Colubridae, Xenodontinae) from Brazil and Uruguay
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Cuad. hcrpetol.. 14 (2): 155 - 159. 200 1 (2000) 155 NEW RECORDS OF CALAMODONTOPHIS PAUCIDENS (SERPENTES, COLUBRIDAE, XENODONTINAE) FROM BRAZIL AND URUGUAY I FRANCISCO L FRANCO ; EDSON L SALOMAO ~; MÁRCIO B ORGES-M ARTINS'; MARCOS DI-BERNARDO'; MELlTTA D. MENEGHEL-l & SANTIAGO CARREIRA-l l. Lahoralúriode Herpclologia. InSlilUlO BUlalllan. Av. Vilal Bmzi!. 1500. Sao Paulo. SP. Brazi!. CEP055OJ-900. e-mail [email protected] 2. Ollala Coordenadoria Re~ional de Saúue de Cachoeira do Su!' Rua Saldanha Marinho. 725. CEP96508-00I. Cachoeira do Su!' RS . Bmzi!. .'. Lahorallírin de Herpetolo;;ia. Museu dc Ci~ncias e Tecnologiada PUCRS. Av. Ipiranga, 6681. Pon o Alegre. RS. Brazil, CEP906 I 9-900. -l. Zoología Vcnehrados. Facultad de Ciencias. lgu:í4225. 11400 MOlllevideo. Uruguay. Amaral (1935) dcscribcd the ncw genus and liule known. Until recently, the species was spccics CO/0Il10dOIl po{[cidells based upon one known only by the ho1otype (IB 8847), an adult spccimcn colleclcd al 'vila Sao Simao'. muni fcmale collected in the municipality ofCacequi, cipality 01' Caccqui (29" 53' S: 54" 49' W). sLa Rio Grande do Sul (RS). In 1987, Pagini & te 01' Rio Grandc do Sul (RS). Brazil. Thc name Lema redescribed the ho10type, and presented CO/({1I70c!OIl was preoccupicd. being replaccd a second specimen (MCP 26), proceeding from hy Colol/lodolllOphis (AmaraI.1963). municipaliLy of Rio Pardo, RS (29" 59' S: 52" Cololl7odolllophis pOl/ciclells is a small 22' W). Franco et al. ( 1990) ciLed a third spe snakc. wiLh maximum snout-vent lcngth 01' 361 cimen I'rom the Araucaria Plateau of the stale mm (tah. 1). lt is vcry rarc in coll ecti ons. and of Paraná, Brazil, but iL pertain s to an undes- 30'S Atlantlc Ocean 35' S Figure 1. Geographic cJ istributioll 0 1' Cn/nlllor!o/llOl'his flnllcidms. Star = holotype. 15 6 Notas & Novedades zoogeográficas Specimen Sex SVL CC PRO PSO TT SL' IL2 VE SC lB 8847 F 299 54 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 7(4)/8(4) 135 32/32 lB 25989 F 361 55 III 2/2 1+2/1+2 137 34/34 lB 28948 F 304 47 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 7(4)/7(4) 135 3 1/3 1 MCP26 F 324 52 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 8(3)/8(3) 131 29/29 MCP 5737 F 284 44 2/2 2/2 1+2/1 +2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 6(4)/7(4) 131 29/29 MCP 7590 F 125 19 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)17(3,4) 8(4 )/8( 4) 134 30/30 MCP 7834 M 249 55 2/1 2/2 1+1/1+1 7(3,4)17(3 ,4) 8(4)/8(4) 124 39/39 MCP 8607 M 286 57 2/2 3/2 1+1/1+1 7(3,4)/6(3) 7(4)/7(4) 127 32/32 MCP 8773 F 276 48 1/ 1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(2,4)17(2,4) 8(4 )/8( 4) 135 30/30 MC P 9 106 F 356 53 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 8(4)/8(4) 137 30/30 MCP 11469 F 294 57 1/1 2/2 1+ 2/ 1+2 7(3,4)/7 (3,4) 7(4)/7(4) 133 3 1/3 1 ZVC-R 5500 F 3 16 49 l/l 3/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 8(4)/8( 4) 135 30/30 Table L Meri sli cs and morphomelrics (mm) of all known specimens of CalalllodolllOphis paucidens. SVL = snOU1-venl len glh: CC = tai llength: PRO = preocu lars; PSO = posloculars; TT = temporal s; SL = supral ab ials; IL = infralab ials; VE = ve nl rals: SC =s ubca udals. 1. SL co nlaclin g orbil wilhin brackels. 2. IL co ntacting chin shi eld s wilhin brackets. cribed species, which is related to C. paucidens in very di sturbed areas, such as gardens of (Franco, in prep.) . houses and monocultures of pecan trees (Ca r This paper reports meri stic and morphome ya illinoensis), in Cachoeira do Su!' tri c vari ati on of all known specimens (including Some specim ens showed defensive beha 10 reponed herein for the first lime) of Cala- viors at the time of capture and during their first 1110dOllfOphis paucidens (tab. 1). Of the ten new few days in captivity. When handled, fo ur in specim ens, nine are fro m the municipality 01' dividuals (MCP 5737, 7590, 7834 and 8607) Cachoeira do Sul, RS (30" 02' S; 52" 54' W ), coiled the body and hid the head among the coils and one is from the Department ol' Trein ta y (fig. 2). Two individuals (MCP 5737 and ZVC Tres. U ru guay (320 56' S; 540 26' W) (fig. 1). R 5500) opened the mouth, exhibited the dark AII specimens from Ri o Grande do Sul were oral mucosa, and performed false strikes (see coll ected in localities situated in lhe Depressao Greene, 1988). The specimen MCP 7590 com Central, between the Planalto Sul-Rio-Granden pressed its body dorsoventrall y (fig. 3). se (or Serra do Sudeste) and the south slopes ofthe Pl analto Meridional ol" Brazil. Thi s region was originall y covered by grasslands (Savana) SPECIMENS EXAMINED in open areas, with deciduous and semideciduo us seasonal forests covering the slopes of the Acronyms 01' the examined collecti ons are: lB adjacent plateaus (IBGE, 1986). - Herpetological coll ection 'Alphonse Richard Although thi s note reporls several new 10- Hoge' , Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil ; cality records, the avai lable data are still insu MCP - Herpetological coll ection, Museu de fficient to characterize the habitat 01" the spe Ci encias e Tecnologia, Pontifícia Uni versidade cies. The Uruguayan specim en was coll ected Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, in an open grassy area; the specimens MCP Brazil; ZVC-R - Reptile coll ecti on, Facultad de 5737,7590, 7834,8773 and 11469 were found Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay. Cuad. herpeto!., 14 (2): 155-159, 200 1 (2000) 157 Figur'c 2. Dcfensivc display by MCP 5737, showing the coiled body. Figure 3. Defcnsive display by MCP 7590, showing lhe trunk dorsoventrally compressed. Cuad . herpeto l.. 14 (2): 155- 159.200 1 (2000) 159 lB 8847 (Holotype) - Vil a Sao Simao. Ca CITED LITERA TURE ccqui. RS (29" 53' S ; 54" 49 W ). received in X I.1 934. lB 25989 - Cachocira do Su!' RS (30" AMARAL, A. 1935. Contri bui c;:ao ao conheci 02' S: 52" 54' W), received in 7.IV.1 965. lB mento dos ophidios do Brasil. VII. No 28948 - C ac hoeira do Su!' RS . received in vos generos e especies de Colubrideos 7. X. 1968. MCP 26 - Ri o Pardo. RS (29" 59' S; opi sthoglyphos. Mem. In st. Bl/tal/tal/ 9: 52" 22' W). received in II .VI.1968. MCP 5737 203 - 206. - Vi la Capané (30" 14 ' S: 52" 57' W ), Cachoei AMARAL, A. 1963. Herpetologic al note. Co ra do S u!' RS. coll ecled in 15 .X. 1993. MCP peia 1963 (3): 580. 7590 - V il a Cordilheira (30" 13' S; 52" 50' W ). FRANCO, F.L.; PAGINI, E . & LEMA, T. Cachoeira do Sul . RS, coll ected in 12.VI.1 996. 1990. Ca lamodol/tophis pa l/ cidel/ s MCP 7834 - Vil a Capané. Cachoeira do Sul, RS, (Amaral, 1936) (Colubridae; Xenodon co ll ecled in 23. XII. 1996. MCP 8607 - Vila tin ae): distribllic;:ao geográfi ca e prováveis Barro Vermelh o (30" 08' S : 53" 09' W ). Ca relac;:6es com OLItrOS taxa. /1/ : Resume c hoeira do S u!' RS. collecled in 15. III. 1997. nes Il Congreso Latinoamericano de MCP 8773 - V il a Cordilheira, Cachoeira do Sul, Herpetologi a, Universidad de Los Andes, RS. coll ecled in 28.V . 1997. MCP 9106 - Vila Merida, p.82. COl'c1ilheira . Cachoeira do Su!' RS , coll ected in GREENE, H.W. 1988. Antipredator mechani s I S.IX. 1997. MCP 11469 - Vila Cordilheira, ms in reptiles: 1 - 15 2. In : C. Gans & Cac hocira do Su!' RS, collected in 27. X.1 999. R.B . Huey (eds.), Biology of the Repti ZV C-R 5500 - Ruta 98. 10 km W Isla Patrulla li a. Vo l. 16. Ecology B . Defense and life (3 2° 56' S; 54° 26' W ). Departamento Treinta hi slory. Allan R. Liss, Ine., New York. y Tres, U ruguay . coll ected in 22.lIl. 1998. 659 pp. IBGE (INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEO We are grate ful to Robert A. Thomas (Lo GRAFIA E EST ATÍSTICA). 1986. Le yo la Uni vcrs il y. US A) for comments on the vantamenlo de Recursos Naturai s (Pro J ra l'l. lO lhe sla l'!' 0 1' lhe Salom ao Velerin ary jeto Radambras il ) - Folha SH.22 Porto Clini c ancl Edson Ortiz (Linck Agroiduslri al Alegre e Parte das Folhas SH.21 U rll Ltda. ) by keeping 'lnd sending specimens 0 1' C. guaiana e S1. 22 Lagoa Mirim. Vo !. 33. ¡)(I lI eide l/ s to lhe M CP coll ecli on. ancllo Raúl Sec retari a de Planejamento da Presiden Maneyro and C leme nte Oliveira by lhe coll ccl cia da República e Instituto Brasileiro de o i' lhe Uru guayan specimcn.