Legislative Council
1 No.1 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL THIRD SESSION OF THE FORTIETH PARLIAMENT TUESDAY, 25 AUGUST, 1964 1. OPENING OF PARLIAMENT:-The Council met at Twelve o'clock noon, pursuant to Proclamation of His Excellency the LieutenantwGovernor. The President took the Chair. 2. PRAYER. 3. PROCLAMATION:-By direction of the President, the Proclamation convening Par liament was read by the Clerk, as follows:- By His Excellency the Honourable Sir KENNETH WmSTLER "NEW SOUTH WALES, STREET, Knight Commander of the Most Distin "TO WIT. guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, "(L.S.) Knight of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of "K. W. STREET, Jerusalem, Lieutenant-Governor of the State of "Lieutenant-Governor. New South Wales and its Dependencies, in the Commonwealth of Australia. "WHEREAS the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of the State of "New South Wales now stand prorogued to· Wednesday, the twenty-second "day of July, 1964, Now, I, the Honourable Sir KENNETH WmSTLER STREET, "in pursuance of the power and authority in me vested as Lieutenant-Governor "of the said State, do hereby further prorogue the said Legislative Council and "Legislative Assembly to Tuesday, the twenty-fifth day of August, 1964: And "I do further announce and proclaim that the said Legislative Council and "Legislative Assembly shall assemble for the despatch of business on the afore "said twenty-fifth day of August, 1964, at 12 o'clock at noon, in the buildings "known as the Legislative Council Chambers situate in Macquarie Street, in "the City of Sydney: And the Members of the Legislative Council and the "Legislative Assembly respectively are hereby required to give their attendance "at the said time and place accordingly.
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