
Colegio San Carlos de Quilicura 12th Grade / English C.C.F.S / 2020

English Guide N° 14 – Unit 2: Discovery and Recent Creations

Name: ______Grade: 12th A – B - C Date: ______

Expected Learning OA 1 - Leer y comprender, en forma autónoma y crítica, distintos tipos de textos escritos, auténticos, relacionados con sus intereses vocacionales y culturales; usar distintas estrategias para extraer e interpretar información explícita o implícita, general o específica. OA 2 - Comprender globalmente distintos tipos de textos orales, auténticos, de fuentes y temas variados; procesar, asimilar y reaccionar ante la información recibida de acuerdo a sus propósitos e intereses.

Instructions: 1. Read carefully and complete each section according to what it is required. 2. When you finish the guide, at the end of it, you have to answer a SELF-EVALUATION which will help you to see your performance during the development of this guide. 3. If you want to see if your answers are correct, you can check them in the ANSWER KEY which will be uploaded in the guide. 4. Remember that this guide helps you to continue with the development of your knowledge and you can continue practicing your English skills at home. 5. If you can’t print this guide, you can write the answers on your copybook. 6. This guide is supposed to be done in 45 minutes. 7. If you can print the guides, remember to keep them in a folder.

Hello! Welcome to this new class! This time, we will work in the class with Listening Comprehension Activities! But first, remember to check your answers from the THATQUIZ ACTIVITY which is available on the School Webpage. Now, you can find the link of the last class here! à https://youtu.be/yDMQZ_GPlkk



v Exercise N° 1 – Listen and complete with what you hear.

The IPod is the world’s most popular (1) ______. But did you know it helped (2) ______Apple? The history of the IPod begins in (3) ______. Jon Rubinstein (4) ______at Apple. He developed new (5) ______. He was in (6) ______looking for new technology. Near the end of the (7) ______, and quite by (8) ______, he (9) ______a small hard drive. It was (10) ______cm long. The people at (11) ______it was new, but they didn’t know what to do with it. John (12) ______an idea. Back in California, John (13) ______Steve Jobs he could build a new (14) ______of music player using the small (15) ______from Japan. Steve loved the idea and told him to finish it by (16) ______. That was a difficult (17) ______. They had to go from nothing to a finished (18) ______ready for (19) ______in (20) ______months. Apple needed the IPod to be (21) ______. Around this time, Apple had financial (22) ______. The company was not (23) ______like it is today. John and his (24) ______completed the IPod on time. The IPod didn’t (25) ______well at first. That was because it only worked with Apple (26) ______. Changes were (27) ______and a new version worked with all the computers. Also, Apple started a music (28) ______called ITunes which had (29) ______songs on sale for (30) ______cents. These changes helped to make the IPod popular. By (31) ______, Apple sold (32) ______million IPods. The IPod saved Apple and changed the way people (33) ______to music. It also made Apple a (34) ______in mobile technology.

v Exercise N° 2 - Answer the following questions:

1. Who created the Ipod? ______

2. Do you think it was a good idea? Why? ______

3. Do you think that we need this device nowadays? ______

4. How many Ipods were sold in 2015? ______



Tema: IVºA - English Meeting Hora: 8 jul 2020 12:00 AM Santiago

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ID de reunión: 757 4133 0233 Contraseña: 9ZUggg

Tema: IV° B - English Class Hora: 8 jul 2020 03:00 PM Santiago

Unirse a la reunión Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87311577831?pwd=bnllVjhSMW90QmEreUpBOUFDMWNlUT09

ID de reunión: 873 1157 7831 Contraseña: 4qWjpS

Tema: IVºC - English Meeting Hora: 7 jul 2020 12:30 AM Santiago

Unirse a la reunión Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73073795030?pwd=RlV0UWo1RExvcU5NcjVaQUF0NjJzZz09

ID de reunión: 730 7379 5030 Contraseña: 3NvmD2