[email protected] EDUCATION: Ph.D. (German History), University of Pennsylvania, August 11, 1995. - Dissertation: "Soldiers as Citizens: Former German Officers in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-1955." Advisor: Dr. Thomas Childers. B.A., With Honors (History) and With Highest Distinction in General Scholarship, University of California, Berkeley, May, 1989. - Senior Thesis: "Politics vs. Nationalism: The German General Staff's War on Politics, 1914-1918." - Honors Thesis: "The Conservative Ideology of the Neue Preussische (Kreuz) Zeitung, 1905-1914." Supervisor: Dr. Gerald Feldman. PROFESSIONAL Associate Professor of History, Temple University, July 2002-Present EXPERIENCE • Chair, Department of History, July 2014-May 2020 • Faculty Expert, Center for the Study of Force and Diplomacy • Affiliated Faculty, Global Studies Program, 2019-present • Advisory Board, Center for the Advancement of Teaching, 2007-present • Board of Advisors for Diversity and Inclusion, 2018-present • College of Liberal Arts Diversity and Inclusion Committee 2016-2018 • College of Liberal Arts Budget Priorities Committee, 2016-2019 • College of Liberal Arts Strategic Planning Core Committee, 2016-2017 • College of Liberal Arts Merit Committee, 2014-2016, Chair 2015 • Director, College of Liberal Arts, Awareness of Teaching and Teaching Improvement Center (ATTIC), 2003-2007 • Director, History Honors Scholars Program, 2009-2011 • Chair, College of Liberal Arts, Committee on Instruction, 2007-2009