Steven Parrino Education Selected One-Person

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Steven Parrino Education Selected One-Person STEVEN STEVEN PARRINO PARRINO STEVEN PARRINO Born Bor 1958n 195 in8 Newin N eYork,w Y oNY;rk, diedNY; d2005ied 2 in00 Brooklyn,5 in Broo NY.klyn, NY. LivedBLoirvne and1d9 a5n 8workedd i nw Norek weind YNew ionr kN ,York,e NwY Y; oNY.driekd, N2Y00. 5 in Brooklyn, NY. Li ved and worked in New York, NY. EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION 1979 197 9 A.A.S.,A.A. SSUNY., SU NFarmingdaleY Farmingdale 19821917998 2 B.F.A.,AB.A.F.S. A.Parson’s, .S, PUaNrYso SchoolFna’sr mSicn hofgod oDesign,al leo f De sNewign, York New York 19 82 B.F.A., Parson’s School of Design, New York SELECTED SELECTED ONE-PERSON ONE-PERSON EXHIBITIONS EXHIBITIONS SELECTED ONE-PERSON EXHIBITIONS 2019 Little Anal Annie, OFFSITE: CHALET Marc Jancou, Rossinière, Switzerland. 2019 Little Anal Annie​, OFFSITE: CHALET Marc Jancou, Rossinière, Switzerland. 2019 PUSHLittle A /n PULL,al An nSkarstedtie, OFFS Gallery,ITE: CH London.ALET Marc Jancou, Rossinière, Switzerland. PUSH / PULL​, ​Skarstedt Gallery, London. StevenPUSH Parrino:/ PULL, Paintings Skarsted &t GDrawings,allery, L oSkarstedtndon. Gallery, New York. Steven Parri​no: Paintings & Drawings​, Skarstedt Gallery, New York. 2017 StevenSteven Parrino: Parrino Dancing: Paintin Ongs Graves.& Draw Theings Power, Skar sStation,tedt Ga Dallas,llery, N TX.ew York. 2017 Steven Parrino: Dancing On Graves​.​ The Power Station, Dallas, TX. 20132017 StevenSteven Parrino: Parrino Armleder,: Dancing Barré, On G Buren,raves. Hantaï,The Po Mosset,wer Sta Parmentier,tion, Dallas Toroni., TX. Gagosian 2013 Steven Parrino: Armleder, Barré, B​ uren, Hantaï, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni​. Gagosian 2013 Gallery,SGteavlelen r Paris,yP,a Prrai nrFrance.ios:, AFramn leced.e r, Barré, Buren, Hantaï, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni​. Gagosian 2009 BornGalle tory Be, P aWild:ris, F Hommagerance. an Steven Parrino, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen, 2009 Born to Be Wild: Hommage an Steven Parrino​, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen, 2009 Switzerland.BSorwni ttzoe Brlaen Wd.i l d: Hommage an Steven Parrino​, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen, 2008 StevenSwitze Parrino.rland. Art & Public –Cabinet PH, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008 Steven Parrino​. Art & Public –Cabinet PH, Geneva, Switzerland. 20072008 StevenSteven Parrino. Parrino Gagosian. Art & P uGallery,blic –C Madisonabinet P Avenue,H, Gene Newva, SYork.witzerland. 2007 Steven Parrin​o​. Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York. 2007 StevenSteven Parrino Parrin o(curated. Gago sbyia nMarc-Olivier Gallery, M Wahler).adison A Palaisvenu eDe, N Tokyo,ew Yo Paris,rk. France. Steven Parrin​o​ (curated by Marc-Olivier Wahler). Palais De Tokyo, Paris, France. 2005 StevenSteven Parrino: Parrino A ( Retrospectivecurated by M a(curatedrc-Olivi ebyr WFabriceahler) .Stroun). Palais MuséeDe To kd’Artyo, P Modernearis, Fra etnc e. 2005 Steven Parrin​o: A Retrospective​ (curated by Fabrice Stroun). Musée d’Art Moderne et 2005 Contemporain,SCteovnetne mPaprorrina oiGeneva,n: ,A G Reneet rSwitzerland.voas,p Secwtitvzee​ r( lcaunrda.t e d by Fabrice Stroun). Musée d’Art Moderne et 2004 PlanCon t9.e mTeampora Gallery,in, Gen Neweva, York.Switzerland. 2004 Plan 9​. Team Gallery, New York. 2003202040 3 MassimoPMlana s9s​.i mT DeCarloeoa Dme CGa Arterlleor Ay Contemporanea,,r tNee Cwo Yntoermk.p ora Milanonea, M Galerie,ilano G aJeanlerie Brolly, Paris, France. 20022003 StevenMJaesasnim ParrinoBor oDlleyC, PVideosaarlrois A, r F1979-Present.tera Cncoen.t e mpor aCircuit,nea, M Lausanne,ilano Gal eSwitzerland.rie Exit/DarkJean Bro, Par iFriArt,s, Fra nFribourg,ce. Switzerland. 2002 Steven Parrino Videos 1979-Present​. Circuit, Lausanne, Switzerland. 20012002 Exit/DarkSteven P aMatter.rrino V Grazerideos Kunstverein,1979-Prese nGraz,t. Ci rAustria.cuit, La usanne, Switzerland. Exit/Dark Matter.​ FriArt, Fribourg, S​witzerland. TeamExit/D Gallery,ark Ma Newtter. York.FriArt, Fribourg, Switzerland. 2001 Exit/Dark Matte​r.​ Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria. 20002001 SicilianETxiet/aDma Fresco rGk aMllaetr tNumberye,r .N​ Gewra zYOne,eorr kK. uMassimo nstvere iDeCarlon, Graz ,Arte Aus Contemporanea,tria. Milan, Italy. TheTea Box,m G aTorino,llery, NItaly.ew York. 2000 Sicilian Fresco Number One​, Massimo DeCarlo Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy. 2000 GalerieSTichileia nB Rolf oFxr,e Ricke,Tscoori nNo uCologne,, mItableyr. O nGermany.e​, Massi mo DeCarlo Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy. 1999 TeamThGea lB eGallery,orixe, RTo lrNewfi nRoi,c kYork.Itea,l yC. o logne, Germany. 1999 ElizabethGTaelearmie GR Cherryoalfle Rryic ,Gallery, kNee, wC oYl oTucson,grkn.e , G AZ.erm It.a ny. 1999 LeTeE Box,alimza bG Bourges,eatlhle Cryh, eNr France.reyw G Yaollre kr.y , Tucson, AZ. It. 1998 CentreELlizea Bb oed’Art,xth, BCo hNeuchâtel,uerrgrye sG, aFlrlea Switzerland.rnyc, eT. u cson, AZ. It. 1997199 8 TeamLeC eBn oGallery,txre, Bdo’Au rrNewtg, eNse, York. uFcrhaântceel,. S witzerland. 1996191989 7 KunstlerhausCTeenatrme dG’Aarllte ,Palais rNye, uNce Thurnhwâ tYeol, rundSk.w i tTaxiszerla Gartnerhaus,nd. Bregenz, Austria. 1995191979 6 Misfits.TeKaumns Gt leTrearlhl eaGallery,ruys, NPea wlaStockholm, iYs oTrhk.u rn uSweden.nd Taxi s Gartnerhaus, Bregenz, Austria. 1996 AmphetamineKunstlerhaus Monster Palais T Mill.hur nArt un &d Public, Taxis GGeneva,artner hSwitzerland.aus, Brege nz, Austria. 1995 Misfits​. Tre Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden. 1995 De(Forming).MAismfitpsh​. eTtraem GGalerieinaell eMryo ,nRolf Ssteo rcRicke, kMhioll.lm ACologne,,r tS &w ePdueb Germany.nli.c , Gene va, Switzerland. MassimoAmpheta DeCarlomine M oArtenst eContemporanea,r Mill. Art & Pub Milan.lic, G eneva, Switzerland. De(Forming)​. Galerie Rolf Ricke, Cologne, Germany. KeesDMe(aF sVanosrimm Gelderion gD)​.e GC Gallery,arlelor ieA rRt eAmsterdam.o lCf oRnictekme,p Co oralongenae, ,M Gilearnm. a ny. 1994 WinMKaes Vanesism V Deroa Dn eAbbeeleGCealdrleor A G Gallery,rtael leCroyn, Antwerp,tAemsptoerrad naBelgium.ema., Mila n. 1994 JohnKWeeisn Gibson Van GD Gallery,elrd Aebr bG eNewaeller GyYork.,a Allmersyt,e Ardnatwme. r p, Belgium. 19931994 GalerieWJionh Vna RolfGn iDbs eRicke,or nA Gbba Cologne,ellelrey ,G Nael Yy,o Arkn.t w erp, Belgium. 1993 ArtJoGh &an lPublic, eGriieb sRoo nGeneva,l fG Raicllkeer y,Switzerland. ,C Noelowg nYeo,r kG . ermany. 1993 KeesGAarlet rVan&ie P R uGelderobllfi cR, iGc Gallery,keen,e Cvoal, oAmsterdam, Sgwneit,z eGrelarnmd thea. n y Netherlands.. 1992 L’Usine,AKrt e&e sP uVDijon,balnic ,G GFrance.eeldneerv Ga ,a Sllewryit,z eArmlasntde.r d am, the Netherlands. Kees Van Gelder Gallery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. STEVENGalerie PARRINO Sylvana Lorenz, Paris, France. STEVEN PARRINO Massimo DeCarlo Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy. 1991Bor n 19Galerie58 in N Arnaudew Yo rLefebvre,k, NY; di eParis,d 20 0France.5 in Br ooklyn, NY. BLoirvne 1d9 a5n8d i nw oNrekwed Y ionr Nk,e NwY Y; odriek,d N 2Y0.0 5 in Brooklyn, NY. L ived anDanield work Newburged in Ne wGallery, York, NewNY. York. 1990 Galerie Rolf Ricke, Cologne, Germany. Massimo DeCarlo Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy. 1989EDUCATION Metro Pictures, New York. EDUCATION 1988 Galerie Sylvana Lorenz, Paris, France. 1979 MassimoA.A.S., SDeCarloUNY F Artearmi nContemporanea,gdale Milan, Italy. 1979 A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale 1987198 2 HolesB.F.A and., P Slots.arson ’Natures Scho Morteol of D Gallery,esign, NewNew York.York 1982 B.F.A., Parson’s School of Design, New York 1984 Nature Morte Gallery, New York. SELECTED ONE-PERSON EXHIBITIONS SELECTED ONE-PERSON EXHIBITIONS SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2019 Little Anal Annie, OFFSITE: CHALET Marc Jancou, Rossinière, Switzerland. 2019 Little Anal Annie, O​ FFSITE: CHALET Marc Jancou, Rossinière, Switzerland. 2018 BrandPUSH New: / PU ArtLL ​,and ​Sk aCommodityrstedt Gal liner they, L 1980s.ondon .Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture PSUtSeHve /n P PUaLrrLin​, oS:k Parasintetidntg Gs a&ll eDrrya, wLionngdso, nS.k arstedt Gallery, New York. SGarden,teven P Washington,arrino: Pain D.C.ting s & Drawings, S​ karstedt Gallery, New York. 2017201 7 FreeSte vtheen Women.Parrino :FRAC Danc Bourgogne,ing On Gra vDijon,es​.​ T hFrance.e Pow er Station, Dallas, TX. 2021071 3 SStetveevne nP Pararrinrion:o D: Aarnmcilnegd eOr,n B Garrarév,e Bs​.u Trehne, PHoawntearï ,S Mtaotisosne, tD, Paallarms,e TnXtie. r , Toroni. Gagosian 2 013 SSpringteven Installation. Parrino: A rGagosian,mleder, B Paris,arré, BFrance.uren, Hantaï, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni. G​ agosian 2015 Prototypology:Gallery, Paris An, F rIndexance of. Process and Mutation. Gagosian Gallery, Rome, Italy. ​ 2009 GBaollernry t,o P Baeri sW, iFldra: nHcoem. m age an Steven Parrino, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen, 2 009 BCeor fabuleuxn to Be W mondeild: H omoderne.mmage aMACn St eLyon,ven Lyon,Parrin France.o, K​ un stmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Chromophobia.Switzerland. Gagosian Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland.​ 2008 SSwtietzveernla Pnda.r r ino. Art & Public –Cabinet PH, Geneva, Switzerland. 22013008 SEndlessteven P Bummerarrino. A ​ IIr /t &Still P uBummin’.blic –Ca bMarlboroughinet PH, Ge Chelsea,neva, S wNewitze 20072007 StevenSteve nParrino, Parrin ​oPeter​. Ga gHalley,osian JohnGalle Mcry, Cracken,Madison Paul Ave nMorrison.ue, New Art Yo &rk Public,. Geneva, 2007 SStetveevne nP Pararrinrion​.o G (caugroasteiadn b Gy aMllearyc,- OMlaivdieisro Wn aAhvlenr)u. eP,a Nlaeisw DYeo rTko. kyo, Paris, France. SSwitzerland.teven Parr iPaintingno (​cura aste dFact, by M Factarc -asO lFictionivier W (curatedahler). P byala Bobis D Nickas).e Tokyo de, P Puryaris, &F r ance. 2005 Luxembourg,Steven Parr​o: A Retrospective​ (curated by Fabrice Stroun). Musée d’Art Moderne
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    NEWSLETTER March 2021 Donna Aldridge PSA M - MAPS , Editor VOLUME 24 ISSUE 3 x x Did you enjoy the curmudgeonly, bemittened Bernie Lisa Stauffer has been a member of MAPS since 2007, Sanders meme that virtually blew up the internet but many of us have not met her because she lives in after the Biden inauguration? Many of them made me Duluth, Minnesota. Lisa will be presenting our March laugh out loud, including Bernie “sittin’ on a corner in program. Her topic will be “Reflections on the Painting Winslow, Arizona.” (Sing it along with the Eagles and of Water.” Lisa describes herself as a Plein Air Painter, me: ) But the meme and she has had many opportunities to paint her subject that sent me wandering down another mental path was matters in her home state. Bob Ross giving Bernie some “happy little mittens.” Lisa has a Master’s in Design from the University of Minnesota and studied Illustration at Parson’s School of Design in New York. Her work has been featured in Plein Air Magazine and Pastel Journal. She has Signa- President’s Letter tureMarch Status in Pastel Program Society of America from (2012) MN. and was awarded Master Circle by the International Association aof Pastel Societies in 2011. i d merica Two strecent awardsel emphasizeociet her mastery of water painting. “Keller Lake Lillies” won Best Watery Inter- pretation in Plein Air Magazine’s August 2020 Plein Air Salon, and “Lillies On a Silvery Day” won Best Paint in Place at Plein Air Grand Marais in September 2020.
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