USIP Receives $10 Million for Headquarters Project Great Hall to Be Named for George P
May/JUne 2007 Inside 3 Shultz Speech 4 USIP On the Ground 7 Public Health Project 9 Fellowship Vol. XIII, No. 1 Program 10 Focus on Iraq United StateS inStitUte of Peace ■ WaShington, d.c. ■ 14 Short Takes 19 Letter from Nigeria USIP Receives $10 Million for Headquarters Project Great Hall to Be Named for George P. Shultz “Chevron’s contribution is an investment in the global peacebuilding efforts of the Institute.” —David O’Reilly “Having the Institute’s Great Hall bear [Shultz’s] name is an honor and a privilege.” —J. Robinson West Chevron CEO David O’Reilly (left); and J. Robinson West, USIP board chair, and Richard Solomon, USIP president, speak at a dinner celebrating Chevron’s contribution to the Institute. he U.S. Institute of on international conflict preven- the Institute’s new headquarters Peace has received a $10 tion, management, and resolution. project comes at a significant million contribution The Institute plans to name the moment…. [The new building] from the Chevron Cor- great hall at the new building the will increase the Institute’s capac- poration to help con- George P. Shultz Great Hall, in ity and our ability to reach out to struct its new permanent honor of the former U.S. secretary the American public and the headquarters at the of state. The theater in the Public world.” northwest corner of the National Education Center will be identi- He continued, “During the last TMall in Washington, D.C. The fied as the Chevron Theater. two decades, we have worked to headquarters will serve as a Speaking at a dinner at which promote skills in international national center of innovation for those plans were announced, Insti- conflict management as an essen- research, education, training, and tute president Richard Solomon tial element of diplomacy and for- policy and program development affirmed, “Chevron’s support for See Chevron, page 2 U.S.
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