
NOTES: The Meter - Linear

Objectives: 1. Memorize the basic unit for (meter). 2. Demonstrate proper procedure for using a meter stick. 3. accurately using a metric and meter stick.

Length is a measure of the between any two points. The basic in the is the meter. A metric ruler or meter stick are the instruments (tools) used in measuring length. The units of length most commonly used include the meter (m), centimeter (cm), millimeter (mm), and kilometer (km).

Base Unit Meter Approximations UNIT Approximation millimeters The thickness of a dime centimeter The width of pinky finger; sugar cube length meter The width of an average doorway kilometer The length of ten football fields

How to Measure with a Metric Ruler 1. Measure the distance between two points. a. Always place the stick on or next to the object. b. Do not measure from the end of the stick for small objects. Look at the meter stick and the object being measured straight on - not from the side. c. Put the zero mark of a ruler at one of the points. The zero mark is not always at the end of the ruler. d. Note the marking on the ruler at the other (end point).

2. Read the distance marked off on the ruler. a. Count the of marked units between the points. b. Estimate the remainder of the distance in tenths of the smallest marked unit. c. Read the distance in one measurement unit. For example, read 35 mm or 3.5 cm but never 3 cm and 5 mm.

3. Record the distance in the measured unit or its equivalent unit of length. o Estimate one place beyond the capability of the ruler if the end point does not fall exactly on a . o ONLY USE !

Unit: Scientific Process

Imaged acquired from http://www.flickr.com/photos/iliahi/2809624044/

1 cm = ___ mm

 Equivalents of some units of length: 1 m = 100 cm = 1,000 mm .01 m = 1 cm = 10 mm .001 m = .1 cm = 1 mm

PRACTICE: Object mm cm m Length of paper Length of 4 floor tiles

Unit: Scientific Process