Opportunities of International Cooperation in Relocating the New Capital of

Dadang Ilham Kurniawan Mujiono1, Uni W. Sagena2 1.2 Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Mulawarman University ([email protected] 2. [email protected]) Submitted: May 7th, 2020; accepted: June 1st, 2020 ABSTRACT Relocation plan of the new of Indonesia is the agenda of every . However, only in President , the plan to relocate the capital started implementing seriously. Such as decided East province as the location of the new capital city, creation of timeline projects and conducted design competition of the new capital city. This research paper focuses on the discussion of opportunities for international cooperation in the project of the new capital city of Indonesia. The type of research is a predictive descriptive which describes the plan for transferring of the new capital city and predicts international cooperation that will occur based on the exposure of news during the transfer project began to be implemented. Then, the data used is secondary data derived from the journal, presentation documents and reliable news of both print and electronic media. The results of this study show that the international cooperation opportunities in the new capital city's project are enormous, and actors are involved not only from the state but multi actors.

Keywords: Indonesia's new capital city, International Cooperation, Multi Actor

ABSTRAK Rencana pemindahan Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) Indonesia merupakan agenda setiap Presiden Republik Indonesia. Namun hanya di era Presiden Joko Widodo, rencana ini mulai diimplementasikan dengan sungguh-sungguh. Di antaranya telah ditentukannya Provinsi Kalimantan Timur sebagai lokasi IKN, pembuatan target pelaksanaan proyek dan sayembara rancang gambar IKN baru. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pembahasan melihat peluang kerjasama internasional dalam pembangunan IKN baru Indonesia. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif prediktif yakni mendeskripsikan rencana pemindahan IKN dan memprediksikan potensi kerjasama internasional yang akan terjadi berdasarkan pada sumber-sumber berita resmi dan diskusi selama rencana proyek pemindahan IKN ini mulai dilaksanakan. Adapun data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang berasal dari jurnal, dokumen presentasi dan berita-berita terpercaya baik media cetak dan elektronik. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peluang kerjasama internasional dalam proyek pemindahan IKN sangatlah besar yang bersifat multisektor dan multiaktor

Kata Kunci: IKN, Kerjasama Internasional, Multi Aktor

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INTRODUCTION Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi-Puncak- As a country, Indonesia is comprising Cianjur) categorized as the highest in 17.504 of islands (inhabited and uninhabited) Indonesia, which is 10.277.628 and (Lewerisa, 2018) and followed by the 32.775.966, respectively; 6. A decline in the shoreline covers 95.181 kilometres square. environmental capacity that results in Therefore, Indonesia recognized as the economic loss. Such as 1). Risky of Flood; 2). second-largest coastline in the world Land subsidence and sea-level rise; 3). 96% of (Pujiastuti, 2018). Also categorized as an the river in is heavily polluted; 4). The archipelago country and hosting the 4th worst congestion due to the lack of organized largest population in the world after , public transportation, and cause economic India, and the USA. There are five major disadvantage followed by loss of more than islands in Indonesia which is Kalimantan, Rp 56 Trillion per year (Kementerian , , Sumatera, and . Since PPN/Bappenas, 2019). Java appointed as the location of the capital According to unfortunate aspects of city of Indonesia, precisely in Jakarta, Java Jakarta, The 7th President of Indonesia Joko becomes the most populated island in Widodo announced his plan to move the Indonesia. As the capital of Indonesia since capital of Indonesia somewhere in Kalimantan 1945, Jakarta considered as the most Island. This plan declared when he delivered sophisticated city in Indonesia, where the his state speech for celebrating Indonesia cutting-edge facilities and infrastructure can independent day on August 16, 2019, in be seen in this city, and one of them is Mass Parliament Buildings. In preparing this plan, Rapid Transportation (MRT). Concerning the President Widodo was trying to embrace as people, a citizen of Jakarta also considered as many friends as possible especially to his very modern people in terms of education and political rivals such as Gerindra Party, PAN the way of life. and Demokrat Party, for the sake of securing However, Jakarta is also experiencing the plan and pass the initiative in parliament. a problematic situation. Such as On August 26, 2019, President Joko environmental degradation, congestion and Widodo finally released his plan to move the crime. In more details, according to the capital in province, precisely Minister of National Development Planning in the Regency of Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) of the Republic of Indonesia, Java island in and Sub-District of Samboja, part of Regency general and Jakarta in specific has numerous of Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar). Furthermore, problem that needs to be fixed as soon as there are five reasons President Widodo possible. For instance: 1. Approximately 57% decided to select this area, as follows: of the total population of Indonesia is 1. Low risk of natural disasters, such as flood, concentrated in Java, while other reagents in , tsunami, forest fire, and landslide; Indonesia only have less than 10% of the total 2. Both locations considered as a very strategic population in Indonesia, except Sumatera area, and if drawn from a coordinate point, the Island; 2. Economic Contribution to National place is located precisely in the centre of Indonesia territory; GDP, which is 58.49% came from Java Island, 3. The place located nearby the existing city the share of Jabodetabek (Jakarta-Bogor- which already have well developed public Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi) GRDP to National infrastructure, which is and GDP 20.85%; 3. Java Island, especially Samarinda; Jakarta and , are experience clean 4. In association with the public infrastructure water crisis; 4. The conversion of land in Java such as harbour, airport, and highway, this Island become the biggest in Indonesia. In place is nearby that public infrastructure; and other words, almost every area in Java already 5. About the land ownership, throughout being used for multi-purposes; 5. The rise of Indonesia, only PPU and Samboja where all in Java Island, precisely in the land ownership owned by the Government Jakarta and Jabodetabekpunjur (Jakarta- of Indonesia, which up to 180.000 hectares (Ihsanuddin, 2019).

Interdependence: Journal of International Studies INTERDEPENDENCE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Volume 01 Tahun 2020

Additionally, Minister of National has finally moved its capital. One of these Development Planning, believed, that the reasons is related to a geographic situation relocation will create massive benefit in terms where the old capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty, of economic zones, such as growing trade was located in the zone of intense seismic activity in the new capital, as well as among activity and predicted that devastating the province in Indonesia (outside of Java would occur within decades. Island). He also adds, that more than 50% of Moreover, the mountain of Zailiiskii Indonesia territory will experience this Alatau is preventing urban expansion to the positive effect which will accelerate the trade South and the East of the country, which flow if the new capital moved to the area resulted in a freeze of the economic prospect. which has functional connectivity to other Schatz also cites to official statements of parts of Indonesia area. Kazakhstan, that the same mountains also Furthermore, relocation of the new becomes the barrier of the fresh air, so it capital to the outside of Java Island will also trapped airborne contaminants and resulted encourage more investment in the new capital moderate to severe air pollution in the old and other neighbour provinces. Also, this plan capital city. Similar to Schatz, Nazarbajew will generate more output with the non- (2007) argues in his research paper, that the traditional sector, especially the public decision to relocate and build the new capital service, such as 1). Real estate; 2). General city outside of Almaty would cost cheaper government; 3). Education sector; 4). Health than remains in the old capital. His service; 5). Restaurant; 6). Hotel; 7). Other argumentation is due to the geographical services, such as tourism. condition of Almaty, which has previously In implementing this ambitious mentioned by Schatz. Nazarbayev believes, project, President Widodo has invited build the new capital in highly seismic numerous foreign investors, countries, and geographic condition would cost much international figures to invest their money and money. ideas to build the new capital city of Myanmar's relocation of the new Indonesia. capital is also attracting a lot of authors and On this study, the authors seek to researchers to find out how this country has examine opportunities for international finally moved its capital. Despite the cooperation in the development of the new controversy of the Junta government and the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. human rights problem in the country. One of the researchers is Preecharushh (2011) found LITERATURE REVIEWS the compelling reason why this country There are various articles, journals and relocated its capital from Yangon to reports explained about the relocation of the Naypyidaw. It includes the politico-military new capital city. Hall (2000), in his research security, hinterland development and paper, explained during the last thirty years, a historical-cultural legacies. The Junta dozen countries in South America and Africa, government believes the old capital of decided to relocate their capital cities. They Myanmar (Yangon) where located on the built the entire brand-new capital cities and coast of Myanmar would make the country not just moving their government office, such extremely vulnerable in terms of defence as Washington DC in the USA, and Canberra mechanism. As a result, moving it into the in Australia. Hall also mentioned that most of middle of the country where situated in the the countries done relocate their capital have upper Sittang valley with the vast area makes identical reasons. Such as political motives, the new capital is a perfect situation in terms the inefficiency of the old capital and severe of the defence system. Primarily this new congestion. Schatz (2003), which focused on location is supported by the availability of relocating of the old capital of Kazakhstan, mountains as defence fortifications. Another found the compelling reason why Kazakhstan reason to consider is, the new location is

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exceptionally fertile so that, it is very suitable will require billions of dollars. As a result, for agricultural development. In relation to many countries engage in international transportation means, the new capital also cooperation. One of them, through financial situated in a geometric position which schemes such as foreign investment. Not only strategically important as a central that, international assistance offers by foreign transportation hub throughout the country. countries and organization, was not always Unlike other countries which decided related to the financial aspect but also to move and built the entire new capital cities, technical support. Such as giving a hand in only moved its government city designing the capital city complex or acting as called as the administrative centre or federal a steering committee in the development of the administrative capital. remains new capital city. as the official city, as well as economic and Building the new capital city of financial centre followed by the seat of the Myanmar from 2002 to 2012 cost hundreds of King's palace and the parliament building. The million dollars. According to the Economist reason for moving the federal city is due to Intelligence Unit, shows by the end of 2005 to congestion and overcrowded of the population 2006, the Central Bank's claim, that the in Kuala Lumpur (Illmann, 2015) government had used the money for more than Apart from the reasons for relocating US$ 1,7 Billion, which previously US$ 960 capital cities, multiple scholars and million at the end of 2003 (The Irrawaddy, researchers also admit that moving the capital 2006: 22). Kazakhstan, on the other hand, had cities is generating many benefits. Such as in cost US$ 400 Million for initial estimates in , since the capital moved from Rio de 1997 and believed the actual cost for Janeiro to Brasilia in 1960, Brasilia relocating its capital much higher experienced massive and significant rising in (Preecharushh, 2011). Brazil in addition, terms of population, employment as well as when relocating its capital in 1956-1961, the GDP since designated as the new capital of total cost estimated US$ 400-600 Million, Brazil (Quistorff, 2015). In addition, since which 2-3% of Brazil's total GDP (Gordon, appointed as the new federal city, 2006; Mubaroq, 2019). Subsequently, in the rate of congestion in Kuala Lumpur building Malaysia's federal city since 1995 significantly reduced, which makes a positive and finished in 1999 had cost around RM20 impact on a citizen of Kuala Lumpur (Betria, Billion (Macedo and Tran, 2013; Mubaroq, 2018). Not only that, Kazakhstan since 2019) or around 10.17% of Malaysia's GDP relocating its capital city from Almaty to which is worth RM 196,714 in 1997 (Verma Akmola (then re-named Astana) in 1997 has and Dutta, 2013; Mubaroq, 2019). According also brought the successful story, and making to Mubaroq (2019), there are two schemes for Astana as one of the best references for a financing the relocation of the capital city. country that wants to move its capital. Astana Firstly by using the state budget. Secondly, by (then re-named again in 2019 to Nur Sultan) Government-Business Cooperation. Mubaroq described as a futuristic city, universal gave some example that Malaysia used mythological symbol and multi-ethnic state government-business cooperation scheme, (Gawęcki, 2013). while Brazil used the state budget. On the On the whole, the successful capital other hand, funding from international relocation project is generating enormous cooperation would also be possible as other benefit on the city's development. Such as schemes for relocating the capital city. Take a growing of local companies, especially look when Myanmar moved its capital city, construction materials, furniture, hotels, they received a loan from China Exim Bank restaurants and other new small enterprises. USD 160 Million for developing Paunglaung (Aung Lwin Oo, 2006: 21) hydropower project in Pyinmana (Chiang Mai Moving and building the new capital News, 2006; Preecharushh, 2011). city and another supporting office complex

Interdependence: Journal of International Studies INTERDEPENDENCE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Volume 01 Tahun 2020

Apart from the financial scheme, a opportunities of international cooperation in number of international non-financial terms of financial and non-financial assistance also occurs in relocating the new assistance. capital cities. Myanmar was the best example, where Chinese engineers worked to construct Type and Source of Data some projects such as the hydroelectric dam The research uses both qualitative data and another hydropower project around that will help the researchers to build their Naypyidaw. The North Korean in addition assumption according to some findings. also employed for digging secret tunnels Furthermore, in order to maintain validity and around the Naypyidaw Command Centre. The reliability, all the data obtained from credible Russian engineers also hired to construct and trusted sources that can be traced and military garrisons (military base) and several published. Concerning secondary data, all the weapons factories. After that, in conjunction data obtained through literature reviews, with interior and decorating some public online journals, and other relevant articles to infrastructures, the Myanmar government the theme of this paper. entrusted it to Thai engineers (Preecharushh, 2011). Similar to this, Kazakhstan also hires a Conceptual Framework distinguish British architect Norman Foster to International Cooperation Theory design the capital city of Astana (Gawecki, Referring to Robert O. Keohane, a 2013). number of scholars have defined that Thus, the relocation of the new capital cooperation is a situation "when actors adjust city is required much money and various non- their behaviour to the actual or anticipated financial assistance from domestic and preferences of others, through a process of international sources. Therefore, in this study, policy coordination" (Milner, 1992). The the authors also found a similar pattern in conception of cooperation consists of two relocating Indonesia's capital to Penajam crucial elements. First, it assumes that every Paser Utara (PPU) and Kutai Kartanegara single actor's behaviour is affected and (Kukar) that, the has directed by some goals. Second, the definition invited numerous foreign countries, implies that cooperation provides the actors international organization and global public with gains or rewards. Concerning gains or figure to invest their money and ideas in reward, it is not always the same thing from Indonesia's next project. each country or actors, but it must be mutual. Every actor is helping each other to realize RESEARCH METHOD their aims by adjusting its policies in Scope limitation anticipation of its reward (Miller, 1992). This paper focuses on the Furthermore, in order to achieve opportunities of international cooperation in cooperation, several ways are available, and relocating Indonesia's new capital city in the one of them through negotiation in an explicit second period of President Joko Widodo 2019 bargaining process. Then this type of ways is to 2024. The decision to select that period is commonly found in these days agreement because the initial project of relocating among countries as well as related actors Indonesia's new capital city started from 2019 which found in recent international relations to 2024 as the year of fully relocation of the literature. Thus, the cooperation can be capital city. imposed, and the dominant party that engages at this cooperation can force the other parties Type of Research or countries to alter its policies. At the same Based on its purpose, this scientific time, if the stronger party adjust its policies paper is categorized as descriptive predictive too and attempts to realize mutual gains, it which describe the plan of relocating means cooperation is finally occurring Indonesia's new capital city and predict the (Milner, 1992).

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David Mitrany, in his book The technological advancement and ongoing Functional Theory of Politics (1976) stated modernization (Sonny, 2018). that the trend of international cooperation In more details, cooperation does not among nations had brought benefit in various only occur between individuals but also sectors. Such as technology cooperation will between collective entities, including firms, produce a spillover effect, which is spreading political parties, ethnic organizations, nation- of technology advancement in multiple states even terrorist groups (Dai, 2010). sectors such as energy, trade and natural Although international cooperation theory resources. At this particular situation, often defines that international cooperation interdependence is occurring, and countries always occurs among nation-states, but yet in are keen on expanding cooperation into recent years, other actors are also involving in another sector (Hadiwinata, 2017). Expanding international cooperation, such as the cooperation among nations will be more intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and productive and benefited when the countries non-governmental organizations (NGOs). also become a member of international These diverse actors cooperate for various organizations or another international issues as well according to their passion and cooperations which they have to fulfil and goals. For instance, IGOs working together follow the regulation. In another situation, with the state to combat global environmental countries also asked for self-restraint in facing degradation, firms collude to monopolize a threat or another unpleasant situation caused markets around the world, and NGO's by another countries. This situation called campaign to save the whales (Dai, 2010). institutionalism, which believe that international relations were not always related RESULT AND ANALYSES to zero-sum (win and lose), on the contrary, Since Indonesia announces its the cooperation which based on good intention relocation, President Widodo has offered and international organization support will several necessary seats to various international create a peaceful condition and win-win figures to help the government. Also, many solution. investors show their interest to invest in Richard Rosecrane in his book The Indonesia's next big project. On this part of the Rise of the Trading States: Commerce and paper, the authors will describe the list of Conquest in the Modern World (1986) information about possibilities of international explained the rise of interdependence among cooperation between Indonesia and foreign state caused the decline of the tension of the countries, organization as well as international countries to fight each other. On the contrary, public figure in building the new capital city the desire to cooperate in the trade sector is of Indonesia. more dominated. Similar to this, Robert O. There are four schemes for relocating Keohane and Joseph S. Nye (1989) stated, that Indonesia's new capital city based on the the rise of the non-state actor into international ministry of national planning development of politics had created the new dimension in Republic Indonesia. First, by using state international relations. Which is complex budget which covers essential infrastructure interdependence that consists of three services, state palace, police and national characteristics. First, multiple channels; army headquarter, housing for civil servants, Second, multiple issues; Third, military power polices and armies, land acquisition, and green is no longer the primary instrument open space. Second scheme by state-owned (Hadiwinata, 2017). Moreover, to add this enterprises which cover for upgrading concept, in future, cooperation will grow harbours and airports. Third scheme is bigger based on mutual interest. This situation government cooperation with business occurs because humans cannot meet their own entities, which cover for executive, legislative needs that tend to increase due to and judicative buildings, central infrastructure, education facilities, health

Interdependence: Journal of International Studies INTERDEPENDENCE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Volume 01 Tahun 2020 facilities, museum and other supporting that will be provided by these countries is in infrastructures. The last scheme is a private the form of grants (Bhwana, 2019). sector, which covers general housing, building In early 2020, the Indonesian higher education or universities, health government have met various potential facilities, MICE, science-techno park and investors for helping relocate the capital. It shopping mall (Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, started meeting between President Widodo 2019). with the Soft Bank Eyes CEO Masayoshi Son One contributor of South China in state palace (Istana Merdeka), which plan to Morning Post, namely Cherly Arcibal (2019) invest his money in building smart city capital wrote an article entitle Indonesia to tap foreign of Indonesia (Chowdhury, 2020). When investors for the development of new political President Widodo and some of his minister seat in East Kalimantan. According to her had his state visit in United Arab Emirate article, Indonesia's plan to move its capital (UAE), and meet the UAE government. Both will open for new opportunities for foreign of government had agreed to sign 11 business investors. Including from Hongkong and deals wort 314,9 Trillion Rupiah equal to mainland China. Still, in the same online more than USD 19 Billion covering newspaper, Nurdin Setyawan as the associate investment in energy and other sectors. The director of strategic consulting at Cushman & UAE also will able to use that fund for Wakefield Indonesia, explained, the investing in the development of the new government has invited foreign investor to capital in East Kalimantan province invest in relocating Indonesia's new capital (Indonesia, 2020). Not only that but President city. The scheme that offered by the Widodo at the same time also offering Crown government is state-owned and private entities Prince of UAE Mohammed Bin Zayed Al under the public-private participation. Nahyan for a position as a steering committee. Additionally, Alan Cheong, executive This decision is taking by President Widodo director of research and consultancy at Savills for attracting a lot of foreign investors to , also said that the infrastructure invest in Indonesia's next capital seat in East spends on the new capital will excite many Kalimantan. Bearing in mind the Crown foreign consultants and engineers alike. He Prince has experience in transforming the also adds that consortium between foreign and UAE, which was previously a desert into a Indonesian companies should be required to very sophisticated metropolitan city, and of tender for many projects. Meanwhile, foreign course, he is also a crown prince of the UAE. developers may find investment in data Similarly, in a few days later, centres, logistic facilities and serviced flats President Widodo announced to the public attractive. Andi Loe as senior associate that Tony Blair and Masayoshi Son would seat director of investment at Cushman believed together with Mohammed Bin Zayed Al that Indonesia's next big project would not Nahyan as the steering committee (Gordon, only attract some countries like , South 2020). Later on, in just a few days, after the Korea, Singapore, mainland China and meeting between President Widodo and CEO Hongkong, Malaysia and Australia but also Soft Bank in state palace, Masayoshi Son will attract an abundance of multilateral finally agreed to invest USD 30 to 40 Billion agencies, banks and foreign private sector. in the development of Indonesia's new capital On the other hand, the US, China and city (Akhlas, 2020). Son said that he interested Japan were interested in the land a hand in to invest because Indonesia offers the concept finalizing the design of the new capital city. of a smart city, the newest technology, a clean Coordinating Minister for Maritime and city and a lot of AI (artificial intelligence). Investment Luhur Binsar Pandjaitan said the Remembering that Son as the billionaire that offer by that countries would be discussed in investing his money mostly for technology bilateral cooperation. He also adds the help companies such as international marketplace Alibaba and co-working space WeWork, as

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well as ride-hailing app Grab (Akhlas, 2020). bilateral cooperation, multilateral cooperation Another attractive investor came from Hong and even business to business cooperation. In Kong and South Korea, which have posted the other words, this mega project would involve amount of money to be invested in Indonesia's global citizen. new capital, which is USD 40 Billion and USD 50 Billion, respectively (Falak. 2020). CONCLUSION In conjunction with technological Relocation of the new capital city of development, Qualcomm and Amazon have Indonesia is attracting multiple actors around attempted investment opportunities in the world. The potential of international Indonesia. As a multinational semiconductor cooperation is surprisingly vast and will be and telecommunication equipment company, occurred in various schemes, such as bilateral, Qualcomm is seeking to collaborate with the trilateral and even regional. Moreover, the Indonesian government to develop especially cooperation that might be occurred would be 5G infrastructure, and the cutting edge in the form of financial assistance, investment, wireless broadband technology. While infrastructure, technology, and foreign Amazon on the other hand through Amazon labours. Web Service (AWS) discussed to the government about the possibility to work LIMITATION AND STUDY FORWARD together in terms of protection of personal data As stated in the method, this research and support for Indonesia's digital economy paper is descriptive predictive. Which the (Prasetyo, 2020). Another middle east authors aware that this paper still needs to be countries also interested in investing in examined in the future, followed by other Indonesia's new capital, Saudi Arabian findings in another research paper. The ambassador to Indonesia A. Abid Althagafi authors also hope this research paper can work said to that the Kingdom of Saudi as an influencer to another author to write the Arabia interested in investing in the new similar topic about the relocation of capital city (Laila, 2020). Indonesia's new capital city, especially in In February 2020, the neighbour terms of international cooperation between country of Malaysia has shown their interest Indonesia and other foreign countries, to work together on Indonesia's new capital. organization, business and public figures. The oil plantation entrepreneur from Sabah In conjunction with the actor in even went to Balikpapan to discuss the international relations, it is also essential to possibility to have cooperation with the discuss in further research about the Balikpapan government. The intended possibility of involving multi-actor in cooperation will focus on upgrading the international cooperation. Considering the Manggar Landfills, which predicted would be relocation of Indonesia's new capital city the finest in Indonesia. At the same occasion, would involve a global citizen. In other words, the Sabah investor also would like to invest in the actor of this international cooperation will Tarakan for building cold storage and sausage not be dominated by the state actor, but a factory for the needs of the local community various actor. and also to anticipate the needs of the people living in the new capital city (Kaltim Post, FURTHER READING LIST 2020/02/19). Diamond, L., & McDonald, J. W. (1996). Multi- Based on the list of information above, track diplomacy: A systems approach to it is clear that moving Indonesia's new capital peace (p. 2). West Hartford, CT: city would generate enormous investment in Kumarian Press. various sectors. It includes money, Mujiono Dadang Ilham K. Alexandra Frisca. (2019). Multi Track Diplomacy: Teori dan technology, internet and even foreign Studi Kasus. Mulawarman University engineers and labours. As mentioned earlier, Press. that cooperation would be manifested through

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