and for 10 years he was a school bus driver for Fort Le as an independent contractor at Crothall. Boeuf School District.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 11 1965 Thomas J. Doyle, December 29, 2011, was a graduate of 1980 Graham C. Parsons II, December 27, 2011, was a graduate of Penn Gannon University. He served in the U.S. Army as a Reserve State. He was a fi nancial advisor for LPL Financial. Captain serving in South Korea. He was employed at Penn 1983 David K. Bol, October 25, 2011, received a B.S. in microbiology from the State Behrend before beginning a real estate fi rm. He was University of Rochester in 1987. In 1992, he received a Ph.D. in molecular also employed by National Fuel Gas and retired from the and cell biology, along with a certifi cate in MBA studies from the Pennsylvania State Government & Lottery in March 2010. He University of Maryland. He was an instructor of developmental biology was an elementary and high school swimming coach from at Johns Hopkins Medical Institute from 1992 to 1993. From 1994 to more than 20 years and was a PIAA and YMCA swimming 1996 he was a faculty research associate, Dept. of Carcinogenesis at the and diving offi cial since 1986. He was the founder of the Erie M.D. Center of Canter. He was group leader/principal scientist, Oncology County Aquatic Hall of Fame. Site, for Bristol-Myers Squibb from 1996 to 2002. He was Senior Vice 1970 Thomas D. Maus, January 15, 2012. President at Avalon Pharmaceuticals from 2002 to 2008. In 2009, he was 1971 Timothy J. Williams, March 7, 2012, attended Case Western Vice President at Pharm Athene, Inc. Most recently, he was cofounder Reserve University. He fi nished his education at Carnegie and CEO of Axeuron Therapeutics, LLC. Mellon in Pittsburgh and became a licensed architect. 1984 Robert Rzepecki, Jr. August 27, 2011, attended Mercyhurst College. 1972 Robert Baran, March 22, 2012, received a bachelor’s degree He was employed by Sherwin Williams and Glidden Paint and was a CNA. from Penn State. He was employed at Wells Fargo Home 1994 Daryll Carter, August 29, 2012, received a bachelor‘s degree in Mortgage as a mortgage consultant. marketing from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He was a manager 1974 Jeff rey A. Bloxdorf, December 11, 2011, graduated from at an auto body shop in Cleveland for over four years and most recently Cleveland State University with a bachelor’s degree in urban worked for Farmer’s Insurance as a claims adjuster. development & parks and recreation management as well as 1996 Ross L. MacNinch, June 17, 2012, earned a B.S. degree in aerospace a master’s degree in public administration. He also studied engineering at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and entered the at Slippery Rock and Clemson to obtain his Ph.D. in urban Army in 2004 serving as a human intelligence specialist at Fort Bragg, planning. He was a lifeguard in Boca Raton, FL, for over 20 NC. He attended the Offi cer Candidate School and was commissioned years and also at Presque Isle State Park for over 10 years. He into the infantry. He was preparing to start Airborne School to become a was a competitor in national Ironman competitions. paratrooper. 1976 Theodore J. Gregorek, March 12, 2012, earned a degree in 2002 Phillip A. Azevedo, March 29, 2012, attended St. Mary’s University in engineering from Penn State Behrend. He worked for the Erie San Antonio, TX. He entered the U.S. Navy and became a corpsman, Parking Authority in security. serving 15 months in Afghanistan. He was awarded the Bronze Star 1976 Michael C. Holland, Sr., October 29, 2011, was a graduate of during his deployment for heroic valor. He reenlisted and enrolled at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He was an administrator Gannon University to obtain a nursing degree. at SUNY Cortland for the past 30 years, where he received 2009 Jason G. Gehrlein, February 19, 2012, attended Edinboro University. He the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Professional Service. was employed as a cook at the Travel Port in Harborcreek and for many He served as an academic advisor to the students of SUNY years was a lifeguard at the Eastside YMCA. Cortland.

All our Alumni and all our benefactors, living and deceased, are remembered in our daily Masses celebrated in our St. Joseph Chapel. Mary, Queen of Prep, pray for us!

Attention Ramblers 2nd Annual Alumni 5K at Frontier Park Congrats Saturday, The following Cathedral! Prep graduates were named to the Dean’s List for the spring September 22 2011 semester at Penn State Erie, The 8 a.m. Behrend College. In order to qualify for the Dean’s List, students earned at least a 3.50 Further details will be available in June and will be updated grade point average. though the following: Cathedral Prep and Villa Maria Academy Gregory Chludzinski ’07 websites and Facebook pages, Erie Runners Club and www. John Gromacki ’10 Anthony Little ’08 Last year’s results are available at Christopher Marcini ’09 Martin Serene ’05 under the results section. Questions? Christopher Sinclair ’00 Chet Moffett 814-440-0252 Terrance Vybrial ’09 Alex Wardi ’05 [email protected] Eric Wisniewski ’07 Steve Curcio 814-547-0091 [email protected]

12 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School Fran Mifsud ’77 enjoys the stage while his daughter, Lisa, models her dress. Natalie Osiecki shows off her gown while her father, Lawrence, watches. Stealing the Show Men of Prep showed off the women in their lives on the runway at the Villa Maria Academy National Honor Society Fashion Show in March. The men were dressed to the nines in tuxedos from Cuffs Formal Wear, while the Villa seniors modeled prom couture by Bridal Elegance.

Bridget Kleinhanz escorted by her Aimee Maciak escorted by her Mike Rahner ’76 works the stage while daughter, father, John ’79. brother, Josh ’15. Nathalie, looks on.

Adrienne Kloecker escorted by her Elizabeth Nawrocki escorted by her Rebecca Sweny escorted by her father, father, Mark’ 84. father, Daniel ’83. Timothy ’82.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 13 Remember, Reminisce, Reconnect at Reunion Weekend 2012! id you graduate from Prep in a year ending in 2 or 7? If so, mark Dyour calendar, and make your travel plans! Cathedral Prep is hosting REUNION WEEKEND 2012 this summer, July 27-29. Alumni are invited to a party on Friday night, July 27 at the beautiful Cathedral Prep Events Center. A picnic dinner and beverages will be available throughout the evening. Tables will be reserved for specific classes to make finding your classmates easy. If you haven’t seen the facility, you’ll want to take a tour. You might even want to throw the old pigskin around on Dollinger Field to see if you “still got it”! No matter what, you’ll enjoy reconnecting with your classmates and catching up with other Ramblers. A Mass will be celebrated in the renovated H. David Bowes Auditorium at Cathedral Preparatory School on Sunday July 29. Brunch will be served following Mass in the Prep Cafeteria (which most likely looks exactly the same as the last time you ate lunch there!). The entire school will be open to tour after brunch. Rambler Retail will also be open for those of you who are interested in taking home a Cathedral Prep souvenir. The rest of the weekend has been reserved for your class to gather. Many classes have long-standing traditions of reunion golf outings or dinners. In the past, individual classes have hosted everything from dinner cruises on the lake to picnics at a classmate’s house. As the details roll in from individual classes, all information will be posted on the Cathedral Prep website. Visit www., ALUMNI, Reunion Weekend 2012. For additional information, contact Nancy Bird, Director of Constituent Relations, at (814) 453-7737 x2293.

Reunion Weekend 2012 Hotel Accommodations Courtyard by Marriott 7792 Peach Street, Erie, PA 16509 814-860-8300 Single or Double $149 Reference “CATHEDRAL PREP REUNION WEEKEND” Reservations must be made by: June 27, 2012 14 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School

Cathedral Preparatory School REUNION WEEKEND 2012 July 27 - 29 Honoring the classes of: 1947, 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2012 Saturday, July 28, 2012 Classmates Picnic INDIVIDUAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Cathedral Prep Events Center Planned by individual class representatives TIME: 7 p.m. – 11 p.m. See for more info COST: $15 per person • Picnic is Outdoors (weather permitting) • Casual Attire Sunday, July 29, 2012 • Registration in the CPEC Building, Field Level Family Mass & Breakfast • Parking Entrance at 12th and Poplar Streets Prep Auditorium and Cafeteria • Cost includes Picnic Food, Beer, Pop, Water • BYOB for Additional Beverages TIME: 10 a.m. Mass 11 a.m. Breakfast COST: $10 per person • Family Mass in the Prep Auditorium • Continental Breakfast in the Prep Cafeteria • Self-guided School Tours Cathedral Prep Reunion Weekend 2012 Reservation Form

ALUMNI INFORMATION EVENT cost/person # attending TOTAL Classmates Picnic $15 Name: Class Year:

Mass/Breakfast $10 Spouse / Guest Name: TOTAL Address:  Check Enclosed (payable to Cathedral Prep)

City: State: ZIP: Please charge:  MasterCard  Visa  Discover

Home Phone: Cell Phone: Credit Card #: Exp. Date:

Email: Please register online ( or return registration form by July 1, 2012 to: Cathedral Preparatory School, Advancement Office, 225 West 9th Street, Erie, PA 16501 Vitus Kaiser ’48

Beyond the CanvasBy Christine Eddy

If you have ever had the opportunity to view or own a Vitus Kaiser watercolor, you know that his paintings reflect his soul. He takes viewers to that moment in time and gives us the opportunity to Vitus with classmate Jerry Hagerty and his wife, Adrianna, at Legacy Gala 2007. reflect on a very beautiful moment. The art bug bit Vitus at a very early age. He recalls a man by the name of Mr. Fortin, an artist who lived near him when he was growing up. Vitus was in grade school when he remembers going over to Mr. Fortin’s house to watch him draw. Fortin was in WWI and was bed-ridden. Vitus remembers his sister having to do a project for school and asked Mr. Fortin to draw three Grecian columns. Vitus said, “He influenced my art.” Vitus graduated from Cathedral Prep in 1948. He was a star athlete and won a football scholarship to North Carolina State where he earned his bachelor’s degree in education in 1953. After entering the military service and working at Erie Forge & Steel, “V.J.” completed five years of art education at the Veterans School in Erie. Vitus’ hand-painted Easter eggs.

A sampling of the letters that Vitus painted for his beloved Mary Ann while they were dating. Vitus Kaiser in his home with his showcase of paintings.

16 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School July Afternoon.

While at the Veterans School he took a color In 2000, Vitus was inducted into Cathedral Prep’s Headmaster’s Hall of Fame, perception test and discovered that he was color- now referred to as the President’s Leadership Council. blind. Most people would never guess this as his Over the years Vitus has donated his extraordinary paintings to the Legacy paintings reflect only the most vibrant colors and are Gala, always wanting to give back to his alma mater. so picturesque. His teacher, Joe Plavcan, took Vitus under his wing and introduced him to different color He has painted thousands of paintings and will tell you first-hand that he has schemes. Vitus painted in class with him for five years the best office in the world. “I am so contented when I am painting, and I am and also painted on-site with him for several years. so involved with that. Erie is beautiful. Nature is here to stay. I am not. I feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface of what I can do. There is so much.” Vitus was employed as an art teacher with the Erie School District since 1970 and in 1984 was honored Surprisingly, Vitus’ favorite time of year to paint is in the winter. “I can look as “Teacher of the Year” by the Erie School District. over the hills and see various plains. It’s very enjoyable. Stark naked earth is A nationally recognized artist/instructor, Vitus is a beautiful.” He can spend a few days on one individual painting. There have member of the Northwestern Pennsylvania Artists been some paintings that he spent a week on. Association, Erie Art Museum and Pennsylvania Vitus values his Prep education. He said, “The discipline of the studies spilled Water Color Society. He specializes in water color, and over into to all areas of my life. The thoroughness of the teaching helped his paintings have been shown in numerous local, me through college. You had to have good study habits at Prep, and these regional and national exhibits. translated over to my college years.” He was listed in “Who’s Who is American Art” and While I was visiting with Vitus and his wife of 59 years, Mary Ann Humm the “International Who’s Who in Art and Antiques.” Kaiser, he pulled out some treasures of their relationship. He would send In 1983 he was selected as one of Gannon’s Mary Ann letters dating back to 1948 that were addressed to her and University’s intricately painted with outstanding designs. There were numerous letters “Distinguished sent over the years, and Mary Ann kept them all. As you can imagine, this Pennsylvanians.” made the mail carrier’s day. Although he just turned 83 and suffered a stroke in January of 2011, he hopes to return to painting soon. Thank you, Vitus, for inviting us into your amazing moments in time. Every stroke of your brush brings life and vibrancy that sweeps us away into the Along the Beach. moments you create. Each color comes alive and seems almost fluid on the paper. Every stroke represents your joy and enthusiasm for what you do, and we couldn’t be prouder to have you as an alumnus of our school.

Washington Valley. SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 17 he halls of Cathedral Prep will never be the same with the sudden passing of Mrs. TJoann Mullen. This will be especially true on the 2nd floor math wing of the school. I have taught math at Prep for the last 33 years and was right down the hall from Mrs. Mullen. Since she has been gone, it has been very quiet on this floor, to say the least. It is hard to imagine, but I actually miss her raising her voice to get a point across to her students. Most teachers in the other math classes would stop for a moment to listen. I would tell my freshman students to pay close attention and learn now so that this would not happen to them some day. I would especially warn them not to say the word “cancel” in her presence. Anyone who had me for freshman algebra knows what this is all about. If you were ignored by Mrs. Mullen, then she did not care about you. Guess what? This never happened, as she always had something to say, good or bad, to all of her students. She always had her students’ well-being in mind. She just had a very unique way of showing it. She offered extra help to her students at any time of the day. Students have been known to go to her house in the evening or during the summer months to get help on those infamous “summer packets” she gave to her students. When Mrs. Mullen became Principal, I was given the job of chair of the math department. I have been in this position for the last several years. It was really different for me when she had to get my signature of approval for anything related to the math department. The truth is that when any decisions had to be made concerning the math Bob Achille rejoices and Joann sits department, I would always go see her for advice. She was my ultimate math advisor. awestruck as “Dinner with Mrs. Mullen” skyrockets to over $11,000 at last year’s Legacy Gala.

The Joann Mullen Scholarship Fund In honor of Mrs. Mullen, donations can be made to the Joann Mullen Scholarship Fund. To make a contribution, please visit www.cathedral- and click on the orange “donate online” button on the left. Other memorial contributions may be mailed to the Advancement Office at 225 West 9th Street, Erie, PA 16501. Mr. Pat Czytuck ’70, Mr. Mike Alexa ’70, Mrs. Joann Mullen and Mr. Bob Achille ’75 at Legacy Gala 2011.

Prep students gathered outside of Saint Vincent Health System 18 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School to show their love and support of Mrs. Mullen. By Bob Achille ’75

I can remember when I stood in front of the student body on a Monday morning to inform everyone that Mrs. Mullen was diagnosed with leukemia. Since that time, I have been a personal witness to some of the most unbelievable events. I can remember the day when I stood beside Mrs. Mullen in her hospital room to look out and see numerous Prep students and teachers, standing in the cold, holding signs to show her how much she was loved. I vividly remember the day when Mrs. Mullen fell and was in intensive care. I got home that night about 11 p.m. and received a call from Mr. Mezler to inform me that he saw a posting on Facebook stating there was to be a candle- light vigil at Saint Vincent Health System at 11:30 p.m. I immediately got into my car and went back to the hospital to see a crowd of Prep students (current and past) gathering outside the hospital with President Fr. Scott Jabo leading prayers. I joined the group to pray and after a short time decided to go up to Mrs. Mullen’s room and look out the window. I stood with Joann’s husband, Mr. Bill Mullen, and his daughter, Sally, to see an even more magnificent sight. The group formed a big circle with all the candles in the middle on the sidewalk. I could not hear it, but I was told that the entire group sang a very somber version of the school song. Past and present students of Mrs. Joann Mullen Finally, I remember Mrs. Mullen’s funeral Mass at St. Jude Church. During gather for a prayer vigil outside of communion, I sat in the first row to witness so many students pass by me Saint Vincent Health System. dressed as good as I have ever seen in a long time. It was a wonderful and very moving experience for me. When you least expect it, the Prep students come through. Your support for Mrs. Mullen I would like to personally thank the entire Prep community for the unbelievable during this time has been nothing short of support that was shown to a woman who devoted her entire life to Cathedral incredible. Your prayers and support for this Prep. When I was with her in the hospital, she mentioned to me several lady at an all-boys school has been something times how much she was overwhelmed with the cards, letters and phone calls that will never be forgotten. showing such tremendous support. She told me that people have absolutely no idea what this school is all about. As we know, people outside of Prep do not As you know, we end all of our prayers with hesitate to take cheap shots at our school for various reasons. Mrs. Mullen was Mary, Queen of Prep, pray for us! I am not absolutely correct. These people are clueless. suggesting that we change this, but for this one special moment, I would like to end with As I mentioned at the candle-light vigil that one Friday night, I have never this: Our Lady of Prep, pray for us! Mrs. Joann been more proud of our Prep students. I would like to remind all Prep students Mullen has been and will always be the Lady of (present and past) that you truly do or did attend a school that is very special. Prep forever.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 19 SPECIAL EVENTS

Jim Walker with his wife and inductee, Aniko Solymosi Walker. The Moscos – Homer with wife and inductee Marlene ’64 (VMA) and daughter, Emily. 2012 This“Ama ing year’s Legacy Journey”Gala, themed –“Amazing A Reco Journey” drew Beaer! the largest crowd ever! At nearly 500 guests, the event was a resounding success. The Gala, which is the premier fundraising event for Cathedral Prep and Villa Maria Academy, was held on April 21 at The Bayfront Convention Center. The Gala raised over $325,000 making it an all-time record breaker! Two distinguished individuals from each school were honored at the event. Cathedral Prep Distinguished Alumnus Dave Slomski ’72 along with Cathedral Prep Distinguished Alumnus and Faculty Member Fr. Raymond Hahn ’66 were inducted into the President’s Hall of Fame. Villa Maria Guy and Heidi Fustine. Academy Distinguished Alumna Marlene Mosco ’64 and Distinguished Faculty Member Aniko Solymosi Walker were also inducted into the President’s Hall of Fame. All inductees were recognized for their personal accomplishments and their dedication to the mission of Cathedral Prep Dana and Pete Zaphiris. and Villa Maria Academy. The night was a fi rst-class affair. Cathedral Prep students were dressed to the nines in tuxedos and greeted the guests. Several Villa students in cocktail dresses helped out with the jewelry raffl e and silent auction areas. They had a great time interacting with the auction attendees who believe in the mission of Prep and Villa. Guests enjoyed different food stations and delectable desserts while bidding on over 200 items in the silent auction. The live auction boasted 15 items and featured a Crosley iJuke Jukebox, badges for two to the 2012 Sunday Round at the Masters including overnight accommodations, a Florida vacation home getaway, Madonna “World Tour” Concert package, and a signed Hines Ward Steelers jersey. The Cathedral Prep Jazz Band, Barb and Bill Kelly ’83. under the direction of Mr. Jake Malec, donated their time to the Gala and Ellen ’84 (VMA) and JB Innes. entertained guests for most of the evening.

Cathedral Prep Student Ambassadors: L-R: Matthew Grisier ’12, Joe West ’11, Ben Slomski ’12, Anthony Squeglia ’12, Michael Scutella ’12, Joe Bloomstine Silent auction. ’12, Nicholas Bird ’12, Will Bloomstine ’12 and Adam Spinelli ’12.

20 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School President Fr. Scott Jabo with Ben Slomski ’12 with his uncle inductee Marlene Mosco ’64 (VMA). and inductee Dave Slomski ’72. Inductee Fr. Raymond Hahn ’66 with his siblings, Rich, Joe and Marilyn.

Dahlkemper Jewelry Connection (Ed ’73 & Christine Dahlkemper) graciously donated a 14K gold garnet necklace and earring set valued at $1,500. Raffl e tickets were available for $20 for a chance to win this breathtaking necklace. Allburn Florist did an amazing job in decorating in Prep and Villa colors. Gorgeous orchids, orange roses and carnations and white chrysanthemums, gerber daisies and gladiolas fi lled the room to make for a breathtaking view. There were several highlights to the evening. The four honorees humbly accepted their awards. During the live auction, guests were given the opportunity to bid to “Fund the Vision” and sponsor a student in memory of Mrs. Joann Maxwell Mullen ’57 (VMA), who passed away in February. Mullen began her teaching career at Prep Legacy Gala 2012 at the Bayfront Convention Center. in 1967 as part of the math department and later became Prep’s fi rst female assistant principal and later principal. She also taught at Villa Maria Academy upon the collaboration of Villa and Prep forming a co- institutional school. “Fund the Vision” resulted in $75,000 raised for tuition assistance. The proceeds from the auction are used to keep Prep and Villa’s tuition within of Erie area families. The evening brought many Prep and Villa supporters together to celebrate and to continue to support the mission of Prep and Villa, all while having fun, raising funds and enjoying each other’s company. Many thanks to Kathy Grisier, Director of Special Events, and the countless people who made the 2012 Legacy John ’82 and Nancy Joe’12, Colleen ’81 (VMA) , William ’12 and Gala such a tremendous success. Mark your calendars for next year’s (Scalzitti) Hilbert ’87 John Bloomstine ’78. event. Legacy Gala 2013 will take place at the Bayfront Convention (VMA). Center on April 27, 2013.

Villa Maria Student Ambassadors: L-R: Natalie Khouri ’13, Kaitlyn Kissell ’12, Adrienne Kloecker ’12, Nathalie Rahner ’12, Jillian Blaszczyk ’12, Phil ’95 and Christina Katen with Abby ’98 (VMA) and Rosa Fatica ’12, Lisa Mifsud ’12, Ellise Chase ’12, Hannah Thayer ’12, Matt Lechner ’91. Kimberly Maasz ’12 and Elizabeth Nawrocki ‘12. SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 21 SPECIAL EVENTS


There are many traditions at Cathedral Prep, but one that brings women out in droves year after year is Harvest Gala. The event was held on October 5 at the Bayfront Convention Center. Women came together to celebrate the camaraderie of women who support two exceptional Catholic educational institutions – Cathedral Prep and Villa Maria Academy. Many mothers, grandmothers, faculty, staff, alumni and friends gathered to represent both schools. This was the 18th year for the event. Villa Maria English teacher Lisa Chimenti-Foster served as the Master of Ceremonies for the evening and kept everyone laughing with her hilarious jokes and exuberant Harvest Gala Chairs – Margaret Kruszewski ’85 (VMA), Meg Britton and Debbie personality. Constable ’89 (VMA). Eighty-five elaborately decorated, themed baskets lined the Convention Center for the ever-popular basket auction. There was something for everyone to pick from. During dinner, women sat on the edge of their chairs waiting eagerly for their name to be called. The attendees were spoiled with a full-course sit-down dinner, dessert and coffee. There were several other chances to win something. Three raffles were held this year. One raffle featured a beautiful Chamilia drop chain charm necklace from Dahlkemper’s Jewelry Connection. Women could also take their chance Baskets lined the Bayfront Adrienne ’12 (VMA) and at a five-piece Vera Bradley travel set. If that wasn’t Convention Center. Rosemary Kloecker ’85 (VMA). enough, women also had the chance to win beautiful accent furniture from Traditions. Ladies who did not win a basket or one of the three raffles could not resist the temptation of the gourmet bake Special thanks to the following: CoChairs Son/s Meg Britton Andrew ’14 sale which included scrumptious cakes, cookies, pies, Harvest Gala Title Sponsor: Debbie Constable ’89 (VMA) James ’14 cupcakes, breads and candies. OB/GYN Associates of Erie Margaret Kruszewski ’85 (VMA) Grant ’14 Matthew Grisier ’12 and Adrienne Kloecker ’12 (VMA) Platinum Perry Construction Committee Chairs spoke to the audience about their experiences at both Highmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield Baskets schools over the years and thanked the women for their Gold Kathy Grisier Matt ’12 support. Dr. M. Peter ’51 and Mrs. Ellie Scibetta Kevin ’14 Celli-Flynn Brennan Architects & Planners Chrissie Simmons Jeffrey ’12 Allburn Florist turned the Convention Center into a fall Gourmet Bake Sale escapade with pumpkins and vibrant flowers. Silver Patty Merski Luke ’13 Women enjoyed a classy evening out, while helping to HBK Sorce-Joe Kloecker ’70 Janet Zegarelli Martin ’12 Erie Sport Store raise money for Cathedral Prep and Villa Maria Academy. Ian ’15 Contemporary Motorcar Hogan ’13 Special thanks to everyone who played a part in making Partners Raffles Harvest Gala a tremendous success. Harvest Gala raised Allburn Florist Kelly Titus Coltin ’14 $22,000! Printing Concepts Reservations Traditions Linda Spinelli Adam ’12 Dahlkemper Jewelry Connection Male Volunteers Joe Kloecker ’70 Andy ’13 22 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School SPECIAL EVENTS

Becky Marnella Wilczynski ’97 (VMA), Patty Marnella, Jean Matt Grisier ’12 and Adrienne Kloecker ’12 (VMA). Marnella Berarducci and Mary Beth Marnella Fiorelli.

Mary Jo Steiner ’64 (VMA) (center) stands with her daughters Jessica Steiner Frailey ’05 (VMA) and Jill Steiner Brugger ’97 (VMA).

A small sampling of the hundreds of goodies from the gourmet bake sale. Suzanne Chimenti, Lisa Chimenti-Foster and Aniko Walker.

The Fifth Annual Mother-Son Brunch – A Success

The fifth annual Mother-Son Communion Brunch was in March. Approximately 250 guests attended the event. Mass was celebrated by President Fr. Scott Jabo CoChairs Son/s Meg Britton Andrew ’14 in the H. David Bowes Debbie Constable ’89 (VMA) James ’14 Auditorium. During Mass, a Margaret Kruszewski ’85 (VMA) Grant ’14 special Mother-Son blessing was led by Kim Jeffreys and Fran, Ben ’12 and Kim Jeffreys. Andrew ’13 and Annemarie Harrington. Committee Chairs her son, Ben ’12. Following Baskets Kathy Grisier Matt ’12 Mass, Chef Frank Cirillo and Kevin ’14 his staff put on a delicious Chrissie Simmons Jeffrey ’12 brunch. It was a beautiful Gourmet Bake Sale day, and it gave Prep Patty Merski Luke ’13 students the opportunity Janet Zegarelli Martin ’12 to share the day with their Ian ’15 Hogan ’13 moms, grandmothers, Raffles sisters, aunts and family Kelly Titus Coltin ’14 friends and remind them of Reservations how very special they are. Linda Spinelli Adam ’12 Male Volunteers Kate and Christopher Klebanski ’14. Jeremiah ’14, Heather, Joshua ’12 and Jacob ’14 Ordos. Joe Kloecker ’70 Andy ’13 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 23 SPECIAL EVENTS

Staying the Course for 23 Years! Whispering Woods Golf Course, with its picturesque landscape and rolling hills, will again be the host for the Rambler Golf Classic. Cathedral Prep cordially invites you to the twenty-third annual event, which will be held on Wednesday, June 27, 2012. President Fr. Scott Jabo with the John Doyle ’46. Cathedral Prep alumni, parents and friends will once one and only Rambler. again gather for a great day of spirited competition, The Rambler Golf Classic has a history of selling out quickly. camaraderie, prizes, food and refreshments. In 2011 we sold all 136 spots prior to the deadline, so please The Rambler Golf Classic holds great traditions among the take the time to organize your foursome and register as soon brotherhood of Cathedral Prep and among the families within. as possible. Also, as always, your sponsorship is vital to the The outing serves as an annual meeting spot for groups of continued success of the tournament. The deadline for classmates, father/son combos, and blood brothers. A few reservations and payment is June 1, 2012. Your participation participants have actually met on the course at the event and in the tournament, whether as a player or as a sponsor, brand have arranged for the same foursome to convene again new or back for another one, will help us to continue our next year! mission of developing men of vision in spirit, mind, and body. Last year we tried a new format for the Rambler Golf Classic. For a reservation form or more information regarding the We offered “a la carte” selections to accommodate golfers’ Rambler Golf Classic, contact Nancy Bird at nbird@cathedral- requests. Participants could choose to simply show up and or 814-453-7737, x2293, OR visit www.cathedral- spend the day on the golf course or could enjoy lunch and / Advancement / Rambler Golf Classic. dinner as well. The response was extremely positive, and We look forward to seeing you at Whispering Woods on therefore we will again offer the same plan. This year a Nike June 27, 2012! 1/4 Zip Hooded Jacket in black, with orange “CP” logo, will be offered at an exclusive Rambler Golf Classic participant-only Rambler Golf Classic 2012 Ala Carte Menu price of $40 for any golfer who is interested in one. It’s up to Golf, On-Course Refreshments and Prizes $85 you! With this flexibility, we must warn you…no game-day Picnic Lunch $10 decisions or changes will be permitted (that is, no extra steaks Steak Dinner $25 on hand if you didn’t make a dinner reservation)! Nike ¼ Zip Hooded Jacket $40 ALL-INCLUSIVE PACKAGE $160

L-R: Members of the Class of 1963 Frank Scozzi, Jim Gehrlein, L-R: Dave Ott ’86, Pat Ott ’88, Joe Ott’83 and Matt Fatica ’75. Joe Kloecker and David Kacprowicz.

24 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School Matthew Grisier ’12

athedral Prep and CVilla Maria Academy opened their 2011-2012 MVP season with the production of Jekyll & Hyde. This hit Broadway musical is based on the classic Robert Louis Stevenson short story about a passionate young research scientist, Dr. Henry Jekyll, and his split personality, Mr. Edward Hyde. Jekyll unleashes Hyde by using himself as the subject for an experiment designed to eradicate evil from the mind of mankind. Rapidly, the experiment goes out of control, and Jekyll is forced to face his inner demons as Hyde gradually The cast of Jekyll & Hyde. overwhelms him. The musical deepens the original story by adding several new characters to the plot, including Jekyll’s fi ancée, Emma Carew, and a poor young girl whom Hyde is obsessed with, Lucy Harris. Working on the show Jekyll & Hyde while playing the roles of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was a true honor for me. Never before have I had the privilege of playing so demanding and rewarding a character. The show was a memorable experience both on- and offstage. The cast of Jekyll & Hyde was one of the best that I have ever worked with; they made coming to rehearsal every day a true pleasure for me. Their performances onstage showed their dedication to all. As Lucy, Maggie Hoag stole the audience’s hearts with her touching performance. Christina Cacchione, as Emma, turned in a lovely portrayal of Jekyll’s wealthy fi ancée; Nick Unger was likewise refi ned and gentle as her father, Sir Danvers Carew. Nick Burch brought a highly appropriate sense of gravitas to the role of Jekyll’s best friend, John Utterson. Joe Weibel successfully proved that there are no small parts as he made many memorable moments out of Jekyll’s nemesis, Simon Stride. The entire cast is worthy of praise; fortunately, audiences recognized the hard work we put into the show as they came to Villa’s beautiful new auditorium in droves over the weekend. Audiences exploded in applause after each number, creating a show full of showstoppers. All aspects of the production were highly praised. As always, Prep and Villa proved that their MVP Program stands head and shoulders above those of other schools; many people were overheard exclaiming “Their shows defi nitely aren’t like the average high school’s shows!” as they left the theater each night.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 25 The cast of Fiddler on the Roof.

Nathalie Rahner ’12 (VMA) When Villa and Prep joined as one entity, one aspect This was a special experience for everyone involved. Students of the collaboration was combining the theatre learned many things from the alumni, and I think we taught them departments. Throughout the past two years, we have a thing or two as well! Throughout this experience, there were had the opportunity to put on many wonderful shows. many great memories made, and there were also a few tears when Everyone involved in the productions bonded, and all was said and done. While this show focused much on tradition, one could say we have become a family. it is clear that Villa and Prep have passed down the most important This past January, we had the opportunity to perform traditions which have been instilled in each of its students to this Fiddler on the Roof, which tells the story of the very day. Jewish community of Anatevka through the eyes of a milkman named Tevye. He and his wife, Golde, have five daughters, who are all set on finding their perfect matches. The show produced laughter and tears as the threat of revolution draws nearer to the defenseless Anatevka. This production was the first of its kind and brought together the alumni of Prep and Villa. The alumni of both schools were called to the auditions. Many took advantage of this opportunity including theatre veterans and first-time thespians. This was a unique experience for everyone! The students had the opportunity to become close with even more Villa Victors and Prep Ramblers, regardless of their years of graduation. Some of the alumni had the opportunity to get back on the stage which started their theatre L-R: Jerry Karle ’64, Meredith Cesare ’06 (VMA), Michael Cortes ’86, Joe Greulich careers, while others had the opportunity to get on ’72, Ellen Schaaf Innes ’84 (VMA), Almitra Clemente Clerkin ’81 (VMA), Larry Kisielewski ’69, Sean Halupczynski ’06 and Kevin Cooney ’76. stage for the first time.

26 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School Anthony Squeglia ’12 Villa Maria Academy and Cathedral Prep presented William Shakespeare’s classic comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream as the third show of their 2011-2012 MVP Season. Shakespeare’s play is set in Athens, and concerns a group of four young lovers. These lovers meet in a forest, where they are unknowingly spied on by Oberon, king of the fairies, and Puck, his lieutenant. Mayhem and hilarity ensues when Puck interferes with the lovers and a bumbling group of workingmen rehearsing a play in the secrecy of the woods. The show was presented in Prep’s H. David Bowes Auditorium over the first weekend in March. Audiences at the show grew over the weekend as positive word-of-mouth spread, resulting in whole new generations of viewers being introduced to Shakespeare. Director Fr. Mike DeMartinis was extremely successful in translating Shakespeare’s comedy to a new age, crafting a beautifully designed production that was easily accessible for all audiences. The highly talented cast received well-deserved accolades for their hard work and determination in interpreting Shakespeare so well. This unique and comical show will be long remembered by all those involved in it.

The cast of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 27 The Men of Prep

L-R: Lt Col Brian McGrain, Ms. Nancy Schaaf, Cadet Lt Col CJ Braun ’12, Mr. Chris Grychowski ’87, and President Father Scott Jabo. CPR Instruction Available at Prep & Villa Cathedral Preparatory School has recently added CPR instruction to all senior health classes. Under the guidance of their teacher, Nancy Schaaf, RN, MEd, all students will be able to practice and perfect the life-saving skills taught using the CPR mannequins and AED trainer. As a follow-on effort to an earlier Seniors Chris Bleggi and Kevin Holland present Prep’s donation to project conducted by the AF JROTC program which Regional Director of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Jan Stork. provided automated external defibrillators to veteran’s organizations in the Erie area, the cadet corps provided Prep Students Help “Light up a Child’s Life” the funding to purchase this equipment to be used in the In December, Prep SADD (Students Against Destructive classroom. Decisions) helped to “Light up a Child’s Life” by conducting a The Health and Physical Education departments at both dress down in November. All benefits from the dress down Cathedral Prep and Villa Maria Academy hope to provide were donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation’s “Light up a this training and use the provided equipment for more Child’s Life” campaign at the Millcreek Mall. The campaign than 250 students each year and more than 100 staff helps make wishes come true for children in our area. Prep members. students are proud that they could help raise funds that will enrich the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions. The funds translate into a life-changing impact for Make-A-Wish children and their families. Over $300 was raised for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Timothy Buczynski ’13, Mark Fagley ’14, Mr. Antonio Del Rio and Jacob Beaver ’13. Prep Students Grow Beards to Benefit Make-A-Wish For the third time in history, Cathedral Prep students put themselves in a hairy situation to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. They graced the hallowed halls of the building with beards intact. Student Government organized the annual “Beard Week”. Prior to Christmas break, students were able to purchase a “Beard Pass” for a donation of $5. Students who purchased passes did not have to shave for the first week following Christmas Break (January 3 -10). Approximately 45 Prep students and two faculty members Seniors Chris Bleggi and Kevin Holland present Cathedral Prep’s participated. Over $200 was raised for the Make-A-Wish donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation on-air live with Craig Foundation. Warvel of Star 104.

28 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School The Men of Prep

Joe Pol’ 13 serves dinner to guests. Key Club Dishes Out Kindness and Compassion By Benjamin Davis ’12 Director of Special Events Kathy Grisier, Director of Constituent Relations Nancy Bird ’84 (VMA), Christine Holmgren, Mark Adams, The Key Club Christmas dinner served on Sunday, December Joe DiFuccia ’75, Director of Communications & Annual Fund 11, 2011, continues Cathedral Prep’s tradition of serving the Christine Eddy and Major Gifts Officer Paul Simon ’78. community. Key Club members and their families have been hosting this dinner for many years over that time serving Prep Night at Buffalo Wild Wings Benefits tens of thousands of meals. The cafeteria was opened to the Make-A-Wish homeless and needy residents of our city. The dinner provided The Cathedral Prep community spiced up things on an opportunity for impoverished families to gather and share January 19 at Buffalo Wild Wings with a fundraiser for the a homemade turkey dinner complete with all the fixings. Make-A-Wish Foundation. Guests presented a fundraiser Over one hundred volunteers served turkeys donated by Prep ticket to their waiter, and 15% of each bill was donated families along with homemade desserts which many parents to Make-A-Wish. The fundraiser was the third fundraiser lovingly baked. Santa was present giving gifts to the children, in two months that Cathedral Prep has done for the and music, provided by DJ BLJ, a senior at Prep, gave the Make-A-Wish Foundation. cafeteria a warm holiday feel. Each guest was sent home with a goodie bag filled with various personal care products and canned goods. These items were donated by local businesses. Each child had the opportunity to choose a toy of their liking. Key Club members also created fun Christmas crafts for the children in attendance. We had a great turnout compared to past years for which the beautiful weather certainly played a factor. The line was out the door, and Chef Cirillo estimates that over 950 meals were served. The news media covered the event and interviewed Key Club members. Key Club Advisor Mrs. Slaby was very proud of all of the work the students did in preparation for the event. As a member of the Key Club, I hope that this event will continue to grow and support our Erie community.

Seniors Matt Harkins and Anthony D’Aurora.

Seniors Clayton Wronek, Benjamin Davis and Mike Piotrowski.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 29 The Men of Prep

Prep and Villa Students March for Life By Maggie Hoag ’12 (VMA) Ever since I was eleven I wanted to go on the March for Life trip in Washington, D.C. My grandpa went many years before, and I waited for the time that I was old enough to go myself. I am so grateful and happy that I was finally able to attend the March for Life with both Villa and Prep students this past January. Excited did not even begin to cover it. I was enthralled. The bus trip down on Sunday was long, but going to all the museums made up for it. We went to all the museums that represented a “celebrate life” and “honor life” attitude, such as the American History Museum and the Natural History Museum. We went back to the church we were staying at and, President Fr. Scott Jabo celebrated Mass with an inspiring and compelling homily about life. In the morning we went to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and that was the first time I truly saw how immense this march was. There were so many people milling around, participating at Mass, and almost all of them sported something that represented their pro-life view. When we got to the march, I saw how massive it was. It was amazing. We marched in an endless sea of people marching peacefully to give rights to those who cannot speak. It was a truly beautiful and amazing experience, and I am eternally thankful I was able to attend.

Prep Wins SafeNet Video Contest Congratulations to the Advanced Video Production class for a $75 gift card, and Third place winners received a $50 gift winning the SafeNet “Respectful Relationships Teen Video card. A total of $900 in Best Buy gift cards were awarded. Contest.” In a competition with other schools in the county, Teens aged 13-18 were invited to create a video promoting Prep took home First, Second and Third place! First place healthy relationships and interactions. The video could winners received a $100 gift card, Second winners received focus on many different areas and issues, including: bullying, cyberbullying, friendships, and dating relationships. Under the direction of Mr. Tom Deau, the class put together their winning videos.

Row 1: First Place-Carl Baumann ‘14, Matt Flanigan ‘13, Nate Kapsar ‘14 and Marlon Tyree ‘14. Row 2: Second Place-Pat Kloecker ‘14, Avery Seniors DJ Coe, Brad McLaughlin and Paul Moyak received Mooney ‘14 and Nick Burch ‘13. Row 3: Third Place-Alex Malory ‘14, Honorable Mention for their video. Evan Guanzon ‘14, Anthony Pearson ‘14 and Walter Love ‘14.

30 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School The Men of Prep Cathedral Prep Celebrates Catholic Schools Week

“Faith. Academics. Service.” was the theme of this year’s Catholic Schools Week which was observed January 29 to February 5, 2012. Prep kicked off the week with a “Dress Up” day. Students came to school in suits and wing tips! Students, faculty and staff gathered for the all-school Mass, which took place on Tuesday. Students had the opportunity to swap places with their teachers on Wednesday, which was Teacher/Student switch day. Students purchased chances to be able teach their favorite class and switch places with their teacher. Quarter Marco Montefiori ’13 serves Director of Admissions Mr. Tim Dougherty ’98 during the faculty/staff appreciation luncheon. Sessions were also held on this day. Thursday was Teacher Appreciation Day. Faculty and staff were treated to a special luncheon sponsored by Key Club. Chef Extraordinaire Frank Cirillo and his staff prepared a gourmet meal. Students helped serve faculty, staff and administration. The students looked forward to Friday, which was deemed Student Appreciation Day. Students wore their favorite jersey to school on Friday. Pizza Hut pizza was served at lunch, and Holland’s Dairy Queen provided free ice cream.

Special thanks to Mr. Tony DelRio and Mrs. Liz Slaby and the Information Technology Specialist Mrs. Amy Cambra, Nate Estes ‘13, campus ministry team for organizing such a great week! Andrew Kloecker ’13, Blaine Bensur ’13 and Kevin Holland ’12.

Prep Students Dissect Cow Eyes Prep Students Help Second Harvest Food In December the Anatomy and Physiology class had the Bank opportunity to dissect cow eyes. Ms. Nancy Schaaf was Members of Student Government and Students Against teaching the class about the nervous system and the five Destructive Decisions attended the Annual Bread Box senses. She thought this would Awards at the Second Harvest Food Bank in the fall. They be a great chance to view an were honored with a certificate for their efforts in organizing eye similar to the human eye. the food drive. The class studied the eye and the anatomical parts using diagrams and models. They viewed the anatomical parts and learned about the structures and functions of the parts. The students were able to take the lens and place it on a piece of paper with printing and see how the lens magnified the L-R: Kevin Grisier ’14, Matt Grisier ’12, Mario Nicolia ’12, Chris Bleggi letters. ’12, Kevin Holland ’12, Nate Estes ’13 and Ben Slomski ’12. Seniors Ben Davis and Tyler Orlando.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 31

The Men of Prep

Prep Continues to Help the Needy • This year Cathedral Prep faculty, staff and students gathered 1,554 lbs of food for the Annual Food Drive benefiting the Second Harvest Food Bank of NWPA. Each grade was responsible for bringing in different products. Seniors brought in baby products, while the juniors brought in household supplies. Sophomores supplied paper products, and freshmen brought in health and beauty aids. • Student Government Association held a food drive in January. Over 2,100 items were collected weighing in at 1,294 lbs.

• Prior to Christmas, Students Against Destructive L-R: Dan Macaluso’15, Ben Davis ’12, Kevin Holland ’12 and Ben Decisions organized Peter’s Presents toy drive and Slomski ’12. collected 850 toys for children.

Student News&Notes

L-R: Robert Oehling ’13 , Michael Prenovitz ’13 and Andrew Hutzel ’14. Three Cathedral Prep students have ranked in the top 10% of German Senior class president Ben Jefferys students in the country this year, stands with 1953 Heisman Trophy earning gold certificates. Andrew winner, John Lattner from Notre Hutzel ’14 scored in the 99th Dame. Lattner was one of the percentile and is ranked “Number 1” honored guests at the 2012 Charity in the Pennsylvania Chapter and is tied Sports Banquet in February. He wanted to see an all-boys school for “Number 1” in the entire country. Congratulations to Joe Oduho ’13 for similar to Fenwick, the one he Michael Prenovitz ’13 scored in the winning the Prep Christmas card contest. attended in Chicago. 97th percentile, and Robert Oehling The annual Christmas card contest was ’13 scored in the 90th percentile. The started in 2002 by Mr. Jim Sabol ’66 and students now are eligible to apply for a has been a Christmas tradition. Oduho free four-week study trip to Germany did a great job in creating the 2011 this summer. Congratulations! Christmas card. He created a beautiful nativity scene. Thanks to everyone who participated and submitted artwork. Congratulations, Joe!

32 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School News&Notes ow do you show your Prep Pride? If you have a photo Hthat might top the ones below, please send it to [email protected], and we’ll make sure to include Where’s Your Prep Spirit? it in the next issue of the Cathedral Prep Magazine.

Ramblers from the Class of 2010 who attend Edinboro University still keep their Alma Mater close at heart. They dressed up for Halloween in their Ben Jefferys Prep uniforms. ’12 does his best Fr. Jabo Back row: L-R: . Luke impersonation Spencer, Kyle Orloff, at the pep Josh Griffith and Robert Beeler. rallies. Bottom: Jared Tann and Nick Johnson.

This “Letter to the Editor” was posted in the Erie Times-News in September. Prep Students Deserve Praise I was driving home from work going west on West Ninth Street on Aug. 29 at about 4 p.m., when a driver went through the stop sign on the corner of West Ninth and Myrtle streets and hit my car. Thank God no one was injured, but my car was hit so hard that it Proud Parents literally got turned all the way around. I can’t tell you how thrilled we are Luckily for me, several Cathedral Preparatory students, one Villa Maria Academy with our decision to send James to student, a nice young woman pushing a stroller and another very nice woman working Prep. He is doing very well, and at the Erie County Bar Association all come to my aid to let me know they witnessed his teachers could not be more the accident and offered to help as needed. interested in making him feel at home. His transition from OLCS My car ended up being towed to the collision shop, and this is all behind me now. What to Prep has been better than we I will never forget, however, is the kindness of all of my fellow Erieites who stopped to had hoped for. help me. I want to especially commend the fine young Prep students for staying with me for so long. Your parents and teachers at Prep must be so proud of you. Truly, Jill and Tim ’78 Kolakowski Carol Luczynski | Erie Make-A-Wish Fundraisers Students at Prep organized three fundraisers in two months for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Jan Stork, Director of the Make-A-Wish Foundation emailed Christine Eddy, Director of Communications to express her gratitude. “I love Cathedral Prep and the young men who choose to give back to their community in such a significant way. Every donation we receive helps us to share the power of a wish® with some amazing children. Prep students are awesome!” Jan Stork Regional Director of the Make-A-Wish Foundation

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 33 athleticsprep

Prep Basketball...Playing with the Best What’s the only thing better than a lengthy playoff run? One that is not expected. Prior to the start of the high school basketball season, the Prep Ramblers were predicted to place second overall in their Region. That was prior to a 12-game winning streak, and 14 wins in 15 games that saw victory over the Colonels that produced their third D-10 them capture the imagination of their fan base. title in the last four years. It proved to be a wonderful springboard into the interdistrict playoffs. The historic play started with the team’s first win in five years in the Classic, when they bested Niagara Falls in the After easily eliminating Obama Academy (the school consolation finals. A season sweep of McDowell would previously known as Schenley), Prep faced off with Central follow, setting up a District 10 championship game matchup Catholic in a Sweet 16 matchup. Thirty-two minutes with Strong Vincent. After the two teams split their regular weren’t enough and with the Ramblers trailing by a point season matchups by identical 60-59 outcomes, most with just seven seconds to play in overtime, head coach expected the rubber match to go the same route. Instead Mark Majewski drew up a play for leading scorer Sheldon the Ramblers turned it into a rout, with a shocking 85-43 Zablotny. The junior then rewarded the faith his coach had placed in him, slicing through three people and laying a shot in with under a second to play to give his club a 50-49 victory. That sent Prep to the Elite Eight where they were matched with Shaler. A third straight Pittsburgh opponent produced a very familar result. Prep outlasted the 52-49, moving into the state’s Final Four for the first time in seven years. Though they would fall to state power Lower Merion 79- 48, the Ramblers had more than proved their skeptics wrong. Two generous alums had caught the fever from afar, donating coach buses for the final three trips for the student body to attend the games. More than 350 students were on hand for the semifinal game, Prep was the “best in the west” statewide, Zablotny was recognized by writers by being tabbed Third Team All-State and the squad finished with a 21-6 record overall. To fourth-year head coach Mark Majewski, the trek could not have been more gratifying. “It was a great playoff run and finish for our young team this season,” Majewski said. “Our success was attributed to the hard work and commitment of our coaching staff and players throughout the season. We are also fortunate to have the ‘best fans in the state’ follow us during our playoff run. There is nothing like looking up into the stands and seeing a sea of black and orange cheering us on every game. Roll Ramblers!”

34 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School For 29 years the Classic has showcased the best high school basketball players in the country to the fans of Erie. This past January a team from Georgia showed they may be the best squad to ever come to town. Milton High School showed the nation that they may be the best team in the U.S. this season, having all five of their starters score in double-figures as the Eagles blew out defending New York state champ Jamesville-DeWitt 93-52 in the title game of the 2012 Burger King Classic.

Virginia-bound Evan Notle led the way with 23 points. Division I recruit Tevin Glass had 18, Auburn signee Shaquille Johnson had 16 points and a dozen dunks on the weekend, Jalyn Patterson finished with 14 points while Georgia-recruit Charles Mann broke a 23-year old Classic record, previously held by , in dishing off 15 assists. He also had 12 points and no turnovers. After departing Erie, Milton would not lose again in winning the Georgia state championship.

Jamesville-DeWitt was paced by Syracuse-bound Dajuan Coleman who had 21 points and Wake Forest commit Tyler Cavanugh who had 18 points and 12 rebounds in the title tilt. Though the host Ramblers fell to JD on Friday night, they upended Niagara Falls 65-60 to win their first game in the Classic in five years. Thanks goes out to the many local sponsors, volunteers and especially title sponsor Burger King, the Bayfront Sheraton and LECOM for helping to make the Classic the top four-team tournament in the country.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 35 Tennis Tournament Benefits Legacy Gala In March, the Villa/Prep tennis teams came out swinging athleticsprep and followed through to organize a fundraiser for this year’s Legacy Gala. The teams played a mixed doubles tournament. Alums from both schools got a grip on things and took place in the fun. Thanks to the footwork of Villa/Prep parents Katie McGovern and Sharon Prenovitz, as well as coach Kent Peightal, the event was a big success! Nearly 30 participants and many parents were also in attendance socializing and supporting the players. The finals went right down to a three-team tie-breaker playoff. Abbey Hallman ’15 (VMA) and assistant coach, Pat Grab ’05 narrowly won over Laurie Balkovic Bretz ’81 (VMA) and Mario Nicolia ’12. As a result of the event, the teams made a donation to the Legacy Gala.

L-R: Front row: Jonathan Prichard ‘15, Emily McGovern ’13 (VMA), Danielle Winkler ’15 (VMA), Abby Hallman ’15 (VMA), Katy Taylor ’13 L-R: Winners – Abby (VMA), Elena Prenovitz, Sammy Taylor ’14 (VMA), Kate McGovern, Hallman ’15 (VMA) and Laurie Balkovic Bretz ’81 (VMA). and Pat Grab ’05 and Back Row: Stephan Prichard ’09, Pat Grab ’05, Mario Nicolia ’12, runners-up Mario Alex Brzozowski ’12, Andrew Dinger ’13, Nicholas Ward ’13, Andrew Nicolia ’12 and Laurie Kloecker ’13, Michael Clark ’15, Michael Prenovitz ’13 , Gerry Clark Balkovic Bretz ’81 ’78, Nate Estes ’13 and Kent Peightal. (VMA).

Hockey Returns to Prep with Wonderful Success Three years ago in a painful move, Cathedral Prep and its hockey club agreed they did not have the requisite bodies to field a varsity team. And while that decision brought with it much second guessing and disappointment, the thought all along was to give the organization a chance to build back their numbers. Three years later that choice was rewarded.

With a Varsity, JV and Freshman team all sporting strong numbers, Prep’s hockey squad returned onto the state scene with wonderful success. This year the Ramblers battled all the way to the Cup finals, the championship game for teams in the western part of the state. In a back-and-forth affair with West Allegheny, Prep fell 4-3 in overtime, coming just one goal short of playing for the state championship. But congratulations on a wonderful “rebirth” that saw the team finish at 23-11-1 this past season while also giving much hope for a promising future.

Cathedral Prep and Villa Maria Academy Class of 2015.

36 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School Prep Swimmers Capture District Championship It came down to Others that finished in second place but made the state the last race of meet were Mike Squeglia in the 50 free, Rahner in the 100 the meet, but for free, Merski in the backstroke and the 200 free relay team the 10th year in a of Miller, Rahner, Mike Squeglia and Mike Piotrowski. row Prep captured Congratulations to head coach Mike Doyle, assistants the District Elliot Spaeder and Neil Postas, who guided the Ramblers 10 swimming for nearly two decades and helped start this streak which championship. is alive and well. Anthony Squeglia, Michael Scutella, Luke Merski and Zach Miller won the 400 free relay to cement the crown, meaning the Ramblers have owned the D-10 pool for the last decade. Others that advanced to states were R.J. Rahner, who won the butterfly in record fashion, breaking a D-10 mark that had stood for 11 years. Rahner, Merski, Joe Marin and Mike Squeglia won the 200 medley relay, Anthony Squeglia captured the 200 free, Merski grabbed the 200 IM and Stephen Bretz came home first in the 500 free. Book YourBook YGraduationour Graduation Party Party at the CPEC

at theThe clock CPEC hits zero. The game is over. The athletes walk off the field and the fans head Rambler Thefor the clock Cherry hits zero.Street The bridge game to isthe over. parking The athletes lot. Even walk as offthe lightsthe field, over the field go out, there is still a lot of activity going on inside the Cathedral Prep Events Center in the Rambler Cafe. The and the fans head for the Cherry Street bridge to the parking lot. Cathedral retail kitchen is going strong, getting the food prepared for the graduation party the next day. Most

preparatory Evenpeople as just the see lights a concession over the field stand go in out,the thereCathedral is still Prep a lot Events of activity Center and assume it all stops at school goinghot dogs, on popcorninside the & Cathedral pretzels – Prep but there Events is soCenter much in more! the Rambler Cafe. The kitchen is going strong, getting the food prepared for the Now carrying Nike Brand graduationOutfitted party with the nexta full day. banquet Most kitchen, people justthe Cathedralsee a concession Prep Events Center boasts the ability Offering: standto put inon the luncheons, Cathedral dinners, Prep Events banquets, Center birthday and assume parties, it fundraisers all stops at and graduation parties. Of- Classic Prep Hoodies Classic tees hotfering dogs, a full popcorn menu from & pretzels the basics – but to there Chicken is so Parmesanmuch more! or Fettuccini Alfredo, the kitchen pro- Novelty Women vides everything you need to have a successful event. Your event will be setup with your needs Children Outfittedin mind including with a full linens banquet ranging kitchen, in black/orange the Cathedral linens Prep to royalEvents blue/white. Along with wide Outerwear 225 west Spirit items Centermenu availability boasts the andability seating to put for on up luncheons, to 150, the dinners, Cathedral banquets, Prep Events Center can tailor the ninth street birthdayevent to your parties, desires. fundraisers and graduation parties. Offering a full

erie pa, 16501 Spring Hours M-W-F 11-3 menu from the basics to Chicken Parmesan or Fettuccini Alfredo, T-TH 8-11 Call for Summer Hours the kitchenThe graduationprovides everything season is aboutyou need to take to haveoff and a successful a fantastic venue for your graduation is Your the Cathedralevent will Prepbe set Events up with Center. your needs With parkingin mind forincluding 160 and the athletic field, as well linensas the climateranging controlled in black/orange banquet linens area, to you royal should blue/white. consider Along the possibility of holding your withgraduation wide menu party here.availability With andno need seating to rebuild, for up tolandscape 150, the and/orCathedral decorate your home, let the 814-453-7737 x225 20% off One Item staff of the Cathedral Prep Events Center handle the setup, food, alcohol service and Rambler retail Expires 12-20-2012 Prep Events Center can tailor the event to your desires. manager cleanup! Rain or shine your party will be a success. Call 814-453-7737 ext. 2290 to hold your must bring Ellen Innes date.The graduation season is about to take off, and a fantastic venue coupon for your graduation party is the Cathedral Prep Events Center. With parking for 160 and the athletic field, as well as the climate- controlled banquet area, you should consider the possibility of Email holding your graduation party here. With no need to rebuild, Are you in tune with what is going on in the Prep community? Save landscape and/or decorate your home, let the staff of the Cathedral Cathedral Prep time and money by sending us your email address. If you have never given Prep your email address or have recently updated Prep Events Center handle the setup, food, alcohol service and your address, please send your email to Advancement Services cleanup! Rain or shine, your party will be a success. Call 814-453- Manager Terri Hess at [email protected]. 7737 ext. 2290 to hold your date.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 37 Where in the World? he Cathedral Prep Magazine is read all over. With sightings everywhere, we want to know where Tyou have taken your Magazine. Please email your picture and caption information to Christine Eddy, Director of Communications and Annual Fund, at [email protected], and you could be next to grace the pages of the Magazine that is read by over 14,000 constituents!

Nathan Brown ’13 Matt Minnaugh ’83 and his traveled to Hawaii with brother Michael ’78 at the his parents, Dan and Sue Ballybunion Golf Club in Ireland. Brown. They stopped to pose with the Cathedral Prep Magazine at Pearl Harbor.

Dan Erdely ’63 poses with his Paul Hakel ‘06 magazine in front of the Royal helped clear debris Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark. in the wake of the Tuscaloosa, AL Jim Rudy ’59 takes time out from tornado. The picture a deer/elk hunt in the Elkhorn was taken maybe Mountains near Boulder Montana. three weeks after the tornado hit.

Michael Rowane ’79 stands atop the Cliff s of Moher, County Clare, Ireland with his wife, Barbara, and their children Marija 13, Juliana 11, Anja 7, Cilka 5 and Nada 13.

Capt. Andrew Sullivan ’04 at FOB Hammer, which is 40 miles east of Baghdad, Iraq. It is his second tour of Iraq. Mark ’74, Paul ’06 and Lynn Squeglia visited The Squeglia and Montefi ori families Terrence Calabrese ’55, on board Ground Zero in New Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 in Cherbourg, York City. vacationed in the Outer Banks this summer. Front: Santino Montefi ori France. Terrence and his wife, ’23 and Dominic Montefi ori ’19. Back: Loretta, did a sixteen-day roundtrip Marco Montefi ori ’13 , Mark Squeglia transatlantic crossing from NYC in ’74, Anthony Squeglia’12, Marialana October 2011, to celebrate their 50th Montefi ori ’14 (VMA), Christopher wedding anniversary. Squeglia ’09 and Paul Squeglia ’06. Michael Drumm ‘93, his wife, Jennifer, and their son, Timothy, Matt’82 and Karen Clark travelled to Seoul, Korea, to meet ventured to Ireland. They and bring home a new addition attended a private dinner to their family, Andrew. party at the castle home of Lord and Lady Dunleaf, First Senator of Ballywater. Eric Meyer ‘09 and his mom, Gayle John Christoph ’70, is a DoD IT Program Fogle Meyer ‘84 (VMA), travelled to Manager who volunteered to deploy to Heinz Field for the Steelers vs. Titans Camp Arifj an, Kuwait, with Tobyhanna Army game to celebrate their birthdays. Depot’s Electronics mission in support of the drawdown from Iraq. 38 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School The Bucceri family stands at The Moore family travelled Landscape Arch in Arches National to Punta Cana in the Park in Moab, Utah. This is the Dominican Republic with longest natural arch in the U.S. and their Cathedral Prep and second in the world at 290 feet. Essence Magazines. Mike Pictured are Anthony, Annie, John ’81 stands with his family ‘88 and Jarod Bucceri. – Michael ’10, Melanie ’08 (VMA), Megan ’06 (VMA) and Becky ’82 (VMA). Sean Connole ‘04, Ryan Connole ‘05, Kyle Connole ‘08, and Jim Mahoney ‘08 participated in the Warrior Dash in Twin Lakes, WI, in September. The race is 3.2 miles long with 12 obstacles including a cargo rope wall, jumping a line of fi re, and climbing under barbed wire through a mud pit. Over 6,000 people competed in the race.

The Mackowski and Kalista Rambler families Several Prep grads went to Otter gathered in Key West, FL, for the June 4th, Creek Lodge in New York. Jack 2011 wedding of Sean Mackowski ‘96 and Heintzel Corps of ‘54 with Classmates Megan Keller. The wedding took place on from the “Hive of ’55” Dave Pratt, Tom Smathers Beach in Key West. Pictured L-R are: Jaworowicz, Bob Smith, Bill Douglas, Bernie Mackowski ‘66, Steve Kalista ‘66, Sean John Benecki, Bob Macosko and Larry Bindseil. Mackowski ‘96, Ryan Mackowski ‘94 and Kevin Marty Eisert ’58 Mackowski ‘02. travelled to Blue Earth, Minnesota Carl R. Fuhrman, M.D., ‘70 visited the John Fitzgerald with his magazine. Terracotta Army (from the 3rd century ‘56 stands Here he stands with B.C.) in Xi’an, China. The pits containing outside St. Peter’s the Jolly Green Giant. over 8,000 Terracotta army fi gures were Basilica in Rome. Jolly Green Giant discovered in 1974 by farmers digging He did have his frozen food has a a well. Dr. Fuhrman is a Professor of magazine in a large factory there. Radiology at the backpack, but School of Medicine. He is director of security asked medical education in radiology at Pitt him to leave it medical school. behind. LTC Mark Becker ’74 stands in the Flower Market of Cuenca, Ecuador, Sonny Kupniewski ’04 stands with the Catedral with his Uncle Bill Miller’67 with Corey Hoydic ’14 took his de la Inmaculada magazine on a Carnival the picturesque Grand Canyon of Concepción in the Yellowstone in the background. Dream Cruise to Cozumel background. Mexico, Honduras, Belize. Dennis Knecht ’67 and his wife JoEllen This photo was Roatan, spent Christmas visiting family in the Honduras with the natives. Philippines. Here they are pictured at Sunset Bay. Ramblers scaled one of the highest peaks in Vermont and the entire East coast while on their ski trip in February. Row 1: Pat Albrecht ’12, Elliot Pagenkopf ’14, Ryan Signorino Jeff O’Brien ’81 takes time ’15, and Joe Skolnik ’12. Row 2: Korey off from a business trip to Shugerts ’14, Nick Ferrando ’14, Patrick celebrate Ascension Thursday Pasqualicchio ’12, Kyle Johnson ’14 and Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral Jake Orlando ’14. in Paris, France. SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 39 LTC Mark Becker’74 takes Terrence Yeager brought the Cathedral Prep his magazine to the Magazine to new heights Blarney Castle in Ireland. on his fi rst stage of the Eiff el L-R: Terrence Yeager’69 Tower with École Militaire in and wife Anne, sister- the background. in-law Mary Beth and brother, Brian Yeager ’81. Mike ’74 and Jerry Hagerty’48 posed with their Cathedral Prep Magazine in the middle of paradise while visiting Turks Islands in the Caribbean.

Michael Hilbrich’57 loves his magazine so much that he brought it with him to his chemo treatment at Wilmont Cancer Bob Lacy’81 brought his Center in Rochester. Hilbrich magazine to South Africa. was diagnosed with Lymphoma. He posed with “Anthony” the He enjoys reading his magazine cheetah, who starred in a movie cover to cover. called “DUMA” when he was a Dr. Andrew Prischak ’70 hit young cat. the slopes with his daughter, Rachael, in Colorado.

Jim Budney ’75 and his daughter, Alex, made their annual trip to the “Big House” to watch the Wolverines.

Terry Whalen ’61 pulled out his magazine during a papal audience in St. Peter’s Square in Rome.

Adam Esser ’02 married Crystal Lusiak on March 5 on board the Carnival Cruise ship Paradise. In attendance were (L-R) Janet Esser ’71 (VMA), Adam Esser ’02, Bill Esser ’72, Eric Esser ’00 and Cara Esser ’06 (VMA).

James ’15, Jill and Tim ’78 Kolakowski took their Cathedral Prep Magazine to great depths. Here they Prep graduates gathered in St. Louis for the wedding of Brian are at the Butler Bay Drylewicz ‘97. Pictured are: Best Man Paul Drylewicz ’99 and Phil shipwrecks in St. Abram ’78, Bill Abram ’65, Gary Abram ’76 all uncles of the groom, Croix. and friends of the family Rick Smerick ’68 and Nick Mauro ’69.

40 SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School In Case You Were Wondering…

The photos shown right were scanned directly from the 1970 yearbook. An entire meal in the 70s cost $1.00. Forty-two years later and thanks to Chef Extraordinaire Frank Cirillo, Prep continues to serve the best school meals in the city at a reasonable cost…$3.00 for the “special.” By Hon. Dan Brabender ’70

Mark Your Calendar 2012 May 30 Baccalaureate June 3 Graduation June 27 Rambler Golf Classic July 27-29 Reunion Weekend

Some of Prep’s biggest fans are our smaller ones. Villa Maria Elementary 5th Grader Alexis Brabender’s wheels were turning with thoughts about a new potential logo/mascot for Cathedral Prep. She submitted this letter and illustration below. Alexis is the daughter of Hon. Dan Brabender ’70.

SPRING 2012 The Magazine of Cathedral Preparatory School 41 Non-Profi t Organization U.S. Postage P A I D Erie, PA Permit No. 61 Cathedral Preparatory School Advancement Offi ce 225 West 9th Street Erie, PA 16501 Phone (814) 453-PREP FAX (814) 455-5462 Web site:

If this Cathedral Prep Magazine is incorrectly addressed – either a misspelling or the individual no longer maintains a permanent residence at this address, please send the correct information to the Advancement Offi ce at the above mailing address or via email to [email protected].

In an eff ort to reduce our carbon footprint, yet still deliver a quality publication fi lled with great information about Cathedral Prep, we are sending one magazine for Cathedral Prep per household. We have many constituent’s who reside at the same address, and it’s our hope that the magazine can be shared by all. Should you like more than one copy of the magazine delivered to your home, please contact Christine Eddy at 814-453-7737 x2243 or ceddy@

Don Felix ‘66, holding the Cathedral Prep Magazine, graciously hosted the baseball team and their families at his Mesa home in April.