An Overview of Potential Environmental, Cultural, And
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The information presented in this document is based on the findings of the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States, prepared by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technologies Program. The following individuals from Argonne National Laboratory are acknowledged for their contributions to the PEIS analyses: • Timothy Allison, socioeconomic and environmental justice; • Lynn Almer, water resources; • Bruce Biwer, transportation impacts; • Matthew Braun, cultural resources; • Adrianne Carr, water resources; • Youngsoo Chang, air quality, air emissions, and noise; • Mark A. Grippo, ecological resources; • Yuki Hamada, water resources; • Heidi M. Hartmann, project manager and health and safety assessments; • Leslie Kirchler, visual impacts; • Ronald Kolpa, hazardous materials and waste management; • Kirk E. LaGory, ecological resources and threatened and endangered species; • James E. May, lands and realty, specially designated areas, and other land use considerations; • Ben L. O’Connor, water resources; • Terri Patton, geological resources and mineral assessments; • Albert E. Smith, air quality; • Robert Sullivan, visual impacts; • Robert A. Van Lonkhuyzen, ecological resources; • Bruce Verhaaren, Native American concerns; • William S. Vinikour, ecological resources; • Leroy J. Walston, Jr., special status species; and • Konstance L. Wescott, paleontology, cultural resources,
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