167 Parry St, Hamilton East, 2303, NSW www.hcec.org.au
[email protected] Legislative Council Public Works Committee NSW Parliament House Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000 By email:
[email protected] SUPLEMENTARY SUBMISSION TO: Inquiry into the costs for remediation of sites containing coal ash repositories 1 SEPTEMBER 2020 1 Executive Summary Our analysis and investigations undertaken during the delay in the hearings for the inquiry highlight the inadequacy of the current EPA regulation of coal ash dumps, which we demonstrate is causing significant environmental harm and risking human health. We conclude that the NSW Government is liable for considerable decontamination works at the five active power station ash dumps to remedy the ongoing heavy metal pollution when these facilities are decommissioned and must move to substantially reduce the volumes of coal ash, particularly fly ash, from which most of the metal leachate is derived. We believe the costs associated with this liability can be substantially reduced by implementing a suite of policies aimed at proactive coal ash reuse, and the implementation of a Load-Based Licencing fee paid by power station operators who dump coal ash waste. We believe these measures will incentivise the reuse of the legacy of 50 years of coal ash waste dumping in NSW and address the ongoing generation of coal ash waste, which could provide significant regional business and employment opportunities. We estimate the five operating NSW coal-fired power stations collectively generate 4.8 Mt of coal ash waste a year, and dump about 3.8 Mt a year into on-site ash dams, placement areas, or mine voids, which have collectively accumulated about 160 Mt of coal ash.