Financ Report Finan Repo Financial Report
Fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 CAE Financial Report CAE Financial Report CAE Financial Report FinancialFinancialFinancial ReportReportReport FiscalFiscalFiscal yearyearyear endedendedended MarchMarchMarch 31,31,31, 201920192019 TrainingTraining partnerpartner ofof choice.choice. CAECAE is is a a global global leader leader in in training training for for the the civil civil aviation, aviation, defence defence and and security,security, and and healthcare healthcare markets. markets. Backed Backed by by a a record record of of more more than than 7070 years years of of industry industry firsts, firsts, wewe continuecontinue to to helphelp definedefine global global trainingtraining standardsstandards with with our our innovative innovative virtual-to-live virtual-to-live training training solutions solutions to to makemake flying flying safer,safer, maintainmaintain defencedefence force force readinessreadiness andand enhanceenhance patientpatient safety. safety. We We have have the the broadest broadest global global presence presence in in the the industry, industry, withwith overover 10,00010,000 employees,employees, 160160 sitessites andand trainingtraining locationslocations inin overover 35 35 countries. countries. Each Each year, year, we we train train more more than than 220,000 220,000 civil civil and and defencedefence crewmembers,crewmembers, includingincluding moremore thanthan 135,000135,000 pilots,pilots, andand thousandsthousands of
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