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Whole Day Download the Hansard Record of the Entire Day in PDF Wednesday Volume 614 7 September 2016 No. 33 HOUSE OF COMMONS OFFICIAL REPORT PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) Wednesday 7 September 2016 © Parliamentary Copyright House of Commons 2016 This publication may be reproduced under the terms of the Open Parliament licence, which is published at www.parliament.uk/site-information/copyright/. 313 7 SEPTEMBER 2016 314 especially in Yorkshire, including senior civil servants House of Commons working there. I saw myself how it is possible to have senior civil servants around the country. I completely Wednesday 7 September 2016 agree that the more we can get senior positions of all kinds around the country, the better we will be able to serve the people whom we were elected to serve. The House met at half-past Eleven o’clock Mr Philip Hollobone (Kettering) (Con): The speed PRAYERS with which the new Brexit Department has been established from scratch since 24 June has been truly impressive. Is [MR SPEAKER in the Chair] not the key to a modern Government who can respond to modern needs to have as much flexible, open-plan Oral Answers to Questions office space as possible? Ben Gummer: I completely agree with my hon. Friend. The way in which we have been able to set up the new CABINET OFFICE Department and the other Departments of State so rapidly is a tribute to the work done by my predecessors The Minister for the Cabinet Office was asked— as Ministers at the Cabinet Office in reforms to the civil service and to the Government Property Unit. He will Government Estate (Modernisation) have heard the comments of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State of State for Exiting the European 1. Sir Henry Bellingham (North West Norfolk) (Con): Union about the very significant support that he has What progress the Government are making in creating received, in number and in quality, from the civil service a more modern and efficient Government estate. so far. [906119] The Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster Electoral Law Reform General (Ben Gummer): Working collaboratively with Departments and local government, we are delivering a 2. Stuart C. McDonald (Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and public sector estate that is cost-effective, supports the Kirkintilloch East) (SNP): What plans he has to bring delivery of better-integrated public services, and exploits forward proposals to reform electoral law. [906120] surplus land and property to help build homes and create jobs. In so doing, since 2010 we have raised 4. Carol Monaghan (Glasgow North West) (SNP): £1.8 billion in capital receipts and reduced running What plans he has to bring forward proposals to reform costs by £750 million. electoral law. [906123] Sir Henry Bellingham: I welcome the Minister to his The Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office (Chris place and congratulate him on his well-deserved promotion. Skidmore): The Government are committed to ensuring Does he agree that at a time when the country needs to that our electoral system is as transparent, accurate and build more housing on brownfield sites, it is essential effective as possible. We are working closely with the that the Government lead the way in this? Have the Law Commission to consider what reforms might be Government done any audit that has ascertained the brought forward in the light of its report on electoral amount of land available and the number of houses and law published earlier this year. The Government are flats that could be built on it? also considering the review by my right hon. Friend the Member for Brentwood and Ongar (Sir Eric Pickles) of Ben Gummer: We have done some partial work, as my electoral fraud, and we will respond to his proposals in hon. Friend suggests. It is in the nature of the work that due course. we are doing that there is not sufficiently good-quality understanding of public sector land, and that is why we Stuart C. McDonald: Smaller parties received almost are seeking to make it better. Despite that, we delivered a quarter of the votes cast in the 2015 election. While 100,000 homes on public sector land in the previous once 97% of the country voted Labour or Tory, that Parliament, and we aspire to build 150,000 in this one. I number is now less than 70%, and indeed falling, but shall provide him with further details as and when we none of that is reflected here. Is it not now time for a discover them. very serious and mature discussion on how we can Andrew Gwynne (Denton and Reddish) (Lab): I welcome make every vote count in UK general elections? the Minister to his post. He will know that in 2010 a report said that the changes to the civil service—the Chris Skidmore: The Government believe that first regionalisation of the civil service—would require political past the post is the best system for electing a Government leadership. We have seen a reduction in the size of the at the same time as ensuring that the vital constituency estate in London but an increase in the number of top link between a Member of Parliament and their constituents officials and civil servants in London. Under his tenure, is retained. This is clearly in line with the public mood, will we finally see that political leadership and the reflected in the overwhelming majority support for first regions actually having a voice? past the post at the referendum held in 2011. Ben Gummer: I thank the hon. Gentleman for his Carol Monaghan: Many 16 and 17-year-olds feel kind comments. In my previous ministerial post, it was disfranchised by Westminster. In 2007, Austria lowered a great pleasure for me to work with civil servants, its voting age to 16, and has found that turnout among 315 Oral Answers 7 SEPTEMBER 2016 Oral Answers 316 16 and 17-year-olds is higher than for older first-time voters. of our citizens, particularly 16 and 17-year-olds and Will the Minister now commit to seriously examining those who vote for minor parties? Will he now commit, the evidence for extending the franchise to our young in this new Government, to reviewing our system to adults? make it more fair and democratic? Chris Skidmore: The Government believe that it is Chris Skidmore: The Government are committed to absolutely vital to our democracy that young people ensuring that we have a democracy that works for should be engaged in the democratic process, and we everyone. Already, the introduction of individual electoral will continue our commitment to increasing participation. registration has made it easier to register to vote than The current voting age of 18, however,is widely recognised ever before, with 20 million applications to register to as the point at which one becomes an adult and gains vote online since 2014. The Electoral Commission’s full citizenship rights. I note that the question of lowering report from July 2016 found that thanks to IER, electoral the voting age has been debated in this House on several registers are not only more complete than ever before, occasions, when it has been repeatedly defeated, including but, critically, more accurate than ever. The Government three times during proceedings on the European Union recognise that there is always more to do, and we are Referendum Bill. The Government therefore have no committed to a programme of boosting registration plans to reduce the voting age. among certain vulnerable groups in order to build a more engaged democracy. Sir Eric Pickles (Brentwood and Ongar) (Con): I welcome my hon. Friend to the Dispatch Box, and Constituency Boundaries I thank him and his predecessor for the help that they have given in the compilation of my report. Is my hon. Friend alarmed by the fact that it is harder to take out a 3. Lucy Allan (Telford) (Con): When he expects library card or collect a parcel from the post office than the Boundary Commission to publish its initial it is to vote or obtain a postal vote in our trust-based recommendation for new constituency boundaries. system? That places our ballot boxes at a peculiar risk. [906121] When will the Government respond? The Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office (Chris Chris Skidmore: I thank my right hon. Friend for the Skidmore): The Boundary Commissions for England work that he has undertaken in producing his report on and Wales will be publishing their initial recommendations electoral fraud, which was published in the summer. It on Tuesday 13 September,and the Boundary Commission made an excellent summer read. The Government take for Scotland will do so later this year. The Boundary electoral fraud incredibly seriously. His report highlights Commission for Northern Ireland published its that important issue, and as a result we are currently recommendations yesterday.The conduct of the boundary considering his proposals and will formally respond to review is a matter for the independent Boundary his report in due course. Commissions. The initial proposals will be the subject of extensive consultation with political parties and local John Penrose (Weston-super-Mare) (Con): I join in communities,after which revised proposals will be published warmly welcoming the Minister to his new position. In at a later date. the EU referendum The Daily Telegraph’s Charles Moore voted twice, spoiling the ballot paper from his second Lucy Allan: I thank the Minister for his response, and home, to show how the system could, in theory, be I warmly welcome him to his position, where I am sure cheated. As the Minister considers proposals to strengthen he will do an excellent job. I represent a rapidly growing electoral law against voter fraud, would he therefore new town with low voter registration, where an additional also consider a new legal requirement for people with 5,000 new voters have hit the electoral roll in the past six more than one residence to choose one of them in months.
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