Orissa Review * April - 2007

Nehru in Orissa

Siddhartha Dash

Pandit , the first Prime Minister Nehru visited Orissa for the first time on of Independent , was one of the greatest men 10th Nov. 1936. He was received by the then of our generation. He was the able lieutenant and President of District Congress political successor of Mahatma Gandhi. Like Committee Sri. Dibakar Pattnaik. Accompanied Gandhi, his Guru, Nehru loved and admired the by Pandit Nilakantha Das and Bhagirathi people of Orissa. He had Mahapatra, President and visited Orissa several times. Secretary of Utkal Below is given a very brief Provincial Congress account of Nehru's visit to respectively, Nehru toured Orissa. several places of undivided Due to persistent Ganjam, and demands of the Congress for district. At first he addressed freedom, the British a small gathering at government ultimately . Large crowds decided to give Indians some greeted him at Athagada and share in the administration of Aska. To them Nehru provinces in the middle of the spoke on the poverty of the third decade of the last farmers of Orissa and the century. As a result, elections oppression of the were declared in 1936. Zamindars. He told that Mahatma Gandhi and almost poverty in India could be all prominent Congress eradicated by all people leaders travelled all over the joining the ranks of the country to campaign for the Congress. Nehru, despite Congress and by supporting severe mental agony caused congress candidates during due to the sad demise of his wife Kamala in Feb. the elections. Then he 1936 travelled several states including Orissa. The proceeded to Sherguda. After a brief halt, he Congress won the elections and formed proceeded to . A meeting was Government in eight provinces. organized there where Nehru reiterated the

37 Orissa Review * April - 2007

Congress demand for Purna Swaraj. In the persons including Chief Minister Nabakrushna Cuttack town hall, he addressed a big gathering. Choudhury and Utkal Congress President He also addressed numerous mass meetings in Biswanath Das received him at . In the rural pockets like Bahugram, , course of his speech Nehru referred to the oneness and . of our ancient country and her age-old secular After a lapse of long twelve years of his principles. He also pointed out the evils of first visit, Nehru came to Orissa for the second casteism and communalism. From Jharsuguda, time on 12th April 1948. This time he was Nehru proceeded to . On the way he accompanied by his niece Miss Rita Pandit stopped at way-side villages, chatted with the (daughter of Vijayalaxmi Pandit) and B.K. Nehru, children and reminded the people about ICS, Secretary Works, Mines and Power, Gandhiji's emphasis on Village Industry. On 14th Government of India. He was received at Dec. accompanied by his sister Mrs. Pandit, Jharsuguda aerodrome by Governor Kailash Nath Biswanath Das and Nabakrushna Choudhury, he Katju and Premier Dr. H.K. Mahtab. From came to where he motored round Jharsuguda he motored to Sambalpur, got an idea the new town, and reviewed the progress of the of the entire area to be submerged by the construction work of the new capital. Then on proposed of the . He laid the same day at Cuttack, he addressed a gathering the foundation of independent India's first major of nearly one lakh people for long ninety-five river valley project at Hirakud which subsequently minutes. became the largest river valley project of the world. Addressing the gathering there Nehru said On 8th May 1955 Nehru visited Orissa that the project would bring in immense wealth once again. He came to Berhampur from not only to Orissa but to the entire country. From Bhubaneswar by a special train. This time his Sambalpur he came to Bhubaneswar by air. On daughter Mrs. Indira Gandhi accompanied him. 13th April 1948 exactly at 10.20 AM in the For sometime, he stayed in the premises of presence of a very large jubilant crowd Nehru College where he discussed for about laid the foundation stone of Orissa's new capital an hour with Acharya Vinoba Bhave, who was Bhubaneswar. already present there. In the evening of 8th May he addressed a large gathering at the famous In course of his speech he said "the laying of the foundation stone of this new city has been Courtpeta grounds. Nehru stayed at Berhampur a task after my heart. Construction is always for two more days. He participated in the welcome. To build a city is something happy to deliberations of the Working Committee of the think of. There could not be a greater joy than to Congress and attended a meeting which was held create. It is almost god like to create. To be in his honour by the local Telgu association. associated, therefore, with the construction of the Nehru came to Orissa for the fifth time on city has been a thing I appreciate most." January 13, 1957. His main purpose was to Prime Minister Nehru's third visit to Orissa inaugurate the Hirakud Project. At the time of took place on 13th December 1951. This time inauguration he declared " I dedicate this he was accompanied by his sister Mrs. magnificent project to the well-being and Vijayalaxmi Pandit. A large crowd of distinguished prosperity of the people of Orissa". He further

38 Orissa Review * April - 2007 said that Orissa a land of temples had now a new Jawaharlal's last visit to Orissa was in temple and in it a god for the whole country." January 1964. An unusually big jubilant crowd On 28th March, 1961 Nehru visited Orissa greeted their beloved Prime Minister and his once again. In the morning of that day he arrived daughter Mrs. Indira Gandhi as they arrived at at airstrip, where he was given a rousing Bhubaneswar on 5th January by a helicopter from reception by a large crowd. Then he inaugurated Tikarapada. Earlier on that day at Tikarapada, Rourkela Steel Plant which was the 1st public Nehru laid the foundation of a multipurpose dam sector steel plant of India. In his inaugural speech across the river and laid the foundation Nehru spoke that the Rourkela Steel Plant had of Thermal . On 6th not only enriched Orissa but also enriched India. January, 1964 he attended the colourful ceremony of the 68th session of the Indian National On 3rd January 1962 Nehru came to Congress, which was held at Gopabandhu Orissa. He inaugurated on that day Port Nagara, Bhubaneswar. Most ironically Nehru which is at present the deepest sea port of our spoke there for two minutes. Then suddenly, as country. In this connection it may be mentioned ill luck would have it, he felt very tired and weak that it was Orissa's great dynamic leader Biju with a rise in blood pressure. As a result, for six Patnaik, who despite opposition from several days he was confined to a bed in the Raj Bhawan. quarters almost compelled the Prime Minister for the establishment of Paradeep Port. The same Nehru left Bhubaneswar, not to return day Nehru inaugurated the 49th session of Indian anymore, on 12th January, and by 1 PM he Science Congress in the premises of Ravenshaw reached Delhi. His last message to the people of College. In his inaugural address he appealed to Orissa was, "YOURS IS A SMALL STATE, BUT YOU the scientists to spread scientific temper among HAVE A BIG HEART". the people. A great historian as he was, the Prime Minister reminded the audience the glory of the ancient Kalingans who braved the stormy sea and settled in the South Asian Countries. Besides, he also spoke on the virtues of democratic Siddhartha Dash lives at N4-205, IRC Village decentralization of power. Bhubaneswar - 751015

IRON ORE PELLETISATION COMPLEX IN ORISSA Bramhani River Pellets Ltd. (BRPL) is an Indian Company promoted by STEMCOR GROUP of U.K. It is planning to set up an Iron Ore Pelletisation Complex in Keonjhar and district in the State of Orissa, using Iron Ore fines with an investment of Rs.1485 crore. This type of plant for value addition to Iron Ore fines is first of its kind in the State. The Project consists of the following: i) 4 MTPA Iron ore beneficiation plant at Tanto, Nalda of Tahasil in Keonjhar District. ii) 4 MTPA Iron Ore pelletisation plant at Kalinga Nagar Industries Complex, Duburi in . iii) Laying of 200 Kms pipeline from Barbil to Duburi to carry beneficiated Iron Ore in slurry form.