Volume 29, Number 4 Thursday Sept. 15,1988 Wilfrid Laurier University

OMB spends $3,500 despite regulations

By Bryan C. Leblanc tivities Steve the Murray Jose, these ex- from Directors Giustizia a decision which has financial of gestion to pass expenditures

penditures went towards Horcsok the in four made in prizes and Zoltan calling legal implications greater than stages was jest At their 22 for August meeting, the Frosh, a m chanical action "hasty and contentious". and not taken $1000. TTie policy states further seriously by anyone the Operations Management surfboard, a van to take Frosh The directors allege that proce- that all OMB financial decisions at the meeting.

Board of the Wilfrid Laurier Uni- home at the night following evening dural rules which prevent must be ratified by the Board of VP: Finance Chris Students' Union Gain, who versity approved and more food. The events, extra OMB from spending more than Directors (BOD). Should this was absent from the in increased revenues and in meeting $3,500 revenues came from h'gher than $1000 were broken when the ratification be not secured, the ap- question, said they "allowed the new expenditures for Orientation sales of Frosh allocated. In section expected packages. $3,500 was pointed Vice-Presidents must Orientation Committee a few ex- Week. On September 12, a letter was 2b(iii) of the WLUSU bylaws t tender their resignations to the tra expenditures if they thought it According to VP: Student Ac- delivered offices to the WLUSU states that the OMB cannot make BOD effective immediately. was necessary so that orientation WLUSU President Karen wouldn't make a profit".

Bird said "the OMB members felt VP: University Affairs Jill Ar- that it was not a violation of the cher said she is "still trying to de- bylaw". Bird feels that it was not cide" whether she agrees with the an expenditure because the OMB OMB action. "At the time I did" increased expenditures to match said Archer. When asked if she increased revenues in order to felt that the spirit of the regula- maintain the budgeted bottom tions limiting OMB spending was line of the orientation budget. contravened, Archer replied The OMB discussed passing "Now I do".

in four the $3,500 separate mo-

tions so avoid conflict VP: Executive Wat- as to any Wendy

with operating procedures. Jose son could not be reached for com- time. said "it was talked about, doing it ment at press

in A motion the ex- four stages, but that was dis- approving of the OMB be carded because we thought penditures must before the BOD and people would get suspicious". brought

Bird, however, differs in her passed with a two-thirds majority.

recollection of the events of the The next Board meeting is Sun-

meeting. She recalls that the sug- day, September 18.

New parking lots

By Frances McAneney

Wilfrid In an attempt to alleviate the ongoing parking problem at

Laurier University, the administration has obtained an additional 108

off-campus parking spots.

This solution, meant only as a temporary measure, will be in ef-

fect for a one year period. The additional parking is divided between two separate lots.

48 located to the west Seagram Stadium will provide student spaces of the gymnasium, while Waterloo Par* is supplying ar. additional 60 of the parking spots located to the west the roadway entering park

from Seagram Drive. been Some concern regarding the Waterloo Park lot has expressed

by the administration and the Wilfrid Laurier University Students'

Union President, Karen Bird. Because of the distance, lighting and

location of the parking lot, Bird feels that the facility will not be used

by Laurier students. "I think students will look for a spot on the street before parking there" said Bird.

Wes Robinson, Director of Physical Plant and Planning said of the

lot "I don't think the kids are going to use it anyway."

The lot, originally to be located off of Central Avenue near the

Waterloo Tennis club, was changed to it's present location after the McGregor Neighbourhood Association objected to the location. The from association, in their attempt tc prevent the University obtaining

the lot, cited of student Just President John Weir, and Bookstore Manager Paul Fisher took time out parking many negative aspects providing regular guys: WLU right, Graduate Stadents reception held this parking facilities in the Park. to join in the festivities and welcome new students at the Annual Bird said the Association "were influence in held in the Turret, rhat hamburger sure looks McGregor a major past Monday. Due to inclimate weather the barbeque was not getting the (original) Waterloo Park (lot)." good. Both the Seagram and Waterloo Park lots are to be maintained by cash the City of Waterloo; the cost, however, is to be absorbed by the Uni- of month for the lot and University surplus versity at a rate $20 per space per Seagram

$10 per space per month for the Waterloo Park lot. In addition, the university earned interest in- Wilfrid Laurier University has reported a of Over the summer, a reorganization of parking spaces on campus of $616,595 on the investment accumu- current fund surplus of $163,290 for come operating of has also taken place. This shuffle has resulted in an increase ap- lated reserves. the fiscal ended April 30, 1988. It year off- proximately 70 spaces for student parking including the two The of the was 0.4 cent of the $39,202,747 in majority surplus ap- represents per locations. Also included in the parking reorganization is an for the establishment and enrichment campus fund expenses. propriated increase in fines ranging from $10 for parking without a permit, to of board endowments. The information is contained in financial designated $50 and an automatic for in a board of tow away parking reserved-by-name board ol In further developments, the gover- reports presented to the university's a of spot. nors approved program salary adjustments governors meeting Tuesday. The. additional is be divided between commuting stu- technical parking to the ancillary for its 350 managerial, professional, The report also indicates that dents', residence students' and students' staff members. general parking. the student residences, and administrative support fund — which includes students The off-campus parking will be available to any includ- confer- Retroactive to July 1, 1988, adjustment* in- food services, bookstore, parking and those not valid increases of 4.5 cent ing holding permits. This is less clude across-the-board per - of $48,803. ences produced a deficit of the of Waterloo were unavailable for and staff and five Representatives City the fund's of $6, for managerial professional than 0.77 per cent of expenses comment. cent for technical and administrative staff. 347,226. per The Cord Weekly

2 Thursday, September 15, 1988


WATERLOO I : | September 15,1988

■ SSET :'• I Volume 29, Number 4 l-_ ©M l; U 'A l&h

Editor-in-Chief Cori Ferguson


Editor Bryan C. Leblanc

Associate position vacant


Frances McAneney lan Morton



Steve Giustizia E.A. Sajnovic

FEATURES 111 Editor E.A. Sajnovic ■ Monday Letterman Nite Contributors I I Tuesday Mexican $2.50 Nite- taco's, nacho's and ENTERTAINMENT J ■ other suprisitos Editor Neville J. Blair I Real Rock Nite I Contributors Wednesday

Cori Cusak Kirk Nielsen " Android Cori Ferguson I II Thursday THURSDAYS" Steve Howard

Ladie's Nite White & Red)[(M SPORTS Friday (Black,

Editor Brad Lyon Live. Contributors Nite LjS Serge Grenier Dave Agnew Scott Morgan Jacqui Slaney 885-5840 M 4 KING STREET N. (KING & ERB) Ij

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Eight month, 24-issue CORD subscription rates are: $20.00 for addresses within Canada of skilled businesses of a team profession- trepreneurial to and outside the students subscribe at the of $9.00 four $25.00 country. Co-op may rate per month work term. als and work with the latest large enterprises operating in

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The Cord is published weekly during the fall and winter academic terms. Editorial opinions Chartered Accountants

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Copyright © 1988 by WLU Student Publications,Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5. No part of

without the of the Editor-in-Chief. ■Toronto, this publication may be reproduced permission ;!: ; < t T.r :P g H- MSG 2C2 ; r^ ;. • : The Cord Weekly

news 3 Thursday, September 15,1988

Campus PCB waste storage

By CUP and Cord Staff Carleton is storing only about 2,400 litres of

PCBs in a metal container outside its cargo

maintenance building. The amount — more than

- Carleton the OTTAWA (CUP) University, two liquid tonnes — still qualifies the school how- of and the of University Lethbridge University ever as a major storage site under provincial Toronto have more than 1,000 litres of PCBs stored guidelines. Environment Canada doc- on campus, according to Ministry official Greg Montcalm said the in- uments. ventory error is significant and will be investigated. other schools According to government lists, He said that inspectors inadvertently added "an ex- storing lesser quantities of polychlorinated tra zero" in March when recording the number of the Technical of Nova biphenyls include University litres stored at the site. Scotia, Dalhousie University, the University of The Carleton inventory is made of either of Waterloo and York Uni- Windsor, the University mineral-oil PCB of low flammability or askarel, a versity's Glendon College. non-flammable PCB used to cool electrical trans-

The inventory - which lists more than 2,500 formers, said Carleton security officer Mel Gilby.

sites in Canada — was released 8 PCB storage Sept. The chemicals are locked in a heavy steel con-

conference of federal and tainer and to following an emergency are inspected every month, according provincial environment ministers in Ottawa. Gilby. PCBs are toxic chemicals that were often used "Storage of PCBs by itself is not hazardous if it

for electrical Their - without meth- shinerama as a coolant equipment. produc- is inspected regularly but disposal after research showed tion was restricted in 1977 ods, you are still left holding the bag," said Pollu- birth PCBs caused cancer, brain disorders and tion Probe's Millyard.

defects on lab animals. According to him, there are no licensed techni-

ministers the conference to in Canada concentrated The agreed at phase ques to destroy highly held in the PCBs like askarel out PCB use by 1993. The meeting was yet.

wake of last month's fire at a PCB warehouse at St- The only PCB incinerator in Canada is located By Bryan C. Leblanc PCBs Basile-le-Grand, near Montreal, which forced the at Swan Hills, Alberta, but it does not accept

evacuation of 3,500 residents. from out of province. On Saturday September 10, 1988, the students of Wilfrid Laurier in five the released there is While promising to end PCB use years, According to inventory, University and the University of Waterloo raised over $61 000 for the

the environment ministers' conference failed to more than 1,600 litres of PCBs at the University of Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation with their annual Shinerama

with to destroy current in- Toronto, found at the school's Institute for come up regulations mostly Campaign. Studies and the ventories. Aerospace at chemistry department. Over 900 first year WLU students raised $31 076.80 by shining

Kai Millyard, a member of the environmentalist Nick Ozaruk, of the Health and Safety Depart- shoes, cars, and windshields in the Kitchener-Waterloo region. This

Pollution said the ministers' announc- ment at the of Waterloo declined to total exceeded the of $27,000. It also exceeded 1987's total of group Probe, University goal solution. either the location of the exact of $25,901. ement was only a "minimal" divulge quantity for 15 wanted to avoid The of Waterloo first all "PCBs have been a known problem PCBs on the Waterloo campus. He University sent year students over South- Ontario shine wash It's we haven't had basic a recurrence of the St-Basile-le-Grand incident western to shoes, and clean windshields, and years. appalling disposal by cars,

arsonists the raised UW will also donate over $15,000 to standards long, long ago." tempting any prospective by releasing $30,366.33. Cystic Fibrosis Officials at Carleton said that PCBs on their location of the toxins. that was raised during Orientation Week. This total donation

and that stored There are litres of PCBs at of over $45,000 well exceed UW's contribution last of $15,000. campus are not flammable quantities 1,500 Lethbridge, year

200 Dalhousie and 240 at the Technical Univer- to WLUSU VP: Heather "we were are ten times less than stated government figures. at According Marketing Francis, blessed with weather frosh extraordinari- An inventory by the Ontario Ministry of En- sity of Nova Scotia. The remaining schools are de- good and the this year were had chemi- enthusiastic I think that vironment mistakenly said the university scribed as having "less than one tonne" of ly and had alot to do with the success of the

23,000 litres of the hazardous substance. cals. day". Francis, however, voiced some concern over the competitive

nature of the WLU-UW challenge. "The challenge is fine on his freedom Shinerama Day, it gets the frosh out. But the competition prevents Refugee gains organizers from sharing resources and working together effectively prior to the event" said Francis. then tried 26 of Ugandan government The Kitchener-Waterloo than have be- Special to the Cord Currently years age, region gave more they ever to arrest when he failed to has lived in a Joseph Joseph refugee fore. "The success of Shinerama is always dependent on the furnish them with documents that in Southern Africa for 12 camp generosity of the community", said Francis, "and once again they were connected to his father's al- the Wilfrid Laurier University has months. He says however, came through for Shinerama and Cystic Fibrosis". leged spying. He escaped into and amount of he helped one refugee student to "type suffering" travelled in has in "is neighboring Kenya, come out of the refugee camps gone through one year through Tanzania and Zambia be- Southern Africa, into freedom to greater than that of all of the fore in Botswana life finally arriving continue his studies here in Cana- other years in my put togeth- where he was granted asylum. da. er".

Uganda, Joseph says "has Joseph Wasswa, who arrived In an interview with the gone through such a traumatic ex- at Laurier on August 29 from Cord, Joseph told a sad story of perience of political instability Botswana in Southern Africa, is how he escaped from his native and continuous war since Idi Laurier has the first student that country of Uganda to Botswana. Amin's involvement in their na- sponsored to come to Canada. Joseph's father, Edward Kitaka, a tional affairs in 1970". Although The university will be sponsoring journalist of the Associated Press 1979 after Amin was ousted in of this of for the one student type every was accused working murdering thousands of in the of American Central year response to plight Intelligence Ugandans, the country has never the increasing number of refugees Agency. He was detained, tor- The known peace to date. present throughout the world. tured and subsequently died. The supported mainly government ,

by Lybia, is trying to drive the of country to the left the political works spectrum. Anybody who

for, or has any form of rela-

tionship with the West is consid-

state. ered an enemy of the

According to Joseph, the

situation is desperate in Southern

Africa. There are more than 5 000

refugees from Apartheid South

Africa, Angola, Namibia and

scattered Mozambique across the

south of the continent and in

"Some refugee camps. of these

pathetic victims have no of

coming out of their situation un-

less somebody comes to their res-

cue", said Joseph, like Wilfrid

Laurier University did in his case.

"I feel so grateful to taste free-

dom and many people in Canada

have been so helpful", says

Joseph. "Yes, I intend to stay in Hey I'm the Poobah!! Bob LaFrance, Grand Poobah of the Water- Canada, but I always cry for the the beloved country-Africa". buffalos, enjoys Annual Slate Company Picnic on Sunday. The Cord Weekly

4 Thursday, September 15,1988

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fee A Writerl

We Need You!

Don't Be Shy

felt the need to write Have you ever any-

thing down? Ever get that journalism bug? Potential oil spill worries environmentalists Wanna learn more about it? Maybe? Well, then, have we got a deal for you.

- A VANCOUVER (CUP) proposed jet-fuel Over a million gallons of highly volatile, flam- the Cord time at ferrying service could destroy the nude beach mable and toxic jet fuel would sail from Washing- Just come down to any which surrounds half the University of British ton State each week, Williams said. all, we'll be here. Especially Columbia bathers. probably campus, say A VAFFC official declined comment.

Jet fuel is in from State to the Adrian Duncan, piped Washington a spokesperson for the federal verrrry early on Tuesday morning. small island that houses Vancouver airport. But a Environmental Protection Service, feels the We'll give interesting stories to the Vancouver Fuel Facilities VAFFC is you proposal by Airport plan unecessary. of Corporation (VAFFC) to have the gasoline ferried "When the project was first brought to our at- write, or you can chose one your very in - Wreck Beach « is tention by barge right along being two years ago, we informed them that in our own. We're flexible. We'll also be reviewed and giving federally. opinion a safe effective fuel delivery system A would kill and animal life and said hone spill plant (the pipeline) already existed," Duncan. seminars and workshops so you can

~ threaten the lives of the up to 12,000 swimmers And both the preservation society and the cor- craft down to a art. So ~ really including many students who flock to the shore poration delivering the fuel, the Trans Mountain your groovy on weekends, said Judy Williams, chair of the Pipe Line Company, reject an environmental im- do even if you're sure you can't it, remem- Beach Preservation "We made Wreck Society. are not pact study by Acres International, a we. anti-jet fuel, we're just anti-barge," said Williams. Vancouver-based engineering firm. ber: neither could (can?)

A pipeline is the most environmentally sound meth- "Their worst case scenario involves a spill od of delivering fuel to the airport, she added. (across from the site of the proposed barge facility). VAFFC estimates the What's According to Williams, going to happen if there's a spill some- will be a news writers of where like abeam of Wreck Beach?" asks Wil- There meeting odds a spill at one every 10,000 years. else,

"We can't afford even that. Between January liams. today, and again on Friday at 12:00 noon. and June 1986, there were six spills of (ferried) jet Jim Pipe, assistant to the pipeline company's Be there or I'll hot under the collar or fuel in Des Moines Creek near (the Seattle airport). president, calls the Acres report innacu'ate and mis- get

brown That creek is now dead. All that's left is leading. thing. froth."

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(416)239-0153 itruis The Cord Weekly 7 Thursday, September 15, 1988

Handbook edited

are bands of - roving language MONTREAL (CUP) Con- po- lice who look out for the of cordia's student council has im- use the in pounded this year's student hand- English language personal conversations," he wrote. book because of an anti-French

About 20 cent of Con- editorial anda nude photo. per

cordia's students are fran- The council kept all 19,000 copies of the handbook when it cophone. "The editorial offended arrived in the last week of August the of and decided at an emergency French-speaking people Quebec," said council meeting to remove an editorial co- written by handbook editor Mike president Andrew Madsen. "It's

not even constructive criticism. Sportza. It's like something you would Councillors then spent two read on a bathroom wall." days tearing the editorial page out Removing the naked buttocks of 9,000 advance copies. is "blatant censorship," Sportza Council is also ripping out a said. "They (council) see a bum in the Fine Arts section of page and morals they preach and pu' e the handbook which features a values." pair of bare buttocks because it is According to council execu- "tasteless and offensive to Fine tive Hernani Farias, the photo Arts students." could compromise relations be- editorial Sportza's alleged tween council and engineering that French "radicals" OFS considers lawsuit over dues were at- students, whose section payment appears the in on the tacking English language opposite page. TORONTO (CUP) - Ontario's provincial stu- It students in 35 Ontario univer- represents 250,000 Quebec. "It's our product and we can dent to court the York lobby group may go against sities and colleges. "At some French institutes of or in remove put anything we University student council, following York's deci- "Legal action is the last thing we want and it's post-secondary education there want," Farias said. sion to withold its 1987-88 membership fee. the last thing York wants. We don't want to sue a

York council voted unanimously last March to member." Become a UNICEF Volunteer of the dissatisfaction drop out lobby group, citing in the if Ivison said OFS will go to court spring with services offered by the Ontario Federation of no settlement is reached. it will its Students (OFS) as the reason not pay IllsA CHANCE According to York council president Tammy $30,000 membership fee. Hasselfeltd, OFS failed to provide services that the OFS maintains York council must hold a council requested, such as providing information on .nicef referendum to pull out. According to OFS bylaws, a other school systems. campus-wide poll is required when joining or leav- Canada ing die organization. She said the university's $30,000 membership

The last referendum, held in 1985, showed that fee, which works out to a little over $1 a student,

of York's students wanted remain isn't worth it. That's under half the OFS 60 per cent to regular members of OFS, said Duncan Ivison, the lobby membership fee. Ivison deal group's campaign researcher. says a special cut-rate was worked m 1-800-268-6364

" out with York because the administration funds ' issue is much in the sense as the "The not so legal ■; - %*} council, unlike other universities which collect the moral sense," Ivison said. a I M a HI a Hl a. AndreaMartin special per-student Burma Actress and Unicef Volunteer York helped found the 16-year-old lobby group. levy. 1W Birds ofa feather w W Waterloo Jewish flock to 's c _ Casey W Students Association 112

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8 Thursday, September 15,1988 Student Loans:

More bursaries... More grants

By John Gushue Beth Ryan

Michelle Lalonde


and E.A. Sajnovic I'm so sorry parasites,

Many members of the Class of '87 graduated with two things I mean, students. they'll never forget—a diploma, and a student aid debt load in ex- The cess of $12,000. government

The projected debt load for 1988 is not in as of this date but it simply has no money. will be much higher than in pre-

vious years.

Students have a lot to say

about the flaws of the current

Canada Student Loans Program

and they have been eager tc pres-

ent alternatives to the federal

government. But their sugges-

tions amount to more than a few

changes to federal policy; student in "What's is students came under fire a report into student aid in recent groups across the country want happening heavy funding

forced to their the pacific wing of Gnada to lake a hard look at just are being mortgage prepared by years.

Macerollo, CFS. The report, based upon Factors which contribute to who deserves a post secondary education," says Tony force last the of education. 1987 Chair of the Canadian Fed- hearings of a CFS task high cost administering a

"We can fall across the province, calls on loans include: the num- They want to see a change in eration of Students. go program Vander of the assumption that underlies to school, but we have to pay Premier Bill Zalm to re- ber loan recipients, number of for it later. This is instate for B.C. students loans, interest charges government policies and univer- astronomically grants guaranteed defaults sity admissions regulations—that not fair." immediately. paid by government,

mentioned "That's our most based on 18 cent federal rate post-secondary education is a Although rarely by definitely per

in debt loads recommendation," and a remission that privilege to be extended only to politicians the past, important says program loan the gifted and the wealthy. have finally, and almost sudden- CFS-Pacific Researcher reduced academic achievers' issue. the contribute the Although "accessibility" is a ly, because a political Op- Roseanne Moran,- adding payments to high catch-all phrase that student position critics have taken the situation is bound to worsen even administrative costs of such a

"issue as a com- politicians have thrown around debt load key more. program. of their while "Grants eliminated The cost covered the for years, today they are talking ponent agenda, were only major by

is the interest on about total accessibility in the government officials have said in 1984. A lot of students who government paid is still load if a started then still in school. the loan while the student form of a government-funded ed- that debt is, not problem, are

to an must be addressed. We're not even the full- in school. Students only begin ucation. They propose a system issue that seeing their loans six to that offers non-repayable bur- According to CFS Researcher blown ramifications of this," repay eight curtail months .ifter school. saries and grants instead of stu- Jean Wright, politicians can not Moran said. To skyrocket- leaving

dent loans. And while calls for student aid reform While student groups are govern- ignore ing debt loads, CFS has recom- officials because of looking for full-bursary programs ment may quickly dis- any more, heightened mended that the government

FEATURE about the issue. or increased bursaries at the very miss the suggestion as "financial- public awareness adopt a ceiling on student debt, federal that don't least, and ly unfeasible", student groups "It's no longer people "realistically, between $10,000 provincial

are the have some Moran increasing pragmatic reasoning to know abou the problem," rays and $12,000," says. governments of student back their The B.C. number and amounts up proposal. Wright. "A lot of parents, for ex- government spent back or Canada's aid in loans while cutting even Although student ample, are becoming quite fright- $12.5 million on student bursaries in aid in $33 eliminating many programs guarantee access to ened by the prospects of such 1986, while 1982 it spent post-secondary education for al- heavy debts for their children's million. programs. education." The CFS which "Students today are getting most any academically qualified report, and fewer in debt received wide in the lo- more loans, grants," student, these same programs are The change average publicity said. "In the swift. Can- cal has Drapeau essence, catching students in a vise of has been The average media, partially prompted

to debt. Ten years ago, a debt load ada Student Loan debt in 1986 the provincial government

so high was almost unheard of. was about $5,000—double of the review its student aid program.

it's "The is this Today, becoming as common debt of six years before. That government taking coffee in cafeteria. incurred don't think as a campus doesn't include debts un- very seriously. I they

And for students who entered der provincial programs, and be- really can't at this point," says

college or university this year, cause many provinces recently Moran. British of debt loads upon graduation are have either frozen or dropped Columbia, course,

bound to be even more unsettling, grants in lieu of heavier loan is not the only province to be un- aid unless immediate and uramatic components, students have been der fire for its student pro-

stu- e changes are made on both provin- left with increasingly higher gram. The Students' Union o cial federal and levels of govern- dent debts. Nova Scotia recently struck a task this ment. Unfortunately, doesn't The situation is most serious force to tour campuses in the pro-

seem in British where the and likely, although politicians Columbia, vince, prepare a report.

and key bureaucrats are making Social Credit government SUNS Executive Officer Su.-j

important inroads to bringing es- eliminated the grants portion of Drapeau said the provincial Con-

calating student debts under con- its aid package in 1984. Not sur- servative government has:

trol. prisingly, the average debt for benefited by making well-

have Governments seem to an graduating students has already publicized changes to student aid, unfortunate problem with timing. reached astonishing while not making actual improve-

In the last five to ten stu- student years, proportions—the average ments to the program. aid dent programs across the graduating from the University of "They increased the maxi-

have a country deteriorated, student British Columbia in 1987 had mum student bursary to $1,700

debt load leaders charge, because of neglect of approximately but very few students ever get

a increase from among government policy $15,000, sharp that much. In fact, the average

makers. In the same period of 1984's $3,000 average. student bursary has dropped," time, student debts have in- The B.C. program, universally said Drapeau, noting the govern-

creased in the worst in spiral-like proportions. regarded as Canada, ment has not put any additional The Cord Weekly

9 Thursday, September 15, 1988

over our hostels

...Longer pay-back period

will be," Rompkey Ada Student Loans Program, in- feds are picking up the slack for specifics says,

"But the current is more schedules for student aid in Nova Scotia." feeling cluding payment loans. We have the size of the grants than one under-employed graduates, and Indeed, average that this Canada Student Loan has underlying assumption regulations for single mothers.

is an investment. We should be Cynthia Callard, one of jumped. In 1982, the loan was bending over backwards to help McDonald's assistants, the $1,625. Two years later, the aver- says students, instead we're to $2,542. CFS's (and) most common problem appar- age jumped hurting them." ently involves students who Wright expects similar jumps to "We should not be demanding to student aid offi- be recorded when new statistics forget notify individuals be educated to to cials that they are still students, are released. function in this and then society and are subsequently expected to Students in many provinces, them somehow deal expect to on their loans. including Ontario, complain of begin payments

with the debt," says Rompkey. Even with a warmer climate insufficient aid for student ex- "We have to start looking at toward reviewing student aid in penses, such as housing, food and education as an investment, not as Canada, it will likely be some transportation. Matt Certosimo,

a We should face to time before intro- 1987 Chair of the Ontario Feder- privilege. up governments our responsibility as a society that duce solid improvements towards ation of Students, says what the requires an education population. debt loads. Ontario Student Assistance Pro- relieving mounting should fund that We be willing to Student leaders, though en- gram expects students to live on education." couraged by recent "is not consistent with the reality government McDonald the fa- aren't says NDP announcements, holding of being a student."

vors measures to eradicate stu- their breaths of Certosimo OFS has overnight success. says spent certainly an issue all levels of currently do not know what the dent debt loads, including a na- than three loom- more years hammering government are concerned with." interest rate will be until their With a federal election tional loans non-repayable bursary pro- for changes to OSAP, among Also, the standing Par- are consolidated upon grad- ing in the near future, student McDonald is also working them a and are market gram. their simplified application liamentary committee on Secre- uation, prey to groups are voicing concerns better on solving "fairly common prob- Post- form, appeal regulations, tary of State, with representation changes. much more loudly. lems" students face with the Can- longer eligibility periods, and a from all three political parties, CFS Researcher Wright secondary education will un-

definition of "It would be so much bet- which all new independent has been reviewing the Canada agrees. doubtedly be a point

status. Student Loans Program, and ter if there was a rate of interest three federal parties will have to

Shelley Potter, the 1988-89 hearing submissions from inter- set at the beginning, so at least address with conviction and when Chair of OFS said that their org- ested parties. you knew what to expect dedication.

nization is to the finish." trying help One of the probable reasons you OSAP situation with Student leaders and financial monthly that governments have for in- with the Director of Stu- administrators alike more meetings reviewing the student aid system say dent Awards Richard Kleinman. formation should be given to in- is a default rate that has been in-

are to coming students, to help avoid "We trying convince creasing as quickly as debt loads. them that all would be the massive debt accumulations. grants In 1986, according to Canada

said "Students now in best," Potter. Student Loan officials, about right go

blind," "I'm sure Potter does agree that changes 25,000 people defaulted on says Wright. people would prefer to will come slowly to the system. paying their federal government many in 1982. make other if they "We hope to revamp the ap- loans, twice as many as arrangements plication form by 1990 and from The default rate for provincial knew debt loads and interest pay- be other will has also been increas- ments are going to so high." there hopefully changes programs

Takenaka new stu- occur." ing steeply, costing government says many

loans. dent aren't aware of the implica- Student leaders also say debt heavily in unpaid award of- tions of out loans for each loads are beginning to discourage Karen Takenaka, an taking in of study. "I think stu- students from finishing post- ficer at Ryerson Polytechnical year many said the default dent don't have idea of what recondary programs. "Many stu- Toronto, rate any of themselves into." dent start, but they don't finish hasn't been increasing because they're getting

Services such as student aid (because) they don't want to as- student negligence. "You'll al-

hard of are desirable, sume the financial burdens," ways have a core people counselling say

Moran Simon Fraser Uni- that will not back their Wright and Takenaka, but are un- says. just pay funded in these times versity (8.C.) administrators two loans. My feeling is that most stu- likely to be

want to back their of fiscal restraint. "It's an ex- years ago found that of accepted dent do pay

students who didn't show but can't," Takenaka cellent idea, but who's going to up, loans, they said financial said. do it? Who's going to pay for it? many reasons

The is one of econom- guided their decision to not attend Takenaka represents the Ca- problem

school. nadian Associations of Financial ics," says Takenaka.

"It's that informa-/ While students have com- Administrators, who are as con- necessary

leaders about tion about student loans be plained in recent years that cerned as student

Takenaka but would see such governments have been ignoring jumping debt loads. spread, people while their in- in recent a service as a frill, other concerns, government said the association,

are cut back," difference be the wane. with federal officials, things being says may on meetings

At a February 1987 meeting in called on the Mulroney govern- Wright.

on Parlia- Toronto, the Council of Ministers ment to find solutions to the debt Opposition parties

ment Hill are also campaigning of Education Canada (CMEC), a load problem. for student aid changes. New non-legislative lobby representing Among the association's sug- of the Democrat post-secondary educa- all provinces and territories, gestions is an extension tion critic Lynn McDonald has struck a consultative committee Canada Student Loans payment

student aid as re- picked problems on student aid. While there is no schedule, which currently while their her most important priority, student representation on the quires students to pay back Liberal critic Bill has nine and one-half Rompkey committee, government officials loans by years mind" about the student "That was set 20 "an open say various student aid issues are after graduation. have aid issue. being taken seriously. years ago. Things changed "What I do know is that what Mary Meloshe, Director of considerably since 'then. It is at we have now not working," the Secretary of State's Student doesn't serve our (situation) The Liberal Aid levels of Takenaka said, fewer Rompkey says. party, Division, says both all," adding which the Conservative would default on govern- government are "concerned" student likely

a more ment has blamed for instituting about problems in student aid their loans if there were scheme. of the policies affecting programs. comfortable repayment many

is now also recom- post-secondary education, "I think we have all viewed The association

on federal set reviewing its own position stu- student aid as a priority. Both mends the government dent aid. levels have interest rate for stu- a role to play," a guaranteed Students "I don't know what the Meloshe says. "Debt load is dent loan repayments. The Cord Weekly

10Thursday, September 15,1988


Executive spends too freely

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The Operations Management Board of WLUSU has in stepped beyond the boundaries of their powers the allocation of $3,500 to the Orientation Committee

increase in from the sale based on a projected revenues

of frosh packages.

The reasoning behind this was to spend the money

on what it was meant for - the frosh. However, in

achieving this goal they blindly ignored the rules

and control their which govern powers. which the According to the WLUSU bylaws, govern

in decisions OMB, they are prohibited from engaging

which have "financial or legal implications greater

than $1000".

The OMB claim that by spending the extra "ex-

bottom pected" cash they were simply maintaining the Kind line for Orientation and no by-law was broken.

the of like buying a car before the bank has agreed to


The WLUSU bylaws also state that the OMB

such de- should, at its earliest convenience, present any

cisions to the BOD. At last Sunday's meeting nothing

allocation of to was mentioned about the illegal $3,500

the Orientation committee.

None of the members of the OMB could agree on

what took place in the meeting — even though they

at time. al- were all in the same room the same Well,

most all of them were. The Vice-President Finance

Chris Gain wasn't even in attendance at the meeting,

although he knew what was going to transpire. Al-

though Gain is responsible for WLUSU's finances he did not that the meeting be delayed until he request A student is a student is a student! could be in attendance.

Upon first questioning, Jill Archer, Vice President:

A student is a student is a student, right? Not ac- Affairs didn't remember that such a meet- University GUEST COMMENT cording to the Kitchener Transit authorities. ing took place. President Karen Bird contradicts her- Waterloo City Council recently approved a $10 E.A. self time she regarding the sub- all By Sajnovic every says something subsidy on university bus passes issued to stu- ject. Executive Vice-President Wendy Watson should dents at the two universities in north Waterloo. Bus

will now cost $120 for three months. The town and have have known that by-laws were being broken, and if passes versily students are from out of 12 passes are effective September to December 12. Waterloo and Kitchener as their adopted homes, she did know she should have stopped such an action Council has also said that this is on a trial basis active and of they are very supportive charity from taking place. Murray Jose, Vice President Stu- will Food only and be reviewed after the first three month events such as Shinerama, and The Waterloo dent Activities and an Orientation committee member, period. Bank. University students do this to present a better This in itself can be consid- voted for the expenditures. The behind was to en- thinking this subsidy, image of themselves because people generally dis-

conflict of interest. Of no one can be tru- students to live further students are ered a course, courage university away like their presence. Also, university with reduced of from this a supposed rate transportation cost. of concerns and act on ly certain of the facts because the minutes more aware community But because this was introduced in late arrangement some form of resolution. meeting have been conspicuously vague. it August, was too late for anyone to take advantage Third, claim that university students do of the OMB many In an action such as this, all members of this break. The of four month price cost a pass not contribute to taxes within the Waterloo region. were derelict in their duties, as they collectively ig- last was $134; this net cost is $110 off and the year year, plus This is not true. Anyone living campus nored the rules. the $10 from the of for subsidy City Waterloo, a majority of university students do, pay rent. Rent 4 Watson's is to know and enforce the three month Wendy job by- pass. has a built in tax system.

accountable for all finan- A three month pass for high school students laws. Chris Gain should be Lastly, the university student population relies costs approximately $95, with no subsidy involved. cial decisions made by the corporation. As President on the transit system for transportation to virtually at this, it that students Looking appears university because students afford Karen Bird is ultimately responsible for the actions of everything, many cannot are not really students. This attitude is ridiculous. cars, and no longer have access to the family car. the OMB. First, high school students, by far have more The truth is that university students contribute a this Board of Directors the At Sunday's meeting, to spend on buses then students money university lot Laurier is a to any community that they live in. members of the Board ever will. High school students live at Operations Management generally university that prides itself on its tradition of help- for home and eat at home, and also hold down should collectively submit their resignations the jobs. fulness and co-operation with the twin cities. students University pay rent, grocery bill, telephone If consideration of the Directors. you, the university student want to help, books bills, utilities, tuition, and still have to what off-cam Was it pay up maybe needs to happen is that every In this case the ends don't the means. justify for three to $25 more, a month period, to use a pub- student that can afford to set aside the money, mechanical surf board that to have a lic really important service such as the transit system. should student and show buy a university bus pass for frosh? and smarties the Second, students much more to university give city council that the subsidy would work, and per- the then do school students. Not community high haps they will give a more reasonable subsidy than

Editorial The Cord Editorial Board behalf of Cord that high school students don't care about their WLUSU opinions are approved by on the ridiculous $10 they have proposed and staff and are independent of the University, the Students Union and the Student home community, but because the majority of uni- has accepted. Publications Board.

EDITORIAL BOARD LETTERS TO HIE EDITOR be double the must typed, spaced and submitted by Friday at 6:00 p.m. News Editor Cori Ferguson, Editor-in-Chief Bryan C. Leblanc, before desired week publication date. Letters must bear the author's full name, student and telephone Associate News Editor Brad Lyon, Sports Editor vacant. - numbers. The maximum length for submissions is 400 words. Go wild, but kids, let's keep 'em clean Neville Blair, Scene Editor Kat Rios, Production Manager The Cord refuses to print letters it deems to be libellous. E. A. Sajnovic, Features Editor any

Offices The Cord is published during the fall and winter academic terms. are lo- The Cord invites all students to submit their comments for publication. If you've got a beef, or an opinion cated on the second floor of the Student Union Building, at Wilfrid Laurier Uni- on or to Ave something, if you'd just like to a little humour contact Cori in the Cord offices as versity, 75 University W., Waterloo (519) 884-2990. The Cord is a member spead around,

Canadian Press and the Ontario Association. and deadlines. These are of University Community Newspaper topics your pages!

Copyright 1988, WLU Student Publications. No part of The Cord may be

reproduced without the permission of the Editor-in-Chief. The Cord Weekly

11 Thursday, September 15, 1988

Health plan is a step backwards

Students' Accident & Sickness Insurance Plan. GUEST COMMENT Quite the comprehensive title for a plan that

gives as less than last year's plan. By E.A. Sajnovic The new pian, from the Seaboard Life Insurance

and Freeman Insurance Questionoftheweek Company arranged by

cost was (actually would have been $28, but Ingles of- Brokers Inc. accepted by WLUSU as a replace- fered have had ment plan for Angle and Associates Corporation. to lower it for us). WLUSU, would

to plan a referendum for last to of This year's plan entitles the student to pay in year approve any By Bill Rockwood

full and front for all increase above $16, so they were forced to search up prescription drugs. Then,

high and low for a that would not exceed the they get to fill out a pretty pink form and send it to plan Do have to on a you think that people pay $1.00 $16 limit set die 1986 referendum. the pompany and in three weeks they will have they by Shouldn't students have of in what regular Turret night? payment back less $1. more a say of health and the benefits involved in it Great system, eh!?!? type plan

Not Last with should be? Granted, WLUSU and the Board of really. year, Ingles provided us

late mind but Directors are elected of the Laurier certificates, you, at least we only had representatives

card students, but a of a $4 raise in health to show our and, pay one dollar and we had our question plan They should distribute ad- medicine. fees for a decent plan from Ingles or a worse plan vance tickets but there for $16 should have been the students Now, what happens to a student who needs given to to should not be a charge. decide. medication and can not afford it with all of the

I'm sure that students would that a other expenses that students have? WLUSU has a many agree Diane Klasan solution for that too. You ask Student Awards for $4 increase would not break the bank, and they Poli Sci loan of would have a that got their medicine to an emergency $200, repayable when you good plan Brenda Lewis them and not if and when student receive your refund from the insurance company. immediately a Hons. Orientation afford Confused yet? can the full price. students should WLUSU's The main problem behind this mess is the fact Maybe question

referendum October and call of that the held 1986 stipulated judgment on the move to a cheaper plan

that the health plan cost to the student would not a new referendum to remove the price stipulation so

such This health and receive better exceed $16. Ingles gave us a plan. year, that we can get good plans

Ingles agreed on a price of $20 for the same plan services for our money. Turret tickets should be free

it's Editor, The Cord: terest Research Group. This is an It's only a dollar, so excellent guide that outlines worth it instead of stand-

the and in line. I just came from the Business briefly rights obligations ing

of tenants and landlords. Office where I forked over six-

for all the Lisa Weishar teen hundred odd bucks LETTERS TO THE After reading the booklet we amenities that will make my year EDITOR were certain that we had a case for all who hold a prosperous one against our landlord, but did not the strings. With all of this purse know how to proceed. We de- from cash flowing my summer cided the next logical step was to earnings, I was looking forward talk to someone in the Legal Ser- to drowning sorrows with a my vices department. few cold beers at the Turret on

favourite Turret We were first required by the my night (Thurs- day). 9:30 could be replaced by waiting "legal representative" in the of-

non-ticket holders. fice to sign a form stating our Why must we pay money to alone in dis- awareness of the fact that the I'm not my per- Turret get into the on that eve- son was not a lawyer and that pleasure in this matter, so I hope ning? We've all paid $69.00 in that in future those who make they would not be liable for the If it weeds the boneheads WLUSU dues and we're yet advice these kinds of decisions Stu- aftermath of any given. (VP: out of line, sure! asked to shell out one-hundred dent Activities, Programming We initially assumed that the line a pennies just to up on regu- Director, will think about BSA) advice Mac Lund lar night like tonight. person dispensing was a those who have already paid for para-legal or equivalent. How- facilities and it's a dol- these ultimately OK, so maybe only pay as she did not sound ever, espe- lar, but it's the of the these decision-makers as well. principle cially knowledgeable or com- isn't matter - the Turret never charges The dollar steep enough petent, we asked her what her from but it's a cover unless there is a special to keep me going, legal training was. She told us

or band. I understand that also not small enough to keep me pub that she was a student and had es- the BSA is going to be decorating from bitching. sentially read the same booklet with the ticket $500 money. we had! She had also attended a decorations? The theme Chris worth of Starkey legal clinic. The only significant wasn't advertised, but it must be Disgruntled Turreteer help she provided was the phone something quite extravagant to number of a real lawyer, a num-

that much on and spend streamers ber listed in the back of the book-

kleenex flowers. Why not make let anyway. Services not It's going to cut into our the theme "Let's Be Loony Legal beer Waterloo Community Legal money. Night" and give everyone their Services (743-0254) is a free (to dollar back that night? worth the time those with no or low income) Scully

For those who think there legal service that lets you talk to a

The Cord: won't be line-ups, think again. Editor, lawyer and receive useful legal advice. Instead of just checking for ID at Anyone experiencing a students not landlord-tenant the door, Turret staff will be col- Perhaps most are dispute would be

aware that our university offers well-served to call them. lecting tickets, causing a slight services free of to but cumulative delay. On any legal charge Also, inform Housing Ser- students at the Legal Services of- other night, we are herded inside vices of any problems you are fice. in tens and twenties so the having. If your complaints are In this case, what you waiters/waitresses can keep up. you get valid the landlord will be stricken for. Do think that they are going pay you from the Wilfrid Laurier housing We have been experiencing to let in at once and everyone list. with new landlord No. Our beer contribu- mob the wait staff just because problems our We the school this appreciate at- since shortly after moving in tions are to cover Turret they have a ticket? to students with included the en- tempting provide fall. This illegal expenses. but in- the intentions of and legal advice, they might I agree with tering of our premises, gener- stead spend some of our the decision-makers in this matter al harassment. money Derek Zapp on procuring the services of a real - 5:30 to no-one wants to queue at It seemed to us that our rights Mike Candelro

to be at the school on a Advance were lawyer get into a campus pub. were being violated, but we Kevin Kuppers regular basis. certain. Our first was tc tickets are a line-up solution, but not step

should be free. Those with the read a booklet provided by Hous- Jonathan Stover Services entitled "Kitchener- foresight to get an advance ing Sean Stokholm Guide", pasteboard can enter with mini- Waterloo Tenant's pub- Eric Public In- Kopsala mal lining, and no-shows after lished by The Waterloo The Cord Weekly

12 Thursday, September 15,1988

( 3 foot l°ng sub



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13 Thursday, September 15,1988

Airi t singing for Pepsi, Airi t singingfor Coke, Don't sing for nobody; look like The Scene Makes me a joke

- Neil Young


By Neville Blair music will has, and probably al- like so classics. this day and which, far more im- Beatles disbanded and, non/McCartney penned fixture ways be, a programming The crowd seemed a little con- portantly, has profoundly many younger people these days,

I was fourteen old the for radio in that much of it is in- years changed the entire direction of hear terrific "new" music not fused by the inclusion of George first time I likable and inoffensive. remember listen- stantly or Harrison's "Taxman"; its un- very contemporary music. Although from the radio from records, to the Beatles. You'll notice But by digging a little than ing deeper the point has been belaboured in but from commercial advertise- engaging melody and in- that I didn't the first time that the nearest AM station, I found a say countless books and articles, it is ments. The disassociated attitude decipherable lyrics were definite-

I heard the Beatles because that entire realm of music which has in with the 'let the difficult to fathom the effect the of the stage performers, com- ly not sync would be preposterous; their influenced listening habits to times roll' theme of the my Fabs had when bursting upon the bined with the huge "Labatt's good eve-

international music scene in Blue presents..." signs, was ning.

reduce the music and 1964; their effect on a fourteen enough to The night ended off with the old boy is hardly of its history to the status of one year worthy obligatory rendition of that old mention. huge, uninspired advertisement. warhorse, "Hey Jude", and finally But I do make mention of it 8ut....y0u name the tune and a rousing version of "Revolu- to underline the attachment that I these did it. From the tion". It than little boys open- was more a share with millions of others to ing count-in to "I Saw Her Stand- bizarre to watch the frenzied that music. And to further un- of ing There" and onward, the cast group frosh, who are embark- derline the hollow of hav- feeling academic of "Beatlemania" show that play- ing upon careers at one ing to spend my Saturday night at the same for twice of the conserva- ing songs as most notoriously the Athletic Complex, watching the them- tive universities in dance many years as Beatles Canada, four musicians dressed like John, selves were together has its ad- with wild abandon to John Len- Paul, George and Ringo, bashing vantages. The first is an immacu- non's indictment of the Establish- out a parade of greatest hits with late tightness to the music; I ment and its plea for social all of a wounded gusto puppy. didn't hear one glitch all night change, sung by a guy pretending

Yes..."Beatlemania" - the and, indeed, found myself mar- to be Lennon. Even Kurt Von-

cover band to end all cover bands veling at the striking similarity negut might have shaken his head

- limped into Waterloo as the big between the voices and their at the sheer surrealism of the

finale to a week of Orientation originals. Immediately, though, I sight. I know Lennon would festivities. Labatt's Blue lent its wished I was back home listening have. powerful corporate bucks to bring to the originals instead of watch- and loved musi- But I shouldn't have you your ones a perhaps four ing grown men pretend they musical cally adept and inspirationally in- approached the event as a were the Beatles. I used to do the the best white-collar ept rip-off of performance or even a sociologi- same in basement thing my but rock band in history, proving - if cal phenomenon to be reviewed would have been embarrassed as

- the not coining that adage of in an Entertainment section. Per- hell if had ever seen me. imitation is the sin- anyone Eighties : haps it is best left as a social

cerest form of commerce. How The music throughout both event to be mentioned briefly on

I the can describe having to listen to sets was continuous, band the Society page, in which I

Lennon who had some look-alike, pausing briefly between some would review those attending this the "It's been A numbers offer the audacity to sing: to obligatory event, what everyone was wear- \ Hard Day's Night And I dream "Are ya havin' a good time?", ing, etc...and not bother with

Member of "Beatlemania" cast, seen here dressed in

thrilled audience the early Fab Four garb, which an of Frosh last Saturday night at the A.C.



By Cori Cusak

The Friday night of Orientation week is traditionally the time

when returning and new students get together, get drunk and get to For know each other. They do not care what the entertainment is. this Eddington for the Park reason Carmela Long was the perfect choice Bingeman


in If being talented refers to how good you look an extremely talent than she knows Marney short skirt then Carmela Long must have more is what to do with. If talent has to do with musical prowess then Long by lagging far behind the masses.

Carmela Long is a flouncy brunette who, along with her band,

does covers of about from Heart to John Mel- photo just everyone Cougar

lencamp to The Rolling Stones.

To her credit, Long handles the covers of Heart with incredible Cord "Alone" her voice is and she sounds like accuracy. On the song strong and a übiquitous "Are ready to those with the "I of Labatt's Lite"? It's enough to ya guys guitars Nancy Wilson. Her attempts at Eurythmics, especially the song all all coming After the Orientation drive to drink, you say? In- go night long?", onstage. all, efforts were well received, you Need A Man" were futile. Although her week observation. equipped with quaint festivities hardly represent a The teresting pseudo- they were lacking in musical quality. "Let's Spend Night Togeth- Liverpudlian accents. devoted to aesthetic appreciation. Stones and er" was more than an insult to The Rolling anyone nothing this show What represents by barrelled through Rubber Soul who likes their music. The its association with a corporate frosh on Saturday night and Revolver era songs with is not restricted to this had a time. And so of the eve- sterile "Got To Get certainly good Long performed one original song during the course sponsor perfection.

of "Beat- I it can be said that the their reac- original Broadway cast You Into Life" and "Good guess ning which was not particularly well received. Judging by My

lemania", but is a reflec- event was a social success. But not concentrate on a simply Day Sunshine" were the tion, the students were there to drink and party, among like other tion of a sort of malignancy so events last band's performance. songs warmly received by a many the Orientation which is posing a serious threat to week, Committee rowdy but content mass of frosh.

band - could have hired Most students agreed that the was nothing spectacular artistic autonomy in North Amer- a deaf DJ to

remarked that Long did a more background noise than anything. One ica. The music of the Beatles, After the intermission, the play Medieval Funeral Marches I felt bad in- with we were to. and frosh would have cheered good job the particular song listening Creedence Clearwater Revival, lads appeared onstage in the fa- the DJ was him that in was something and their forming the song question not to mention an entire roster of miliar Sgt. Pepper garb and wildly bopped dutifully; minutes. - off the for ten heads little clouded playing the band had been stage Motown hits, are relegated to 30 waddled through such old-time a by the for of the well have second pitches anything from faves as "With A Little Help recent loosening parental With that kind of crowd reaction WLUSU might as surround- beer to food. The frosh who From Friends", "Ballad of apron strings, their new instead. At least the would have dog My simply hired a DJ to entertain money and of Labatt's - that attended John and Yoko", "Hello, Good- ings a couple been wouldn't have noticed Saturday evening's per- better spent. The students probably Lite. formance were born the the bye" and a host of other Len- is if short skirt. year the DJ were female with a really The Cord Weekly

14 Thursday, September 15,1988


I AN EXTRAORDINARY ACCOMPLISHMENT. I Inside the Cord's such ot all and be the of the B Welcome to Track, very own entertainment ■ The Crucifixion is the strongest scene time, may movie scene year." the latest music \V-kt» Clark USA TODA\ column devoted to giving you news, concert reviews

and new releases from here and abroad...The Human Rights Now "MARTIN SCORSESE, AMERICA'S MOST GIFTED, "ASTOUNDING...A FILM OF PRODIGIOUS Tour for Amnesty International will be coming to Maple Leaf Gar- MOST DARING MOVIEMAKER, MAY HAVE POWER AND FEELING, with a towering perfor-

CREATED HIS Willem Dafoe. How 15th and will include MASTERPIECE. Willem Dafoe's mance by 'Platoon's' many dens in Toronto on September performances by is take spiky, ferocious, nearly heroic performance a directors on so great a challenge or meet Peter Gabriel, Sting, Bruce Springsteen and Tracy Chapman. the in it with such and perfect servant to role. He finds sense probing intelligence The tour, which began at Wembley Stadium on September 2nd, will Jesus' he finds in the parables!' passionate heart?" agonies; passion for six weeks and is dedicated to the release of MAGAZINE continue prisoners of — Richard Corliss. TIME MAGAZINE - — Peter Travers. PEOPIF sold conscience. Tickets for the concert for $37.50 each and were "ONE OF THE VERY FINEST, MOST ACCESSIBLE "DEEPLY FELT AND ULTIMATELY FAITH in than hours. The last show on October 15th in Buenos gone less two RELIGIOUS FILMS EVER MADE. This is anything AFFIRMING. Scorsese has filled this film with be Aires, Argentina, will filmed and is scheduled to be screened on but another of those boring biblical costume images that won't be easily forgotten!' and -i«*is.egei. good morning america. Abc television around the world on December 10th. To coincide with the epics. There is genuinechallenge hope in this movie." has released the Dance from '"THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST' EXERTS tour, Sting single, "They Alone", his

—GeneSiskei,chicacotribune Dafoe ENORMOUS POWER. Willem has Nothing Like The Sun... album. The song attacks the deplorable hu-

BRILLIANT METAPHOR. Scorsese has What "A given us a a gleaming intensity. emerges man rights record of President Pinochet of Chile...U2's forthcoming

of Jesus, torn between most is its sense of absolute very contemporary image memorably album entitled Rattle and Hum is scheduled to be released the first body and soul, whose triumph is ultimately one conviction, never more palpable than in the final week of November along with a concert film of the band under the of the will" fantasy sequence"

— David NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE — lanet Maslin. NEW YORK TIMES title. The first scheduled for release will be "Desire". Amen. same single

There has been some confusion over the album, as it was originally to "IT IS WITHOUT QUESTION ONE OF THE MOST ￿￿￿￿ "HIGHEST RATING. A POWERFUL

be a double live Instead, the band has recorded twelve new studio SERIOUS, LITERATE, COMPLEX AND DEEPLY FELT WORK OF PASSION AND IMAGINATION THAT Lp.

THE INTELLECT, tracks that will one while the second album will RELIGIOUS FILMS EVER MADE, brilliantly directed STIRS THE SOUL AND SHAKES appear on album, felt and filmed" by Martin Scorsese" It's stimulating, deeply brilliantly contain live tracks including a new version of "I Still Haven't Found Sachs, SUN-TIMES — David Ehrenstein. LOS ANGELES HERAID EXAMINER —Lloyd CHICAGO What I'm Looking For", sung by a church choir...ln a related story,

"'THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST' "AN INTENSE, UTTERLY SINCERE, FREQUENTLY an argument recently erupted between the band and the band's offi- IN ALL PIECE ART director for ILLUMINATES THE STRUGGLE SOULS. FASCINATING OF by a cial conflict biographer, Amond Dumphy. The arose over the new life has Scorsese builds a swirling cinematic house of whom, clearly, the message of Jesus' biography of the band entitled, The Unforgettable Fire, which is to be marvels in which all magic is possible" immediacy and meaning"

— TORONTO GLOBE AND Benson.LOS ANGELESTIMES released soon in form in North America. Members of U2 lay Scott. MAIL - paperback

originally gave Dumphy complete freedom to write the book. Now ￿￿￿￿ "HIGHEST RATING. THE FILM "A TRIUMPH-EXTRAORDINARILY VIVID, band the is upset with the personal secrets that Dumphy has un- SUCCEEDS BRILLIANTLY!' BREATHTAKING AND WRENCHINGLY

McCreadie. ARIZONA REPUBLIC — Marsha covered. Bono and the band would have powerful:' preferred to keep many of

Steve Dollar. ATLANTA — JOURNAL/CONSTITUTION these details private. The band's manager, Paul McGinnis, has open- "A PROVOCATIVE, RIVFTING AND VERY criticized the book the band MOVING FILM:' "10. Highest Rating. A masterpiece...A great film" ly saying regrets giving Dumphy permis-

— DETROIT FREE PRESS — LouCedrone. BALTIMORE EVENING SUN Kathy Huffhines. sion information such lives that would to dig up private as family be

better left alone. Regardless, the book has sold 55,000 hard cover "SUPERBLY CRAFTED - - "™ E MOST IMPRESSIVE |~ copies with 190,000 orders for paperback editions making it the most FILMMAKING. Scorsese BIBLICAL MOVIE EPIC successful rock biography ever...The two remaining members of

Level 42, Mark King and Mike Lindup, were in Toronto recently at

a record company conference promoting their forthcoming album

entitled Staring At The Sun. After Phil and Boon Gould left the band

last fall, there was considerable uncertainty as to the future of the - —Brian lohnson, MACLEAN'SMAGAZINE film involving a as band because the Gould brothers were responsible for writing most of you are likely the band's music. Fortunately, the single "Heaven In My Hands" is

￿￿￿￿ "H GHEST and tour in the not too distant -Marshall Fine, NEWSSERVICE ' quite good a future is possible...Keith

Richards has completed his first solo album entitled Talk Is Cheap for

Virgin Records and British critics have given it great

reviews...Watch for a new band called Kon Kan from Hamilton to be

making waves in the near future. The band's single, "I Beg Your Par-

don", is fantastic, and the band sounds similar to New Order...Midge back with kJfl i/jF Ure is a new album entitled Answers To Nothing. This is " Hal Hinson. WASHINGTON POST THeIAST I — Roger Ebert. CHICAGO SUN-TIMES his second solo effort and guest musicians include Kate Bush, Mark

Temptation I King of Level 42 and Ali Campbell of ÜB4O. Midge ended specula- tions that he would be leaving Ultra Vox this week by stating he would be with the band of Ckßisr 1 not working again. He said that the band ex- isted before he joined and it will continue in his absence...The Pet

were in Puerto CHRIST" Shop Boys recently spotted Rico shooting the video •UNIVERSAL PICTURES CINEPLEX ODEON FILMS "THE LAST TEMPTATION OF their for new single "Domino Dancing" that was released in ■ HARRY DEAN STANTON •DAVID BOWIE England WILLEM DAEOE • HARVEY KEITEL •BARBARA HERSHEY last week. It is rumoured that the band is for Liza *""~;;PAUL SCHRADER ""Sa.'INIKOS KAZANTZAKIS PETER GABRIEL iSSKJEAN-PIERRE DELIFER ""S&KJOHN BEARD writing songs

Minelli's new album. Yikes! Could we be in for a 'Liza version' """.VTHELMA SCHOONMAKER MICHAEL BALLHAUS. A.S.C. SS&VV.HARRY UFLAND """"S;BARBARA DE FINA^1 new

* of "West End Girls"? Let's not. MARTIN SCORSESE may offenosome hope rciT^T? 1 Q. .v.yj | | Was-


and show times. Consult your local listings for theatres FROSH TREATED TO MID-WEEK QUAD BASH

Cori A live show fave the band By Ferguson (that has yet to some of the energy Kenny's auctioneer-style patter- partying. Judging from the reac-

appear on vinyl) called "Who usually displays. The generally ing between songs was also tion of the Frosh, the rest of

"Charter m* a Joe", featured drummer maniacal Donnie absent. plane Slapped Cartwright noticeably Laurier may get a chance to catch

A railway track or a highway Don "The Hooch" Dekouchay seemed to be hanging back some- The Razorbacks next term at the lane staggering about the stage bang- Even when The Razorbacks Turret. If they come back, the what most of the night. During it's it's call- his drum Long as rolling ing snare above his are run down they still put on an only thing to do is put on your his spots as lead vocalist, name" head. ing my Dekouchay's antics went incredible show. The music is ad- dancing shoes and come find out Cartwright shone brilliantly but well over and was the perfect dictive, the stage show vibrant, exactly why The Razorbacks are

Those words seem to embody ending for the set. It left the danc- some ot his drive was missing. and the atmosphere conducive to "So Much Fun". the life of The Razorbacks these ing frosh, who by now filled half

while the for days. Playing every night, quad, begging more. spending their days off recording The second set built on the a new album, The Razorbacks are energy of the first, seeing "Jail-

house" Joe well on their way to becoming Myke threading his

crowd one of Canada's fastest rising way through the with his

new bands. Their show last Wed- upright bass slung across his

nesday night in the Quad il- chest like a Stratocaster or

lustrated exactly why. balanced precariously on his

Playing a mixture of classic head. The single "It's Saturday

To covers and rocking originals, The Night", from Go Town, was vocalist Razorbacks had the crowd, com- punctuated by lead Tony

bass in prised completely of Frosh, Kenny perching on Joe's of the A swinging from the time they the middle grass. couple

stepped on stage. Around Laurier of covers of songs by English rebels The it is rare that a band can get any- rockabilly Shaking "Wild Little one dancing before they've Pyramids, including

six but as the band those who played songs, Willie", pushed even

broke into the opening strains of were hanging back into dancing.

wound their rockabillied version of "My A two song encore up

Generation", several students the night, and saw the kids scram-

found out that the best thing to do bling to buy Razorbacks T-shirts,

with their feet was dance. and asking where they could get a

of Other highlight songs from copy Go To Town.

had the first set were "So Much Fun", Maybe fatigue something

"Knock Knock", and "Talk To to do with it, but the Razorbacks

You" from the Go To Town LP. show Wednesday night lacked

•- ■ iiiiiiii—i—iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii

lead came out of the shadows to Razor-sharp sounds: Above, The Ra/.orbacks' vocalist Tony Kenny Lead Donnie lower left, demonstrate a new variation on the slide guitar technique. guitarist Cartwright, Cori in the of the music. Nice of boots, eh? Exclusive Cord photo by got caught up energy pair

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■ TV's ■ Audio ■ VCR's Camcorders O ■ V »* The Cord Weekly

16 Thursday, September 15,1988

Imagine the best stereo system

in the world: your own ears.

With one ofthe finest live music

sources available: the

Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.

You can put this combination together

for a whole season, starting at $15.

The catch? You have to be a full-time

student. Here's what you get:

Eight Decades Alive. A series of 3 concerts for $15

classical music of this and Explore century expand your

musical horizons. December 8, February 2 and May 5.

Regular price $30.

Baroque & Beyond. A series of 4 concerts for

Colm Feore stars in the Stratford Festival's production of

"Richard III" Festival $25 - Photo by Stratford

Focussing on Vivaldi, highlighted by his 'Four Seasons'. SHAKESPEARE'S RICHARD /// HANDLED Conductors share insights into the music performed.

September 28, January 18, March 29 and April 19. MASTERFULLY BY STRATFORD FESTIVAL

Regular price J 52.

by glowing of the medallions as Richard hobbled on-

Anne-Marie and Tymec stage began his "Now is the winter of our dis- Series. 8 Masterpiece orchestral concerts for content..." speech and ominous bell-tolling at the of Richard 111 is easily one Shakespeare's most top of the show. difficult The plays to stage. play centers on one

- Another this Richard $50 character Richard 111, who is usually played with a reason why 111 works bet- Most than physical deformity. actors have to improvise ter most is because it is a real ensemble piece.

this physicality and maintain it consistently Technically, no single element steals the show.

combines with seats at throughout the entire performance. The play is Lighting music, set and The best balcony available the time of your costuming

steeped in royal family history and reads like a bad to provide an overall effect rather than a dazzling purchase. The main events of the season: phone for details. soap sometimes. Grandmothers curse three genera- lighting, sound or design extravaganza. The actors Regular price $80. work well tions of offspring, half-brothers murder nephews, together and no one character over-

uncles nieces. This has shadows the others. In this marry play traitors, counter- production, even the

and traitors, spies, murderers and kings who appoint henchmen villains are significant.

themselves. And Richard 111 has a running time of

two and a half hours. That's a time to confuse long Special mention should go to certain actors,

an audience. though, as their collective performances make this AND EASY: slightly better than most. Naturally, Feore's This year the Stratford Festival decided to stage Richard is deserving of special mention. Due large- Richard 111. Brian Rintoul directs the unusually which large cast (50+ members) opened on May to his ly interpretation of the fallen king, not as a 9th and runs until October 28th at the Festival evil classic, villain, but rather as the "foul-toad" that For your tickets, just call Stephanie at theatre. Despite the difficult nature of the play it- he's dubbed by Lady Anne early on in the play, self, this production is quite successful. 745-4711. Office hours only, please. Feore was completely convincing. His portrayal of the physical deformities was better than most ac- For the most part Rintoul plays it safe: He does tors, as they were played without pretense. James not transpose the play into a different time-period Blendick as Buckingham also stood out as a man (Stratford directors are notorious for this...). He al- you'd love to hate. Susan Wright's Queen Margaret lows Colm Feore, in the title role, liberal character came closest to scene stealing when she berates interpretation without letting him steal the show. Queen Elizabeth for usurping her title. Wright, who

has a deal of already great stage presence regardless is the this Subtlety key to production's success. I of which character she !W] plays, performed particular- The set pieces were primarily black with large gold ly well as Margaret, the lunatic who speaks much Kitchener medallion-like objects suspended JpL center-stage. wisdom. Steel bars Waterloo rested in front of the entrances and exits and the overall motif was one of regal confinement 112 112 Symphony Richard 111 is not the most interesting play at FSI. and Even the dictatorship. costumes were slightly the Festival this year, but it is one of the best. Spe- with black Hitleresque shiny boots as the cial mid-week prevailing performances are available with dis- soldier Nice dramatic garb. touches ricluded the counts for students. GORDIE GORDO AND THE G-MEN: Learn About WLU's New

TURN IN YOUR BADGES UNIX COMPUTER By Cori Cusak perhaps because they didn't want to take

the chance that someone might answer As an entertainment reviewer I get to the question, as one of my companions see a lot of really good bands, and some was tempted to. bad but Gordie Sessions For really ones, Gordo and General Everyone They the G-men, the band that played at played something that was called "Funky Morty" - funky not Morty's last week, was by far the worst I being I an adjective would have chosen to de- have ever had the misfortune of stum- 1. Introduction to UNIX scribe Good bling Morty. not being an adjec- upon. 2. UNIX Workshop tive I would have chosen to describe the All we wanted was food. We some With nroff/troff song. 3. Text Formatting sat down and ordered and then noticed 4. the band standing on the extremely tiny Statistical Packages The food arrived. We ate as fast as is

dance floor. It was dinner time and be- humanly possible to choke down subs in cause bands don't usually start playing between fits of laughter. before 8:00 we assumed that it p.m., was Please consult the MACHINE ROOM for the dates-and times of each session check. a sound We ordered our food. The best of the be the next several weeks and annonced on a basis. song set was "E", Sessions will offered frequentlyduring weekly Mistake number one. simply because it was about 15 seconds

Before the food arrived we were long and the only lyrics were the letter into hysterically laughing our napkins, the song was named after.

and wondering how we could get out of WELCOME BACK "Chicken STUDENTS Twister Twist" was the the bar. The first few originals they final of the song set and was as awful as played were your basic three chord the other two-minute twenty or so songs FROM sludgibilly. Then they did a cover of Ed- that preceded it. They announced that the die Cochran's "" that

band would be taking a short break. We defies accurately bad enough descrip- PARKDALE PHARMACY clapped for the first time that night. tion. Being a devotee of Eddie Cochran,

I eventually recognized it. A friend of Deciding to skip the second set, we mine didn't recognize it until the second left our unfinished meals on the table, chorus when she was able to decipher 884-3860 paid the bill at the bar, and high-tailed it the words. outta there.

Our food still hadn't arrived. They 468 ALBERT ST. AT HAZEL

There is no to save Gordie rolled into The Ramones classic "I Was way Gordo and The G-Men. bad A Teenage Lobotomy". The Ramones They are too This is of can be said to be annoying, but they to help. a perfect example a (PARKDALE PLAZA) sound like the most professional rock garage band that should have stayed in the and roll band in the world next to Gordie garage. Monday-Friday 9:00 - 9:00 Gordo and the G-Men. If, by chance, they ever get another

Some more awful followed originals and see some — gig you sort of warning Saturday 9:00 7:00 that assault: The Clash's "Should I Stay that they are going to be in a place

Or Should I Go" was without the sung you're to don't there! » 11:00 — 6:00 planning go, go Sunday

lyrics - "Should I or should I - stay go?" You'll thank me for the warning.

LAURIER STUDENTS GET CASBY MUSIC AWARDS '98 OFF 25% gMwjSwflSiSaSf Canadian Artists Selected By You


awards. IN THE DINING ROOM The CASBY Music Awards are Canada's Peoples Choice contemporary music Please check the fill in of own one name from suggestions below, or any nome your r personal cho'ce Ballots will be tabulated by the accounting firm of Thorne Emst & Awards radio show, 384 KING ST N Whinney and the winners announced on the CASBY Music broadcast live from RPM Club on CFNY on Thursday evening, October 13, 1988.

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BLUE RODEO CHALK CIRCLE Woll □ ANDREW CASH □ - Try - Mending JONI Secret Ploce - Show □ GOWAN □ MITCHEII - My MUST SHOW STUDENT ID □ 54*40 M. ROBERTSON Somewhere □ Without □ ROBBIE - □ MITCHEII Cha* Mori In IVAN Holt) JONI - (Men




BAMFF Tool □ LIBERTY SIIVER Pr~ot« ° - Crev.ce - Property

DAV,D *T OREY She D - My G«t □ 111I lAN ALIEN Condilioni Cr.t.col » ■ - i'i - —ii £VA EVERYTHING The ° D MESSENJAH Cool R.ghi Thing m J - Operator Li SJNrif Of THf YfAt , □ NEWS FROM THE ROOF - Modem 112 , U SAriAHTCS - Gimme Some K.ndo, ANDREW CASH T.m. ond Ploce Sign if »m □ - A .1, □ OTHER 9 e n□ BIUE.112 RODEOBrtMn TryT~ □ THE SHUFFIE DEMONS Out Ot - My The BEST JAZZ RECOROING MEN WITHOUT HATS Goe» □ - Pop Houwe, Rooch

__ _ Wodd □ AARON DAVIS - Neon Blue n OTHFR □ STRANGE ADVANCE - t«a««i HUGH MARSH - The ! □ love P„mpk,n Shaking BEST INDtrtNDtNI ARTISI n .. Akitr/*. r I, ° * .. ~ P El *t,n< - □ COWBOY JUNKIES The Trinity Seu*on World MOE HOFFMAN - • •A. Do □ THE PARACHUTE CIUB - □ Oop Pop TUESDAYft B,g B.g Q ripper 4 THE NORTH □ U2EB - $2.50 □OTHER : No.»y N.ghtv Hop |SOS OOTHtR - □ TEENAGE HEAD EUclnc Gu.lor ENGINEER/PRODUCER Of THE YEAR ALBUM Of THE YEAR JJ INTERNATIONAL THf of HAPPINESS - Q K.ll«d - □ OMi JERDEN - Show M. □ INXS Kick (54.40)

DANIEI lANO.S/R ROBERTSON - D.eiel Du»i □ MIDNIGHT OH - 4 □ the OCMQNS Qu Q _ , o( My Robbie Robenion REM Document □ Rooch - Houie. FRASER HUn Blue - - H □ SINEAD O'CONNOR The lion or>d O Hlll/RICK B.g Sty □ OTHER (*• Northern P.k„) Th. Cobro NON-RECORDING ARTIST BEST □ - CUIT Electric TERRY BROWN Outturn (Blue Rodeo) □ THE - a BRaTTy 4 THE BABYSITTERS





□ 54.40 □ BARNEY BE NT All B|ST






MAIL BALLOT TO: CASBY Munc Awordv Thorne Ern»l 4 Whinney PO Bo* 262. Commercial Union Tower. Toronto, Ontario MSK IJ9 I NACHOS — TACOS | CASBY logo is o registered Irademork ol CFNY Ballots mutt be received in Toronto via Canada Post no later than midnight

1988. Facsimiles not on Friday, September 30, accepted. The Cord Weekly

18 Thursday, September 15,1988

The Lighthorsemen A Must See Film

By Kirk Nielsen

They fought against impossible odds,

mile they rode mile after across some of

the earth's harshest terrain,

through searing heat and bone-piercing cold. They endured unimaginable hardships.

And that was just the film crew!

The This was written on the shirts given to the crew of Lighthor-

semen when filming concluded. film based the of The Lighthorsemen is a spectacular on true story the 800 Australian Lighthorsemen fighting in the Middle East during

the Great War. The film centres around the battle of Beersheba and, if

are on of World War I, the you not polished up your history ending be if have Peter Weir's can turn out to a surprise- especially you seen


that can be said about this film. It There are so many great things The beside the is a definite must see. Lighthorsemen stands up right - CKMS TO FOR tfk TEN ALBUMS THE WEEK ENDING - best of recent epic films, Reds, Ghandi, Ran, but is only an hour and

fifty-five minutes long.

The cinematography is as awesome and spanning as Stanley Stereo 94.5 (UL^ Kubrick's Barry Lyndon, combined with exceptional editing, the 1. Shuffle Demons JBop Rap - Stoney Path without I- visual power of the film is as good as you can get using

7. Head of David Dustbowl - Blast First sign, demonstrates how he is dwarfed by the music industry. Ap- 8. Peare Übu The Tenement Years - Capitol and DEVO character with Rust-a- pearances by Road-Eyes a along cable 105.7 9 New cbrists Divine Rites - Citadel vision makes this concert Neil's best. lO.The Trace Chilling With Binky - Sceptical Rodent


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19 Thursday, September 15,1988


not to undercut the abilities with. Than of RUN DMC —TOUGHER get away "Tougher little historical perspective on the he Ziggy Marley; and the Melody THAN LEATHER Leather", the title track, is a hard music which has provided fodder Makers do have talent but with more for bands. Sileas they rapping song guitars so many new

need their own If and less This is another identity. you From "Sucker MC's" to the spinning. (pronounced Sheelis) would un-

were to close tune destined to make waves in and your eyes you could cover of 's "Walk This doubtedly prove an intriguing almost the dance clubs. imagine Bob singing, not Way", Run DMC has served as pleasant introduction to a type of Ziggy. The about songs don't have the the backbone for commercial Hip The nicest thing music often regarded as in-

same is still Than Leather is that it impact. Ziggy young, Hop since they first signed a Tougher accessible by those of us across

though, and he can't be expected record deal. Being the leader of offers a variety of selections to the Atlantic. to take over where father Bob left the pack has had its jolts, includ- Hip Hop and isn't one long,

Sileas are Seddon off. the of bands monotonous mix. This album is a Patsy and ing fleeting upsurge Mary Macmaster, a Scottish harp like the Beastie Boys, but Run must for Run DMC fans and an Conscious Party is a good al- duo who combine the strains of DMC is still out albums. for those who bum if pumping enticing option you can get Bob out of metal and claraschs With more and more MC's on the wonder what rap and Hip Hop are gut-strung your mind; it is filled with peace- all about. (Scottish harps) with lovely vo- scene, producing better albums is ful protest and faith in the cals, resulting in a atmo- becoming a labourous task. magical, Rastafarian spirit. Above all, it's brand of music. Than Leather, spheric Although fun album. "We Tougher however, a Propose" seems in these women are no is a step the right direction. gifted by be the with the to song most pur- means the artists tradi- This is an album that only using behind it. Clear keeps pose lyrics, a reg- tional Celtic instruments the beatbox with the in their ideas pumping, gae beat, and for govern- music, do of help of Rick Rubin's production they employ the use ment reform make it listen- easy something called a Camac Electro By Android and Davy D's guitar (both from ing with a point. The album is which lends a reflective Def Jam Productions - they Harp neither harsh nor militant in its baroque feel to the renditions of worked on the Beastie Boys al- approach, but is aimed more both traditional and ZIGGY MARLEY AND THE bum); DJ Run, DMC, and Jam contemporary towards reaching the general pub- songs. MELODY MAKERS—CON- Master J have got their act in high lic. Two other tunes definitely CIOUS PARTY deserve "Conscious gear. mentioning: This second solo album, a "Mary Mary" was the first Party" and "Tomorrow People". SILEAS - Beating Harps follow-up to their Dancing With When people see the name tune to hit the airwaves off of this are WEA Music LP, is They slightly more upbeat Harps accompanied by rel- Marley, Bob is usually the name album; its simple lines and heavy liner notes dance reggae, with catchy lyrics atively comprehensive dance they think of; Ziggy being the son beats make it an instant hit. By Neville Blair Sileas's and strong backup from the rest including song lyrics. in boots. This Fun! Fun! Fun! But to hit the less following daddy's deftness of the band. with their instruments is album could have been side of Run DMC, "Radio possibly poppy The few have past years seen beautifully matched by Gaelic Station" is a notch track labelled "More from the Marley On the whole, the album is a top rap a growing interest and infatuation lyrics and enunciation. Although Clan" because Ziggy is not the good effort by Ziggy Marley and complemented by amazing with bands inspired by traditional the album does border a little on only Marley involved. the Melody Makers, whether for rhymes and the strong sound of Celtic music. From the aggressive Celtic New Age music, Beating The Makers consist Jam Master J. Melody mellowing out on a Sunday crustiness of The the Pogues to Harps is definitely a pleasant of Steve, and Cedella afternoon or on a Satur- Ziggy, bopping There are several streetbox eclecticism of The Waterboys to antidote to the piles of meaning- with friend night. It has been well like "Radio Station" Marley, along family day pro- tunes the recent success of Sinead rap less guitar thrashing and teenage Sharon Mother Rita duced and the run the album. "I'm Pendergast. songs together that appear on O'Connor, Celtic influence has angst which comprises the major- provides background vocals easily. I liked it, but I think I is an- Not Going Out Like That" the air waves of North permeated ity of record company releases. If with a host of others. The would have a better of with along opinion other example of a song American radio. Should in- your you're so inclined, try out this influence this is this album if I didn't know who on family easily rhymes and great record terest in this insa- great genre prove new release from Sileas for a identifiable: Bob was. Bob Marley. This is Marley spinning that only Run DMC can wish to tiable, you may gain a refreshing alternative.

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info PRESENTS THE INFAMOUS i> Diectors. Nominations close Sept. 20 @ 4:3opm. For more O X x see Lisa Kiefhaber or Wendy Wats on in the WLUSU offices

floor Student Union election is Oct. 13th. C ; (2nd Building).The r £

R are for the of Applications now being accepted position a

BRUNCHES I Public Relations Assistant in of J 0 the Marketing Dept. WLUSU. 0

Every Monday and Thursday K Applications for First Year Council are now being accepted. a

26 & Nov. R (except for Sept. 19, 20) O the of Waterloo In room 110 I I £ |fM&'ll l[|l |||| V

dixie Stai-wars cups X a

call For more info Flynn 74X The Cord Weekly 20 Thursday, September 15,1988 CLASSIFIEDS

come to one of our events DELTA people who helped out To the CORD staff: Technics K450 portable OMEGA PHI- PERSONALS of Water- over Frosh Week, Mint condition. at the University FALL RUSH: cover- things aren't working to keyboard. in this issue ing events for the Year- Various accessories (case, loo. See ads Interested badly, let's keep it up. women Call for more information on and book. Also, thanks etc.) Asking $1800. come out see what many Maybe we can break the our Brunches and to those who made 884-2565. Bagel we're all about at our job barrier soon. Re- NEWF: I fixed it already. my midnight open in wine and cheese parties. house this easier entering events member to always have Tuesday, Sept Pick it up anytime. Dinky. "services (read Wendy and I 20, at 1-21 Ezra Ave. be- yes, fun at yourjob!?!?! tween 5:30 and still have a note from the 7:00 p.m. BEETHOVEN et al: You The Canadian Federation WORDPROCESSING: Merci Editor). beaucoup, of guys were great surrogate SIGNJA University Women, THETA CHI: Fast and accurate. Will Anna. frosh. Thanks for the fun. Kitchener-Waterloo, in- TUES. SEPT. 20: Thanks to all the guys pick-up and deliver on Student Services Your surrogate icebreaker vites female Open who came out for our first university campus. Will make spell- TEDDY BEAR: (P.S. Rye graduates to KEEP IN House: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 anyone?) RUSH event. It was great ing and minor grammar Good have back- in the to you TOUCH. Join us for a Pot- p.m. Paul Martin to see so many people out. corrections. (English —at least for four months. luck Dinner at Centre. We on Sept. 20, are looking forward to Grad). Call Suzanne at Hope to have a great time 6:30 in Hilliard Hall Successful WHAT a nightmare: The seeing you next week. 886-3857. p.m., Studying

this term (then again I al- First United Church, Workshop: 7:00 - 8:15 red pony from hell for ways have a good time EVENTS Waterloo. Meet third p.m. in Room 2E7. hire-comes complete with with you—nudge, nudge; of each month for driver, two drunks, one Tuesday WED. SEPT. wink, wink) HELP WANTED Hungry? Want to meet stimulating For 21: chick passed out and room programs. Love OPUS. Waterloo you, people? Join the more information call Strategies for for seven more. Enquire manag- Jewish Student Associa- Nola Talented male Williams at 746- ing procrastination: 2:30 - only if you enjoy zoos. singers do is 0643. 3:30 in needed immediately for tion. All you have to p.m. Room 4-110. Tracey and Jo ROB SHEA: I think I'm innovative singing Glad to see your smiling BSBlggj|}KSWtBg^ranPßiM>MJßHMJULaMKJHMg%gES£BlKjgjggggj|HaM^^WHMmmiH|| Mmill lIMI mil IIIHWIOSrIIIirTIIWIIHniMrTKI T ITIIT'FMMB in love with telegram Own falling you. company. faces again!! We must car an asset. Love, a secret sex Contact MU- have a drinking spree FOR MATURE STUDENTS ONLY... slave. SICAL MESSAGES at a.s.a.p. in our humble 747-1427. abode. Love ya babies.

IGGY DUFF: You can't hide it ORIENTATION RECEPTION Men and women, attrac- from me any longer! I tive and gutsy? Willing to in the Di and Ann found your footprints in be in seen your bathing This is the litter box. Next time I year!!! my suit? Make incredible PAUL MARTIN CENTRE Meow bite! Meow. Spam. wages. Own car an asset.

Contact MUSICAL MES- HEY! Neek-in face. my SAGES at 747-1427. Come an out to hear a discussion an To our fellow D2E room- panel Ruff-claen it up. Neet-are mates of 86/87 with us or you sleeping TO AND OTHER You know where we live. ADJUSTING UNIVERSITY what? Bud, Marilyn, Don't be strangers. cute! 8 Spam-ain't ya MATURE STUDENT ISSUES. A,D,J,K,T. FOR SALE months?? Luf, Babycakes. plus... Coffee and snacks, and lots of Welcome Back all you MOVING SALE! Bed, opportunity chest crazy people! of drawers and to meet other mature students. THE Orientation Editor Hope we get together MORE available! Call Liz would like to extend her soon. after SEPT. 6:00 p.m. at 745- FRIDAY, 16,1988 to those appreciation Schmoo 3329. at


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21 Thursday, September 15,1988


Recruiting at WLU: A 'Marked' Profession

Grenier By Serge this season transferred doxically, Laurier's great success mittee due to extenuating circum- marks, stand against academic scholar- from where he in recruiting new students with a stances. Laurentian, spent ships. Looser standards are driv- his first after his "If we have another high academic in This appeal procedure avail- year, boosting recruiting standing high offi- ing many OUAA athletic who like this, we'll be in a tough school. The entrance requirement able to all applicants have year cials, including Newbrough, to grade point average above the for First been denied admission. can to stay competitive in the Year General Arts, They position reconsider belonging to the higher required levels for Laurier. next few years." which accepts most future student appeal the decision and have their CIAU. In a sense, the higher academ-

This dire comes from athletes, three case reviewed, but the often warning jumped per cent delay ic standards make recruiting

Athletic Director and Head Foot- this year from 72% to 75%. The forces them to immediate Other coaches say that they accept much easier for the Laurier Coach Rich in entrance for other admission offers from other in- ball Newbrough requirements have been affected by the tougher coaches. Instead of worrying schools in stitutions. Men's commenting on the difficulties the OUAA have not Volleyball admission requirements but not to about what other schools might that the Laurier staff has Coach Don Smith says that he coaching the same extent. On be a athlete, the made similar dramatic increases, average, they offering potential three had in recruiting new student lost two six foot inch have lost two declared recruits first concern and be- in potential WLU stu- question resulting " athletes for the 1988-89 school recruits he felt he had in the due to the 75 cent comes one of marks. If the stu- dent athletes being denied admis- per require- bag" while their cases were being year. ment. Women's Athletic Coor- dent is under 75%, there is no sion at Laurier but being accepted own football reviewed. Newbrough's dinator and women's need to even continue the con- elsewhere. If the trend continues, volleyball has suffered One coach who ran against program probably coach Cookie Leach that she versation. according to Newbrough, "people says the its slim- the tide this year in recruiting is most, experiencing will need lost two players to other univer- an eighty cent aver- per The of in from this Men's Basketball Coach Chris potential impact aca- mest pickings years sities because their marks were age just to get into Laurier." demic constraints, will be of freshmen. 24 Coulthard, who had more success though, year's crop Only too low, but was able to keep one Football and the most evident in a few when this hockey are this season than in the last few. years rookies showed up at year's recruit by having her upgrade her two most af- Coulthard's this season's returnees have there sports generally Ironically, recruiting grad- training camp. Usually, marks enough to meet admission fected admission uated. The by rising stan- attempts were aided somewhat by quality replacements would be between 35 and 40 requirements. One highly- dards. Ontario schools already the stringency of Laurier's will not exist at Laurier to fill the recruits fighting for roster posi- regarded women's soccer recruit are at a disadvantage in recruiting entrance standards. A holes left by graduation, and in- tions. with 74.5 prize pros- applied a per cent aver- athletes due not only to academic a season who was un- tercollegiate competitive levels The main behind this pect ago, culprit age, but was admitted upon able to enroll at WLU because of will inevitably suffer. drying-up the talent pool is, para- requirements but to the OUAA's review by the Admissions Com- Hawks Triumph in Lacklustre Opener

By Scott Morgan

and clutch from fifth- Keyed by a solid rushing game receiving

receiver Joe the Laurier Golden Hawks football squad year Nastasiuk, 23-11 defeat of the McMaster Marauders romped to a season-opening

in front of about 1000 fans.

In the Saturday encounter, the Hawks grabbed momentum early, the and never looked back. They took the opening kickoff and, on

first series, drove down the field to Mac's 18-yard line where veteran

kicker Steve Rainey opened the scoring with a field goal. Cecchini and Luc Gerritsen, The ground game, led by Andy accumulated 117 looked impressive early in the game. Cecchini yards

on dur- on 19 carries while Gerritsen added 70 yards just six attempts

Laurier's first attack for a ing the game. quarter rushing set-up Rainey Mac few minutes field goal attempt that went for a single. replied a of their before later in the first quarter with missed three-pointer own,

4-4. nabbing a field goal to tie the game at

Nastasiuk scored on a touch- to the if interested On Laurier's next possession, long This have raphers cover game. So, you're may been what the Laurier special teams, in this line of down Quarterback Rod who completed 10 of 22 passes work, contact The Cord and we'll get pass. Philp, led by Neil Chin who returned 4 punts for 87 yards, for 208 with 2 TD's and 1 interception, tossed the ball to you some pictures to take. yards looked like on Saturday against Mac. But we don't for 89 Nastasiuk, who had beaten the defensive coverage, an yard know because didn't have we any sports photog- Cord Photo bv .lacqui Slaney touchdown.

Laurier Mac was shut down quickly on their next possession, and

drove for another six points, with the help of a pass interference pen-

line. Two later alty against Mac that put the ball on their 9-yard plays

rookie A.D. Jones in the end zone. With The Quiz WizardAsks... Philp rifled a pass to 19-4 Rainey's convert, Laurier opened a lead. By Dave Agnew back into the The Marauders made a valiant attempt to get game, of as they scored on their next series of downs. By taking advantage 1. Who was the Toronto Maple Leafs' first pick in some breakdowns in the Laurier secondary the Marauders scored June's draft? last junior Kevin Holland Ed Gondar their only major on a pass from to midway Canadian 2. Name the golfer who recently won the through the second quarter. Open and the Greater Milwaukee Open? One of the game's lighter moments occurred shortly thereafter 3. Which former major league relief pitcher holds when Nastasiuk violently knocked over a C.H.C.H T.V. monitor the record for the most career saves? while attempting to make a catch at the sidelines. Fortunately, Laurier Golden Hawks 4. What was the score of the Nastasiuk was unhurt and the monitor was fixed quickly.

football squad's season opener? The second half was uneventful as the Hawks outscored the exhibition 5. What two NFL teams played an game lan Marauders 4-1 on a field goal by Rainey and a punt single by in Goteborg, Sweden this year? Mackenzie. Mackenzie gave the Hawks an improved punting game

6. Name the horse that won the 1988 Arlington after over from Mike in the third He aver- Drive Detroit 10. taking Armstrong quarter. Million held at Toronto's Woodbine Race Track? 44 a result by Canadian football stan- Francis Charlie 9. aged yards per punt, very good 7. Senna and Alain Prost have dominated Ayrton dards. "I think lan did a job," commented Newbrough. Budge Don 8. pretty good this Name the team the Grand Prix circuit year. "We'll with him awhile." McLaren-Honda 7. probably stay drive for. they The Hawks' defence meanwhile, was led by linebacker Clive Native Mill 6. win the Grand 8. Who was the first tennis to Mac in the second half. player as was held to just a single point Bears. Chicago and Vikings Minnesota 5. Tharby Slam in one blockers year? did an excellent job of shedding oncoming to pres- 11 McMaster 23, WLU 4. Tharby Johnson's 9. Who is 100 metre record holder Ben Mac's and to make several tackles in the opposing (341) Fingers Rollie 3. sure quarterbacks sack while Jon coach? backfield. 'V', Veron Stiliadis also added a GralTi Green Ken 2. Big and Dave Stumper had a fumble recovery Cumber an interception to help stop Canadians. Kingston Pearson, Scott 1. this 10. Name the team that capturcd the Marauders. year's Answers championship in Arena Football? Continued on pg 23 —CUS4MAUECpmfy-

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9to 9to 5 ■ — 9to 9, Saturday 127 Victoria Street South, Kitchener Open daily 5:30, Friday

BY LAURIER GRADS LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED J sports The Cord Weekly 23 Thursday, September 15,1988 The ApplejackAlternative

By Jacqui Slaney SCOREBOARD twenty of years age or younger; therefore those

born before December 31, 1967 are ineligible to If competitive hockey is what after you're you OUAA Football play. Practices are held should consider the once a week and the season Applejacks alternative. A Jun- consists of a "D" thirty-six game schedule, with four ex- ior hockey club, the Applejacks, of- Wellesley W L hibition and Team GP T F A Pis fers games a possible tournament. There- competitive sport at virtually no cost. There is Western 1 1 0 0 39 1 2 fore, the club is flexible with fee and quite student exam no registration sponsors provide equipment Guelph 1 1 0 0 44 11 2 schedules, budgets, and social lives. such as helmets, gloves, pants, socks, sticks, and 1 1 0 0 23 11 2 There are also In its second tape. no fees for ice time and trans- year of operation, the club has pre- Toronto 1 1 0 0 18 9 2 is viously recruited portation generally arranged amongst team- five Laurier students, including Windsor 1 0 1 0 9 18 0 Todd mates. Consequently, the Applejacks Hockey Club Ledger, Chris Ross, Gord McLennen, Steve McMaster 1 0 1 0 11 23 0 is an ideal both Frendojones and option financially and timewise. Brian Lewis. Players have found York 1 0 1 0 11 44 0 that the team has become an important of Waterloo 1 0 1 0 1 More significantly, though, the calibre of hock- aspect 39 0 their social offers life. Aside from food at ey students, who otherwise believed that supplying away such their the games, sponsors as Apple Autoglass and Erb Results: only options were university or Junior "B" Transport enable the club to hold annual functions LAURIER 23, McMaster 11 levels, a chance to play. As head coach Matt which include a Christmas dinner and dance, pizza Toronto 18, Windsor 9 Broughton explained, "Players come out of high parties, slo-pitch tournaments, Christmas Western 39, Waterloo 1 school feeling as if there is no place for them in caroling and a Those curling party. interested should contact Guelph 44, York 11 post secondary hockey, which is not true." either Matt Broughton at 746-2870 or Mel Gerber Eligibility requirements stipulate that be players at 699-4379. Upcoming Games:

Guelph at Windsor (September 10) rt

Head coach Rich was with the Newbrough pleased outcome for Do you enjoy getting into things OUAA Soccer several reasons: "We had no serious the free? if injuries, we won ballgame Well, the answer to any

a and better performance than in the first last of these or gave game year." How- questions is yes no, I Games: he noted the Upcoming overall offensive was have the for SPORTS ever, performance disappointing. job you: LAURIER at McMaster (September 14) As well, Newbrough pointed out that the defensive secondary needs REPORTER. I'm always look- Waterloo at LAURIER to its and with (September 17) cover assignments better, only some improvement ing for new blood in this sec- would the team reach a similar standard of as in the last if play playoffs tion, so you're interested, pop LAURIER at Brock (September 18) the Cord office year. up to and ask Ryerson at LAURIER (September 24) for Brad, the jerk in charge of This Saturday the Hawks will at York at 2:00. play Newbrough sports and other such deviant hit." The suggests "...they're gonna tough Yeomen will be headed by activities. We'll OWIAA Soccer start you off

potential All-Canadian linebacker Frank Paradiso. The mean- Hawks, slow with intramural basket- will while, want revenge for last when former Hawk all-star Upcoming Games: year weaving or something similarlv receiver Ken Evraire was for the duration of the injured drive. exciting LAURIER at Waterloo (September 17)

LAURIER at Western (September 18) Hawks of the Week LAURIER at Brock (September 21)

OUAA Rugby

against McMaster last Saturday. Clive Tharby (Football) Upcoming Games: Tharby ran down John Monaco to

LAURIER Trent Third save at (September 17) year linebacker Clive a touchdown, had one

had Tharby an outstanding game quarterback sack, forced a fumble in the second half and had several key tackles. CIAU Rankings

1. McGill 6. Western Tania Rusynyk (Soccer) 2. St. Mary's 7. Guelph

Tania, a rookie left winger from 3. LAURIER 8. Acadia

Mississauga, had three solid per- 4. 9. 18 team, Tania will be a welcome Bishops Calgary formances in the Hawks Lady ex- 5. Saskatchewan 10. Concordia addition to this year's Lady Hawk hibition matches in Rochester. A soccer team. member of the Provincial Under-




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24 Thursday, September 15,1988

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