Laser Beams a Novel Tool for Welding: a Review
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278-4861.Volume 8, Issue 6 Ver. III (Nov. - Dec. 2016), PP 08-26 Laser Beams A Novel Tool for Welding: A Review A Jayanthia,B, Kvenkataramananc, Ksuresh Kumard Aresearch Scholar, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram, India Bdepartment Of Physics, Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology, Chennai, India Cdepartment Of Physics, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram, India Ddepartment Of Physics, P.T. Lee CNCET, Kanchipuram, India Abstract: Welding is an important joining process of industrial fabrication and manufacturing. This review article briefs the materials processing and welding by laser beam with its special characteristics nature. Laser augmented welding process offers main atvantages such as autogenous welding, welding of high thickness, dissimilar welding, hybrid laser welding, optical fibre delivery, remote laser welding, eco-friendly, variety of sources and their wide range of applications are highlighted. Significance of Nd: YAG laser welding and pulsed wave over continuous wave pattern on laser material processesare discussed. Influence of operating parameter of the laser beam for the welding process are briefed including optical fibre delivery and shielding gas during laser welding. Some insight gained in the study of optimization techniques of laser welding parameters to achieve good weld bead geometry and mechanical properties. Significance of laser welding on stainless steels and other materials such as Aluminium, Titanium, Magnesium, copper, etc…are discussed. I. INTRODUCTION Welding is the principal industrial process used for joining metals. As materials continue to be highly engineered in terms of metallic and metallurgical continuity, structural integrity and microstructure, hence, welding processes will become more important and more prominent.
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