ORLEN Fact Book Contents

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ORLEN Fact Book Contents ORLEN Fact Book Contents Who we are ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 PKN ORLEN in the region. Main refinery assets in the region .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Financial highlights 2001–2011; IFRS basis ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Financial ratios ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Financial highlights 2004–2011 in EUR and USD; IFRS basis .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Segmental financial highlights 2008–2011 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Summary of operating data ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Summary of operating data ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Headcount ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Shareholder structure as at 31 December 2011 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Financial data 2001–2011; IFRS basis ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Balance sheet ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Income statement .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Cash flow ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Capital expeditures in ORLEN Group in 2001–2011 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Operating data 2001–2011 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Fuels and other refinery product sales revenues in the ORLEN Group ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Fuels and other refinery sales volumes in the ORLEN Group .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Petrochemical sales revenues in the ORLEN Group ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 Petrochemical sales by volume in the ORLEN Group ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Technical specification of refinery instalation in Płock .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Technical specification of petrochemical instalation in Płock .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Technical specification of petrochemical instalation in Basell Orlen Polyolefins Sp. z o.o. (BOP) .................................................................................................................................... 28 Technical specification chemical instalation in ANWIL SA and Spolana a.s. ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 2 Płock refinery – throughput and products ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Płock petrochemical unit – throughput and products ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Trzebinia refinery – throughput and products ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 Jedlicze refinery – throughput and products .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 ORLEN Deutschland GmbH – financial and operational data .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 ORLEN Lietuva .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39 ORLEN Lietuva – key financial data 2004–2011 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40 ORLEN Lietuva – key operating data 2004–2011 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 ORLEN Lietuva – revenues from refining products sales ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 42 ORLEN Lietuva – refining products sales volumes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 ORLEN Lietuva – technical specification ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Filling stations in Lithuania ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45 Market data .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Refining sector in Poland
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