
352 Revista de la Asociación Geológica 76 (4): 352-362 (2019) Número especial: TECTÓNICA

The thermo-mechanical state of the in the -Puna region: insights from Curie isotherm and effective elastic thickness determination

Federico IBARRA1,2 y Claudia B. PREZZI1

1CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires (IGeBA), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. 2 Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany

Email: [email protected]

Editores invitados: Mariano Larrovere, Pablo Alasino y Sebastián Rocher


We present new constraints on the temperature distribution beneath the Altiplano-Puna region and a new model of effective elastic thickness for the Central Andes. The aim of this study is to better assess the thermal state of the plateau and surrounding regions and analyze its influence on the elastic thickness and strength of the lithosphere. We performed a statistical analysis of the magnetic anomaly in frequency domain in order to obtain the depth to the bottom of the magnetic layer, interpreted as the Curie iso- therm. The effective elastic thickness was calculated from the flexure analysis in frequency domain of the deflection of the and the pseudo-topography (an artificial construction that allows accounting for the internal loads). We find that the Puna and the present the shallowest Curie isotherm and highest heat-flow in agreement with conductivity, velocity and attenuation anomalies suggesting the presence of partial melts within the crust. In addition, the Altiplano exhibits a deeper Curie isotherm in coincidence with other observations pointing to a stronger lithosphere than in the Puna. Our results show that the effective elastic thickness correlates only partially with the thermal state and that, consequently, other processes, such as inheritance of the elastic thickness, need to be considered to explain the observations and avoid misinterpretations in the variability of the thermal field.

Keywords: Central Andes, Curie point depth, flexural rigidity, lithosphere.


El estado termo-mecánico de los Andes en la región del Altiplano-Puna a partir del cálculo de la profundidad de Curie y el espesor elástico Presentamos nuevos resultados de la distribución de temperatura en la corteza en la región del Atiplano-Puna y un nuevo modelo de espesor elástico para los Andes Centrales. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el estado térmico del plateau y alrededores, y analizar su influencia en el espesor elástico y la resistencia a la deformación de la litósfera. Realizamos un análisis estadístico de la anomalía magnética en dominio de frecuencias para obtener la profundidad a la base de la capa magnética, interpretada como la isoterma de Curie. El espesor elástico fue calculado a partir del análisis flexural de la deflexión de la corteza y la pseudo-topografía (construcción artificial que permite incluir las cargas internas) en el dominio de frecuencias. Hallamos que las profundidades más someras de la isoterma de Curie y los valores más altos de flujo térmico se encuentran debajo de la Puna y el arco volcánico, en coincidencia con anomalías de conductividad, velocidad y atenuación sísmica que sugieren la presencia de fundidos en la corteza. Además, observamos que el Altiplano exhibe una isoterma de Curie más profunda coincidente con otras observaciones que apuntan a una litósfera más resistente que la de la Puna. Nuestros resultados muestran que el espesor elástico se correlaciona solo parcial- mente con el estado térmico y que en consecuencia, otros procesos tales como herencia del espesor elástico deben ser considerados a la hora de explicar los resultados para así evitar interpretaciones erróneas acerca de la variabilidad del campo termal..

Palabras clave: Andes Centrales, punto de Curie, rigidez flexural, litósfera The thermo-mechanical state of the Andes 353

INTRODUCTION with geothermometers lie within a similar ering internal loads and a seismic Moho, in range, 790-890°C, for depths between 4 order to analyze the relation between the The Altiplano-Puna plateau in the Central km to 8 km. In the same volcanic complex, thermal and mechanical state of the region Andes spans ~2000 km in N-S direction Schmitt et al. (2001) recognized a deep- and the active deformation. and ~300 km from west to east with an av- er source working as a recharge area at erage elevation of 3700 m, thus becoming ~17-20 km with temperatures up to 965°C. the largest plateau developed in a sub- From numerical models, Babeyko et al. duction system and the second largest in (2002) suggested that temperatures of at the world after Tibet (Fig. 1; Allmendinger least 700-800°C in the middle crust are et al. 1997, Lamb 2000). At the latitudes required to account for produc- of the plateau, approximately -15° to -28°, tion. These authors also proposed that the the steeply subducts beneath crust was thermally weakened before the the with an average generation of the large magma reservoirs angle of 30°, whereas to the north and in the upper and middle crust. south, the plateau is bounded by two flat Determination of the temperature distri- segments (Isacks 1988, Jor- bution is important because it plays a key dan et al. 1983). role in several lithospheric processes such The existence of thermal anomalies in the as isostasy and deformation. Prezzi et al. crust and mantle beneath the plateau has (2014) showed how variations in the ther- been established by a wide variety of inde- mal state throughout the Altiplano-Puna pendent geological, geochemical and geo- correlate with different isostatic compensa- Figure 1. Topographic map of South America showing physical studies (e.g., Bianchi et al. 2013, tion mechanisms. Ouimet and Cook (2010) the location of the Altiplano-Puna plateau (stippled Koulakov et al. 2006, Schurr et al. 2003, suggested that high temperature in the An- black line), the geophysical anomalies APMB and SPMB (Altiplano-Puna Magma Body and Southern Springer 1999, Whitman et al. 1996). The dean lower crust favored crustal flow and Puna Magma Body; blue stippled lines) and main ig- region is characterized by the presence that this mechanism explains recent crust- nimbritic deposits (red shaded regions). APVC: Altipla- no-Puna Volcanic Complex. of large ignimbritic deposits with major al thickening and generation of topography. crustal contribution and isolated volumet- Additionally, the effective elastic thickness rically small mantle-derived basaltic rocks is intimately related to the thermal state of GEOLOGIC SETTING erupted since Oligo- times (Fig. 1; the lithosphere, although other elements e.g., Guzmán et al. 2014, Kay et al. 1994, such as coupling state of crust and mantle The Altiplano-Puna plateau is a wide inter- Kay et al. 2010, Risse et al. 2013). More- also have an influence (Burov and Diament nally drained, intraorogenic basin devel- over, there are regions in the subsurface 1995, Watts and Burov 2003). oped on late Neoproterozoic to with abnormally low seismic velocities, Previous studies have investigated the igneous-metamorphic basement rocks high seismic attenuation and high con- temperature distribution and effective and filled with sedimentary ductivity located in the upper and middle elastic thickness in the region. Prezzi and rocks, evaporites and volcanics reaching crust beneath the Southern Puna and the Ibarra (2017) calculated the depth to the thicknesses greater than 6 km (Alonso transition between the Altiplano and the Curie isotherm and found a link between et al. 1991, Siks and Horton 2011). An Northern Puna (Fig. 1; e.g., Bianchi et al. their results, the thermal anomalies in the “flare-up” occurred during the 2013, Chmielowski et al. 1999, Whitman crust and the elevated surface heat-flow. Miocene and since then, local volcanic et al. 1996, Wölbern et al. 2009, Yuan et Recently, García et al. (2018) modelled edifices and have evolved with- al. 2000). In addition, the surface heat-flow the effective elastic thickness of the lith- in the plateau (e.g., Coira and Kay 1993, throughout the plateau is extremely high osphere and compared it with previous Guzmán et al. 2014, Kay et al. 1994, Vi- (e.g., Hamza and Muñoz 1996, Henry and estimates. Their results are similar to ramonte et al. 1984). The largest concen- Pollack 1988, Springer and Förster 1998). those of Watts et al. (1995) suggesting a tration of is located between Although the extent of the thermal anom- correlation between elastic thickness and -21° and -24°; the region is known as the aly has been largely constrained, there deformation style in the foreland, in dis- Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (APVC; are only few estimates on the temperature agreement with other recent studies (e.g.; de Silva 1989) and extends approximately distribution with depth. Kay et al. (2010) Stewart and Watts 1997, Tassara 2005, for 60000 km2 with an estimated volume presented a compilation of regional geo- Mantovani et al. 2005, Wienecke et al. of >15000 km3 (Fig. 1; Burns et al. 2015, chemistry of the ignimbrites in the Puna 2007, Pérez-Gussinyé et al. 2009). Guzmán et al. 2014). The largest centers plateau; pre-eruptive conditions for the In this study, we complement the tem- north of -21° are the Morococala and Kari- younger deposits (up to 2.5 Ma) are es- perature estimates for the Altiplano-Puna Kari-Los Frailes ignimbrite complexes; timated to be in the range 770-840°C at region from the statistical analysis of the south of -24°, the Aguas Calientes, Cerro 4-8 km depths. Burns et al. (2015) showed magnetic anomaly in frequency domain Galán, Laguna Amarga and that in the young Purico-Chascón volcanic with new calculations of the effective elas- complexes are the largest outcropping ig- complex (~1 Ma) temperatures calculated tic thickness in the Central Andes consid- nimbrites (Fig. 1; Kay et al. 2010). The thermo-mechanical state of the Andes 354

Two main geophysical anomalies have related to the Olacapato-Toro lineament. domain (Garcia et al. 2014, Soler 2015). been defined within the crust beneath the Calixto et al. (2013) reported low crustal It should be noted that there are several plateau. These anomalies are commonly velocities between -25° and -27.5° as well, different methods and models to calculate referred to in the literature as low veloci- associated with a complex pattern of low both CDPs and Te, therefore our results ty zones or high conductivity zones. From and high velocities in the mantle. They in- represent only one of many other possible receiver function analysis, Chmielowski terpreted high velocities in the mantle as solutions. et al. (1999) identified a prominent thin delaminated blocks and low velocities as low-velocity layer at 19 km (Vs < 0.5 km/s) hot asthenospheric material responsible Curie point depth between -20° to -23°, interpreted as a re- for the heating and melting of the crust. The magnetic field of the lithosphere re- gional sill-like magma body associated Interestingly, anomalous high heat-flow sults from contrasts in rocks magnetiza- with the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex values (> 100 mW/m2) characterize the re- tion; which reflect the difference in com- as a possible source or reservoir of mag- gion; even though reliable data are sparse position and properties of rocks within the mas. They referred to this layer as the Alti- and scattered, it is still clear that the heat- crust (Thebault and Vervelidou 2015). It is plano-Puna Magma Body (Fig. 1). Yuan et flow in the plateau is higher than inthe considered that the bottom of the magnet- al. (2000) showed that the Altiplano-Puna surroundings (e.g., Hamza and Muñoz ic layer represents the surface where the Magma Body was larger and thicker than 1996, Henry and Pollack 1988, Springer transition between magnetic rocks and previously imaged, involving most of the and Förster 1998). It has been shown that non-magnetic rocks occur, either due to a middle crust as a region undergoing meta- heat conduction alone is not sufficient to compositional change or an alteration of morphism and partial melting. Magnetotel- account for the observed heat-flow unless the magnetic properties of minerals when luric and geomagnetic deep soundings in high radiogenic heat production values Curie temperature is reached. the region revealed the presence of zones are considered for the crust and extreme is the most common magnetic mineral in with high conductivity (> 10000 S) in the heat-flow values are rejected. Otherwise, the lithosphere, however, it is mainly con- crust of the southern Altiplano and north- additional convective and/or advective centrated in the crust and sparse to absent ern Puna between 20-40 km supporting processes need to be included in order to in the mantle; accordingly, the Moho has the presence of melt (e.g., Brasse et al. reproduce high heat-flow (Chapman 1986, been proposed as a magnetic boundary 2002, Schwarz et al. 1994). Furlong and Chapman 2013). (Wasilewski et al. 1979). Several studies have investigated the To the east and north of -23°, in transition Furthermore, the modification of magnetic seismic and electrical structure of the to the foreland, the Subandean Ranges properties as a function of temperature has crust, improving the definition of the anom- are composed of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and been largely investigated since the early aly and identifying areas with low resistiv- Cenozoic sedimentary rocks that form a studies of Pierre Curie in the XIX century. ity and high Vp/Vs ratio and attenuation thin-skinned fold and thrust belt with east- Weiss and Foex (1911) defined the Curie (e.g., Beck and Zandt 2002, Comeau ward-younging piggy-back basins (Dunn point (also called Curie temperature) as et al. 2015, Comeau et al. 2016, Díaz et et al. 1995, Mingramm et al. 1979). In the temperature at which materials lose al. 2012, Schurr et al. 2003, Wölbern et contrast, south of -23°, the Santa Barbara their ferromagnetic properties. The Curie al. 2009, Zandt et al. 2003). Ward et al. System consists of Paleozoic rocks with temperature of magnetite is ~575-585°C (2013) performed a continental scale am- overlying Cretaceous and Cenozoic sed- (Hunt et al. 2013); given than the typical bient noise tomography through the Andes imentary and volcanic rocks associated for continental re- and determined for the first time the total with the Rift, which was subsequent- gions is ~25°C/km (Lowell et al. 2014) and extension of the low velocity zones be- ly inverted by compressional tectonics Moho depths are commonly greater than neath the southern Altiplano and northern during Andean shortening (Kley and Mon- 25 km, the Curie temperature of magne- Puna. Further joint inversion of surface aldi 2002, Marquillas et al. 2005). tite is reached within the crust and con- waves and receiver function revealed the sequently, the Curie point depth (CDP) is detailed 3D geometry of the Altiplano-Pu- generally the bottom of the magnetic layer. na Magma Body (Ward et al. 2014). METHODS The method that we used to estimate the Bianchi et al. (2013) carried out a teleseis- depth to the bottom of the magnetic lay- mic P-wave tomography in the southern The key methodology applied in this study er (Zb) relies on the spectral analysis of Puna and detected a low velocity zone in is the calculation of Curie point depth magnetic anomalies. We followed the the crust between -26° and -27.5°. They (CDP) and effective elastic thickness (Te) approach of Tanaka et al. (1999), based attributed this anomaly to the possible ex- of the lithosphere. The CDP was calcu- on the formulations of Okubo et al. (1985) istence of another mid-crustal region with lated from the statistical analysis of the that integrate the centroid method of Bhat- active partial melting, which they referred magnetic anomaly in frequency domain tacharyya and Leu (1977) and the spec- to as Southern Puna Magma Body (Fig. (Bhattacharyya and Leu 1977, Okubo et tral analysis method of Spector and Grant 1). According to these authors the Altipla- al. 1985, Spector and Grant 1970, Tanaka (1970). The centroid method recognizes no-Puna Magma Body and Southern Puna et al. 1999). Te was determined from the that there is no wavelength in which the Magma Body could be disconnected and analysis of the deflection of the lithosphere signal of the bottom of a magnetic body the limit between both bodies could be and the applied loads in the frequency dominates the signal of the top, and pro- The thermo-mechanical state of the Andes 355 poses an alternative approach for the cal- 2011) between the Curie point depth and culation of Zb which consist on the determi- the surface, we calculated the heat-flow nation of the depths to the top (Zt) and the (Q) at the surface (Fig. 3b): centroid (Z0) of the body (Bhattacharyya and Leu 1977, Okubo et al. 1985). Since (5) Bhattacharyya and Leu (1977) formulated their method for isolated magnetic anoma- In order to test our results, we compiled lies, the integration of the spectral analysis surface heat-flow data for the region (Ta- of Spector and Grant (1970) that examines ble 1; Hamza and Muñoz 1996, Henry and patterns of magnetic anomalies makes it Pollack 1988, Springer and Förster 1998). more suitable for regional studies (Tanaka et al. 1999). The limitation of the method is Effective elastic thickness that it considers the sources of the anom- The elastic thin plate model has been alies as rectangular vertical prisms, with widely used to describe the response of random magnetization and no remnant the lithosphere to internal and external component. loads. According to this model, the litho- A key point of the methodology is the deter- sphere maintains gravitational equilibrium mination of the window size for the calcu- over long geological time scales by bend- lation of the spectrum because it controls ing over the asthenosphere (Burov and the trade-off between maximum inves- Diament 1995). The following is a simple tigation depth and horizontal resolution. Figure 2. Magnetic anomaly of the region extracted formulation of the problem relating flexure Blakely (1996) suggests using windows from the global model EMAG2. and topographic loads: between 50 and 160 km to cover the whole range of possible Curie point depths, how- where P is the radially averaged power ever, more recent studies and model sim- spectrum of the anomaly, s is wavenumber (6) ulations suggest an optimal dimension and A and B are constants (Bhattacharyya of about 10 times the investigation depth and Leu 1977, Okubo et al. 1985, Spector where w is deflection,h is topography, g is (Chiozzi et al. 2005). Additionally, the ap- and Grant 1970). acceleration of gravity, D is flexural rigidity plication of the “moving window” technique Finally, using the calculated CDPs we con- of the lithosphere, ρt is density of the topo- with superposition of windows between structed a surface corresponding to the graphic load, ρm is density of the mantle consecutive steps prevents the isolation depth of the Curie isotherm (Fig. 3a). The and ρc is density of the crust. of the signal in each window, working as depth is expressed as depth below the to- The flexural rigidity of a lithospheric plate a low-pass filter that reduces the effect of pography. characterizes its resistance to bending mo- peaks (Chiozzi et al. 2005). ments and depends on the effective elastic

We extracted the magnetic anomaly for thickness of the plate (Te), the Young mod- the region from the global model EMAG2 Heat-flow ulus (E) and the Poisson ratio (ν): (Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid), compiled Following the previous section, the defini- from satellite, marine, aeromagnetic and tion of the depth to the bottom of the mag- (7) field measurements (Fig. 2; Maus et al. netic sources, interpreted as the depth to 2009). We chose a window size of 200 km the Curie isotherm, provides information The effective elastic thickness is usually by 200 km with a superposition of 50% in on the thermal state of the lithosphere and used to make inferences on the thermal both, N-S and E-W directions, resulting in allows for an estimation of heat-flow. The state and strength of the lithosphere. How- a total number of 64 windows. The depth geothermal gradient (GG) associated with ever, it is important to note that the concept to the top (Zt), centroid (Z0) and bottom each CDP assuming that heat is trans- of Te is theoretical and that it represents

(Zb) of the magnetic source considering a ferred solely by conduction was calculated the thickness of a plate with homogeneous semi-infinite horizontal layer were calcu- as follows: elastic properties (E,ν) (Stüwe 2007). lated using the equations as presented by We calculated the effective elastic thick- Githiri et al. (2012): ness modifying the method and Python (4) code of Soler (2015) based on the spec- (1) tral methods developed by Garcia et al.

where T2 is Curie temperature (585°C), (2014). Equations 6 and 7 provide a good

T1 is mean annual surface temperature approximation of the method; if the deflec-

(2) (10°C), Z2 is Curie point depth and Z1 is tion w(x,y), topography h(x,y), densities

the reference level (0 m). (ρt,ρm,ρc) and elastic properties (E,ν) are Assuming a constant thermal conductivity known, then the effective elastic thickness (3) (λ) of 2.5 W/mK (Jaupart and Mareschal, can be calculated. The thermo-mechanical state of the Andes 356

to obtain the thickness of a topographic column with an equivalent load. Finally, this thickness is added to the topography to obtain the pseudo-topography:


where hpt is the pseudo-topography and

hi and ρi are the thickness and density of the each layer in the model of Ibarra et al. (2019), respectively.

In order to account for the variations of Te throughout the region, the code works with small windows (we chose 20 km by 20 km)

assuming that Te is constant in the interior. Several “try-out deflections” are calculat-

ed for Te between 0 km and 50 km for the entire region and then compared against the real deflection (in our case, the seis- mic Moho) within the window. Finally, the

chosen Te will be the one that minimizes the standard deviation between both de- flections (“try-out” and real) in the window (Figure 4c shows the histogram of stan-

dard deviations). This Te is assigned to the center of the window and finally used to

interpolate Te for the entire region (Figure 4a).

Figure 3. a) Depth to the Curie isotherm with boundaries between morphotectonic units (continuous black lines); RESULTS b) Calculated heat-flow and color-coded single point data compiled from the literature. AP: Altiplano; PN: Puna; WC: Western Cordillera; PC: Precordillera; EC: Eastern Cordillera; PR: Pampean Ranges. Curie depth We assigned average values for the elas- model of South America obtained through Results are limited to the area with avail- tic properties of crustal rocks, 100 GPa for compilation of crustal thickness data (from able data on the magnetic anomalies in the Young modulus (Tesauro et al. 2015) receiver function analysis, seismic refrac- the model EMAG2 (Fig. 2). The depth to and 0.25 for the Poisson ratio (Zandt and tion experiments and surface-wave disper- the Curie isotherm is relatively shallow Ammon 1995); and we chose densities of sion) and interpolation using surface-wave throughout the whole region (~5-25 km; 2670 kg/m3, 2850 kg/m3 and 3330 kg/m3 tomography ("Moho B2", Assumpção et al. Fig. 3a). A zone with depths shallower for the topographic load, crust and man- 2013; Fig. 4d). than 13 km is recognized in the Western tle, respectively (Ibarra et al. 2019; Prezzi Furthermore, in order to include the effect Cordillera and Puna plateau, where the et al. 2009). Finally, the code requires the of the internal loads that arise from the active volcanic arc and the Altiplano-Puna Bouguer anomaly and the topography as heterogeneous distribution of density in Magma Body and Southern Puna Magma inputs to first invert the gravity anomaly the crust (Fig. 4b), we calculated a pseu- Body are located, respectively. Between and obtain the deflection, and then calcu- do-topography (Ebbing 2002) from the 3D -23° to -25.5° in the volcanic arc and the late the effective elastic thickness. density model of Ibarra et al. (2019) and Puna, there is a region showing particu- Given the highly heterogeneous nature of used it as input for the code instead of the larly shallow depth to the isotherm with an the crust beneath the plateau (e.g., Beck topography. First, the internal load (L) of average depth of ~7 km. Towards the Alti- and Zandt 2002, Bianchi et al. 2013, Ibarra each body in the model is calculated as plano (north of -21°), the Pampean Rang- et al. 2019, Prezzi et al. 2009, Schurr et the difference between the density of the es (south of -27°) and the Eastern Cordil- al. 2003), using a unique average density body and the density of the reference crust lera (east of -66°), the isotherm deepens for the crust to invert the for the Moho and (ρc) multiplied by the thickness of the body to depths between ~16-23 km. Additional- calculate Te would result in an oversimpli- in every X-Y position. Then, the total L of ly, there is a small region on the western fication of the problem. Thus, instead of all crustal columns (sum of L of each body boundary between -21° and -23.5° where inverting the Bouguer anomaly to define at the respective X-Y position) is divided the depth appears to increase to the west the deflection, we used a crustal thickness by the density of the topographic load (ρt) reaching ~15 km. The thermo-mechanical state of the Andes 357

Heat-flow The calculated heat-flow (Fig. 3b) shows a close correlation with the depth to the Cu- rie isotherm (Figure 3a), regions with high heat-flow coincide with shallow depths to the Curie isotherm and vice versa. In the volcanic arc and the Puna plateau, heat- flow is higher than 100 2 mW/m , with ex- treme values higher than 150 mW/m2 and up to 260 mW/m2 in most of the volcanic arc and between -23° and -25.5° in the Puna. In the Altiplano, Pampean Ranges and Eastern Cordillera, the heat-flow is re- duced to 80-95 mW/m2 which is still a high surface heat-flow.

Effective elastic thickness The calculated effective elastic thickness is in the range 1-47 km (Fig. 4a). The gen- eral trend is characterized by low Te in the orogen (~5-18 km) and high Te towards the foreland and forearc (~30-45 km). The lowest Te values (~2-10 km) are located in the volcanic arc (Western Cordillera), the southern Puna plateau and the East- ern Cordillera; in the southern Altiplano and northern Puna there is a region with higher Te (~12-20 km). In the Subandean

Ranges, Te rapidly increases from ~18 km in the west to ~30-45 km in the east. With- in the Santa Barbara System Te is lower, showing values of ~15 km. The Pampean Ranges present an irregular pattern with alternation of high and low Te from west to east. Figure 4. a) Effective elastic thickness with boundaries between morphotectonic units (continuous black lines); b) Internal load calculated from the model of Ibarra et al. (2019); c) Histogram of the standard deviation in the cal- culation of the effective elastic thickness; d) Moho depth taken from the model of Assumpção et al. (2013). AP: Altiplano; PN: Puna; WC: Western Cordillera; PC: Precordillera; EC: Eastern Cordillera; PR: Pampean Ranges; DISCUSSION SR: Subandean Ranges; SB: Santa Barbara System.

Our results show that the Curie isotherm is authors suggest that these zones repre- which is consistent with higher tempera- shallow below the volcanic arc and the Al- sent pathways for fluid and melt transport; tures and a shallow Curie isotherm. The tiplano-Puna Magma Body and Southern therefore it is likely that given the high tem- deeper Curie isotherm below the Pam- Puna Magma Body, where partial melts perature of melts and the enhanced trans- pean Ranges is in agreement with the high occur (Fig. 3a). The shallowest values port of heat by convective and advective P-wave velocities in the region that Bianchi coincide with the location of the more ac- processes through time, the overall ther- et al. (2013) obtained in their teleseismic tive volcanoes in the arc (Láscar, Socom- mal state of the region is altered and the P-wave tomography. With respect to the pa, Llullaillaco, ; Stern temperatures increased. small region on the western boundary with 2004) and overlap only partially with the The Altiplano presents a deeper Curie iso- increased depth to the Curie isotherm, we Altiplano-Puna Magma Body and South- therm than the Puna, suggesting a differ- observe a partial correlation with the Atac- ern Puna Magma Body. These results are ence in the thermal state between both re- ama Block of Schurr and Rietbrock (2004) consistent with the magnetotelluric and gions. Whitman et al. (1996) have already that was characterized by low attenuation deep geomagnetic studies of Schwarz et suggested a segmentation of the plateau and high P-wave velocities. al. (1994) and the attenuation tomography based on magmatism, topography, tecton- Global models of thickness of the mag- of Schurr et al. (2003) that show highest ics and upper mantle seismic structure. netic layer show similar results with thick- conductivities and attenuation in the same Altogether these observations point to nesses between 10-25 km depending on region beneath the volcanic arc. These a weaker lithosphere beneath the Puna the model (e.g., Li et al. 2017, Vervelidou The thermo-mechanical state of the Andes 358

and Thébault 2015). However, a compar- limitations of the method used to calcu- Table 1. Compilation of heat-flow data ison between our Curie isotherm and the late the depth to the Curie isotherm, it is a temperature estimates based on geother- fairly good tool to provide a lower thermal Latitude Longitude Heat-flow mometers (e.g., Burns et al. 2015, Kay et boundary condition for heat-flow calcula- (mW/m2) al. 2010) reveals a mismatch of approxi- tions. -27.33 -68.37 100 mately 200°C at 4-8 km. The resolution The calculated effective elastic thickness -26.92 -68.08 105 of our model (100 km) has to be consid- correlates fairly well with the Curie iso- -25.92 -66.97 190 ered as an important error source; due to therm (Figs. 3a and 4a). T is lower in the e -25.33 - 67.50 135 the limitation of the methodology to pro- Puna plateau and volcanic arc suggesting vide high resolution when exploring deep a higher thermal gradient and weaker lith- -25.12 - 67.73 205 sources; we are not able to calculate the osphere than the surroundings. However, -24.37 -66.55 100 Curie depth point for specific locations. Ad- we have to consider that not always the -24.27 -66.45 121 ditionally, it has been shown that the meth- relation between Te and temperature is -24.23 -66.35 213 od employed in this study works as a low- direct and clear; it has been argued that -24.17 -66.67 237 pass filter, depending on the window size, other elements besides the thermal state -24.02 -66.48 225 smoothing the variability of the thermal have an impact on T . Burov and Diament e -21.30 -66.68 94 field and masking local thermal anomalies (1995) demonstrated with an analytical -21.25 -66.05 70 (Chiozzi et al. 2005). On the other hand, and numerical approach that T can be e -21.17 - 66.13 94 the temperatures calculated with geother- strongly reduced by crust-mantle decou- mometers correspond to the temperature pling, usually associated with a deep hot -21.03 -66.58 75 of before eruption and it is ex- Moho, and nonlinear flexure, caused by -20.90 -66.07 70 pected that the surrounding crust presents strong localized deformation. In this region -19.38 - 67.18 83 lower temperatures. Moreover, geother- of the Central Andes, the Moho is partic- mometers usually provide uncertainties ularly deep (Assumpção et al. 2013) and morphotectonic units; a thin-skinned sys- of 50°C. Considering all these points, we the deformation is highly localized (Onck- tem in the Subandean Ranges and thick- think that the results provide a good ap- en et al. 2006), so crust-mantle decoupling skinned deformation in the Santa Barbara proximation to the subsurface temperature and nonlinear flexure have to be consid- System, explained by simple shear and distribution. ered together with the high temperatures pure shear, respectively (Allmendinger et Regarding heat-flow, the quality of the as important mechanisms to explain the al. 1997). compiled data is highly variable; some extremely reduced Te values (< 10 km). Watts et al. (1995) were the firsts to pro- values were obtained through convention- The dependence of Te on multiple factors pose that thin-skinned deformation in the al methods while others are estimations could explain the less clear segmentation Subandean Ranges is associated with a based on geochemical methods. The lim- of the plateau between the Altiplano and strong lithosphere presenting high Te val- itations imposed by the sparse and scat- the Puna regarding Te. For example, even ues, whereas thick-skinned deformation tered available data are obvious (Fig. 3b); though temperatures and heat-flow are in the Santa Barbara System is related to besides, it is difficult to assess the range of higher in the Puna suggesting a lower Te, a weak lithosphere with low Te. Recently, uncertainty in the measurements (Hamza the Moho is deeper in the Altiplano (As- García et al. (2018) modelled the effec- et al. 2005). However, we observe fairly sumpção et al. 2013) favoring crust-man- tive elastic thickness in the region and good coincidence with our results. Table 1 tle decoupling and reducing Te. Further obtained high Te values in the Subandean shows that the heat-flow in the southern numerical and analytical models need to Ranges (90 km) and low Te values in the Altiplano varies between 70 and 94 mW/ be carried out in order to better assess the Santa Barbara System (10 km), in agree- m2 while in the southern Puna oscillates processes behind the observations. In the ment with the observations of Watts et al. 2 between 100 and 237 mW/m . In Figure forearc and foreland, where deformation (1995). These authors suggested that Te is 3b there is a clear difference between the is scattered and the Moho is shallow, the controlled by the thermal state of the lith- southern Altiplano and the Puna, which correlation between temperature and Te osphere, given the low heat-flow values in present values from 80 to 95 mW/m2 and is more direct, suggesting a progressive- the Subandean Ranges. 110 to 250 mW/m2, respectively. This ob- ly colder and stronger lithosphere to the Comparing our results, we observe the servation is consistent with the above west and east of the orogen. However, in same trend but different values; our Te is mentioned segmentation of the plateau, in the forearc, coupling with the subducting about half in the Subandean Ranges (45 which the Puna presents higher tempera- Nazca plate could also be considered as km) and twice in the Santa Barbara Sys- tures and a weaker rheology. an element controlling Te. tem (20 km). This difference is the result of

It is worth mentioning that we were able Interestingly, our results show that Te is different Moho depths and loads used to to reproduce high heat-flow values with higher in the Subandean Ranges (up to 45 calculate Te; for example, in the Subande- no consideration of advective and con- km) than in the Santa Barbara System (up an Ranges our model presents a deeper ductive processes and no radiogenic heat to 20 km). This observation correlates with Moho and less internal loads which trans- production; suggesting that in spite of the different styles of deformation between the lates into a lower Te. However, we argue The thermo-mechanical state of the Andes 359 that in this particular case the thermal where the presence of partial melts with- tions based on temperature estimates and state is not controlling the difference in Te in the crust has been proposed based on rock properties. between both regions. Heat-flow data is strong conductivity and velocity anomalies only available for the Subandean Ranges and large ignimbritic deposits; and, as it was mentioned before, these val- 2. the shallowest depths to the Curie iso- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ues have large uncertainties (Hamza et al. therm (< 7 km) are located in the region 2005). Additionally, the blanketing effect of of the volcanic arc, where the more active This research was funded by CONICET sediments and active thrusting in the Sub- volcanoes have been reported and the (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones andean Ranges can reduce surface heat- higher conductivities and attenuations are Científicas y Técnicas) within the frame- flow while temperatures in the sub-surface found, suggesting that convective and/or work of the International Research Group are not necessarily low (Jeffreys 1931, advective processes in the form of mag- “SuRfAce processes, TEctonics and Geo- Wangen 1995). On the other hand, seis- ma and fluids ascending through the crust resources: The Andean foreland basin of mic studies do not show strong differences have enhanced the transport of heat; Argentina” (GII 739 StRATEGy). in P and S wave velocities (Chulick et al. 3. there is a segmentation in the plateau All the figures were plotted with GMT (Wes- 2013, Feng et al. 2004). Therefore, we do between the Altiplano and the Puna with sel et al. 2013). We gratefully thank the edi- not see any strong evidence supporting a respect to Curie depth and heat-flow in tor and three anonymous reviewers for their significant difference in the thermal state agreement with other observations point- contribution to improve the manuscript. of the Subandean Ranges and the San- ing to a weaker lithosphere in the Puna. ta Barbara System that could explain the The Altiplano presents Curie depths REFERENCES different Te. We suggest that other factors around 16-23 km and heat-flow values Allmendinger, R. W., Jordan, T. E., Kay, S. M., such as crust-mantle decoupling and/or between 70 and 94 mW/m2, whereas be- and Isacks, B. L. 1997. The Evolution of the nonlinear flexure could explain the obser- neath the Puna, the depth to the Curie iso- Altiplano-Puna Plateau of the Central An- vations. therm is less than 13 km and heat-flow val- des. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary 2 Another possible scenario is that the Te we ues range between 100 and 237 mW/m ; Sciences 25(1): 139-174. observe today in the Santa Barbara Sys- 4. in spite of the limitations of the method, Alonso, R. N., Jordan, K., Tabutt, K., and tem is actually inherited. Watts and Burov the determination of the Curie isotherm is Vandervort, D. 1991. Giant Evaporite Belts (2003) suggested that given the long time a good instrument to define lower bound- in the Neogene Central Andes. 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