Due to the collection’s importance, items 1- 285 are offered en bloc for $ 320,000 until March 31st. After that date a price-list will be issued. Items ▪, and A-G are priced as follows: ▪ Bembus P. o. r. A Plinius $ 95,000 B Strabo $ 15,000 C Lucretius $ 5,500 D Leone $ 28,000 E Steno $ 50,000 F Ercker $ 5,000 G Herbinius $ 3,500 PRPH Books LLC 26E 64th Street New York NY 10065 - U.S.A. +1 (646) 370-4657
[email protected] [email protected] www.prphbooks.com On Earthquakes and Volcanoes in old Books It took a long time after the invention of print before modern scientific descriptions of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions came to be published, and an even longer time before the causes of the two types of phenomena were understood and represented with physical models that still underlie our present under- standing of them. Robert Mallet, Irish geophysicist and engineer, in his monumental work on “The great Neapolitan earthquake of 1857” (one of the major seismic catastrophes of Italian history, causing the loss of an estimated 11,000 lives), published in 1862 what we regard today as the first modern description and interpretation of a major earthquake and its effects. But not until the findings of the Lawson Commission on the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake were published nearly a half century later, in 1908, was a plau- sible model of earthquake generation made available, in terms of massive breaking of rocks occurring on geologic faults (the San Andreas fault in this case).