Volume 11 Dec No. 2 2018


Swastika Ajeng Dewanti, Siti Fatonah, Subhan Afifi Department of Communication Science Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta [email protected]

Abstract This study aims to identify how the perception of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta students about the brand image owned by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, to know what are the obstacles and developments that happened after UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta became the country. Type of research used in this research is descriptive research type with qualitative method. The theory used is the theory of perception and brand image. Data collection techniques in this study were obtained through interviews, direct observation and documentation. The results showed that the brand image owned UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta post to State College of New State is a state defense that should be realized not only in the country but also on the international scene. Student perception on brand image UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta in its application is good enough, because it has applied discipline to the students, lecturers, and employees of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, and the state defend has been attached not only to the students but also to the wider community. However, in the implementation and understanding of the state defense has not been maximal, so there are still UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta students who do not know how the brand image owned UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. Keywords: brand image, defend country, perception

INTRODUCTION Higher Education is one of the To improve the quality of universities important pillars in the development of a there are 14 private universities that nation. As the highest level of education in changed its status into a new state college. the national education system, higher Private universities are transformed into education becomes the spearhead in new state universities namely, University of encouraging the development of a nation. Samudera, Singaperbangsa University, One of the conditions facing Indonesia's UPN Yogyakarta, UPN East , UPN higher education today is the problem of Jakarta, University of West , competition that is local, regional and Timor University, University of Ten global. Universities in Indonesia, whether November, , Teuku Umar state-owned or private, not only compete University, Institute of with local universities but also institutions Technology, Sumatera Institute of that are networks of universities at the Technology, Siliwangi University, and UIN international level. Ar Raniry.

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Table 1. Number of Universities in number of students who will pay the cost of Indonesia Period 2013/2014 ─ 2015/2016 corruption that caused the long queue.

Tahun / 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 There are other things that cause students to JumlahPT Total Total Total do the demo. Country 99 121 122 One of the demo that has been done by Private 3.181 3.104 3.136 UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta students is Total 3.280 3.225 3.258 Source: Badan Pusat Statistik (bps.go.id ) about the realization of campus democracy, single tuition fee (BKT) and single tuition The purpose of the change of private (UKT) tuition of students starting 2015. universities to PTN is to provide access to Here is the news of demo done by UPN wider public education. With the change of students after their status changed become a UPN status "Veteran" Yogyakarta became new state university (PTNB). The a country causing many perceptions from misunderstanding between student students, that after becoming a country perceptions and the ranks of university UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta will become a leaders about the post regulation becomes a better university again. The number of new college that triggered the demo of the perceptions of the students led to students can cause the reputation of brand misunderstanding between students and image UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta to be university leaders due to lack of less good. socialization and communication after UPN This research examines how the brand "Veteran" Yogyakarta became a new state image image UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta university (PTNB). This triggered a post new state universities (PTNB). If the demonstration by students on campus. student of UPN "V" Yogyakarta has good The existence of the education system perception about the brand image of UPN is still not good after becoming a country. "Veteran" Yogyakarta then the reputation As it is when students enroll to run KKN, and image of UPN brand image "Veterean" students still have to register by manual Yogyakarta will also be good in the eyes of way to come to the registration counter and the students as well as the community. experienced a long queue due to the This research uses perception theory, number of students who want to register. because this research relates to student After the registration is completed students perception and university reputation. still have to do the payment at the bank Perception is the experience of objects, counter which is also in color with the events, or relationships obtained by

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inferring information and interpreting attention from communicator to messages. Perception is to give meaning to communicant is more caused because sensory stimuli (sensory stimuli). The communicant is considered not only target, relationship of sensation with perception is but more because of the increasing clear. Sensation is part of perception. acceptance of philosophy about social However, interpreting the sense sense communication and mutual information involves not only sensation, communication. Then when talking about but also attention, expectation, motivation, perception will certainly intersect with the and memory (Rachmat, 2005: 51). sensation, because the sensation is part of With so many stimuli that can affect a the perception. person's mind, in fact only a part of it can There are 3 factors that can influence be captured by humans. Their perceptions the public perception. First, perpetrator, are also influenced by the stimuli when one views an object and tries to interpret relationship with their environment, as well what it sees and its interpretation is strongly as the physical stimulation of the stimuli as influenced by the personal characteristics of the well. Factors that affect perception are individual perceptor. Second, the target or attention. object, the observed characteristics and targets can affect what is perceived. The target is not Caution is a mental process when the viewed in isolation, the targets of a target stimuli or series of stimuli become against its background affect perceptions such prominent in consciousness when other as our tendency to group adjacent or similar stimuli are weakened. Thus the definition objects. Thrd, situation, in this case it is given by Kenneth E. Andersen (1972: 46), important to see the context of the object or in a book he wrote as an introduction to the event because the elements of the environment theory of communication. Attention occurs affect our perception when we consent ourselves to one of our sensory devices, and override the inputs METHOD through other sensory devices (Rachmat, The type of research used in this study 2005: 52) is the type of descriptive research with Attention occurs when a person can qualitative methods, is a study that is the concentrate on one of his senses, and exposure of the situation and events. This override the inputs through other sensory research is a translation of words to the devices. The attractant consists of external problems that exist systematically. factors and internal factors. The shift of Descriptive studies only describe situations

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or events, do not seek or explain Attention occurs when one can relationships, do not test hypotheses or concentrate on one of his senses, and make predictions. The exposure is done override the inputs through another sense systematically, directed, and accountable so device. The attractant consists of external as not to eliminate its scientific nature factors and internal factors. The shift of (Rachmat, 2005: 24). attention from communicator to The research method used is communicant is more caused because descriptive research method that is research communicant is considered not only target, that try to develop concept and collect facts but more because of the increasing in field. This descriptive method is more acceptance of philosophy about social mempriotritaskan on observation and communication and mutual scientific atmosphere. The case study leads communication. Then when talking about to a detailed and deep description of what is perception will certainly intersect with the happening in the field (Soetopo, 2002: sensation, because the sensation is part of 111). the perception. According Jalaludin Rakhmat there are 4 factors that can affect DISCUSSION the perception that is: Student Perception UPN "Veteran" 1. Perpetrators, when one views an Yogyakarta After UPN "Veteran object and tries to interpret what it Yogyakarta Becomes a State University sees and its interpretation is strongly New influenced by the personal Perception is the experience of objects, characteristics of the individual's events, or relationships obtained by perceptor (Rachmat, 2005: 53). inferring information and interpreting Perpetrator perception of this messages. Perception is to give meaning to research is active student UPN sensory stimuli (sensory stimuli). The "Veteran" Yogyakarta. Student UPN relationship of sensation with perception is "Veteran" Yogyakarta expressed his clear. Sensation is part of perception. perception about UPN "Veteran" However, interpreting the sense sense Yogyakarta which has become State information involves not only sensation, University New (PTNB) starting on but also attention, expectation, motivation, October 6, 2014. and memory (Rachmat, 2005: 51). 2. The target or object, the observed characteristics and targets can affect

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what is perceived. Targets are not Yogyakarta is according to the students' viewed in isolated circumstances, the perceptions have been good because it has relationship of a target to its applied the discipline while on campus and background affects perceptions such while taking the lecture. But in the as our tendency to group adjacent or implementation and understanding of the similar objects (Rachmat, 2005: 53). state defenses have not been implemented 3. The target observed in this maximally, so there are still UPN "Veteran" research is to see how the brand Yogyakarta students who do not know the image owned by UPN "Veteran" brand image owned by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta post the country, and see Yogyakarta. how the development experienced Students argue that UPN "Veteran" UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta after Yogyakarta after UPN "Veteran" becoming a State College New. The Yogyakarta become New State University development in question is on the still there is a shortage in owned facility. development of facilities and Facilities that are less sense by students are services owned by UPN "Veteran" found in the seats used during teaching and Yogyakarta learning. According to the UPN "Veteran" 4. Situation, in this case it is Yogyakarta students the seats used should important to see the context of the be replaced with better ones. object or event because the elements In addition, the gratitude is still felt by of the surrounding environment some students UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta affect our perception (Rachmat, is on the toilet that has not secera overall 2005: 54). clean and decent. There are still some students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta The results of interviews conducted on who feel the lack of clean water supply in March 1 to March 7, 2018 to students, the bathroom. Some students who still leaders and lecturers UPN "Veteran" complain about the lack of clean water in Yogyakarta has gained results. That the the toilet mostly felt by students of Faculty perception of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta of Agriculture and Faculty of Economics. students about the brand image owned UPN In terms of service, students UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Post becomes State "Veteran" Yogyakarta did not feel there his University New as a state defense campus. difficulties. According to the student Brand image owned by UPN "Veteran" service provided by UPN "Veteran"

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Yogyakarta after becoming a State College Yogyakarta become New State College, the New is getting better. It's just that at the campus will always updating the former time of the interview process conducted by does not exist into existence, which will the researchers there are students who always catch up so that UPN "Veteran" expect a better service again when doing Yogyakarta will always make the process information to students in the academic of improvement, which will not be calendar to be more structured again and improved and better will be improved. more precise in scheduling lecture activities According to Mr. Markus as Head of in UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. Public Relations and Cooperation UPN Overall perceptions of UPN "Veteran" "Veteran" Yogyakarta said that no Yogyakarta students can be concluded that obstacles or big problems that occur in according to UPN students "Veteran" UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta after becoming Yogyakarta after becoming a State a State College New. Related to the demo University of New has undergone a change conducted by non-civil servant lecturers and progress is quite good. Of course the who demanded a clarity of status, facility has not been completely updated by according to the Head of Public Relations the campus, but the UPN "Veteran" and Cooperation of Mr. Markus and Vice Yogyakarta students have felt some Rector 1 Academic Affairs Mr. Mohammad changes are being renewed in terms of Irhas Effendi, M.S. explains that this is not facilities owned by UPN "Veteran" a big problem that hampered the course of Yogyakarta. In addition, according to UPN the lecture at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. student "Veteran" Yogyakarta, the service According to Vice Rector 1 Academic provided by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Affairs Mr. Mohammad Irhas Effendi, M.S. has been getting better. One of his students said that all have been accommodated and felt the ease when he was taking care of the are waiting for the outcome of the President need for licensing letters for lectures that only. can be quickly processed. From the above opinion submitted by Brand Image UPN "Veteran" the UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta students get Yogyakarta Post Becoming a New State a similarity with the opinion conveyed by University the Head of Public Relations and Brand Image is owned by an institution Cooperation UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta is one important factor that must be owned that is Mr. Mark, that after UPN "Veteran" by an educational institution in college.

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With the brand image that melakat in consumption made by consumers is to get students and society can make the increase satisfaction of their needs and desires. of public interest to be part of an UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta has an institution. advantage on the brand image that is owned UPN "Veteran" Yoyakarta is one of the by the country's defense. By carrying the institutions that have a good brand image identity of his country defending students according to the views of its students and are expected UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta also in the outside community. Evident can become graduates who have an from the results of interviews conducted by international competitiveness based on the researchers that many students who know values of state defense and able to be a how the brand image owned by UPN pioneer of development. This is evidenced "Veteran" Yogyakarta. In addition, by the cheeses that get by UPN "Veteran" according to UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Yogyakarta who get a rating of 1 on the students who interview researchers that the race campus defend the country. The outside community also know how the championship was given directly by the brand image owned by UPN "Veteran" government's defense agency. Yogyakarta. In addition, the achievement earned in With the proven his students who terms of public relations received an award know how bagaiamana brand image that is from the Ministry of Kemenristekdikti in owned, there are also mahaiswa less know the field of its publication UPN "Veteran" how brand image owned by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta get ranked 1 and on the website Yogyakarta. owned by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta In this study researchers used several ranked number 3. Various kinds of factors supporting the formation of brand championships won by UPN " Veteran image in relation to the brand association "Yogyakarta is an excellence of brand according to Kotler and Keller: association owned by UPN" Veteran 1. Excellence of brand association. "Yogyakarta. The excellence of brand associations 2. Strength of brand association. can make consumers believe that the The strength of brand associations, attributes and benefits provided by a brand depending on how information enters the can satisfy the needs and wants of consumer's memory and how that consumers to create a positive attitude information is managed by sensory data in toward the brand. The ultimate goal of any the brain as part of the brand image. When

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consumers are actively thinking and 3. The Uniqueness of The Brand describing the meaning of information on a Association. product or service it will create an The essence of the uniqueness of association that is getting stronger in assiasi is that the brand has a continuous consumer memory. Consumers view an competitive advantage that provides an object of stimuli through sensations exciting reason for the consumer why to flowing through the five senses: eyes, ears, buy the brand. Therefore, must be created a nose, skin, and tongue. However, every competitive advantage that can be used as a consumer follows, organizes, and manages reason for consumers to choose a particular this sensory data in their own way. brand. Strong and unique associations are The strength of the brand association critical to the success of a brand. Brand owned by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta is in associations help the scope of competition the identity of UPN "Veteran" Yogaykarta with other products and services. Making a regarding its state defenses. Students gain unique impression shows a significant knowledge about defending the country at difference between other brands as a the time of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta competitive edge and getting consumers students follow the lecture "Widya Mwat interested in choosing the brand. The goal Yasa" or Wimaya. In the course, the of this strategy is to create a strong and lecturer gives understanding about the unique association deeply embedded in the brand image about the state defending minds of consumers (Kotler & Keller, which is owned by UPN "Veteran" 2009: 56-58). Yogyakarta. Besides, when attending The uniqueness of UPN "Veteran" Wimaya lecture, students also explained Yogyakarta is found in sports subjects how history of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. owned by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. The By knowing how the history of UPN pride of jewelry is because UPN "Veteran" "Veteran" Yogyakarta, students are Yogyakarta is the only one who has a sport expected to be able to implement the state course as one of the state defending identity defending and the values of the fighting based on the values of state defense. The well either inside the campus or after purpose of the sport course in UPN graduating UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. "Veteran" Yogyakarta is to channel and develop the interests and talents of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta students.

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According to the results of interviews Yogyakarta as a state defense campus of conducted by researchers there are still which has been done. students who do not know how bagaiamana brand image owned by UPN "Veteran" CONCLUSION Yogyakarta. The socialization of state Based on the results of research on the defending is needed so that the UPN perception of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta "Veteran" Yogyakarta students can well students on the brand image UPN know how the brand image of state defense "Veteran" Yogyakarta post to State owned by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. University New (PTNB), it can be Socialization is a process of learning concluded as follows: attitude and behavioral attitude of students 1. The perception of UPN "Veteran" to participate in an organization that is Yogyakarta students to brand image National Development University UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta after "Veteran" Yogyakarta, but socialization becoming a State College New is as a applied by National Development state defense campus capable of University "Veteran" Yogyakarta is still producing graduates who have lacking. Lack of such application due to the international competitiveness based on lack of student participation in the the values of state defense and able to be formation of campus identity as a state a pioneer in development. Brand image defense campus, therefore it takes the owned by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta is values of state defense to focus on the according to the perception of students formation of state defending characters. in its application is good enough, The values of state defense that can be because it has applied the discipline grown apart from the socialization that has while in the campus area UPN "Veteran" been done by the Head of the State Defense Yogyakarta and while being followed Center. There are four values that is the the lecture and brand image owned UPN love of the homeland, state consciousness, "Veteran" Yogyakarta is already awareness of the nation, social attached not only to the students but also consciousness. These four values are what to the community. But in the will be able to increase patriotism and implementation and understanding of the defend the state, at the University of state defenses have not been National Development "Veteran" implemented maximally, so there are still UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta students

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who do not know the brand image system at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. owned by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. Associated with the demo ever done by 2. Student perceptions of UPN "Veteran" students and lecturers PTY, it has been Yogyakarta after becoming a State overcome by the leadership UPN University New has been many changes "Veteran" Yogyakarta. and progress in terms of facilities and 4. Student perceptions and perceptions of services perceived by UPN "Veteran" UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta leaders Yogyakarta students. Although students found the similarity that the brand image have felt the progress made by the is owned as a state defense campus campus but still feel the lack of students capable of producing graduates with in terms of facilities and services. international competitiveness based on Students are still having difficulty the values of state defense and able to be accessing wifi and lack of clean water at a pioneer in development. Bela country toilet facility in UPN "Veteran" owned UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta must Yogyakarta. be realized not only in the country but 3. After the UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta also on the international scene. became a country, there were no major obstacles and problems that caused the cessation of teaching and learning

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