January 22, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H801 higher education in Illinois and having Illinois State University has been a Whereas was a social worker it housed in the Bloomington-Normal model for higher education institutions trained at the Jane Addams Hull House, a area. around this Nation for the last 150 community service organization in Chicago, In February of 1857, then-Governor Illinois, and the Reverend years. I wish them all the best in their was a Harvard-educated lawyer and a Sunday William Bissell signed a bill, legisla- year-long celebration. I also want to school teacher who was inspired to become a tion creating Normal University, and thank the chairman of the committee, Unitarian minister; established the board of education for Chairman MILLER, and Ranking Mem- Whereas, after their arrival in Czecho- the State of Illinois as its governing ber MCKEON for allowing this bill to slovakia, the Sharps immediately grasped body. After Jesse Fell secured financial make it to the floor today. that they needed not only to help feed refu- backing totaling $141,000, future Presi- Mr. Speaker, I ask all of my col- gees, but also to assist Jews and opponents dent Abraham Lincoln, then acting as leagues to join me in wishing Illinois of the Nazi regime escape to safety elsewhere attorney for the board, drew up the in Europe; State University congratulations as it Whereas the Sharps refused to leave bond guaranteeing that Bloomington’s marks its 150th anniversary. when, in March 1939, a month after citizens would fulfill their financial Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, I have the Sharps’ arrival, the Nazis occupied commitments. no further speakers and would close , making the Sharps’ work Established originally as a teacher with just urging all my colleagues to more urgent, more complicated, and more education institution, then known as support this bill, and I yield back the dangerous; Illinois State Normal University, it has balance of my time. Whereas the Sharps insisted on continuing developed into a multipurpose univer- their life-saving mission by working out of Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- private residences even after April 1939, when sity, recognized around the world with er, I thank my colleagues from the degree programs in the bachelor’s, the Nazis ransacked the office of the Uni- great State of Illinois representing this tarian mission in Prague and threw the fur- master’s and doctoral levels. resolution, celebrating 150 years of Illi- niture into the street; Currently, approximately 20,000 un- nois State University, and I yield back Whereas the Sharps repeatedly risked their dergraduates and post-graduate stu- the balance of my time. own safety to exit and re-enter Nazi-occupied dents attend the university, supported The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Czechoslovakia, crisscrossed Europe to ob- by an outstanding university staff of tain the travel documents necessary to help question is on the motion offered by 3,200 employees. Jews and opponents of the Nazi regime es- I would also note that ISU today ben- the gentlewoman from California (Mrs. cape Czechoslovakia, and even escorted some efits from the support of over 65,000 DAVIS) that the House suspend the refugees by train through Germany to the alumni living and working around the rules and agree to the resolution, H. United Kingdom; Res. 57. Whereas the Sharps were determined to world. complete their 6-month mission, even after My colleagues today have shared The question was taken. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the warnings that the was searching for much about Illinois State University, them; but here is a few little-known facts. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of Whereas the Sharps stayed in Czecho- The model for student teaching that those voting have responded in the af- slovakia until August 30, 1939, 1 day before today is used nationwide was invented firmative. Gestapo agents came to arrest Martha by Illinois State Normal University Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- Sharp, who had become known for her bold- teacher Cecilla Lauby, who today is 94 er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. ness at evading Nazi rules restricting travel; years old and still lives in the town of The yeas and nays were ordered. Whereas, upon the Sharps’ return in 1940 to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- their family and the Wellesley Hills Uni- Normal. tarian Church in , their report One of every eight teachers in Illinois ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the to the American Unitarian Association graduated from Illinois State Univer- Chair’s prior announcement, further about the imminent danger posed by the sity. Illinois State University’s insur- proceedings on this question will be Nazis to refugees across Europe led to the ance program is so popular and re- postponed. Sharps being asked to establish a similar op- eration in France under the newly founded spected that Lloyd’s of London sends it f executives each year for management Unitarian Service Committee; training. And as others have noted, Il- PAYING TRIBUTE TO REVEREND Whereas the Sharps returned to Europe in linois State University has made the WAITSTILL SHARP AND MARTHA 1940 fully aware of the Nazi terror they SHARP FOR THEIR HEROIC EF- would face; Kiplinger list for the 100 top univer- Whereas the Sharps had a special interest sities in public education three FORTS TO SAVE JEWS DURING in saving refugee children, as well as artists, straight times. THE HOLOCAUST intellectuals, and political dissidents, and Illinois State’s physic’s program is Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I move to the Sharps and the Unitarian colleagues who ranked as one of the top in the coun- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- followed in their footsteps set up systems try. Illinois State’s first president, lution (H. Res. 52) paying tribute to and escape routes that functioned through- Charles Hovey, recruited a regimen of out World War II to assist approximately Reverend Waitstill Sharp and Martha 2,000 men, women, and children to gain free- teachers to fight in the Civil War. Sharp for their recognition by the Yad Illinois State is also the home of the dom; Vashem Holocaust Martyrs’ and He- Whereas the famous Jewish novelist, Lion Gamma Phi Circus, the oldest colle- roes’ Remembrance Authority as Feuchtwanger, who was one of the first Ger- giate circus in the United States, Righteous Among the Nations for their mans to have his citizenship revoked after which was founded in 1929. That circus heroic efforts to save Jews during the Hitler came to power and whose name topped today is one of two collegiate circuses Holocaust. the Gestapo’s ‘‘Surrender on Demand’’ list, in the United States. The Clerk read as follows: was one of the first people the Sharps helped Finally, I would note that Watterson in a dramatic and dangerous escape from Towers dormitory on Illinois State H. RES. 52 France; University, is considered one of the Whereas, on June 13, 2006, the Whereas Eva Rosemarie Feigl, who was 14 tallest college dormitories in the world Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remem- in December 1940 when Martha Sharp helped brance Authority in Israel, an organization her and 28 other children reach safety in the and is the tallest structure between the dedicated to preserving the memory of Holo- United States, provided eye-witness testi- cities of Chicago and the City of St. caust victims, honored the Reverend mony that enabled the Yad Vashem Holo- Louis. Waitstill Sharp, and his wife, Martha Sharp, caust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Illinois State University has been a posthumously as ‘‘Righteous Among the Na- Authority in , Israel, to honor the model for higher education institutions tions’’ for risking their lives to save Jews Sharps as ‘‘Righteous Among the Nations’’; around this country over the last 150 during the Holocaust; Whereas, when the Sharps’ plans to set up years. I would like to note a very good Whereas the Sharps had to leave their 2- the first office of the newly formed Unitarian friend of mine, Illinois State Univer- year-old daughter and 6-year-old son in the Service Committee in Paris, France, failed sity’s current president, Dr. Al Bow- care of family and congregants in Wellesley, as a result of the Nazi occupation of France, Massachusetts, to answer a call from leaders the Sharps instead established an operation man, and congratulate him, his great of the American Unitarian Association to go in neutral Portugal, where throughout World staff and all of those affiliated with Il- to Czechoslovakia in February 1939 to pro- War II Lisbon remained the last hope for ref- linois State University as they mark vide humanitarian assistance for the tens of ugees seeking safe passage out of Nazi-occu- this great achievement. thousands of refugees crowding into Prague; pied territory;

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:58 Jan 23, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22JA7.019 H22JAPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE H802 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 22, 2007 Whereas the Sharps recognized that they scendants of the Reverend Waitstill Sharp On November 1, 2005, the United Na- were dependent upon a much larger circle of and Martha Sharp, and to the Unitarian Uni- tions General Assembly adopted a reso- friends and colleagues who made their her- versalist Service Committee of Cambridge, lution and designated January 27 as an oism possible, such as the people who cared Massachusetts. for the Sharps’ children, the members of the annual International Day of Com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- memoration in Memory of the Victims congregation in Wellesley, Massachusetts, ant to the rule, the gentleman from who maintained the Wellesley Hills Uni- of the Holocaust. This action was tarian Church in the Sharps’ absence, ordi- California (Mr. LANTOS) and the gentle- strongly endorsed and supported by my nary Unitarians who financed their cause, woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- good friend, Kofi Annan, the recently ministers across the United States who LEHTINEN) each will control 20 minutes. retired Secretary General of the United urged their congregations to become spon- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Nations. sors for refugees, and secretaries who volun- from California. January 27 was chosen as the day for teered in Europe and the United States to GENERAL LEAVE maintain thousands of case files for refugees; this commemoration each year because Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I ask January 27 was the date on which the Whereas the Sharps’ efforts resulted not unanimous consent that all Members only in the rescue of thousands of people, but Nazi death camp at Auschwitz was lib- in the creation of what is now known as the may have 5 legislative days to revise erated by Allied troops in 1945 in the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, and extend their remarks and include closing days of the Second World War. an institution that multiplied the number of extraneous material on the resolution Two years ago on the 50th anniversary rescues a thousand-fold in the years that fol- under consideration. of the liberation of Auschwitz, along lowed; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there with the chronicler of the Holocaust Whereas, at the Yad Vashem ceremony objection to the request of the gen- that honored the Sharps as ‘‘Righteous Elie Wiesel and his wife, my wife An- tleman from California? nette and I had the honor to be mem- Among the Nations’’ on June 13, 2006, in There was no objection. bers of the United States delegation at Israel, officials specifically recognized the Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Sharps’ courage in going into the heart of Auschwitz representing our Nation at strong support of this resolution and Europe when World War II was unfolding and the solemn ceremonies marking that yield myself such time as I might con- many people were fleeing; historic event with heads of state, dip- sume. Whereas Martha Sharp was the first Amer- lomats, world leaders, and, most im- ican woman to be named ‘‘Righteous Among Mr. Speaker, I would like first to rec- the Nations’’, and the Reverend Waitstill ognize the outstanding efforts of the portantly, survivors of the Nazi atroc- Sharp and Martha Sharp were only the sec- sponsor of this important measure, ities. Mr. Speaker, the U.N. General As- ond and third individuals named ‘‘Righteous Congressman JAMES MCGOVERN, my Among the Nations’’ who were United States sembly resolution adopted 14 months good friend from Massachusetts, the citizens at the time they performed the ago urges every country to honor the distinguished member of the Rules deeds for which they were honored; memory of the victims of the Holo- Committee, who represents the area Whereas the Sharps’ daughter, Martha caust and encourages the development where the Reverend Waitstill Sharp, Sharp Joukowsky, accepted the Yad Vashem of educational programs on Holocaust honor on behalf of her parents and remarked and his wife, Martha Sharp, who are history as part of our firm resolve to that they were ‘‘modest and ordinary people, honored in this resolution, lived. who responded to the suffering and needs Recently, the Holocaust Remem- prevent genocides in the future. around them . . . as they would have expected brance Authority in Jerusalem honored When this resolution was adopted, everyone to do in a similar situation’’; the Reverend Waitstill Sharp and his Secretary General Kofi Annan said, Whereas Martha Sharp Joukowsky added and I quote, ‘‘There can be no reversing that the honor given to her parents is also wife, Martha, posthumously, as Right- eous Among the Nations, for risking the unique tragedy of the Holocaust. It about ‘‘the unseen efforts of a much wider must be remembered with shame and circle of people who made their work pos- their lives to save Jews during the Hol- horror for as long as human memory sible’’ and that it ‘‘is the kind of network ocaust. that is needed again today to stop the slow continues. Only by remembering can genocide in Darfur’’; b 1445 we pay fitting tribute to the victims. Whereas Martha Sharp Joukowsky con- They are only the second and third Millions of innocent Jews and members cluded her remarks by saying, ‘‘Let this cele- Americans to be so honored. Varian of other minorities were murdered in bration about my parents stand as a call to Fry, a distinguished American dip- the most barbarous ways imaginable. action’’; lomat with whom the Sharps worked, We must never forget those men, Whereas September 9, 2006, marks the sec- was the first to be so honored. women and children or their agony.’’ ond anniversary of the United States Gov- Mr. Speaker, it is essential that we ernment declaring the violence in Darfur, Mr. Speaker, the Sharps’ story is one Sudan, to be genocide; and of courage and caring at vast personal remember the horror and the reality of Whereas the Sharps deserve honor for their sacrifice. They answered the call from the Holocaust. A recent poll taken in example and for helping to found an institu- the American Unitarian Association the United Kingdom, one of the most tion, the Unitarian Universalist Service and left their two young children be- advanced countries on the face of this Committee, that today carries on their work hind to travel to Europe twice to save planet, revealed the shocking igno- in distant corners of the world and asks for the lives of Jews who were being per- rance of the Holocaust among young the ‘‘Righteous Among the Nations’’ to help secuted and eventually killed. They children in Britain. The poll reported save Darfur now: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representa- spent many months in Czechoslovakia that 28 percent of 18-to-29-year-olds tives— in 1939, returned to the United States were not certain that the Holocaust (1) recognizes the Reverend Waitstill Sharp for a brief period, and then in 1940 took place. This is both incredible and and Martha Sharp as genuine American he- again went back to Europe under the deeply disturbing. And I fear that the roes; auspices of the newly founded Uni- United Kingdom is not the only coun- (2) pays tribute to the Reverend Waitstill tarian Universalist Service Committee try where such results could be found. Sharp and Martha Sharp for having their to aid more people in escaping the hor- Even more disturbing are political names added to the Wall of Rescuers in the phenomena like Iranian President permanent exhibition of the United States ror of the Nazi regime. Holocaust Memorial Museum on September In all, as a result of the efforts of the Ahmadinejad who claim that the mur- 14, 2006; Reverend and Mrs. Sharp and their der of 6 million Jews and others tar- (3) commends the organization founded to Unitarian colleagues, over 2,000 men, geted by the Nazis and their collabo- support the Sharps’ work, the Unitarian Uni- women and children were saved from rators during World War II was fab- versalist Service Committee, for its efforts the Nazi death machine. ricated. This same Iranian leader re- to rescue Jews and opponents of the Nazi re- Mr. Speaker, it is particularly appro- cently convened a so-called ‘‘con- gime in Europe from 1939 to 1945 and for car- priate that this House acknowledge the ference’’ in Tehran to bring together rying on the Sharps’ legacy by working to selfless and courageous actions of the other Holocaust deniers. save the lives of the people of Darfur, Sudan, Sharps at this time. In just a few days, As the only survivor of the Holocaust and to protect human rights worldwide; and (4) requests the Clerk of the House of Rep- on January 27, men and women around ever elected to Congress, I am outraged resentatives to transmit an enrolled copy of the globe will commemorate the Sec- at attempts to deny what I experienced this resolution to the Joukowsky family of ond International Holocaust Remem- and witnessed firsthand. The Holo- Providence, Rhode Island, the direct de- brance Day. caust, Mr. Speaker, did take place, and

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:35 Jan 23, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JA7.011 H22JAPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE January 22, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H803 6 million innocent men, women and Darfur, Sudan, and to protect human ‘‘As the Nazis marched across Europe children were massacred in this hor- rights worldwide. in 1939 and 1940, a Unitarian minister rific genocide. Furthermore, it requests that a copy from Massachusetts and his wife International Holocaust Remem- of this resolution be provided to the di- rushed into the coming Holocaust to brance Day is a time for all of us to re- rect descendants of these courageous save Jews and other refugees, including member and to honor the victims, but individuals in remembrance of their scores of children. When they set out it is also a time to remember those valiant efforts. for Europe in January 1939, Germany like the Reverend Waitstill and Martha Mr. Speaker, the Sharp family is an had seized the Sudetenland from Sharp, recognized as Righteous Among example for all to emulate. They dem- Czechoslovakia and refugees were flow- the Nations, who heroically stood up in onstrated unparalleled courage in the ing across the continent. The American the face of unspeakable evil and said face of Nazi aggression by providing re- Unitarian Association asked numerous ‘‘no’’ to the horrors of the Nazi geno- lief and humanitarian assistance to ministers to go to Europe before cide. They and the decent people who Jewish refugees, particularly children, Waitstill, 37, and his social worker helped them deserve our gratitude, rec- and to establish escape routes that wife, Martha, 33, agreed. ognition, and admiration. were the difference between life and ‘‘Prague, Czechoslovakia, was home The Sharps’ remarkable story is a death for many Jews during the Holo- to one of the world’s largest Unitarian powerful reminder that all of us have a caust. They deserve to be honored and congregations, which was helping refu- moral obligation to take action to end they deserve to be remembered today gees of all stripes—Jews, trade union- violence and to prevent and stop geno- and always. ists, political dissenters, and others. cide, genocide which today is taking Elie Wiesel has said that he decided The Sharps arrived to lend a hand in place in Darfur. We must educate our to devote his life to telling the story of February 1939, and 1 month later, the young people who do not know the sig- the Holocaust because, in his words, city was occupied by the Nazis. nificance of the Holocaust, and we ‘‘Having survived, I owe something to ‘‘On March 15, 1939, the day the Ger- must fight against the revisionist his- the dead, and anyone who does not re- mans took Prague, Martha Sharp guid- torians and phony leaders like member betrays them again.’’ ed an anti-Nazi leader to asylum at the Ahmadinejad. The world must be re- We would be betraying the victims as British Embassy. A few days later, the minded that the Holocaust in fact did well as the survivors if we did not also Reverend Waitstill Sharp arranged for occur, that millions suffered untold remember and honor those who risked a member of the Czech Parliament to agony and died. their own lives to save the lives of oth- be smuggled out of a hospital morgue Mr. Speaker, recent atrocities like ers. For this reason, I ask my col- in a body bag. The Nazis soon closed Rwanda and Darfur in Sudan remind us leagues to render their full support to the Sharps’ office and threw their fur- that our pledge ‘‘Never Again’’ has not the resolution before us. niture into the street, but the couple been fulfilled. Let us learn from the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of stayed another 5 months and got out Reverend Sharp and his courageous my time. just ahead of the Gestapo. ‘‘On their second foray to Europe, wife to have the fortitude and foresight Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I com- they worked in Marseilles, France, and to act against such evil. mend my good friend from Florida for helped smuggle across the Pyrenees Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of her eloquent and powerful statement. into neutral Portugal. One of their my time. Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to yield Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I such time as he may consume to my close collaborators was , a 32-year-old New York editor who de- yield myself such time as I may con- dear friend from Massachusetts (Mr. voted himself to saving European intel- sume. MCGOVERN), the author of this resolu- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor tion, senior member of our Rules Com- lectuals and who was the first U.S. cit- to be on this floor following the words mittee. izen placed by Yad Vashem on its ‘Righteous Among the Nations’ honor of our chairman of the Foreign Affairs Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, let me roll, which includes Oskar Schindler Committee Mr. LANTOS, the loan sur- begin by thanking the distinguished chairman of the Foreign Affairs Com- and Raoul Wallenberg. vivor in Congress of the Holocaust, and ‘‘Since the Sharps burned most of mittee and the distinguished ranking I echo all of his sentiments. their records to keep them out of Nazi I also wish to commend my good member of the Foreign Affairs Com- hands, no one knows how many lives friend, the gentleman from Massachu- mittee for bringing to the floor today they actually saved. Their grandson, H. Res. 52, legislation that pays tribute setts (Mr. MCGOVERN), for offering this Artemis Joukowsky, III, of , es- to the Reverend Waitstill Sharp and resolution. timates they helped 3,500 refugees in Although we come to the floor and his wife Martha, the couple who fought Prague, though it is unclear how many pass resolutions, and sometimes we genocide. I also want to express my survived. In Marseilles, they pioneered don’t take the time to read them, I gratitude to both of my colleagues for routes that hundreds used to escape. hope that all of my colleagues do read their eloquent words in support of this ‘‘Marianne Scheckler-Feder of La- this inspirational story of the Sharp legislation. guna Hills, California, has a fuzzy but family and the way that they helped so Last year on September 14, I was enduring memory of Martha Sharp, re- many flee the Nazi atrocities, and I privileged to join the wife of the distin- inforced by a fading black-and-white rise today in strong support of Mr. guished chairman of the Foreign Af- photograph taken on a sun-dappled MCGOVERN’s resolution. fairs Committee, Annette Lantos, at a street in the French port of Marseilles. It recognizes Reverend Waitstill ceremony held at the U.S. Holocaust Sharp and his wife Martha Sharp as Museum in Washington, D.C., honoring b 1500 genuine American heroes. Further, it the Reverend Waitstill and Martha ‘‘ ‘I remember a figure. She was a pays tribute to the Reverend Sharp and Sharp as they became the second and very, very elegant lady. Kind of serious his wife Martha for having their names third Americans to be added to the and very concerned. You looked up to added to the Wall of Rescuers in the honor roll of 21,000 Righteous Gentiles her. She demanded respect,’ Sheckler- permanent exhibit of the United States and non-Jews whose efforts saved Feder said, who is now 79 years old. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Sep- countless lives during the Holocaust. ‘‘Thousands of refugees from across tember 14 of this year. At that ceremony we were joined by Europe had flocked to Marseilles in It further commends the organiza- family members of the Sharps in hon- hopes of gaining passage abroad, only tion founded to support the Sharps’ oring the memory of this distinguished to be interned in work camps when work, the Unitarian Universalist Serv- husband and wife team. France surrendered to Germany in 1940 ice Committee, for its role in rescuing Mr. Speaker, on that same day The and the Nazis set up a collaborationist Jews and opponents of the Nazi regime Washington Post wrote an article government in Vichy. Sheckler-Feder in Europe from the years 1939 to 1945, about the Sharps, calling them ‘‘The was 12. She was one of three Jewish sis- as well as carrying on to this day the Couple Who Fought Genocide’’ and I ters, nearly identical triplets, who had legacy of the Sharps by working to would like to share with my colleagues fled with their parents from Vienna, a save the lives of people in places like excerpts from that article: bare step ahead of the Nazis.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:35 Jan 23, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22JA7.022 H22JAPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE H804 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 22, 2007 ‘‘Marseilles was the end of the road, caust. Although the couple lived safely with Through their courage, creativity and per- the end of hope, until they met Martha their two children in Massachusetts in 1939, sistence they were able to lead hundreds of Sharp. She pestered Vichy officials to both felt a calling to provide aid to those in people, likely thousands, to safety. issue exit visas for 29 children, includ- need overseas. They traveled to Czecho- They again heeded the call to action, return- ing nine Jews. With almost as much slovakia and began providing food for the refu- ing to Europe in 1940, this time based in Mar- difficulty, she persuaded our State De- gees fleeing the Nazi regime. However, when seilles, France, where they helped smuggle partment, which was rife with anti- they arrived, the Nazis invaded Czecho- people across the Pyrenees into neutral Por- Semitism at that time, to let the chil- slovakia and the situation grew more dan- tugal. The escape routes that they established dren and 10 adults into the United gerous. enabled hundreds of refugees to survive. States. Instead of returning home, they found that Among those whom the Sharps saved from ‘‘Sheckler-Feder and her sisters trav- they could better serve those in harm’s way by persecution and slaughter at the hands of the eled by train to Lisbon and sailed in helping them escape from the region. Despite Nazis were many children, including Jewish December 1940 aboard the Excambion, a the numerous life-risking situations and con- children who are now elderly, living freely in ship stripped of all furnishings except stant pursuit by the Gestapo, the couple America, and remember with gratitude the sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows to stayed and succeeded in helping over 2,000 couple who saved their lives almost 70 years accommodate as many passengers as people escape danger throughout World War ago. possible. Their parents eventually fol- II. I should note that the Sharps and others lowed. I am pleased that they received official rec- who worked to save Jews not only had to ‘‘Sheckler-Feder has no doubt that ognition as ‘‘Righteous Among Nations’’ last worry about the Nazis and the Gestapo, Vichy were it not for Martha Sharp, her fam- June, in the Yad Vashem ceremony in Israel, officials, collaborators and informers but also ily would have perished: ‘What she did for truly their righteous actions are unparal- had to overcome bureaucracy and anti-Semi- for us is outstanding. It will never be leled, and we are incredibly honored to call tism even among the U.S. State Department. forgotten.’’’ them our fellow citizens. The Sharps were Historians have documented that inaction, Mr. Speaker, I am very proud to have some of the first Americans to receive the indifferences, failures and even outright hos- introduced this bill with the esteemed award, setting an incredible example of right- tility by American officials resulted in the tragic chairman of the Foreign Affairs Com- eousness and good will for all who follow death of Jews during the Holocaust. mittee, Congressman TOM LANTOS, them. But today we do not dwell on this; instead along with House Members of the U.S. In addition, I would like to note the powerful we honor the Sharps for persevering despite Holocaust Memorial Council, Rep- words of their daughter, Martha Sharp such obstacles and adversity. resentatives CANTOR, LATOURETTE, and Joukowsky, who accepted the award on their Some of the Sharps’ surviving relatives and WAXMAN, the Members of the House behalf. She reminded us that her parents’ ac- admirers claim they were merely ordinary peo- congressional delegations representing tions represent ‘‘the unseen efforts of a much ple who did what anyone would have done in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, and wider circle of people who made their work the face of suffering. While I would like to be- other bipartisan co-sponsors. possible’’ and that this ‘‘is the kind of network lieve that all people of compassion would I want to thank Speaker NANCY that is needed again today to stop the slow come to the aid of people in need, especially PELOSI and the majority leader and the genocide in Darfur.’’ Sadly, we must recognize when lives are at stake, sadly I know that is minority leader, JOHN BOEHNER, for that suffering and oppression does not end not the case. It was not true during the Holo- supporting this consideration on the with one war or one crisis in our past but con- caust, and it is not true today as millions of Suspension Calendar. tinues into our present day. In order to truly people in America and around the world suffer It is my hope that all of us in this pay tribute to the Sharps, we must acknowl- poverty, hunger, disease and even genocide House will not only pay tribute to the edge our present condition. So I urge my col- and yet still not enough is being done to help memory and legacy of Reverend leagues, as they remember the Sharps today, them. Waitstill and Martha Sharp but will The special and extraordinary nature of the to also remember the urgency of the dev- recognize the example they set. There Sharps’ actions is clear by the rare and high astating situation in Darfur. I am sure if they are many urgent situations con- honors they have deservedly received. were alive today, they would devote all their fronting our world today where peo- In June 2006, the Yad Vashem Holocaust efforts to save the people there from this mod- ple’s lives are in grave danger. Many Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority ern-day Holocaust. people in communities even face the in Israel honored Reverend Waitstill Sharp and threat of genocide, as is the case in I urge my colleagues to support H. Res. 52, Martha Sharp posthumously as ‘‘Righteous Darfur. I hope that we can learn from to honor Reverend and Mrs. Sharp for their Among the Nations’’ for risking their lives to the Sharps’ example that each of us heroic rescue efforts during World War II. save Jews during the Holocaust. can make a difference, can save the Mr. BACA. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of And in September 2006, the U.S. Holocaust lives of others, and all we have to do is H. Res. 52, legislation paying tribute to Rev- Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. hon- step up and answer the call. It is my erend Waitstill and Martha Sharp, an Amer- ored the Sharps. hope that the inspiration of the Sharps ican couple who left the comfort and safety of There were definitely other brave, compas- will compel our government and other their home in Massachusetts to save the lives sionate people who were inspired by their civilized governments across this world of Jews in danger of being killed during the faith, values or their sense of right and wrong into taking more proactive and more Holocaust. and therefore took steps, both small and large, effective steps to stop the genocide Waitstill Sharp was a Unitarian minister and to help Jews during the Holocaust. Some pro- that is now going on in the Sudan. his wife Martha was a social worker. vided food and shelter, some refused to inform Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues In the late 1930s, amid the horrors of the on their neighbors or cooperate with authori- to pass this resolution. Again, I want Holocaust and a refugee crisis in Europe, the ties enforcing murderous policies, some ac- to thank my friend Mr. LANTOS and my American Unitarian Association asked numer- tively resisted against the Nazis, and some friend Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN for their elo- ous ministers to cross the Atlantic and offer helped transport Jews to safety. But this was quent words of support. assistance. The Sharps agreed, despite the not the norm in Europe during the Holocaust. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, dangers and despite having young children at And we know the tragic, horrific results: over again I congratulate Mr. MCGOVERN for home whom they would have to leave behind 6 million Jewish men, women and children authoring this important resolution. in the care of friends and neighbors and mem- perished. And that selfless and giving nature of bers of their congregation. So today we acknowledge the Sharps as the American spirit as exemplified by In February 1939, the Sharps arrived in American heroes, and I would add as heroes this tremendous family is alive and Prague, Czechoslovakia, where one of the of humanity. Martha Sharp is the first Amer- well with so many people trying to world’s largest Unitarian congregations was ican woman—and she and Waitstill are only stop the genocide in Darfur and in assisting Jewish refugees and others who op- the second and third Americans—to be added other dark places of the globe. posed the Nazis, including trade unionists and to the honor roll of 21,000 ‘‘righteous’’ gen- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, political dissenters. A month later, the Ger- tiles, or non-Jews, whose efforts saved count- I rise today in support of H. Res, 52, which mans occupied Prague, increasing the ur- less lives during the Holocaust. honors Rev. Waitstill Sharp and Martha Sharp gency of the Sharps’ mission but also the risk. We also commend the Unitarian Universality for their outstanding heroism during the Holo- They remained in Prague almost six months. Service Committee. UUSC was founded to

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:35 Jan 23, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K22JA7.024 H22JAPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE January 22, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H805 support the Sharps’ work and helped rescue National Archives shall provide grants to Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Jews and other refugees from Nazi persecu- States, colleges and universities, and genea- myself such time as I may consume. tion. The organization has continued to do logical associations to preserve records and Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. good work in support of human rights all over establish electronically searchable databases 390, the Preservation of Records of Ser- consisting of local records of servitude, the world and is actively engaged in efforts to emancipation, and post-Civil War recon- vitude, Emancipation, and Post-Civil stop the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. struction. War Reconstruction Act, legislation As we honor the Sharps, let us be inspired (b) MAINTENANCE.—The databases estab- which would establish a grant program, by their heroic example and let us all commit lished using grants provided under this sec- as outlined just a moment ago by Mr. ourselves to doing what we can—and what we tion shall be maintained by appropriate CLAY. must—to bring an end to human suffering. agencies or institutions designated by the H.R. 390 would authorize the creation Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I National Historical Publications and of a national database within the Na- yield back the balance of my time. Records Commission. tional Archives to include records of Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I have no SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. servitude, emancipation, and post-Civil further requests for time, and I yield There are authorized to be appropriated— War reconstruction held by Federal (1) $5,000,000 to implement section 2; and back the balance of my time. agencies. These records include: the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (2) $5,000,000 to provide grants under sec- Southern Claims Commission Records, question is on the motion offered by tion 3. Records of the Freedmen’s Bank, Slave the gentleman from California (Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Impressment Records, Slave Payroll LANTOS) that the House suspend the ant to the rule, the gentleman from Records, and Slave Manifests. rules and agree to the resolution, H. Missouri (Mr. CLAY) and the gentleman Many of these records are not orga- Res. 52. from Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN) each will nized, catalogued, or well protected The question was taken. control 20 minutes. from the elements. H.R. 390 will not The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the The Chair recognizes the gentleman only make these documents more ac- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of from Missouri. those voting have responded in the af- cessible to the public but will preserve GENERAL LEAVE firmative. them as well. H.R. 390 continues the Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, on that I Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- important preservation efforts begun demand the yeas and nays. mous consent that all Members may under the Freedmen’s Bureau Records The yeas and nays were ordered. have 5 legislative days in which to re- Preservation Act of 2000. The creation The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- vise and extend their remarks on the of a searchable database will help Afri- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the bill, H.R. 390. can Americans conduct genealogical Chair’s prior announcement, further The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there research and learn more about their proceedings on this question will be objection to the request of the gen- families’ history. postponed. tleman from Missouri? In addition, the national database f There was no objection. will help historians and others inter- Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ested in the Civil War and post-Civil PRESERVATION OF RECORDS OF self such time as I may consume. War eras to conduct research that SERVITUDE, EMANCIPATION, I rise in support of H.R. 390, which promises to reveal more about the his- AND POST-CIVIL WAR RECON- authorizes the National Archives to tory and culture of the South and the STRUCTION ACT preserve historical documents relating African American experience. Similar Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I move to to servitude, emancipation, and post- records of servitude, emancipation, and suspend the rules and pass the bill Civil War reconstruction. Introduced post-Civil War reconstruction are held (H.R. 390) to require the establishment by my friend, Representative LANTOS by local and State entities. of a national database in the National of California, the bill calls on the Ar- H.R. 390 authorizes the National Ar- Archives to preserve records of ser- chives to place these documents in a chives to provide grants to States, uni- vitude, emancipation, and post-Civil searchable electronic database for use versities, and genealogical associations War reconstruction and to provide in historical and genealogical research. to digitally preserve their records grants to State and local entities to es- As a cosponsor of H.R. 390 and chair- through the creation of searchable tablish similar local databases. man of the Oversight Subcommittee on databases. The digital preservation of The Clerk read as follows: Information Policy, Census, and Na- these important historical documents H.R. 390 tional Archives, I am pleased to see the and improved accessibility to them Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- measure presented for consideration by will ensure that they are available to resentatives of the United States of America in the House today. Under this legisla- Congress assembled, future generations of Americans. tion, grants will be made available to I think this is legislation that all my SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. States, colleges and universities, and This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Preservation colleagues can support, and I urge sup- of Records of Servitude, Emancipation, and genealogical associations to preserve port for H.R. 390. Post-Civil War Reconstruction Act’’. similar records in their possession and Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL DATA- make them available electronically. my time. BASE. The bill will for the first time make a Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased (a) IN GENERAL.—The Archivist of the wide range of historical documents re- to yield such time as he may consume United States shall preserve relevant records lating to servitude, emancipation, and to the sponsor of this legislation, Rep- and establish, as part of the National Ar- post-Civil War reconstruction easily chives, an electronically searchable national resentative LANTOS. database consisting of historic records of ser- accessible and searchable. This will Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, first I vitude, emancipation, and post-Civil War re- vastly improve the ability of African want to thank my dear friend, the dis- construction, including the Southern Claims Americans to research their lineage. It tinguished chairman of the committee, Commission Records, Records of the Freed- will also facilitate the efforts of histo- for yielding me time and for his leader- men’s Bank, Slave Impressments Records, rians performing research into this pe- ship on this issue. Slave Payroll Records, Slave Manifest, and riod of American history. Mr. Speaker, last week our Nation others, contained within the agencies and de- An identical version of this bill was paused to remember and to recognize partments of the Federal Government to as- sist African Americans and others in con- approved unanimously by the Com- the extraordinary life and achieve- ducting genealogical and historical research. mittee on Government Reform last ments of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (b) MAINTENANCE.—The database estab- year. And as someone with a deep ap- Today I rise in strong support of H.R. lished under this section shall be maintained preciation of African American and 390, the Preservation of Records of Ser- by the National Archives or an entity within American history, I am honored to sup- vitude, Emancipation, and Post-Civil the National Archives designated by the Ar- port its passage today. War Reconstruction Act, which will chivist. I urge my colleagues to join me in help eliminate a little-known and rare- SEC. 3. GRANTS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF STATE AND LOCAL DATABASES. supporting this legislation. ly recognized vestige of slavery. This (a) IN GENERAL.—The National Historical Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of important legislation, which passed the Publications and Records Commission of the my time. Government Reform Committee last

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