![Colubridae, Xenodontinae) from Brazil and Uruguay](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Cuad. hcrpetol.. 14 (2): 155 - 159. 200 1 (2000) 155 NEW RECORDS OF CALAMODONTOPHIS PAUCIDENS (SERPENTES, COLUBRIDAE, XENODONTINAE) FROM BRAZIL AND URUGUAY I FRANCISCO L FRANCO ; EDSON L SALOMAO ~; MÁRCIO B ORGES-M ARTINS'; MARCOS DI-BERNARDO'; MELlTTA D. MENEGHEL-l & SANTIAGO CARREIRA-l l. Lahoralúriode Herpclologia. InSlilUlO BUlalllan. Av. Vilal Bmzi!. 1500. Sao Paulo. SP. Brazi!. CEP055OJ-900. e-mail [email protected] 2. Ollala Coordenadoria Re~ional de Saúue de Cachoeira do Su!' Rua Saldanha Marinho. 725. CEP96508-00I. Cachoeira do Su!' RS . Bmzi!. .'. Lahorallírin de Herpetolo;;ia. Museu dc Ci~ncias e Tecnologiada PUCRS. Av. Ipiranga, 6681. Pon o Alegre. RS. Brazil, CEP906 I 9-900. -l. Zoología Vcnehrados. Facultad de Ciencias. lgu:í4225. 11400 MOlllevideo. Uruguay. Amaral (1935) dcscribcd the ncw genus and liule known. Until recently, the species was spccics CO/0Il10dOIl po{[cidells based upon one known only by the ho1otype (IB 8847), an adult spccimcn colleclcd al 'vila Sao Simao'. muni­ fcmale collected in the municipality ofCacequi, cipality 01' Caccqui (29" 53' S: 54" 49' W). sLa­ Rio Grande do Sul (RS). In 1987, Pagini & te 01' Rio Grandc do Sul (RS). Brazil. Thc name Lema redescribed the ho10type, and presented CO/({1I70c!OIl was preoccupicd. being replaccd a second specimen (MCP 26), proceeding from hy Colol/lodolllOphis (AmaraI.1963). municipaliLy of Rio Pardo, RS (29" 59' S: 52" Cololl7odolllophis pOl/ciclells is a small 22' W). Franco et al. ( 1990) ciLed a third spe­ snakc. wiLh maximum snout-vent lcngth 01' 361 cimen I'rom the Araucaria Plateau of the stale mm (tah. 1). lt is vcry rarc in coll ecti ons. and of Paraná, Brazil, but iL pertain s to an undes- 30'S Atlantlc Ocean 35' S Figure 1. Geographic cJ istributioll 0 1' Cn/nlllor!o/llOl'his flnllcidms. Star = holotype. 15 6 Notas & Novedades zoogeográficas Specimen Sex SVL CC PRO PSO TT SL' IL2 VE SC lB 8847 F 299 54 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 7(4)/8(4) 135 32/32 lB 25989 F 361 55 III 2/2 1+2/1+2 137 34/34 lB 28948 F 304 47 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 7(4)/7(4) 135 3 1/3 1 MCP26 F 324 52 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 8(3)/8(3) 131 29/29 MCP 5737 F 284 44 2/2 2/2 1+2/1 +2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 6(4)/7(4) 131 29/29 MCP 7590 F 125 19 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)17(3,4) 8(4 )/8( 4) 134 30/30 MCP 7834 M 249 55 2/1 2/2 1+1/1+1 7(3,4)17(3 ,4) 8(4)/8(4) 124 39/39 MCP 8607 M 286 57 2/2 3/2 1+1/1+1 7(3,4)/6(3) 7(4)/7(4) 127 32/32 MCP 8773 F 276 48 1/ 1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(2,4)17(2,4) 8(4 )/8( 4) 135 30/30 MC P 9 106 F 356 53 1/1 2/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 8(4)/8(4) 137 30/30 MCP 11469 F 294 57 1/1 2/2 1+ 2/ 1+2 7(3,4)/7 (3,4) 7(4)/7(4) 133 3 1/3 1 ZVC-R 5500 F 3 16 49 l/l 3/2 1+2/1+2 7(3,4)/7(3,4) 8(4)/8( 4) 135 30/30 Table L Meri sli cs and morphomelrics (mm) of all known specimens of CalalllodolllOphis paucidens. SVL = snOU1-venl len glh: CC = tai llength: PRO = preocu lars; PSO = posloculars; TT = temporal s; SL = supral ab ials; IL = infralab ials; VE = ve nl rals: SC =s ubca udals. 1. SL co nlaclin g orbil wilhin brackels. 2. IL co ntacting chin shi eld s wilhin brackets. cribed species, which is related to C. paucidens in very di sturbed areas, such as gardens of (Franco, in prep.) . houses and monocultures of pecan trees (Ca r­ This paper reports meri stic and morphome­ ya illinoensis), in Cachoeira do Su!' tri c vari ati on of all known specimens (including Some specim ens showed defensive beha­ 10 reponed herein for the first lime) of Cala- viors at the time of capture and during their first 1110dOllfOphis paucidens (tab. 1). Of the ten new few days in captivity. When handled, fo ur in­ specim ens, nine are fro m the municipality 01' dividuals (MCP 5737, 7590, 7834 and 8607) Cachoeira do Sul, RS (30" 02' S; 52" 54' W ), coiled the body and hid the head among the coils and one is from the Department ol' Trein ta y (fig. 2). Two individuals (MCP 5737 and ZVC­ Tres. U ru guay (320 56' S; 540 26' W) (fig. 1). R 5500) opened the mouth, exhibited the dark AII specimens from Ri o Grande do Sul were oral mucosa, and performed false strikes (see coll ected in localities situated in lhe Depressao Greene, 1988). The specimen MCP 7590 com­ Central, between the Planalto Sul-Rio-Granden­ pressed its body dorsoventrall y (fig. 3). se (or Serra do Sudeste) and the south slopes ofthe Pl analto Meridional ol" Brazil. Thi s region was originall y covered by grasslands (Savana) SPECIMENS EXAMINED in open areas, with deciduous and semideciduo­ us seasonal forests covering the slopes of the Acronyms 01' the examined collecti ons are: lB adjacent plateaus (IBGE, 1986). - Herpetological coll ection 'Alphonse Richard Although thi s note reporls several new 10- Hoge' , Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil ; cality records, the avai lable data are still insu­ MCP - Herpetological coll ection, Museu de fficient to characterize the habitat 01" the spe­ Ci encias e Tecnologia, Pontifícia Uni versidade cies. The Uruguayan specim en was coll ected Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, in an open grassy area; the specimens MCP Brazil; ZVC-R - Reptile coll ecti on, Facultad de 5737,7590, 7834,8773 and 11469 were found Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay. Cuad. herpeto!., 14 (2): 155-159, 200 1 (2000) 157 Figur'c 2. Dcfensivc display by MCP 5737, showing the coiled body. Figure 3. Defcnsive display by MCP 7590, showing lhe trunk dorsoventrally compressed. Cuad . herpeto l.. 14 (2): 155- 159.200 1 (2000) 159 lB 8847 (Holotype) - Vil a Sao Simao. Ca­ CITED LITERA TURE ccqui. RS (29" 53' S ; 54" 49 W ). received in X I.1 934. lB 25989 - Cachocira do Su!' RS (30" AMARAL, A. 1935. Contri bui c;:ao ao conheci­ 02' S: 52" 54' W), received in 7.IV.1 965. lB mento dos ophidios do Brasil. VII. No­ 28948 - C ac hoeira do Su!' RS . received in vos generos e especies de Colubrideos 7. X. 1968. MCP 26 - Ri o Pardo. RS (29" 59' S; opi sthoglyphos. Mem. In st. Bl/tal/tal/ 9: 52" 22' W). received in II .VI.1968. MCP 5737 203 - 206. - Vi la Capané (30" 14 ' S: 52" 57' W ), Cachoei­ AMARAL, A. 1963. Herpetologic al note. Co­ ra do S u!' RS. coll ecled in 15 .X. 1993. MCP peia 1963 (3): 580. 7590 - V il a Cordilheira (30" 13' S; 52" 50' W ). FRANCO, F.L.; PAGINI, E . & LEMA, T. Cachoeira do Sul . RS, coll ected in 12.VI.1 996. 1990. Ca lamodol/tophis pa l/ cidel/ s MCP 7834 - Vil a Capané. Cachoeira do Sul, RS, (Amaral, 1936) (Colubridae; Xenodon­ co ll ecled in 23. XII. 1996. MCP 8607 - Vila tin ae): distribllic;:ao geográfi ca e prováveis Barro Vermelh o (30" 08' S : 53" 09' W ). Ca­ relac;:6es com OLItrOS taxa. /1/ : Resume­ c hoeira do S u!' RS. collecled in 15. III. 1997. nes Il Congreso Latinoamericano de MCP 8773 - V il a Cordilheira, Cachoeira do Sul, Herpetologi a, Universidad de Los Andes, RS. coll ecled in 28.V . 1997. MCP 9106 - Vila Merida, p.82. COl'c1ilheira . Cachoeira do Su!' RS , coll ected in GREENE, H.W. 1988. Antipredator mechani s­ I S.IX. 1997. MCP 11469 - Vila Cordilheira, ms in reptiles: 1 - 15 2. In : C. Gans & Cac hocira do Su!' RS, collected in 27. X.1 999. R.B . Huey (eds.), Biology of the Repti­ ZV C-R 5500 - Ruta 98. 10 km W Isla Patrulla li a. Vo l. 16. Ecology B . Defense and life (3 2° 56' S; 54° 26' W ). Departamento Treinta hi slory. Allan R. Liss, Ine., New York. y Tres, U ruguay . coll ected in 22.lIl. 1998. 659 pp. IBGE (INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEO­ We are grate ful to Robert A. Thomas (Lo­ GRAFIA E EST ATÍSTICA). 1986. Le­ yo la Uni vcrs il y. US A) for comments on the vantamenlo de Recursos Naturai s (Pro­ J ra l'l. lO lhe sla l'!' 0 1' lhe Salom ao Velerin ary jeto Radambras il ) - Folha SH.22 Porto Clini c ancl Edson Ortiz (Linck Agroiduslri al Alegre e Parte das Folhas SH.21 U rll­ Ltda. ) by keeping 'lnd sending specimens 0 1' C. guaiana e S1. 22 Lagoa Mirim. Vo !. 33. ¡)(I lI eide l/ s to lhe M CP coll ecli on. ancllo Raúl Sec retari a de Planejamento da Presiden­ Maneyro and C leme nte Oliveira by lhe coll ccl cia da República e Instituto Brasileiro de o i' lhe Uru guayan specimcn.
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