High School, Morton Road, Horsell, Woking, , GU21 4TJ WINTER 2018 Tel: 01483 888447 Fax: 01483 888448 Email: [email protected] Web: www.wokinghigh.surrey.sch.uk

NEWSLETTER Headteacher: Jane Abbott

Headteacher’s Letter

OUR TERMLY NEWSLETTER provides the measure, i.e. at least a Grade 4 in English and secondary schools again for the third year in school community with a superb opportunity Maths. succession. This is an amazing achievement to reflect on the many and varied achievements and an endorsement of the sustained excellent Our P8 score was 0.5 meaning that, an of our students over the past term. I have academic attainment and progress of students average of all students made half a grade more highlighted just a few of the wonderful events at . Our congratulations progress than other students nationally. Our that have taken place. Staff and students have go to all students in this year group and we A8 score is 56 – the equivalent of a Grade 6 in contributed to the detail of the newsletter so do wish them well in their future careers. Our all subjects. please read their articles. thanks go to all staff, parents and governors, 35% of all entries gained 9-7/A*-A grades for the part they played in preparing, Amidst the August sunshine our Year 11 supporting and guiding our young people 2018 student cohort celebrated the best 90% gained 4+ in English Literature/Language towards this success. GCSE examination results the school has 83% gained 4+ in Maths ever recorded. This year almost all GCSEs Once again, the Autumn term has been an were awarded 9-1 with 9 being the highest. 82% achieved 4+ in both English and Maths exciting and successful one for all year groups. Students and schools are measured in terms Our new Year 7 students have transferred 60% achieved 5+ in both English and Maths. of the progress made during secondary school seamlessly from primary to secondary school (P8) and the outcome of their best 8 grades These results placed Woking High School and have relished the many opportunities they with English and Maths double counted (A8). in the top 10% of all secondary schools have already had of making their mark on the Additionally, they are also judged on the in and Wales for the third year school (see Year 7 report) including speaking percentage of students who gain the “Basic” running and the top of the 11-16 Surrey at our Open Evening.

Woking High School is an exempt charity and company limited by guarantee. Registered in England with Company Number 8586085 and has a registered office as above. We were delighted to see so many parents and such well-behaved children enjoying their prospective students in October, not only at learning.” our wonderfully vibrant Open Evening but Year 11 Review Throughout the term the Windband and also at our many open mornings. Feedback Choir have, as always, made a significant from our visitors, which is always hugely contribution to life at Woking High School. valuable, told us how much they had Only one term into the year, and as a year They showcased their talents at our enjoyed the amazing activities and exciting group, we’ve already achieved so much! Open Evening and deeply impressed the demonstrations. Events included Sgraffito At the end of Year 10, we supported the congregation at our Remembrance concert work in Art, participating in a Drama recycling stationary scheme and it has in November (see Mr Goodwin’s report). performance skills workshop, contributing in been very successful and each class room Equally, the GCSE Drama students were a world-wide food quiz in Geography, playing its own pen bucket. At the start of the praised for their tableau performance at the “Who wants to be a Mathematical Millionaire” year, our Year 11 students began attending same concert. As I write, we are now looking and fire and ice, CSI and optical illusions in revision sessions for a handful of subjects forward to our Christmas concert at 7 p.m. Science. Parents and students were also able - these have continued up until our on 13th December in the School Hall and the to learn about our language offers in French, indicative exams. Auditions of our very traditional Combined Schools’ Carol service Spanish, Latin and Mandarin, provision for own Woking High School production of on 17th December at 6.30 p.m. in St Mary’s Further Maths, Statistics and Triple Science, Grease took place in October, and we’re Church – you are warmly welcomed to both Music Masterclasses and our extensive proud to announce that several Year 11s events. Computing department, which is a centre for are taking part. In November, our usual Digital Schoolhouse and Ubisoft. Our sports teams continue to excel with remembrance traditions took place, with a Woking High School students achieving wonderful performance of the last post by “We visited Woking High this evening and success at local, regional, district and national Jude Rainsborough , and beautiful poetry wanted to say what a spectacular event you, levels. Please see the sports report. readings by Jude Silverton and Alexis your staff and the pupils held. I have to say Cortade. that we were very impressed with the thought Our students continue to do much fundraising that must have gone into the whole event. We much for charities. Over the past months At the end of Year 10 we collected second were made to feel really welcome and your they have contributed to the Woking Rotary hand school uniform from students. The pupils and staff were very engaging, confident Christmas Shoebox appeal, Macmillan number of donations was outstanding! and did you and your school proud. It was so Big Breakfast, Chimney Farm dog rescue, Coming into Year 11, we immediately rewarding to see you and your Head of Year Homeless Shelter, Your Sanctuary, “The started organising the uniform and 7 so proud of your pupils each time they gave Mango Tree”. actively worked together to get the a small speech in front of the parents. Again Uniform Shop up and running. We The Friends of Woking High School have thank you for a lovely introduction to Woking have sold the uniform at Year 7 Parent’s likewise been fundraising for our student High.” Consultation Evening raising £135 for community (see their report) and after a fantastic charity called ‘The Mango “We came to your open evening last night. donations, a coin race, swimathon, several Tree’, which strives to get disadvantaged What an experience, we were so impressed. recycling initiatives, are very close to reaching children in Tanzania and Kenya into Firstly I would like to commend our tour their £10k total. education. We hope to start selling guide. She was a fine example of the impact At Woking High School we are not just uniform online, and at future events, to that we would like high school have on our aware of the educational and resource needs continue providing affordable uniform to girls. She was polite, sincere, confident and of our students, but also care deeply about the school community, whilst fundraising showed such respect and kindness. She is our students’ social and emotional wellbeing for a cause we believe in! We always a wonderful ambassador for Woking High. and mental health. This term we have had appreciate any new donations. Secondly, the staff were fabulous. They a huge focus on mental health, safe use grabbed every opportunity for a learning of social media and making safe choices. A James and I Metcalfe, experience, and made the most of it. This This has included presentations from the Year 11 Senior Team showed me that teaching is in their blood and Growing Against Violence charity, the Breck a true passion. These are the people I want Foundation and Peer Productions. All have to educate my child. There was a strong feel made a vital contribution to our Personal, of honesty and sincerity, that can only come Social and Health Education programme. from a happy school. Thank you for a superb evening.” This term finishes on Wednesday 19th December at 12 noon and the Spring term Our students received much praise, with begins on Thursday 3rd January 2019 at 8.55 visitors particularly highlighting : a.m. “The student who showed us around was On behalf of everyone at Woking High School, wonderful. What a fantastic school and culture may I wish you and your families a very you have created.” Merry Christmas and a happy new year and “Very helpful tour and great to see the school thank you all for your support, commitment in its working day. Well done Woking High for and contributions towards the continuing welcoming us to your school.” success of Woking High School.

“It was a lovely tour by the girl that showed Jane Abbott, Headteacher us around, tailored to our needs. Great to see

2 Welcome Year 7

AT THE START OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR we welcomed 240 very excited Year 7s, all ready and eager to begin their high school journey. We are delighted that they have settled in so well, and are taking on the challenge of secondary life with great determination. They are creating new friendships, enjoying new experiences and building new relationships with their teachers and year group. Year 7s had the joy of a `head start` in the restaurant for the first two weeks and are enjoying the wonderful selection of food that is on offer to them. “I am particularly impressed with the So far this year, Year 7 have experienced paninis being a particular favourite and efficient and fast way that teachers respond two Day 11s which have involved a coin the novelty of paying for food on their to my emails.” race, raising £536 for the Friends of finger has also been very exciting for Woking High, and a recycling activity “The school is a very supportive community many of them. making shanty towns. They have also for my son. He has grown daily since taken on the challenge of donating gifts The students have said that “the lessons starting in September.” are fun and so far there have been so through the Rotary Shoe box appeal, and “Staff are thoughtful about students and I many surprises,” “there are so many this year collected 108 boxes feel they are looking out for their welfare. I opportunities” and “I like the happy I would like to wish you and your couldn’t be happier.” environment”. families a very Merry Christmas and “We are very happy with how our child has Our first consultation evening of the year look forward to welcoming Year 7 back in settled in. Thank you.” was very well attended with 98% of January. parents attending and feedback from the “Our child has transitioned extremely well H Doe, Head of Year 7 evening was very positive. and he loves the school. Thank you.” Concert of Remembrance

ON WEDNESDAY 9 NOVEMBER, we variety of readings of war poetry, musical held our annual Remembrance Concert ensembles and a very moving presentation at St Mary’s Church, Horsell. It was a by Year 10 GCSE Drama students, which wonderful evening. Students representing told the story of American teacher, Moina all year groups performed this special Michael, the ‘Poppy Lady’ and how she concert, which was attended by the Mayor was inspired by the poem ‘In Flanders of Woking and a large audience of parents, Fields’. Over 135 students were involved governors, and members of the local in the performances which included Musicians, vocalists and readers were community. The opening address focused the voices of the Horsell C of E Junior outstanding throughout and the evening on the historical events of the Great War school choir singing their rendition of was brought to a conclusion in the Act of during 1918 in the lead up to Armistice ‘Remembrance’. Remembrance and the faultless playing day, and set the scene perfectly for a of The Last Post by Year 11 student Jude Rainsborough, who repeated his performance at the Remembrance service in Horsell village. A collection for the Poppy appeal on behalf of the Royal British Legion raised £243. Well done to all students and staff in preparing and delivering such a memorable and fitting musical tribute in remembrance of all those who gave their lives during the Great War.

S Goodwin, Director of Music Performance

3 Remembrance

THIS YEAR WE MARKED THE CENTENARY of the end of World War 1. On Remembrance Sunday 11th November 2018, people around the Commonwealth reflected on the lives that were changed irrevocably, and those that were lost in this global conflict. At 11am on 11th November 1918 the guns fell silent. As Mr A.H. Godfrey MBE, Chairman of Woking Council commented at the time: “People of Woking! At last, at long last, after four years of toil and suffering, and of long-drawn agony, we have reached the goal of our ambition. The hour of victory has struck; the armistice has been signed…” During the week of Remembrance, the school community participated in several acts of commemoration and remembrance miraculously short time the town was gay British Legion and a river of poppies which focussed upon several key themes. with waving flags” creating a poignant backdrop for the Mr Craib led assemblies for all year remembrance event that was held in school What the newspaper doesn’t report is that groups, during which the course of the war on Friday 9th November. the 11th November was a day when fighting during 1918 was discussed; the sacrifices did continue and there were an unusually During tutorials, each group discussed made, the impact the war had across the high number of casualties. Despite being both the sacrifice of those involved as world as well as locally and the conflicting the final day of the war, fighting continued well as the impact that the war had upon emotions in Britain in 1918. Students on many fronts. The Commonwealth War different groups in society. We believe it is were reminded that 65 million men were Graves Commission states that their records time to remember those who lived through mobilised across Europe during World War show that 863 Commonwealth soldiers this tragic and remarkable time – and who 1, nearly a third of them – some 21 million died. A total of 2,738 died on the final day put Britain on the path to becoming what it – were wounded, another 8.5 million were of war, with a further 10,944 casualties. To is today. Students and staff were all given killed and some 7.7 million were taken remember this sacrifice, we decided that a cards, which were used to say ‘thank you’ prisoners of war. The Woking News & permanent display should be created. As to a generation who served, sacrificed and Mail reported on 12th November 1918: well as our usual service of remembrance saved our world. “The great news spread like wildfire, and in school, with students from each of the This year Armistice Day fell on by 11 o’clock the streets were thronged forty tutor groups placing crosses for forty Remembrance Sunday and The Mayor, with people laughing, shouting, singing of those listed on the Horsell memorial, Councillor Will Forster, asked for a and some silently weeping. Woking went poppies scattered and the last post played by student from Woking High School to read mad – mad with joy – and the pent-up Jude Rainsborough, a silent silhouette was the opening poem at the town centre’s emotions of over four nightmare years of purchased from the Royal British Legion. Remembrance Service. Thomas Mills of horror and suspense burst forth and were Miss Bourne and the DT team created a Year 11 read In Flander’s Fields by John given free rein. Absolute strangers shook set of poppies that members of the local McRae. Anyone who was in attendance hands in the streets with tears in their eyes; community purchased in numbers, with will agree that his reading was extremely a general holiday was declared; and in a the contributions made being passed to the moving and poignant. All of these events highlight how significant the war is today and we are now reflecting upon those returning home with a future to look forward to – something many of them had not thought about for a long time.

M Jones, Subject Leader in Education, Head of History


IN OCTOBER, thirteen Year 11 students Bookshop! The students asked excellent CAMBRIDGE participated in a visit to St Edmund questions of both the staff and students Hall (Miss Powderly’s Alma Mater) at the university to gain a greater and Merton College, two of the oldest understanding of the collegiate system, YEAR 11 have also taken the opportunity colleges at Oxford University. The day the tutorial teaching method and the to get some expert advice from OCR involved talks from current students and admissions process. It was a beautiful examinations on the poetry component of tutors as well as tours of the colleges day to see the city with blue skies all day. their GCSE in English Literature. Thirty and some time to explore the city – a The students were excellent ambassadors five students attended a conference at particular favourite being Blackwell’s for the school throughout. St Columba’s Church, Cambridge. The favourite speaker of the day was Dr Fred Parker from Clare College, Cambridge University. He spoke with eloquence about the set poems and supported students through his own readings, providing annotated versions for the students to take home. At the end of the day Dr Parker and the conference hosts mentioned how impressed they were with the students’ behaviour throughout the day. They listened brilliantly, coping with the demands of university style lectures – a couple of students even asked questions following the lectures to enhance their personal understanding even further.

R Powderly, Head of Englishs Area Maths Challenge Senior Maths

THIS HALF TERM, the Maths department team of Herbie Hunter, Darcie Blissett and Challenge has continued to offer many opportunities Peter Heeney performed particularly well, for our most able and most enthusiastic finishing the competition in first place for students to challenge themselves and their age category. Once the scores from all IN NOVEMBER, Year 11 student represent Woking High School in of the teams were combined, the Woking Ram Marwaha took part in the competitions. In October, a team of twelve High team finished a highly creditable 3rd UKMT Senior Maths Challenge. students from Years 7-10 participated in overall. Our congratulations for such a Ram performed very well, the Area Maths Challenge at Sir William strong finish go to the team, who are already achieving a Gold certificate. He Perkins School in Chertsey. The Year 7 looking forward to their next challenge! also qualified for the next stage of the competition, the UKMT Senior Kangaroo and was very close to gaining automatic qualification for the British Mathematical Olympiad, the highest level of competition run by the organisation in this country. Over the coming year, many more of our students will take part in the UKMT Junior and Intermediate Maths Challenges and the department is confident of further success.

M Eaden, Acting Head of Maths

5 Science Geography - WORLDWISE QUIZ

THE SPACE CLUB have been On the 10th of December two teams of that the students were well placed to learning about our Newtonian Geographers from Years 8,9 and 10 took take on the challenge before them. telescope and calibrating it for part in the Geographical Association The students represented the school lunar observation. The team have Worldwise Quiz at Gordon’s school. fantastically well and our top placed constructed star charts for the Woking Roisin Fellowes, Emily Armfield and team managed to beat teams from area and have been using a robotic Hugo Komatsu came 3rd out of 15 Gordons, All Hallows and SJB amongst telescope in Tenerife to photograph teams, with Chris Baker, Holly Tougher many more! The Geography department nearby galaxies and nebulae. The and Daniella Moya coming in at 10th were exceptionally proud of all our team have also entered the Raspberry with highly commended. students who entered. Pi AstroPi Mission Zero and are Preparation over the preceding weeks, R Beeson, Teacher of Geography sending some computer code to and a sharpening up of key skills meant the international space station this Christmas. Numbers attending Science Club since the start of the school year Technology - DESIGN VENTURA have been excellent. In Science Club students have completed the following activities; making balloon rockets, THE YEAR 9s who are studying Design explored a variety of design options. elephant toothpaste, fire writing, heart Technology this year took part in a whole Groups then competed in a Dragon’s dissections, making crystals, creating school competition about innovation and Den pitching event, the winners of which microscope slides and building creativity during the autumn term. They competed against each other. The winning bridges. Some sessions are run with a were tasked to design a product which group was: Liam Bolton, Daniel Moss, competitive element (building bridges, would improve everyday life for a user of Alex Heeney, William Tuckley-Byrne and balloon rockets), with winners from their choice. We had a spectacular range Ryan Boxall and they will be entered into different categories (best performance, of ideas, from transforming rubbish into the national competition and, if selected, best design etc) receiving awards. The art to personalising glasses with fun clips. will go to London to pitch to a judging enthusiasm displayed by everyone has panel for the chance to sell their products Students were also very fortunate to been exceptional and we look forward in the Design Museum in Kensington. to running Science Club for the have the opportunity to work alongside remainder of the school year. the designer Haideé Drew at our Day R Bourne, Head of Design and 11 event which was linked to the Technology The Science department were competition. During this time, they delighted to be given the funds to buy an iPad for the department by the Friends of Woking High School. We are looking forward to using it to Computing - MICROSOFT VISIT video and photograph some of our experiments, including GCSE required practicals, which we will then be able A GROUP OF 45 STUDENTS from Year Microsoft professionals and interns about to share with students in class and on 9 participated in a visit to Microsoft Head career paths into the technology industry our Woking High Science twitter feed. Office, Reading. The day was focused on and the potential jobs that they can aspire to. Artificial Intelligence, data science and A Afana, Specialist Leader of Education, Finally, we have been pleased to see ethical related consideration. The students Head of Computing great focus and determination from so had the opportunity to speak to number of many of our GCSE students in both Year 10 and Year 11 on their science skills focussed Day 11s this term. We are sure that this will provide a real boost to their preparation for examinations.

H Gallagher, Head of Science

6 Esport Event Languages - MANDARIN

IN SEPTEMBER, two groups (43 students) offer the subject thanks to a place on the THE WOKING HIGH SCHOOL of Year 7 students started learning Mandarin. Mandarin Excellence Programme, which COMPUTING DEPARTMENT and This is the first time that Mandarin has been is an intensive language programme, Digital Schoolhouse are organising offered as a Modern Foreign Language in funded by the Department of Education and an Esport Video game event for the school and the students have approached delivered by the UCL Institute of Education students in Year 8 and above. The it with enthusiasm! We have been able to in partnership with the British Council. The students will be playing a game programme requires an average of 8 hours called “Overwatch” by Blizzard study every week to help students reach a Entertainment as teams of three. high level of language ability. SEGA Games Company has offered to provide a professional coach to As well as learning basic greetings and how help students to communicate, play to introduce themselves and their families, as a team and plan their game. This the students have also had the opportunity event is part of a national tournament to learn about Chinese culture and customs. and the final will be in April 2019 in On our second Day 11 in November, London. members of Woking Chinese Association came in to deliver sessions in traditional A Afana, Specialist Leader of calligraphy and Kung Fu. The teachers were Education, Head of Computing very impressed with the spoken language skills that the students have already developed as well as their knowledge of Chinese characters. The students enjoyed learning new skills and practising their spoken Mandarin with native speakers.

Z Barfield, Lead Teacher of Mandarin


THE DRAMA DEPARTMENT HAS Costume Maker and Tour Guide. Students careers which would benefit from the BEEN VERY BUSY this term. In were impressed by the array of experiences transferable skills gained in Drama such October, we were very excited to be which Milly discussed. From being as Leadership, Communication and participating in the Arts in Industry Day. involved with Star Wars, to representing Team Work. Consequently, the students In Drama sessions, the students explored the UK in a Costume Event, to working at explored a variety of careers through the range of career opportunities the Royal Albert Hall and Globe Theatre; Still Images and Thought Tracks, leading available following the study of Drama. the students benefitted from learning about them to broaden their understanding of Milly Anderson came to speak with our the huge possibilities that the Performing the career opportunities available to them students about her experience in the Arts Industry has to offer. Students went following a Drama pathway in education. Performing Arts Industry as a Performer, on to consider non-performance related K Wilson, Head of Drama Grease: School Edition

PIE PRODUCTIONS THIS TERM by the huge number of students who production will be presented from the 12th- announced that this year’s whole school attended. The casting process was an 14th February 2019, and information on how production would be ‘Grease: School incredible challenge as the talent presented to get tickets will be available in the new Edition’ by special arrangement with was truly outstanding. However since year. It is sure to be fantastic performance, Theatrical Rights Worldwide. ‘Grease: half term, the cast of nearly 100 students and a real celebration of Woking High School Edition’ features the book, music and have been working incredibly hard. The School talent, not just on stage, but also lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey, and choreography of the opening number was amongst the musicians and the backstage includes additional songs by arrangement incredibly exciting and left students buzzing team. We look forward to seeing you there! with Robert Stigwood. The auditions took at the prospect of exploring all of the classic place in October and we were overwhelmed numbers that we all love so much. The final K Wilson, Head of Drama

7 Youth Speaks

AT WOKING HIGH SCHOOL we take great pride in enabling some of our most articulate students to develop the skills and confidence to speak in front of a room full of strangers. In late November, our talented students swept the board once again in the first round of the Rotary Club Youth Speaks competition, winning both the Intermediate and Senior categories. Our second teams were also placed as runners-up in both categories. The Senior team of Year 11 students Alana Lynch, Madeleine McClements and Isabel Metcalfe won against tough competition from Gordon’s School and St John the who spoke eloquently on the effect that birth adults. We are very proud of our teams and Baptist. Alana Lynch spoke with with order has on people’s mindset and future feel certain that their speaking skills will help confidence and flair on the topic “feminism prospects; her team of Mamtha Muralidharan them to communicate under pressure and be is dead”, commanding the room with her and Emma Twiston-Davies was placed 2nd taken seriously when it counts. Our thanks quite extraordinary presence and charisma; overall, with the 1st prize going to both Amy as ever go to Woking District Rotary Club it was no surprise when she was given the Cox for best Chair and Matthew Rayner for for organising such a terrific and worthwhile individual award for best Speaker. Best Chair best Vote of Thanks, placing the other team event, and our teams now look forward to was won by Charlotte Hamilton in Year 10 just ahead of their rivals and the competition going further in this prestigious national and the Year 10 team were declared overall from two teams from St John the Baptist. competition. runners-up. It takes a terrific amount of effort, E Williams, Head of Latin and In the Intermediate competition the award commitment and courage to write, learn S Savory, Teacher of English for Best Speaker went to Daniella Moya, and deliver a speech in front of a hall full of VI Unit

MANY CONGRATULATIONS to Year Hannagh was also awarded a cup for the Workshop’ run by a charity called 10 student Hannagh Mohan and her pony junior highest score of 71.6%. Hannagh ‘Look’. Aimed particularly at students Willow who won both their classes at was also recognised as best newcomer and with a visual impairment the workshop the RDA South East Regional Dressage Willow her pony got an excellent turnout covered Qualifier at Hickstead Showground award. n advice on job searching; practical on 24th May 2018 and qualified for This wonderful partnership then went on tips in how to do this, preparing and the RDA National Championships. In to the RDA National Championships on knowing what to expect from a trip to addition to winning both her classes, 14th July at Hartbury College. Hannagh the Job Centre did incredibly well with an 8th in the n Championship test and an amazing 2nd in Developing interview technique her Freestyle test, with a fantastic score - discussing ways to address your of 72.5%! Hannagh is an independent visual impairment, ‘selling’ yourself, rider affiliated to Quest RDA as a member hearing from both employers and of Quest. Hannagh also participates in employees on how to do this. Unaffiliated British Dressage events, n Developing presentation skills - recently coming 2nd at the Oldencraig troubleshooting the aspects of this Dressage Championship, 1st at Epsom that can be problematic for VI people RDA and 1st at Merrist Wood College, and developing confidence and style where Hannagh competes alongside her sighted competitors. n Understanding more about Access to Work and support in the workplace On Friday 23rd November the VI students in years 8-10 took part in an ‘Employability A Stonehill, Head of VI Unit

8 Day 11

WEDNESDAY 3 OCTOBER saw the first Day 11 of the 2018/19 academic year. Year 7 spent the day in tutor groups with group challenges to help them work together and get to know each other. Their day also involved competing in the FoWHS coin challenge. Year 8 welcomed a fashion designer, a freelance embroidery artist, a creative practitioner, a designer and a creative copywriter into school. Students worked on a carousel to spend time with the visitors supported by workshops by our own staff in Media and Computing. They had a chance to work in a variety of media and to meet people who work in the Arts, allowing for questions regarding their career paths and opportunities in the various fields. Thank you to FoWHS who helped to fund the visitors’ fees to enable has improved the environmental quality of financial information. Year 7 Mandarin this activity to run. Year 9 DT students had Westfield Stratford City area. Following students experienced a series of workshops, a guest speaker to introduce to them the completion of the field study visit, delivered by the Woking Chinese Society, Design Ventura challenge for this year and students will be writing up their reports in Calligraphy and Kung Fu which enhance to help support the initial brainstorming in Geography lessons. Year 10 GCSE the work on Chinese culture that they have of ideas. They also had activities in Art students benefitted from a prolonged been completing in their lessons. Languages and Sport. Year 10 had a whole period of time to work on their pieces and The Science department ran all day day in Science looking at skills and tips were joined by Emma Hobbs Head of Art workshops in Science skills for Year 11, for improving their practical work. Year who ran personalised where students spent time in each of the 11 were in English all day recording their support and intervention workshops. The subject areas and had time for revision and speaking and listening speeches, it allowed remaining Year 10s spent time focussing on question practice in preparation for their an extended period of time to deliver these study skills where they learnt about a range indicative exams in December. in front of their peers and for them to be of techniques they could use and then had assessed by their teachers. time to develop these further in Maths On Thursday afternoon six students from Thursday 22nd November was the last Day and English workshops along with some Woking High School (Ella Barber, Ellie 11 of 2018. There were 200 students off private revision time. Greenway, Hannah Jackson, Anthony Downer, Iina Kautovaara and Ava-Lynn site for the day! Year 10 GCSE Geography Meanwhile 45 Year 9 Computing students Belcher) performed at the switching on of students completed a data collection visited Microsoft HQ in Reading to to see the Woking Christmas lights as part of the exercise for their Geographical application the layout of the Microsoft Head Office, Summerscales Dance School. The students module. This year’s study is based on an hear from numerous speakers from within performed many different routines, investigation into whether redevelopment the business, and to develop students including many group dances and their understanding of careers in the technology Christmas finale. The students loved the industry. Year 8s took part in a Finance occasion at the Christmas lights event and day, participating in sessions lead by the put on a really great performance. Citizens Advice Woking, on the topics of banking, life skills, aspirations and M Abbs-Rowe, Assistant Headteacher

9 House News

IT HAS BEEN A VERY EXCITING TERM for the House System. I would like to welcome Mr Wakely as Head of Faraday House and wish him success in his new role. All Houses have had a really great start gaining lots of house points and all four house teams have been competing for the top spot. In the recent ‘House Photography Competition’ there were plenty of house points up for grabs and it provided a real opportunity for a change in the housepoints totals. There were 489 photos submitted in total which is the greatest number of entries ever in this annual House competition. Curie featured heavily in all categories of the competition, winning 1st place in two and gained runner-up points in all other categories. However it was Stephenson that really impressed in this competition gaining first place overall. The competition results were as follows: Stephenson-1006 , Curie-689, Faraday-446,Brunel-83 . OVERALL SCORES: Stephenson 10,688 1st Curie 10,562 2nd Faraday 10,052 3rd Brunel 8,951 4th With scores being so tight, tension was mounting for the next House Competition – ‘The Christmas Candy Cane Challenge’! It took place on the 11th -14th December and was a fantastic and festive way to raise money for charity – including our own Minibus appeal. Other events we look forward to next term are the Bake Off, and the Fun Run!! Good luck to all who take part - may the best house win! C Gregory, Head of House System Overall Winner: I Metcalfe Y11

Black and White: Z Griffin Y8

My Own Oasis: J Robinson Y11 Animal Antics: E Fitzgibbon Y9

10 Sports Review

This term our students have been 56.02 seconds which ranked him first in Year 9 Boys competing in a wide range of sports and Britain for his age. Mackenzie followed 8th Stevie Barron have experienced considerable success. this swim up with two impressive swims in Year 10/11 Boys For our traditional teams sports such as the relays with a second place in the 12/13 football, rugby, netball and basketball there year old Medley Relay and tenth in the 7th Liam Stone Freestyle squadron relay. will be a full report in our next Newsletter As a result many will be selected to in March when the majority of leagues and CROSS COUNTRY: represent North West Surrey at the Surrey cup competitions have concluded. Early Schools Cross Country Championships in results are positive in all of these sports. Our students have been busy competing in January 2019. no fewer than four Cross Country events. SWIMMING: INTER BOYS - SURREY At the District Cross Country we came In the first round of the English Schools CHAMPIONS agonisingly close to winning several of Cross Country Match held in Southampton In September sixteen of our swimmers the team trophies. Out of the eight age our Inter Boys and Girls Team (Year 9/10) competed in the Surrey County Schools group competitions we had four team were in good form. The competition Relay Championships at Guildford second paces and one third. The effort included all of the best schools in Spectrum. All swimmers performed and determination of our students were Hampshire and North West Surrey. The superbly with many performing personal excellent. Please see selected results boys finished second overall, and the bests. Our Inter Boys team were in below: girls third, both qualified for the South outstanding form winning the Freestyle East Schools Finals at the Judd School in District Cross Country Relay and coming second in the Medley. Tonbridge. The boys team consisted of This team consisted of Michael Young, Selected Team Results: Stevie Barron, Liam Stone, Chris Baker, Josh Thompson Alexej Baldwin and Year 7 Girls 2nd Lucas Salman and Charlie Terry. The girls Mackenzie Russell. The Junior Girls A Year 7 Boys 2nd of Jodie Bongartz, Emma Harris, Mia team finished fifth and sixth respectively in Year 8 Girls 2nd Smith and Ellen Yates. At the South East their Freestyle and Medley relay. Year 9 Boys 2nd Finals the boys finished eighth. Year 10/11 Boys 3rd As a result of their efforts the Inter In the Arete Cross Country we finished Boys qualified for the English Schools Selected Individual results (Top 10 only): joint winners with Gordon’s. We won all Swimming Finals at the London Aquatics Year 7 Girls four boys competitions and were runners Centre in Stratford. The boys performed up in all the girls. Our students produced 5th Laura Kersley well on the day but unfortunately did not some great performances see below: 7th Bella Hornzee make the final, finishing 20th overall in the Overall Team Scores : Medley and 22nd in the Freestyle Relay. Year 7 Boys Woking High 20 Back in early October, Year 9 Mackenzie 3rd Jiyah Kapotwe Russell represented Surrey in the 4th Joseph Walters Gordon’s 20 Inter Counties National Swimming 8th Archie Robinson Selected Individual Results (Top 3 only): Championships in Sheffield (40 teams Year 8 Girls 1st compete). In his individual race the 12/13 Joseph Walters Year 7 Boys 7th Carla Manning year old 100m Freestyle, Mackenzie Liam Stone Year 10 Boys produced a wonderful swim beating his Year 8 Boys Emma Harris Year 10 Girls personal best by over a second. This saw 7th Teddy Gannon 2nd him touch first and win gold in a time of 8th Toby Spencer Laura Kersley Year 7 Girls Jiyah Kapotwe Year 7 Boys Toby Spencer Year 8 Boys Stevie Barron Year 9 Boys Chris Baker Year 10 Boys Jodie Bongartz Year 10 Girl 3rd Lucas Salman Year 10 Boys Teddy Gannon Year 8 Boys

PISTOL SHOOTING SOUTH EAST SCHOOLS TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONS: For the first time ever, four of our students competed in the South East Pistol

11 Championships at Whitgift School in Under 16 Boys Croydon. The four students performed Lucas Salman 1st extremely well in a highly pressurized Duke of environment. They produced some Under 15 Boys outstanding results, with our Year 9/10 Joshua Thompson 1st team becoming South East Champions Michael Young 4th Edinburgh’s and George McEwen winning individually. Alexej Baldwin 5th Please see results below: Steven Wood 6th Award Team: Under 13 Boys Year 9/10 Champions Daniel Baldwin 1st (George McEwen, Jenna Culshaw and Tom Under 13 Girls YEAR 9 BRONZE AWARD Wells) Lizzie Chapman 4th Following a very well-attended Individual: Under 12 Girls Information Evening, Year 9 Year 9/10 Bella Hornzee 6th participants are in the process of George McEwen 1st I fully expect at least ten of our students to signing up for the Bronze Award Jenna Culshaw 3rd qualify for the British Schools competition and most have now confirmed their activities. Year 7/8 which will take place in March 2019. Last year’s Year 9 Bronze cohort have Luke Holcroft 6th BADMINTON: been very busy and over 60% of them George, Jenna and Tom have qualified At the District Key Stage 4 Championships have now completed their Award, for the National Schools finals to be held are boys became champions winning both with many expressing an interest in at Stoke Mandeville on Wednesday 16th their matches by five games to zero. The undertaking the Silver Award. January 2019. team consisted of Tom Wells, Toby Harris, We will start expedition training after Wesley Ingham and Gideon Jansen. They GOLF: Christmas, by which time both the will be hoping to take this form into the Bronze and the Silver cohort should be At the Southern Schools Golf County Championships in the New Year. in their expedition groups. Championships at Reigate Heath Golf Club our two players Year 9 Ellen Yates and Year ATHLETICS: 10 Olly Wooster played extremely well. At the end of the summer term, current YEAR 10 SILVER AWARD Please see results below: Year 11 student Dominic Ariyo-Francis Of the 38 Silver Participants who competed for Surrey at the English Schools Girls Scratch: completed their expeditions last Athletics competition in Birmingham. In 2nd Place Ellen Yates summer, 16 have now completed their the 200m (Inter Boys Year 10/11) Dominic Award. Girls Handicap: qualified from his heat in second place and 3rd Place Ellen Yates was narrowly beaten by a European Under A presentation of certificates for both 18 Champion. In the semi-final he came Bronze and Silver groups will be held Boys Scratch: third and ran a personal best of 22.36 to in March 2019 at the HG Wells Suite 5th Place Oliver Wooster qualify himself for the final. In the final he in Woking – full details to follow. came seventh. Dominic also took part in Final date for completion of awards Boys Handicap: the 4x100m relay. Surrey won both their in order to attend the presentation 6th Place Oliver Wooster semi-final and final comfortably winning evening is Monday 1 March 2019. the final by a whole second clocking a time Ellen has once again been selected for Please make sure all expedition dates of 42.29 seconds which was just outside the South Under 18 girl’s squad as well as are kept free: representing Surrey on multiple occasions. of the Championship record. This was She has been very successful, winning lots the second consecutive year in a row that BRONZE AWARD Dominic had secured gold in the relay. of matches for Region, County and Club Practice Expedition: and has recently seen her handicap drop to CLIMBING: 20 & 21 June 2019 an impressive 5.3. Year 7 Rhys Conlon has been selected to Final Expedition: BIATHLON: ASCOT SCHOOLS join the Great Britain Under14 climbing 11 & 12 July 2019 At the Ascot Schools Biathlon squad, confirming his place after finishing SILVER AWARD Championships, in horrendous running second in the Great British trials. Practice Expedition: conditions, we had thirteen students NETBALL competing. Over half our students finished 25, 26 & 27 April 2019 Year 7 Sadie Wilson has been selected for in the top 6 spots for their respective age Final Expedition: the Surrey Under 13 netball academy, what groups. 16, 17 & 18 May 2019 is really impressive is she is a younger than Ascot Schools Biathlon (Selected most of her teammates. E King, Duke of Edinburgh Award Individual Results Top 6 Places Only): J Justice, Director of Sport Scheme Manager

12 13 Friends of Woking High School

OUR MINI BUS FUND-RAISER to help source a newer model 17 seater school bus has moved into the fast lane thanks to generous donations from local businesses plus the local and school community. We would particularly like to thank: n Horsell Village After School Club n for their very generous donation of let you know in the next newsletter. Give as You Live or Amozonsmile - Costs you nothing, earn money for £5,000. The HVASC committee felt How have we helped the school this term? Freinds while you shop! the mini bus would be a great place Remember we are not just all about the bus. to donate some of their reserves, n One off donations - Through Scopay n Art and Design: Light Box Pads - as many of the After School Club and supporting the school’s larger Thanks to a personal donation children go on to Woking High appeals. School. n Computing: Microbit Robotic kit and n Recycling - We are still collecting Textbooks n West Golf Club, who donated plastic milk bottle tops and home £500 from their fund raising as n Languages: Spelling Bee & Vocab care products for recycling. The nominated by Janet Atkinson whose Express items can be brought into main 4 children have been to Woking High reception or be sent in via students. n PE: 4 Football Goals School. we then get 2p per item via n Science: iPad to record live experiments n Year 7, who on their first Day 11 held Terracycle a coin race and raised an amazing n Site Team: Large Storage Container If you are interested in finding out total of £536.89 with additional n Geography: Local Ordinance Survey more about the Friends of Woking High matched from HSBC making a total Maps School and /or how to help us please of £736.89 Thanks to all Year 7s and email us, or our next meeting will be their families for their generosity n Drama: Lighting Bar - A fantastic held at Wednesday 6th February 8.45 technical facility for the use of many n Waitrose, as we were chosen in July a.m. Please do come along, it will be school events. to be one of the charities for the lovely to see you. Waitrose community matters fund Here is how you can also contribute to We are also on Facebook so please raising and received £236 the Friends of Woking High School and like our page “Friends of Woking High help us fund even more for your children. n The Woking High School families School” and keep up to date with our Contact us if you want to know more. who have donated to the Minibus activities. appeal so far via the Just Giving link n Standing order - Donating monthly, Thanks for your support and wishing (see below) quarterly or annually by standing order. you Seasons Greetings. n Please donate via the link https://www. Prize Club - A chance to win £££ Lindsey Bostock-Cross, Joanne totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/schoolbus# or while donating. Sutherland and Julie Rolfe drop a few pennies in the collection bucket next time you are in the School [email protected] Reception and help us get the mini bus to the school. The appeal will close at the end of December We also participated in the Woking Rotary Club Swimathon in October with club and leisure swimmers from each year representing the school. Woking High School students swam an astonishing 932 lengths with Year 10 smashing the previous record by swimming 220 lengths. Sponsorship is still being collected, so we don’t yet know how much we will receive as one of the nominated local charities, but will

12 13 Attendance

WE ARE VERY PROUD THAT our overall 8G – Rosie Clear, Imogen Jermey, Jacob 10G - Madeline McClements student attendance figure at Woking High Kelly 10R - Lewis Wright remains excellent and we continue to 8E - William Crawford, Olivier Griffiths support students to maintain or improve their SILVER BADGE FOR 100% attendance. Good academic achievement 8I - Erin Fitzgibbon, Zoe Kerslake, Nona ATTENDANCE FOR THE WHOLE OF is closely linked with good attendance and Lawrence, Maya Newsam, Carina Olariu, KEY STAGE 3 those students with less than 85% attendance Alice Pople, Megan Rae, Joseph Rourke, may fail to achieve 5 good GCSE grades. Archie Scott, Holly Togher Christopher Baker, Maxwell Kerslake, George McEwen, Zain Moolji, Nathan If your child is struggling to maintain 8A - Alex Heeney, Tomas Heggberg, Sleight, Patrik Cockin, Liam Stone, Lilia excellent attendance please make contact Niamh Sullivan, Freya Wight Wada, Toby Webb, Samuel Fiveash with your form tutor or Pastoral Coordinator 8W - Cameron Lloyd, Connor Smith- who will be able to offer you support. Jenkins, Neeraja Varma GOLD BADGE FOR 100% We are very proud of our high number of ATTENDANCE SINCE YEAR 7 students who achieved 100% attendance in ORANGE BADGE Pravina Appasamy, Hannah Green, Beau- the last academic year. They have all been Rajun Aujla, Samuel Fiveash, Oscar Hanni Souter-Houghton, Amy Szarvas, awarded special badges which they wear with 9G - Khan Dan Ling Yang pride on their blazers. 5 of our current Year 11 students had achieved 100% attendance 9E - Christopher Baker, Hana Boujemaoui, I am sure you would like to join us in since starting in Year 7 (until the end of Year Maxwell Kerslake, Zain Moolji, Rosie congratulating these students on their 10) and were also awarded a gold badge. Neale, Nathan Sleight, Liam Stone, excellent achievement last year. We Samuel O’Connor appreciate that there are times when it 2017/18 Tutor Groups is unavoidable for your children to be BLUE BADGE 9R - Lucy Baughen, Phoebe Cartmale, absent from school due to ill health or Patrik Cockin, George, McEwen 7D - Madeleine Greaves, Amy Loader, other authorised occasions, but would ask Cameron Reid 9Y - Phoebe Cartmale, Sarah Haynes, that you keep us informed. We recognise Charlotte Joos, Eleanor Verrier, Toby Webb our students throughout the year for good 7R - Meghna Amin, Victoria Goddard attendance, not only at the end of the year Cardona, Jessica Manly, Alexander Page, 9A - Julian Goddard Cardona, Daniel so there is still time to be rewarded. Amelia Wightman Holmes, Mana Komatsu, Lois Miller, Dora Savory, Lilia Wada S Bond, Student Support Services 7I - Nicholas Croft, Lorenzo Fantappie , Manager Makayla Gould 9I - Poppy Hargreaves, Tamara Sinclair, Jenna Culshaw, Mia Bennett, Alana 7A - Daniel Baldwin, Keira Bennett, Howells, Elliot Jackson, Thomas Robinson Samuel Bowring, Leo Crossland, Madeleine Hanham, Xavier Ippolito, 9D - Lucas Salman, Maria Sargeant, Eliana Natnael, Charles Wigley Matthew Szarvas Leave of Absence 7E - Deeren Appasamy, Keira Beauchamp, 9W - Emma Joll, Joddie Goddard- Luke Holcroft, Aidan McCarthy, Toby Sheridan, Olly Wooster, Safah Mahmood, Sleight Hana Sarney, Christopher Ho If parents take their child out of school 7W - Elliott Cross, Mamtha Muralidharan , PURPLE BADGES without the Headteacher’s approval, 7G - Jessica Clay Antonia Thackwell this will be viewed as an unauthorized 10E - Pravina Appasamy, Hannah Sheldon Jenkins, Lucille Trojanovich leave of absence and may result in a 10Y - Arjun Aujla, Abiel Natnael, Jude Penalty Notice. Penalty Notices are 7Y - Eva Beeharry, James Bourne, Solomon Rainsborough, Joel Smith issued by the Local Authority for Carter, Joseph Cox, Caitlin Morris, unauthorised leave of absence for 5 Kar-Men Ong, Amy Rolfe, Noah Testa 10A - Ben Bonilla, Josephine Sowry days or more. Penalty Notices are 10I - Oliver Butt, Hannah Green, Katie issued per parent per child and the GREEN BADGE Mitocariu, Samuel Rourke, Anisa Shahi, amount due is £60.00 if paid within 21 days, rising to £120.00 if paid between 8R - Sophie Anderson, Matthew Davis, Beau-Hanni Souter-Houghton, Ethan 21 and 28 days. If the Penalty Notice Dylan Humphreys, Aaron Lynch, Max Spoors, Thomas Wright remains unpaid after 28 days the Local Porter 10W - Allanah Collins, Matthew Fletcher, Authority must consider a prosecution 8D - Benjamin Blissett, Ollie Strong, Paige Fletcher, Sebastian Spackman, in the Magistrates Court. Please see Edward Thomas, Zak Whiting Alessia Valentino, Dan Ling Yang our website for full details of our 8Y - Toby Bolton, Luka Collins 10D - Heather Gilbert, Amy Szarvas Attendance Policy.

14 Inspire: Careers Service Careers Fair

THIS TERM has been filled with amazing sessions with Innervate, our careers support opportunities for the students of Woking High supplier. Innervate have been working with ON TUESDAY 18 SEPTEMBER School to think about their future and the Year 7 to help them consider their strengths we held our annual Careers Fair for options available to them. and weakness and consider how to best use Year 9, 10 and 11 students. We were their talents towards a future career. delighted to welcome Post 16 providers Year 7 have been continuing their group work and employers such as The Bank of England, Surrey Sports Park, Surrey Satellite Technology, and the NHS and TI Media who set up stalls, gave Brooklands College Visit practical demonstrations and chatted to the students regarding their future plans. We were pleased to have secured the services of apprenticeship providers, who were able to clarify the aims and purposes of vocational training, and address any misconceptions students may have had. Some employers were joining us for the first time, and we welcomed back returning employers and higher education establishments. We are thrilled that we are able to continue adding to our network of links with businesses, both local, national and global. We would like to thank all the employers and providers for their continued support and for contributing to what was a highly ON WEDNESDAY 3 OCTOBER a Woking High School is pleased to successful careers event. group or our Year 10 and 11 students strengthen our links with Brooklands were invited to Brooklands College College and help our students gain the for the morning. The visit provided a most from their Post 16 education. valuable opportunity for our students McLaren to learn about the different vocational career pathways available to them. We went on an informative tour of ON 6 DECEMBER, McLaren hosted the college visiting departments such their prestigious Work Inspiration day. as Construction, Art & Design, This event is only open to a total of twelve Engineering, Child Studies, Applied Year 10 and Year 11 students, selected Science and many more. The morning from different state schools. Woking High ended with students gaining an overview School were allocated two spaces, which into apprenticeship opportunities. were awarded to Lucy Francis and Jude Rainsborough. The Work Inspiration day was held at the McLaren Technology Centre and it offered students an insight Year 8 Business & Finance Day into employer expectations and the skills that will be used for the future. It provided experiences that allowed the students to YEAR 8 TOOK PART IN A FINANCE why it is important to save, along with develop and demonstrate their key skills DAY on the second Day 11 of the what to look for in an account. Woking such as team working and communication, academic year, completing a series Citizens Advice ran workshops looking which can be incorporated into CVs and of workshops looking at personal at how to manage money and how future applications. The day helped the spending, saving and making good to prevent debt and deal with money students to develop their self-awareness and money decisions, along with learning problems. It was a great day for Year 8 self-confidence through unique learning how to behave and present yourself for a to work with outside agencies and to experiences such as the amazing Pit Stop business/work situation. Outside visitors discuss financial issues, with some very Challenge which is designed to develop their from Lloyds Commercial Banking practical outcomes and advice for adult confidence, collaboration, communication delivered workshops looking at the role life. and team working. A huge thank you to of money, financial terminology and McLaren for such a wonderful day. C Jarman, Careers Coordinator

15 You ng Carers Student Voice

THE STUDENT VOICE is a highly school grounds. In addition, the Council ON FRIDAY 14 DECEMBER a group valued element of Woking High School. considered the role of the Student Voice of twenty one of our Young Carers Involvement with the Student Voice within the Community. Furthermore, were taken to go and see Cinderella enables members of the school community a substantial amount of time was also – the Pantomime, at Woking Victoria to make contributions to school life. At dedicated to discussion about the profile of Theatre. Everyone had a great the start of the term, one of the first items the Student Voice at Woking High School; time and we all left feeling very in the Tutor programme was to elect Year as a school, we would like to raise the Christmassy! Council Representatives, all who now profile of the Student Voice. where the School Council badges with The Young Carers continue to meet in Consequently, council members explored pride. the Wellbeing Centre on a Thursday concepts for the Student Voice ethos, how lunchtime, this term they have enjoyed Following each of the Year Councils this could be branded, and how we could taking part in various activities, meeting, the Full School Council met in clarify the role of the Student Voice within including making ‘mind jars’ to aid October. Students were faced with a busy the school community. Discussions will relaxation. On the 29 November agenda. Discussion commenced with continue on this matter throughout the we were joined by two Young Carer Year Council Feedback in which Core academic year, as Mrs Wilson and Mr Ambassadors from Surrey University, Councillors for each Year group were Ramdhony will be working together with they were able to talk to the students invited to address the forum about the start the students to consolidate structure and about their own experiences of being of the academic year, review of school purpose of all branches of the Student Young Carers whilst at school. In the initiatives, and suggestions for fundraising Voice at Woking High School. New Year they will be coming in to activities which could be used to fund the our Thursday lunchtime drop in on a purchase of some new benches for the K Wilson, Head of Student Voice monthly basis and will start planning a project with our students. Our monthly lunches continue to be PARKING very popular.We are able to provide these thanks to the kind donations from St Mary’s Church Friday coffee Could we please remind all parents/ obstruct access or prevent clear sight mornings. On the 7 December Miss carers that safe parking in and around lines. Please respect the parking signs Taylor and Mrs Doe took a group of our school site is incredibly important in and restrictions, and not park on the Young Carers to the coffee morning to order to safeguard our students. Many of double yellow or zig-zag lines on Morton enjoy cake and be able to personally our students walk and cycle to and from Road. Please can we also request that thank the members of St Mary’s school and this can be dangerous if cars you are courteous to local residents and church for their ongoing financial are parked in such a way that they either avoid parking over driveway entrances. support.

H Taylor, Well-Being Coordinator TERM DATES

ACADEMIC YEAR 2018/19 SPRING SUMMER 3 January 2019 - 5 April 2019 23 April 2019 - 24 July 2019 HALF TERM HALF TERM 18 February 2019 - 22 February 2019 27 May 2019 - 31 May 2019

INSET DAYS 18 January 2019 25 February 2019 28 June 2019

Woking High School, Morton Road, Horsell, Woking, Surrey, GU21 4TJ Tel: 01483 888447 Fax: 01483 888448 Email: [email protected] Web: www.wokinghigh.surrey.sch.uk

Headteacher: Jane Abbott

Woking High School is an exempt charity and company limited by guarantee. Registered in England with Company Number 8586085 and has a registered office as above.