In Westfield YMCA
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THE WESTFIELD LEADER Thm Leading And Mot Widely Circulated Weakly Nempaper In Union County •aUred as tacond CUM MM'W Publlih«d Port OMca. WHtllll IT. I. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1958 •v.ry ThW 32 lOCMtf Bobal Named High School to ,ard Adopts UHS Principal; Stage Spring GOP, Democrats Ready ilary Guide Other Transfers Music Festival To File Primary Slates Tomliiwon Going Invite Public to f age Level To New Junior High, Annual Event Set Department Connell to Lincoln For March 28, 29 Mayor Thomas Possible Fight Beginning The appointment of Albert R. Under the direction of. Janet To Head Ticket Looms for Party Heads Set Bobal, principal of Lincoln School, Grimier Gleason, the Westfleld as principal of Roosevelt Junior Senior High School music depart- High School was announced Tues- ment will present its 27th annual For Republicans In Fourth Ward day night by the Board of Educa- spring music festival Friday and Eduction Tues- For Schools tion. At the same time, the board Saturday, March 28 and 29 at Mayor H. Emerson Thomas an The Democratic Municipal Com- announced the transfer of Howard 8:30 p.m. in the high school audi- nounced this week he will seek re- mitU'c announced last "Monday pot- Department heads for junior Tomlinson, present Roosevelt prin- torium. nomination for a third two-year sible candidate! for the fortheom* and senior high schools -were ap- cipal to head the new Edison Jun- The festival, which ,has become term in the April 15 primary elec ing primary local election, Heal- pointed by the Board of Educa-v ior High School; the transfer of tradition in the community, tioh. ing the slate it William Nerin, rent bottom wage. tion Tuesday night. Joseph B. Connell, principal of PETER COLLINS gave RB first performance in 1931. Other Republican . incumbents seeking the mayoralty nomination. which goes into ef- Grant School to principal of Lin- At that time the production was He has run for the poit leverai Taking these posts in the 1958- seeking nomination as Town Coun 8100 coln School; and the transfer of directed by Miss K. Elizabeth In- times previously. * 59 school year in the senior high oilmen are Herbert R. Welch Jr. Allen M. Starks from assistant galls, and consisted of selections John P. Morrluey, It Scudder school will be: English, Miss Mar- DeMolay Chapter in the third ward and A. Bruce The swle is set up so principal at Elm Street School to by the band, orchestra, and choral Conlin in the second ward. Mr. road, is a council candidate from garet ,Dietrich; social studies, Har- assistant principal, Edison Junior teachers with a mas- group. In 1932 a girls' chorus was Conlin faces a possible primary the second ward. A graduate of old Shill; science, Noel Taylor; High School. All appointments added, with geven ftrst 8«pran« $4,500, a six-year To Install Officers battle with William H. Baumer of Manhattan College and New York language, Miss Louise .Theuer and are effective July 1. six second sopranos, and s University with a decree In en- <*> M.7M and a doc- 601 St. Mark's avenue circulating mathematics, Miss Dama Hill. altos. gineering, he heads the J. p. Mor. ,^00 annually. Mr. Bobil taught social studies Republican nominating petitions IMO increment Is flren for Roosevelt Junior High School Peter Collins Is In 1937, a mixed choros appear- rlssey Electric Co. in New York In the WeBtfield High School from for the second ward seat. HARRISON A. WILLIAMS City and holds the position of sec- 1, Of teaching experience. heads will be: English, Miss Eve- ed on the program, whieh was in- 1952-56 and served as principal of Master Councilor Deadline for filing is tonight. retary In the New York Electrical Ink «elf-improvement is en- lyn Bar to; mathematics, Miss AI- Columbus School, 1959-57. Dur- creased to a 40-voice group by ta Decker and social studies, Chas. Other incumbents whose terms Contractors Association, He la •' atd, It was noted, in that a ing this same year, he also served Sir Galahad Chapter, DeMolay, 1940. In 1940 Kiss Ingtlls left xpiro this year are Councllmen A. 1 Covell. the public schools of Westfleld to member of the American Society 2, with a doctor ! degree as acting principal of Lincoln will note its 37th anniversary in Turncy Savage, first ward, and Dems Back of Military Engineers, Mr. Merlti ,(1,000 more per year than Edison Junior High department School and was appointed as Lin Westfteld this year. The public join the faculty of the State Teachers College at Trenton. She William A. Bowcn of the fourth aey has nevnr sought political of- ,ith t bachelor's degree, re- heads will be: English, Mrs. Flor- coin School principal for the 1957- has been invited to attend the ward. Aci< before. Ills father 1* a senator Stsi of the years of teaching ence Van Dellen; mathematics, 58 academic year. He received hia chapter's public installation of ia now head of the music depart- Thomas, who has been a West- in the New York State assembly Miss Mary Rogers and social stud- BS and M Ed degrees from Rut- newly elected and appointed offi- ment at Jersey City State Teach- Williams In ers College. The choir was «o field resident since 1940 and re- and has been a repretentatiy* ia ut increases under the new ies, Miss Melissa Fouratte. gers University. ' cers to be held Monday it 8 p.m. named in 1941 when Mrs, Gleason ides at 3 Stoneleigh park, has been tho assembly for 10 years. rjnp from $100 to $500 de- at the Masonic Temple, Temple The board appointed Mrs. Dor- Mr. Tomlinson, who will serve became supervisor of music. Since mayor since, 1955. Previ- u on the degree the teacher place. Third ward council candidate' ll othy B. Gordon of 901 Mountain as the first principal of Edison then, the choir has increased in ously he had been a councilman for Senate Race tied the years of experience, Bryce MacDonald, »09 Boute View circle as a sixth grade teach- Junior High School) came to the Peter Collins of 118 Park street number With its present member- 'our years. A graduate of Okla- adopted by the board was vard. He is a graduate of Rutgeri er in the Wilson School for th« Westfield school system in 1948 as will be installed as master coun- ship at 132. Along with this expan- homa City University, Thomas guide for office personnel Former Rep. Harrison 'A. >WH- University, New Brunswick, and remainder of this year, replacing a commercial subjects teacher in cilor. He is a 16-year-old junior sion of the choir has been the di- hea'ds the H. Emerson Thomas & j i (100 across the board ams Jr. outers the Democratic is active In alumni work for Rut- Mrs. Jeanne Kelly who is on a ma- the high school. ^In 1953 he was in Westteld High School and has vision of the girls' choruses into Associates Inc., a liquified petro- „* in addition to compensa- rlmary election for U. 8. Senato gers. Formerly with the DuPont ternity leave of absence. Mrs. Es- appointed principal of Colirrabus been a manager of the football a beginners chorus and the ad- leum gas company. tor the new 12-month work backed by Governor Mcyncr and Co., Mr. MarDonald la now aiao* telle C. Yorgensen of 618 Hort and McKinley schools and in 1958 team for two seasons, the basket- vanced girls' chorus, the growth of , Councilman Welch, running for a replicing this year's J0- leaders of 20 of the party's 21 elated with Merck ft Co., luhway. street was appointed a second he received an appointment aa ball team one season and the the Boys' Glee Club, tho "12" and fourth term, has been a council- county organizations. prognwn. He scrved> on the Westifleld Board grade teacher in the Lincoln School principal of Roosevelt Junior High. wrestling team, one season. He is t,hc "13," all of which will appear man since 1953 and is senior mem- But two other candidate! have of Education for nine )car», one in this year's program although the wry guides also were adopted for the balance of the year. He holds a BS degree from Blooms vice president of the Writers Club, ber of the council. A life-long res- u'omiscd to flic against 'Williams, year as vice president. hi custodial and maintenance an officer in the Crusaders, a boy's program's stress will ibo placed on Appointed to awve until Juno burg State Teachers College and ident of Westneld, Welch resides n spite of the powerful support he A possible candidate- In the 30 were Mrs. Dorothy R, Henniger an MS degree from the University club, and a member of the Presby^ at 535 Shackamuxon drive and us. fourth ward, William T. Harbin, Kitel was presented to board as a secretary in the office of the of Pennsylvania. terian Church's youth cabinet (Please turn to page 2) heads the Welch Bros. Inc. paints Joseph E. McLean, commissioner 645 Dorian road, Is a chemical en- Ktnt H. D. Merrill Jr. in be- Other elected officers to bo In- and wallpaper firm of 214 Bast of conservation and economic do superintendent of schools and Mrs. Mr. Council taught a slxtn grade gineer, a graduate of Georgia Irf the hoard by Robert H. stalled arc: Senior councilor, Al Broad street. He is a graduate of velopment in 'Meynor's Cabinet, Dorothy Mcierdierek as secretary at Grant, in 1956-56 and was ap- TTe«hh , AtlAtlantat , GGa .