Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139 Filed 11/26/19 Page 1 of 11


In re: Chapter 11

MTE HOLDINGS LLC, et al., Case No. 19-12269 (KBO)

Debtors.1 Jointly Administered

Hearing Date: January 8, 2019, at 1:30 p.m.

Objections Due: December 10, 2019, at 4:00 p.m.


The above-captioned debtors and debtors in possession (the “Debtors”) submit this application (the “Application”) for entry of an order, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D, pursuant to sections 327(a) and 1107(b) of title 11 of the United States

Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101 et seq. (as amended, the “Bankruptcy Code”), rules 2014 and 2016 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the “Bankruptcy Rules”), and rules 2014-1 and

2016-1 of the Local Rules of Bankruptcy Practice and Procedure of the United States Bankruptcy

Court for the District of Delaware (the “Local Rules”), authorizing the retention and employment of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP (“Morris Nichols”) as bankruptcy co-counsel and

Delaware counsel to the Debtors nunc pro tunc to the Petition Date (as defined below). In

1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, are: MTE Holdings LLC (7894); MTE Partners LLC (1158); Olam Energy Resources LLC (0770); MDC Energy LLC (9140); MDC Texas Operator LLC (1087); Ward I, LLC (6817); and MDC Reeves Energy LLC (3644). The Debtors’ address is 280 East 96th Street, Suite 210, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139 Filed 11/26/19 Page 2 of 11

support of the Application, the Debtors rely upon and incorporate by reference: (a) the

Declaration of Mark Siffin, Chief Executive Officer of MDC Energy LLC in Support of Chapter

11 Petitions and First Day Motions (D.I. 50) (the “First Day Declaration”)2; (b) the Declaration

of Robert J. Dehney in Support of the Debtors’ Application for Entry of an Order Under Sections

327(a) and 1107(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Rules

2014-1 and 2016-1 Authorizing Retention and Employment of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell

LLP as Bankruptcy Co-Counsel and Delaware Counsel for the Debtors Nunc Pro Tunc to the

Petition Date (the “Dehney Declaration”) attached as Exhibit A; (c) the Statement of Morris,

Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP Pursuant to Section 329 of the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rule

2016, and Local Rule 2016-1 (the “Rule 2016 Statement”) attached as Exhibit B; and (d) the

Declaration of Mark Siffin, Chief Executive Officer of MTE Holdings LLC, in Support of the

Debtors’ Application for Entry of an Order Under Sections 327(a) and 1107(b) of the

Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1

Authorizing Retention and Employment of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP as Bankruptcy

Co-Counsel and Delaware Counsel for the Debtors Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date (the

“Siffin Declaration”) attached as Exhibit C. In further support of the Application, the Debtors

respectfully state as follows:


1. The Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157

and 1334 and the Amended Standing Order of Reference from the United States District Court

for the District of Delaware, dated February 29, 2012. This matter is a core proceeding within

2 Capitalized terms used but not defined herein are defined in the First Day Declaration.

2 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139 Filed 11/26/19 Page 3 of 11

the meaning of 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2). Venue of these proceedings and the Application in this

Court is proper under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409.

2. The Debtors consent to entry of final orders or judgments by the Court on

this Application.

3. The statutory bases for the relief requested herein are sections 327(a) and

1107(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, as supplemented by Bankruptcy Rules 2014(a) and 2016 and

Local Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1.


4. On October 22, 2019 (the “Petition Date”), MTE Holdings LLC (“MTE

Holdings”) filed a voluntary petition for relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.

Subsequently, on October 23, 2019 (the “Affiliate Petition Date”), MTE Holdings’ parent

affiliates Olam Energy Resources I LLC and MTE Partners LLC filed voluntary petitions for

relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. The remaining Debtors, all affiliates, filed voluntary bankruptcy petitions on November 8, 2019. The Debtors continue to operate their businesses and manage their properties as debtors in possession pursuant to sections 1107(a) and

1108 of the Bankruptcy Code. No trustee, examiner, or creditors committee has been appointed in these cases.

5. The Debtors operate in Midland, Texas in the oil and gas industry.

6. Additional detail regarding the Debtors, their business, the events leading

to commencement of these cases, and the facts and circumstances supporting the relief requested

herein is set forth in the First Day Declaration.

7. The Debtors have also retained Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP

(“Kasowitz”) as bankruptcy co-counsel. Morris Nichols will coordinate with Kasowitz and the

3 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139 Filed 11/26/19 Page 4 of 11

Debtors’ other professionals to provide the Debtors with the highest level of service while avoiding unnecessary duplication of efforts.


8. By this Application, the Debtors respectfully request entry of an order, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D, pursuant to sections 327(a) and 1107(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, authorizing the Debtors to retain and employ Morris Nichols as their bankruptcy co-counsel and

Delaware counsel nunc pro tunc to the Petition Date.


9. Under section 327(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, a debtor in possession may employ one or more attorneys to represent it in carrying out its duties under the Bankruptcy

Code, provided that such attorneys are disinterested persons and do not hold or represent an interest adverse to the estate. Section 101(14) of the Bankruptcy Code defines “disinterested person” as one who:

is not a creditor, an equity security holder, or an insider; . . . is not and was not, within 2 years before the date of the filing of the petition, a director, officer, or employee of the debtor; and . . . does not have an interest materially adverse to the interest of the estate or of any class of creditors or equity security holders, by reason of any direct or indirect relationship to, connection with, or interest in, the debtor, or for any other reason.

11 U.S.C. § 101(14) (2018).

10. Before commencing these chapter 11 cases, the Debtors retained Morris

Nichols to assist in advising, preparing for, and commencing cases under chapter 11 of the

Bankruptcy Code. Subject to entry of an order approving this Application, the Debtors have also retained Kasowitz to assist in prosecuting these chapter 11 cases.

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11. The Debtors seek to retain and employ Morris Nichols because the firm’s

attorneys have extensive experience representing debtors in chapter 11 cases before this Court.

Further, Morris Nichols attorneys have become familiar with the Debtors and their business and

financial affairs through assisting the Debtors with preparing these chapter 11 cases for filing.

For these reasons, Morris Nichols is uniquely qualified to represent the Debtors as bankruptcy

co-counsel and Delaware co-counsel.

12. The Debtors request approval of the employment of Morris Nichols nunc pro tunc to the Petition Date. Nunc pro tunc relief is warranted in these cases. The Third Circuit has identified “time pressure to begin service” and absence of prejudice as factors favoring nunc pro tunc retention. See In re Ark. Co., 798 F.2d 645, 650 (3d Cir. 1986); see also Indian River

Homes, Inc. v. Sussex Tr. Co., 108 B.R. 46, 52 (D. Del. 1989). Given the size and complexity of these cases, the Debtors were not able to seek approval of Morris Nichols’s retention before

Morris Nichols began work. Nonetheless, the Debtors and Morris Nichols have filed this

Application within five weeks of the Petition Date. Under these circumstances, no party will be prejudiced and nunc pro tunc retention should be approved.

13. Finally, maintaining the Current Advance (as defined below) is appropriate in these cases. See In re Insilco Techs., Inc., 291 B.R. 628, 634 (Bankr. D. Del.

2003) (“Factors to be considered, include . . . whether terms of an engagement agreement reflect normal business terms in the marketplace; . . . the relationship between the Debtor and the professionals, i.e., whether the parties involved are sophisticated business entities with equal bargaining power who engaged in an arms-length negotiation; . . . [and] whether the retention, as proposed, is in the best interests of the estate . . .”). First, agreements regarding retainers are commonplace and “reflect normal business terms in the marketplace.” See id. at 634 (stating that

5 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139 Filed 11/26/19 Page 6 of 11

it is not disputed that “the taking of . . . retainers is a practice now common in the market place”).

Second, the Debtors and Morris Nichols are sophisticated entities that have negotiated the

Current Advance at arm’s length. Third, the Current Advance is in the best interests of the

Debtors and their estates because the Current Advance allows the Debtors and Morris Nichols to maintain their prepetition relationship and assure continuity of legal advice and representation through the prosecution of these bankruptcy cases. Thus, under the factors described by the

Insilco court, the facts and circumstances of these cases support the Court’s approval of the

Current Advance.


14. Subject to further order of this Court, Morris Nichols will perform the following professional services for or on behalf of the Debtors in these cases:

a. perform all necessary services as the Debtors’ bankruptcy co-counsel and Delaware counsel, including, without limitation, providing the Debtors with advice, representing the Debtors, and preparing necessary documents on behalf of the Debtors in the areas of restructuring and bankruptcy;

b. take all necessary actions to protect and preserve the Debtors’ estates during these chapter 11 cases, including the prosecution of actions by the Debtors, the defense of any actions commenced against the Debtors, negotiations concerning litigation in which the Debtors are involved, and objecting to claims filed against the estates;

c. prepare or coordinate preparation on behalf of the Debtors, as debtors in possession, any necessary motions, applications, answers, orders, reports, and papers in connection with the administration of these chapter 11 cases;

d. counsel the Debtors with regard to their rights and obligations as debtors in possession;

e. counsel the Debtors on issues of Delaware law;

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f. coordinate with the Debtors’ other professionals in representing the Debtors in connection with these cases; and

g. perform all other necessary or requested legal services.

15. Morris Nichols will work with Kasowitz and the Debtors’ other

professionals to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts and to represent the Debtors in an

efficient and cost-effective manner.

16. The Debtors believe that Morris Nichols’s employment is in the best

interests of the Debtors, their estates, and their creditors.

17. Subject to this Court’s approval of the Application, Morris Nichols is

willing to serve as the Debtors’ bankruptcy co-counsel and Delaware counsel and to perform the services described above.


18. To the best of the Debtors’ knowledge, information, and belief, and except

as otherwise set forth herein and in the Dehney Declaration, no Morris Nichols partners, counsel,

or associates hold or represent any interest adverse to the Debtors’ estates or their creditors, and

Morris Nichols is a “disinterested person,” as defined in section 101(14) of the Bankruptcy Code.

19. Morris Nichols does not, and has not, represented any entities, other than

the Debtors, in matters related to these chapter 11 cases, except to the extent otherwise indicated

in the Dehney Declaration. Morris Nichols may represent, or may have represented in the past,

certain parties with interests in the Debtors’ cases on matters unrelated to their chapter 11 cases.

As set forth in the Dehney Declaration, Morris Nichols has conducted, and continues to conduct,

research into its connections to the Debtors, their substantial creditors and equity security

holders, and other parties interested in these cases. As part of this inquiry, Morris Nichols

obtained the names of individuals or entities that may be parties in interest in these chapter 11

7 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139 Filed 11/26/19 Page 8 of 11

cases (the “Potential Parties in Interest,” attached to the Dehney Declaration as Schedule 1).

Morris Nichols then entered the names of Potential Parties in Interest into a computer database containing the names of all clients and conflict information concerning the clients of Morris


20. From the results of this inquiry, Morris Nichols compiled a list (“Client

Match List”) of Potential Parties in Interest that are current or former Morris Nichols clients.

The Client Match List is divided into two schedules of current and former clients, respectively.

Current clients are listed on Schedule 2 attached to the Dehney Declaration and former clients are listed on Schedule 3 attached to the Dehney Declaration. Through additional inquiry, Morris

Nichols has determined its representations of clients on the Client Match List concern matters unrelated to the Debtors and these chapter 11 cases, except to the extent otherwise indicated in the Dehney Declaration. Although Morris Nichols values all of its clients, none of the entities listed on the Client Match List represent a significant portion of the firm’s annual revenue.

21. Although Morris Nichols has undertaken, and continues to undertake, efforts to identify connections with the Debtors and other parties in interest, it is possible that connections with some parties in interest have not yet been identified. Should Morris Nichols discover additional connections of the nature described above, Morris Nichols will promptly supplement the disclosures in the Dehney Declaration.


22. Morris Nichols was retained by the Debtors on October 22, 2019, and began work the same day. On October 22, 2019, Morris Nichols received an advance payment of $50,000.00 from the Debtors, and, on November 1, 2019, received an additional advance payment of $100,000.00 from the Debtors for certain affiliates of the Debtors, for a total prepetition advance of $150,000.00. Accordingly, Morris Nichols currently holds a balance of

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$150,000.00 as an advance payment for services to be rendered and expenses to be incurred in connection with its representation of the Debtors and certain affiliates of the Debtors (the

“Current Advance”), and Morris Nichols and the Debtors request authority to continue to maintain the Current Advance during these cases.3

23. Morris Nichols’s Compensation during these cases will be based upon the hours actually expended by each assigned professional at each professional’s hourly billing rate, as detailed further in the Dehney Declaration. Subject to Court approval in accordance with

Bankruptcy Code sections 330 and 331, the Bankruptcy Rules, the Local Rules, and the orders of this Court, the Debtors propose to compensate Morris Nichols for professional services rendered at its normal and customary hourly rates in effect from time to time as set forth in the Dehney


24. Morris Nichols will also seek reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred, which shall include travel, photocopying, delivery service, postage, vendor charges, and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred in providing professional services, charged at cost.

25. Morris Nichols intends to apply to the Court for the allowance of compensation for professional services rendered and reimbursement of expenses incurred in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, and the Local Rules.


26. Morris Nichols intends to use its reasonable best efforts to comply with the Guidelines for Reviewing Applications for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

3 Morris Nichols has not been paid any other compensation by the Debtors within the 90 days before the Petition Date, and Morris Nichols is not a creditor of the Debtors.

9 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139 Filed 11/26/19 Page 10 of 11

Filed Under 11 U.S.C. § 330 by Attorneys in Larger Chapter 11 Cases, effective as of November

1, 2013 (the “Appendix B Guidelines”). To that end, Morris Nichols provides the following statements in response to the request for additional information set forth in Part D.1. of the

Appendix B Guidelines:

Question: Did you agree to any variations from, or alternatives to, your standard or customary billing arrangements for this engagement?

Response: No.

Question: Do any of the professionals included in this engagement vary their rate based on the geographic location of the bankruptcy case?

Response: No.

Question: If you represented the client in the 12 months prepetition, disclose your billing rates and material financial terms for the prepetition engagement, including any adjustments during the 12 months prepetition. If your billing rates and material financial terms have changed postpetition, explain the difference and the reasons for the difference.

Response: In connection with the chapter 11 cases, Morris Nichols was retained by the Debtors pursuant to the engagement letter dated October 22, 2019. The material terms of the prepetition restructuring engagement are the same as the terms described in the Dehney Declaration.

For work performed for the Debtors in 2019, Morris Nichols’s hourly rates were as follows:

Partners $675–1,100 Associates and Special Counsel $425–695 Paraprofessionals $285–330

Morris Nichols’s regular rates are adjusted on an annual basis and, as such, were adjusted on January 1, 2019. These regular rates are applicable to Morris Nichols’s postpetition work in connection with the chapter 11 cases.

Question: Has your client approved your prospective budget and staffing plan, and, if so, for what budget period?

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Response: Morris Nichols, in conjunction with the Debtors and the Debtors’ other professionals, is developing a budget and staffing plan for these chapter 11 cases for the period beginning October 22, 2019, ending January 31, 2020. Morris Nichols, the Debtors, and the Debtors other professionals will review such budget following the close of the budget period to determine a budget for the following period.


27. Notice of this Motion shall be given to (a) the Office of the United States Trustee

for the District of Delaware, (b) the Debtors' thirty (30) largest unsecured creditors on a consolidated basis, (c) counsel to Natixis, New York Branch and counsel to BMO Harris Bank

N.A., (d) counsel to Riverstone Credit Management, LLC, (e) the United States Attorney's

Office for the District of Delaware, (f) the Internal Revenue Service, (g) the Securities and

Exchange Commission, (h) any party that has requested notice pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule

2002 as of the time of service, and (i) any other party required to be provided notice under Local

Rule 9013-1(m). Due to the nature of the relief requested herein, the Debtors submit that no other or further notice need be provided.


WHEREFORE, the Debtors respectfully request that the Court (i) grant this

Application and the relief requested herein; (ii) enter the proposed order attached hereto as

Exhibit D; and (iii) grant such other and further relief as it deems just and proper.

Dated: November 26, 2019 Indianapolis, Indiana /s/ Mark A. Siffin

Mark A. Siffin Chief Executive Officer MTE Holdings LLC

11 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-1 Filed 11/26/19 Page 1 of 2


) In re: ) Chapter 11 ) MTE HOLDINGS LLC, et al.,1 ) Case No. 19-12269 (KBO) ) Debtors. ) Jointly Administered ) ) Hearing Date: January 8, 2020, at 1:30 ) p.m. (ET) ) Objection Deadline: December 10, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. (ET) )


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on November 26, 2019, the above-captioned debtors and debtors-in-possession (the “Debtors”) filed the Debtors’ Application for Entry of an Order Under Sections 327(a) and 1107(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1 Authorizing Retention and Employment of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP as Bankruptcy Co-Counsel and Delaware Counsel for the Debtors Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date (the “Application”).

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that objections, if any, to approval of the Application must (a) be in writing; (b) be filed with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market Street, 3rd Floor, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, on or before December 10, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) (the “Objection Deadline”); and (c) served so as to be received on or before the Objection Deadline by the undersigned counsel to the Debtors.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT only objections made in writing and timely filed and received, in accordance with the procedures above, will be considered by the Bankruptcy Court at such hearing.

1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, are: MTE Holdings LLC (7894); MTE Partners LLC (1158); Olam Energy Resources I LLC (0770); MDC Energy LLC (9140); MDC Texas Operator LLC (1087); Ward I, LLC (6817); and MDC Reeves Energy LLC (3644). The Debtors’ address is 280 East 96th Street, Suite 210, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-1 Filed 11/26/19 Page 2 of 2



Dated: November 26, 2019 MORRIS, NICHOLS, ARSHT & TUNNELL LLP Wilmington, Delaware /s/ Daniel B. Butz Robert J. Dehney (No. 3578) Eric D. Schwartz (No. 3134) Daniel Butz (No. 4227) 1201 North Market Street, 16th Floor P.O. Box 1347 Wilmington, Delaware 19899-1347 Telephone: (302) 658-9200 Facsimile: (302) 658-3989 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

- and -

Andrew K. Glenn (admitted pro hac vice) Matthew B. Stein (admitted pro hac vice) David J. Mark (admitted pro hac vice) KASOWITZ BENSON TORRES LLP 1633 Broadway New York, New York 10019 Telephone: (212) 506-1700 Facsimile: (212) 506-1800 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Proposed Counsel for Debtors and Debtors in Possession

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Dehney Declaration Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 2 of 45


In re: Chapter 11

MTE HOLDINGS LLC, et al., Case No. 19-12269 (KBO)

Debtors.1 Jointly Administered


I, ROBERT J. DEHNEY, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:

1. I am a partner at Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP (“Morris

Nichols”), which maintains an office for the practice of law at 1201 North Market Street, 16th

Floor, Wilmington, Delaware 19801. I am an attorney at law, duly admitted and in good

standing to practice in the states of Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New York as well

as the United States District Court for the District of Delaware and the United States Court of

Appeals for the Third Circuit.

2. I submit this declaration (the “Declaration”) in connection with the

Debtors’ Application for Entry of an Order Under Sections 327(a) and 1107(b) of the

Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1

Authorizing Retention and Employment of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP as Bankruptcy

1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, are: MTE Holdings LLC (7894); MTE Partners LLC (1158); Olam Energy Resources I LLC (0770); MDC Energy LLC (9140); MDC Texas Operator LLC (1087); Ward I, LLC (6817); and MDC Reeves Energy LLC (3644). The Debtors’ address is 280 East 96th Street, Suite 210, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 3 of 45

Co-Counsel and Delaware Counsel for the Debtors Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date (the

“Application”)2 and to provide certain disclosures under sections 327(a) and 329(a) of title 11 of

the United States Code (as amended, the “Bankruptcy Code”), rules 2014 and 2016 of the

Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the “Bankruptcy Rules”), and rules 2014-1 and 2016-1

of the Local Rules of Bankruptcy Practice and Procedure of the United States Bankruptcy Court

for the District of Delaware (the “Local Rules”).

3. Except as otherwise indicated, I have personal knowledge of the matters

set forth herein and, if called as a witness, would testify competently hereto.3

4. By separate application, the Debtors seek to retain and employ Kasowitz

Benson Torres LLP (“Kasowitz”) as bankruptcy co-counsel in these chapter 11 cases. Morris

Nichols intends to work cooperatively with Kasowitz and the Debtors’ other professionals to

provide effective and cost-efficient representation of the Debtors in these chapter 11 cases and

avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts.

5. Morris Nichols’s attorneys have specialized knowledge and experience in

bankruptcy, reorganization and restructuring, corporate litigation, corporate governance, and

other areas that are or may be relevant to these chapter 11 cases.

6. Insofar as I have been able to ascertain, Morris Nichols and its partners, associates, and counsel do not have any material connection with the Debtors, their significant creditors, or any other parties in interest, or any of their respective attorneys or accountants, other than as described in this Declaration.

2 Capitalized terms not defined herein are defined in the Application. Morris Nichols does not waive by the Application, this Declaration, and its contents, and hereby reserves and preserves all privileges.

3 Certain of the disclosures herein relate to matters within the knowledge of other attorneys at Morris Nichols and are based on information provided by them.

2 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 4 of 45

7. Due to the size and diversity of the firm’s practice, Morris Nichols may

have represented or otherwise dealt with or may now be representing or otherwise dealing with

certain entities or persons (and their attorneys or accountants) who are or may consider

themselves to be creditors, equity security holders, or parties interested in these cases. However,

Morris Nichols does not and will not represent any entity other than the Debtors in connection

with these cases.

8. In addition, Morris Nichols is or has been engaged in a number of matters

in which attorneys and other professionals representing various parties in interest in these cases

are or have also been involved; in a number of cases, Morris Nichols and those professionals

represent or have represented the same clients. Moreover, due to the nature and size of its

practice, Morris Nichols has or has had relationships as local, co-counsel, or referring counsel

with many major law firms in most, if not all, major cities in the United States, which includes

law firms representing creditors or other parties in interest in these cases; all such relationships

are on matters unrelated to these cases. Morris Nichols is also a member of certain lawyer

associations and networks, including TerraLex, a worldwide network of law firms, and ALAS, a

mutual insurance company owned by law firms, each of which may include law firms

representing creditors or other parties in interest in these cases. Furthermore, Morris Nichols, as

part of its practice, also has and continues to represent agents, trustees, and similar entities in

bankruptcy cases in which participants in the related facilities may be or believe they are

creditors or other parties in interest in the above-captioned bankruptcy cases; Morris Nichols does not represent these participants and they are not generally part of Morris Nichols’s conflict system.

3 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 5 of 45

9. Morris Nichols has conducted, and continues to conduct, research into its

relations with the Debtors, their substantial creditors and equity security holders, and other

parties interested in these cases. As part of this inquiry, Morris Nichols obtained the names of

individuals or entities that may be parties in interest in these chapter 11 cases (the “Potential

Parties in Interest”) annexed hereto as Schedule 1. Morris Nichols then entered the names of

Potential Parties in Interest into a computer database containing the names of all clients and

conflict information concerning the clients of Morris Nichols. From the results of this inquiry,

Morris Nichols compiled a list (“Client Match List”)4 of Potential Parties in Interest that are

current or former Morris Nichols clients. The Client Match List is divided into two schedules of

current and former clients, respectively.

10. With additional inquiry, Morris Nichols has determined that its

representations of the Client Match Entities concern matters unrelated to these chapter 11 cases,

except to the extent otherwise indicated herein. In particular, to the best of my knowledge,

information, and belief: (i) Morris Nichols currently serves as counsel to those entities, or

affiliates of those entities, identified on the schedule annexed hereto as Schedule 2 on matters

unrelated to these cases; and (ii) Morris Nichols formerly represented those entities, or affiliates of those entities, identified on the schedule annexed hereto as Schedule 3 on matters unrelated to

these cases since October 1, 2016. Morris Nichols’s computer database covers a period of time

prior to October 1, 2016; however, consistent with the disinterestedness timeframe of two to

three years, Morris Nichols has not listed on Schedule 3 former clients for such prior period.

4 To the extent that a Client Match Entity disclosed in either Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 attached to this Declaration is not an “affiliate” (as such term is defined in section 101(2) of the Bankruptcy Code) of or is otherwise unrelated to a Potential Party in Interest, such Client Match Entity shall not be construed as an affiliate of or entity related to such Potential Party in Interest and Morris Nichols reserves all rights with respect thereto.

4 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 6 of 45

Although Morris Nichols values all of its clients, none of the entities listed on the Client Match

List represent a significant portion of the firm’s annual revenue.

11. In addition, Delaware Corporate Organizers, Inc. (“DCO”), a wholly- owned subsidiary of Morris Nichols, serves as registered agent for certain Delaware corporations and performs various non-legal corporate services, and may serve as registered agent or perform other non-legal corporate services, for entities connected to these cases. DCO does not provide legal services, however, and does not have an attorney-client relationship with any of its customers.

12. Gregory W. Werkheiser, a partner in this firm, is married to Rachel L.

Werkheiser, who, since August 31, 2009, has served as a judicial law clerk to the Honorable

Christopher S. Sontchi, the Chief Bankruptcy Judge in this District.

13. Dion Wynn, a paralegal specialist with the U.S. Trustee’s office in

Delaware was an employee of Morris Nichols from 1998 to 2000.

14. Other than as set forth herein, Morris Nichols is neither a creditor of the

Debtors, an equity holder of the Debtors, nor an insider of the Debtors. For so long as it represents the Debtors, Morris Nichols will not represent any entities other than the Debtors in connection with these cases.

15. Neither Morris Nichols, including any partner, counsel, or associate thereof, nor I represent any interest adverse to the Debtors or the Debtors’ estates in the matters upon which Morris Nichols is proposed to be engaged.

16. Morris Nichols is a “disinterested person” as that term is defined in section

101(14) of the Bankruptcy Code.

5 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 7 of 45

17. Morris Nichols was retained by the Debtors on October 22, 2019, and began work the same day. On October 22, 2019, Morris Nichols received an advance payment of $50,000.00 from the Debtors, and, on November 1, 2019, received an additional advance payment of $100,000.00 from the Debtors for certain affiliates of the Debtors, for a total prepetition advance of $150,000.00.5 Accordingly, Morris Nichols currently holds a balance of

$150,000.00 as an advance payment for services to be rendered and expenses to be incurred in connection with its representation of the Debtors and certain affiliates of the Debtors (the

“Current Advance”).

18. To the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, Morris Nichols has not been paid any other compensation by the Debtors during the 90-day period prior to the

Petition Date and Morris Nichols is not a prepetition creditor of the Debtors.

19. Subject to Court approval in accordance with Bankruptcy Code sections

330 and 331, the Bankruptcy Rules, and the applicable orders and Local Rules of this Court, the

Debtors propose to pay Morris Nichols its customary hourly rates in effect from time to time as set forth herein, plus reimbursement of actual, necessary expenses incurred by Morris Nichols on the Debtors’ behalves. The following are Morris Nichols’s current hourly rates for work of this nature:

Partners $675–1,100 Associates and Special Counsel $425–695 Paraprofessionals $285–330

20. These hourly rates are subject to periodic adjustments to reflect economic and other conditions.

5 Morris Nichols’s statement pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2016 is attached to the Application as Exhibit C.

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21. Morris Nichols will seek interim and final approval of payment of compensation and reimbursement of expenses in connection with these cases pursuant to sections

330 and 331 of the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, and the applicable orders and Local

Rules of this Court.

22. All filing fees in these chapter 11 cases have been paid.

23. Morris Nichols intends to use its reasonable best efforts to comply with the Guidelines for Reviewing Applications for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Filed Under 11 U.S.C. § 330 by Attorneys in Larger Chapter 11 Cases, effective as of November

1, 2013 (the “Appendix B Guidelines”). To that end, Morris Nichols provides the following statements in response to the request for additional information set forth in Part D.1. of the

Appendix B Guidelines:

Question: Did you agree to any variations from, or alternatives to, your standard or customary billing arrangements for this engagement?

Response: No.

Question: Do any of the professionals included in this engagement vary their rate based on the geographic location of the bankruptcy case?

Response: No.

Question: If you represented the client in the 12 months prepetition, disclose your billing rates and material financial terms for the prepetition engagement, including any adjustments during the 12 months prepetition. If your billing rates and material financial terms have changed postpetition, explain the difference and the reasons for the difference.

Response: In connection with the chapter 11 cases, Morris Nichols was retained by the Debtors pursuant to the engagement letter dated October 22, 2019. The material terms of the prepetition restructuring engagement are the same as the terms described herein.

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For work performed for the Debtors in 2019, Morris Nichols’s hourly rates were as follows:

Partners $675–1,100 Associates and Special Counsel $425–695 Paraprofessionals $285–330

Morris Nichols’s regular rates are adjusted on an annual basis and, as such, were adjusted on January 1, 2019. These regular rates are applicable to Morris Nichols’s postpetition work in connection with the chapter 11 cases.

Question: Has your client approved your prospective budget and staffing plan, and, if so, for what budget period?

Response: Morris Nichols, in conjunction with the Debtors and the Debtors’ other professionals, is developing a budget and staffing plan for these chapter 11 cases for the period beginning October 22, 2019, ending January 31, 2020. Morris Nichols, the Debtors, and the Debtors other professionals will review such budget following the close of the budget period to determine a budget for the following period.

24. Morris Nichols and its partners, counsel, and associates have not received, agreed to, or been promised any compensation in connection with its representation of the

Debtors in these cases other than as set forth in the Application.

25. Morris Nichols has neither shared nor agreed to share (i) any compensation it has received or may receive with another party or person, other than with the partners, counsel, and associates of Morris Nichols, or (ii) any compensation another person or party has received or may receive.

26. The proposed employment of Morris Nichols is not prohibited by or improper under Bankruptcy Rule 5002. Except as disclosed herein, I am not related, and to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, no attorney at the Morris Nichols is related, to any United States Bankruptcy Judge or District Court Judge for the District of Delaware or to the

United States Trustee for such district or any employee in the office thereof.

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27. By reason of the foregoing, I believe that Morris Nichols is eligible for retention and employment as bankruptcy co-counsel and Delaware counsel for the Debtors pursuant to sections 327(a) and 1107(b) and the applicable Bankruptcy Rules and Local Rules.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Executed on November 26, 2019 Wilmington, Delaware /s/ Robert J. Dehney Robert J. Dehney

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Schedule 1

Potential Parties in Interest

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Debtors MDC Energy LLC Judges MDC Energy Reeves LLC Ashely M. Chan MDC Texas Operator LLC Brendan L. Shannon MTE Holdings LLC Christopher S. Sontchi MTE Partners LLC John T. Dorsey Olam Energy Resources I LLC Karen B. Owens Ward I, LLC Kevin Gross Laurie Selber Silverstein Officers and/or Officers of Affiliates Mary F. Walrath Bob Quinn David Entzminger Advisors Donnabelle Hutt Conway Mackenzie Jason Kincaid Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP Kent Williams Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP Kirk Farquhar Stretto Paul Cyphers Paul M. Boardman Office of the United States Trustee Lauren Attix Equity Holders, Affiliates, and/or Officers David Buchbinder Etienne E. Locoh Linda Casey Isaac S. Franco Holly Dice John Cooper Shakima L. Dortch Larrez Green Timothy J. Fox, Jr. Maefield Development Diane Giordano Mark A. Siffin Christine Green Steven J. Kassin Benjamin Hackman Jefferey Heck Non-Debtor Affiliates Jane Leamy iStar Financial Hannah M. McCollum IUC Olam Holdings LLC James R. O'Malley MDC Acquisition LLC Michael Panacio MTE Holdings II LLC Linda Richenderfer MTE Olam Holdings LLC Juliet Sarkessian MTE Parent LLC Richard Schepacarter Edith A. Serrano Banks Karen Starr BNY Mellon T. Patrick Tinker Prosperity Bank, USA Andy R. Vara David Villagrana Utilities Ramona Vinson Grande Communications Dion Wynn MidAmerican Energy Services, LLC

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Lenders Aba Disposal AG Energy Funding, LLC Abacus Computers Inc. Bank of New York Mellon ABCD GIS Mapping, LLC BMO Capital Markets Corp. Abigail Grilley BMO Harris Bank N.A. Accretive Royalties Ltd Centaurus Capital LP Acid Specialists LLC CPPIB Credit Investments III Inc. Acid Tech Services Fenwood Road Capital Partners, LP Adamandt Oilfield Services, LLC Melody Business Finance, LLC Addax Minerals Fund 2012 LP Natixis New York Adkins Septic Services, LLC Natixis, New York Branch Admarc New Jutland Partners, LP Adnan Alimahomed Riverstone Credit Management, LLC Adrian Zuniga Riverstone Credit Partners I Direct, LP Advanced Solids Control LLC Riverstone Credit Partners II Direct, LP Advanced Stimulation Technologies Riverstone Strategic Credit Partners A-1 AES Water Solutions AIV, L.P. AFD Petroleum, Inc. VP Rattlesnake LLC Aggietech Energy Services, LLC Aguilar Royalties, LP Insurance AIM Directional Services Id 2138 Convington Specialty Insurance AJ's Drilling Rig Supplies, LLC Gemini Insurance Company Alamo Pressure Pumping LLC Travelers Alan Dean Waller Market American Alan R. Trucking Travelers Property Casualty Comp. Alday Trucking LLC Market International Ins. Co. LTD Alden Oestreich The Travelers Casualty and Surety Alex Lorte & Mario A. Ortega Evanston Insurance Company Alex Ortega Ford Credit Alexander Oil & Gas, LLC Ford Motor Credit Alexis Anderson Ford Motor Credit Co. Alfred J. Thiede Allana L. Harris Trade and/or Unsecured Creditors and/or Alldale Minerals II, LP Other Interest Holders Alldale Minerals, LP 1993 Jean Camp Robillard Mcintosh Allen W. Hamill Jr. Family 2T Partnership, Ltd Allied Wireline Services, LLC 3:23 Trucking LLC Ally Consulting, LLC 3D Hotshot Service, LLC ALM Investments, Inc. 3H Trucking, LLC Alnc Inc. 4C Construction Alpha & Omega, Contract 4-H Flowback Services, Inc. Alpha King Electric LLC. 5J Oilfield Services, LLC Alpha Twenty One Corporation A & E Briercrest, LLC Alpine Royalties, LLC A & G Reed Enterprises, LLC Alron Jonah, LLC A-1 Sign Engravers, Inc. Alton L Hillger, Trustee AAA Well Service, LLC Altus Intervention USA, Inc.

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Amanda Blankenship Arnette Elizabeth Maxwell Lee Amanda Chapman Arrow Fence Co Amanda Eagle George Arthur J. Brune, Iii Amanda Henry Art's Inspection & Pipe Service Amanda Holly AT&T Amber Denise Hillger Atlas Sand Company,LLC Amega-West Services, LLC Atlas Tubular, LLC American Eagle Logistics, LLC August Resources, Ltd. American Safety Services Inc Aurora Cisneros Garcia Americawest Energy Group LLC Austen S. Campbell, Trustee Ameriflush Austin I. King Amicus Services, Inc. Auters Corp Amy Diane Allen Fullerton Avatar Systems, Inc. Anaya Trucking, LLC Aveda Transportation and Energy Anchor Drilling Fluids USA LLC Avey Rayos Anderson Perforating Services, LLC Aviare Place Apartments Andrews Royalty LP Aviation Investment Corp. Angela Dawn Parten Axis Energy Services Angela Essman Spencer Axis Pressure Control Services, LLC Angela Harris Kilgore Azoulay Family Trust Angela K. Allen Azoulay, Moshe Ann Elaine Glenn Azteca Fabrication, Inc. Ann Osborn Suttee B & S No. 1 LLC Ann Vaughn Farwell B&L Pipeco Services, Inc. Ann W. Walzer Living Trust B&T Rentals Anna K. Meyers B&W Chemical Toilets, Inc. Anna Nelsene Tutt B&W Southern Petroleum Anne Burnett Phillips B. R. Griffin Oil & Gas, Ltd. Anne Dickson Daniel Badger BMB Services, Inc. Anne Irene Wallace Roger-Mcgovney Bailey & Glasser LLP Anne M. Perry Baker Botts LLP Annie Ladonia Runyon Family Trust Baker Hughes Anytime Hotshot, LLC Ballparks Future, LLC Apergy Esp Systems, LLC Bank of Montreal Apollo Lighting Solutions Inc. Barbara A. Snell Apollo Perforators Inc. Barbara Ann Meriwether Applied Us Energy, Inc. Barbara Armstrong Aquarius Chemical, LLC Barbara C. Tocco Arc Electric LLC Barbara Harris Archie Robert & Gwendolyn Reed Barbara Jean Pansorosa Archrock Services, L.P. Barbara M. Goede Aries Well Service, Inc. Barbara M. Goede Armand Smith, Jr. Barbara M. Riester Armando Madrid Barbara P. Hilliard Armstrong Gas Labs, Inc. Barbara Priddy Clark Armstrong, Backus & Co. LLP Barbara S. Stark

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Barbara W. Currie Ratliff Birdie Slack Investments LLC Baron Honea Bison Trucking, LLC Barry Hailey Black Gold Rental Tools, Inc. Barton, East & Caldwell, P.L.L.C. Black Pearl Energy, LLC Baseline Energy Services, LP Black Stone Minerals Company, LP Basic Energy Services Blackhawk Measurement Basin Engine & Pump, Inc. Blackhawk Services, LLC Basin Packer Company, Inc. Blackstone Minerals Company, L.P. Basin Ridge Technologies, LLC Blair Tool LLC Basin Supply, LP, Wb Supply, LLC Blairbax Energy LLC Baxsto LLC Blake Oil & Gas Corporation Bayswater Fund IV-B, LLC Blaxtone Energy,LLC Baywater Resources, LLC Blaze Interests, LLC BB Free Mineral Holdings, LLC Blaze Oil Company, LLC Beacon Bloomer Living Trust Bedrock Petroleum Consultants, LLC Blue Mesa Limited Partnership Beekman Enterprises Inc. Blue Streak Transportation, Inc. Bell Family Minerals, LP Bluma A. Seigal Rev. Living Trust Ben M. Anderson BML, Inc. Ben R. Young BNB Consulting Services Inc. Ben Rubinett BNN West Texas Benedict Payeff Board of Regents of Tx A&M Univ. Benjamin Ralph Bickley Bobbie E. Glidewell Benjamin Ransom Bean Bobby Baker Berkley Donavan Anderson Bobby Free Bernadette Mary Kiely Bobby Shannon Moss Bernice Brodksy Declaration Of Boldrick Family Properties LP Bert H Hillger Bond-Coat, Inc. Best Buy Boomerang Trucking Betty Jane Rogers Crawford Boomslang Resources, LLC Bettye Ann Key, Trustee Boots Smith Completion Services LLC Beverly A Lentz Borden Exploration & Development LP Beverly Wilson Bos Solutions,Inc. Bhl Boresight, Inc. Bosque Disposal Systems, LLC Bhw Charitable Trust Bossier Land Management, LLC Big B Crane, LLC Bounty Family Trust Big D Equipment Company Bracewell LLP Big E Drilling Company Bradco Services Big E Services, LLC Braden Henry Turek Big Game Oilfield Services,LLC Bradford Big H Transport, LLC Bradford L. Saums Big Lake Kay Construction, Inc. Bradley T. Sauters Bill B. Day & Vernene F. Day Brandon Clinton Hamner Billie J. Saylor Brannco Wireline Services, Inc. Billy Grace Cawley Brazos Bend 2012 Trust Billy Joe Hillger Bren Marr Davis

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Brigham Minerals, LLC Canrig Drilling Technology Ltd. Briley Trucking, Ltd Cantrell Trucking,Inc. Britt Trucking Company Capital One Bank, USA Bronco Services, Ramon Ponce Capital Premium Financing Brower Family Partnership LP Caprock Oil Tools, Inc. Browning Oil Company, Inc. Caprock Title Midland, LLC Bruce Stephens Carla M. Hunter Bryan D. Chenault Carly Jo Underwood Bst Oil & Gas, LLC Carol A. Noonan BT & S Trucking Services LLC Carole Elizabeth Lattner Steinmetz BT Midstream, LLC Caroline N. Hoagland Buck Oil & Gas, LLC Carolyn Ann Bell Saras Scarborough Buckeye, Inc. Carrizo Oil & Gas Buffalo Oil & Gas Carrollton Mineral Partners IV, LP Buffy Energy LLC Carson Bryan Buford Tipton Chesney Carter Bloodcare Bullseye Testing LLC Casey G. Riggan Bullzeye Oilfield Services, LLC Casey Nolen Burdine Anderson Giese Castle Peak Development, Ltd Bush/Griffin Living Trust Catalyst Oilfield Services, LLC Butch's Rat Hole & Anchor Service Cathryn Withrow Bwb Land & Minerals, LLC Cathryn Withrow Revocable Trust Byrd Oilfield Services LLC Cathy C. Lucas C & A Royalties, LP Cavalry Energy Services, Inc. C & G Family Trust Cavco Investments, LP C & R Oilfield Services Inc. Cawley Gillespie & Associates C Hinton Enterprises CC Forbes LLC C&G Electrical, LLC CC Oil & Gas Ventures, LLC C&J Spec-Rent Services, Inc. Cdk Perforatring,LLC C. Fagg Sanford, Iii Cecilia Castillo C.A. Daugherty Cement Specialists LLC Caballo Loco Midstream, LLC Centennial Resource Development Inc. Cabrito Ltd Centennial Resource Production, LLC Cactus Fuel, LLC Central Texas Reclamation, LLC Caddo Minerals, Inc. Chad Austin Brown Cagle Fishing & Rental Tools, Ltd Chad Butler Callie Doris Freetage Stevens Chad L. Bunn Callie Stevens Chance Tool, Ltd Caltech Global, LLC Chandler Sinclair Means Calvin Campbell Charger Services, LLC Calvin Donaghey Charlaine Mccoy Spurlock Calvyn Tool Company Charles Cotter Cambridge Royalty Company Charles E. Colwell Cameron International Corporation Charles Edward Jordan Canary Drilling Services Charles F. Chambers, Iii Canon Safety Services, Ltd. Charles H Priddy

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Charles Heald Cogent Energy Services Charles M Frede Coil Tubing Partners, LLC Charles M. Miranda Colgate Charles Meyers Colgate Operate, LLC Charles R Meeker Trust Commercial Steel Products, LLC Charles R. Anderson & Commissioner of the Texas Charles Steven Kolb Complete Services Charles W. Elrod Concentric Mineral Partners, L.P. Charlotte Hudson Connection Field Services, LLC Charlotte R. Odell Connie Rae Kesey Coats Charlotte T. Slack Conquest Completion Services, LLC Chase Harris, Inc. Contender Energy Partners, LP Chenault-Vaughan Family Contender Permian II, LP Cherry Creek Minerals, LLC Control Equipment, Inc. Cherry Transport Cooper Henderson Askins Cheryl Lynn Mcgahey Copper Creek Royalty, LLC Chester J & Patsy P Kesey Life Cordax Dba Datalog Lwt, Inc. Chevron Products Company Core & Main LP Cheyenne Snapp Cornelia Campbell Grilley Chief Oilfield Services, LLC Cornelia Campbell Grilley Estate Chief Services Cornell University Chock's Inc. Corp., RRC Construction Chris Stephenson Corrosion Ltd Christine B Motycka Cougar Drilling Solutions Christine L. Fisher Living Trust County of Reeves Christine Saras Vladeck Courtney Heath Carswell Christopher Cotten Covenant Testing Technologies, LLC Christopher L. Free CPR Hotshot Services, Charles Rosa Christopher Michelsen Craft Office Systems Inc. Christopher Shawn Guthrie Craig M. Mcdonnold Christopher Stephenson Craig Patrick Glenn Christy Leona Coates Craig W Barr Cjm Energy Partners, LP Craig William Beckner Cjm Partners, LP Creed Trucking, LLC Claire Strain Duesing Creek Pipe Company Claud B Hamill Estate Crescent Drilling Foreman Clauda Crossler Crest Pumping Technologies, LLC Clayton Wayne Armstrong Family Cretic Energy Services LLC Clean Chemistry, Inc. Crown Geochemistry, Inc. Clearwater Resources, LLC Csi Compressco Operating, Inc CMP Acquisitions, LLC Csp-Permian,LLC , Capital Sand CMP Permian, LP CTAP, LLC CMS Trucking, LLC Cudd Pressure Control, Inc. Coastal Energy Services, LLC Culligan Water of West Texas, Inc. Cody Ben Sims Cutter Drilling Systems Cody Dennis Trucking LLC Cynthia Copeland Spurlock

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Cynthia Gayle Barthelme Deirdre Appel Cynthia Kay Alley Delana F. Huston Cynthia Suzanne Kesey Alexander Delaware State Treasury D. Covington Family Trust Delbert L. Runyon D.G. Rentals Inc. Del's Fluid Calipers, Inc Dalton H Cobb Jr Del's Inspection Service Dan R. Honeyfield Dependable Well Service LLC Daniel D. Harkin Desert Partners IV LP Daniel H. Pappas Desert Partners V LP Daniel Roy Stevens Desert Wolfpack Mobile, Inc. Daniel Wesley Reynolds DGM Supply, Inc. Danny R. O'Brien Diahn Ehlers Dark Energy, Inc. Dialog Wireline Services, LLC Datalog Geological Services, LLC Diamond G. Oilfield Services Dave's Tubing Testing Hot Diamond G. Oilfield Supply David B Wilson Diamond M. Trucking David C Wilson Diana C. Dunn David Cox Diana Saenz David Crow, Bullet Enterprises Diane E. Benson David Dennis and Sharlene Dennis Dick Glover Company, Inc. David E. & Shelley W. Sheinkopf Dill Land & Cattle, LLC David Earl Glenn Dinosaur Petroleum LLC David Earl Hageman Discount Tire David Edward Haubegger Diversified Detection Services, Inc David Farmer Exploration LLC Diverterplus, LLC David Henry Hillger D-Jax Corporation David Henry Hillger, Jr. DKL Investments LP David Hunter Strain DNS Trucking, LLC David J. Entzminger Doc's Reverse Units & Rental Tools David Jess St. Clair Document Shredding and Storage David L. Frakes FLP LLP Dodson Family LLC David M Cook Don Chambers David Oliver Daniel Don Harris David Strain, Trustee of The Donald Bradley, Bradley Measurement David Y. Chung Donald E. Jahncke Living Trust DB Coring Solutions, LLC Donald L. Callahan Jr DCC Services, LLC Donald R Wallace DCP Midstream, LLC Donna Caldwell Properties, LLC Deal Commission Donna Pepper Dean L. Greenburg Revocable Trust Donna Ruth Kirk Deborah Davidson Napoli Donnabelle Hutt Deborah K. Perry Noyes Don-Nan Pump & Supply Deborah Lynn Fowler Doreen L Stauffer Dec Global Dorr Petroleum Land Management, LLC Dede Spiva Powell Double E Trucking Deepwell Energy Services, LLC Double H Services

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Doublepine Investments, Ltd. Elizabeth Cody Rutter Douglas Earl Bell Elizabeth Pendleton Reynolds Douglas G Heck Ella Ring Douglas M. Chenault Ellen Colwell Hall Douglas Ray Hart Ellison Fluid Calipers, LLC Douglas W Ferguson ELSR, LP Down Hole Inspection, Inc Emmet, Marvin & Martin, LLP Downhole Technology, LLC Employbridge Holding Company Drilformance, LLC Encore Wellhead Systems, LLC Drill2frac Endeavor Energy Resources, LP Drillchem Drilling Solutions,LLC Energy Personnel International Drilling Info Inc. Energy Transfer Partners, LP Drillingpro Energy, Fishing & Rental DTC Energy Group, Inc. Enterprise Crude Oil D-Tech Drilling Tools,Inc. Enterprise Products Partners, LP Durachem Production Services, LLC Enventure Global Technology, Inc. Dustin Creek Enviro Vat, LP Dwj Real Properties, LLC Envirologic Solutions, Inc. Dba ELS Dynamic Downhole Services, LLC Epic Management Resources, LLC Dynamic Oilfield Services Inc Eric Eschberger Dynasty Downhole Services Erica Haro Dynomax Drilling Tools USA Inc. Erma Meuth E & R Reed Enterprises, LLC Ervin Well Site Consultants, LLC E&V Oil Field Services Erwin Schwartz Sr. E. F. Humphries Essman Family Partnership LP E3 Land & Minerals, LLC Estate Claud B. Hamill Eagle Propane & Fuels Estate of Christopher Franks, Decd. Eagleclaw Midstream Ventures, LLC Estate of E.F. Humphries Earl and Ruth Reed Estate of Edwin C. Finley, Deceased Earl and Ruth Reed Revocable Trust Estate of Gerald W. Currie Earl Michael Rogers Estate of James Edward Brooks Echo Minerals Ac III, LLC Estate of James W Carmack, Deceased Echo Minerals, LP Estate of John G. Auld Ed C. Barrett Estate of O. Barton Bush Eddie B. Gomez Estate of P.A. Meyers Edge Manufacturing & Technology Estate of Patsy Ruth Young Edward P. Mellon, II, Tuw Estate of Raymound A. Young Edward W Hopper Estate of Rodney L. Gills Edward Warren Hopper Estate of Viola Barnes Edwin Finley Holdings, LLC Estate of W. D. Bush Eggelhof Inc. ETC Field Services, LLC Elah Properties Ltd ETC Texas Pipeline,Ltd Elaine Barnes Eugene Pica Elicia Green Eva May O'brien Elisa Castillo Evalie Grigg Elisa Noble Family Ltd. Evan Michael Robinson

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Evans Petroleum Consultants Fortuna Minerals, LLC Evelyn A. Maley Foster & Foster Law, PC Evelyn Carpenter Foster Royalties, LP Evelyn Doyle Spearman Foundation Minerals, LLC Evergreen Natural Resources, LLC Fox Tank Company Evo Incorporated FR Energy, LLC Ewing's Blue Streak LLC Frac Specialists, LLC Exile Royalty Company, LLC Frances Farwell Diabeti Express Energy Services Frances Lucido External Systems Frances M Williams Exterran Energy Solutions, LP Frances Ratliff F&C Transports, Inc. Francis C. Sanders F. L. Stephens Francis Montgomery Williams F.S. Trucking, Inc. Frank & Billie M Slack Rev Trust Fab Tech Drilling Equipment, Inc. Frank K Hopper Fairmount Land & Minerals, LLC Frazee Arledge Falcon Energy Services Fred A. Cecere Feagan Gathering Company Fred Haines Federico Enterprises, Inc. Fred L. Phillips Ferguson Resources Inc Freda Blahosky Trust Fern Hill Village Apartments Freeland Roustabout & Equipment LLC Fesco Ltd , Petroleum Engineers Fried Frank Firethorne Downhole Friendly Trucking First National Bank of Granbury Frozen Food Express Fleaux Services of Louisiana, LLC FTS International Services, LLC Flexpipe Systems, A. Shawcor Company G & N Pumping & Compressor Service Flexsteel Pipeline G. Alan Chapman Flexsteel Usa, LLC G.C. & Sons Trucking, Inc. Florence Marie Hall Trusts G6 Energy Services Florence Thelma Hall Trusts Gabriel Gold Flotek Chemistry, LLC, PCM Division Garland Pumping & Flo-Test, Inc. Gary B. Smith 1992 Revocable Flowco Production Solutions, LLC Gary Earl Reed & Christine Floyd C. Dodson, Jr. Trust Gary Earl Reed, SSP Floyd Cummings Dodson Keeble Trust Gary Philip Rogers Floyd Randolph Humphries Gaurav Rai Fluid Delivery Solutions, LLC Ge Oil & Gas Esp, Inc. Flying A. Pumping Services, LLC Ge Oil & Gas Pressure Control LP FM Hall LP Genesis Energy FMH Foundation Geoff Hawkins, Inc. Ford Motor Credit George C. Neale, Attorneys At Law Forrister Generation-Skipping Trust George F. Meyers Fortress Bank George L. Runyon Fortress Energy Partners II, LP George Ray Sparks Fortress Exchange Properties, LLC George Susat Fortress-Third Party Closing Costs George W Gantt III

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Georgia Elrod Congleton Happy Otter Holdings, LP Geosystems LLP Harris Acoustics of Midland, Inc. Gesch Contracting, Inc. Harris Family Trust Gills Family Revocable Trust Harrison Heritage Enterprises, Inc. Gilmore Fabrication & Service, LP Harvey H. Mueller, II Girard Exploration & Production LLC Headwaters Minerals II, LP Gladiator Energy Services, LLC Hed Enterprises, LP Glasscock County Hedloc Investment Company LP Glen C. Bickley Helen Bickley Poole Glenn H. Liebowitz Trust Helen Christine Yancy, Life Estate Globe Energy Services Helen Hanan Glyneth J. Holmes Helen Taylor Galbraith Gm Oilfield & Trucking Services LLC Hell's Gate Resources Gordon King Humphries Helmerich & Payne, Inc. Gordon W Mixon Jr. Henski Oilfield Services GR Energy Services Herbert R. Rehders III Gradiant Energy Services, Inc. HFLP E&P LLC Grady's Western Supply Co., Inc. Hidalgo Falls LP Grande Communications High Peak Rental & Construction LLC Gravity Oilfield Services, LLC Hillger Becknell Family Gray Surface Specialties Hillger Legacy, LP Great Plains Well Logging, Inc. Holten G. Campbell Green Tree Country Club, Inc. Hooker Energy Holdings, LLC Greenhill School Horizontal Solutions International Greenwell Energy Solutions, LLC Horton Royalty, LLC Gregory P. Miller Hot Rod's Hot Shot Service, LLC Grether Family Trust Howard Mantle Greyson George Seymour Howard Measurement Co., Inc. Griffin Ricker Trust Hse Integrated, LLC Gringotts 5404 LLC Huckaby LP Grissom's Oilfield Service, LLC Hughes Oilfield Transportation Inc Gulf Coast Business Credit Hugo G. Meuth Gwendolyn B. Geltemeyer Hunter Family Partnership, Ltd Gyrodata Incorporated Hybrid Lodging, LLC H & M Buie Investments, Ltd. Hyde Oil & Gas Corporation H.T. Hilliard Estate Hydrocarbons Unlimited H2Oil Disposal & Recovery Services Hydrotx Cleaning Services, LLC Hackberry, LLC IHS Global Inc. Hadco Services, Inc. IITFWI, LLC Hailey's Hot Shot, LLC Impac Exploration Services, Inc. Hair Family Limited Partnership Innovex Downhole Solutions, Inc. Hall-Free Energy Investments Innovex Production Solutions Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. Insignificant Oil, LLC Hammer Perforating, LLC Integrity Directional Services, LLC Hanging H. Ranch Integrity Gas Services, LLC Petroleum LLC Integrity Services, LLC

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Internal Revenue Service James R. Berens Investigations & Security, Inc James Richard Hillger Ira Plus Southwest LLC, Custodian James Robert Bird Ira Pump & Supply Co. James Robert Story, Jr. Iron Horse Tools, LLC James Thomas Daniel Iii Ironman Specialty Fluids LLC James W. Carmack Ii Isaacs Transport James W. Essman Isabel Cole Brooks James W. Spence Jr J Ray's Rentals James W. Essman J&R Reverse Units & Rental Tools Ll Jan Electric LLC J&W Services & Equipment Company Jan M Murphy J. B. Royalties, LLC Jana Gills Morris J. Devin Alsup, Trustee Jana Rice J. Douglas Bradley, LLP Janan White Little, Trustee J. G. Eichstaedt 1997 Trust Jane Danis J. Jan Jircik, P.C. Jane L Brodsky Declaration of Trust J. W. Perry Janet Lorena Byrnes J.E. Carmack Janet Pruitt J.L. Henry Corporation Janice Campbell Estate J6 Energy Services Janice Hillger Melton JA Oilfield Manufacturing, Inc. Janie B Nichols Jack Bickley Janszen Revocable Living Trust Jack Louis Mcgowen Janyss S. Sullivan 1999 Trust Jack Millsap Company Inc. Jason Brandes Jack P. Wolfe Jason Galindo Jack Phariss Jay Bickley Jacqueline Campbell Sheetz Estate Je Carmack LLC Jacqueline Waller Morehead Jeben's Petroleum Engineering, LLC Jacqueline Yvetter Morehead Jeff and Nada Mae Davis James (Ron) Wilson Jeff Harkin James A. Heck Jeff Heald James A. Reichert Jeffery D. Sammons James A. Yancy Jeffery Griffith James A. Carter Jeffrey D. Chenault James B & Tracy M Anderson Trust Jeffrey D. Hart James B. Bickley Jeffrey Grasty James Brian Anderson Jennifer Jo George James Brown Ratliff, Iii Jensen Kohl Angelloz James Burns Jerrad Chance Young James G. Smith Jerry D. Cotter James H. Essman Jerry M. Moore James H. Limbright Jerry Stansell James M. Trester & Holly M. Trester Jerry T. Doyle James Micheal Wilson Jerry Thompson James R Cunningham Jr Jerry Vela James R Doyle Jerry W Bayless & Rhonda W Bayless

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Jerry Wayne Bell JSJ Lee Trucking, LLC Jesus Orosco Juanita Humphries Hampton Jet Specialty, Inc. Juanita Ratliff Johnson Jetstream Oil and Gas Partners, LP Judith Camp Sauer, Trustee JGT Oilfield Service LLC Judith A. Mosley Bench Jim Sam Camp, Trustee Julia Workman Jimmy R. Cox, JRC Well Consulting Julie Canon JL Butler Resources, LLC Julie E. Barnes Jo Ann Rogers Lannom Julie Grammer Shusko Jody's Oilfield Service, Inc. Julie Mosley Joe Campbell Estate June Sanford Tharp Joe D. Rainey & Michelle D. Rainey Justin Dallas St. Clair Joey Ben Sims Justin Sullivan Joey Sims J-W Power Company John & Theresa Hillman JW Powerline John B. Ashmun JW Trucking, LLC John B. Poole K&G Rental Service, Inc. John Collins Prewit, Trustee Kale Capital Advisors, LLC John Cooper Karen Ann Rogers Edgemon John D. Wilson Karen Hood John D. Sauters, III Karen Jane Alexander John E. Coonan Karl Harris John F Barkwell Karrie Ann Self John H. Crilly & Carolyn R. Crilly Katch Kan USA John Henry Vogel Katherine A. Rogers Hearn John Huddleston Katherine Gaynor Saums Cornett John J. Cody Katherine Mcaden John Kruger Katherine Meyers Garon John M. James Katherine Stephenson John Passmore Kathie Gail Courtemanche John Paul Shaby Kathleen Anne Gatts Cubine John Peery Searls Kathleen Elaine Young John R Atkinson Jr Kathy Lee Parr Ferreira John R. Finley Kathy Stephenson John Robert Cravey Katlynn O'Brien Michael John Sheldon Clark Katt Portable Solutions Johnnie Marie Powell Ashley Kay Grammer Camp Johnston & Cloud KC Pipe Jon Christopher St. Clair KE andrews & Company Jonathon Cotten Keith Camp Jose Chavez Keith J. Obermaier Jose David Tovar Kelly H. Baxter Estate Joseph A. Courtemanche Kelly Lynn Colwell Yancy Joseph Mark Gregory Kendall Smith Joseph W. Spence Kennedy Minerals Ltd Joslyn Priddy Kenneth A. Hedrick

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Kenneth D. Brown Laredo Petroleum, Inc. Kenneth R. Poole Inc , KRP Rentals Larrez Green Kenneth S. Gunter Revocable Trust Larry Edward Day Kerry Lott Larry F. Ray Kevin Cook Larry Milton Bell Kevin Debbs Latisha Jean Pullen Kevin Glaspie Latshaw Drilling Company, LLC Kevin Louis Roberson Laura Anderson Davis Kim Dyess Laura Beckner Holm Kimberly Ann Torrez Laura Mcdonald Kimberly Kay Teague Laura Suzanne Alley Kimberly Roberson Reynolds Lauren Davis Kings Lauren Grilley Kinler Oil & Gas, Inc. Laurie Barr Family Trust Kirk Farquhar Law Office of David Gross KKW 2003 Trust Law Offices of Dakshini R. Sen, PC Klamath Oil & Gas, LLC Law Offices of Jay E. Reedy KLT Minerals, LLC Lda, Limited Partnership KLX Energy Services, LLC Leek Safety & Fire Equipment, Inc. KM Resources Legacy Artificial Lift KMF Land, LLC Legacy Directional Drilling, LLC KMP Resources, LLC Legacy Royalties, Ltd Knebel Family Holdings, LLC Legend Energy Services, LLC Knight Oil Tools, LLC Legend Well Site Solutions, LLC Knockout Trucking, LLC Legends Drilling Management Kodiak Gas Services, LLC Leo Villareal Kristen Cooper Leonard G. Miller Kristen Priddy Leonard G. Siegal Rev. Living Trust Kristi L. Reynolds Les T. Toma Krysta O'Brien Lesley Carmack KSW Oilfield Rental,LLC Lewis Gills Kutner Land Company, LLC Lewis M Vasquez & Shauna Vasquez KW International, LLC , KWI-Midland Lezlie Sue Watkins Tipton KWF Enterprises, LP LG Pump, Inc. Kyle H. Mcdonnold Liberty Energy Kym Comer Liberty Fishing & Rental Tools, Inc L&R Bit Company Liberty Well Service,LLC L. K. Adamson Liebowitz Living Trust L.F. Manufacturing, Inc. Light Duty Services, LLC Lacie Nicole Living Trust Light Tower Rentals, Inc Laine A. Day Lightning Oilfield Services, Inc. Laine Valle Linda Grilley Lamar Loyd Linda H. Stevens Lambert Land Company, LLC Linda Jane Myers Landshark Hydroexcavation Service Linda S. Meuth Landy R. Baxter Linda Searls Neidert

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Linda Sue Hillger Manti Tarka Permian, LP Lindley Energy, LLC Manuel Herrera Lisa Cotter Map Resources, Inc. Lisa Marie Powell Marcelle W. Reed Trust Lisa Nichols Margaret A. Murphy LLG Energy Services, LLC Margaret M. Reese Lobo Transport Inc. Margaret S. Mallard Estate Lois H. Lawless Margaret Stacy Reynolds Lois Heffington Margie B. Gentry Lois Jean Hillger Page Marian Miller Montgomery Lois Young Walker Maribeth Stephens Lona Spruill Estate Marie C. Lodowaski, Trustee Lone Star Trucking Marie C. Lodowski Lone Star Wireline Services, LLC Marie C. Lodowski Testamentary Long Star Trucking and Field Service Marilyn Horne Loren Winslow Means Marilyn Matheny Casto Lori Helman Pogoda Revocable Trust Marilyn Ruth Maxwell Hatfield Lori Tudor Mario A. Ortega, Dba Man On Fire Lotus LLC Marisa Borrego Lubbock Audio Visual, Inc. Mark A Smith Trust Fbo Evalie Grigg Lucky MCD Petroleum, LLC Mark A. Smith Irrevocable Tua Fbo Lucky Mcdermott Petroleum, LLC Mark Alvin Wagner, MKW Consulting Lucky Rental Tool LLC Mark C. Humphries Lucky Services Inc. Mark E. Sauters Lucy Johnette Williams Mark Griffin Lufkin Industries, LLC Mark. A. Smith Trust Luis A Martinez & Rosie Martinez Mars Advertising, Inc. Luxe Operating, LLC Marsha S. Clifford Luxe Royalties, LLC Marsha Sue Clifford Revocable Trust Lynn Hughes Martha Ann Slack Reid Lynne C. Parsley Martha Meyers M & W Hot Oil, Inc. Martha Mixon Gagnon M Mcdonnold Jr Martha Strain Wilkinson M&M General Contractors, Inc. Marvin Gardens Capital, LLC M. F. Lawless Testamentary Marvos Minerals, LLC M.D. Abel Co. Mary Anderson Abell Maciel Trucking, LLC Mary Ann Kawaja Mac's Bbq & Catering Mary Ann Mclnnis Macy Anderson Mary Arnett Maefield Development Company Mary Carolyn Puckett Maggie Kay Key Mary Combest Arnett Magnum Oil Tools International Ltd Mary E Eschberger Mai Ling Slaughter Mary G. Flynt Majestic Minerals and Royalty Mgmt Mary Hickey Bell Majestic Minerals and Royalty, LP Mary Jane Crawford Mandana B Livingston Irrevoc Trust Mary Lynlee Sayles Darby

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Mary R Callahan Swaco, M-I LLC Mary Susan Arditi & Edward Adams Mica Powell Hopkins Mary Virginia Harkin Mica Tool & Tubular Mary Wanda Rogers Black Michael A. Kulenguski Mason Askins Michael A. Mcdermott Mason David Hounshell Michael Allan Harris Mason Well Service Michael B. Cobb Matador Drilling Corp Michael Banschbach Matagorda B1, LP Michael D & Phillip S Hillger Matheny Motor Truck Company Michael Dale Hillger Matthew Gregory Daniel Michael J. Canon, P.C. Matthew J. Hillger Michael Kent Williams Matthew R & Tiffany Daugherty Michael Lester Ratliff Matthew Therrell Michael Matheny Maverick Field Services Michael R. Drake Mavros Minerals II, LLC Michael Runyon Mavros Minerals, LLC Micheal Hedrick Mcada Drilling Fluids, Inc Michele C. Healy McCauley Family Trust Midamerican Energy Company McClatchy Bros., Inc. Midamerican Energy Services, LLC McClinton Energy Group, LLC Midcentral Energy Services, LLC McDermott Trust Midessa Telephone Systems McDonnold Petroleum LLC Midland Central Appraisal District McElroy, Sullivan, Miller, Midland Drilling Products McMullen Minerals, LLC Midland Map Company, LLC MDC Acquisition LLC Midland Pipe & Equipment Inc. MDC Reeves Energy LLC Midland Safety and Health Sales MDC Texas Energy LLC Mikal Scott Young Meadowbrook Lane, LLC Mike Womack, Inc. Meg Brooks, Independent Executrix Mildred A Bell Estate Megan M. Booth Milestone Environmental Melanie Lee Mimipa Kahle Trust Melanie M. Kolby Mitchell Royalty, LP Melanie S. Lee MJP Investments, Inc. Melinda McEntee Hilliard Shaw MMV and JLM Family Trust Melissa O'Kelley Momentum Minerals Operating, LP Melody Delong Momentum Operating Co., Inc. Melvin L Cowan, Ii Management Trust Monahans Nipple-Up Service Mendford Trucking, LLC Moneral, Ltd. Meredith Mcbee Monta Sewell Meredith S. Baker Moonlight Energy Services Merrill Communications, LLC Moore Capital Ltd. Mesa Natural Gas Solutions Morado Energy Minerals, LLC Meyer Energy Services, LLC Morris Colwell MGHJR, Ltd. Moser Engine Service M-I LLC , Sulfatreat Motley Asset Management, LLC

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Mountain Supply & Service, LLC Noel Upfall Revocable Trust Movest Capital Noemi Armendariz Mps Enterprises, Inc., Milford Pipe Norma Dwight Rogers MRC, McJunkin Red Man Corporation Norma Jean Kolb MS Energy Services, Multi-Shot, LLC Norman A. Pappas Trust Mt.Snow Construction,LLC Norman Robert Hailey MTE Holdings LLC Notary Public Unit Muckleroy Energy Company Nov Dht, L.P. , Wells Fargo Bank Mulholland Energy Services, LLC O. F. Hedrick Jr. Muriel E. Graf Family Trust Oak Valley Mineral and Land, LP Murphree Tool Company, Inc. Occidental Oil and Gas Corporation Mustang Well Service, LLC Odessa Packer Service, Inc. Myanmar Oil & Gas, LLC Odessa Pumps & Equipment, Inc. N Noble FLP LLP Odie B. Finley N&B Well Service, LLC Office Depot Nabors Completion & Production Office of The United States Trustee Nabors Drilling Technologies Oil Patch Group, Inc. Namp Holdings, LLC Oil States Energy Services, LLC Nancy Catherine Rogers Stout Oilfield Chemical Solutions, LLC Nancy K. Cook Falk Oilfield Safety & Environmental Nancy Sue Colwell Savoy Oil-Tech Construction, LLC Nancy White Dennis Old School Services Natalie Nichols Stroup Oliver H. Daniel Nathan D. Hillger One Eleven Mineral Partnership National Oilwell Dht - Md Totco One Source Energy Services National Oilwell Varco, L.P. O'Neill Minerals I, LLC National Tank & Equipment Opportune, LLP NCS Multistage Orbit Construction NES Global, LLC, HSBC NES Original Services, Inc. New Tech Global Ventures, LLC Orlando L. Cisneros Newfork Royalties Orman Blackwell Nextera Energy Marketing, LLC Orwell J. & Beverly J. Nexus II, Directional Drilling Oryx Southern Delware Holdings, LLC NGL Water Solutions Permian, LLC Osado Properties Ltd Nick Tipton Oscar Dane, Iii Nick Westby Oso Capital LP Nicolas Brissette O-Tex Pumping LLC Nitro Construction Ouwa Oil, LLC Nitro Fluids Owen Haggard Noble Royalties, Inc. P. A. Meyers Noble Royalties, Inc. Fund III LP P. O'b Montgomery Noble Royalties, Inc. Fund IV LP P. O'b Montgomery, Sr. & Wife Noble Royalties, Inc. Fund V LP P.E. Rentals, Inc Noble Royalty Access Fund I LP P.O'b Montgomery, Jr., Trustee For Noble Royalty Access Fund II LP Pajual Enterprise, LLC Noble Royalty Access Fund VII LP Paladin Completion Services

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Panther Well Service LLC Permian Anchors Parker Group Permian Enterprises, Ltd Pason Systems Usa Corp Permian Equipment Rentals Pate Trucking Company, LLC Permian Equipment Rentals Patricia Ann Edens Permian Geological Services, LLC Patricia L. Poole Permian Petroleum Services, Inc. Patricia Lynn Dixon Permian Power Tong, LLC Patrick Gray Permian Sign Co. Patriot Mudlogging, LLC Permian Water Solutions, LLC Patriot Premium Threading Permico Partners Ii, LLC Patsy Nell Ramsey Permico Royalties, LLC Patterson Rental Tools Perry Colwell Estate Patterson Services, Inc. Petco Limited Patterson-Uti Drilling Company, LLC Peter F. Corbett Patti Wolfe Mitchell Peter Faufman and Elizabeth Kaufman Paul & Tara Schwartz Farms Inc. Petra Rental and Supply, LLC Paul Christopher Daniel Petra Reyes Paul Cyphers Petro Amigos Supply Inc. Paul J. Sims Petro Waste Environmental, LP Paul L. Louchis Revocable Trust Petroleo, LLC Paul L. Sossi Living Trust Petrolero, LLC Paul Lynn Rogers Petroplex Acidizing Inc. Paul Ricker Estate Trust Petroplex Swd, LLC Paul Schwartz Petrosmith Equipment, LP Paul W. Funkhouser PGH Petroleum & Environmental Paul W. White, Trustee Phares Edwin Lemond, Jr. Paula E. Sullivan Philip L. Elkus Trust Paula Faye Rogers Stafford Philip O'b Montgomery Sr & Wife Tru Payzone Directional Services, Inc. Phillip Scott Hillger PBR Properties Joint Venture Phillip Tyler Yenzer PCL Partners, Ltd. Phillips Investments, LLC PDM Services LLC Phoenix Technology Services USA, I Peak Oilfield Services, LLC Pierson Family Trust Pecan Bayou Energy, LLC Pilot Thomas Logistics, LLC Pecos Bend Royalties, LP Pinkston Royalties, LP Pecos Enterprise Pioneer Natural Resources USA Inc. Pecos Farm Trust Pioneer Wireline Services, LLC Pecos Valley Production Service Pirate Oilfield Services, Inc. Pegasus Resources, LLC Platform II, LLC Peggi Wolfe Morgan Platinum Collision Repair Center Peggy Adams Platinum Pipe Rentals, LLC Peggy Angela Rambo Plungers & More Peggy M Cook Poco Minerals LLC Peggy Selden Revocable Trust Pollard Petroleum Consulting Peloton Computer Enterprises, Inc. Polyflow, LLC Pennell & Marlowe Land Surveyors Powersat Communications USA LP

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Pradon Construction & Trucking Rachel Reynolds Leigh Precision Drilling Company, LP Railroad Commission of Texas Precision Pressure Data, Inc. Rain Oil & Gas Management, LLC Predator Drilling, LLC Ralph E. Fair, Jr. Preferred Personnel Inc. Ralph H. Lang, Jr. & Associates Premier Directional Drilling, LLC Ralph Hawthorne Premier Oilfield Group Ralph R. Shadle Premium Clean Ramos Trucking Co., Inc. Premium Oilfield Technologies, LLC. Ramos Tubing Testing, Incorporate Premium Tools, LLC Ramsey Family Limited Partnership Prewit Land and Minerals, Ltd. Randall K Farley & Cynthia B Farley Primal Energy O&G, LLC Randall W. Hillger Primavera Resources, Inc. Ranger Energy Services, LLC Prime Rock Minerals II, LLC Raul M. Quiroz Prime Rock Minerals, LLC Raul Rodriguez Prime Time Water Supply, LLC Ray Durham Primitive Petroleum, Inc. Raymond C. Davis Priority Artificial Lift Raymond L. Ferrari, Trustee PRL Energy Holding, LLC Raymond Oliver Pro Select Swd 4 LLC , Probity Swd Raymond Woodrow Young, II Pro Welding, LLC Ray's Automotive Production Lift Companies, Inc. RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Custodian Professional Directional RBC Dain Rauscher, Custodian Property Resources Company, Inc. RBC Wealth Management Propetro Services, Inc. RCS, Inc. Prosperity Bank, USA RDL Transportation Inc. Pro-Tech Hardbanding Services, Inc. RDUB Trucking, LLC Pro-Test, Inc. Reach Wireline, LLC PSG Resources, LLC Ready Drill, LLC PSI Wireline, Inc. Rebecca L. Boggs Pumpco Energy Services, Inc. Rebecca Ruckman Boggs Purchase Power, Pitney Bowes Red Bone Services, LLC Purple Land Management, LLC Red Dirt Rentals Pyote Water Solutions, LLC Red Stone Operations Inc. Qes Directional Drilling, LLC Red Willow Production Company Qes Pressure Control, LLC Red Willow Production LLC Qpc3, LP Redge Friday Welding LLC Qualitas Oilfield Services Redhead Services, LLC Quality Fluids, LLC Redriver Oilfield Services, LLC Quanah Exploration, LLC Reeves County Appraisal District Quest Electrical & Mechanical Corp Reeves County Clerk Quorum Business Solutions Reeves County District Clerk Qwikpipe Inc. Reeves County Resources, LLC R 360 Environmental Solutions, LLC Reeves County, Rosemary Chabarria R F Steiner Heirs Regina Dale Kuethe Trust R. B. McGowen III Regium Holdings LP

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Rehmeyer Family, LP Robert Orona Reliant, An Nrg Company Robert Roy Hillger Remote Monitoring Systems, LLC Robert Utter Rendova Oil Co., Inc. Robert Willen Rene Daugherty Gill Robert William Hillger Renegade Torque and Test , Rwls LLC Robin Stansell Repeat Precision, LLC Robinson Drilling Of Texas, Ltd Republic Services Inc. Rock Tool Company Rescate Royalties, LP Rockwater Energy Solutions Reservoir Data Systems Rodney Thomas Carswell Reveal Energy Services, Inc. Roger Paul Saras Reynold's Brothers Reproduction Ltd Roger Pollex Rh Well Service Inc. Rogers Construction Rhino Rentals Inc Rogers Ford RHL Energy LLC Rogii, Inc. Richard & Beverly Brauer Roland R. Gills Richard Carlton Latham Rolfson Oil, LLC Richard Delane Hamner Ronald E. Rodgers Richard F. Sammons Ronald F. Gills Richard L. Bonar Ronald H. Mayer & Martha M. Mayer Richard M. Barge 1998 Trust Ronald J. Klein Trust Richard R. Paul, Jr. Ronald Licht Revocable Trust Rick Eutsler Ronald O. Holman Ricky W. Miranda Ronald W Hillger Ridgefield Permian Minerals, LLC Rone Properties, LLC Ridgely Partners, Ltd. Rook Contractors Corporation Rig Power Inc. Rooms To Go Rigg-Ett Inc. Rough Ground Services Right Light Services, LLC Roy M. Brown and Jeanie M. Raiser Rig-Id Roy S. Battle Rip Griffin Truck Service Roy W. Kelly River Rock Energy, Inc. Royal T Energy, LLC Rivercrest Royalties, LLC Royalty Asset Holdings, LP RJG Enterprises, LLC Royalty Clearinghouse Partnership RK Pump and Supply RPR I LLC RMCC Equipment LLC RPR LLC, 1st Financial Trust & RMTDC, LLC, Total Energy Services RSC, Inc. Rob D. Trimble, III RST Family Trust Robby Kohutek, Inc. RTX Wireline, LLC Robert A. Horne, Jr. Rudolf & Albine Hermann Robert Eugene Glenn, Jr. Rudy Ortiz Well Service, LLC Robert F. Ingram Rupert Paul Ricker Jr. Trust Robert G. Talley Revocable Trust Rusco Operating LLC Robert Half Finance & Accounting Russaw Transport, LLC Robert M Bearman Rusty Fuller, PC Robert M. Knight Rusty's Oilfield Service Co., Inc.

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Ruth Maxwell Security Business Capital, LLC Rwdy, Inc. Select Energy Services, LLC RWLS LLC Selman & Associates RWLS LLC , Dba Renegade Services Sequia Tubing Testers, LLC RWTI, LLC Seyfarth Shaw, LLP S & T Trucking Sh Permian Minerals, LLC S.R. Smith Holdings, LLC Shack Acid & Cement Service, Inc. Sage Rider Shack Energy Services, Inc. Salazar Service & Trucking, Corp. Shae Lujan Sally G Finch Shannon D. Free Sals Reliable Transport Services In Sharon B. St. Clair Samedan Royalty Corp Sharon Lee Parr Samuel Lester Ratliff Sharon Scott Seldmeyer Samuel Sidney White Sharron A. Chenault Samuel T. Chambers Sharron A. Sibley Trust San Saba Resources LLC Sharron Ann Sibley Trust Sanbar Energy Services,LLC Sharyland Utilities Sandra Humphries Deaton Francis Shaw Interests, Inc. Sandra J. Linder Shawn Grammer Bianca Sandra Jean Harvey Sheep Mountain, Ltd Sandra K. Schafer Roth Ira Sheila Anne Cody Sanford Law Firm, Pllc Sheila E. Chunn Sanjan, LLC, and Shepard R. Sites Santa Elena Minerals IV, LP Sherrie Finley Santa Elena Minerals, LP Sherry Day Foster Sapphire Oilfield Services, LLC Sherry Lynne Day Sarah Beckner Northwood Shirley Ford Sarajane Stoudenmire Shortrip Holdings/Jared Pogoloff Sasquatch Holdings, LLC Shrieve Chemical Products, Inc. Sauters Corp Shriners Hospital for Children Sawyer Oilfield Products LLC Sidewinder Drilling LLC Scandrill, Inc. Sidney Mallard Revocable Trust Scan-X, LLC Sierra Hamilton, Engineering Scarpulla Family Trust Sierra Royalty, Ltd. Schlumberger Rod Lift, Inc. Silver Spur Resources LLC Schlumberger Technology Corp. Silver Zone, Inc. Scientific Drilling Silverback Transport Scott Michael Panthaky Simer Services Inc. Scott Welch Sitepro Automation Software Scottish Rite Masonic Elderly Six House Design Scout Downhole, Inc. SK Supply Co. Scythian, Ltd. Sledgehammer, LLC Sean Eschberger Slingshot Supply Incorporated Searls Collier, Ltd. Sloan Blair Secretary Of State Sloan-Kettering Institute Securities & Exchange Commission Slyder Energy Solutions, LLC

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Smith International, Inc. Steven R. Smith Sniper Dent Company Stockton Oil and Gas Services, LLC Snyper Energy Services, Inc Stone Hill Exploration Solid Liberty Rental Services, LLC Stone Oilfield Services, Inc. Solid Liberty Services, LLC Stone Rentals II Sonic Connectors Ltd STR Investments, LLC Sonoma Rudman Sibley, Deceased Stribling Funding Corp. Sons of Mundy Stride Oilfield Services, LLC Sool, Ltd Stubbeman, Mcrae, Sealy, Laughlin Sourcing Rock, LLC Subterra Resources LLC Southern Connections & Services LLC Sue H. May, Individually and As Southwell & Associates, LLC Independent Executrix of The John L. May Southwest Federated North Texas, LP Estate Southwest Oilfield Products, Inc Summit Casing Services LLC Special Core Analysis Labs, Inc. Summit Esp, LLC Spindletop Exploration Co. Inc. Summit Pipe Rentals, LLC Sport Environmental Services Pllc Sun Drilling Products, Corp Spraberry Production Services Sunbelt Rentals, Industrial Spur Services & Rental, LLC Sunoco Logistics St. Edwards University Sunset Well Service, Inc. St. Edwards University Treasurers Supreme Production Services, Inc. Stacey L. Haines Surf Frac Wellhead Stacy Shelburne Surface Drilling Of Texas Stag Minerals, LLC Suro Investments, LLC Stage 3 Separation, LLC Susan B. Rogers Mirike Stallion Oilfield Holdings, Inc. Susan Collier Standard Tubular Services, Inc. Susan Elizabeth Daniel Hammond Stanley Boynton Dane Susan Henderson Askins Stanley D. Runyon Susan Kay Finley Ellis Stanley Ford Susan M. Myers Star Property Management Susan Young Phillips State Comptroller Suzanne W. Nowell Stealth Oilwell Services SV Reliable Transport, LLC Stealth Pump & Supply, LLC SW Bank Factoring Stefan Young Sweco Stellar Automation, Inc. Swiftwater - A Tetra Company Stellar Drilling Fluids, LLC Sycamore Energy Partners, LP Step Energy Services (USA) Ltd. Sylvia Ramona Bush Stephen J Flanagan Synergy Cleaning Solutions, LLC Stephen Meyers Synergy Rentals, LLC Stephen Neil Prewit System Solutions Stephen Slaughter T Yorkman Trucking, LLC Steve Kent Trucking Nm, LLC T. and W. Roy LP Steve Kent Trucking Permian T3 Voicenet Steven C. Barnes Tabor Minerals, LP Steven Earl Glenn Tall City Well Service Co., LP

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Tammy Lynn Freetage Alvin The Cavins Corporation Tango Lima, LLC The Department Of Homeland Securi Tank Partners Permian, LLC The Estate of Allen W. Hamil, Jr. Tanklogix, LLC The Estate of Ben M. Anderson Tanmar Rentals LLC The Gas & Oil Company, LLC Targeted Geovision, LLC The Hamill Foundation Tarpon Pipe & Supply LP The Jerome Family Trust Taurex Drill Bits, LLC The Joseph & Jeremy Hogan Trust T'awna L. Free The Margaret S. Murphy Trust Taylor Barr Molitierno The Mcrae Mgmt Trust, Betty H Mcrae Taylor Hot Shots LLC The Reed Humphreys LP TC Land, Ltd. The Rubin-Ladd Foundation TCI - Casing Specialties, LLC The Shed Inc TCS Trust The Subsurface Library TD Minerals LLC The Ward Family Foundation TD Waterhouse Bank FBO James Cahill The Wellboss Company, LLC TDC Frac Solutions & Equipment Inc. The White Wing Mineral Trust TDJ Oilfield Service, LLC The William K. Warren Foundation Tech Management, LLC Theresa Cyphers Ted Chester Berridge Thermal Scientific, Inc. Tejas Hot Shot Service Theta Oilfield Services, Inc. Teledrift Company, A Flotek Company Thi Water Well Tenairs Partners, Ltd Thomas Britton Harris, IV Tenaris Global Services Usa Corpor Thomas F. Hedrick Tera Burkholder King Thomas L. Free Family Trust Teresa Bell Thomas L. McCray Teri Lynn Moore Thomas R. Barr Terra Guidance, LLC Thomas Tools Terra Oilfield Services, LLC Thompson & Knight Terra Oilfield Solutions, LLC Thornton T. Carswell Terry Lee Haines Blovsky Thru Tubing Solutions, Inc. Terry Ray Davis Tidal Logistics, Inc. Tervita, LLC Tidwell Investments, Inc. Testamentary Tier One Energy, LLP Testamentary Trust Created U/W/O Tiger Industrial Rentals Tetra Production Testing Holding L Tillman & Associates Consulting LLC Texas Energy Lobby, LLC Timothy M. Snellbacher Texas Equipment Rental, LLC Timothy Scott & Darcie Jo Knight Texas Fueling Services, Inc. Tisha Ann Burnett Texas General Land Office Titan Petroservices, LLC Texas Petroleum Land Management LLC Tjb Groundgame Trucking Texas Secretary Of State Tm Gas Measurement, Inc. Texas-New Mexico Power Todd Alley TFH Ltd, Co. Todd M. Ray The Allar Company Tom-E-Lee Industries, LLC The Bank of New York Mellon Tommy N. Perry

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Tommy Vascocu Tye Wayne Gills Toni Trimble Biggs Tyler Patrick Tony M. Preslar U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Tonya Bennitt Delaware Tootsie Elise Young Ulterra Drilling Technologies, LP Top Roustabout & Backhoe Services Ultra Blend Solutions Oilfield Topographic Land Surveyors Ultrafab, Nalco Company, LLC Tornado Production Services, LLC Umc Automation Torrence Nicksic Umd Solutions,LLC Total Energy Solutions, LLC Underdog Wireline, LLC Total Rig Tools, Corporation United Casing Incorporated Total Rod Concepts, Inc. United Production & Totem Oil Services, Inc. United States Treasury Tower Rock Royalties Two, LP United String Up Company, LLC Toyah Farms, LP United Vision Logistics Tracerco USA Us Bank, Lv15001 N/P Tracy Anderson Modisette Us Postal Service Trans Pecos Instrument & Supply, In USC Thompson, Inc. Trans Pecos Well Logging, Inc. Use Winch N Wrench, Do Not Use Transcend Drilling Company, Inc. Valence Drilling Fluids, LLC Transcontinental Group Valerie Chapman Trans-Tex Cementing Services, LLC Van A Wilson Trans-Tex Dyno Services, LLC Van T Tettleton Travelers Cl Remittance Center Vanguard Modular Building Trey Bright Vanzandt Controls, LLC T-Rey Properties, Inc. Vaughn Energy Services, Inc. Tri R Services, Inc. Vector Seismic Data Processing Tricia Deann Boren Venita F. Day Trident Response Group LLC Verde Biochem,LLC , Drawer #2434 Trident Steel Corporation Veritas Energy Holdings, LLC Tri-Mont Irrevocable Trust Versatile Oil Tools, LLC Trio Equip. Rental & Services Ves Survey International Tripleplay Transport, LLC Vesta M. Mcdermott Tristate Oilfield Services, LLC Vicki Zoe Madison TRJ Investments, LLC Vico Safety Solutions, Inc. TRM LLC Viking Coil Tubing, LLC Trojan Tubular Services, LLC Vinson & Elkins LLP Troth 11 LLC - C/O 1st Financial Viper Bit Services Trust Co Of Texas Viper Energy Partners, LLC Tryton Tools USA, Inc. Virgie Nell Rogers Carter TTCZ Properties, LLC Virginia Hankins Tubular Solutions, Inc. Virginia L Neff Tucker Energy Services, Inc Virginia Louise Frede Podraza Turn Right Tools, LLC Virginia Meadows Trust U/W Twisted K Services, Inc. Virginia R. Cover TXU Energy Virginia Williams

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Vivian Lenn Perry Chew Whitney Icenhauer Vivyan Steiner Wi-Ccs, LP Vladimir Nicholas Dackiw Wilbanks Trucking Services, LLC Vt Interests, LLC Wild Horse Energy Services W Jean Luft Wildcat Oil Tools, LLC W W Meeker Test Trust Wildcat Technologies, LLC W&G Oilfield Services, Inc Wildhorse Production Company, LLC W&W Energy Services Inc William A. Shields Trust W. Clayton Gaston, Pllc William C Gorham W.A. Wilson and Company William C. Ward W.M. Oilfield Services, Inc William Carl Pfluger Wade Chapman William H. Dunham Wadeco Specialties, LLC William J. Bickley Wagner & Brown Ltd William Jay Madison Walking C Oilfield Services William Jon Currie Trust Walter Mason Priddy Trust William Joseph Bickley Warrior Energy, LLC William Kay Jamison Waste Management Energy Services William L. Chambers Water Rescue Services, LLC William Matthew Robinson Water Transfer, LLC William Neel Currie Testamentary Water Works Field Services, LLC William Oliver Daniel Waterbridge Texas Midstream LLC William R. Hilliard Waterbridge Texas Operating, LLC William Ritchie Keeble III Trust Waterfleet, LLC William S. Robinson WB Supply and Basin Supply, LP William Slack Montgomery Trust WBA Resources Ltd William T. Heald Weatherford Artificial Lift Systems William T. Hilliard Weaver and Tidwell, LLP William Travis Lattner Iii Wehe Famly Trust Wilshire Manor, LP Well Data Labs Winch and Wrench, Inc. Wellbore Fishing & Rental Tools LLC Windi Grimes, Trustee Wellez Information Management, LLC Windi Phillips 1983 Trust Well-Foam, Inc., C/O Security Bank Windom Royalties LLC Welltec, Inc. Window Decor West Texas Minerals, LLC Winthrop Stiles & Wife, Sue Stiles West Texas Office Equipment Wipharr' Travis Lamar Iii West Texas Premix Pits, LP WJM Consulting, LLC West Texas Silverbacks WLP Oilfield Services, LP Westco Family Limited Partnership Wolfepak Software Western Abstract & Title Co. Wolseley Industrial Group Western Falcon Woody Adams Western Petroleum, LLC Woody Kent Cowan Westerngeco,LLC , Jp Morgan Chase WS Energy Services, LLC Westway Ranch, LLC WTG Fuels, Inc. Wex Bank Xchem Oilfield Chemicals Whetstone Energy, LLC Yellowjacket Oilfield Services

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Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor 1/2 to John & Theresa Hillman Family Young Family 1989 Living Trust Uta Properties Young Family, LLC 84 Exploration Partners LLC Youngs Mobile Homes Aaron Poage Z & L Consulting Adam Richard Z&R Investments Limited Addax Minerals Fund 2012, L.P. Zachariah J Reid Adobe Oil & Gas Corp. Zemula Johnson Alamito Minerals LP Zoom Hot Shot & Transportation, LLC Alexis Addison Anderson, ssp ZPZ Delaware I, LLC Allana L. Harris Alldale Minerals II, LP Litigation Parties Amanda Holly Pradon Construction & Trucking Co. Amanda Holly aka Amanda Langford Milestone Environmental Services, LLC Baxter National Oilwell Varco, LP Amanda Rice Gibbs Black Gold Rental Tools, Inc. Andre K. Lehre and Katherine W. Lehre, as Bison Trucking LLC Trustees of the Andre and Katherine Lehre Pate Trucking Company Living Trust RDL Transportation Andrew Gary, aka Charles Andrew Gary Solid Liberty Rental Services, LLC Angela Dawn Watkins Parten, SSP Trio Equipment Rental & Services Angela Lorz Acidizing Technology Services Angela Rambo Rock Tool, Ltd. Ann Dee Duchene Trust Ervin Ann Dee L Steidel Jebens Ann Dee L Stiedel Lifetime Trust GM Oilfield Ann Hudson Starnes Shawn Bingham Ann Irene Wallace Rogers- McGoveney Red Bone Ann Osborn Suttee Gyro Technologies, Inc. Ann S. McPherson NGL Water Solutions Permian, LLC Anna Nelson Tutt Propetro Services Annell Bay Individually and as Co-Executor Webb dba JW Powerline of Effie Jean Bay Estate Cretic Energy Services Anthony Stephen Ford Baker Hughes & GE Oil and Gas Archie Robert Reed Step Energy Services Holdings Gwendolyn Reed Integrity Bio-Chemicals Arthur Gary Munford Cudd Pumping Services Arthur Riklin KLX Energy Services Ashley Rice Evans C&J Spec-Rent Services Atlas Royalty, LLC Aurora Cisneros Garcia Lessee - Lessor Austen S. Campbell Chester J. Kesey & Patsy P. Kesey Austin King Revocable Trust B. J. Pevehouse Family Trust Jerry D. Turner Barbara A. Snell Karen Ann Rogers Edgemon 1/2 to Echo Minerals, LP

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Barbara C. Tocco Carol K Gardner Trust Mary Ann McInnis Carol K Gardner Donald L. Callahan, Jr. Carolyn Gossett Jackson Barbara C. Tocco Carolyn Thurmond Barbara Elizabeth Gary; Mary Maverick Carter Bloodcare Gary & Emily Erin Gary Casey G. Riggan Barbara H. Prewit Centennial Resource Production, LLC Barbara Harris Chad Austin Brown Barbara Jean Pansarosa Chandler Sinclair Means Barbara M. Goede Charles Elrod Barbara M. Riester Charles Hunter Strain Family Trust, Mary Barbara S. Stark Louise Strain, Trustee Bayard Ewing Charles Kordula Benjamin E. Colwell Charles Moore Frede Bernadette Mary Kiely Charles Thomas Coers Betsy Hamilton Charlotte Slack Betty Ann Key Chenault Vaughan Partnership Ltd. Betty Ellis Steadman Trust Chimney Hill Resources, LLC Betty Jane Rogers Crawford Christopher Rice Bettye Ann Key CJM Partners, LP Beverly Jan Whigham Harshman Clair Strain Duesing Bill Fruit Clayton Williams Energy, Inc. Billie Jo David, a Life Esate, by AIF Cliff Judson Whigham, Jr. Candace Jo Rehders Compass Oil & Gas LP Billy Grace Cawley Connie Ray Kesey Coats Birdie Gail Bell Slack Trust Courtney Hester Means Powers Birdie Slack Investments, LLC Courtney Holt Cowden, Jr. Black Stone Minerals Company, LP Craig Barr Blake Oil & Gas Corporation Craig William Beckner Blaze Interests, LLC CrownRock Minerals, LP Bonnie L. Kribbs Cynthia Alexander Bosque Minerals, Ltd Cynthia Barthelme Bossier Land Management Cynthia Copeland Spurlock Boyd & McWilliams Investments LLC Cynthia Jackson Scofield Bren Marr Davis Cynthia Suzanne Kesey Alexander Brigham Minerals, LLC D. Alan Reed Browning Mineral Interest Dale B. Hardeman Browning Oil Company, Inc. Dan McClure Bruce Stephens Dana Lynne Dunlap Bollato Buck Oil & Gas, LLC Daniel Wesley Reynolds Caddo Minerals, Inc. Danny R O'Brien Carl W. Humphries David A Ladensohn Carol Anne Gary David Barlow Macdowell Carol Jackson Tharp David E. Haubegger Carol Jean Edmonds, as Trustee of the CJE David Earl Hageman Living Trust David Hunter Strain

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David Ladensohn Lifetime Trust Elizabeth Pendleton Reynolds and Margaret David Ladensohn Trust #3 Stacy Reynolds David T. Friday Ellen W. Staples David Wilson Erma Meuth Davis Lynn Gary Essman Family Partnership Deborah Davidson Napoli Essman Family Partnership, L.P. Deborah K. Perry Noyes Estate of Edwin Finley, Jennifer L. Finley, Denis Ray Harris and Linda Munford Executrix Harris, Co-Trustees of the Denis Ray Harris Estate of H. E. Reed and Linda Munford Harris Revocable Trust D Alan Reed and Judith R Humpreys as Derek Allen Macdowel Trustees Desert Partners IV, LP Estate of Jane Shipe Desert Partners V, LP Estate of John J. Bush (J.W. Bush; W.D. Desert Partners VI, LP Bush & N.R. Hailey Exec.) Diahn Rae Ehlers (also known as Diahn Estate of K. C. Heald, Deceased Texas Ehlers and Dee Seymour) American Banc of Fort Worth (Trustee) Diana C. Dunn Estate of Rodney Laverne Gills - Roland Ditto Land Company, LLC Roy Gills, Independent Executor Don E. Perry Estate of V. L. Dominguez, Deceased Don Griffitts By Victor L. Drexel, Trustee Don Harris Estate of William E. Snee, Deceased Donald Bert Means By Gallatin National Bank, Exec. Doreen Staufer Ethelyn G. Harris Doris N. Young On Behalf Of The Young Evelyn A. Maley Family 1989 Living Trust Evon P. Gills Doris Stubblefield F. Dean Armstrong, Christine L. Fisher Dorothy Eve Ferriera and Dorothy Pauline Whigham Schwab Virginia L. Armstrong & Christie A. Dorr Petroleum Land Management, LLC Blankenship, Co-Trustees of the Clayton Dos Alamito Minerals, LP Wayne Armstrong Family Trust Double Basin Land Management Group, F.A. Schluter 1818-1882 Foundation LLC Ferguson Resources, Inc. Douglas Earl Bell First Financial Trust & Asset Management Duff L. Young Company NA, Agent for Jon Christopher St. E & G Energy Clair and Justin Dallas St. Clair E. John Ward First Financial Trust & Asset Management Eagle Minerals, LP Company NA, as Independent Executor of Earl J. Humphries the Estate of Margaret S. Mallard, Deceased Earl Reed First Financial Trust & Asset Management Ruth Reed Company NA, Trustee of the Sidney Echo Minerals, LP Mallard Revocable Trush Edward P. Mellon II First National Bank of Granbury Elizabeth A. Drewry Florence Goldie Reed Elizabeth Cody Rutter Fortress Energy Partners II, LP Elizabeth M. Brown Trust B Franaces Diabeti Frances Caroline Diabeti

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Frances Diabeti As Attorney In Fact For James H. Essman Ann Vaughan Farwell James M. Wilson Francis B. Nimick, AIF Ann K. Griggs James P. Riggs Living Trust, Richard A. Frank & Billie Marie Slack Revocable Trust Pulley, Trustee Frank Montgomery James S. Mack Frank R Bay, Individually and as Co- James T. Carpenter Executor of the Estate of Effie Jean Bay, James W. Essman deceased Jamie Gallagher Harris Gail B. Armstrong Jan M. Murphy, as Trustee of the Brazos Gary Montgomery and Linda Suzanne Jana Gills Morris Montgomery Co-Trustees of the Jana Rice Montgomery Family Revocable Trust Janice Gills Gober Hughes Gary T. Gills Jannette Wilke Corripio a/k/a Jannette Gaye Means Karish Arlane Corripio Gayle Herring Jason Brandes George W. Gant III Jason Poage Georgia E. Congleton Jeanette Longoria Georgia Lorraine Todd Temple Jeffery Sammons, a/k/a Jeffery D. Sammons Gerry Ann Means Hairgrove Jeffery Sammons, a/k/a Jeffery D. Sammons Gordon Kendrick Macdowell as AIF for Meredith Baker, a/k/a Meredith Greg King S. Baker Greyson George Seymour Jeffrey Winfield Grasty, Ssp Gulf Oil Corp Jenda Wilke Cowart a/k/a Jenda Louise H. T. Hilliard Cowart H. W. Wehe and Homer A. Wehe Jerome P. Keating Hawk Energy Partners Jerry M. Moore Helen Jo Creath Jill Ann Gallagher, Life Estate Helene Katz Riklin Trust Jill Elizabeth Mawby Helene Katz Riklin Joanne Rogers Lannom Helene Katz Trust John B. Ashmun Herbert R. Rehders III John Collins Prewit Hermosa Farms John F. Barkwell Hidalgo Falls LP John G. Auld Estate The savings & Trust Co Holly Eleise Gallagher Tancar of Co-Executor Holten G. Campbell John J. Cody, Ind. & as Trustee of the John Hope Marleentge Anderson f/k/a Hope J. Cody Trust John R. Atkinson Jr. Myers John R. Finley J. P. McCarthy John W. Eichleay J. Ralph Stewart John W. Ellis, Sr, Family Limited J.W. Gary, aka James Warren Gary Partnership Jack Lee Macdowell Johnnie M. Powell Ashley Jack Louis McGowen Jolie Ree Gallagher Jack P. Wolfe Joseph M Gregory James Brian Anderson Jouette Wheeler Graham James C. Surman Joyce K. Fields James Gary Bock

29 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 40 of 45

Joyzelle Wilke Williams, aka Joyzelle Leandro Benjamin Cisneros Ceceille Duncan Williams, Joyzelle Ceceille Lewis Gills Wilke Lezlie Sue Watkins Tipton Juanita Humphries Hampton Lillian Carol Gary Judith A. Humphries Linda Merritt Judith Boekne Linda S. Cook Meuth Judy Ann Glenn McAfee Lisa Nichols Julia Carpenter Mosley Lisa Nichols and Jana Rice Julia Vandine Lois Ruth Heffington Julia Watters Lois Ruth Heffington Individaully and as Julia Workman Independent Executrix The Estate of Tom Julie Ann Whittington Duncan Heffington Julie Grammer Shusko Loren Winslow Means Karen Ann Rogers Lorraine L. Johnson Family Trust Edgemon Lucky McD Petroleum, LLC Kari Luann Poer Putnam Vesta M. McDermott Karlie Faye Castleberry Worley Michael A. McDermott Katherine A. Hearn Luxe Operating LLC Katherine Ann Gary Luxe Royalties, LLC Kathie Gail Courtemanche Lyndon E. Fruit, Jr. Kathryn Hudson andrews M. Brad Bennett Kathryn Jo Below M. G. Chase, Jr. Kathryn Rash Moose Macy Ryan Anderson, SSP Katlynn Michael Mai Ling Slaughter Kelly Lynn Colwell Yancey Manda Lee Rash Kelly Lynn Poer Mandana B. Livingston Irrevocable Trust Ken Herring, as Independent Administrator Margaret M. Reese of the Estate of Dixie Lynn Williams Maribeth Stephens Kenneth Roy Slack, Trustee of the Frank Maribeth Stephens, a/k/a Mari Elizabeth Slack and Billie Marie Slack Revocable Stephens Trust Maridean Bock Stautzenberger Kevin Louis Roberson Marie Maxine Tutt KEW Drilling Marilyn Matheny Casto Kimberly Roberson Reynolds Marjorie Eubanks Davis, by & thru her KMF Land, LLC Undercurator & Agent for Service, Bobby Krysta O'Brien D. Matthews, CPA Kyle Lawerence Macdowell Mark C. Humphries Lambert Land Company, LLC Martha Ann Slack Reid Landy R. Baxter Martha Mixon Gagnon Larry David Lumpkin Martha Slack Reid Larry E. Day Martha Strain Wilkinson Larry Frank Ray Mary Ann Haug Laura Anderson Davis Mary Ann McInnis Laura Becker Holm Mary Ann Robinson Laura Wallace Mary Carolyn Puckett Lawrence Keating Mary Ellen Hill

30 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 41 of 45

Mary G. Flynt Patricia Budd Estate, Paul R Ellis, III, Co- Mary Hickey Bell Executor Mary Negrini Bradley, IE of The Estate of Patricia Daugherty Dixon Chester E. Bradley, Jr. Deceased Patricia Lynn Dixon Mary W. Rogers Black Patricia T. Lackey Mary Ward Sheldon Patti Wolfe Mitchell Matheny Motor Truck Company Paul Lynn Rogers Maurine Posey Gary Graham Norman Dwight Rogers McDonnold Petroleum LLC Earl Michael Rogers Melanie M. Kolby Gary Philip Rogers Melissa Ann Camuglia & Frances L. Paul H. Rogers Lewallen Nancy Stout Melvin Cowan, II, as Trustee of the Melvin Paula East Sullivan L. Cowan II Management Trust Bobbie E. Glidewell Mica Dawn Powell Hopkins Sheila E. Chunn Michael D. Gills Paula F. Stafford Michael Harrison Moore Peggi Wolfe Morgan Michael Harrison Moore, Sole Trustee of Peggy Adams the Michael Harrison Moore Trust created Peggy Gary Selden Trust under the 1960 Trust Agreement Peggy Gary Selden, Trustee Michael J. Matheny Permian Development LLC Michael Matheny Petro-Hunt, LLC Michael Muldrow Petroleum Corp of Texas Michael Orrin Clang Phares Edwin Lemond, Jr. Midland AOG Mineral Partners, Ltd Phil Young Moore Capital, Ltd. Philip Dirk Myers Morgan Scott Walker POCO Minerals LLC Mrs. Ralph R. Shadle Primitive Petroleum, Inc. Muckleroy Energy Company QPC 3 LP Murjones Ltd. Quanah Exploration, LLC N. W. Rudman R. B. McGowen, III Nancy Dennis Ralph E. Fair, Jr. Nancy Jo Tierce Ramsey Family Limited Partnership- 1435- Nancy Rogers Stout 371 Nancy Starr Lindley Energy, LLC- 1591-282 Nathan C. Gills Foundation Noreen Bloss Mavros Minerals II Norman J. Barton a/k/a Norma J. Chanley Oak Valley ML, LP Noroma Energy, LLC Meadowbrook Lane Odie B. Finley RHL Energy Odie Finley Lindley Energy Orlando L. Cisneros Rec. 1591/287 Orville Eberly Rand Riklin Trust #2 Paschal Land and Energy, LLC Rand Riklin Patricia Ann Whigham Renick Raymond David Myers Raymond F. Moreland

31 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 42 of 45

Raymond M. Williams Scythian Ltd. RCS, Inc. Shark Oil & Gas Red Willow Production, LLC Sharon A. Humphries Regium Holdings LP Sheila Anne Cody Reia Gills Calley Shepard R. Sites Rendova Oil Co. Shepard R. Sites, Austen S. Campbell, Rene Daugherty Gill Osado Properties, Ltd., Landy R. Baxter, Rene Lyn Daugherty Holten G. Campbell Richard Evans Craven, Individually and as Sherrie Finley John Finley Attorney-In-Fact for Nell Harrell Spooner Sherry Day Foster and as Attorney-In-Fact for Lynn Harrell Silver Spur Resources, LLC Richard F. Sammons SOOL, Ltd. Richard L. Davis SOOL, Ltd. Attn: Q.P. Coutney III Robert Emmett Poer St. Edward's University Robert Ray Fontenot, Jr. Gulf Oil Corp. Roger O'Neal Gary Stag Minerals, LLC Roland R. Gills State of Texas Ronald Edward Roesler Commissioner of the General Land Office Ronald F. Gills Energy Resources Department Royalty Ronald Owen Holman Management Rone Properties, LLC State of Texas, acting by and through its Rose Petta agent, Dill Land & Cattle, LLC Roseanne Poer Enmon Stephen Neil Prewit Roy Dean Tutt Stephen Ross Lackey Roy G. Barton, Jr. Stephen Slaughter Ruby Sallis Steve Montgomery Russell John Myers Steven Patrick Gallagher Russell Thomas Poer Sue H. May Ruth McClure Susan Elizabeth Clang Lane Sadie Rudman Truby and C. F. Truby Susan Kay Finley Ellis Sally G. Finch Susan Kay Finley Ellis John Finley Sam White Susan M. Myers San Saba Resources, LLC Susan Mirike Sandra Humphries Francis Sutton Lawrence Means Callison Sandra J. Harvey Suzanne Carpenter Sandra Laughlin and James Hoak, Co- Suzanne Coers Trustees of the Gary Laughlin Trust Sydney L Stern Life Trust Sandra Williams Saxon Sydney L Stern Sara Northwood Sydney Ladensohn Stern Trust aka Sara L. Becker Tara R Schiller Trust Sara Oil Company, L.C. Tara R Schiller Sarajane Stoudenmire Taylor Barr Molitierno Scarlet Land Services, LLC Tera Burkholder King Scot Riklin Trust #3 Teresa Bell Scot Riklin Terry Blovsky Scott Welch Terry Ray Davis

32 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 43 of 45

Texas Oil & Gas Corp. Wheat Resources, LLC The Allar Company Whetstone Energy, LLC The Blake Family Trust c/o John L. Kirkley The Estate of Doretha W. Hoeldtke White Wing Mineral Trust The Estate of Edwin C. Finley WI-CCS The Estate of Stanley N. Staples WI-CCS, LP The Frank Slack and Billie Marie Slack Wilco Properties, Inc. Revocable Trust, Kenneth Roy Slack, William B. Robbins Trustee William Fugate The Greenshill School William R. Hilliard The Janszen Revocable Living Trust William T. Hudson Jack M. Janszen and Donna K. Janszen, Co- William Wesley Webb Trustees Woody Kent Cowan The McRae Management Trust, by Betty H. McRae, Ind. Co-Trustee for the benefit of Hamilton E. McRae, III and by Thomas McRae Sloan, Successor Trustee for benefit of Mary Ann McRae The Paul J. Williams Foundation The White Wing Mineral Trust Thom O'Brien Timothy J. Keating Tina Fontenot Todd Ray Tommy N. Perry Tracy Anderson Modisette (fka Tracy Marlene Anderson) Tregan Energy Partners, L.P. TXO Production Corp. Tye Wayne Gills Vernon Dale Fontenot Vickie Milligan Viper Energy Partners LLC Virgie Nell Rogers Carter Virginia Louise Frede Podraza Vivian H. Steiner, aka Vivyan Steiner Vivian Lenn Perry Chew W. Jean Luft Wagner & Brown Ltd. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, Trustee of the Mark A. Smith Irrevocable Trust UA FBO Evalie F. Grigg Wells Fargo Bank, NA, Trustee of the Mark A. Smith Irrevocable Trust UA FBO Margaret A. Murphy Westway Ranches, LLC

33 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 44 of 45

Schedule 2

Morris Nichols currently represents the Potential Parties in Interest and/or affiliates thereof identified below on matters unrelated to these cases.

AT&T Baker Hughes Best Buy Capital One Bank, USA Chevron Products Company Colgate Enterprise Products Partners LP Ford Motor Credit Co. NOV DHA L.P., Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Peloton Computer Enterprises, Inc. Pioneer Natural Resources USA Inc. U.S. Bank, LV15001 N/P VP Rattlesnake LLC Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-2 Filed 11/26/19 Page 45 of 45

Schedule 3

Morris Nichols formerly represented the Potential Parties in Interest and/or affiliates thereof identified below on matters unrelated to these cases.

Bailey & Glasser LLP BMO Harris Bank N.A. BNY Mellon Conquest Completions Services, LLC Fried Frank Laredo Petroleum, Inc. Melody Business Finance, LLC Moore Capital Ltd. Nabors Completion & Production Natixis New York Opportune, LLP Reliant, an NRG Company Viper Energy Partners, LLC Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-3 Filed 11/26/19 Page 1 of 4


Rule 2016 Statement Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-3 Filed 11/26/19 Page 2 of 4


In re: Chapter 11

MTE HOLDINGS LLC, et al., Case No. 19-12269 (KBO)

Debtors.1 Jointly Administered


Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP (“Morris Nichols”) pursuant to section 329 of title 11 of the United States Code, Rule 2016 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, and Rule 2016-1 of the Local Rules of Bankruptcy Practice and Procedure of the United States

Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, respectfully states as follows:

1. Morris Nichols is the proposed Delaware bankruptcy counsel for MTE

Holdings LLC; MTE Partners LLC; Olam Energy Resources I LLC; MDC Energy LLC; MDC

Texas Operator LLC; Ward I, LLC; and MDC Reeves Energy LLC, each of which is a debtor and debtor in possession (collectively, the “Debtors”) in the above-captioned chapter 11 cases.

2. This Statement is made and submitted in connection with the Debtors’

Application for Entry of an Order Under Sections 327(a) and 1107(b) of the Bankruptcy Code,

Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1 Authorizing Retention

1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, are: MTE Holdings LLC (7894); MTE Partners LLC (1158); Olam Energy Resources I LLC (0770); MDC Energy LLC (9140); MDC Texas Operator LLC (1087); Ward I, LLC (6817); and MDC Reeves Energy LLC (3644). The Debtors’ address is 280 East 96th Street, Suite 210, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-3 Filed 11/26/19 Page 3 of 4

and Employment of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP as Bankruptcy Co-Counsel and

Delaware Counsel for the Debtors Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date (the “Application”).2

3. The Debtors have agreed to pay Morris Nichols for the legal services rendered or to be rendered on the Debtors’ behalf by Morris Nichols attorneys and paralegals, which include those services set forth in the Application. The Debtors also have agreed to reimburse Morris Nichols for its actual and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the chapter 11 cases.

4. Morris Nichols was retained by the Debtors on October 22, 2019, and began work the same day. On October 22, 2019, Morris Nichols received an advance payment of $50,000.00 from the Debtors, and, on November 1, 2019, received an additional advance payment of $100,000.00 from the Debtors for certain affiliates of the Debtors, for a total prepetition advance of $150,000.00. Accordingly, Morris Nichols currently holds a balance of

$150,000.00 as an advance payment for services to be rendered and expenses to be incurred in connection with its representation of the Debtors and certain affiliates of the Debtors (the

“Current Advance”).

5. Morris Nichols will seek interim and final approval of payment of compensation and reimbursement of expenses in connection with these cases pursuant to sections

330 and 331 of the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, and the applicable orders and Local

Rules of this Court.

6. All filing fees in these chapter 11 cases have been paid.

7. Morris Nichols has neither shared nor agreed to share (i) any compensation it has received or may receive with another party or person, other than with the

2 Capitalized terms not defined in this declaration are defined in the Application.

2 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-3 Filed 11/26/19 Page 4 of 4

partners, counsel, and associates of Morris Nichols, or (ii) any compensation another person or

party has received or may receive.

Dated: November 26, 2019 Wilmington, Delaware /s/ Robert J. Dehney Robert J. Dehney (No. 3578) Eric D. Schwartz (No. 3134) Daniel Butz (No. 4227) MORRIS, NICHOLS, ARSHT & TUNNELL LLP 1201 N. Market Street, 16th Floor P.O. Box 1347 Wilmington, Delaware 19899-1347 Telephone: (302) 658-9200 Facsimile: (302) 658-3989 Emails: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

3 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-4 Filed 11/26/19 Page 1 of 4


Siffin Declaration Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-4 Filed 11/26/19 Page 2 of 4


In re: Chapter 11

MTE HOLDINGS LLC, et al., Case No. 19-12269 (KBO)

Debtors.1 Jointly Administered


I, Mark Siffin, Chief Executive Officer of MTE Holdings LLC, declare the following under penalty of perjury:

1. I submit this declaration (the “Declaration”) in support of the Debtors’

Application for Entry of an Order Under Sections 327(a) and 1107(b) of the Bankruptcy Code,

Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1 Authorizing Retention and Employment of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP as Bankruptcy Co-Counsel and

Delaware Counsel for the Debtors Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date (the “Application”).2

Except as otherwise noted, all facts in this Declaration are based on my personal knowledge of the matters set forth herein, information gathered from my review of relevant documents, and

1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, are: MTE Holdings LLC (7894); MTE Partners LLC (1158); Olam Energy Resources I LLC (0770); MDC Energy LLC (9140); MDC Texas Operator LLC (1087); Ward I, LLC (6817); and MDC Reeves Energy LLC (3644). The Debtors’ address is 280 East 96th Street, Suite 210, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. 2 Capitalized terms not defined in this declaration are defined in the Application. Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-4 Filed 11/26/19 Page 3 of 4

information supplied to me by other members of the Debtors’ management and the Debtors’ advisors.


2. The Debtors recognize that a comprehensive review process is necessary when selecting and managing chapter 11 counsel to ensure that bankruptcy professionals are subject to the same client-driven market forces, scrutiny, and accountability as professionals in nonbankruptcy engagements.

3. To that end, the review process utilized by the Debtors here assessed potential counsel based on their expertise in the relevant legal issues and in similar proceedings.

The Debtors selected Morris Nichols because of the firm’s extensive experience representing debtors in complex chapter 11 cases before this Court.

4. In addition, Morris Nichols has become familiar with the Debtors’ businesses, debt structure, and many of the legal issues that may arise in the context of these chapter 11 cases through assisting the Debtors in preparing these chapter 11 cases for filing. I believe that for these reasons, Morris Nichols is both well-qualified and uniquely able to represent the Debtors in these chapter 11 cases in an efficient and timely manner. Thus, the

Debtors decided to continue to retain Morris Nichols as the Debtors’ bankruptcy co-counsel and

Delaware counsel during these chapter 11 cases.


5. In my capacity as Chief Executive Officer, I am responsible for supervising outside counsel retained by the Debtors in the ordinary course of business. Morris

Nichols has informed the Debtors that its rates for bankruptcy representations are comparable to the rates it charges for nonbankruptcy representations. As discussed below, I am also

2 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-4 Filed 11/26/19 Page 4 of 4

responsible for reviewing the invoices regularly submitted by Morris Nichols and can confirm

that the rates Morris Nichols charged the Debtors in the prepetition period are the same as the

rates Morris Nichols will charge the Debtors in the postpetition period, subject to annual



6. The Debtors recognize that it is their responsibility to closely monitor the

billing practices of their counsel to ensure the fees and expenses paid by the estates remain

consistent with the Debtors’ expectations and the exigencies of the chapter 11 cases. As they did

prepetition, the Debtors will continue to bring discipline, predictability, client involvement, and

accountability to the counsel fees and expenses reimbursement process. To that end, the Debtors

will review and monitor the invoices that Morris Nichols submits.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing

is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated: November 26, 2019 Indianapolis, Indiana /s/ Mark A . Siffin Mark A. Siffin Chief Executive Officer MTE Holdings LLC

3 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-5 Filed 11/26/19 Page 1 of 4


Proposed Order Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-5 Filed 11/26/19 Page 2 of 4


In re: Chapter 11

MTE HOLDINGS LLC, et al., Case No. 19-12269 (KBO)

Debtors.1 Jointly Administered

Re: D.I. ___


Upon the application (the “Application”)2 of the above-captioned debtors and debtors in possession (collectively, the “Debtors”) for entry of an order (this “Order”), pursuant to sections 327(a) and 1107(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and

Local Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, authorizing the retention and employment of Morris, Nichols,

Arsht & Tunnell LLP (“Morris Nichols”) as bankruptcy co-counsel and Delaware counsel to the

Debtors nunc pro tunc to the Petition Date; and upon the Dehney Declaration, the Rule 2016

Declaration, and the Siffin Declaration attached to the Application; and the Court being satisfied that Morris Nichols represents no interest adverse to the Debtors’ estates, that Morris Nichols is a

“disinterested person” within the meaning of section 101(14) of the Bankruptcy Code, and that the employment of Morris Nichols is necessary and in the best interests of the Debtors and their

1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, are: MTE Holdings LLC (7894); MTE Partners LLC (1158); Olam Energy Resources I LLC (0770); MDC Energy LLC (9140); MDC Texas Operator LLC (1087); Ward I, LLC (6817); and MDC Reeves Energy LLC (3644). The Debtors’ address is 280 East 96th Street, Suite 210, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. 2 Capitalized terms not defined herein are defined in the Application. Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-5 Filed 11/26/19 Page 3 of 4

estates; and the Court having jurisdiction over the Application pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

§ 157(b)(2)(A); and sufficient notice of the Application having been given; and this Court having determined that the relief requested in the Application is just and proper; and after due deliberation and sufficient cause appearing therefor;


1. The Application is GRANTED.

2. The Debtors are authorized to retain and employ Morris Nichols as their bankruptcy co-counsel and Delaware counsel in these chapter 11 cases nunc pro tunc to the

Petition Date.

3. In connection with these chapter 11 cases, Morris Nichols shall be compensated for professional services rendered and reimbursed for expenses incurred in accordance with sections 330 and 331 of the Bankruptcy Code, the applicable provisions of the

Bankruptcy Rules and the Local Rules, and with any other applicable procedures and orders of this Court.

4. No agreement or understanding exists between Morris Nichols and any other person, other than as permitted by Bankruptcy Code section 504, to share compensation received for services rendered in connection with these chapter 11 cases, nor shall Morris

Nichols share or agree to share compensation received for services rendered in connection with these chapter 11 cases with any other person other than as permitted by Bankruptcy Code section


5. Morris Nichols shall use its reasonable best efforts to avoid any unnecessary duplication of services provided by any of the Debtors’ retained professionals in these chapter 11 cases.

2 Case 19-12269-KBO Doc 139-5 Filed 11/26/19 Page 4 of 4

6. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate to implement the terms of this Order.

7. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters relating to the interpretation or implementation of this Order.

Dated: ______, 2019 ______Wilmington, Delaware THE HONORABLE KAREN B. OWENS UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY JUDGE