Professor Dr. Ali El-Shekeil Email:
[email protected], POBox 12463, Sana’a, Yemen, Mobile: 00967733215234 ! B.S., Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Baghdad, 1974, Baghdad, Iraq. ! Ph.D., Chemistry, The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, 1980. ! Acadimically, Full Professor since 1989. ! Dean and Vice-Dean, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen, 1981-1991. ! Sana'a University Professor Prize, 2005. ! Yemen Presidential Prize for Scientific Research, 2009. ! An international POPs expert. Member of UNEPA Excutive Committee on Persistent Organic Pollutants, EC-POPs, since 2005. ! Member of the Hael Saeed Science and Culture Establishment Board of Trustees, since 31/7/2013. ! Member of Scientific Committees for the Establishment of the following: 1) Hadhramout University for Science and Technology. 2) Taiz University. 3) Amran University for Science and Technology. 4) Hadhramout Vally University. ! Visiting professor: 1) Qatar University, 18-25 March 1988. 2) University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, 1-31 Aug. 1989. 3) University of London, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Egham, Surrey, UK, Aug. 31-Sept.21, 1997. 4) University Putra Malaysia (UPM) July 9 -Oct. 9, 2005. 1 5) University of Hadhramout for Science and Technology, Mukalla, Yemen, May 2011-May 2012. ! Technical Advisor of the Yemen Petroleum Company since 1980. ! Advisor of the Rector of Sanaa University for scientific research 2009-2012. ! Offered technical consultations to the following Ministries and Organizations: Oil and Minerals, Industry and Commerce, Finance, Water and Environment, Defence, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Education, Yemen Standards and Specifications, Higher Committee for Compating Corruption, Yemen Environmental Protection Authority, Yemen Economic Corporation…among others.